50+ USEFUL Tips & Tricks In Enshrouded

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Hey there I'm Jamie and there are 50 useful tips  and tricks to help you have even more fun in and   Enshrouded at some point in your journey in and  shrouded you're going to accidentally step on some   of this red [ __ ] if you haven't got enough time  left to actually get out of the Shroud even if   your time is getting down quite low you just press  escape and return to your main menu as soon as   you log back in you will be back at your closest  base on the map here coming from the ancient Spar   revelwood and this is the location of the blue in  Tavern and what you can do instead of building an   entire base from scratch is you can claim this  entire building by placing down an alar and then   just check your borderline completely encompasses  all of the blue in Tav enjoy a ready meal building   with already Comfort level of 25 trying out  different types of weapons will actually show   you whether they are effective or ineffective  against different enemy types it's always good   to have different range options in your ones bows  and melee weapons this way when you come across   monsters that are more resistance to certain  weapon types you allow options to overcome any   combat situation it's always a good idea to craft  new items as they unlock especially the ones with   the exclamation marks next to them as these not  only will complete quests but on many occasions   unlock other recipes that you will need later  on a good example of this is you need to grind   up Critter parts for making bug dust and after  you've made this item it will unlock the recipe   for creating goo which is one of the ingredients  you will need for one of the best quality of life   items in the game and that is the magic chests  what I do is stack anything that says materials   on it in any of the blue chests that you create  it saves you a lot of time in trying to search for   everything in the future when you want to craft  anything building tool Towers at any of your bases   will give you a much better starting point to be  able to Glide a lot further and help you Traverse   the map a lot easier if you don't fancy a tower  how about a city in the sky I'm sure Lando kisan   would approve and all you need to be how to make  this is two Alters you place down the one and then   build upwards using the terrain tool this saves  from having to build any of the blocks you place   the platforms up as far as you can possibly go and  then on the top platform create another alter and   then extinguish the first one you rinse and repeat  this process to go all the way up into the sky and   there is actually a Max limit when you reach it  you will see like a yellow Smoky Cloud this will   give you an extremely high starting point to be  able to Glide very long distances if you Glide in   through the air and find yourself running a bit  low on stamina what you can do is right click   drop a bit and then re-engage gliding is even  better if you take the following skills that   is Airborne to use 30% less stamina whilst you're  gliding pairing this with with updraft and it's a   total game Cher because whilst you're gliding you  can press the jump button and get an additional   boost in height as long as you've got 120 Mana  you can do this once per flight only unless   you've got fast fingers then you could cancel the  flight re-engage and then press space bar to jump   again to get an additional booster Willow crush  is a very nice area to be able to get plenty of   honey and wax located on the map that's where you  start off ancient Spar springlands and then up   north from there there is where you'll find Widow  Crush there a good six or seven hives or more you   can actually Farm also in Widow Crush there is  a hidden item for you to grab at this bill here   if you dig down you can get yourself a ring of  rapacity currently this is the best Manor ring   in the game but War out for one come on back and  grab yourself a pair I wish I knew about this one   earlier and that is there is a hidden gold chest  just underneath brailen bridge at the bottom at   the middle pillar and if you dig down just below  this Rubble this is where you will find it did   you know about this one in any game having extra  inventory space is always very handy and right   after you've completed the Hunter's quest for  the hand spindle just at westcot if you go back   to her what you'll be able to craft then is  a small backpack giving yourself eight extra   inventory slots it's a good idea to upgrade your  glider as soon as you possibly can and in this   area long thistle is a good place for these little  blue plants and once you kill them this is where   you'll get the Shroud sacks from you need eight of  these to be able to craft the improved glider in   Ferndale there is also another gold chest inside  the large building just behind the bookcase here   and this will complete the quest finding the chest  Under the Stairs fale is also a great spot for   getting yourself have plenty of books lockpicks  and the fun favorite the thermal detonators make   sure you don't neglect strengthening the flame  of your altars because the higher it goes the   more your straight passage level will increase  what this means is more of the red trade will   then turn to Blue making it far easier for you to  navigate and explore the map it's m to open it up   and then you can move it around with your left  MCE button if you press C it will Center it back   to where you actually are if you don't like the  standard you can actually create your own markers   for different areas on the map you just right  click create a marker and you got colors and four   different symbols to choose from whenever you're  out exploring keep an eye them for the old red   books or red scroll they are worth to read even  if you're not interested in the lore what they   can quite often do is put extra points of interest  on your map when you need saffron a great place to   get it is senir if you had up all the way along  here into the desert area and what you're looking   for are these little purple plants here as well as  sunir just up to the Northwest a little bit you'll   also find pockets all around the desert area where  you can find the purple plant for the saffron and   straight after if you find any of these big like  hand finger things on the map is where you will   get your fossilized bone as an Archer you probably  burn through arrows incredibly quickly keep your   eye for these little thatched bases because all  of it is made up from Twigs before you reach   the desert area you can also get hold of loads of  Twigs from the wolf dens and you can M down these   incredibly deep you'll be surprised just how many  Twigs you can get hold of if you end up exploring   the desert area and you want to build yourself  an altar in the desert all you're going to end up   with is sand Sandstone or fossilized bone if you  follow the path until you come across where it's   slightly paved this is where you can find yourself  a few Stone to be able to build yourself an alar if you're feeling thirsty after your time in  the desert then you can get yourself an unlimited   supply of Water by doing this trick with the  wells at the moment in game what you can do   is place down the the wells take out all the water  pick them up place them back down again and repeat   the process this may get patched out in the future  but for now it's a great way of stocking up for   your Farms speaking of farms a good one to go to  is di adwin Farm located just the southeast of   the revelwood Spire just like all Farms this is a  great place to come to pick up new plants that you   can then tear up and Reed back at your base what  you will also find at this Farm are hazelnut trees   if you harvest these hazelnuts they are great for  mey builds as they give Plus three strength and   also after you've grabbed your nuts you can then  chop them down and get twigs and you end up with   two or three Twigs from each of the bushes plus  the Farms are a great source of getting hold of   Farm soil to take back to your base with the Farm  soil and you build category you go down to your   terrain then control and then click down to your  Farm soil and if you just Place one down you can   switch over to the rake and spread it along if you  would like to destruct any of the buildings that   you've taken over by placing L down an alter what  you will need to do in the build menu is scroll   down to the smaller sections the 1 M blocks  is best trying this with any of the larger   sections you cannot right click to deconstruct  to recover any of the blocks if you would like   to have yourself a sell or swimming pool go into  build mode select any block you want place it into   the dirt right click to remove them and there you  have a perfectly Square Hollow when it comes to   comfort it's always best to look for what will  give you the highest number so not all of you   lighting your beds and your tables will be equal  here the candle will be plus two Comfort let's go   with the candle plus two Comfort the Firefly lamp  which you might think would give you more Comfort   only gives you plus one and you can't just stack  them and put loads of beds next to one another   and expect to get 20 comfort for instance it's  only the highest of the first place item that   will actually count towards towards your comfort  level and you don't have to cram everything in   a tiny area like this either if you need to fight  at night time or in a dark cave and you can't see   for [ __ ] throw down your torch onto the floor  then after your combat you can just pick it back   up again you just hold down e briefly to throw it  down after combat to regen your health incredibly   quickly strawberries and bandages make a great  pairing after you've rescued your farming you   got your ancient Vault just up from here is a very  good place to grab yourself plenty of strawberries   just a bit upwards Northeast of the ancient SP  revwood about R about here is a good place to pick   up your cam RT they look like little white daisies  the chamomile seeds are the last ingredient that   you will need out of the four to be able to craft  the greater health potions when you enter any of   the spides for the first time it's always a good  idea to smash up the ears using a pickaxe what   often you will then discover new items and in  turn this would unlock new recipes for you when   you're come into land sometimes it has a tendency  to bounce and roll forward and unfortunately lead   you to fall down and into the Shroud again what  you need to aim for is the actual green patches   on the mountains if you bounce into the actual  areas that haven't got any green on them you have   a tendency to slide all the way back down if you  look for the little grass Parts even if you just   land on them you will not slide back down again  some of the chests and also the doors in in shaded   you need a lockpick to open them you can craft  these manually and it will cost you two metal   scraps per lockpick if you craft them at your  blacksmith they will only cost you one scrap metal   per lockpick a great place for getting scrap met  early on in the game is Rook Moore not far from   where you'll start off with your first base just  kill the guys there and you'll end up with plenty   of scrap metal and also cloth even before then  when you just start off in the game in the cinder   vaults if you come back once you got yourself a  pickaxe each time you start the game if you want   to scrap metal what you can do is come along and  break any of these pods that have actually been   opened if you want to go back to any particular  area all of the monsters and items will respawn   after 2 hours as long as you stay far enough away  from the actual Zone alternatively for now what   you can do is just return to the main menu restart  the game and all of the items and monsters in that   area will actually respawn don't be mean to any  of your crafter friends and check them outside   some of their crafting abilities may not become  available to you if you leave them outside they   get very grumpy and moan about the weather all day  I think a few of them might actually be English of   all the skills you can unlock in and traded the  number one that I'd advise above all else is as   soon as you can is double jump one of the other  skills that everybody seem to be getting was water   Aura this has actually been nerfed but it is still  useful as it gives you a health regen tick and it   will help out your party as well especially if a  few of you have it because it will actually stack   sometimes in this game it can be a right pain in  the ass to try and go around all the way around   these mountains to get up to the towers you use  your pickaxe what you can do is got quite a long   reach and you can actually make yourself some  stairs and work put your way up if you couple   this with a skills of double jump it saves you  having to go all the way around and in about 5   minutes you can just dig your way up if you end  up with any Gates blocking your path to finish   off a quest don't forget you can just Smash down  the wall with your pickaxe any of the trees have   got a chance of dropping resin but for a much  greater chance best bet is to go for the Orange   Leaf trees the passing in traded are not only good  for getting from point A to point B for points of   interest but also would end up using a lot less  St when you're sprinting and running along them   even more so when the path is actually paved if  you keep your eyes open or sure right exploring   if you see any rock formation like this this has  got a couple of barrels on top so it's easy to   spot whenever you destroy the ground they would  have a chest underneath if you're not keen on the   camera angle being zoomed into your character  you can press Zed and just roll your MCE wheel   backwards and forwards to just to however you  wish what you can also do is in the settings   and also your field of view depending depending  on how strong your PC or graphics card is you WR   this all the way up to Max you will be able to  see a much further distance in detail helping   you to pick out some landmarks that you may wish  to get to if your PC is struggling a little bit   though it might be better if you put this down to  about halfway or even less it might not be just   as clear in the distance but it might help things  run a little bit smoother for you when it's night   time to speed things up you can just sleep in  your bed and it will speed up the night cycle   by 60% the best time too collect the fireflies  is at the nighttime these are handy for making   some very nice looking lights and also the Wisp  lights however I would not avoid crafting any of   the Wisp lights as it only has a very short  duration of 5 minutes to save the fireflies   for making the Firefly lamps tugged in any of the  shwood plants you come across is a great way of   getting yourself some extra skill points don't  bother trying to destroy them with your wand   or your melee weapons quickest and easiest way  is to use your felu as it does way more damage   if you plan on going on a long Expedition or  anything risky then it's always handy to either   craft yourself an alter ready to Place St or  have the stone to be able to make one on the   Fly you'll have a nice quick way of teleporting  back to where you would have died with so many   different items to collect in in traded to save  yourself a lot of time in organizing them you can   shift and right click and auto stack items you've  collected in the chest where you've already got   the same item in them enhancing your weapons in  in Trad it will greatly improve the damage that   you do the higher quality of the weapon you've  looted the more you can upgrade it if you pick   up and loot especially out of the chest any  weapons or armor you can always Salvage these   to get more runes to enhance the gear that you  do want to keep when you're out fighting in any   of the settlements keep your eyes open for these  anvils as it will save you having to go back to   base because they work as a workbench and you  can repair all your gear and items from them if   you wish to host a game for your friends to join  you please don't neglect using a decent password   for your server or even leaving it blank as you  don't want any random coming along and stealing   anything you've looted or even worse destroying a  large building that you could have created if you   would like to gain a level or two and catch  up with your friends then mining can be a   surprisingly effective and consistent way to get  XP please be warned though this is bloody boring   here's an important heads up about shroud survival  flasks it's a bit misleading it says plus 2 minute   maximum time in the Shroud you might be thinking  oh I'll keep these and they come in handy if I'm   running a bit low on time within the Shroud if  you're already in the Shroud and you drink one the   timer does not actually go up they only actually  work before you've entered the Shroud because of   the destructible Terrain in and shrouded always  keep your eyes out for when you can use this to   your advantage even a more difficult encounter  can be made surprisingly simple with just a few   well-placed thermal detonators this poor of matron  didn't really stand a chance I do hope I've helped   you out and I hope you continue to have fun in Ed  I know I am please remember to like the video it   does make a big difference to small YouTubers  just like myself see you soon and take it easy
Channel: Kroclo
Views: 7,189
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Keywords: 50+ USEFUL Tips & Tricks In Enshrouded, Enshrouded, Kroclo, Kroc, survival, gamming, enshrouded gameplay, enshrouded tips & tricks, enshrouded tips and tricks, enshrouded tips, enshrouded beginners guide, enshrouded how to, enshrouded, enshrouded guide, enshrouded new player guide, enshrouded starter guide, enshrouded need to know, keen games, survival games 2024, survival game, enshrouded tutorial, enshrouded gameplay guide
Id: 7W1UZ0tSNgE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 11sec (971 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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