Enshrouded UNLOCK EVERYTHING Early - BEST Gear, Glider & All Quick Travel Full Guide

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welcome ladies and gentlemen to the ultimate Advanced glider and all Spire quick travel and absolute best endgame legendary gear and glider speedr guide I already hear you guys thinking out loud WOW for him that's a mouthful but yes today there is a lot to talk about as this is probably my most ambitious project yet first pick up the advanced glider then unlock all the ancient Spire quick travels including yes The Pillars of Creation quick travel which many of you guys asked for as cherry on top of the pie we're going to grab the legendary glider and the best endgame gear during this farming run including a legendary stuff and all this with a flame Shrine of level two character level five let's get right to it quick update after working on this guide for a couple days including my favorite legendary farming spot which I shared a couple days ago I just found out somebody else did a very similar run without the adval glider which we're going to unlock in today's guide with the glider this trip is going to become much much more efficient so I very much recommend you to unlock it but long story short in this guide you will have access to all the quick travels the pillar of creation the best weapons and armor in the game the legendary glider stuff and literally dozens of essential tips and tricks you need to know about so I quickly want to say that this guide literally took me dozens and dozens of hours to prepare as it basically contains all the information of also many of my previous guides if you can spare one second of your time and hit that like button share your thoughts about this video in the comments below that will not only help out my channel but also other people searching for a guide like this one so already very much appreciated so we're going to switch from my 25 character on this one and yes I used this one exclusively for guide purposes but here we are so we basically have access to all the crafts people right here but that is about it if we look at my character well it only has the regular glider so we still need to get our hands on the advanced glider oh I very much recommend you to reset your talents if you're still on a low level as I basically worked my way to the ranger tree right here but all this is not going to be interesting for the run we're going to do so just reset all those talents and get your hands on first off the updraft so pick up the dexterity Airborne glider consumes less stamina and then the updraft so you can basically get this height boost which is going to make everything a lot easier I don't even have enough points for the double jump but this is something we're going to work towards as next upgrades so you know what let's quickly travel to the ancient spire and destroy the Elixir will to pick up those points I'm pretty sure you guys will have much more talents compared to what I have right now but if you have some excess points put them in endurance as this will give you some bonus stamina so you can basically do a lot more gliding I almost have two full circles right now which is amazing for this trip so first off we have to unlock the advanced glider for which we first have to do a quest the Hunter's hand spin spindle because with this one we can process flax into linen and that will basically unlock the blueprint so there we go the hunter had spindle right next to the ancient Vault farmer anyways now we have access to the double jump and we can make our way to the hand spindle all right so here we already have our first challenge it's much lower in comparison with The Pillars of Creation which you can see right in front of us right now but without any Mining and good use of the double jump it's going to become no problemo to SK kill this mountain be sure to double jump all the softer patches with grass textures sticking out as this will make it a lot easier to skill the terrain otherwise you will most likely Glide off we are at West cut so if we zoom out east of the ancient Vault farmer now we have to make our way to this checkpoint so here we have the abandoned Hunter camp with also a letter so we're going to pick that up so after we've picked up that letter we basically have to make our way to the north from the abandoned Hunter Camp you want to cross the withered encampment make your way to the north right there you will find a cave entrance which is also close to a Pillars of Creation revelwood which we can find in this zone so we're going to follow the road all the way to the north pick up this checkpoint if you want to as right now we're going to face some higher level characters for which we are not prepared ladies and gentlemen since we're here by the way I very much recommend you to pick up some honey as this is my absolute favorite spot to farm it amazing food source to quickly recharge your stamina and this is also where we have a Red Mist so now you're probably wondering ooh how do we cross this as you don't want to instantly die right well trust me guys if you stand in the Shroud well the timer will go down very quickly so it will consume you get some height advantage to make that jump as you want to be as high as possible so here we are we already have a nice view on the tower of reel wood if I open up the map this is the exact point you want to jump from so let me create a marker so we can check this out later so we did this with the regular glider very important so now with a full Mana bar double jump use your glider and then use your updraft so it's going to become easy mode to get across but you don't want to turn around too much as then there is a chance you will hit the Shroud voila here we go on the way you should should pick up all the food you come across all the strawberries and the flags as you're going to need a lot of this to make that advanced glider which we talked about earlier so we're curently standing at this position very close to the tower now yeah there is a pretty big challenge as getting up there is not going to become easy I mean we have to skill this terrain so we're just going to run around be careful for the big mushroom fellas right here we're going to find our way to the top basically I think this is the best place to do this where you also see that smaller Tower so you're going to take out your pickaxe and make a little platform right here on which you can double jump so one two there we go one two there we go we're going to do that once again and yep it's already getting pretty dark right now one two one two and voila that already brings us a little bit higher this is the exact point where we're standing by the way so yeah you can tell it's much easier than you think you just have to be a little bit creative if you think this is a tedious process oh boy we're just getting started this video definitely isn't for you but it's without doubt the quickest way to gain access to the first tower look at that so we are there the ancient Spire revelwood before we check out the cave entrance we first want to unlock this checkpoint as it's going to make traveling to that one so much easier GG now we have access to the ancient Spire revelwood well there is another one to be found right there we've got the pillars of creation and more in the distance which we're all going to cover in this video before we're going to rest in our bed though I'm first going to jump off the platform and fly towards the Northwest as this is where we need to enter a cave for the hand Spindler for the hunter to basically convert that Flex into linen so remember ancient Spire Northwest of that we have the cave entrance you will find a couple Piggies here and there just ignore them follow the road to this way get on top if double jump just like that Uno do there we go down below you also have a road which leads around it but I think this is an even faster or more efficient way to get through follow the lights and get all the way to the end of the cas system as there you will have it the hand Spindler so we're going to place it right there and going to throw in the flex we're going to need a couple more of that though but here we go the advanced glider blueprint as well as the ancient Spire of Revel wot unlocked so now you want to visit the the carpenter as this is where you will find the glider blueprint so we're going to need six shroud wood for this four linen four string and eight shroud so now you're probably wondering where do I find all this I already covered this in my Essential farming gide for all the items which you're going to need in the early game but let's quickly check him out there you have The Alchemist mortar this is basically a village where you have a lot of these plants and these are actually the ones you want to take out look at that right here we have fol on the map but hey just to double check place a flame Shrine right here so in case you die you can always quick travel to it so remember you're going to need eight of the Shroud sacks if you don't find all eight what you can do is quickly get back to the main menu reload your process and have new spawns ready for you which you can then take out to get your hands on the missing components all right so there we go now we have eight the next thing we're going to collect is the Shroud wood which is a lot easier thankfully if you focus on one of these bigger trees you will instantly have 10 which is going to be plenty for this craft now since we have our Shrine right here we can just instantly teleport out of it extinguish the flame and save this checkpoint for later now we're going to need to pick up some more of that Flex which you can do plenty at this specific position East ouch of the Shroud anyways in total we're going to need four linen which translates to eight Flex so we're going to need two more as we already have one and we're also going to need eight of these strings so if you taken out the spiders inside the cave we talked about earlier you already have plenty of that while otherwise you can simply craft it with plant fiber so head spindle here we go more Flex there we go oh we actually needed just four strings but that's fine so this one comes with 150% range instead of the 100 and also more speed so now with the advanced glider locked we are basically ready to make our trip all all the way to the eastern part of the world we're going to need to do a lot of gliding a lot of jumping puzzles but trust me guys it's going to be worth it as you will basically get access to the end game in no time for this trip I recommend you to do a little bit more preparations like finding some nice food to make it easier to survive out there in the world rough stone blocks make a couple thousand of these as well as some flame altars as these are going to make the trip so much easier we're going to talk more about that in a second but very important you also want to have one of those Scrappy axes you don't need a better one all right so here we are on the ancient Spire spring lens that's the revelwood tower and there we have our next objective after that The Pillars of Creation so let's double jump off this platform use our updraft and fly as far as the wind can take us so now we're basically flying towards the ancient Vault Hunter right behind that we will have the Spire so you just want to keep flying until you reach the destination all right so we just landed at the Vault of the hunter we've got a lot more to do so what we're going to do is basically run to the very edge of this platform so here we are at the very edge of the Vault now all we need to do is make that jump voila as you can see it's pretty easy to reach safe ground without having to enter the Shroud with all these upgrades have you noticed that I'm not using any food in this process I do recommend you though to fill up your tummy with some nice shnacks here we are the next ancient Spire this is where we unlock the quick travel when we commune with the flame GG so our next objective is The Pillars of Creation these are the highest mountains in the game which you can find in the central part of the world before we do that trip though I'm first going to do a little bit of resting in the base because I want to have a nice Sunshine When We Make This climb and I'm also going to grab a cup of coffee while I'm at it cheers guys still very low level for the people who just tuned in now our way to The Pillars of Creation with this wow one block Shield a advanced glider and the grappling hook so if you're starting at this time stamp well you're in for retreat ladies and gentlemen because this is where the real adventure begins all right so here we are at the very border let's say the northeastern part of this Tower looking at The Pillars of Creation so we're going to Simply jump off and we're going to Glide towards the Northwest as this well gives us the quickest access to the mountain itself and this is I think where most people are a little bit confused on how to reach it in general I mean this is a vxa game I want to remind you about the fact that you have a pickaxe at your disposal and you can make holes in walls even better tunnels through mountains anyways if you follow the road well this will already bring you to a nice flame Shrine of The Pillars of Creation with also a checkpoint look at that we even leveled up now we are level five but we can pick up the Sparks right here and get out so if I open the map right here ladies and gentlemen you can see that we're currently at this flame sanctum we just discovered the Pillars of Creation still though it's very invisible for us so we have no clue how to reach it but we can start jumping with the double jump on all the patches of land to make scaling this mountain a little bit easier so remember to jump on all the soft patches of land if you then see that you don't have another platform to jump on you're going to mine yourself a smaller one sometimes this can be a little bit tricky but after like three to four swings you should have one which is pretty easy to stand on now we're going to jump on top of the next patch of grass and we're going to rinse and repeat this process to basically get all the way to the top no we don't seem to have anything but have you guys already heard about my fortnite stairs I mean this technique also makes scaling terrain pretty easy what you want to do for it to begin with it make a room for an altar so you can place it right there we don't have enough free space as you can see so we're going to have to remove a little bit more of the rock so there we go look at that let's quickly open up the map by the way so you can see where I am at the L of Pillars of Creation exactly towards the South but hey now we're going to take out our Hammer take those building blocks which we talked about earlier select numero oo number eight and here we go we can make a staircase to Heaven literally man I absolutely love this so um here we go so yeah that basically brings us much higher much faster of course you're going to need flat surfaces for that but after it you want to break your altar so it basically despawns after 30 seconds and then of course all the construction you've made will also slowly fade away but hey now we have access to some new easier to skill terrain which is going to be even easier if you take out your glider and spam your space bar for that updraft anyways we just reached the desert biome look at how high we are already up in the mountains man I absolutely love these land scaling techniques which we're talking about right now but let's continue the climb so right behind us now we start finding some rougher terrain and I think it's pretty interesting that you can sometimes spam click to actually also climb up and yeah you want to make sure you don't fall off afterwards but hey here we are if you want to make yourself a safe checkpoint always take out that pickaxe and make make a flat surface to stand on I mean this is basically what got me pretty high up the hill the previous times as well so if you combine all those techniques it's going to be pretty easy to reach the top of the mountain right here we can even start picking up some of that nice sugar cane which is going to give us a whole lot of stamina recharge a nice alternative to Honey basically if you don't have that anymore and now we're basically at this specific point of the pillar of creation this path specifically I think is pretty nice to follow you don't need to do a lot of mining let's say to reach the top I remember mining a tunnel all the way to the top in my previous run but here we go so this is where we have a vault or also an entrance to the pillar of creation which unfortunately is closed so if I open up the map right now this is where we are so instead of yeah going out wild you want to be extremely cautious right here because those guys are high level if you're afraid of dying or in general I recommend this anyway is to place a flame Shrine right here as this will serve as your quick travel so if you happen to die you will basically get back to this point or you can quick travel to it whenever you want say you want to repair your pickaxe or your weapons get your hands on some new ammo we can now also just place the workbench press craft and repair make some of those building blocks and continue the quest I think you want to have two altars ready for this so we Cur only have three altars active three out of four so we can place one still so our goal is basically to reach the top of the mountain place an altar right there so we have our quick travel in position and then we want to Glide down and destroy this one so this one is our temporary save now we're basically going to make our way up the mountain more and more I think this is a sweet spot to quickly gain some height make make a little platform we can jump on like just a couple swings one and two that's one one and two yeah this is going to require a little bit of skill ladies and gentlemen but here we go yeah not enough stamina is something you want to be careful for but here we go we're even higher up the mountain right now so um let's continue the quest search for a surface which is going to make it a little bit easier to climb the mountain and here we are ladies and gentlemen at the top of the Pillars of Creation this took me like 5 to 10 minutes tops this structure behind us doesn't do anything I think but here we are at the very top of this thing the first thing you want to do of course is find your favorite place to build a quick travel to place one of those shrines which I think you should do right there as much to the east as possible so this specific circle on the map or that one those are both nice Vantage points well yeah this one is a tricky jump actually let's try it with the updraft you can get there wow that was some spamming the space bar but here we go and we're going to place it right there voila now we can quickly travel back to the previous Shrine and extinguish the altar so we will have a new altar at ready so we can basically use those as checkpoints during our adventure is mining our way up and up let's say so now ladies and gentlemen you can see that everything in front of us has the red shroud well we have a couple smaller ones which aren't much of a big deal we Still Rock This basic fighter set and we haven't taken out the big boss in the capital so please don't say it's not possible without this I'm proving the opposite but let's continue our adventure so from this specific quick travel now created at The Pillars of Creation we basically basically want to Glide to the Northeast as that will of course quickly lead us to the next ancient Spire The Nomad Highlands which are of course these Rocky Mountains The Zone after the forest in preparation for the Far East End Zone the desert so once again you can see that I don't have any food in my tummy I run very low on stamina so what I'm going to have to do is quickly land before we fall to our death but here we go you know what I'm just going to follow the road right here which is going to make travel so much easier and we're going to pick up all those plants during our adventures as well as especially the sugar cane I think is amazing to quickly restore your stamina you can also pick up the other ones like the sage leaves I think these are actually really nice to restore Mana or have more in general so we're going to use that look at that our bar just went up big time but yeah follow the road to the north as to the east East we basically have that massive pit with all the Shroud anyways look at that we just arrived at rle Bleak also with a fossilized bones very northern part of this area where you can find the passage basically to the pillar we just arrived at the new Spire if I quickly open up the map you can see that this is basically the road we've walked from The Pillars of Creation quick travel you just Glide to let's say this spot more or less and then start the walk follow the road through red oblique and this is where you will arrive again if you want to play safe just build a couple flame altars we're going to place one right here we can get rid of the previous altar if you want to well I'm just going to leave this one here temporarily after we've unlocked the Spire itself I'm going to delete this one afterwards there we go so there we have it The Nomad Highland ancient Spire quick travel unlocked GG let's quickly take away this quick travel so we can place it somewhere else in the road wow I'm going to quickly grab another coffee guys so if we look at the springlands well that's already the fourth we first unlocked the revelwood then we made our way from the springlands to the low Meadows then we made another one at The Pillars of Creation and now following the way all the way to the Nomad Highlands reminder guys we're on altar level two still I have a character with barely anything unlocked without any of the NPC upgrades but trust me we will reach the end game like this in no time so let's move on to our final quest the ancient Spire of Kindle wastes this one can be found in a far Southeastern part of the world basically the corner where we have all this sweet legendary endgame loot to reach it yes there is a lot of shroud in between while we already ignored this one entirely so once again this is going to become no problemo so let's begin with jumping off right here and use our updraft to already reach some distant lands I think what you should do is fly towards that desert entrance or path which you see right in front of us right now this is where you will find a sweet Road once again with plenty of the sugar cane so pick that up as you're going to need it for this trip and see if we can find our way to the Spire this looks heavily protected but still I think if we just who that was scary did you see my camera move I jump scared like crazy because of that trap anyways as you can see it's pretty easy to run through this checkpoint so we're basically making our way to the southeast still going under this thing right now though we have a lot of shroud in front of us so this is deadly stuff you want to avoid at all times so what you want to do right here is actually move right in between the two Mists from the road basically well this is where you can prevent any of the you can just continue the path if we zoom in you can see that this is missed we've got missed right there but right in between we actually have this safe path with sand and also some of these sweet sand crawlers man they look pretty cool like little unshrouded dinosaurs basically but yeah follow your imaginary road to an actual road which you can find right here once again so here we go right here we have a little town called brittle Bush also a checkpoint point which is amazing to pick up while you want to be a little bit careful right here as there are some high level creatures once again so from brittle Bush it's a pretty long road still to the tower but it's going to be not that hard if we just fly across this town you just want to fly straight over it remember to also eat some Sage every now and then it's going to give you more mana and this is even a spot where you can quickly scoop up some water so GG that's some free stamina regen as well and as you can see the town is not that aggressive as long as you just stay away from the bad guys pick up those shrines you can die and respawn right here it's not much of a big deal well now we basically leave the town and you can follow this road to the north following the road to the north from brittle Bush This is where the road also makes a turn so then you start making your way to the southeast just keep running away from the dragons really you don't want to mess with them but this place will also bring you to a bridge which you can easily cross when using the grappling hook remember to keep filling your tummy with primarily the water and sugar cane as you're going to need a whole lot of stamina to keep running and running on the road you will already have that increased movement speed which is amazing in my opinion you can even further upgrade this with different talents but we unfortunately don't have room for that with this such lowlevel character anyways at a certain point you will reach this position which I think is the hands down best place to make the jump right here we also have some safe fog so you don't have to worry about the shrouds consuming you as it will simply not kill you see but here we go this is where you will find Rose Shell burrow if I open up the map for a second this is a pretty small farm from Rose Shell burrow we're going to stand at this specific area o look at that we just unlocked the sand thrown at the carpenter but if the double jump fails you can always make a little platform to stand on which is going to make it a lot easier to get to the top enough height advantage to basically make that jump it does look a little bit scary but from the town itself the Gap is much smaller and yeah what you can do just in case you're afraid of not making this jump you can place an altar now we already have four out of four so we won't be able to place another one but I'm going to just do the jump right here and we're going to start gliding so now you're probably thinking oh boy this is going sideways he's about to go down but nope with the updraft it's actually no problemo to get across and look at that this will basically bring you to the other side so now we know that we can make the jump exactly at this position pick up the Altar and do that again very important ladies and gentlemen for this jump you want to have both the double jump and the updraft I mean look at my level I barely unlocked any of the skills so you should definitely be able to do this as well as long as you simply reset your talents for this specific Adventure at the blacksmith but yes ladies and gentlemen this is how we can reach the ancient Spire of Kindle waste with very low gear yes there we go Kindle waste fast travel if you now commune with a flame congrat congratulations you've unlocked the final quick travel in the game as of today of course in the Early Access so one more thing to do also going to quickly pick up the best glider in the game I mean I already made a gide for this but why not include it in this one as well as it's only going to take you a couple more minutes to get your hands on it all right the sweet Kindle wastes quick travel ladies and gentlemen we want to reach this sun Temple where you can also find the legendary glider the absolute best one to unlock in the game as you can see though we have a lot of red shroud thick layer of Mists in front of us which is deadly will instantly consume you so what you want to do is yeah don't chicken out just fly across with a double jump and updraft combo it's going to be no problemo to get to this first part of land which is going to be 100% safe basically from getting destroyed the only thing you want to be careful for are those dragon birds in the skies they can hit like a track will probably One-Shot us with the gear which we have currently equipped but here we go we already reached a pretty nice checkpoint the next thing you want to do to reach the sand temple is not fly across this Mist but instead you want to go to the east as if we follow this road well we don't really have to deal with the Mist itself all right so we just landed right now we're just going to follow the Mist all the way to the end to the South basically until we reach this Big Rock right in front of us so as you can see we've got Mist on this side scary we've got more Mist right there so you would say okay this is not going to be it for him we won't be able to reach the S Temple while if we open up the map you can see that right here in detail specifically you can just run around the cliff and that will safely lead you to it so we're just going to hug the wall to the right and we're going to make our way to the very end of this thing look at that we just arrived at scatter bone but here it is I think this is an amazing place to once again place a shrine we're going to put it let's say right there oh we have enemies nearby well this will do just fine so if I open on the map this is where we have our quick travel that's the sun temple in the very Southeastern part of the map South of the ancient Spire Kindle waste and now what you can do is basically jump across get inside the temple and start farming your leg legendary gear you just want to quickly get to this chest open it up and look at that we just got our hands on an Eagle Eye set part welcome to the end game ladies and gentlemen now you can start farming the absolute best gear in the game so let's do this a couple times fast forward to progress as man we're going to be maximum gear in no time so I think I did enough farming right now as this is not a farming guide anyways right now I think we look pretty epic don't you agree after just a little bit bit of farming anyways yeah let's move on to the rest how you can get your hands all that glider so we basically want to make our way up in the temple if you enter it there's going to be another little puzzle which you have to solve with the the shooting game so you want to shoot that first button right here at the western side of the temple then we're also going to deal with the bookshelf right here to do the second one if you're standing on the balcony looking at the kle was Tower well right behind us we're also going to have that one right there that's numero T all right you want to be at the southwestern balcony basically this is where you will find the button outside if you're too lazy solving puzzles you could also just use my breaking in method remember my 15 essential survival hacks you want to know about to not survive but thrive in a shrouded well ruin the wall right here and also get to the staircase might get fixed in the future but still still absolutely love that it's possible anyways now you will have access to the staircase which will lead you more up and up in this place we did also find a wolf snarl Longbow it can come in very handy to deal with the dragon birds which we have right here as they are extremely annoying but yes we basically want to ouch make our way all the way to the top of the temple we're going to do a little bit of healing while we're at it but double jump right here use your Grappler and this would bring you to the door for which you need a lockpick and wow these birds are super annoying but just fly past this as right here you can actually find a place where you can double jump use your grappling hook take your faing ax and open the door so you don't need the lockpick to enter this place then we can just jump on the fences on the sides right here and voila this will basically lead us to the very top of the temple where we can now pick up the golden chest with t the the ghost glider so we have our upgrade ladies and gentlemen we go from the advanced glider to the legendary ghost glider so now your real adventure begins in ased let me quickly give you another tip wow I can't hear myself thinking with all these animals shouting 24/7 but just keep double jumping right here and this is where I can open up the chest and wow that hit pretty hard but hey we got the loot now we're going to use our updraft and GG we are gone away from the temple with all the treasure we wanted to have there is one more place which I recommend you to visit open up the map fly basically to the northeastern part of the S Temple where we also have this thick mist or fog which you won't be able to access with of course that level two flame Shrine which we have right now but this is where you can find one of the best staves in the game it's a fixed drop be sure to pick that one up up as well so ladies and gentlemen there you have it everything you need to basically speed run your way through the game gain access to the best glider the best weapons and armor in the game legendaries of level 25 including all the ancient Spire quick travels which are going to make your adventures in the game so much easier especially the Pillars of Creation quick travel was one heavily requested by the community so there you have it I think it's an amazing one for sure to have to basically gain access to all the wind directions all the corners of the road so much easier and now yes with an empty map using your best glider in the game it's going to be no problemo to fill up the blanks anyways ladies and gentlemen a big thanks for watching be sure to hit that like button you have no idea how much time went into preparing this video be sure to subscribe if you want to stay in the loop with future content a lot more in shrouded is coming your way next month also night Andale right now though it's 4: a.m. out I want to wish you an amazing day I'll catch you in the next video or live stream [Music] peace
Channel: 04AM
Views: 83,417
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 04AM, Enshrouded Early Access, Enshrouded gameplay, enshrouded, enshrouded pc, enshrouded gameplay, enshrouded need to know, enshrouded guide, enshrouded 2024, enshrouded tips & tricks, enshrouded tips and tricks, enshrouded legendary chest farm, enshrouded unlimited runes, enshrouded unlock everything, enshrouded best gear, enshrouded best glider, enshrouded best weapon, enshrouded best legendary farm, enshrouded pillars of creation, enshrouded advanced glider
Id: k6UByiqik0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 17sec (2117 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2024
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