Enshrouded 15 Tips & Tricks to Survive Embervale! Enshrouded Beginners Guide!

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what is up everybody Josh here again and today we  have some tips and tricks for you for enshrouded   to help you survive ell let's get into it shall  we first tip is quite self-explanatory but if   you go into the workbench you will see that all  items are repaired so that's how you repair your   items in this game and you may be saying that's  one of the most simplest things that you could   do Josh yeah I'm going to I'm going to kick it  up a notch for you you can go to strength of   flame and see what your flame level is you can  see how many Alters you can have at a time you   want to keep at least one altar available at all  times and we'll show you why as you can see right   here we're on the outside of our altar we're  going to go ahead and craft and make another   alter here with our crafting menu you can make a  flame alter wherever you are make a flame alter   in a workbench keep both of those with the at  all times because there's no weight in this   game you could just carry stuff with the at all  times there are inventory slots and they do get   kind of scarce but you can upgrade them later  on we'll show you that in a tip but keep you at   repair bench and a flame alter and the reason why  is cuz if you're out and about and you don't want   to actually teleport home and then teleport all  the way back or go back to where you're going you   can place a flame alter as long as it allows you  to repair okay now that we're in a place that we   can actually place a flame alter we're going to  place the flame alter down and then we're going   to take our workbench and we're going to just kind  of set it here to the side of it in the grass like   so now you can just repair your stuff on the Fly  and you can pick this up and you can also delete   this if you don't want it still just extinguish  the flame like so it'll take 30 seconds for it to   deactivate and then you just need to make another  flame alter and as you see your flame alter is now   gone you'll have to make you another flame alter  which only requires five stone for you to make   another one and place it wherever you want to or  wherever you can so that's an easy way for you to   repair while you're out and about there is another  way also sometimes when you're out and about and   around the world you'll see little anvils like  this one right here and if you get close to   it you see it says repair all equipment it'll  repair everything for you as well when you're   out and about if you're in pois or dungeons stuff  like that most the time you'll find those located   there the next tip is going to be to tear stuff  down for resources and you could tear things   down like this right here for scrap metal for  example if it looks like it's metal you could   probably tear it down for metal like so and a lot  of times I use my pickaxe it seems like it's one   of the best things to use for tearing down stuff  in this game so you can go around tear up anything   you can and you can see you can pick up wood other  materials like that sometimes you can tear these   down right here and tearing this down will give  you scrap but sometimes it takes forever to tear   some structures or items down and I'm going to  show you one of the best things to do for that   so if you were to take your flame alter and put  it where you're going to tear stuff down as long   as you can build there and then go up to this  piece of item here you can hit e and dismantle   it kind of like you do in valom and you see we  just got some metal scraps from doing so we could   dismantle just about everything in this area this  right here this as well that we can destroy it as well everything could be dismantled in the area  whenever you put a flame alter down so if you   got an area that you're wanting to break a lot of  resources down for materials and you can place a   flame alter Place one down and Destroy stuff with  it and of course when you're done just put out the flame then you can just craft  you another flame alter go to   your next location place it down and  then do the process of dismantling stuff this includes jars tables next thing I'm going to show you  with the flame malters and other things is how   to teleport around and get around easily so say  for example if you want to go back home and empty   your inventory and come back to this location  you can place like a little flame alter down   here and these allow you to teleport back and  forth so if you see not only just flame Alters   but also ancient spires or the huge Towers those  also unlock teleportation as well so you're able   to teleport to the spires for example if you  wanted to go back to your main base you can   fast travel back to your main base hey and then  once you're home you can teleport right back to   where you were before there's no cool down on this  currently and here you are you can just tear this   down and make you another one of these alters  when you need to for Five Stone so that's how   you can fast travel and move around fast on the  map so it might be good to have several Alters   around for example we have a Altra all the way up  here up north we could just fast travel there if   we need to and here we are where we need to be  and of course we can just go straight back home again so that's how you can fast travel with Alters and spires as well there are two major  items that you need in this game to progress you   need a glider and a glider is highly recommended  whenever you can get a glider make one it's   absolutely highly recommended to have one of these  I'm not going to say required but I'd almost say   required grappling hook as well it is required to  actually get to some areas and you just progress   through the story a little bit you will get to  grappling hook and the glider should be able you   should be able to make it quite soon once you  first start playing not only are the gliders   fun but they're also really really good ways to  get around the map so for example if we wanted to   go to the other side of that shroud over there  we could just set there and glide over to that shroud or we could just Glide down to this little  place right here out of the Shroud and then Glide   our next location also keeps you from dying as  you see we just kind of failed there and we fell   down so you can keep from dying if you fall by  accident now you do need shrouded wood to get   the glider and all you have to do is come into  the Shroud here anywhere any tree that's in a   shroud like this usually these trees like here  that look like dead trees I usually get a lot   of shroud wood from those and then you can just  go around and pick up the Shroud wood here and   you can also get it from these trees you're just  not as reliable this really will give you mostly liquid so you're looking for these trees right  here like this right here these are the best to   give crowwood another really smart thing for  you to do is to build you a little gliding   Tower like this in general places we got one  located right here next to our base and this   Tower right here what you could do is you can  go all the way up top we just build it with   some Stone Stone's really easy to get and you  go all the way up top of this Tower here and   then you can jump off and slide for a very very  long time for as long as you have stamina for of course of course if you were to die like I just  did you'll notice that your bag will drop at the   last safe place you were before you were to die  so grab our stuff back here yeah you can make   these towers you can blot over to other areas is  quite easily get you a lot of stamina we'll show   you how to do that see we were able to Glide over  to this other Mountain over here stra across from   the starting area the next thing we'll say is to  upgrade your altar and to also upgrade your flame   as much as you can strengthen your flame once you  got to your altar at your main base you want to   upgrade your altar and the reason why you upgrade  your altar is to extend the building range if you   want to make a really big large city or complex  you want to extend your altar and then actually   you can make things taller like we made our Tower  a little bit taller now we can glide further away   do gardening all that good stuff plenty of room  to build and grow plenty of things is a good idea   also strengthening the flame is a good idea as  well it does require some mats so you have to   progress through the game to get these mats to do  so but once you get the chance to do so you don't   want to pass this up you can increase the amount  of alars you have with the flame level you can   also increase your character's attribute bonuses  as well as their passage level so you could go   through more dangerous shroud areas as well as  increase your time in the Shroud when you upgrade   your flame so don't forget about your altar or  your flame and also you can reset your skill   points here too if you want to it just costs like  10 runes which is not bad at all next tip is to   unlock these people as quick as you can and these  are progressed through the mission you'll notice   you can go and save somebody from a vault and  that is the carpenter the blacksmith the farmer   the Hunter and The Alchemist and these are the  characters that allow you to craft more advanced   things for example later on you could craft good  health potions with The Alchemist as well as your   heel channels and all your Fireball lightning and  all that good stuff as well as shroud cores you   can actually produce those yourself the hunter is  going to be very valuable because it can unlock   the backpacks and that's what we're going to show  you is the backpacks is something you can unlock   with the hunter you have to have him sheltered  and you can get these small and medium backpacks   with unlocks just get you some Dro fur and linen  or all these items right here basically it's just   like other games that if you get the items you can  unlock what to do or what to craft and these are   quite valuable because you can get 16 slots with  the medium one and I'm sure there's probably a one   later on we haven't Advanced completely through  the playthrough and of course the farmer unlocks   farming which makes you seabed where you can make  make all kinds of seedlings to grow whatever you   want and you can also make Farm soil and then  you can kind of be like us and make you some seed   Benes or beds here this is where you can make your  seedlings so basically you just choose your recipe   on the right hand side choose what you want to  make and then you can make that seedling and then   you can grow crops just like this in Farm soil  just put the seedling on your bar and then you   can left click and it will grow if it's blue that  means you can place it there and it'll be just fine like so of course the blacksmith unlocks the  forge smelter and charcoal kill they can also make   nails for you out of metal scraps and all kinds  of weapons and swords lockpicks as well you can   also make the rake which lets you smooth out  ground and some pretty decent melee sets the   carpenter will let you craft the T saw which  is used for making planks and stuff like that   they'll also be able to make the advanced glider  and the improved grappling hook as well when you   get to that stage in the game and they also have  one of my favorite storage items the magic chest   and the magic chest can be make with a carpenter  it does require a shroud core and small chest for   the small one and a medium chest Shrout core and  goo for the medium ones these magic chests are an   improved storage option with enhanced capacity  and they also use the stored items for crafting   anytime you're within the base so you could craft  anywhere within the base have these boxes filled   with resources for example you can see these  little magical boxes here we have those for the   resource bins these are for the do that we have  resources that we need basically anytime we need   these resources in here and we're within our flame  Circle we can use these mats that's in these boxes   the magical ones to craft so as you can see there  is absolutely no mats in my inventory like that   but I could come over here to the crafting bench  and make all kinds of things that's because these   mats are in magical boxes and you don't have to  have them in your inventory anymore to craft from   them so it's really neat to actually get that  unlocked so definitely get the the carpenter   so building in this game is actually quite fun  and immersive I really like the way that you   can build in this game you can use these little  luminescent blocks here they will light your base   up blue but you can make luminescent blocks with  luminescent materials that you find around in the   world and you can actually light up your base  quite a bit like that with some free lighting   and you can use different designs you could do  Square by square building in this game but we're   going to give you some building tips for one the  luminescent blocks that are tons of lighting at   night of course to build you're going to need  a building or construction hammer and once you   have the construction hammer out all you got to  do is hit tab to enter the building mode and then   you can hold alt and that will change you from  the different options from 1 meter to 4 meter   and roofs and terrain as well you can shape the  terrain and all that good stuff one thing I will   note is that you can go up to this single block  here and we're going to select the very first one   and instead of left clicking if you right click  it'll actually delete that one square block of   terrain around you and then I'll make it where  you could perfectly put blocks into the terrain   and make you be able to perfectly shape the ground  like that that is one building tip and of course   you can place blocks one square at a time like  this and we've made a little bit of a underground   base here just kind of show you what you can build  build there's some pretty neat things right here   that you can build these are bone blocks like this  and this is a our starts of our underground little   Cavern here we're going to have so pretty neat so  yes that means that you can terraform the ground   of course if you use your pickaxe your pickaxe  will have that little blue circle on your pickaxe   and wherever you're pointing that Circle at you  will take a chunk out of the ground or resource   that you're Gathering and also for now now it kind  of seems like there is no structure Integrity so   you don't actually have to have like pillars and  stuff in your base that very well may change in   the future but for now you can see that there  pretty much is no support for that stone we did   put little pillars in just really for effect but  we do not need these pillars so of course digging   holes in the ground actually can work to your  advantage if you want them to for example if you   wanted to sit here and just kind of easily kill a  boss you know take a hole in the ground shoot at it kill it pretty easily you know all that good stuff they may patch that later on but uh you can  use the world to your advantage always bring your   pickaxe so let's talk a little bit about food and  stuff like that so you can cook in this game and   eat you don't have to have food to survive or  water but there actually is food and water in   the game and the reason for food and water is very  similar to valom with a three food buff system so   you get three food Buffs in this game and here's  just a few examples of food buff here's one that   gives you Constitution strength water will give  you endurance and stamina recharge water is really   nice free health regeneration with strawberries  and so on so if we were to say for example drink   some water you're going to notice in the top left  next to our rested buff there is some water there   now and you can actually see that status effect  if you go to your character and click on status   details we get plus one endurance and plus two  stamina recharge and this is where you can see   your active Buffs debuffs all that good stuff  we're going to go ahead and eat us a HP buff   and then we'll just eat a we'll eat some nuts  as well and you'll see that in our character   slot we have all three of these food slots now  filled so food gives you Buffs don't forget to   make food and gather water out of Wells when ever  you see those water is very valuable especially   for making potions later on if you see water get  water every single time you see it if you're at   the main building place like we are where you  first start out you'll see here in Long keep   there's a place called long keep right here and  there's a water well over here and you could just   go up to the water well and hit e and it'll scoop  you out five water at a time just every once in a   while the pois usually seem like they respawn  every 1 to two hours so whenever they respawn   go back over and get you some water and you can  make a run out of it too if you wanted to going   to different locations and towns there's all kinds  of foods and ingredients in this game you can see   there's a bunch of raw meats and cook Meats we got  some beets here it gives dexterity buff foods will   give you different stuff purple berries which are  everywhere you'll see little bushes around with   purple berries in them that's plus two Health  regeneration for 30 seconds which is good for   healing up honey being one of my personal favorite  look at that plus 15 stamina recharge really good   to actually have honey on you at all times and of  course you can also get food by killing animals as   well right here is the purple berry bushes that  I mentioned they're quite easy to get here's   your mushroom food is around everywhere pretty  much you can also kill rabbits for food and this   rabbit gave us some raw Le meat so now you have  some meat let's go cook it once you get your meat   what you're going to have to do is put it on your  very last Bar number eight of your bar here and   you can actually switch bars here I don't know  if people know this you can hit alt and it will   switch from one bar to another you can have two  full bars which is really neat to have as well but   once you have that on your bar go to your little  cooking station here and then you're going to hit   eight that's going to bring up an option to cook  this raw meat for this wolf meat and we're going   to hold left click and you're going to watch it  until it changes a collar like that and that's   done if you were to actually sit there and hold  it for too long after that animation that's done that's burnt and you'll notice burnt burnts quite  easy to notice you'll get tar from doing that so   that's the buff foods that you can see in the  top left corner of your screen and all there's   tons of different buff Foods in this game  just experiment with whatever stats you use   use intellect you're a magic user if you use  strength and HP you're probably like a Melee   character or tank or something but next one's  going to be a quick one it's going to be quite   easy you can actually rightclick and create  markers and there's quite a limited selection   of markers hopefully this will change since this  is an early access currently but you could left   click so if you find like for example clay or any  other resource like that I've got a few different   places here marked this is another resources I  got some of the resources marked with bags as   well so you can Mark things on the map whatever  you want red markers for me are resources you   can also right click on the map and set you a  waypoint as well and that Waypoint you will be   able to see in your compass up top next thing I'm  going to touch on real shortly is rested you can   get rested up there quite a bit rested actually  is increased with different items that you place   around trophies your tables lights stuff like that  will give you rested any kind of decorations a lot   of them will give you rested if you use those  we're going to just go into the workbench here   and I'll show you the table table gives a comfort  so it gives a comfort one comfort for the table   table and then for this one you're going to see  two for the hear a stool will give you one VES   will give you one some lights and illumination  will give you comfort this candle will give you   two and right here is the luminescent block we  were using that's the Blue Block that you see   right there on the ground and stuff like that  and of course once you get the carpenter you'll   be able to make great tables which will give you  much more Comfort see these tables are much better   for Comfort even toilets bathtubs sinks give you  comfort so just put stuff together to get as much   comfort as you can for example this Throne will  give you five Comfort if you want to put it down   this clay fireplace plus three so you definitely  want to build the best furniture you can around   in your base because it looks cool plus it also  gives you comfort and gives you plenty of your   rested course to achieve rested you have to have  shelter you have to be warm and you have to have   some comfort and we do we have level 23 Comfort  here and comfort doesn't seem like it's just for   a single area it's pretty much just for the base  so our comfort is 25 the next thing I'm going to   show you really quick it's really cool you don't  need everybody if you have two people on the   server or on your single player you have a friend  playing with you or something like that and it's   dark outside which it is right here you actually  do not need everybody to sleep to advance time   so if your friend jumps in bed you'll see it the  speed's going by by 30 times of course both of us   in bed it would be 60 times but time is actually  being being Advanced outside right now as we speak oh look and now it's daytime so you can  actually sleep if your friends are out and   about or out in the world or something like  that and you're back at base maybe crafting   or doing whatever you're doing you can go  ahead and sleep for them and you can make   it daytime which is awesome I really love this  mechanic of this game also if you're noticing   in caves and stuff like that that it sounds  really loud whenever you're mining I like this there is an option that you could turn off  that may help a little bit with that turning off   Dynamic Reverb in your sound options will  probably help with a little bit of that RB and make that sound a little bit [Music]  better this is going to be totally preferen   of course but we kind of noticed it was a little  loud so we turned it off seemed like it a little   better on our ears and last thing we want to talk  a little bit just briefly about the skills here   there's a lot of skills and there's going to  be a lot of sections you can go into and you   can see them all whenever you get to your skills  menu now one thing I will say that I really like   is this double jump it let you double jump into  the air let you go airborne and of course I'm a   tank so I like the jump attack as well does the  AOE and I'm also quite into tanking which arch   nemesis and Nemesis will let you draw enemies  near you if you're a tank I haven't really   played around a lot with the talents and stuff  like that but a lot of them seem like they're   quite true to their trees there are a few other  exceptions I will say all around you'll see that   there are little bubbles right here like strength  this will give you one point of strength if you   were to spend a point into this right here same  thing for here you'll see endurance endurance   these little tiny circles right here are your  ATT attributes over here and you'll see that we   have our attributes listed right here just kind  of keep that in mind whenever you're unlocking   your trees that these are your attributes and you  need to spend your attributes wisely and that's   it for this video don't forget if you like what  you see to like comment subscribe and all that   good stuff subscribing will get you more in  shrouded videos just like this one we'll be   having content videos coming out throughout the  whole Early Access release of ined look forward   to that also we will be streaming in shrouded  as well for the foreseeable future on Saturdays   forward to that also if you have any questions  about the game or where resources are anything   that we can help you with with ins shrouded  comment down below either myself or somebody   within the community will answer them for you  and hopefully we'll see you next time peace
Channel: Late_Night_Stream
Views: 16,262
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Keywords: enshrouded tips and tricks, enshrouded, enshrouded gameplay, enshrouded game, survival game, enshrouded lets play, enshrouded pc game, enshrouded base building, lets play, enshrouded video game, enshrouded pc gameplay, enshrouded - building & terraforming gameplay, best new open world survival games, new survival games 2024, enshrouded guide, enshrouded beginners guide, enshrouded gameplay guide, enshrouded gameplay pc, enshrouded building guide, enshrouded gameplay building
Id: YpZeCgU2_VI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 46sec (1426 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2024
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