Better way to plant flowers in windows in Enshrouded & much more!

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hello and welcome to this video about how to make flower boxes in front of your windows in a shrouded I showcase two different neat ways of doing that but as well some ways to kind of make flower pots for your walls as well as a really nice little French balcony but more importantly I will also talk about exactly how the rules work for overlapping items on top of each other in a shrouded and it's not the way you might think so stay tuned for that and let's get started this is the first window that we will put a flower box in front of in the previous video I showed how to make a flower box using thicker walls the great thing with the trick I will be showing in this video is that you don't need it you can have kind of single W segments uh the window is lined with the roof tile blocks you get these nice beams on either side uh with four blocks in between you cannot really choose where they appear but you can put the window where they happen to appear so to speak uh let's put some windows in I really like the basic ones because you can make this really nice patterns or pattern I think this actually looks really great now let's grab some Farm soil and place it like this all the way across then I need some um scaffolding cubes I don't know really what to call it but just cubes that I placed there to be able to place other cubes then we grab my favorite cube in the whole game carved wooden nightst that's the best block there is um rotate it like this put one over here like this and one over on the other side just mirroring uh like this I think that's nice and then we take more wooden night stuns one here one over here and one in the middle then we grab some strawberries because why not strawberries are really nice and well that's kind of done well I need to remove of course like these ones were not supposed to be there all right so this is the first window on flower box in front of the window let's let's move over to the next one over here so this is the second window that we will make a flower box for and just like with the basic wooden ones uh the iron windows work extremely well to overlap you get this really great uh pattern here in the center and anyway let's Place some Farm soil just like we did for um for the first uh flower box I need some scaffolding cubes again like something to place other stuff on if I can fit that neatly here yeah that looks good and this time we grab some toilets and I will place uh one toilet over here like this and another one on the other other side try to get it somewhat symmetrical like this I think that was yeah it looks to be all right another toilet placing these ones can be a bit uh tricky but uh usually works if you just have a bit of patience and another one over here as well let's see if I can get um sit right yeah that looks all right and we need to grab some more and that was probably more than I needed anyway uh one toilet like this I think will be nice and this and then one here in the middle we can now remove the scaffolding cubes and uh grab some flowers and uh let's go with saffron this time see how many we can fit some luck I can actually fit four maybe if I remove these ones and go from from this very side I will be able to when I test build this earlier I managed to fit four we might only be able to fit three now I don't know yeah all right so this is the second um little window box really neat and nice and fit extremely well with this type of wall as well I have made a door here a bit up on the wall uh where we will make our French balcony like French balconies are those small balconies you see inside of big European cities like in France and Spain and Italy as well it's pretty much just a tiny little balcony with a door where people can kind of got and smoke and stuff don't smoke smoking is bad anyway uh let's put a toilet here because this is also a toilet build and let's see one another toilet like this this one should be kind of tiny so not too many toilets just two of them and on the other side just identical like this I think will be nice and another one here and now to the thing I teased about earlier in the video if you look at stuff in um or objects in shrouded and when you try to overlap them you kind of get the idea that you cannot only overlap like this like halfway through and that's not true because the objects don't really care how much you overlap them they care about that this little white point that we kind of aim with um actually hit the correct uh surface so for a toilet that would be a horizontal surface for example and for I know I don't know like a painting or a wall lamp that would be a vertical surface as long as you can hit like a tiny little surface um you can actually overlap stuff a lot more just halfway through this means that if you want to place for example like a bookshelf or whatever inside of a wall you don't need to remove that much it's enough with one single Cube as long as that white spot is isting the correct type of surface for the bookshelf that would be a horizontal surface H you're good that you can just place it so let's start by actually removing this thing here and this thing now we need some uh vertical walls let's grab that and place behind the toilets and then I need to grab some shelves did I bring one no I did not be right back so shelves are great if you want to place stuff on elevations that are like not on the stand height of the voxel because you can kind of fit them wherever you want and you can place stuff on top of them so what I want to do is kind of place them so we get kind of a little Gap below here I think actually this will be all right this will be enough I hope and then we'll do the same on the other side a small Gap here yeah I think that will be all right now we uh turn this one like this and now we can actually Peak below and you can see that um if I just get the kind of correct angle here need to be able to get kind of line of sight in here you see we can actually overlap them pretty much fully so let's do that and place this one one two two form a corner like this and then we grab more of the toilets and we do the same of course on this side like this now we can remove the shelves uh put back our scaffolding you right like just below the just below the toilets and do the rest of the tiny balcony I think like yeah we put one here then all across can actually put these ones I think we we will put them like this right so that that little segment that is uh lower than the rest will be as short as possible barely noticeable so that was the thing that is actually huge it's bigger than you think that you can overlap stuff that much um let's see uh one toilet here as well did I bring too few toilets kind of seems like I haven't brought enough stuff this time back with more toilets so I really didn't bring all the stuff I needed in advanc for this build anyway let's put the last toilet there and we of course don't really want a lot of toilets here on our nice little balcony so what we will do is grab um this Rod here oops can I jump out yes I can remove all of these uh kind of scaffolding walls and now we should be able to kind of place this one inside of U inside of the build now I actually need something to jump up on to let you see how the balcony looks and we get this really nice planks here on the inside of of the balcony no sign of the toilets and this really nice little French balcony um a bit above the ground so I made the flower boxes in front of the window using toilets I also made a little French balcony out of toilets and in the previous video I made kind of a whole standing shelf out of toilets so by now you might think I have some kind of toilet fixation I promise you it's not the case it's just that the toilets in the shrouded the two different ones we got are such versatile blocks I mean they're small you can rotate them freely as opposed to what you can do with the boxel cubes right uh so that makes them really good to kind of invent stuff with uh also while I'm on the camera uh I know it's low quality I use a web camera I will try to do something about that I have a GoPro lying about and I will try to hook it up to OBS uh and figure out a way to kind of Mount it in a good place and if I do that should increase the quality of like the stuff I'm doing right now to walking in front of the camera by kind of a lot um without that away uh let's move on to the flower pots on the walls to make the flower pots on the walls I have created some stairs here just to get a bit of higher perspective put some Farm soil here on the wall a shelf below you has to be able to place stuff on and grab The Crucible towards turn it towards the wall and just push it as far in as you can without like too much of the farm soil clipping through that should be about like this I guess and then we can grab for example a grapple plant I think those look really really nice place it inside remove oops not that one remove this one and now we got like a really nice wall flower bot another version or another way of doing this is let's grab some more Farm soil again uh 1 2 three four and then like four below or two below here and then I need just some temporary Cube here uh maybe this one will work let's see like this and this up on this one again and grab a B tube and just sink it as far in as possible without again like the F soil clipping through um we can now grab some flowers put one over here maybe and oh if you put it like where there's just one cube of um of form soil it won't stick but it should be possible to kind of fit two in this one that actually sticks let's see if I can manage think that one might stick around yeah it has not really disappeared yet so it did um now let's remove uh my little can I get to remove these ones yeah there we go there we go and here we go all right so these are two different versions of um flower pot for the wool of course you can use a lot of different items just use your imagination I guess um I think that looks kind of great well that was it for this video give a thumbs up if you thought it was useful maybe write something in the comment section below especially if you got like feedback about the stuff I was showing this video as well as suggestions for future content you might also consider subscribing if you're not subscribed already I got a lot more content for a shroud coming up on the channel and I plan to do some videos about a game called Mana Lords as well I'm a huge fan of city builders and this one looks extremely promising it releases at the end of April like 24th or 25th or something like that and it got some Total War elements as well where you can kind of have huge armies fighting other armies uh I just need to kind of find a format that worked for my channel for that because I can't really do let's build for a city Builder I I don't think it will work but if I figure something out I will most likely do a bunch of videos for that game as well uh if you got suggestions on like what format might fit for that uh of course I'm happy for those suggestions as well well that was everything cheers
Channel: KetMol
Views: 5,457
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vqo1A34fy2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 25sec (805 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2024
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