Enshrouded Top 10 ESSENTIAL Early Game Tips & Tricks

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so enshrouded has just released and is a fantastically fun game I am going to give you 10 of my most essential early game tips and tricks in order to help you get started and progress as quickly and as smoothly as you would like to now the first thing that we're going to talk about here today is Infinate stamina or movement in general because movement is a massive part of enshrouded like it is with most survival games and with that comes a stamina bar as you can see when you run that depletes just to the left hand side of your character there now one thing you can do to take advantage of a bit of extra stamina or almost infinite stamina is to run and jump as you can see if you time that correctly you basically jump along the floor and it takes no stamina most of the time or a little bit of stamina if you do take a couple of steps of the run in there now this is a great way to travel because not only is it quick but it also conserves some of that stamina so that you can do other things such as climb or indeed as you can see there Glide one thing to note with this trick though is that if you do in fact have the glider equipped if you do press space again too quickly you will start gliding and as you can see that does use stamina now I've got double jump which is a perk you can get later in the game and that doesn't affect this because you just basically want to Bunny Hop so you want to jump as soon as you hit the floor and you'll just go fast like that and not use up too much stamina if any at all now I'm not sure if this is an intended feature or not but at the current state of the game which is the first day of releases at s recording into Early Access this is something that you can do and it is very useful for getting around the map nice and quickly because the world map is huge now speaking about gliders gliders are also a fantastic tool for movement in the early game of course for exactly what the name suggests which is of course gliding here but they are also fantastic for movement tools for getting up steeper Hills or mountains now a caveat to this is they don't work on all of them but any sort of like this one you can see just in front of the character here where you've got a bit of grass and a bit of ridges that you could probably jump up to you can kind of jump onto them and if you start to fall down you can of course pull the glider out what this will do is then give you a boost roll forward as you can see when you land there you do get that boost forward of a roll that will allow you to get up to higher places on mountains much more easily and that means you can Traverse some of the higher aspects of the game without having to walk all the way around this doesn't work however on slippery surfaces like mud but if you do have the skill tree perk for the double jump which is just here this actually is really helpful for combining with the glider tactic in order to get up to some really hard to reach Places third thing we're going to talk about here then is don't get caught out and this is going to be referring mainly to combat and your choice of weapons so of course combat is one of the main aspects of the game and when you decide on a main weapon for at least that moment I know I keep switching around with what I want to play I would always recommend that you being both a melee weapon and a ranged weapon with you a lot of the puzzles that you will find in the game will require a ranged hit to activate buttons and for things similar to this so if you are a main weapon melee player definitely bring something ranged for this you can use the bow the staff or the wand but as you can see you will need ammo to cast the staff or the bow however if you cast the wand you can just cast That by having it equipped in your inventry so this is my personal preference also some mobs are much easier to fight with ranged weapons there'll be no spoilers here but you'll be glad that you have a ranged weapon if you do play melee for sure now if you do play ranged as a main thing what I would do is bring a two-handed melee weapon something like a big axe here or one of these big maces these are particularly useful for smashing and breaking through objects much faster than the range weapons are and it's also going to save you ammo if it is a weapon you're using that requires ammo now that does Lead Me nicely onto my next point which is smash absolutely everything smashing objects such as barrels crates Boxes Etc will allow you to find lots of valuable resources and materials and will massively help you with your progression particularly in the early game it's even better when you get to a new area such as a new spire because these spides will contain loot relevant to that area level so if you've just leveled up your flame alter to a new tier which of course unlocks a new area that you can get to in terms of the Shroud on which shrouds you can Traverse then you can get to a new Spire for example if you head into there and start smashing up all of the vases and the NS and that sort of stuff that are inside them then you will get some of the materials when you get to that area that are relevant for it and your next step of progression now this also works for the early game stuff so yes metal scraps which I know is an absolutely huge thing a lot of people have been asking about how do you get metal scraps if you see any sort of metal object destroy them it has a chance to drop the scraps and also specific things such as carts that are made of metal will drop metal scraps for you as well very close to the starting area which is right here on the map next to longke keep you are asked to build a home the first Elixir well that you are told to go to does have a lot of carts around it that are made of metal or have metal objects in if you go ahead and smash these up you will be able to get a decent amount of metal scraps which will probably be enough for your first set of upgrades and then all of the other camps both in the Shroud and not in the Shroud we'll have metal items in that will also drop you some metal scraps now similarly to this you will of course want to pick up everything you see as is the case in most survival games having resources is always good and storage in and shrouded is actually fairly easy to make lots of no spoilers again but later in the game this becomes even better and easier so having lots of resources and materials is going to be great now food in particular is great to get as you can have up to three bonuses active at one time from food so do make the most of this it will increase things like stamina your health your damage Etc now if you can cook the food also do that it will increase the potency of the buff that it provides you want to cook until you hear the first Seer noise and then take it away to avoid burning the food and making tar now these explosive powder balls that you can see on screen now only do 15 damage but these can be crucial early game when you are trying to fight mobs or particularly some of the bosses so if you are finding something particularly difficult to kill these can do a lot of damage to them they also do a decent amount of area damage so particularly early on when the mobs are not as high level these can be really really effective in combat as well as for getting through some of those firm style walls that you can break down with these so that's going to really help until you get yourself a good weapon setup another equipment Advantage you want to be aware of is food is great but it doesn't actually heal you it does just give you Buffs so you can get things like the red mushrooms here which give you plus one intelligence you get things like the honey here which give you stamina recharge but they don't give you health what does give you health however is health potions of course the berries if you find the purple berries which are generally jotted all over the map especially near the starting area these give you health regeneration and also bandages which you'll find in Loot and you are also able to make these These are really really good for healing over time as you can use these before you go into a fight to ensure that you are healing throughout some of that fight and negate some of the damage if you do take any finally especially if you are a melee player one thing you want to be aware of is blocking in this game blocking if you have enough stamina will negate 100% of the damage that you would have received use this to your advantage it is going to be super super helpful and if you do get a perfectly timed block you can of course stun the enemy again making it easier to get that kill now this can be done with two-handed weapons as well you don't hold the shield up obviously unless you have a one-handed weapon but you can just block with a two-handed weapon but you cannot block with a or a bow so bear that in mind you might want a melee weapon to switch out to if the enemies get a bit close for comfort now mob drops is another massive thing in the game mobs that you kill will drop loot when killed which seems pretty simple and is a common theme across most survival games and games of this style but this is particularly useful information in enshrouded as you can Target certain mobs for the resource that you need so for example the skeleton or the Shroud style mobs in the game drop things like burone and salt the animal bear looking ones drop things like animal hide and meat and the Gladiator looking ones which are often labeled as the scavenger areas on the map are great especially in the early game to get scrap metal from because if you do kill them they will drop scrap metal and I assume this is because they've got like scrap metal armor on so this is really really crucial it's a great way to get scrap metal early on after you've destroyed a few things and got that first bit you can take these guys on and you'll be able to get some scrap metal from them so it's great for getting those initial tools and upgrades going now you don't want to miss this a lot of the pois around the map often have lots of valuable loot in them things like secret doors underground caves or Dungeons and a lot of the time will'll have some sort of quest to complete in that area or a quest will take you to those areas a lot of the time these areas also have anvils in them which will allow you to repair your gear while you are out and about in the world of enshrouded without having to go back home to your crafting table this can make your adventure go home for more time and can be very useful when you smash through all of the boxes and barrels that an area has to offer so don't miss out on that one also doesn't cost any materials or resources so certainly make use of it now the next Point here is the power of the flame make as many flame Alters as you can because this will allow you to fast travel to the location in which you build them whenever you are not in the Shroud you can of course make bases with them or just use them as TP areas like I have so far if I open up my map you can see the home base there which is a level three one we also have another home up here level one and we have another home just over here which is another level one and you can just use these to teleport towards as fast travels it's good to have these in advantageous spots either way there isn't much fast travel options nearby or next to things that you might want to go back to such as mines and stuff like that now at the moment at the time of recording this enemies do not attack buildings they only attack the players these will be perfectly safe to leave in the world and you can just travel to them at any point in which you would want to do so if you are in the map screen as well you can see on the middle left hand side here it does actually tell you how many active Alters you have so I have three out of six Active on this world so you can see how many you've built and how many you have left to place so you can adjust these and move them if you want to later on as well but certainly make use of this is a great way to fast travel back to locations especially when they are further away from the fast travels you already have active now finally here I want to talk about the shroud of course we have to mention the Shroud when we're talking about early game tips for and shrouded firstly the Shroud flasks shroud flasks are these bad boys right here the Shroud survival flasks and what you get here is a plus 2 minute maximum to time in the Shroud and this lasts for 45 minutes now this is a really powerful buff but one thing that I got confused about when I first started the game and I've seen a lot of players do is it gives a plus two minutes to the total time so they cannot be used as a fail safe when running low on time while you're already in the Shroud they add to the maximum time and not the current time so use this before you go in to have the extra time so that then you've got the time in there you can't use it once the timer starts to tick down inside it won't give you an extra extra 2 minutes you will however be able to find little glowing red capsules around the shrouded areas that will restore 2 minutes to the time left or your active time rather than to the maximum time so these can be used to make sure that you don't run out of timer left in the Shroud and eventually die so if you are running the take a look around generally in the pois and the builtup types of areas in the Shroud you'll be able to find these now final thing when you're in the Shroud as well you want to make sure you gather the material shroud wood the Shroud juice because you are going to need all of the these things for your upgrade again without any spoilers just make sure you bring back everything that you can because it'll save you going back to gather there specifically at another point now finally if you have stuck with me till the end of the video here a little bonus tip is make sure during combat that you are always backstabbing the enemy where this is possible as it does do bonus damage this is also possible with bows and Magic weapons although it's called backstab if you hit them from behind you still get the bonus damage for this now this is of course much easier in Co-op when the other players are distracting the enemy but you can do things like Dodge roll around or sneak up on enemies to get this burnus damage attributed to you if you are playing solo as well so thank you very much for watching hopefully you have enjoyed make sure you drop me a subscribe if you want to see more and shrouded content let me know any tips and tricks that you think are crucial that I have missed for the early game down below in the comments and drop the video a like if you did find it useful as that really helps out me and the YouTube algorithm other than that thanks for watching and I'll catch you again on a new video very shortly take care and peace
Channel: Invin
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Keywords: Invin, Enshrouded Top 10 ESSENTIAL Early Game Tips & Tricks, Enshrouded, enshrouded tips, enshrouded guide, enshrouded beginners guide, enshrouded tips and tricks, enshrouded tips for new players, best start in enshrouded, enshrouded top 10 tips, enshrouded essential tips, enshrouded gameplayer, enshrouded beginners tips, early game tips for enshrouded, survival game, enshrouded early game, enshrouded metal scraps, how to get metal scraps in enshrouded, enshrouded tricks
Id: 13DogaMOgk0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 25sec (745 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2024
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