Best Enshrouded Movement Build After Patch Changes

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with the first update patch that enshrouded have done to their game movement has been changed significantly in that stamina is now more important than ever and I want to show you guys one of my favorite so-called movement builds in today's video what I'm going to go through is some of my favorite skill points and some Nifty tips and tricks of items and weapons and armor that you can use in order to make the most out of your stamina and movement in this game if you do find this video helpful make sure to drop me a like and a subscribe down below and let's jump straight into into it so first things first there is a few really crucial things to note firstly if we press h and have a look on the top right of my screen here you can see the split between stats that I currently have and you can see that endurance is one of the stats up there this one if we hover over it on the skill tree says that it increases your endurance attribute by one every time you take a point into that perk on the skill tree and it says that that increases stamina by 10 per attribute point so 10 * 10 obviously is 100 and you can actually get more than this depending on what armor you wear now I think the first and most important thing to cover here then is the rested bonus as you can see you can get the rested bonus in the top left of your screen if you do want an in-depth guide on how to maximize this there is a guide on my channel called how to maximize your stamina feel free to give that a watch but basically that's going to be the first way to increase the amount of Maximum stamina that you have in the game which is going to be really important because every time you run you are going to deplete that stamina now looking at the skill tree then there's a few different things that you want here and like I covered briefly at the beginning endurance is one of the main things that I've gone un focused around here but let's start off in this direction on the right hand side from the middle circle we've gone here and we've taken appoint into dexterity now the reason for that is because we wanted Airborne which means that gliders consume 30% less stamina and then of course updraft after this which says pressing the jump button while gliding gives you a small height boost and this skill can be used once per flight now that has a little caveat to it which we're going to touch on in a moment with a certain ring that you can use which means that you can essentially updraft as many times as you want to which is actually really really cool and means you can glide for ages if you have enough stamina now moving back onto the tree we've taken the endurance point above that just to give us more endurance and then we've taken silent stride which means increases your movement speed while sneaking you don't have to take this if you're not somebody that likes to sneak in the game but I am just showing you all of the movement based stuff that I have found now also we've taken over here Lumberjack we've taken Miner we've taken Mason and we've taken quality gear quality gear is not really really relevant but the other three all mean that you're going to take up less stamina when you are collecting resources so that being said that kind of additionally adds to the movement because it means you're going to be able to move about better and it also means if you do get into combat you're going to have some stamina left to be able to block and to be able to fight so this is really important for I thought i' throw those ones in it also means I can go to this endurance nde here so that's another bonus for us we've then obviously started on this side on the Survivor route which is probably the best route for this type of build we've gone for endurance and then we've gone for Runner which is sprinting speed increased by 10% and stamina consumption decreased by 10% pretty good we've then gone for double jump I absolutely love this perk in the game I think it's fantastic it says allow jumping for a second time while Airborne this is absolutely brilliant really great for movement in all types of the puzzles and different areas of the map then another endurance point after that and above that we've gone for wonderlust this one is stamina consumption for sprinting on dirt roads is reduced from 90 to 80% and stamina consumption for sprinting on Stone roads is reduced from 75 to 50% now this is important because you can actually build dirt roads around your base I haven't found a way to build stone roads yet but do let me know in the comments if you have found a way but you can make some dirt roads around your base to make your stamina last even longer if you haven't put things like grappling hook loops and that sort of stuff around we've then gone for good metabolism here this one is where Health mana and stamina orbs restore 30% instead of 10% of the respective resource and mana and health potions restore 20% more is generally pretty helpful but it's to get to the next perks that we wanted which is of course Sweet Tooth now this is the stamina regeneration of sweets is increased by 50% I'm going to touch on food in just a moment's time but this is going to be super super useful we've gone for Rebound here which is next to the good metabolism perk and again this one increases the base stamina regeneration by 50% so it's absolutely fantastic we then go to the top middle for a dexterity point in order to go backwards and get the aroid perk which is stamina consumption while climbing in is reduced by 50% and then we've gone up to the top here to get dessert stomach which is where you gain one additional food slot and again I'm going to touch on food in a little bit more depth in a second but having an extra slot means you can have something that focuses on your attack something that focuses on your health and then we can also have stamina regen as well as endurance gain so this is really really useful and of course an endurance point on the end then we steamed off to the right hand side of this tree a little bit here and we went for Relentless flame this one is maximum time in the Shroud is increased not necessarily good for the movement build although it is Handy to have but we wanted to get across to these ones now calm Spirit again not necessarily directly related to movement but it is very very helpful for when you're going around because wild animals within 50 m will be pacified and less attacked so it's going to give you less obstruction on your movement but the reason we want to get there is to get this other endurance of the flame perk so we also went through the Beast Master oneall which means when you are targeted by an attack wild animals within 50 m will attack the enemy this again particularly in the higher level Zone is actually pretty useful and he's going to mean that you're going to be less hindered when you're going around and if you do get hindered you're going to get back up from some of the wildlife so that's always a good thing but yeah we wanted to get to this endurance of the flame this is where you gain one endurance for every two flame levels or levels of the flame I should say which is really useful because it means every time you level up your flame alter you're going to be getting some additional endurance there which is very nice now as you'll be able to see I am max level in the game and I've obviously cleared most of the content but you can see I still have 25 spare skill tokens this is intentional I've left this kind of free to choose if you wanted to go for a full movement build you can still then add in some damage whether it be down the warrior tree or the wizard tree or the Assassin tree whatever you want to go for and but that is going to be leaving you some points additionally to this which you can use now there is things you could pick up like the sneak attack because we got the movement speed for sneaking which you know some people may like to have and therefore you could offer backstab damage as well or you could go for the merciless attack but those are what I would say are the essential ones any extra points feel free to use in whatever you would like now depending on your play style there is a few options that we have here for armor firstly we've got the deer stalker but it says gloves but I'm actually on the legs here and these give you plus 18 stamina and plus one Sprint speed so if you are wanting a little bit of extra speed these could be a great option you've then also got the deer stock boots now these ones give youus 350 stamina regen delay and plus four stamina regen but I am going to talk about the recommended boots I have in just a moment moving on to the Assassin set we can see that the Assassin trousers give you plus 30% sneak speed so if you do go for that sneaky kind of backstab type approach build this could be really useful for you the boots here just give you mana and stamina regen so if you're going for like a wizard hybrid build this could be really good again giving you the stamina Regen to allow you to run around a lot faster and then we also have the Dead Eye set here trousers here giving you stamina and stamina regen and the boots giving youus 700 stamina regeneration delay and plus three stamina regen so obviously much better now the boots I've got here the hawk boots so these ones give you minus 700 stamina regeneration delay and plus two stamina regeneration now obviously if we look back on the hunter at those dead eyee ones those are a little bit better because they give you plus three but these have to be crafted with padding and yellow Fabric and scales Etc which some of you may not have got access to yet or you might not have the materials for whereas the whereas the hawk boots can actually be looted from chests around the map in the higher level zones these should be fairly easy to get your hands on and definitely do help a lot trousers you could go for something like the Elder trousers personally I've gone for these because they give mana and Mana regen and particularly when we're going to be talking about updraft in a minute before you've got the ring that I'm going to recommend these could be useful but if I'm honest I would probably most likely go back into the Hunter and again go for the de stalker legs to get that extra stamina and some Sprint speed so they' be the best ones I would recommend then in terms of chest plate you do have the hawk chest here which gives you plus 5 Seconds un rested and minus 31% stamina depletion while gliding so if you are going to be someone that wants to Glide for a long time this could be really really useful or you could go back onto the Dead Eye set and just get yourself plus 48 stamina and five rested again it does require the materials to get whereas the hawk chest again can be looted from the chests around the map in the higher tier zones But whichever you can get your hands on it's kind of up to you how you want to make that work with your gameplay but either of those are good now one really important thing here is the ring of rapacity now this one gives youus 20 Mana but it does give you plus 20 Mana regeneration this is really good because you can actually stack this twice so this means when you're gliding if you're going to use updraft you can continuously use this now this is of course my recommended and best option and I'm going to show you how this works in just a moment but just to cover another ring while we're here if you do want more stamina and stamina regen you can as well get the ring of stamina now this one will just mean you can run for longer and when you do run out of stamina or get lower on stamina and need to regen it's going to go back up a lot faster but if I just show you here I'll just quickly run around my base a little bit just to give you a quick little idea of this if you watch my stamina bar just to the left of my character if we stop running and about a second later it's fully Regen to the top there so it's very very quick stamina regen with this build and that is with the two rings of rapidity on and I'm going to show you how these work right now so we've just gone to the nearest Shrine to my house which is the springlands Fast Travel and we're simply just going to double jump off here and glide and if you have a little look at my stamina bar it's really not going down very fast at all we're able to Glide around here and then if if we press the jump button the space button there we can get updraft which means that we can get some height on that now we obviously if you keep an eye on my Mana in the top left hand corner if we just do this again you can see it uses up all of that really fast but then it Regens super super quickly so these rings are very very good now another tip that goes hand in hand with this is pressing the cancel button and then spamming space to Reg Glide and using updraft again this can drop you a bit of height but then you get some of it back with the updraft so if you are near to a location like this and you feel like you might not quite reach it can drop a little bit get some distance down and then get the height back I think it gives you just a little bit more than what you lost so it's not going to give you masses more height but it will give you some advantage over regularly just using it once now I do just want to show you with the Rings here as well what we can do so if we actually let's use a shroud meteor here this one's going to take up quite a bit of mana and just watch the Mana regen in the top left how fast this is that is insane with both these Rings it's very very quick and also just to show you guys what my Mana actually is if we have a look at all details here you can see that I only actually have 140 Mana so this is by no means a Mana orientated or wizard style build so if you actually have some more this is going to be super super useful now I did find out how to get this ring from watching another creators video there's been a few people posted videos about it the one I watched was from MIM so big shout out to him I'll leave that video Linked In the description essentially what you want to do is head over to the Spire up at the top here in Revel Woods fast travel and go down to just next to where this Flame is Willow Crush so once you get to the Fast Travel Shrine you want to head Southwest if you are going to Glide in pretty much Glide just towards the left hand side of this enshrouded Rift in the middle and what you will see just to your right if the sun wasn't directly in our eyes is that sort of Misty bridge and we want to be landing just to the side of this here and essentially we're going to go straight up this if you have got the ghost glider you can land where I just did pretty comfortably if you haven't you might have to land further over that side and come across this bridge here but you will see where we are on the map now is basically just underneath where Willow crush is right here and what we want to do is head over to this location where you can see you can mine the floor and you want to just mine down a couple of times two or three sort of hits there and you will see that there is a search thing here so we can go ahead and loot this and you always guaranteed get this ring from this location you can then go ahead and quit to May menu if you want in order to get this ring if you want to reset and go again so you can get two of them and double equip it like I have all right so finally here we want to talk about food food and what food that you want to be using so obviously you would probably want a constitution food whatever this may be the current stage of the game you're at then you will either want a strength for dexterity or an intelligence food again depending what sort of build you're using but because we have the dessert stomach perk this means we can also have an endurance food so this should probably be chomal te which gives you plus five Health regeneration and two endurance If you're sort of early to mid game and once you get to late game and you've unlocked saffron this spice tea gives you plus five endurance this is going to be hugely hugely beneficial and you definitely want to be using this one of your slots any other thing I would recommend is a energy one now remember that sweet stuff so anything that says sweet here and has the candy cane emblem which is the sugar the grilled yuck fruit and the popcorn we get 50% extra with these because of the perks we've taken so again for the fourth slot I would recommend using one of these now it is worth noting that yua fruits are the best the grilled ones because they do last the longest so that's 7 Minutes sugar is five and then the popcorn is less stamina recharge and only 5 minutes so do the grilled J fruits where you can you get these from the cactuses if you harvest them and obviously that's going to give you the most stamina recharge and the most endurance points that you can possibly want to have now it's also worth noting that if you are towards the end of the game and you've got quite far in the progression line for the NPCs once you get the Beehive smoker for the Farmer they will allow you to place down a beehive of your own here which if you pop in sugar and water it will give you honey now honey is is really useful because it is A+ 15 stamina recharge and early on in the game you can get this by just hitting any of the beehives that you find in the trees you can get part way of this build going pretty much as soon as you start the game if you do want to head towards a movement style sort of build so hopefully this video has helped you out and at least giving you some ideas of things and perks you could take for movement some of the best foods you can use and some tips and tricks including the ring and the armors on what you can use to maximize your stamina to increase your movement ability and of course increase your gliding because who doesn't enjoy the gliding especially with the updraft and that really really helpful Mana ring if you have enjoyed the video do drop me a like down below and make sure you subscribe to stay up to date with all of the latest videos we've got tons more and shaling content coming to the channel very shortly so stay tuned for that other than that I will catch you guys again very shortly on my next video take care and [Music] peace
Channel: Invin
Views: 2,280
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Keywords: Invin, Best Enshrouded Movement Build After Patch Changes, enshrouded, enshrewded, enshrowded, enshrouded tips, enshrouded guide, enshrouded movement, enshrouded movement guide, enshrouded movement tips, enshrouded stamina guide, enshrouded stamina tips, how to be faster in enshrouded after the changes, enshrouded update, enshrouded news, enshrouded stamina tips after update, ow To Maximise Your Stamina in Enshrouded, Best Enshrouded Stamina Tips & Tricks, enshrouded gameplay
Id: E-alGG2teSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 53sec (893 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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