Enshrouded: Building a Tiny House on a Rock

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welcome back to unshrouded today I'm building a tiny Rock House on the top of this little mushroom rock structure here in The Nomad Highlands biome uh and the challenge will be to basically stay within the boundaries of this little structure so it'll be super tiny cute little Outpost house for my friend crimson and I we've been doing our playthrough together and by the way check out those episodes if you haven't already we've been having lots of fun and uh we're kind of in need of a nice little Outpost in this area to access all the quests on this half of the map over here uh so this will be just a fun little build challenge for today and my block pallet is going to be the regular stone block the refined stone block refined wood block and the straw block I may add some more uh in that mix there but I think those will be the main ones that can be unlocked in this biome and uh and I think they'll look really nice with the terrain and everything with all the Limestone so I think to start out we're going to try to get to the top of the uh of the structure here going to go ahead and place a ladder down and then let's see climb to the top of it I'm hoping I can kind of just double jump from over here there we go right under the top here and uh there will be two ways to get up here this is going to be the platform for my tiny house and way number one is going to be a a hollow section in the center of the column of the rock here with a little ladder that goes up it and the second way will obviously just be a nice little grapple point that you can quickly uh get up here but we're going to start out by taking the rake make sure it's uh in the flat position here and then we're just going to go ahead and kind of uh level the entire top of this uh this little rock out here just so that we have a nice flat area to work with when it comes to the building here all right so this here is looking pretty good and now we're going to start by creating that little Hollow section here to get up into the house with the ladder so I'm going to go to my building we're going to scroll down to the terrain and we're going to select this little 2 m Cube here and uh we're just going to kind of right click it to remove terrain I'm just going to kind of eyeball the center roughly of this uh of this column here and yeah you can zoom in and out of your character if you wish to uh to make this a little easier I'm thinking right there that looks pretty Central to me and uh we can kind of tweak things uh as we wish but I'm just going to let the blocks kind of do their thing and I don't care that yeah we have a little open section there we'll be we'll be fixing all that uh here soon so I don't have to worry uh too much about that I think let's see one more that should be about where we're wanting to be so now I'm probably going to let's see which way do I want my doorway to be let's remove this one this one this one and that one there we go so that will become our little doorway into the rock face here with a ladder that goes up there and uh and then all of these little uh all these little openings and things we can just take Limestone uh which I'll have to mine some more of but that's just what you get from mining the ground in this area um but yeah I'll just have to take some Limestone and uh we can just really easily fill all that in so that you don't see any uh any of the daylight coming through there um super simple and it'll still look really natural to the Rock colum you can see there that already pretty much filled that section in and uh then we no longer see any daylight here we can kind of do a little bit of tweaking from the inside if we have to but that's already that's already looking good so uh with that now I can go ahead and start taking ladders and let's see here let's grab this and I'm going to put it right like that I think and then again take another one and this will be again the first way of how we're going to get up here I think oh looks like we're going to want to phase that down just a little bit just to make sure all the steps are even so maybe like right there yeah there we go and this should be a wide enough opening yep to go ahead and climb up and uh yeah we're obviously going to need to continue continue the ladders up and uh continue filling in these little gaps here but that will be the first way of getting up and then we'll trim out like a nice little uh nice little round door here almost like a little hobbit house entrance or something at the bottom of the rock there all right so I now have the ladders going all the way up to the top of this little uh this little hole here I still haven't filled in entirely around it but at least we can get up and down now with that I've gone ahead and just put a little floor here this was just the refined stone block and and I've picked out a door I think the polished wooden door will look nice because the edges of it are kind of uh matching that refined stone look so we'll just go ahead and throw that right there and that's already looking really nice I'm just trying to keep it fairly natural and easy uh kind of matching the terrain here and it looks like we fit uh up and down in here just fine uh so yeah with that I'm just going to go ahead and take the single uh terrain block and do some of that out of limestone and I want to kind of just trim around this door in a way that looks uh a way that looks cool thinking kind of coming out here a little bit maybe kind of widening the the base here a little bit and then uh let's see that's kind of in the way there maybe that one too and that one right there nice yeah I'm liking the look of this this so far just again something super simple I want to leave it pretty pretty earthy uh for the time being here and I'm thinking maybe I'll destroy let's see let's go ahead and Destroy like uh this block this block that one and that one and let's see how this would all look being in the refined Stone maybe like there there there and there yeah that kind of gives like a little bit of a step up uh into the doorway there yeah I think this is looking super nice probably would have been a big pain to try to uh dig up from the bottom so I think it was much easier to kind of go down from the top and then just fill in some of the column area assuming I didn't get it super centered there but I actually got it pretty centered like that's uh that's really quite good in terms of where I want the door placement to be and then I'm also just going to go ahead and replace my flame alter basically just adding the new one up here I think that's centered yep that looks like it so that the ladder essentially is like kind of comes out right to the top here and I might raise this top ladder to come out like right at the top of the flame alter section there uh what I might use for the normal floor in the house is the refined wood block and then I might just go ahead and trim out the outside uh perimeter of it with the refined Stone uh but we'll end up seeing how that looks because yeah the refined wood block does look pretty clean so I think I'm just going to kind of come out by by like maybe three on each side like this I think that'll work we could also come back on uh right over here with it this is actually going to be sizable enough to create a tiny house I think I originally wasn't expecting that oh look it also creates the vines on it this is cool I didn't know the refined wood block did that that's nice so yeah we kind of come out like that I think and then this might be like just a little deck or something off the front side so it's really only going to be you know if we uh if we kind of fill in this front uh section here it's really only going to be essentially two of these flame Alters uh long and two of them wide so this is like a perfect square right now and I think when we have the deck done out front and some of the other little uh some of the other little features I think this will kind of start coming together a little more so I've gone ahead and cleaned up this Square so far gone ahead and trimmed out a little closer to the ladder here so it's just a little mini Square here and then I've also uh just gone ahead and raised the ground here just by one block uh just with some of the Limestone to bring it a little closer to the foundation here it just wasn't quite sitting right before so I'm pretty happy with the way it looks now and I think first things first I'm going to go ahead and do a little secret door over here uh right over the ladder portion we're just going to kind of aim to this Edge place place it like that so that when it opens it opens back like that and then uh we can have the little ladder there and it'll probably be open most the time especially if I'm like down at the bottom and I want to get back up cuz I can't open it when I'm on the ladder but uh when I'm up here and I can close it and just have a little more floor space given the small blueprint of the build so with that said I'm just going to start kind of uh outlining a bit more uh when it comes to the floor plan I think I'm going to do a little like jut out in the back here what'll become like a little chimney or something I'm going to go ahead and do the same thing on the side here and then turn off X actually and do one right in the middle like that I'm actually going to kind of make a little I don't know a little bit of like a castle wall or a little castle tower Temple feel to this build just to make it really fit into the environment nicely and I'm also just going to kind of uh start destroying these Corners down and then replacing with the regular stone block so I use the refined stone for these little uh jet out sections and I want to use the regular stone for uh for these just on each corner of the build here and then I want to go back and grab yeah the refin stone again actually I want the refined wood block uh for this and I want to turn X back on I want to do one two and three and four and then one two just like that I want to have sort of like a little wraparound porch out front here just thinking of lots of different ways that I can add a bit of interest uh to the terrain and the the build here given how tiny it is and I'll just go ahead and kind of replace the corners of this porch with the stone just for now uh this at least allows me to see where my Corners are just really clearly and uh that'll make it a little easier to kind of come up with a layout for things and now I think I'm going to go with the let's see the regular stone block I'm going to kind of continue up along the edges over here I want to try and make like a yeah the little castle portion I might want like a little spiral staircase in like a little bottom section and a castle tower that comes up right here with a little ladder in it and a little window maybe at the top and maybe that's also how you get to the second level of the build like a tiny little loft or something um I don't know but I think it'll I think it'll look pretty good so now I'm going to go ahead and let's see let's put one of these here and here like that this will be like a little doorway into there go back to my blueprint and I want the narrow wall here and I want to do it out of the refin stone let's go ahead and turn off X here and zoom into my character a little here set it up and then right down onto the onto the foundation here same thing here one up and then just down that way I've got those there and this will kind of become my little like Spiral Staircase room right here uh I know it's like not really making sense right now but I think it will soon I'm going to go ahead and uh do these out of the refined Stone I'm kind of using like a mixture of the refined Stone and the uh regular Stone I just think it looks so nice and the textures just mesh with each other really well I also really like how the refined Stone like flares out like this it'll make for really cool stairs and interesting textures on the outside look at that forms these little archways and things I just uh I love the column look to it so we'll definitely be using that for the little uh the castle here and let's see let's go up another two right on here and right there and then I think I'm going to start with the spiral staircase here let's let go like out two and then up one and then one there and then maybe let's see over two and then up one like that and one like that uh and then again over two one and one and then over two I don't know maybe this is going to work yeah it's only going to be one block wide but again because of the fact that the top of this refined Stone kind of flares out like that I think this will actually end up working uh in our favor here so I'm going to go ahead and continue filling in in between here cuz this little space down here is going to be unusable I could kind of put a little chest maybe on the outside that's accessible here but uh this is just going to be like a finished uh a finished floor there so we can uh can kind of utilize that space a little more go ahead and put one oops I think one like right yep right there awesome so you can kind of come up here and maybe go on this little like Lookout Point it'll be like a little uh I'll kind of continue this this Tower up with a couple columns on the sides here and then a like one two and same thing over here with again just the regular Stone here one two and then continue these up um something like that maybe the hope is that I can actually walk around in here and actually fit so I can fit in here it's going to be tight but this is a tiny house so a little tiny tower here that'll have like a roof over it and then you can kind of come back down here onto the spiral staircase get down here I can maybe have a little chest in there come back out into the build or continue all the way up the spiral staircase which will then lead to a little floor platform like right up in here let's see see if this will work I think this will something like that comes up to like a little floor here and then I can uh continue sort of a roof ah I can't fit in there so I might need to do this uh this portion of the roof just like a little higher or something uh in fact I think the floor here is just a little too high I'm going to do the floor like a whole block uh lower I think over here and that way I'll be able to stand in that little like this little Tower portion here so here we go I think I'm pretty happy with the way this is everything is still the same as you saw me build it except for the fact that I came out an extra block with the staircase here so it's one block lower right up here it used to be like up there uh for the spiral staircase but I can still fit under here fine and then walk straight out into here where the floor in here is one block lower so that when I take the uh refined Stone and fill in right above here it's uh it's actually allow for some proper little Windows there and I'm not going to get trapped in here I mean it's it's tight it's very tight it's kind of just like the little tiny castle tower uh more for Aesthetics than anything but you know what it does look kind of good and uh we can officially fit in here and uh look out especially if I don't have anything in my hand and I'm kind of zoomed into my character here ends up working out and then you can kind of come back down here so kind of a interesting little staircase I guess and then this can come up to a up here uh and it'll become the full like castle wall section and I'm thinking like a little ladder that goes up this thing and this will be a tower this will be a little castle wall portion that will then continue into the loft of the actual building itself I want to continue these columns on the sides here up to the very top of uh where that is just like that and I'm going to go back to my fine Stone and continue these something like that there we go so we've got a little entryway into there and this is going to become sort of the beginning of the little castle portion of the build and then I can also kind of uh I don't know maybe bring this out a little bit like uh bring these up and then put a little like Castle Spike there and then maybe a little uh see a little something like that on both sides I don't know just kind of free forming doing like an interesting little Temple uh look to the build here so I think what I'm going to do now is uh is begin kind of filling in these wall spaces so I'm going to go back to my back to my little pillars here I'm going to stack two of them on top of each other so like this and then phase it down so there like one and then two essentially so they're eight blocks tall is what I think uh what I think this is going to end up coming out to be there we go something like that and now I'm going to go ahead across the very top of it with the refin stone again and we're going to create our roof line right up here so it's going to kind of continue in like this and then come across the front as well so there we go there 's my little like roof line completed over the square portion of the build now I'm just going to go up my little uh spiral staircase here and we can fill in with a floor up here going to go ahead and enter the building mode Let's go to the 4 M uh ceiling piece select that to be out of the refined wood again and we can just kind of go like one oh we could turn X on again two and three and four just like that and this will be the little Loft portion again it's going to be super super tiny but that actually works cuz you can then come up into the Loft uh with this little staircase here come back down go into the little castle tower come all the way back down into the house portion of the build and I'm thinking yeah a little fireplace over here this could sort of be like a neat little like roasting pit feature I don't know the flame alter there and then uh and then we could have maybe a little kitchen or a little bar right here with a little window with a couple stools at it and then maybe the kitchen sink goes like over here or something it's going to be super super small so now let's start working on maybe a rough uh roof shape there so for the roof of this box section it's going to be pretty simple like I was mentioning we'll just scroll down to the 4 M roof uh and we want this to be out of the targe straw block I'm going to go ahead and rotate this around turn X off and we're not going to do much of an overlap because this is more of like a castle style build so rather than kind of sitting it down in and doing a full roof overlap just going to kind of do it like this for now so we're going to go ahead and put one there and one there and that should yep that does that comes right out to the edge there that looks pretty cool and then for the other side I'm going to do something a little different here we're going to go with the 2 meter pieces and I'm going to go with let's see yeah this this little roof side piece here we're going to go ahead with one right there one right there and then continue those up to the top here and yeah it's looking like we're going to have to destroy the very top block section there uh to get rid of that sort of effect because these are technically a little too big yeah you can see how it's sort of forming this this little pointy section at the top but I think we can literally just take like blocks and take that down on all sides uh yeah just just like that essentially take it down on this side as well and there we go that'll start creating like a nice uh the nice roof beam that we want uh yeah something like just like that and we'll do that kind of all the way across till we have this nice like little straw section here in the meantime though I'm going to start working on this little castle portion here I think I'm going to start by grabbing the refined Stone and bringing these little side portions out by sort of a whole block on both sides uh as well as the back of them so I'm going to place like one and then two same thing over here one and two and then I want to grab the regular stone block and yeah probably place it like that one two and then one two same thing over here this will basically allow me to have like a little area here to walk along and sort of look out and then maybe like a couple in here let's just see me bring it in I'm not quite sure how far to bring it in yet and sort of how to trim out this like little roof section here and make it all look really good but I think in the meantime let's go and do some of these like little window portions um let's see do I want it there yeah I do I want one there and I want one here and then uh this will be a little ladder in here and then I want a solid one see I want to rotate it and put it let's go back up just a little bit and then I put it like right there yeah something like that there and then let's go ahead and grab a ladder and place that that'll work okay so now that we've got the ladder up there let's go back to the regular stone block and I actually or actually yeah the refine stone block and I want to bring this whole section out so 1 2 3 4 and then 1 2 3 4 and do the same thing on the other sides but without bringing it on the very corner so leaving these little Corners blank and this will sort of create the little little castle tower here and this is going to be a little tricky here kind of just look out over the edge there but it's not too difficult like they've actually done a really good job making the snapping and the placement in this game super super straightforward and simple so and I think I'm going to go with let's see something like that maybe yeah that's looking pretty good and then maybe maybe oh let's see I kind of actually like it being like that up all the way around and then maybe um maybe something like that right there yeah that'll work for now and I might uh kind of switch some of these pieces out for the other type of stone and everything but then yeah we can come back down here we've got some little windows on the side come right over here into the Loft and I think this will actually end up working out quite nicely let's go ahead and actually fill in these little portions and then yeah I really am debating if I want to kind of come up with more of like a little castle up in here or like yeah like a little castle section here if I want to do the roof there I think I almost want to come up with some sort of a little castle section there um but before I do I'm going to go ahead and fill in the ends of these these roofs here so let's go with the let's go with the little 2 met stepped wall here have it be out of the regular Stone going rotate that turn off X and I want it to just kind of start stepping up right in here I can go ahead and rotate it again and put it on this side of the wall here and then take just like the little wall piece do like one there and one there for now that should work and that shouldn't be poking through which it's not this is perfect all right awesome and that will fill in that little end I'll do the same thing to this side there we go that's looking nice and I think before I figure out what I want to do up here I'm just going to do a quick little uh quick little check at how the build is looking from down here that is looking awesome all right yeah that's looking really cool I think now I'm going to work on the chimney and for the chimney here I'm going to go with something really compact just large enough to fit one of these little fireplaces here I'm going to start with the regular stone block and I'm just going to build up two blocks high all the way around this little fireplace in the center here and then once I'm done with that I'm going to do the rest the chimney out of the rough Stone block uh I just think it'll look cool it'll kind of uh distinguish itself amongst the rest of the build as a chimney instead of looking like a castle tower so that's kind of why I'm wanting to use the regular Stone which I've been using a lot for all of my chimneys uh so far I'm actually really liking the look of it uh and it just yeah it's kind of simple it's kind of rounded looks really nice for chimneys and then with the rough Stone block I'll just go ahead and continue it up let's see maybe just like that for now I don't need it to be too tall maybe one more of these so I'll get up here and we'll just go ahead and see if I can place it while I'm jumping there we go perfect then what I also wanted to do was destroy the very top layer like this and replace that with the refined Stone uh which I just think creates a really cool looking top to the chimney there yeah that's looking pretty nice nice so now we can kind of start continuing out the walls here I think this very back wall is going to be out of the stone so let's see the very inside is there and then maybe one two yeah something like this so we'll go again with the regular stone block just coming out maybe two on both sides and just sort of continue this up to where the chimney goes just like that that's looking pretty good and now I want to take the refined wood block and just go ahead with a row all the way around the base here uh just kind of in between here I'm not going to do it here just yet cuz I'm not sure where my door placements are going to be for the deck but something like that and then with a refined stone block right on top of it and this is going to create sort of our little uh counter space over here this little bar just because the refined Stone flares out like that for some stools to go with like a little eating area right over here I just think it looks kind of nice so we'll go ahead and start working on the back wall here trying to fill this section in I think I'm going to go ahead and destroy the very corners of this chimney area just to kind of round it tighten it up a little bit and then we'll go ahead with this little wall piece and add in let's see here yeah I think we'll add in one more of these on both sides right there find Stone on the top of those just like so and then we can go ahead and just continue up these Corners there we go so that's how the wall is going to be tied in uh right back in here and then we'll have a little fireplace it's right there a little flame alter sort of as like a centerpiece to the kitchen those walls will continue all the way up and then this will be just open I might end up like arching it in a neat little way I don't know we'll kind of see get some furniture in here but I love the view from right here and then we can also start working on some pillars coming up from the deck that are going to have the second little roof on it and for those we'll just go back to the column here and doing it out of the regular Stone I'm just going to do something let's see for the deck I'm going to go ahead only with uh having them six blocks tall instead of the full eight blocks so we're just going to go six blocks for each of these pillars and now that that's done I'm just going to go ahead and take my regular stone block uh and just create sort of a little roof line on that edge as well as this Edge right here then we can go ahead and take the straw block and go into the blueprint let's see right to the little 2 meter roof section and see turn off X sit one down yeah something like that maybe that'll work and then another one I don't know about to the edge of where that other roof line comes down and then what I wanted to do was grab a let's see an inner roof Corner go ahead and rotate it around and place that one right on there I think that's in the right spot yep so right above that pillar right there it looks like I'll have to continue those up just a little bit let's see here something like that and then rotate it around up there well we'll have to get up there and kind of do some touchups um but that's essentially what I'm wanting to do here and then I'll do the same thing right on this side right there there it is okay and then another one right here I'll go up there and clean this all up so we'll go ahead and just rotate it again and snap that one just like that and now we can get on the top of the roof here and clean that up but that'll be the deck roof there so I kind of like how it sort of uh overlaps in a neat way so going right up up top here uh we can go ahead and just destroy all of the excess here and sometimes it's really easy to just take the 2 m wall block here we can go ahead and just get rid of all of that there we go that one's all cleaned up nicely and then this one here we'll just go ahead and do that there we go so that one's cleaned up and then we can just go to the single roof block and go ahead and continue these all the way in there we go that's looking pretty good just one more right in there perfect beautiful so there's our nice cleaned up roof line and for the deck I think I'm just going to leave it completely open just like that on all the sides we'll go ahead and uh figure out something for railing and this is actually really getting somewhere while I'm down here I'm just going to go ahead and finish up this deck I think for the railing I want to use these uh wooden window frames and I'm just going to go ahead and kind of glitch them into the floor level so that they sit down a little further and they just make for a nice simple railing there and go ahead and rotate them for the sides here so let's see for the sides if they're not quite sitting down like sometimes they'll glitch into the floor sometimes they won't uh so for this we can just kind of go ahead and destroy those and then uh go in place actually let's see going of want to do this one over here go and place a couple of them down just go back to a block and hit Y three times yeah sometimes it'll glitch in and sometimes it won't but this looks like it'll work so there's the deck railing just a little spot to kind of step out of the deck right here and then for the front here I just want to go ahead and kind of continue just a little pillar all the way up to the top there we go this will just kind of break up the linear feel to everything and some archways here just using the refin stone which creates like this little double step uh to create the archway effect and there we go that's looking pretty nice yeah check that out just adds a little more homey feel to this so it's not quite super open but very open because it is a desert build so I don't want it to feel too cramped or closed off or anything so I think that's a lot of what I wanted to do down here before we move on to the decorating stage and the one last thing I wanted to build was just a little tiny tower here which I was just thinking a couple of posts or like four little sides and just like a pointy roof on it so maybe I'll just mess around and do something like that and then show you at the end uh because I think it'll be really easy to kind of replicate but this is what I ended up doing for the top section here I just took the stones and sort of just arched them over uh to sort of give this area a roof and then you can see here that on this little tower that we built earlier I can climb right up here and I built a little tiny wooden beam or Bridge or whatever to then go into a second little uh Lookout Point up here uh just to add some fun playfulness to the build so just a neat little castle add-on there and then I'm thinking this area will probably be good for like a little leant to bedroom area and then uh all the way down here we've obviously got some living room kitchen space and I might just add some little decorations and things outside but I'm really liking the way it's looking as just a little camp or Outpost so let me just get some decorations in and then I'll give you a little uh final showcase and that'll be it for this video all right so I've gone ahead and added some additional details and interior decorations so here is a finished walkthrough of the build we start out by getting up to it which obviously there was one of two ways which was going through this little door and up the ladder or I've also added a little grappling point up onto this Little Rock and then you can get up to this one which is kind of fun there and here is the exterior of the build I've just added a few little plantings a little Barrel I did go ahead and add some roof supports here on the outside of the deck I think it looks really nice little vuka trophy over there and then I've got a little checkered floor here for the porch I just went ahead and alternated the wood with some fine Stone there uh to create this little checkered floor which I think looks pretty cool so yeah if you took the ladder you'd basically end up right out here you can also teleport up to the build so technically three ways to get up here here's a little bar with the beautiful view just gorgeous view in all directions also looks really cool up here at nighttime overlooking the green shroud there and everything so definitely a cool little Outpost a little workbench slesk area here this could also maybe be like a little corner sofa or something we've just got a tiny little kitchen here the fireplace and uh yeah finished out this back wall here and just add a little mantle above the fireplace with more refined Stone I think it's looking really nice I've got a little chest Under the Stairs there we go up the stairs and we have a little Lookout Point over here and then go up the stairs again and here's the little bedroom area almost looks kind of like a tent which is kind of the feel I wanted a very open Outpost feel for the desert biome here so yeah pretty nice and then going up the ladder here and we've got the top of this little castle tower with a beautiful view nice little spot to Glide out over that shroud for our future adventures in that direction and then we can walk right across here and into this little area for another little view in the directions there so yeah with that said I hope you enjoyed this build it was definitely a longer video for the actual size of the build but I figured it'd be fun to just do like a on thefly type build where I just show you the process of how I think through these I never built this build usually sometimes I'll build it and then rip it down and then record it for the video but with this one it was just kind of a fun figure it out as I go type of build so hopefully you all had some inspiration from this it was definitely a fun little project it'll be a fun little Outpost for uh temporary being able to teleport to here and everything and I figured it would be really cool to build on one of these big rocks and of course there's larger rocks there too with like two or three little pillars that come down from them but this is about as small as it gets so with that said huge shout out to all of my channel members be sure to join the Discord server through the link in the description don't forget to subscribe and I will see you in the next one cheers
Channel: Chiselchip
Views: 9,590
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Enshrouded, new survival games, upcoming survival games, base building games, best new survival game, keen games, chiselchip, enshrouded gameplay, enshrouded building, combat in enshrouded, enshrouded base building, enshrouded builds, enshrouded adventure, survival games 2024, enshrouded guide, enshrouded tips, enshrouded combat, enshrouded game, enshrouded beginner’s guide, enshrouded starter house build, enshrouded cozy cabin, enshrouded hobbit house, enshrouded tiny house
Id: 4K7Zd_DJ-14
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 52sec (2332 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2024
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