I built a BEAUTIFUL Manor in Enshrouded, let’s have a look!

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what's going on everybody in today's video I wanted to show you my submission for The enshrouded Architects of Wonder build competition so without further Ado I present to you rivel Wood Manor all right so I wanted to go ahead and kind of get started down at the very beginning of the pathwork um so as you can see here I plan on actually adding in some more uh builds around the manor um I think my next idea is some kind of I would say maybe what is it called um it's not a garden greenhouse that's what it is I want to come up with some kind of fantasy Greenhouse had a brain fart there but yeah so that's what I'm kind of thinking about is down in this particular area where it's a little bit flat thought it would look very very nice especially up underneath this big tree and kind of just keeping some of the foliage that was already here um and just adding that in and kind of working my way all the way down to the bottom of this mountain so anyways um so moving on up the pathway I added quite a bit of fencing and some uh plants some uh nice Firefly uh Globes and all that and then moving on up to the very top around this tree CU I really wanted to keep that in here is where you can start to see the house I went really heavy on the foliage um and before we go on into the inside cuz that's where I did a lot of the detailing I wanted to walk around the outside first so let's do that what we're going to do is start down this Direction first um add in a nice little fire pit area and I mean just look at the view you got the mountains you got the spires uh the rebel wood spire and the Springland Spire so yeah I absolutely just love this location and this little bit of fire pit moving on further down this pathway kind of branches off in multiple directions this is where I place the garden so you can see here on the back side we have some plants and crops and all that planted here and then on this lower tier we also have again including the trees and all that some more plants so went ahead and added some seed beds and the well moving on that direction will take us to the bottom of the house but we're not going to go there yet um so moving back up you can see we're going to go right up through here and on the back side here I just added a nice table uh coming out of the basement so let's go on around to the front so what drew me to this spot was the view and again the view so I'm hoping one day we can get over there to those mountains cuz I want to make a nice Mountain build anyways so here is the front of the manor and I I just absolutely love it it is heavily detailed heavily foliaged and just overgrown which is the theme behind this build so my idea and the story behind this was that the house was being overran and taken over by uh the revwood forest and the first NPC to move in would be the carpenter so he could actually start to restore this Manor yet uh keeping all the natural foliage and and the overgrowth um active so that's exactly what I did and then I slowly started bringing in the NPC so let's go ahead and head on in so up here we have some nice plants and we have a nice bench and all that just a little bit of outside decoration so let's go ahead and move on in this is where I'm most proud I added so much detail and um so yeah that's what we're going to do let me go ahead and zoom in on my character a little bit and there we go so let's close this door Perfect all right so here we are at the main entrance so we have our downstairs we have our main level we're going to stay on the main level work our way up and then we'll go down to the downstairs so we have this nice little uh landing area over here is our our living room um a little bit of backstory on this build so I had it completely done getting ready to submit it into the build competition and then my game corrupted I lost the whole entire world I lost everything and needless to say I went into a straight panic attack it was you I've had been working on this build for three and a half weeks I have probably over a 100 hours into this build so needless to say I was freaking out and this was 2 days before the submission was due after anything and everything I could do I happened to stumble across an in shrouded file on my desktop and lo and behold it was a backup of my world so um I uh lost half of the build the structure was here but everything that I had done on the interior all the decorations was completely gone so I had to look back at some screenshots that I had taken um updating some friends and stuff of the build and uh kind of look back at it and just remember what I did and and and how things were so it's not exactly like it used to be um but it's as close as it's going to get so uh that's a little uh story as to why when I posted everything on Twitter that I had a major panic attack that is exactly what happened so anyways so as you can see here I decided to take the dirt um blocks and everything and just add like vines in a way that you know the the like I said that the story of the house was was being overgrown so um that's exactly what you kind of see here is the vines kind of just growing up into you got plants still popping out of the floor and everything like that moving on into here I added a bathroom again nothing too special some plants it's small but quaint so moving on down we're going to go ahead and go down this hallway so I added some nice arches again with the vines you'll see that throughout this build the further up we go the less you'll see kind kind of makes sense but um yeah so materials that we also use you'll see we got the highly polished Stone we have the uh palmwood we got some uh Flintstone I think I use like four or five different types of material in this build and they just mesh very well together we use the fancy Stone as well so let's go down in here this is probably one of my most favorite rooms and this is the dining room it just looks homey while being overgrown I know that's weird sounds weird but that's exactly what I think it feels like so moving on across we have the kitchen so the original kitchen was similar to what I have over here on the right hand side the left hand side is different and I actually like the newer remake of the kitchen a whole lot better so this is the kitchen again you got nice view out the windows got some clutter uh you'll see a lot of clutter throughout this build and again the vines moving on down we have our uh writing room or drawing room however you want to call it uh I did plant a big tree on the outside it kind of grew in but it really and truly kind of just fits the theme of the house so got two different looks we got uh the look to the uh fireplace which I absolutely love this fireplace it turned out fantastic got some nice books and then you have another little sit in area where you can look out the window along with some plants so I think it turned out really really nice all right staying on the first floor the last part of the first floor is going to be our library so yes we have a library we have tons of books it's dark it's you know probably not ideal for reading but you know I love it I think it looks absolutely awesome so we have our library all right so let's go ahead and move on up so we have our nice little spiral staircase the tower that you saw out front of the house and that you also saw in the thumbnail and some of the screenshots the main part of that Tower is going to be all of our stairs except for the basement so keep that in mind as we're going one of the uh cool features about this was like a almost a tree in the original build uh before I you know the game crashed this looked so much different it looked better than this I couldn't replicate it but uh I really think that this turned out really cool idea again was the tree growing up uh out of this side of the house uh or it was already here and it just the roots were just taking hold and then um using the branches or vines or whatever coming off of it to actually hold the uh Firefly chandelier so thought that was really cool but this is kind of like the the bar lounge area I would say of the of the manor uh got a nice bar here very minimal decorating on it uh but we do have some tables a nice fireplace again a little uh area where you can sit up underneath here the storage which is what this is I thought this would be a nice room for like some barrels and and whatnot the tap room almost and then on the outside here you can actually sit out here and again another great view all around this build moving B back on into the inside here we'll go down the hallway and out this door we have a nice little balcony covered just a nice little sitting area not too bad and then our first room we're going to go to the right and this is going to be our blacksmith's room so I know it's not a traditional like blacksmith being outside yes it's in the house um probably dirty but uh I wanted to include all the NPCs in here cuz this is a base that I'll be using uh as I'm playing through the game um so we got a bed we got our smelters again a fireplace you'll see fireplaces in almost every single NPC's room uh our Forge and all the upgrades and again some Vines so I thought this turned out really really nice moving across the hall hallway and here is our Carpenter so again we have a nice little area he does not have a fireplace um but he's got a view just looking out there so I I decided to put a chair right here in front of this workbench and I thought that would be really really nice place for that got a couple table saws we got some kils and another workbench over there and some books you never know trying to hold its craft moving on down the hallway yes it's down the hall we have hallway we kind of have some guest bedrooms and we have like this little sitting area with a fireplace um and and obviously the vines growing everywhere but I thought this turned out really really nice in here is a bathroom it's very very plain nothing no decorations or anything in there and then on the very end we have a couple bedrooms on either side just like that all right so let's continue back down the build so let's go right on up the stairs and again so now we have a a bigger room of the stairs a little Landing I noticed uh as I was placing this I did not close that Gap in but that's okay it is what it is I'll remember next time so we' got a nice little bookshelf put in right here and we're going to continue up the stairs and here is our Alchemist bedroom uh it's small it's quaint but I like it his laboratory however is right up here at the very top of the tower and again there's no Vines up here cuz I don't think Vines would be growing quite this high up um so that's why we're not really seeing them you know it it they it could potentially happen I don't know let me know your thoughts down below do you think binds would grow up this high or not so uh but yeah this is a nice little laboratory everything's up here uh there's rooms for some plants some potted plants and all that which I could have added maybe some bookshelves um but again you know it was done and then I lost it so let's move right back on down to the next level here wait did we miss something I think we missed something it's not a bookshelf it's a secret door so this goes into the attic so um my idea behind this room um was uh a scene from Indiana Jones where they were putting um all the crates up in the big Warehouse so that was my idea and my thought behind this and just basically have a bunch of clutter where all the decorations that I've used in the house would potentially be kept and um they could uh come and grab the MS need it's um that's really what this area is I you know just bunch of barrels I thought it was kind of a cool idea and then there's a door uh not much in here again um I had it fully decorated but you know it is what it is so but you got views you got Windows which is you know is nice and some of the uh the roof uh grass and all that growing in I thought that was a really cool ideas to put this put this hidden Attic in so let's continue on down the build and I think we need to head head on down into the basement yes we do so down in the basement here we are so you'll see more Vines more plants and all that down here I use the Firefly lamps as well to kind of bring the outside in uh with the fireflies flying around it so down here at the bottom of the landing we have just a little sitting area this is going to be where the farmer is located down here in this area uh another little sitting area I thought it was really nice and then in here is the farmer's bedroom I think is outside at this moment probably looking at some plants who knows but uh again a nice little fireplace here nice little cozy bed it's shorter ceilings but I think it turned out really really well moving on down a little Library area this is where the flame Altar for the house is located uh I thought it was a good little spot it's where I originally had put it when I started the build but um I never ended up moving it cuz I just didn't want to so anytime you spawn into the house you're in the basement uh and over here in this door we have The Farmer's bedroom it's again very low got the vines but it's nice and cozy and then over here on this side we have storage and lots of it it's not filled but you have storage so anyways let's go ahead and like I said let's move on into the outside here here is where we came earlier uh it looks like the farmer is not here at this time but this is again the little balcony and the porch and all that moving on down and the last NPC again another little secret door here we're going to go even further underground and here is the huntress little laboratory and workshop and all that I thought it was really really cool being underground got tree limbs and all that growing in to it I just really like this little area and then the last part of this opening up this door and we're going to head into her bedroom so here is the huntress bedroom uh it's so many different levels in this house I really just really love this Manor um it's such a a beautiful place and uh I had a lot of lot of fun building this uh again she's got her own little porch area little balcony and it's all tied back into where the farm and all that is so uh as the evening is rolling around all of our lamps are starting to glow and lighting this place up it does look really good at night um but that is the tour of rebelwood Manor so I do hope you guys thoroughly enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed building it um I I am going to be doing some more builds uh very very soon um after this competition I just need a little bit of a break but I will be back with the next build um I don't know if it's going to be a true build video it's probably going to be another tour cuz it's just I find it very hard to do building true building videos in in Shon but um obviously some smaller ones I will do that uh but these larger builds most likely will be house to button anyways guys I do hope you thoroughly enjoyed it please be sure to hit the uh the like button and make sure you are subscribed to the channel and we will see you in the next video again take care guys bye-bye
Channel: TheBasicBuilder
Views: 28,818
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Enshrouded
Id: UhWF6jKhe24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 48sec (1128 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2024
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