Do this to make your builds look better in Enshrouded!

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hello and welcome to this video about building in a shrouded in this video I will talk about how to improve a build by adding detailing and mixing materials how you can use different type of materials and well textures to make your build look a lot better uh but before we start to do that uh let's start by taking a look at the view as the real estate agents say location location location and I don't think there's quite a location like this in the shrouded in terms of view this is the cinder volt right here for reference and this is the ancient Spire of Springland and you can fly from the ancient Spire here well almost up here if you have a high level glider otherwise you will just have to climb a lot look at this you can see the whole map uh don't worry about uh the stone blocks over there I just put them there to show something later on when we start start working on this build so in preparation of this video I was I wanted to make kind of a blacksmith Hut I will make like a whole base up here like one little building for each uh NPC and I will start with the black and I was kind of Googling reference images I don't always do that when preparing for a build something sometimes I just build right but this time I I wanted to kind of have some referesh so I Googled Medieval houses and I found this little model house that had this roof like this with a shimy leading up and the blacksmith was placed over here more or less uh and I thought that looked really great so I wanted to kind of steal that um so I think once we got all the materials in here this will look really really good um I did some modification in terms of like entrance and the rest of the house um we have a kind of a basement down here not much to it no stair up from the basement to the other floors instead the stairs are leading up here and here we got the second floor uh we got what will become a little toilet here uh this will probably be the kitchen area and here's some kind of storage above the black Smith and the stair on stairs leading up uh to U the attic uh like I mean the attic would normally in a medieval house not be where you lived maybe stored some things I guess but here I think I will have like a huge window here uh leading out to the amazing view outside and maybe bedroom as such um anyway let's get started I think the first obvious change of materials is the first floor that is made out of wood and change that to Stone because a lot of these types of houses had the first floor made out of stone uh and one thing to keep in mind is that if you want Vines growing on the stone walls uh you can't do it on the all walls you can do it on this is the let me check castal wool stone block that one except um if you place dirt not in all places but in some places you get vines right uh this is the roughly cut stone block you also get vines on this one and this is the city wool block and you also get vines in some locations on this one uh for the other ones here when it comes to to stone walls when it comes to Wood Walls you also have some that actually get vines when you put dirt on them you only get dirt if you place dirt like this so you can't really get vines and out of these three I think uh the roughly cut stone block will be the one that kind of fits the house the most maybe this one as well I I might experiment between them if you can't really decide what material to use it might help to actually put them like this side by side in the build and I'm actually quite sure after doing that that I will go with a roughly cut stone block I think that looks nice a lot better than before I won't really put the door back yet because I want to do something about the floor as well I still want that floor to be made out of wood I just want the more rugged look uh than it got now using the half timbered block um and I think the rough wood block will fit really nicely because it got kind of moss growing on it uh the planks look really rugged so uh let's exchange the floor in here for that remove these ones let's see if I can fit this in here here's a tip like if I would place this one like this so it aligns you kind of get um this detail along the edge so if you don't want that detail like I don't have here uh you just need to have it stick in below the wall uh so let's grab this one back um and let's stick it in like this and you see now that thing disappeared there um let's keep going here and here yeah that looks nice now let's do something about the threshold and the easiest way to do that is grab I've done this in plenty of builds but let's remove all of these and we can grab a bookshelf depending on the texture you want on the threshold this is more to get like uh to get away from having this dis pattern again uh down here in the threshold I I I don't really like that to have that like this should be nice and now uh we still have the pattern but on the inside uh but if we grab something like this and make sure uh that we place that uh below the threshold now you can see it disappeared uh and we have a much nicer uh threshold here that looks more like the rest of the floor actually this bookshelf could have been a tiny bit higher up so I will actually fix that the Shelf is now a tiny bit higher up and I think it looks a lot better so let's put the door back in but not the fancy door I used before but rather this really basic one I think it will fit a lot better with this section of the house one little thing that you might find annoying if you kind of zoom in on details like I tend to do is that if you let the kind of floor go in below the stone walls you can see this on the outside that the stone walls don't meet the ground like they should I changed a bit of the dirt road for ordinary dirt to get grass kind of hiding that detail as well as planting a bit of necklace and a bit of bushes over here as well uh over here I'm not as worried because here all the blacksmith stuff will go like the crafting Benes and stuff like that so that will kind of hide that detail over there uh let's move on to another section of the house I think the upper part before we start with more finer details like the attic the window there and also I want a different materials for several other sections of the house one thing I find quite annoying when building in the shrouded is where the wall is supposed to meet the roof and the reason is because I care too much about details I know but it's because you either end up with this where the wall kind of sticks through the roof or you end up with kind of gaps like this and I don't like that either if you put the wall further away but there is a way to solve it and that is by actually using roof as a wall close to the roof um as long as you don't use the same type of um roof I was using Stone shingle roof here on on my house uh so as long as you don't use the same type of roof Tils as you did for the roof it will actually sit nicely like or fit really nicely towards the roof and I think the roof tiles block is really nice also for the because it kind of looks extremely close to how refined wood looks in terms of texture so you can kind of use if you use refin wood for part of your build you can kind of use the roof tile block close to the roof and it will look like it's pretty much the same material so let's do that up here on the upper section of the house let's remove the first section here of uh cubes and replace that with a beam of refined wood after we put the beam there we just grab the roof tou block and place it like this you can see it fits nicely towards the roof here with no bigger gaps like there's small small gaps there but hardly noticeable another row of refined wood down here it will blend quite nicely with the roof tiles not perfectly but good enough at least if you look from the ground um let's put the windows in I will do the same thing for the window looking out here and for this wall I will just replace the whole thing with roof tiles so this is how the attic looks now this window is of course not really medieval but I don't care because it's my build and I think it adds a lot to this space uh I had to do a little bit of experimentation before I got happier with this window and this is the other section with the wall all made out of roof tiles there are of course a lot of more stuff that needs to be done up here uh but before we do that let's move on to other parts of the house I also remove the uppermost cubes all around the house uh to replace it with refined wood to have some consistency between like the sides of the house and the gables but also to kind of move this beam here uh that's formed by like where the walls end uh one step down so that it would be visible below the roof so I want this part of the house that is supposed to be a small little storage area to material-wise match the attic or The Gables of the house up here so it will be a mix of refined wood and roof tiles and I think like I probably should have started the video with this but I think a good way to mix materials to make it look natural is to think about the reason why that material mix should be there so for example for the basement it's made out of stone because stone is sturdy and it holds up the rest of the house the attic normally well I will put a bedroom there now but normally it might be storage area so you don't need As Nice of material in the walls there as you do where you you are going to live where you need more insulation and stuff to keep keep it warm um and not windy right so the storage area as well could be made out of a cheaper material because it also doesn't need as much insulation St so it looks quite nice now although I don't think this section here uh looks like it fits in with the rest of that as well as the pillars supporting it towards the ground uh so I think like this section I will replace for refined wood as well just as up here and the pillars for those you can make something that looks quite a lot like wooden pillars out of plant fiber and STW roofs uh I think these ones are a bit too bright this one unfortunately is the one that look least like wood but it matches a lot better color-wise I think we'll we'll have to go with this one let's start by removing this section and put the refined wood there so let's grab our plant fiber roof because that was the one with a darker color and just make a little pillar [Music] here unfortunately we got this little detail up here that we will have to figure out a way to hide later on this looks a lot better uh we still have these kind of small Corners that I need to do something about to hi High later on but let's replace this pillar as well and the pillar over there so we have the same pillars all around the house before we worry about the finer details though let's do something about the bathroom because this one definitely needs to be more uh shy looking is shy a word in English I hope so so let's remove all the nice walls here also need to exchange that door but that's a later wor I guess I don't want to mix too many different materials so I will use uh the refined wood here as well uh let's see one over here as well as up here and then outer wall as well like this and then you switch to the roof tiles here and take the last part with those so it bends nicely up with the roof and there we go actually when thinking about it I might actually exchange this roof as well for a store roof used for the bathroom so this would kind of work I think like the Reon for having the toilet stick out on the outside of the house would be two I guess hygienic reasons but also you would be able to kind of empty it from the outside so they would have kind of a lid or something here and you can just grab whatever the bucket that was standing there and empty it out wherever you kind of empti that stuff right in the living room I first of all want to add thresholds to the doors so let's remove a few cubes here oops same over here and over here I grabb some shelves from the inventory same as I used for um the basement or the first floor add one over here one over here and one at the front entrance then we can uh grab our floor let's see and put that one back in place and then we have to grab the doors as well I want these kind of rougher doors here to the storage area and to the bathroom and then we take the nicer one to the front door the second thing I want to do is actually add an inner layer of walls I've already prepared by kind of having a bit of space in between here the reason for that is that this type of wall on Medieval houses you would see on the outside of the wall right but you wouldn't really see it on the inside because on the inside it would be like insulation and then a second kind of thinner like planks or something right on the inside of the insulation so that's what I want to add here is a second layer of wool on the inside to kind of make the texture of the inside of the living room different than that on on the outside I think the palmwood block will work really nicely for the living room uh because it kind of got this uh quite fancy texture let's see like this you also get kind of by yourself this really nice frame around windows and doors so that's also helpful so then the living room will look a bit like this oh I forgot like a segment over here let's fix that um there we go um except this one uh still looks a bit out of place so let's remove that one and also replace that one p wood there is one thing about this living room that I don't think look good right now and that is all of those small parts sticking out here along the roof and also here at the stairs uh these are mostly due to using half Timber block as kind of the ceiling here or well the floor of the attic so I will actually change the floor of the attic uh to a different material to don't have that I have replaced most of the floor up here now with refined wood you can Spot the Difference here between the half Timber floor here for the overhang that goes like a bit out from the house and the rest of the floor here uh the good thing is now if you look here below the roof it looks a lot nicer uh I also replaced uh the stairs with refined wood instead of the half timbered and and I think that looks better as well uh only thing we got now is a little bit sticking out here that I don't really think look that nice but there's a little way we can mask that uh by putting maybe something like a pillar going out here like a supportive beam or supportive support supporting beam maybe it's called like this think that looks fitting and it kind of mosed uh the stairs a bit here as well I think there is kind of always a fine line when building and I'm not talking and shrouded here or painting or whatever right between adding too much um detail with a build ending up uh cluttered or not enough making it not interesting enough I kind of hope these supporting pillars here are on the correct side of that I think they are uh I think I will also add kind of a beam here that will also help with this little issue here uh with this beams having uh this little detail going in there I'm using shroud wood for this because you get kind of really even planks like this and let's see like this like this and over here as well and you can see our uh little problem here with the pillars disappeared as soon as we have something going out a little little bit on the side of them so we solved like several problems at once here and I think like this part of the house is now looking a lot more interesting as well I added a few more changes I topped off the chimney by adding a row here of roughly cut stone block to get this nice little Edge on the chimney I moov the door one step towards the left to be centered below this window added a planter boxes here exchanged the stairs for uh shroud wood I think it matches the beams here on the half Timber blocks and looks a lot better than using half timber for the stairs um in front of the windows I also added some planter boxes if you want to know how to make those planter boxes in front of the window uh I have a video about that so I will link it in the description below this video actually the more I look at them I feel like these windows might have ended up on the wrong side of that fine line between cluttering and just enough detail to make it interesting so I will actually have to make a few small changes yeah that's that's definitely better even though I made a lot of changes to this house and I will actually end the video by kind of putting side by side how it looks now and how it looked when we started uh we're not done uh so this will be the first part of a two-part video because what we got left to do here is uh blacksmith stations over here we only got the kill in here I think traditionally these ones were out in the woods and actually not at the black but at least I put it a bit on the side and of course everything going on inside of the house I really like crafting Survival Games especially the crafting part of those games and also other games where players can invent stuff so if that's your thing if you think that's content you enjoy you might consider subscribing to my channel because I will make a lot more of that type of content also give a thumbs up if you like the video uh leave a comment below if there's something you want to say about it or like something you want me to make videos about in the future uh anyway Let's uh end this video by that side by side [Music] comparison
Channel: KetMol
Views: 5,173
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Id: yWe_Y0B9Xvg
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Length: 20min 54sec (1254 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2024
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