Enshrouded: 7+ Simple DIY Home Decor Ideas | Tips and Tricks

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welcome Flame born this is Eerie night of the Su posi back in enshrouded and today I'm going to present some simple DIY decorative tips to liven up your living space Gardens are a great way to beautify any space so why not put them literally anywhere you're not restricted to placing them on the ground and I'll show you all how first place down the floor which can be anything from a balcony to a rooftop to an inner Courtyard anywhere in which you want a splash of color here I am choosing to put them on a lowerer platform of my Treehouse and I think it would be a cool effect to have Gardens on more than a single level so Place some stairs all the way way around in an additional floor built off from them now our next step is to exploit The Rake however we cannot directly Place Farm soil on the floor and spread it around what we need to do first is to put down a layer of dirt and similar to The Farm soil we cannot spread it around with the rake instead cover the entire area in which you want to place your garden with dirt fortunately dirt is easily attainable so covering a large area is quite simple next plop down a batch of Farm soil just a little bit will suffice and now that we have a layer of dirt we can finally use the rig to spread the Farm soil around the reason for the dirt is to enable us to use the rake on the Farm soil which is not as readily plentiful as dirt and once we start raking the Farm soil we can even spread it over regions with no dirt and finally we can do the same thing for our Upper Floor and spread the dirt and Farm soil all around railings not only serve a functional purpose of protecting against accidents as long as they are more than two blocks high but they can also be decorative and serve to make your home more scenic one way is to place a row of blocks one block over and up from your path here I'm using roughly cut stone leaving a one block Gap and place down the upper part of your railing which I recommend using a different material than the bottom here shroud wood and for the railing post Place those at whatever interval you like and to provide light at night I chose to go with the luminescent blocks another alternative design is to use Roofing blocks which sounds absurd but hear me out first start with whatever material you want and stack it two blocks high to form your posts next place a row of single roof blocks to connect connect each post and upon reaching it stack another roof block on top do this all the way down the line next you can optionally add an extra embellishment and place another roof block one block down from the top of the post on the back side it will create a nice decorative element on your railing posts and you can even use different roofing materials to produce a unique aesthetic alternatively you could also do it on the other side if that is more your style and yet another spin on this design is to double up the railings in between the posts to make them [Music] thicker and subsequently increasing the post height so if you want a sturdier looking railing and want to see some more of the wood along the railing this is a great option to [Music] choose roofs well I'm not so concerned with various roof construction designs in this video though if you'd like to see a video dedicated to that let me know in the comments below here I am mostly concerned with doing a simple placement to create a nice decorative interior pattern so how to build build step one we need some walls of course and you'll want to taper the side going in a diagonal pattern from the front wall our next step is to place the 2 m outside roof corner at Each corner formed by our [Music] walls if we pop over to the other side we can see the honeycomb like pattern you might need to make some slight adjustments to your taste but the end results are definitely stunning and more importantly extremely easy to do a fireplace can dress up any room and provide warmth for the rested bonus I'll show you all different simple variations you can do starting from the early game using the first available craftable Fireplace Place two side by side I'll surround the fireplaces using some rough stone blocks which are available from the start of the [Music] game as we build higher I'll taper the sides till they meet in the middle to form the [Music] [Music] chimney [Music] you could stop here but if you want to do a bit more work we can expand the size of it a bit while maintaining the overall tapered [Music] look using Flintstone another easily accessible building material from the start of the game we can add a simple border around the [Music] fireplace and for a little extra definition two blocks at right angles at the bottom of the Border for a later game design let's take the brick fireplace which is quite large on its own so we only need one let's keep the same brick aesthetic and use the fired brick blocks and surround the fireplace with [Music] those just above the fire I'll place a row of bricks running across I like the little emblem on the top of the fireplace so I don't wish to cover [Music] it let's remove some blocks and instead place a row above the Gap so if you like the super simplistic approach you can stop at this point and you've got yourself a very simple aesthetically pleasing fireplace we can add a bit more to the design by filling in the sides adding a [Music] chimney put some right angle refined stone blocks at the base building four columns and running a short row of blocks across the top and finally adding some definition on the sides of the chimney and voila the finished product storage is vital for any Survivor you all need a place to store all your loot and harvest so why not do it with a bit of style I think a great placement to put your storage is tucked under a set of stairs for an early game design let's start with a floor of some rough stone blocks add in some sidewalls stack some tiny chests which can be built at the very start of the game and add another sidewall on the other side a little roof to our cabinet some right angle footings at the bottom you could stop here or optionally remove the bottom and place in the door if you'd like to hide your chest but still have easy access if however you want to maximize your space under the stairs we can even expand to the left and place another chest there place a little bit of trim around the edges and there you go a simple storage unit Under the Stairs a simple elegant design you can do when you have access to better materials is to place down a layer of refined stone block or any substitute you wish place down a row of chest and a row of metal blocks at the base and then we basically repeat another row of metal blocks refined stone blocks across the top of the chest and another row of chests finally we have ourselves a very simple storage unit that we can easily expand on the sides in the future if you have a large enough wall the farmers crafting workstations are excellent candidates for transformative decoration starting with the fireplace let's build a brick base and plop the fireplace on top add a bit more to the base on the sides with the front knot spanning the entire width on either side place a stone column and connect the two together next add two blocks in the front over the tripod in which the kettle is hanging finally let's actually fill in the gaps in the front and put a row of blocks at the base [Music] I'll show you all another simple design with the farmers of it plop down a 45° angled oven and place some bricks around the oven in this configuration Place brick columns all the way around en closing the oven cover the top and build a Little Smoke Stack finally let's add a little taper to either end and voila a nice brick oven ready for baking any good cooking space wouldn't be complete without some counters I think we can directly connect our counter to our oven though if you have an isolated wall you don't need to connect it to anything let's lay down a layer of brick to outline our counter shape plop down the sink and Surround it with blocks leaving a little opening on the Shelf next pop in our fireplace leaving an opening for the fire lastly all we need to do is cover any gaps and add any bit of definition you want want including a nice little Stone blacksplash and there we have it a nice wraparound counter connected to the stove we just placed before and there you have it Flame born by adding simple little details you can easily elevate your home designs into something more spectacular you toy your boring spaces and add some nice decorative elements you can do this by making things from scratch or by taking existing items like the fireplace and build around it to more seamlessly blend into your home hope you all took away some inspiration for your own home decor and if so please drop a like And subscribe to our Channel as all of your support helps us out a lot a special thanks to all of our wonderful patrons who support is funneled back into the channel making it better for the rest of you all on that note this is Eerie night of the suap posi signing off see you all next time
Channel: Pseudo Posse
Views: 16,408
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Enshrouded, Building Tips, DIY
Id: HtmYLJotlak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 47sec (767 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2024
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