Episode 82 - Is Jon Snow Gona Smash Er What?

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what's up guys this is actually last week's episode if you want today's episode you can head on over to patreon comm slash tiny meet gang but we also want to say that we're going on tour again mm-hmm night a nice little fun I don't know ten-day tour or some in in Canada Des Moines and Idaho so it's the Canada des moines Fargo Thor something light oh yeah the Canada Des Moines Fargo tour and check those out at tiny me tour calm and we want to see you there now enjoy this episode peace far go [ __ ] yourself Fargo buy a ticket huh I got gum in my mouth I gotta get rid of it I got coming my mouth I gotta get rid of it I got come on my mouth I gotta get rid of it mmm it's making me cough hard like a spoonful of cinnamon yeah yeah I swallow that down and I get throat clip throat clitoris I mean chlamydia mmm I have a hand clitoris you saw a Sagittarius showed he got uh she got are we going yeah we're gonna she got I chlamydia no way yeah no way she got it really yes she got it she got it she got that she got that she did it she did every little how I don't know I mean apparently it's really easy cuz like you're knows how many people you know I've gotten I chlamydia I'm not giving it to myself what just you was given genital chlamydia - you're a lot lying on my back sometimes I nut into my own eyes but that will require you to already have it yeah in your dick yeah so you do yeah okay guys David yeah every time you see me with red eyes I'm not hi that's just my chlamydia mmm okay you have like pointment for that as it drops yeah something hold on baby hold on baby got a foot of my chlamydia drops I told you I had pinkeye and the doctor asked me she just straight up says you don't have chlamydia do you I'm like what so yet you can get it in your eyes which I just learned so now I'm really paranoid whenever I see someone with pinkeye and I said I just wanted to be think just call me a ho yes copy and I hope yeah what do you think I'm doing with my eyes you think I take it to the face I mean I might but that's none of your business your little ice [ __ ] aren't you I [ __ ] you little I [ __ ] aren't you it's an apple [ __ ] yeah I'm a [ __ ] for a project i [ __ ] love me a good iPod shuffle I don't want to wear that t-shirt next time I go to Apple I slit daddy's little I slit you know that someone said the volume was low on the last one yes if we can crank it okay okay yeah that's just like a compression thing yeah yeah yeah I can you know boost it a little boost it anyway I want to start with this I don't want to [ __ ] wait can I have a piece of paper to put this into my eye Clemente here just that'll be the weirdest if we just started with it and it didn't even and then for the rest of the episode I was chewing where do I put this out just right hey I want to [ __ ] yeah here give me a piece paper out of your planner today here you know it's like you know it's [ __ ] a weird ass feeling what going back to like writing in a notebook yeah like I'm I'm just not you know like everything I've done since I graduated school all the you know the money I've made you know the fortune I've amassed yeah has all been using the computer the one ever written [ __ ] down ever yeah not once the ones of dollars so going back to this [ __ ] yeah feels like I'm in middle school again I feel yeah I can walk around with like it ya know a backpack that's way too heavy yeah I'm wearing like some stupid American Eagle low or something like that you got hella notes and skateboards yeah exactly s isn't it yeah I was straight up doodling last night yeah my guy yeah just crushing some doodles oh yeah I'm doing I did I feel a [ __ ] stupid saying this I'm doing this new acting class I'm not gonna [ __ ] yea bore you guys with stories from this [ __ ] but I I guess gotta I gotta tell you about this this one thing the first thing that happened yesterday very first thing get to this class this is recording right oh yeah yeah okay that freaked me I couldn't see the light yeah you so first thing you get to this class so it's like I don't know twelve people or something in the class and the very first thing we do is an exercise okay and this is basically that she's teachers big on like marking yourself so figuring out like what what you can get cast as Robin doing that like really focusing on that okay cuz that'll take you to wherever else you want to go right right apparently Brad Pitt got big does he look like a cowboy so we're just doing cowboy [ __ ] forever I think you got so big that it was like alright you can do whatever you want now alright so that's the thing right so the exercise was you [ __ ] introduce yourselves to the class and then you sit down so you say hey what's up you look everyone and you sit down facing the other way okay and they have to they have to just yell all the things that they their first impressions and you write everything down okay okay so it's basically like it's basically like what you could play like how they see you like anything a big car mechanic you could be a good cop right right I see you as like a 70s rocker chick you're like a groupie like that sort of [ __ ] right so into it like four people and every single person before me it's like it's like yeah she was like a like a intelligent sort of like business Sagi's exact like a woman in charge right oh you're like a great like a like a young mom like this fantastic professor that's how I see you a computer hacker whatever I go up hey guys Cody I'm Cody nice to meet you I sit down very first one influencer oh and I'm sitting there like are you [ __ ] kidding me I got to change my whole life you say that's the thing I'm a method actor I've been method acting as an influencer for about five years now everyone thinks that I'm sort of an internet funny guy and they just don't understand it's one big experiment so I'm really glad to hear you say that yeah no honestly you nailed it that's exactly what I wanted you to say yeah no I'm going for it yeah actually yeah I've I've kind of the puppets puppeteer baby clearly I've watched the just something special the way I'm speaking later okay here let me read can I read the rest of the yeah go for it this is that this is the real [ __ ] list okay influencer BAM house DJ nice specifically car influencer then [ __ ] literally said that says dude and bro a lot haha matches start up ok bully in high school okay beer pong nice gym teacher likable douche sells coke in the bathroom that was the last one and they're like great thanks and I'm like I'm they just burst into [ __ ] Eddie you roasted me dude and they're like clapping they're like good job don't [ __ ] clapping me you just you just destroyed my self-esteem for like 10 solid minutes now I gotta go sit down and be happy with this whole [ __ ] I got to change my whole look now I got to sell all my clothes yeah you can say goodbye to the [ __ ] knees yeah there's no mercy my knees for the last time no more I'm gonna buy I'm gonna go to Banana Republic yeah cut my hair short business cash I'm going business casual now and I want I'm gonna be I'm gonna be like a smart bartender or something nice yeah with the [ __ ] you should get some shavoo hair product while you're at it too I want to go in there Jay I want to go in there just for that part and then when they get done I will just want to start crying like like hard like like a start weeping and then just like oh yeah cry-baby yeah yeah great cry-baby you could be a little snitch just keep crying and crying beat them out until they like don't get this to exercise anymore and then when I get them all and they start consoling me I can just stand up and go [ __ ] prank dude pranked who's the influencer now [ __ ] yeah I don't need this primer right here there's a camera right yeah look right to the teacher I don't need this [ __ ] class I just got an A later peace homie I just can't believe influencers the first in this yeah brutal that's such has become everything I've hated there's that but also I'm gonna give I'm you like a little bit of a little bit of benefited that of the doubt yeah what do you gas me up a little bit I'll guess you have a look ask me have a little bit and give you a little octane right here I think on one hand yeah maybe they're right but also I actors don't always strike me as the most up-to-date on just pop-culture current events you ever talk to an actor and they're just grossly like out of touch your experience that I mean yeah so what I'm saying is I think they're coming from a place where you remind them of someone on their Facebook mm-hmm you know I'm saying yeah Oh sue saying I'm a facebook influencer know what I'm better no what I'm saying is what they're pulling from is their local experience mm-hmm oh yeah yeah you're a dude likes beer pong yeah oh man a guy with blonde yeah a guy with long hair dude you're totally a beer pong guy [ __ ] what cuz I got okay yeah sure you know what I'm saying kind of yeah they it's it's I can't it but it's also like it's a little bit like sobering cuz it's like no that's you nailed it you did what do you mean influencer yeah as much as we [ __ ] we are as much as we hate to say it [ __ ] are yeah what so what does hell's coke in the bathroom I sell coke in the bathroom sometimes getting I don't but I do say dude I do say bro a lot I do play beer pong yeah they nailed it it's just like a sobering look at yourself you're like damn is this what I look like yeah this is why I look like I want to go in there and just say horrible [ __ ] mmm some guys since there was a computer hacker pedophile rapist whoa oh definitely date rapes yeah definitely you [ __ ] poison chicks dude for sure you got kind of like a Bill Cosby vibe you'd be the next Bill Cosby for sure I'm like shut up man it's you all you see that I am white is so creepy a super creep you like a gross disgusting [ __ ] creep you [ __ ] weirdo gross that you get oh oh oh um um this guy upskirt videos on the subway that's this guy yeah oh you're like a [ __ ] gross little peeping tom definitely dude definitely oh my god oh oh it's coming to me um southern belle no no incest monster yeah yeah dude that's that's you girl you [ __ ] your dad yeah yeah right oh yeah oh oh oh oh cam girl sure but not like a good one I broke one you know I'm saying like no one likes to see you on your cam dude your cam sucks like max 3 gamers always yeah failed cam girl for sure oh my god homeless definitely homeless you kid are you homeless you could easily be homeless this rude [ __ ] definitely background dude just only background yeah yeah you insane extra yo a little harsh back there oh my god definitely a person that should lose weight I can't believe they say that about you Kody I can't believe they get you like that that was the last one yeah should lose weight oh yeah like you should you could play a guy that gets like going on a diet or like definitely [Laughter] we're just weird niche roasts um do with bad ankles yeah like kinda like fat ankles yeah dude with kind of fat ankles that's you man you definitely fall down a lot in the script that should be your thing mm-hmm yeah that's basically what it was that's what the exercise was is roastin was kind of was a little bit I felt like a little bit I felt weird did anyone else as bad as you not really that was the thing also you got it the worst I definitely got it the worst Sam I don't rip yeah I mean like there was like you know there was the occasional like dude who got up where they're like oh yeah like definitely computer programmer if you're like the nerd at the company bla bla bla mmm I mean that's not so bad even the answers wait yeah you're like the guy that nobody likes yeah you're a house DJ house house DJ is extremely local thing to say in my opinion I don't know why yeah house DJ yeah do you okay really think about that phrase yeah that can only refer to Tiesto Alesso like you know what I mean hmm look at who's a DJ now mm-hmm [ __ ] it's all dudes with mass marshmallow ATLiens like everyone's got a mask up there oh yeah I could see you in a mask for sure that face yeah you should I could see you blowing up with a different face you could go huge dude with a different face though yeah change what you got because that's not working it is terrible no that's one of our is gonna be a sketch it just has to be what it is that's got to be a sketch now I think the I think what I was gonna say earlier is um teacher leaving too much silence mm-hmm like in between the statements yeah and someone got right every time if someone's about to say something yeah that's great what is let me ask you this class what is an actor's job what is their job nah what is their job thing whatever ii just think about that for what is their job people no one in there can get a word in I got a single horse I guess that's the problem you speak before you think I said think about it because what you do in the scene are you just grabbing their face spitting all over it [Music] damn dude hey I don't know if I can survive an acting class they seem really dramatic I mean it's it's yeah it's it's I don't know this is the stories I hear I hear they're pretty dramatic yeah I mean depending yeah I don't really know I don't really know it's like it's really hard to explain but I like doing [ __ ] that's different from the [ __ ] that we do yeah you know yeah like it's it is good like because I feel like now we've kind of been doing the [ __ ] so long you kind of just like following a rhythm Oh hon % we're traveling with Rick whoever each other or like our people we like him then we come back we make [ __ ] yeah and we're not really like working with tons of other different people and somebody know so it's like kind of nice to get out and just like force yourself to like [ __ ] to interact with people you don't know yeah total this is not a situation I'm like really that comfortable and I realized yeah I'm not like a not like a type-a person at all mm-hmm like in that group it's like 30 people like I probably was the most quiet I'm like the most reserved I'm just like I don't know like I'm not confident enough to just be like right away till I be at cracking jokes and [ __ ] where people are like cracking jokes in front of the whole [ __ ] class just hold for it yeah like I'm just not gonna maybe maybe like in a year yeah yeah if you know I'm saying no I do I I'm the same way I like to sit back and the room and then shoot but I get what you mean and that or you you feel like you just want to write it off and like oh well maybe if I meet a few people they don't start to open up kind of thing or like yeah yeah I'm like guy oh my god yeah mm yeah no I hear that on a percent i-i-i-i feeling like wanting to do something a little bit different getting I want station what else it's been telling you about this was made me wanna do stand-up again hmm but just like [ __ ] the geography of la sucks so much dick yeah cuz we could do more week I feel like we could mmm but since I've got back I just count all the time driving traffic and the distance we have to travel like in the time it makes no [ __ ] sense just to get here it takes forever like you know just to get here yeah yeah an hour it it on a good day I'm saying and it's it's just I don't know it's frustrating we gotta go to go to New York and just do for a month yeah that's that's what a lot of people do is go to New York and they just drill stand up yeah you can get up a lot of different places yeah but that's one of the things they say in that in the Anthony Jeselnik episode of the Joe Rogan MMMs by the way that was the first episode of Joe Rogan I've listened to in a long [ __ ] time for Mike start to finish yeah yeah that dude is just so like just classic him Oh Joe yeah he's just so him yeah yeah he's had no matter how many [ __ ] no matter how many times he gets memed no matter how big he gets I feel he's just always gonna be yeah which is kind of like not he's comfortable with who he is yeah exactly like it's telling you like you know 30 minutes in he's talking about [ __ ] monkeys again yeah and chimpanzees and they're like they're like thirst for for blood yeah because they're like prevent like vengeful animals or something like that like they care about fairness a lot yeah so he's like going on this like 30 minute monologue about chimpanzees this is just one of the [ __ ] memes do yeah he doesn't care he doesn't give a [ __ ] oh [ __ ] and you especially when you're him but one of the things that he says is he was like yeah like when you're a big comedian like that he's like he could tell who who just does shows what there's a with their audience yeah and who does comedy clubs yep yep cuz if you just do keep doing shows with your own audience you'll just you like you'll just do [ __ ] that it's catered to them of course yeah but you like won't get better like generally isn't performer yeah and and I like I mean that's why I like twitch like I like performing live and it just sucks just everything we do is position so far away from stand-up and and it's it's stand-up is you know for everyone trying to do it here it's gonna be hard to convince a promoter to give me time over a dude who shows up like every day and it's like yo can I can I do seven minutes can I do 10 minutes or whatever so I don't know I don't know how to reconcile that I've been trying to figure that out no maybe I've been chewing into the mic this whole night yeah I I've just been writing a shitload and some of it I think I could take I don't know that part of me is thought we just need to move to West Hollywood so we're just in between everything mm-hmm I don't know I think I can't do it I can't can't live there I can't live there either man it says it the oh the traffic sucks the geography of everything sucks it's just so busy yeah it's so busy that's what I mean that's what I couldn't do New York either I don't think like you just like just like driving around there at like 4:00 p.m. yeah ever there's so many [ __ ] people crossing the street and there's like just infinite [ __ ] going on I'm just like I just I I'm too overwhelmed yeah yeah I just think it's too hard to get [ __ ] done and here or just anywhere like you basically have to be like every comedian I know lives in Hollywood because that's really the only way they can get up every night is they just cut out the traffic the same way we live close to what we do because that's the only way you can get it done and it's just I don't know I say all this to say I'm wanting to do something different and I just don't know what that is I feel I feel like you know going back into shooting sketches and stuff is a good different thing that's a good way to mix it up but I feel you one like wanted to introduce random elements like people that we would not otherwise meet so yeah yeah that's all try so anyway I think I just hate the UM like just when I mean like busyness I just mean like I hate like he's feeling like just like I just [ __ ] I'm just like one of the pedestrians yeah just walking yeah like where the [ __ ] are we all going who knows who cares yeah just one who gives a [ __ ] you know yeah yeah I hate you know I'm saying I feel like being in a smaller place you more feel like you're like actually part of a community a little bit yeah I think people in like smaller cities are generally like happier though totally go cuz you feel like you know people yeah you just feel like you have like a community I feel like a sense of community is really important and I'm like walking around [ __ ] Hollywood and it's like five billion tourists and other people like trying to do their thing just like God man yeah I'm just like I just get lost in the [ __ ] boohoo Who am I you have an existential crisis yeah yeah in the middle of Hollywood divorce place standing next to a meth head I'm like oh am I Who am I who are we dude are we are we that different yeah you start again J Alvarez gods are we even different here like are we ooh meth addict for sure met oh do meth bro meth head you should start yeah yeah start doing meth I think that'd be a good look for you you have too many teeth I could see it you could lose a few teeth honestly you have so many teeth yeah get a couple face scabs that would work really well for you I think we were we had on time - speaking of New York did jam on the shorties for a second okay yeah for sure what we started it superlight yeah uh-oh did you or do you run from like an earlier point in time mm-hmm where we at 14 okay whoa we got plenty of time I mean I think we were going for 10 minutes before okay well let's just go look another ten and then yeah shorty shorty awards that was that it was fun but I'd the timing in terms of travel was not ideal okay I don't know if I would go to New York again under those circumstances not specifically the shorties but a turnaround trip to New York and that [ __ ] me up so hard yeah because it took a Saturday read I slept like dog shed yeah got in at work doesn't know got got in the 8 a.m. passed out of my hotel woke up I ordered a chicken sandwich then I went to the show um and then I stayed up till 3:30 in the morning to go board my plane at 5:30 in the morning and then I slept on the plane and I kind of like even down my body clock but it just [ __ ] on my whole Monday so then you get back in the morning I got back in the morning like 9:00 but then I just slow really was just you just missed the Sunday yeah yeah it's pretty cool that you can actually do that oh yeah yeah totally yeah that's that's the way to do it yeah but it you know what was the actual event like so yeah so I I get there and it was pretty big it was at the PlayStation Theatre yeah I think it's like 1500 1,900 cap oh damn um so the old four yeah pretty filled it was like a so the lower area sort of like where the standing room would be was a banquet hall type thing shoutout to the surety Academy for picking us and thanks everybody like I said who voted us in oh yeah it is really [ __ ] cool we won the shorter yeah shorty for best podcast yeah yeah that's pretty [ __ ] cool man it is it it was surreal like where are the where are the things I forgot to bring yeah I'm tired yeah I'll bring them next time we got that merch award - I have that at home merch award yeah we got a from the at-at venue or whatever oh oh yeah we got that yeah they look it so we got we got a [ __ ] trophy case no and do I get like a honorary like webby award or something like that did those even have and do we just spoil something no I think we no no they tweeted it didn't they did that I don't know the way oops whoops sorry well we just got a revoke yeah they just took it away um wait wait wait wait no this this might be how the boys got it no no no they hate they happened in April I'm in April yeah the boys we got some trophy yeah the boys are stacking time like [ __ ] paranoid that we just it's fine let's look it up after okay yeah no we're fine I saw the it was a tweet I know it was a tweet okay yeah so yeah so the podcast won a couple of words so thank you guys I don't oh it's what what blows my mind is how anyone like picked us you know I'm saying yeah especially like for a like a webby like I don't feel like we are on their radar at all yeah so it I think that was something that put things into perspective is when I went up to get the awards like a lot of people or like certain groups of people in the crowd were like cheering and it just like it punched me in the face like oh yeah like people actually listen yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah cuz I know everyone who listens to it that that watches our YouTube videos and they watch you know our streams and stuff it's they like what we do right and and so whenever I think of us making stuff I think of us making it for you guys but then to see sort of random people or like people I wouldn't expect you get what I'm saying because the whole thing I will say it felt like half awards show half corporate dinner party mm-hm because Viacom like sponsored a lot of tables so they're like a lot of random just like MTV employees they're like technical designers and people who just you know I think lived in New York and like don't know the shorties like bit sure and so they just went so I didn't actually see a ton of people there sort of like talent or say alright okay I didn't even think that you were uploading these honestly I thought we were just kind of recording them and then they were just like yeah they just disappeared yeah yeah it was like you know going the hard drive yeah and just it's more of a like a way for us to Levante about and then shows it find out that it's actually public pretty cool for me and huh I said so stupid right now but I I hope I'm making sense I just no no I'm not mocking you know I truly thought I was good when they were gonna say the tiny meet gang podcast I thought everyone in the room was gonna go what it was so funny hearing him say tiny meet gang yeah because you know if you can tell how uncomfortable it makes people to say it yeah like II like its kind of smiled afterwards that's like I can't believe I just had to read that off a card the tiny meet game tiny meet gang that tinny meet gang dmg everyone go read it go ahead say it was the whole thing what what it is what does it stand for hmm was more time hmm 10 to minute I didn't hear one more time tiny needs game I also love that every other podcast has studio support so their podcasts look great and then they use the clip of us from tour because our studio looks like [ __ ] and they didn't want to show that hmm yeah so and I obviously I know so I got yeah go up there grab the award the event itself was big there's a lot of people there was kind of it was a little bit whack some people got the reward and then just dipped didn't say anything like no they they went up they got their time and then they just took off I didn't maybe they had somewhere to be I don't know but when I started seeing a lot of people do that I just kind of shrug like it was an open mic yeah exactly that's how I felt and I'm sitting there thinking man they paid for us to to be here you know you know saying like they bought our tickets our hotel you could you could just stick around what does it cost you an hour it's not a big deal it really wasn't the time they were saving are debatable like come on man you're not gonna stay for my set oh yeah yeah told my yeah yeah like five people here when I go up yeah I let that I let that joke go off in front of Terry Crews so shout I was hoping uh Sean Evans would be around and I'd get a laugh out of him but which joke just the just anything I said during whatever yeah yeah wait Terry Crews was there yeah he was there that's pretty cool yeah he was sitting right in front of the stage no way that's dope the view from that podium was strangest [ __ ] with that little TED talk Mike yeah and the two [ __ ] back to the future teleprompters I don't know just it was weird whatever yeah yeah that Sean Evans was there he was not there though when I got oh oh I see so he he got his award and it I he presented and he did a bunch of stuff was really a party it was like we got a cocktail thing afterwards or anything yeah okay like a mixer yeah but you know the real celebrities didn't oh yeah okay I will say I liked how self-aware everything was you know Kathy Griffin said uh I roast a Lister so everybody in this room is fine that was great I will say grace Helbig and mamrie did not give a single goddamn [ __ ] and it was so funny why they got an award and and they I had like a similar bit but they did it way better and and it was wait like they just I don't know they they it was so off the top it was way funnier than I what I would have said basically they like we want to thank rhett and Link for not showing up so we could actually win this award then they started talking about how their show was like bought and then cancelled and then you know then they were like roasting studios like so we won't think the studio for cancelling our show that's what enabled us to be here to win this award right now and it was just that's great it was so that's a pretty funny like brother knows and it sort of said yeah it was super funny that's funny because that's what I wanted to say was I wanted to get up and say I know we won this award but do we really went like is it just because Dax Shepard couldn't be here so they were like well maybe we just make it a charity thing we could to these guys yeah I'm like that's [ __ ] money cuz that's like kind of what everyone's thinking I feel right yeah and and and so but I didn't want to see I felt like grace and mamrie like earned it I mean they've probably it's like probably they're like sixth time there and they've hosted three years old they did yeah so they they know they like are familiar with the people who run this right so they can be that comfortable I'm like if it's our first award I don't want us to be too shitty I guess I could tell the joke I wanted to say yeah which I could have got away with yeah yeah it's a it so what I want to say guys when I got there I wanted to go man this is this is crazy you know you know [ __ ] Jerry is actually won an award here as well and it's just so crazy to think that we got this award without stealing any jokes so I guess hard work does pay off damn that's not the way you phrased it before like something like that raise it like you're like I can't believe that I'm winning an award from the same people who gave Jerry this award for best meme or whatever yeah this is such an honor yeah something like yeah yeah it was more of like a dig on like that it was like I definitely leaned into a little bit harder everyone told me to say it they said it'd probably be fine yeah I didn't want to make it about him yeah yeah that's true yeah I want to do it would have been funny if you dissed him though for just [ __ ] Jerry yeah I like the way I like that way better where you [ __ ] were you like this him yeah instead 100% yeah yeah and there was a lot of something else I wanted to do was like take too long to the point where they played music yeah I wanted to go don't [ __ ] play me off I'll start rapping yo this is makin cut me out but yeah it was a it was a cool little show all right guys we're gonna take a break real quick oh we are damn amen describe your style in one word another casual DJ house DJ yeah perhaps your casual or sophisticated playful however you dress stitch fixed has the expert personal stylist I can help you look your best even as an influencer not all clothes are a fit for all men with stitch fix your personal stylist will send you clothing that makes you look your best less one-size-fits-all more this fits your style influencer yes this is an online personal styling service that delivers 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undies as well for sponsoring this episode of the podcast or undies me undies you probably spend about 90% of your life in underwear if you really think about it think about that for a second thing actors think 90 percent okay so you want to make sure you're wearing the softest undies in town that's why I only wear my undies baby listen these undies are so soft they make Bob Ross's voice sound like Gilbert Godfried it's a good joke actually the undies uses the coveted micro modal fabric which is a full three times softer than any stupid rough cotton you can put on your balls okay mm-hmm men you can now try the new boxer brief with fly which is the same great cut as boxer-brief but with an added option for guys who prefer to go through the gate verse over the fence personally I pull my pants in my underwear down all the way when I pee yeah at the urinal yeah cuz that's the way I feel most comfortable but for you you might prefer the box of breathe with the fly okay and they got a great 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set that comes with everything you need for a close comfortable shave that's a weighted organ ah Mike handle five blade razor with a lubricating strip and trimmer blade rich lathering shave gel and travel blade cover and you can get that by going to harrys.com slash rooster that's harrys.com slash rooster har ry ask.com slash rooster action we are we are we are we are we are the approach to something okay no I think you're right P OD yeah you ever been to Scottsdale no oh man that place is crazy I was gonna I'm gonna say how was your little weekend in the des your your second Coachella yeah pretty much I know we know I know we bagged a lot on Arizona but you're starting to I mean Arizona's just like a kind of like a cool place for what it is sure you know yeah like they [ __ ] love partying what else you gonna do I guess yeah there's not the Gulf yeah Gulf and partying yeah they [ __ ] love it it's crazy actually that's not true because we went to El Paso and there is nothing to do there and they don't party and people just did nothing yeah and that's that's how they handled that so it does it does take a community it does take a village yeah exactly put on the party yeah it really does it takes like a mutual like need yeah we're all gonna get some fake suntan even though we have the Sun outside and we're gonna look like some burnt ass hot dogs and we're gonna go out here and drink this this cheap beer mutually you all we all want to do it's not just one person it's everybody um okay so we're like at this we're at this bar the first night and it's a bar in Old Town old town okay well Townes Casa which is like they say like this just one block area of clubs and bars okay they're all going [ __ ] off and it's like a walk Street that's crazy you know it's like 6th Street in Austin but it's like packed into this like little little area right is nice yeah and it's like they're very like like bottleservice centric like I'm saying people love to like you know it's like it's like kind of like a show-off it's like every bar wants to be like the bougie one ok but like you know it's all like college kids yeah it's like no one really actually has money yeah so we go to this bar the first night and we're we're like standing we're just like standing around drinking and it's like all tables you know and they're all full and there's like 30 bottle girls in there all wearing like basically nothing right and this table that were standing right next to is like 10 dudes and they keep ordering balls of Dom and so like every 15 minutes these bouncers holding this racecar it's like small little racecar on like wooden things and a bottle girl on top with a bottle of Dom and a sparkler comes through literally every 15 minutes these guys are like like [ __ ] uh how much is the bottle of Dom that's like I mean it's like 1,500 bucks I'm guessing so maybe even more than that it's crazy man it's crazy and so then every single time these two girls on top of this [ __ ] little racecar and this little fire truck come through bottle of Dom right and they put it down and they're like whoo and then this one bottle girl it's like she just starts she starts just going for a man she starts getting up on the booth with these guys she starts grinding on them nice this girl definitely went ASU and majored in bottle girl okay cuz she was so good G so she gets up there she starts grinding with these dudes right they start pouring the Dom in her mouth okay so she's just getting a little bit drunk and then she just goes full stripper full-on stripper she's putting her foot up on the [ __ ] like this and just showing her vagina to these dudes pretty much and then she's like crawling on all fours this is and the whole bar is staring at her like what she doing like this is this is not a strip club it's dams your spits still supposed to maintain like a little bit of yeah composure a little bit of class a little bit her [ __ ] like straight up like I couldn't see but a bit she's going like this okay and she's like her hands down here I'm like that she's definitely right yes nice nice so where did everyone in the bar is like okay this is just a show this is insane and like ten minutes later she's getting screamed at by the by the maintenance sure he was like I mean I didn't hear what they were saying but he I think he was basically I just [ __ ] get it together wasted what are you doing this girl's and then she would just switch to another guy and do the same thing switch to the next guy didn't him grabbing their hands and putting them on her like hips yeah yeah I'm like so everyone looked around they were like yo Dom over here yeah her yeah yeah please please let's get two more bottles let's just keep these things going honestly this is worth it losing on my trust fund right now but sisters this is a dream honestly god damn dude your grandpa sells a [ __ ] yeah like an oil company gives you money Jesse and yeah you just blow in a bag yeah [ __ ] Scottsdale on some bottle service major Wow nice what are you studying bottle service I'm studying bottle service honestly I don't even doubt that that's a major there I think every single one of those girls like went to college in Arizona and then just like stayed cuz they're like I'm making too much money doing this [ __ ] yeah like I bet that girl left that night and her co-workers were like wow like Bethenny really [ __ ] got it tonight but she's like waving the cheque in their faces like yeah [ __ ] but look at this 20k in tips it's called Tim Z it's called a down payment on a house [ __ ] oh yeah and then then they go to twitch and they're like oh this is way easier yeah yeah can versity yeah I'm down for that actually got to touch these dudes that's that's that's hilarious anyway so I'm like watching this [ __ ] happen and the rest of the bar is going crazy too right like every single tables going off like sparklers are happening everywhere and I look at this kid I'm like you see is he like this all the time here and he goes every [ __ ] night dude like this every night every [ __ ] night Road how do you get any work done this is crazy this is insane and then it's always like that for the first like 24 hours then you're like I want to get the [ __ ] out of here course yeah it's too much yeah well I wonder if it really is like that every night or if it's just the weekends I don't know I want to see bet you it is on a Monday we got a stripper dumb bottle service girl on Monday yeah maybe I don't know dude no no case of the Mondays there I don't know man I'd have to see it to believe it and then we go to this we go to like a like a [ __ ] pool party the next day and I saw like six dudes almost getting fights of course you know it's just pent up like the whole place is just like [ __ ] just pent-up testosterone yeah that's peacocking yeah ain't enough girls in there every every person is like just try me [ __ ] look at me weird yeah I dare you yeah I'm with my boys dawg yeah we jack off together we're jacked and we jack off to each other we're gonna [ __ ] scrap anywhere and everywhere it in hell jack you off Oh Jack you off of that I think that's why I could never fight in MMA I never wanted to be in that close proximity with another man's toes Suzanne mm-hmm that's why fighting at a pool is weird mm-hmm but you you cuz you know when you get to this to the peacocking phase and you get to the nose-to-nose if if the feet touch yeah you can feel there it's a little little digits yeah it's a little you know I mean he accidentally toe on toe oh yes sorry cross big toes by oh [ __ ] sorry sorry that was nice though did we just toasted these guys I used to work with our brothers up before they call that the Venice handshake there's these two art directors they always wore sandals they were complete psychopath I love him to death shout out my god Bob he's like born and raised Venice dude hilarious guy him and this dude James they they just straight toe scissored it took a picture and they would send it as an email signature the venice handshake so gross it's so funny it's so [ __ ] good I remember my boy Kenz I'd say you told me about it he's like you ever seen the Venice handshake I first started working there I said the what and Bob and James just started laughing their asses off they're like show him show Ken's is like believe I got this in my phone dude that Scrolls all the way back in his photos and he just like covers his eyes and turns the phone to me I'm like yeah you guys what and they just think oh why does that that why does that feel so much more intimate than a handshake I don't know it's just that should never never haven't there's no weird you feel when you even touch feet with someone else just like you [ __ ] oh yeah oh my god the first thing you do is apologize yeah because you're like oh my god I'm sorry I'm not trying I'm not trying to I'm trying it's like what what could you be trying like but yeah it does feel that way Toronto Oh yo yo sorry this made two guys scrapping at the pool Tonto mm-hmm that would set it off I think you just [ __ ] know you just do it as a sign of alpha yeah what's up what's up oh oh [ __ ] just locked me all her toes were like this it's like the handshake are you [ __ ] interlocked the what's up bruh oh oh oh yo Bryson you got a swing on him he's got my foot dog you put me in a Chinese foot trap oh [ __ ] dog what's up bro what's up balanced and perfect I'm like the other ones yeah you both sitting down his boys are holding in my cheeks and he's got both your feet locked what's up bro what's up what you finna do now huh what you gonna do nothing we are locked right now rope holding his ass yeah bro what you finna do huh what you gonna do what you got to do homey I dare you I [ __ ] dare you swing on my swing my partner right here watch what happened to you doesn't even get close because they're locked like this exactly exactly exactly exactly disengage and so I thought do starts crying yeah yeah and if you if you if you want it to I'll lock any one of you all of you can get it any day this week BAM then he goes like this Wiggles I'm for the whole pool thing what say yeah yeah go forget it that's disgusting toes just like it's one individually moving like a jammer get it he's rolling a quarter on his toes like a magician like see and don't you forget it I don't wanna [ __ ] and don't you forget it points them like a synchronized swimmer gets in the pool [ __ ] it's a party the picture there's a party's to kick back tell it dudes in there I'm picturing this it's like it's a lot you know the vibe is kind of cool but it's tense right just not enough girls in there to make it make it cool yeah and a dude walks in and somebody's like lost dis muhfucka and he's like yo David come over here hold my sock holds up his single foot starts walking around the party but they start carrying him around the party every was like oh [ __ ] so when I got here it seemed like somebody had a problem so I just want to let everybody know uh you [ __ ] right here is this hookah hose take this [ __ ] back anybody could get it picks up the beer pong ball hits the last Cup damn I was tight alright so if anyone got it want to get it again with me I'll be in the kitchen you you you you could get it you you could get bopping dudes on their nose with his toe you you could get it you you could get make him stop Brad [ __ ] the deals like this you terrorizing the party with your with your toes it is so funny somebody act I'll come over I'm that's gonna be my new threat you keep talking man I'm come over there and put my toe put my toes in your mouth you know say something else what what do you say television you're me that's what I do in the UFC I gonna do I like trying to take his back and put his foot in here my guess so flexing walking at my toes up into his mouth and we don't worry I'm just a guy with the toe in his mouth just tapping from the toe beating on his lips and the ref is like nah fam yes you can't tap for that that's not a legal that has got to be like a finishing move knocks himself out oh you see it you know speaking of weird ass fighting technique I forget this dude's name it doesn't even it doesn't even deserve to be remembered what he had a weird-ass fight this is a UFC card this weekend and this dude I was impressed it the fight felt like a nine-year-old fighting a seven-year-old mm-hmm we're not a nine-year-old is older and it knows a little more but he doesn't have necessarily a huge physical advantage so I just felt like two dudes trying to figure out how to beat each other up and this guy his his thing was kicks so he would throw these like weird like he throw two kicks in a row and they were like full like 360 like high kicks and [ __ ] he literally he was dancing around the ring but and the other do it back up and like get out the way and then this dude would just like stand there you kind of walk forward and stand again and then if the other guy got too close he would run away and reposition himself then throw more kicks in the air and then he might like slap him on the titty like he was like just making tiring himself out no it was it was just tiring to watch but like he had all the energy in the world but he like was it was like non fighting I was like okay I've never believed it possible to script a fight in the UFC until now this dude had it down he throw kicks and he looked like real big and kind of like flashy and then he'd be like oh one point cuz he just just slapped my shoulder that's not that doesn't count and it was just 15 minutes of that and somehow he won I was I don't know I don't even know why I brought that up it was a feat thing because if it he could definitely got his toe in the dudes mouth yeah he could have pulled it off they like slow-mo one of the kicks like you don't see what happened here like a full 360 and that dudes just just falls down and like I don't even think he made contact let's let's go to the replay let's see what actually happens oh it's just his toe yeah it's like so fast but it's totus comes down let's get let's get a closer look at that let's get a closer look at that he's like to toe next to the big toe like gets in I just like flicks the tongue like it's like a little from the bottom it's like oh he got him on the taste bud you got him on the taste bud Wow amazing what a move there so tell us what was the game plan going into this fight well you know my feet are so nice and and that's a real intimidating thing for most men in the sport so I figure if I just dip my toe in this fulls mouth I'll be able to take the W he's a smart fighter Joe it really is anyway yeah thousand ml how's it going yeah we beat that one to death yeah tired from that Jesus yeah laughs are my back on the hookah [ __ ] you did a really weirdly good sound effect there Oh hookahs sounds like you're I mean just the nature of the [ __ ] it sounds like a cauldron or some [ __ ] oh dude that makes me think of this hookah place we went to in London I haven't been to hookah bar in forever and we just went cuz it was open late and I was so impressed not every English place like those people are blunt and I I love that when it's closing time you got to get the [ __ ] out like that that is the American restaurant will let you sit there and chat with your family until it's been way too [ __ ] long it hit the minute they were closed oh no no actually on Yelp or whatever it said 1:00 a.m. and at 12:30 this guy walks up to us he's like I was closed and we're like oh we thought it was open till 1:00 he's like no it's huafei we're closed so finish up in like someone had the hook on their hand like oh can I finish it he's like no that's awesome give it to me this [ __ ] was like get a D that's the way it should be yeah my opinion percent x or x they are some [ __ ] all workers got lag and no have some [ __ ] respect for other people's time get out and closed they got to go home I hate it that's something I always appreciate about America after going to Paris mm-hmm Paris is like oh did you want the check yeah come back tomorrow yeah yeah yeah I mean yeah that's shitty the opposite of what I'm talking about no I know yeah yeah that's why when I come back to America I appreciate how it's like how are we doing over here that's true over here any water do you need to check already yeah you didn't order anything but perhaps don't the check now yeah yeah they didn't they just bring you the check yeah like with like the the last thing you ordered I don't know we're not done we're gonna get dessert oh sure sure yeah put that back yeah totally yeah I knew that I was just kind of I was honestly testing you to make sure you want a dessert cuz I it's already on the way I got it for you yeah and so it's actually on this bill so I'm just gonna hand that right back yeah and you can just pay right now man you've actually already had dessert so you know no it's not assume that it is it's simile simulating you leaving so good give me the card yeah in that card goodbye goodbye see I leave it's a really good service yeah Paris is like III was thinking that it would be a funny ass but getting like 32nd thing just like eating in Paris and you're just like your waiter comes around he's like brings you water and it's like you guys ready no we just need a minute okay I'll be right back and then you're just like and you look across and he's in another restaurant it's working in a totally different uniform you're like wait what the [ __ ] it's really good this guy works in two what the [ __ ] it was really good yeah I don't know and he eventually comes out to smoke a cigarette and you wave him down you're like what the hell man we're waiting is that oh I'm so sorry my ship said it my shift and it has this place I'm taking a break I'm taking a break my shift is over what do you want me to do you just left us what it's hot man it's hot you can get in the water in pairs either what's some serial route we were always in room temperature yeah yeah water yeah Europe water room temperature room temp always hate it I just don't you go to Europe oh I think it's hell the dish room story oh yeah I wanted to tell that oh yes well I finally learned how to say it I heard everyone in Edinburgh say it this way but someone like gave me the real on stream Edinburgh Edinburgh yeah pretty much Hey Dude Edinburgh Edinburgh yeah I didn't bring headed Edinburgh Edinburgh it's gonna be a movie it was a movie last night [ __ ] movie dude dude a [ __ ] hit CBS earlier today it was a movie oh man my life is a movie room yeah I'm saying this is that phrase I don't know it's so stupid and good blue a [ __ ] bag on some foot cream as a movie a didn't went this self-checkout with like hella Dom it was a movie dog rang it up myself dog I didn't everything it was a movie I went in there I got the [ __ ] got the Dom dude checked out yeah I'm saying two bottles myself I'm like this shit's a [ __ ] movie bruh movie yo ice yeah I once saw the Avengers last night yesh it was a movie no way fan mm-hmm it's like who is there couldn't tell it was really dark where a movie though down yeah that's tight yeah really real quick uh you're not watching Game of Thrones you don't want yeah it's fine are you yeah I mean I've I've watched so that Starbucks cup [ __ ] was hilarious so phone damn that was funny so funny how hmm does it apparently someone had to steal from another episode where one of the characters who's supposed to have a fake hand is holding a coffee cup in his hand but I think it's like it was just like some Photoshop [ __ ] oh really yeah that's crazy Oh do you think the editors saw it and couldn't couldn't do anything about it I bet you I bet you that was just like a on out of all you gotta imagine the post-production on that show is a [ __ ] nightmare quite crazy so many moving pieces yeah so just like on set yeah so much [ __ ] happening they probably had time for like one take of that [ __ ] some shitty not that I don't read it but some shitty reddit comment was like so clearly product placement and someone goes do you like I loved this this is when I love when when the ninth placement I love when they [ __ ] kidding me sorry I know it's I love when the nine paragraph guy comes out of the woodwork this is my favorite he was like are you [ __ ] he's like do you understand do you understand what it takes to put together something of this size he was just like dude there were probably 50 people in that room if not a hundred like do you understand understand between takes like how many people run in like just two people doing makeup oh that's got to be [ __ ] nuts mhm everyone like all the main actors probably have a you know dedicated makeup person there's at least four or five of them running in there and then what's her [ __ ] faces probably said Emilia Clarke or whatever says I just get some coffee - we've been here for 14 hours in yeah sure here oh we have to go back in everyone clears and they just forget it right and and and yeah like I think that was just one of those things that goes oh there's the coffee cup and scene whatever and then the producers like yeah remind me to tell the editor tour whatever but it was just just slipped through the cracks yeah I mean I don't look at the editor like someone in post-processing not do anything about it like no they they fixed it they fixed it what I mean they fix it so like HBO I think they replace the episode oh really yeah oh wow yeah a VFX that's I think that's very easy for a VFX artist to do yeah I mean I guess it kind of like blended it's so funny that [ __ ] like that just like like just gets past all those people always like there's so many moving parts but still yeah there has to be like tons of eyeballs and I once in nobody [ __ ] class I mean so funny I think you gotta suspend that a little bit I think people are pissed off with the way the season is going so they're looking for [ __ ] to be angry about cuz it really does I mean this so I didn't watch it for years and then a couple years ago alena and I binge everything in a week we're like okay this new seasons coming out seems cool and so we slammed through the whole [ __ ] so I didn't even really pick up on the difference in writing because I forgot the dude's name who wrote the originals which I'm such a casual but he dropped off after season 4 Ohio so guy or something no no he's just I don't know this good the screenwriter yeah yeah the guy who wrote the books wherever he bowed out yeah see that's what I'm talking about I think he still writes though doesn't he he does but yeah he didn't die no either way I didn't pick up on the writing change and I was like stoned for half of its I'm not really picking up on character development and stuff but I was entertained there's a lot of cool concepts and like the world was really cool and when I mean concepts I mean like just sort of how these characters exist and whatever so fast forward to this the last season had let me down I was like what the [ __ ] okay this cuz they had split it into two half seasons versus one just final one I thought okay well this last season better be [ __ ] awesome and it is garbage what I thought the whole battle scene [ __ ] was cool I thought I saw everyone going off about that that's people I think that's people being forgiving I could not forgive that [ __ ] mmm they had built that up dog for years yeah it like and they've been building up this dude and spoilers here we go it's like the night king he's him and the white walkers are shown in episode 1 it's like these fools are coming and that's the script for [ __ ] years the Nights Watch the night King he's coming he's and they really hype it up and the [ __ ] just got knifed you got pickaxe dude that's what it felt like straight up to use [ __ ] fortnight I was like got a knife in counter-strike that's what that was it was such and then that was it he was just gone this fool just rushed be and then just got knifed and that was it I'm like nothing like I would have expected way more like him also way too many characters lived well I wanted to show up in me [ __ ] where it is again nobody [ __ ] is again but that that's amazing that is every time that's the criticism people do share with me ok sure cuz like know it was some Hollywood [ __ ] where they're like they're swarmed with people like they're fighting the undead yeah there's a scene where they kill they like kill a bunch of them and they just [ __ ] reanimate and they come back to life and it's like oh [ __ ] and did so many cutaways of people being swarmed by these undead like ah and it was just that Hollywood [ __ ] where it's like wait it's been 20 minutes house no one died yeah we're like the shortest dude is like back flipping through all them and yeah yeah and and everyone has been inches from their death for half an hour yeah it's like a Star Wars [ __ ] yeah and and I think like for the night Kings character for someone who doesn't give a [ __ ] about human life and his whole purpose was to like eradicate everyone I felt like he should have been in there just like demonstrating his power like he should have looked at a key character and just locked eyes with them and then just pointed and then just had them [ __ ] mall and turn that person into one of his and then he takes that person and sends him off the like that would have been hard as [ __ ] like there's this chick who was like a Brienne who was like a pretty big character she's like you know she's like a female Knight and that's like a big deal in the context of the show it would've been dub if she just died and like woke up with those scary ass blue eyes and just started like going to town on everybody or whatever so yeah the the season is is trash as far as I'm concerned and so much of it is it just feels like budget cuts like there's three dragons in from the last season or whatever and one of them died and then another one got killed just shot out of the sky just knocked out of the sky just [ __ ] beamed and to me it would just screamed like we don't want to pay for a second dragon so let's just kill it yeah the perspective flips and it's like one of the producers she like worked work shirt he's oh he's holding a Starbucks cup we gotta just take the scene and then cut the oh we got it boys five million let's do it yeah just save five mil right there what else can we love some like dope like 3d like VFX editor needs to do that just edit in like a producer and replace him with someone who kills off characters we just got a clipboard Oh your rate is way too high yeah yeah goodbye why do you go ahead and stabbed it at the night game yeah the stabbing is like taking up way too much resource costs so much money ya know we've been kind of he's like been the thing the whole series and the very start and this is just this moment's not worth it honestly it's kind of bleeding money at this point so go ahead and just I'll tell you where as weak spot it's right in the ditch right there yep just go ahead right there yeah and gone awesome love that you love it going on all right travel guys let's go ahead guys we are going to Canada Oh [ __ ] yeah how do we haven't even said it yet and yeah always wait so speaking and to do our speaking of the north yeah going to the north nice yeah that's good on us yeah we're gonna yeah we're coming north that's it that's all I got yeah so we're fine we're [ __ ] we're going to Canada oh we're finally doing it people always say come to Canada come back to Canada yeah sorry I remember I just brought up all that Game of Thrones [ __ ] yeah what was a the whole wasn't at crescendo the crescendo was sorry so I was thinking about how like Jon Snow finds out this Emilia Clarke's character is his sister just like imagining all he's disconnected like bros and [ __ ] watching this show like in the middle of his super heated discussion some dudes like yes it's like Jon Snow gonna [ __ ] his sister or Y a dog like if that was my half-sister dude first sure I'm [ __ ] that [ __ ] dog straight up you know you know they're all thinking about it every dude that watch that show is like stamp that's crazy I wonder if he's still gonna smash you know pornhub number one search after the season is going to be Thrones Jon Snow incest yeah yeah stepsister takes me for a ride or whatever hey taking Denarius for a ride on my dragon and the dude just got the dragon dick dildo strapped to his dick lowest budget Game of Thrones oh man how many cam girls are gonna put on the Denarius [ __ ] pigtails and get the goddamn dragon dildo and just blast them solid rock Aras Oh a chorus with thrones fanatic yeah so like Johnson if I get sister or what yeah yeah so just like wait for like the lull in the conversation yes so is Jon Snow gonna smash his sister what's good are you were you guys not thinking that about that at all cut the writing on this season is terrible yeah you say you think like he'd eat her [ __ ] or like you think her [ __ ] spits fire like a dragon dog cuz fire crotch yeah I'm saying yeah cuz that's not I don't think that's technically incest if you if you eat him out so like I mean like dog like I my mom remarried and like I had a head like not to be whatever like but like I would look full I was like it's not my sister you know you know what I'm saying like pool parties were really awkward cuz I'm like damn she's bad but she's like kind of my sister you know [ __ ] so I'm like I'm I feel him but you know he'll like me and hammer on the same page right now like yeah I got like like we were both born from my mom but like she [ __ ] some other fool so it's like you know it's like half some other dude and he was pretty hot hey like a sheeted up being like super hot cuz my mom's pretty hot but like I didn't see my sister till I was like 17 yeah it's like I basically met her for the first time was like 18 and so how to be honest dude she's bad so if I'm like Jon Snow like I'm the [ __ ] like warden of the [ __ ] in Canada or whatever like I'm gonna smash like hitting that dude it's some [ __ ] ball I wanna dragon be my full sister I don't give a [ __ ] I'm meeting for the first [ __ ] sorrowful you pull up on a dragon I'm smash there's no two ways around this fool yes so we're coming to Canada we're coming to Canada we're coming to the north weary wardens of the north wardens of the north come see us tiny meat or calm we're gonna Calgary gonna Edmonton we're gonna we're doing two shows in Toronto we're gonna Vancouver we're gonna Winnipeg masu yeah why I know Montreal I don't know why don't we all see you play it is not how do we sound Saint Hugh barrels chicken that's a really good chicken spot what is it Saint Hugh Bale uh I've been Hubei oh yeah good it's super [ __ ] there just go to Paris just for that no it monterosso mushroom yeah yeah yeah anyways I don't know why we're not going there I would actually really like to go to Quebec City much role but [ __ ] something didn't work out I guess yeah but we're going to Canada it shows me really fun and then we're gonna Fargo and Des Moines as well so do from there come see us is the planet of Fargo Des Moines Tory yeah and yeah so I don't know who the [ __ ] lives in Fargo in Des Moines but I'm excited because there I loved the Fargo TV show yeah I don't know when that is it's great yeah yeah that's peak dark comedy I love that show I know I'm gonna get ripped in two but I have to leave oh damn people always [ __ ] would just kidding you the podcast what he wants to end it [ __ ] it's been an hour and 15 minutes damn fool I got I got a [ __ ] I got to go get some goddamn food and I gotta go to this acting class rehearsal minna I gotta eat - Ali all he's gotta do do it wait make music I finally got my studio back I'm back in my apartment now actually and I had to I had to rebuy all the [ __ ] and so yesterday we open the door and there's like 30 Amazon packages you're like huh I was like I look at Kelsie I'm like I have to leave I'm sorry I'm already late so you want me to take all these I'm asking you can you would you mind just do me a favor just just drag it in big-ass [ __ ] water stands and [ __ ] like that I got tons of [ __ ] I got a funny right actually not tons of [ __ ] but yeah I mean like your desk I buy your desk you should man it's it's solid I think it's perfect I just bought a new uh i'm i have exceeded the capacity of my current box i gotta build a new box nice chili finna come out in like two weeks and help me fill this box really yeah did so we can go i don't know what that means being part of your chili but yeah i gotta build a new pc so like yeah i'm gonna like you know just rewire everything so i can use the stand up aspect and like that it probably get in it but yeah you should get it it's a great desk it's got a good wood great way yeah nice before we dip i want to give a quick little shout out we had a lot of discussion about a gun [ __ ] mm-hmm and it was civil and i commend that i think it's cool if you guys talk about it I um you just wait till this [ __ ] goes up on YouTube no yeah yeah yeah but also there's been a shooting like every [ __ ] day said episode there's been some bad [ __ ] well what the thing that struck me was like a lot of [ __ ] that obviously we're not gonna see with people different a few people talking about their experience like with like oh yeah this kid said that and then the next day this you know he threatened to come with a gun and like this and that and so it's not so much like to discuss solutions I think it's more I openin for me like to see when people are like yeah go to this college yeah this is my high school and this happened and just to it feels a little bit more tangible than [ __ ] reading the news you know what I'm saying like it's not sensationalized like it's just a raw story from someone being like yeah someone brought a gun to school and we were really [ __ ] scared so appreciate you guys like sharing them stories and if you feel free to talk about it it's not you know I guess what I'm trying to say is like feel free to open up about it I don't want it to devolve into like this is what we need to do to fix it I think we can just be real you know baseline level about it and it's it's okay to get that [ __ ] off your chest it's okay to say that you was afraid you know I'm saying that's all anyway oh man yeah tickets go on sale tomorrow but for the patreon is you got presale code and if you're getting this a week later go cop you with ticket man TMG pod comm if you want to get merch you have some new stuff eventually we're we've got to work on that we do but we also got your merch for Canada Canada yeah all right guys dang gang peace peace
Channel: TMG Studios
Views: 367,924
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: YU0Hx2J-mhY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 30sec (4890 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2019
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