Enshrouded Best Early Sword & Armor Set Location!

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this is the best sword you can get and enshrouded early on along with the entire North guard armor set which you can loot repeatedly without any need to craft it I also be showing you where to get the farmer's Kettle which then allows her to craft some of the best food recipes in the entire game making your character even more powerful so here's a quick overview of what we're getting the wolf's Moore is a level 25 weapon that does 47 damage per hit but don't worry you can still use it at lower levels the reason it's so powerful is because you can get it this early on in quite a lowlevel area and it also comes in different Rarities as well so you can upgrade it even further as for the guard of the north armor set I mean this is one of the coolest looking armor sets in enshrouded it provides you 113 physical resistance but also magical resistance as well making it an extremely balanced armor set and one of the better ones at this level especially considering you don't need to craft it you can just go ahead and loot it and even reset the locations to get multiple copies of the arm armor set for everyone on your server now the enchantments on this armor set are really unique the gauntlets for example increase your magic ranged and meley damage by 4% there's no other armor set in the game that that increases all these different damage Types on one armor set piece which is probably why the armor set has one major drawback it will reduce the amount of time you can spend in the Shroud but to be honest you can easily work around that by drinking shroud survival flasks or upgrading your flame alter now if you don't know how to get to Pike me's reach let me show you step by step you're going to be starting the game here at the cindol from there if you head north over the broken brailin bridge just here you can then head up the hill to the north and you'll get to the ancient Spire springlands fast travel point now from here you need to get to the ancient Spire of the springlands I've already made a guide on how to do that with a full stepbystep walk through I'll link that video in the description but just visually if you just Glide directly to the north you're going to get the ancient vault of the farmer which you can literally see behind my head directly to the north once you get to the ancient Vault of the farmer you can work your way to the north over this little Bridge here where there's a ruin past the carpentry camp and then if you drop off the cliff here you can get to the ancient Spire of the revelwood forest now for the next stage of our journey we need to get from the revelwood Spire just here on the map all the way to the Northeast where we're going to find Pike me's reach and if you actually look directly Northeast from this location you can literally see Pike Mees reach that big city location over there in the distance so to get there what we need to do is jump up on top of this platform to gain as much height as possible and we're going to look directly east so you're going to Glide from the Spire all the way to that Cliff you saw in the distance and then we're going to work our way all the way along this Cliff which is just a straight path it's really really simple you're going to come past this Bandit Camp just to over here you can just go around it continue on following this Cliff Edge and eventually there'll be a bit of land that kind of sticks out and descends into the Shroud near the northern Caravan Camp that's where you want to go once you get to this location and once you reach this location directly to the north you're going to find the pike you can literally see it right behind me to the north there so now what we're going to do is just go and jump into the Shroud and head directly north through it feel free to run past any enemies you see and eventually you will come out of the Shroud only take you like 60 seconds to run through it and you'll come to Pike me's wreath here on the map at Pike Ms reach and you can see I've placed a flame alter here for easy fast travel access in the future so from our flame alter that we've just placed down we're going to head over towards the entrance but before we do there's actually a secret treasure chest that's locked at the top here so we go ahead and open that for a rare mace it's randomized loot now we can go and glide over here towards Pike me's reach and as you can see there is a checkpoint on the left hand side of the entrance so if we die we just respawn here so the first part of the armor set we're going to be finding is the guard of the north boots now we're not actually going to enter into the main entrance we're going to head along the East wall just here and if you carry on walking along you'll see this pile of rubble you can just go ahead and jump onto this wall like this and climb up to on the battle on here then we're going to go directly east we're going to jump over these mushrooms and just carry on walking along the battlements climb up this section here and run straight on to the tower turret you're going to find an enemy here who you can go ahead and kill or you can just climb up this ladder so he can't kill you now we're going to climb up to the top of this Tower so just go ahead and hop up the scaffolding and if you look up you'll see there's a grappling hook we can use and we can continue climbing upwards and there's another ladder inside now if you actually go down through the floorboards just there there's a LW book but I'm just going to skip that for this video this is where we're going to find the location of the boots so we found the boots on the bottom right corner of the castle just here on top of the tower so we're going to pick those up and now hop on this Edge bit just here and we're going to look directly northwest over this town you can see there's a flat wooden roof so let's go ahead and glide over there which is very easy to do I'm using the advanced glider which you can grab from the L below and now we're up here we're just going to climb up this ladder and this is where we're going to get the really really powerful sword so after you come here just jump off the diving board into this building here you see a little red light coming from a sword in this skeleton which you can go ahead and pick up here and this is always guaranteed to be the wolf's Mo which for some reason is a level 25 melee weapon this early on in a level 15 area and we found found that just here on the map the next part of the armor set we're going to find is the sauron's helmet so now from here we're going to climb up the side of the building just here like so and we're just going to hop over the other side and we're going to head north watch out for this bulus thing cuz it explodes if you come near it and then we're going to hop on this roof and just head kind of Northeast back over these battlements here and right to the east we're going to find another flame Shrine just here so we're just here now at this flame Shrine on the right hand side of the battlements here from this flame Shrine we're going to go north and there's a broken section of wall that we can also go ahead and jump up and we're going to go straight through and jump outside of this building and if we just jump up this wall here we're now outside of the area but what you can see is there's Hills to the right hand side and we can actually climb up these all the way to the north here and this is how we're going to get the north guard helmet because it's much easier to get it this way and just hop up this section here use the glider if you want to roll towards the hill to climb up those towards these big trees here and now we're at the top here and you can see I'm just here on the map we went from the flame Shrine here all the way North up this hill until we got to here and now I'm looking downwards to the pike which is where the pike boss is located in that courtyard and I actually want to Glide to that little blue door that you can see straight to the West in front of me so we're going to go ahead and run and jump use the double jump and we're just going to Glide to this door and you can make it without the double jump um I mean without the updraft ability but it's a lot easier if you have that you're going to find the guard of the north helmet so we found the helmet Northwest of the flame Shrine near the pike boss just over here at this little tower that sticks out on the map and now from here what we're going to do is we're just going to glide back to where we came so now we're going to be grabbing the guard of the north chest plate location so I'm once again at the flame Shrine again here on the map and from this flame Shrine we're now going to be picking the north guard chest piece so once again we're going to hop on the battlements here we're going to hop outside the map again just like this but this time we're going to hop onto the battlements from up there we're going to run through this tree going directly west here and after you come past this tree you'll see there's like another area of battlements you can just hop along here so we're going to do that you're going to see kind of like a house that has a little Gap in it that's where we want to go inside there but we're going to get our axe out and we're going to hop down follow the battlements along watch out for this enemy use your axe on it it actually is the plant's weakness believe it or not now the plant usually kills all the other enemies around here which makes it easier for you where we want to go is just inside here we want to open the door here then we can head and the entrance to the tomb is located just here where I'm standing on the map there is a chest just to the right though before you do go down for some potions and then we can head down see our first enemy we can take out here get rexon and there's a chest right in front of us which has the archers trousers which is a randomly spawning set we don't actually want that though instead we want to come down and then if we come into this room here there's a big hole in the wall and just at the end of this you're going to find the treasure chest that contains the chest piece of the guard of the north and also there's a bunch of coffins down here that you can loot the next part of the armor set we're going to be finding are the guard of the north gloves so to get this next piece of armor we're going to start from the checkpoint at the front Gates just here on the map once again and we're going to come through the front Gates we're going to go straight on and we're going to go to the right and climb up this little metal grid here and then we're going to hop over the wall into this house and inside this house you'll see there's kind of like a a broken bit of wool just here there's another chest which you can loot but also it's very easy just to hop onto the battlements from here and then we're going to go west over the battlements and we're just going to walk around the edge just here and this will allow us to get onto this roof from this roof you can see there's like a shroud route just over there so we're going to go and walk over there on the right side of these houses and you can get rid of this shroud route obviously if you want to farm the skill points but before you do that I would recommend that you just quickly loot this golden chest down here because this is where you find the gauntlets so here you go just pick up that and then we go we've got the guard of the north gaunlets now this enemy right here he is pretty easy to kill if you shoot him from the rooftops like so and it's a lot easier to kill him like that and after he's dealt with you can literally just Glide over and take that out as well and there you go you got another skill point next we're going to be getting the guard of the north pants so to get the last piece of the armor set we're going to be starting from the front entrance once again with the checkpoint just here but we're going to go west around the outside of the building because it's so much easier there's no enemies on the outside of the building here drop a like on the video if you found it helpful so far and just keep coming around until you reach this and then you can hop up to the side like this and then you'll see some scaffolding if you run around there's a ladder on the other side which you can use to climb up and then if you look behind you you can use the grappling hook to get on top and now we just want to jump around this corner and just head along the battlements to the north and once you reach these battlements you can just look to the left and we can jump up here you can just jump on these cylinders here like this to avoid all of the enemies but if you do fall down there's a grappling hook just there head north along the battlements just carry on running down them carry on going and you'll get to like the other Corner turret and then you want to go right so you're looking to the East and you go downstairs if I look on the map we went from the entrance all the way around to Pike's port and now we're at the corner of these battlements so now from that corner we want to come to the East and there will be a bit of wood here with a Archer enemy who can hide behind the wall so he fires and then take him out like this but from this wooden staircase here we're going to go directly south we Hop Off there's a broken bit of balcony here and when you hop down there's a bunch of enemies and a shroud plant you need to take out but from the broken balcony where you just dropped off just to the West you're going to find a doorway with a bunch of little creatures in that you can kill and inside to the right you'll see there is another hidden chest here a golden chest which you can get which you can loot for the guards and now we have the entire armor set now if you want to Farm multiple copies of this armor set all you need to do is exit the game say return to main menu and then press play go to private game server and then go back back to your world you'll spawn back at your Shrine and all of those chests will have reset so you can literally go back to all those chests and follow this video again and harvest them all for an entire duplicate of the armor set here and also if you fly back the sword just over here it will actually drop in uncommon and rare quality it doesn't drop above rare though and finally to get the farmer's Kettle you're going to want to come here so starting here from the flame Shrine just North Above The Shanty Shacks area which I showed you how to get to earlier in the video so from this flame Shrine we're once again going to be climbing up this broken Tower here we're going to hop outside and we're going to hop onto this ruin on the battlements we're going to go directly west again then we're going to hop over these battlements go to the north this time then we can drop down onto these other batt just on the right hand side and we can hop up here to the west and then just hop over this side and now very carefully you're going to want to jump over this bit and then just carry on following the battlements around and this time we're just going to hop down this section here firstly there's a chest here which you can go ahead and loot for some leveled Loot and then to get into the flame sanctum just hop inside there there's another checkpoint in here you'll find a law book just here and most importantly you can collect the kettle just over here also if you turn around and open these doors here you actually find there's another legendary chest just outside here in the courtyard also if you do want to fly from that mountain range into the pike boss fight you can do that relatively early on and even Farm him to get multiple Commander Rings this is a legendary ring that gives you 30 mana and 30 health and you can equip two of them to get double those stats now if you're wondering what the best armor set is for the Mage Warrior Archer you're going to want to check out this next guide on where to get the next level of armor set
Channel: ESO
Views: 48,807
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: enshrouded best armor early, enshrouded best sword early, enshrouded best weapon early, enshrouded best, enshrouded guide, enshrouded best sword, location, enshrouded best armor, enshrouded gameplay, enshrouded best weapons, enshrouded best gear, enshrouded legendary armor, enshrouded legendary chest farm, enshrouded tips & tricks, where to find, enshrouded walkthrough, enshrouded item farm, enshrouded legendary sword
Id: C5896Ti7CS4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 56sec (896 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2024
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