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what is up you guys glitches here and welcome back to the channel today I am bringing you my shroud Hunter build um I'm pretty proud of it it's actually really fun and a lot more viable than I thought it would be um I had a ton of fun with it and uh it definitely blows the warrior build damage wise out of the water Warrior is very underpowered right now and even stands up to the wizard in my opinion this particular build that I came up with some gimmicks that I found out through my testing that work really really well that going to be showing off um I'm not going to be calling it the best hunter build in the world uh like my warrior guide um simply because if you want to be the best hunter all you got to do is have patience and craft a ton of explosive arrows and then spec into explosive arrows but as I'm sure you guys already know explosive arrows are very timeconsuming to craft so I found out the next best thing which does almost if not more damage than the explosive arrows when you combo it properly um so without any further Ado let's jump into it uh before I get into the details of the armor and things like that I do want to mention for the people that don't want to sit here through the lengthy description of the entire build that down in the descriptions there's going to be a link for the cheat sheet for the build that I've made using the custom uh skill tree template uh all the skill points that are allocated in the tree will be on that cheat sheet as well as the entire equipment and weapon Loadout down in the bottom right hand corner so feel free to download that um that same link will also give you access to the cheat sheets for all my other builds um and there will also be time stamps as well so feel free to Skip Along through that too if you want um but onto the armor um let's go into that first best in slot in my opinion is the Eagle Eye helmet this will have 33 physical 33 magical resistance with plus 15% range Critical Strike chance and plus 133% Critical Strike damage um some decent Alternatives if you don't have this helmet yet is the uh dead eyee hood or the deer soccer Hood these are identical headpieces um with identical traits they just look different so you have to pick which one you like to look of more um the only other option um that I would recommend and this would go for the uh the gloves option as well is the hawk helmet and that because is because it gives 15% range Critical Strike chance and 10% backstabbing damage and I did test both backstab damage and Elemental damage and unfortunately in the Early Access neither of those properly affect arrows I don't know why some of the bows have backstab damage on them I guess it only works for the base damage of the bow itself but any of the sneak attack like backstab bonus percentage perks um don't seem to be giving bows any extra damage which is a huge bummer um and things like arsonist and pyromaniac in this skill tree don't boost the Fire magic damage of weapons it only works for Magical weapons which is really annoying even though the perk says all fire damage so you would think that a fire magic damage bow and arrow would get a benefit from that but for whatever reason it doesn't and so for that reason I'm going with the eagle ey Hood um but if backstab does eventually work there is another potential build that I'd like to test out in the future if they fix it um that uh adds a bunch like 40 to 50% extra backstab damage that could potentially do a lot of damage with the um ornate wood bow um but we're not going to be using this as an option because without that working it's just not worth it um but moving on to the uh chest piece I'm using radiant Paladin chest piece this is because I wanted to like I mentioned in the Warrior build hit that maximum uh resistance in armor cap and with the Paladin chest piece and the Paladin trousers we hit that so we're taking the Max amum uh uh resistance and the enemies are doing the least possible damage they can do to us with still giving us some nice perks this gives us 240 base health and 24 stamina which is always nice um moving on to the gloves best in slot in my opinion right now is the Eagle Eye gloves this will give plus 12% range damage an alternative if they ever fix it could potentially be the deer stalker gloves this gives 6% flat range damage but it also has a 12% damage multiplier so depending on how that damage multiplier works you could potentially get a little bit more damage out of your shots but if you watch my Warrior video right now the 12% damage multiplier is not working so these gloves are pretty much broken right now they're useless in my opinion um but once they fix that this could also be a good Contender for the gloves going on to the pants um like I mentioned to get us to that resistance cap and have the best defense I went with the radiant Paladin trousers this gives us plus two Health regeneration and Plus 90 Health once you hit the cap the next best thing you want to invest in is your health and we already have plenty of stamina regen between our consumables our rings and our other pieces of equipment so more armor and more health regen is going to be better in this uh particular case so that's why I went with those and then for the boots I recommend the dead eyee boots um this gives plus three stamina regen and a minus 700 stamina regeneration delay these are very similar to the hawk boots that I went over in my previous video which now have the dead eyee boots as the best in slot for this particular reason um that is because they are identical to the hawk boots they just have three stamina regeneration in set up to um so these are slightly better which is why I went with that and that stamina regeneration delay is amazing um we're going to be burning through stamina a lot with this build um specifically because of some of the skills that we're picking uh moving on to the Rings I'm running one ring of opacity the Ring of opacity basically we have a very small uh Mana pool um so the uh plus 20 Mana regen gives us enough to do the infinite gliding glitch um uh when it comes to using our glider which we will be doing a lot because unlike the wizard we have to farm the materials for our ammunition so uh this will come in handy for our traversing and our uh gliding usage and then lastly I use the Ring of Health um this gives plus4 health regen and another flat 50 uh Health to our base Health pool um if you get really good with the build and you feel like you're not getting hit at all that much you can potentially Swap this out with the Ring of stamina and that basically is the same equivalent of this except instead of health regen and health you're getting stamina regen and stamina so another potentially good option there um for the bow our main go-to bow that we're going to be using is the ignited bow um this will be our go-to uh combat bow for close range fights and with groups of enemies um when you have multiple foes um the shadow Bane is going to be our life Leach bow um so this is how we're going to get our health back you can also use the melee weapon that I'm going to be recommending for this build to get health back because we will be stunning enemies like crazy with this build and you can get uh because of the AOE damage a lot of Health back even with it only being a 5% uh regen and then last but not least the third bow you want to take all three of these bows with you uh when you go out in my opinion is the wolf snar long bow this is going to be your single Target uh basically like fight initiator um bow where you know you're going to get that first shot off before the enemy sees you um you can start off the fight with this one because it does have a longer draw speed but a higher base power so try to get your first shot off with this and then immediately switch to the ignited bow for the rest of the fight or if it's just one enemy you can sit there and burn them down with the long bow because that'll be pretty easy um but mainly we're going to be using the ignited bow um but moving on to our melee weapon I still like to run the sword of Radiance The increased uh 25% to crit chance is nice with another perk we're taking in the tree to give us a bonus health regen with our melee weapon whenever we critically hit and you will critically hit all the time with this weapon so if you in a rare situation run out of ammo or um you're just low health and the somewhat medium to slower regenerate of the bow isn't fast enough for what you need in the moment you can stun them switch to your sword and this will regen your health much faster um so that's just an alternate option plus it's always good to just have a melee weapon to break things down whether it be destructibles in the environment like doors pots things like that so that's why I take this along but moving on to ammunition and this is why I call it the Shroud Hunter build we are going to primarily be using shroud arrows and you're looking at me like I'm crazy I know but believe it or not I did the testing the Shroud Arrow when an enemy is stuned and caught in the cloud for the f duration of the damage effect uh only does 45 to 50 damage less than an exploding arrow which is insane because the materials that are required to craft a uh shroud Arrow are only Twigs goo and a shroud sack and I will show you all the locations to where to farm these super super quick and you can get shroud arrows very very very fast um it takes like 50 minutes plus to create one stack of 25 explosive arrows and we will basically be getting only 45 to 50 damage less than an explosive arrow with our shroud Arrows with the build that we're running not only will we do that but we're also going to be getting infinite stuns on enemies and they're just 100 times easier to craft in bulk you can craft them super super quick they don't take iron they don't take anything you literally just use twigs and then lowlevel low uh tier um uh items that you can find from enemies that you can oneshot um for our enemies inside the Shroud the one downside however to the Shroud arrows is they don't work on enemies in the Shroud in those scenarios you're going to be using iron arrows or poison iron arrows um these do basically the exact same damage um to normal enemies um wildlife and things like that like the dogs and animals and the virin the birds that we're going to be farming for feathers for example they do take a little bit more damage with the poison arrows so for the cost of a little bit of sulfur and some poison sacks you can convert all of your iron arrows into poison arrows very easily as well if you're willing to farm two extra materials and honestly to create our iron arrows the spot that I'm going to be showing you guys has a sulfur deposit and an iron deposit right next to each other so you can actually Farm both of these required materials to get your poison arrows in the exact same spot um so super super handy um as for the poison sacks um a lot of people recommend killing the scorpions in the end game but in my opinion there's a way easier way um people have been forgetting that the orange plants in the starter areas also drop poison sacks so my go-to location for that would be right here along this Cliff you basically just would spawn to the revelwood ancient spire and then come down and the soon as you hit this area this whole region right around in here including around this Lush pasture is going to have like six or seven of those orange plants that you can kill every one of those will drop drop a poison sack once you kill those you can work your way over here and once you get closer to this area you're going to run into more Mounds that have three or plus more of those Orange Plants Plus those poisonous mushroom enemies those have a chance of dropping two poisonous sacks per uh kill so you can Farm them there as well um when you're done doing the lower level what I recommend is going back to the ancient spire and then flying this time however to the upper platform because up here you're going to run into a few more of the orange plants as well but there's also a ton of beetroot and a a crap ton of strawberries that you can um gather which is going to be key ingredients for some of the consumables that we're using so try and do your poison sack Farm um and your um Berry and beetroot Farm to get your farm up and running which I would recommend um at the same time because they're going to be right in the exact same area now for the Shroud sacks that is going to drop from the blue flower enemy plants um they look ENT identical to the orange ones they're just going to be blue and the go-to place for those in my opinion is going to be right here in uh lone thistle so again you can teleport right to the revelwood um ancient Spire again Glide over you're going to see a little tiny mini castle tower um if you're standing at the front door of that castle tower you're actually not in the Shroud so you can go back to this location to get out and teleport out if you need to or just back to your menu and go back into the game and you'll teleport to the nearest uh checkpoint um but basically right once uh you're in front of this Castle there's about three or four of those blue um uh plants there that drop shroud sacks then what I want you to do is start working your way upwards once you hit the top half there's going to be a mound with three or four more blue plants that you can kill and then from here you're going to beine it to the um East and you're going to head over to the Elixir well and then in the Elixir well um you're going to want to just clear it out because inside that you're also going to run into probably seven or eight of the blue PL plants as well plus a ton of those Critters uh the bugs and the bugs will drop the Critter dust and um you're going to need for your um uh shroud arrows um the goo which you craft at The Alchemist and the goo requires dirt which you can get from any lowlevel ground terrain by by pickaxing it um uh bug dust and shroud liquid the bug dust you get from the critters just kill a bunch of bugs and that Elixir well is a really good spot for that and then the Shroud liquid are those white little like um capsules that you see on the ground a good spot to farm them where you can also get Critters at the same time is actually the OG um chess uh farming location right outside where your initial home base location would be there's going to be that little tower that everyone used to go to instead of going there for the chest however um this time land on the tower and then run to the base of the steps at the bottom of the steps is a uh bug spawn you're going to get like 10 to 15 bug kills there which will give you a ton of the Critter parts and then along the whole Edge perimeter of this Cliff line inside the Shroud you'll find more than enough of the uh shroud liquid that you would need all scattered throughout on the ground over here as well in bulk that you can get super super quick so between two different locations you can find every single ingredient that you would need to craft all of the Shroud arrows and poison arrows that you would need to make now for the iron um the best place that I would recommend for that is my go-to uh Cave pack passage um you can either um set up a like mid uh alter wherever you want but you can actually get there if you're good at gliding which will have the bonus uh stamina with their glider with this build um at the Kindle way Spire fly directly north you're going to pass a bunch of like higher level terrain either go over or under the archway and then right around back you're going to see a bunch of um big uh fossil bones which you can actually farm for some fossilized arrows if you really want to but you're also going to see the entrance to this this cave inside that cave you'll find luminous Crystal for the light up cubes sulfur which we need for our um poisonous arrows and an iron deposit which has more than enough iron to break one or two pickaxes worth um so you can just go to this one location and get all of the mining requirements you would need um so make sure to mark that that is a great location to hit multiple things that you need in one spot and then last but not least for Twigs um I'm sure you guys have seen videos already the best place would be those um like wolf uh caves um but uh the best version of those are the ones that are the full Mounds shout out to 4 a.m again I know he mentioned this in his video um I spotted it as well um but I'll give him a little bit of credit um this location right here um spawn right at the kinderway Spire again except this time go south this whole little stretch right here we'll have a bunch of uh sand diggers to get some meat for some of our consumables um as well as scorpions which also do give poisonous sacks as well but there's only a few of them um uh but you might as well kill them while you're there but this whole section right here is just a ton of flying enemies and between getting this one this one and working your way a little bit further down you can get about 15 to 20 uh feathers in one run and that's more than enough to craft several stacks of um uh 50 iron arrows so really really good Farm there that's where I would go for your feathers um and then for the Twigs the best spot that I found are these locations right here um just spawn at the ancient Spire in The Nomad Highlands Glide down and you're going to see two uh basically twig Mounds um that are full 360° Mounds not just like inside of a cave um and maybe I'll show a clip here of it but um that uh spot right there and then right across the bridge is going to be an identical one you can farm that two uh pickaxes worth I would recommend bringing two iron pickaxes with you you'll get more than enough Twigs between these two locations to get all the arrows you need there as well so the uh between The Twig spot Farm um uh one or two runs to get some feathers you're uh mining for both your sulfur and your iron at the same time and then your uh poison sacks between those three or four locations you can get every ingredient you need um and it's super super cheap to make it in bulk unlike the uh explosive arrows that take like wood acid and all these things at the alchemy table and everything else and black powder and all this stuff that takes like four or five ingredients just for those um to make one of them at a time um and the just time it takes is forever so that is the best spots to farm the ammunition in my opinion um and these are basically the only things you're going to need to make all of those that you need moving on to consumables the quick use ones obviously take the highest level uh potions you can get in this case it's the revitalizing health potion which gives you plus 800 Health instantly you going to want to in an emergency situation bring some clean bandages this will give you give you plus 6% healing per second good place to farm these is um the sun Temple just south of where the um legendary farming spot location is that I made a video for you can put an altar right outside the temple door and there's two or three chests that you can Farm in this area the drop consumables experience Scrolls wizard spells um as well as all the destructible pots in here can all drop bandages and stuff as well so a great place um right here to farm consumables so that is where you can get those you're also going to want to take uh flasks of the Fel if you have any for 20 additional stamina and then last but not least the Elixir potion which will give us a 30% damage multiplier which is very nice we're not like Wizards we don't have extra squirrels that we can read unfortunately so this is our only go-to potion that will give us some bonus damage as for best and Slot food items um the ones I like to use are the stir fried vegetables which give us plus five dexterity the chicken soup for some more Constitution some more health and as well as another dexterity the fruit bowl for plus six Health regeneration and plus three stamina recharge and then lastly I like to run the chamomile te for just uh two endurance and some more health regen um you can use um some Yuka fruits and other things like that that are considered sweets because we are getting the two perks that increase the effectiveness of sweets um uh in our food items in the skill tree as well as the um cake stomach one that allows us to have four consumables so that's why we get to use four food items instead of three um but we'll go over that in a minute and uh I guess I can actually show off the farm which I've never done before wanted to have a secret passage always so I made one behind the behind the uh throne room but uh these are basically all the ingredients that you would need for Hunter specific food items if we go over here talk to the farmer for uh dexterity stir fried vegetables needs corn on the cob Forest beets tomato and bell pepper that is why I farmed a couple of them and made a nice little farm spot for bell pepper tomato corn on the cob and the beets moving on to the uh chicken soup this requires U more beets and bell peppers so very similar that's why I craft more of those um the for whatever reason the tomatoes um you get less seedlings when you craft Tomatoes than you do bell peppers even though they give you the exact same stats so when you're making your Farms I do recommend um growing more Tomatoes than you bell peppers cuz they're a little bit harder to get um but that being said um as long as you have anywhere near this amount you'll have plenty um moving on to the sweets I know I mentioned um you can use yoka fruits um you'll get a extra 30% bonus because of the perk if you want to use that and they're super easy to farm you get these from chopping down the palm trees they're all over the place actually in the same spot that you're going to be farming your feathers um so feel free to chop them down there at the same time um and then lastly um the fruit Boll is going to take a combination of Honey which you you get from beehives I have three of them in my farm the Yuka fruits which you can get at the same time like I just mentioned as your uh feathers and then purple berries and strawberries um and I mentioned that was a good spot um to get the strawberries and whatnot on the upper level of the area that we're farming our poison sacks so you can pick up those at the same time and have those ready to grow um actually I don't even bother growing them because you get so many of them from that spot that you can just use them to craft as needed um because you actually get two of them at a time you craft them so that is the food products and I highly recommend I got some chamomile here for the chamomile tea but uh chamomile U beetroot red peppers some saffron if you want the uh spice tea that will give endurance instead of health regen so that's another option that I like to grow and quick little tip saffron grows way faster for whatever reason right now it's a broken I'm sure on normal dirt not the fertiliz dirt so I have this little tiny patch with a different type of uh dirt instead of fertilized like the rest of it um then you're going to want corn on the cob and tomatoes um as well as honey um quick tip for water um when you're done scooping up all the water uh for those of you that don't know one thing you can do is it basically gives you infinite water you only need one well ever is uh you scoop up all that you can at any given point usually it recharges up to three times before it completely runs out then once it is all out you just pick it up go into your inventory and then immediately throw it back down and it acts like you just crafted it from scratch again and you can instantly grab more water so that's a little trick to get some extra water um just grab everything you can pick it up put it right back down and scoop it up some more I do have two of them just so I can do that a little bit faster but really you only need one um another little farming tip that you can do if you need fertilized soil to get some of those plants growing faster um I should just make a farming guide honestly ly but uh you can take your uh Scrappy rake and if you tilt it up at a 45° angle you can actually push the farm up higher and then all you got to do is take out your pickaxe and chop it back down and so all you need is enough soil to create one square patch of it and then using your rake you can basically create infinite soil just by uh tilting the angle up and just ramping it up and picking it down so now as you can see we've got 10 fertilized Farm soil which we can make more plots with um so that's how you get infinite water and infinite soil just uh quick little Pro tips but moving on last but not least we have these skills and then I'll show off the uh attributes once we pop all of our food items but the most important thing so right out the gate I take Lumberjack to get to Miner we're going to be doing a lot of mining for our Twigs our sulfur and our iron uh or four so I like to take that because it gives you a chance to get additional um materials in the Survivor tree tick up the point in endurance followed by Runner and double jump for added mobility and maneuverability when you're in fights um next quick Point endurance followed by wander lust for uh less stamina consumption on roads followed by good metabolism this will give you 20% bonus to your potions not just the orbs we're not using orbs but it is still good for potions followed by rebound this will give us uh 50% uh stamina regeneration then you want Sweet Tooth um this will be good for the Yuka fruits but if you're not using it it's no biggie we're just using that to get to the uh desert stomach pick up the point dexterity followed by desert stomach this is what gives us the four food slots instead of three moving on to the ranger tree I pick up the point in dexterity followed by Marksman and Sharpshooter this will give us 30 plus damage to our range damage then counter battery for 15% more damage to ranged enemies next pick up skill shot to get 20% damage extra to the head of enemies with a bow followed by multi-shot for a 20% chance to spawn multi- arrows which will take uh bigger boss enemies down a little bit quicker and help you with AOE when you're inside the Shroud because we can't use shroud arrows in there um followed by Ranger this will give plus two endurance and dexterity as well as plus five stamina regen critical chance and critical damage um and then lastly beasting I know a lot of people are against beasting but when you see the combat strategies and how I utilize this build beasting is a key perk in how we make this build work if all we were doing was shooting line of sight arrows like iron arrows all the time you wouldn't need this um because you can just shoot one enemy at a time and that's basically it but because the Shroud arrow is actually an AOE Cloud um it does an explosion and uh sometimes you want to position that in the middle of a pack of enemies and if you're shooting line of sight it might not hit multiple enemies at once whereas with this we can double jump hover in the air position it perfectly over right over top a big group of enemies and hit multiple enemies at once so it's actually really good for this build and you'll see me use it constantly when I do the demo um moving on in the Assassin's tree I pick up dexterity followed by airborne and updraft so we have the infinite gliding um next pick up the quick Point endurance followed by sniper which gives us 10% critical hit chance with our range weapons next pick up blessed arrows for 20% Mana regen when you critically hit with a bow and the extra point and dexterity last lastly pick up Vitality surge for increased stamina with critical strikes with range weapon the quick Point dexterity and then this is the big one so I did the testing and what um shocked me was that shell shock actually works with shroud arrows not just exploding arrows and what this does is it infuses your ranged explosives with Mana and they now stun enemies for up to 1 second it's actually going to be longer than 1 second it's like 3 or 4 seconds believe it or not or not and so you get the exact same effect as if you were using the explosive arrows but you don't have to pay the crafting costs so we're saving probably 15 points in the tree by not specking into explosive arrows but our shroud arrows are still going to stun everything every arrow that we shoot so no matter how hard the pack is no matter how big the enemy is even if you need to spam them one right after another you will almost never get touched because as you see in the combat demo the enemies are just permanently stung and stuck there in a cloud of shroud magic and they just tick away tick away tick away as you're just spamming arrows over and over and over and actually um we're going to be swapping between those three different bows the other option you can do is actually whip out your melee weapon because the enemies get stunned for so long that you can get three or four hits in before they wake up again and you can regen Health that way as well so that's another option so really really good perk for this build is shell shock believe it or not that was a key game Cher perk that I found out that makes the fights 10 times easier when you're using shroud arrows uh moving on uh in the battle mage tree I pick up intelligence and Arcane deflection this is kind of throwaway um I use it just to pick up uh blink because that'll help uh get us dashing around and with all the stamina we've got um it helps out a lot and basically we can do it infinitely and then for our survivability I pick up evasion attack and battle heal for when we're using our um melee weapon to regenerate Health that will get super super fast health regen with that weapon um and then the um point in strength in the Barbarian tree for some added strength because we had an extra point two points in Constitution for more Health shiny plates and heavy plates for additional armor followed by Constitution and then lastly Tower and Warden for bonus physical and magical resistance another point in Constitution and then finally Earth Aura for a flat permanent 10% damage reduction to you and all party members within 10 meters so a nice little flat uh damage reduction there so all in all um it's a great combination of skills and as you'll see from the combat demo it's actually a very very effective combination when using shroud arrows um the only downside to this build is though shroud arrows don't work in the Shroud so in those uh rare instances you would just use your iron arrows and with multi-shot you're killing things just as fast anyway so doesn't really matter it still works but you'll see how quickly we take things down and how like overpowered those shroud arrows actually are um in comparison to the investment with explosive arrows they're nearly as good um with the stun effects and everything but a tenth of the cost to craft so saving a ton of points by specking into that so yeah that is the skill tree and again if you want a copy of this top uh line in the description will have links to the cheat sheets so feel free to download that and that'll have the build and all the points in here that you can look at um but moving on last but not least I want to show off all of our attributes once we pop all of our food so let's go ahead and do that and with this build our attributes are as follows we're sitting at 13 Constitution and 11 endurance so a decent amount of Health plenty of stamina and then 19 dexterity so our range damage is through the roof we have 1130 health because of the armor and the um perks that we've got in the tree for added defenses 234 stamina which doesn't seem like a lot but because of the um uh boots we're getting a minus 700 uh delay and our uh food items we have more than enough stamina with that and then we've got 107% bonus range damage um critical damage and crit chance we can't really go by because it's not accurate right now in the uh attribute tree they don't calculate it right for whatever reason but ton of range damage um with this build um so yeah looking pretty good only thing left to do is to teleport to the battle arena and show off the build I think you guys are going to be pretty impressed um shroud arrows are a sleeper ammunition I am telling you just wait and see um yeah without any further Ado let me teleport over there to you guys and uh cut back to you here in a second all right so here we are at the testing Arena let's show off the build and show you how good it is I'm going to put the headphones on this time just so I can see what's uh and hear what's coming to me um but yeah you'll see how overpowered the Shroud arrows are and you can literally you make them so easily that you could spam only shroud arrows on all these guys but watch how good they work it's burning guys down so let's go and uh the quality of the arrows really shines when enemies start getting grouped up and this is why that bite comes into play to see how much they get stunned you can just sit here and spam it and they just infinitely get stunned then swap over to an iron arrow look at that instantly melted up okay so we lost a little bit of Health swap to our uh bow that does health regen and the health regen actually ticks because of AOE damage as well so you can see how much health how much health we get back as well with this bow swap back swap to a poison arrow I hear a dog somewhere let's do this next loot we took that top one out super quick you guys saw how much harder it was with a warrior let's group all these guys up here we'll take them all on at once these guys all mad this melts everything and they're all stunned quickly switch get some fast health regen and because everything is just permanently stunned you like don't have to worry about anything so as you can see it was like no problem at all to take those guys out you basically get all the benefits of exploding Arrows with pretty much a permanent stun on every enemy because there's an AOE damage based uh Arrow it makes packs of enemies super super easy to take care of like we didn't get touched like barely at all and when we did you just whip out your Shadow Bane and get health regen or stun them and that stun lasts for like 3 seconds you can just quickly whip out your weapon get three or four hits in and get your health back that way too so that's another option you got a solo guy you can whip out your Longbow where'd he go I'm up top and get one strong shot on this guy guy drop a guy down from afar over a th000 damage with that bow so yeah single targets swwa your long bow normal fights swap to your ignited bow and then if you ever need health swap to your uh Shadow Bane and that's pretty much it as you can see super easy the ammo super easy to craft and you basically get infinite stuns on enemies those brute guys are a piece of cake they're usually super fast but they're easy as hell when they're not moving so you just sit there and spam those shroud arrows like constantly and they just can't do anything to you so yeah that is the build you guys very very easy um actually a nice breath of fresh air compared to the warrior and The Wizard um I actually really enjoyed playing this um the Shroud arrows tended to be uh ended up being way more fun and way easier to craft and a lot better than I thought they would be and that AOE stun on enemies is just overpowered in my opinion so that is the build you guys if you enjoyed it be sure to smash that like button comment down below I appreciate all of your guys' feedback don't forget to check out the cheat sheet in the description links to the Discord in the description um hopefully we see you guys around um but until the next one hope everyone had a great day and we'll see you all later
Channel: Glitchiz
Views: 59,819
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: enshrouded, enshrouded gameplay, enshrouded guide, enshrouded farming, enshrouded hunter build, best hunter build enshrouded, best ranger build enshrouded, shroud arrows, iron arrows, farm locations, best ranged build enshrouded, glitchiz, best bows in enshrouded, best skills in enshrouded, enshrouded archer build, best archer build, bow and arrows, op shroud hunter build, explosive arrows, BEE STING perk, stamina regeneration, eagle eye armor, best enshrouded hunter build
Id: D0_5vRGFF5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 19sec (2179 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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