Restoring GLENNWOODS END Back To Its Former Glory In ENSHROUDED!

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unshrouded is an awesome survival RPG game with an even more awesome build system the world of unshrouded is entirely voxel based and what that basically means is that the entire world is made up of blocks similar to 7 Days to Die cube world or Minecraft all the building dungeons shroud lands and even the train is all block based this means we can build literally wherever we want provided we are inside the build area of a flame alter what's going on everybody Sharpie 360 here and welcome to the Epic tale of how I restore glenwoods and back to its former [Music] [Music] glory so in ined a flame alter allows us to build in Ember rail yes it would be nice to not have to worry about a build area but in a world where the world chunks reset every 30 minutes you're going to want something that prevents your build from being reset for the most part you can place a flame alter wherever you want opening countless possibilities now one of the cool things you can do with the flame alter is drop its smack dab in the middle of an enemy base or POI chances are you'll need to clear out a safe area beforehand but once the baddies are gone you can drop the flame alter and now you effectively taken over their base this is a cool concept for a multitude of reasons and when exploring the revelwood the other night I stumbled across a quaint little town that had gotten taken over by the void or at least that's what I call scavengers the name of this town was glenwoods end and it got me thinking this place is an awesome POI and I wanted as my base but first I needed to take care of the Void clan that had taken up quarters and so began the Hack and Slash [Music] a h soon after the scabs were cleared out and I was ready to drop a flame alter and make it home this place was great it was massive had a good Ambiance and location and an overall layout was dope but I felt off like something was incomplete glenwoods end had clearly seen better days before the void forcibly moved in but now it was a shell of its former self the buildings were falling apart and roofs caving in rubble and debris littered the streets and walkways some pests inhabited a couple of nooks and crannies throughout the town still and corpses of the Fallen towns folk remain scattered across the grounds and walls as a constant warning of the threat that once loomed overhead but with the threat now gone there was nothing stopping glenwoods end from being restored back to its former glory before I could go any further I wanted to see how much space a 160x 160x 160 block build area would give me to work with so the first step was leveling up the flame alter now the flame was already level four but each alter needs to have its build area upgraded each time one is placed dropping in some shroud cores would reveal just how much room I had to work with in relation to the size of the town and surprisingly it was just about the right size the initial alter placement did not fully Encompass the full POI so a few repositionings later would have everything enclosed in the build area with the build area sorted it was now time to start cleaning up the place before any real repairs or rebuilding began I needed to see just how bad the damage was and boy was it bad in some areas for instance the tower was basically destroyed halfway up the second floor the Great Hall was in shambles and the floors and walls were busted out and broken in every direction you looked the keep was the worst off of all the buildings with more surfaces busted and broken than in order starting at the flame alar and working through the Great Hall and around the front entrance and walkways to the South this seemed like a good spot to tackle first but looking around as I went I realized this was going to be a mission for sure undeterred I kept at it and made a few additional pickaxes to increase my efforts uninterrupted swinging way in clearing the rubble proved to be quite easy actually and honestly kind of relaxing and satisfying being that the rubble acted more like a Terrain than anything else it was easily removable from wood flooring and walls without causing any damage to the structures themselves at this point my only hindrance was waiting for my stamina bar to refill one of the benefits from taking over an existing POI versus building one from scratch is the greatly boosted Comfort level an existing POI can have from the get-go Comfort is a major part of your rested bonus and affects your stamina levels so having a level 30 Comfort resting spot was ideal hours of rubble clearing and I was finally able to assess the full scale of the damage in the area I was working I could safely assume the rest of the buildings in the surrounding areas would be just as damaged as this if not far worse and I was not wrong but the important thing was that I was making progress at this point I started considering what materials I was going to need in order to start fixing up and reconstructing these buildings in hindsight I should have considered this before even placing a flame alter let alone clearing Rubble but luckily the stonework of the town all consisted of the same fairly common material blint stone blint stone is very common across the springlands and could be easily mined and crafted into building blocks so that was good among the other materials that would also be needed was brick shingles and plant fiber Roofing half timbered and refined wood and of course all the materials needed to craft the furniture and interior Decor that was disheveled or had been destroyed the Interiors were just as bad as the outside was another large task unaccounted for at first so with plenty of construction Block in hand and a long list of scary interesting videos queued great Channel go check them out I began the rebuild working in the same pattern in which I cleared the rubble I started patching up the ground and walls in the Great Hall inside and around the steps and Foundations had huge chunks of block missing from what seemed to be explosions these holes and large gaps seemed like the most logical place to start getting the majority of large spaces filled and in some cases leaving Hollow was not just simply a case of fill in and make Square I observed a lot of the structures pre-existing layout and architecture to best recreate what would have been there in the first place some areas were more obvious on what needed to happen but some of the walls and areas had certain patterns and design choices that I needed to do my best to recreate for instance the courtyard was recessed with ducks underneath the Great Hall every so often the trim and borders of certain walls and roofs around windows the style of the stairs and railings and edges the pattern of the castle for the tower and other major walls inside the flooring would be blown apart and fragmented with holes and gaps and the same goes for the roofs of almost all the buildings as well this place was truly in disarray but I was working to fix that mainly focused on the Great Hall and surrounding area in the beginning it was now time to shift Focus to the Courtyard the bridge connecting the tower in the Great Hall and the tower itself working from the ground up as usual the courtyard was first this was basically a giant mud pit with a couple of small trees and splotches of grass mixed in definitely not suitable for the glory of glenwoods end so some terraforming was in order clearing out the mud and replacing it with the fresh dirt and grass instantly changed the vibe and the feel of the Courtyard area a great start along with the mud there was a considerable amount of damage still remaining at both the Great Hall and the tower building as I was saving this area to do together fresh dirt and rebuilt foundations brought the courtyard up to par next it was the bridge directly above simple enough of a rebuild but the main item of focus for this was making sure the hanging Banner remained intact current ently we cannot craft banners or wall decorations other than the trophies so I made sure to save as much hanging Decor throughout the town as possible quick enough the bridge was finished and it was time to rebuild the tower the tower was destroyed from what I could only guess was the halfway point so in restoring the town the tower would need to be fully rebuilt as well looking inside beforehand revealed the inside of the tower was a bit of a mess up to that point but at least there was a couple of Parkour points to help me get up higher before a more permanent solution was employed building up high can always be more difficult because of the added risk in tedium but another great feature of enshrouded build system is that there is no concept of structural stability meaning I can place a floating platform of blocks right here if I wanted or anywhere basically this makes getting around to tricky build areas much easier after a few more hours and lots of frantically smashing the space bar to avoid fall damage I got to a point where it resembled the tower that would have been years ago now it was a matter of getting the outside looking decent and getting the inside functional this Tower would see me return many times to continue improvements readjust layout and lighting and just take in the sights of GE at this point I was up high a lot and was able to gather a good idea of what all needed to be done on some of the other smaller buildings in the areas of the town so from this point on it was a matter of rinse and repeat on all the smaller buildings including the Western House and Garden area and storage houses on both sides of the Town one thing I tried to do as I went was replacing old rusted iron windows with nicer wooden or even Stone window frames once I got each building repaired and looking good it was time to focus on the Interiors this meant any windows I missed getting replaced lighting being placed everywhere cleaning up any leftover debris and then going through and replacing any busted or old furniture with brand new stuff beds tables cabinets cupboards benches bookshelves and anything else I came across not everything needed to be replaced and I ended up keeping a lot of the furniture for The Rustic look it had but a lot of the rooms would need full makeovers and some rooms didn't didn't have any Furnishings to begin with the outside started to look kind of dull and drab after a while of running back and forth between the buildings so another task I started on was getting some Decor colored Place throughout the town too using the flowers available to plant I started building little Stone Planters and areas near the walkways and filling them with flowers the courtyard and grass areas also got planted with a ton of flowers as well and after a few days they bloomed and really brought the town to the next level the final major hurdle for this project was going to be the big and most timec consuming up until this point I haven't talked much about the keep the keep is normally where big birth is scav matron boss is waiting for you with her and her cronies now gone though the restoration could begin a new everything that could possibly be wrong with this build was floors broken roofs non-existent stairs completely removed holes in the stonework and Foundation debris and Bones everywhere and this by far was the most tedious part of the build the sheer scale of the building itself and the amount of work needed on the inside easily made this part take as long as the rest of the Town had so far but I got it done and to spectacular Avail as [Music] well with the keep now finished the remaining tasks were to add any final touches floral and masonry Decor walls and lighting and interior detail to bring the restoration to completion and the last step was to move the town's folk back in when I happened upon P glenwoods end it was overrun broken and on its final breath after many hours over 35,000 building blocks tons of crafting material and countless Mouse clicks I have restored it back to the glory of Might that it once stood as and so without anything further to do I give you Glen Wood's [Music] end [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] spe [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] h [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this project was a lot of fun I had a blast every step of the way and ended up being a lot more involved than I had anticipated but had such an awesome building system and tools to work with that it made this project an absolute Breeze to complete I'm super happy with the results of the restoration and glenwoods end will be my base of operations for the foreseeable future on this server that is until I find my next restoration project location cool so that is going to do it for my restoration of glenwoods and I hope you enjoyed this project and seeing the recreation and restoration of this town brought back to life and Glory if you found this video entertaining at all make sure to hit that like button and possibly subscribe if you're watching over here on Rumble make sure to hit that like button and the follow button and I would greatly appreciate it and I got memberships available if anybody wants to check that out and thanks so much to the channel members for supporting the Channel all right that's going to do it let me know if you want to see more of glenwoods end or a different restoration project in the comment section below and until next time sharp [Music] out a
Channel: Sharpie360
Views: 16,853
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sharpie360, gaming, video games, pc gaming, survival game, crafting game, enshrouded, enshrouded gameplay, enshrouded base building, enshrouded build system, enshrouded building, enshrouded aow, enshrouded architects of wonder, architects of wonder, enshrouded terraforming, flame altar, flintstone, restoration project, enshrouded project, restoration, glennwoods end, scavenger matron, interior design, base building, restoring glennwoods end, back to its former glory, glory, honor
Id: eDxY1GbHtEE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 36sec (1236 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2024
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