Enshrouded Base Building Locations

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okay hello so I've been playing and shrouded a lot since it's come out been having a lot of fun mostly just focusing on on Main progression mainly just exploring leveling up stuff like that I haven't really done a lot of building so now I kind of want to build build a good main base and I've been looking a lot of a lot of cool spots so I just kind of wanted to share some locations I found while I'm playing I haven't really looked much but on YouTube I haven't seen a lot of stuff for good uh base locations which I was I looked up a bit so get some inspiration but I thought I'd share what I've found and where I think would be some cool spots it's kind of a mix of uh kind of a mix of pre-built and empty space so you can choose to do what you will with each of them but anyway so okay so our first spot is one uh this is actually my starter my starter base me and my friends we kind of just ignored the building Quest when we started the game and we just like wandered around killing stuff and all that until we came to this spot and we decided to settle our house here it actually turned out to be really a really really nice spot if you're just starting out from the cinder Vault you can make your way it's a pretty straightforward path you can make your way all the way up and around here just following this left side and then up it is to the left of the ancient Spire springlands the Fast Travel there and also to the left this Elixir well and to the northwest of the blacksmith just in this little area right here so yeah if you're running up from the main pathway here around you'll come to this Crossroads and you'll take a right into this little town I do believe yeah it's called Harvest Homestead and Woodard so you're going to come up here and you're going to see all these destroyed buildings and when you come out to the main spot there'll be a a respawn Shrine here but you got this main big main Church big wide open area would be a really nice spot to build if you say wanted to build there's a lot of this flowery grass you can I'm pretty sure you can spread this with the with the rake if you have dirt around it you can spread the flowers out flatten the land do whatever you need this would be a really cool spot to do something wide open one of the things I really like about this area there is these big fields and they are made of uh they're made of Farm soil so any crop you plant in that it should I I believe grow faster also so it's there is a benefit to planting in the actual Fields here you can spread that around with the rake too you just grab it like that push it to the side and as you can see my border we don't have ours in the best placement it's kind of tucked in the corner back there but you can if you placed it better than we did you could possibly reach all the field and you'd have all that area to work with what com up to the main part of this area this is where we set up our main base of operations we haven't changed I have had no reason to change it it's actually a really good really good spot starting area really good location a lot of nice buildings to work with like's say we put our we put the hunter in this house kind of had to patch it up there's a lot of holes in the buildings you might have to patch do some work on but it's easy enough I do I think the can't remember the building block but there's a lot of shroud wood a lot of that timbered timbered block half Timber yeah lots of good space lots of good buildings the main house here this is where we set up our actual house just you don't really have to do anything to it you might have to patch like the roof to get like the covered bonus but a lot of good a lot of open room in here you can put NPCs in we put our cook in the kitchen the farmer I guess and we put the uh black Smith in this back room here it's got a nice wide campfire room over here if you want to say put a fireplace in kind of messy I've kind of been just winging stuff where I feel like it we haven't done a whole lot I've been mostly just playing the game so it hasn't been a lot of optimization there's lots of nice rooms upstairs there's our buddy here we kept him because we thought he was a good addition to this room yeah if you're playing with multiple friends there's lots of space to put different rooms and beds there it does come there a little bathroom and stuff there will be a big hole in the ceiling we patch it with bone made a nice chandelier but if you come up over here there's a loft do it put storage put whatever I put my bed up here a lot of neat lot of neat space to do with whatever you'd want yeah like I said there will be holes in the roof like there was this wall was destroyed we fixed it stuff like that I love the basement in this house it's really there's a really nice big basement here we put our Alchemist down here lots of space for all the work stations or you can take everything out we just left most of the main decorations I kind of liked it gave me like a Firelink Shrine kind of vibe just the dilapitated building with all the NPCs but yeah you got lots of room to put stuff put rooms renovate do whatever you need good I believe the Comfort starting levels 20 to 25 we have put say fireplaces and fireplaces and furniture and stuff to raise that it's not maxed yet but it was a really good start Comfort if you care about that at all too and it's right behind a mountain so I kind of dug out like a secret passage if you like underground based stuff you can dig into the mountain right behind it just kind of just kind of started building this when I was bored cuz I got the itch to start building stuff finally and it does reach a fair distance with the uh like the max level base we're at max level right now this is kind of where it ended that's why this holes here cuz the our build area ended I did expand it since then so it did go back a little more but so you can build just into the back of the mountain if you'd like to yeah overall really good starter spot I would definitely recommend checking this one out if you just don't want to do a first build right off the bat it's easy enough to get to enemies are only level three area is fine there will be maybe some wolves and stuff here when you get here but overall I really like this spot just I just want to build I want to try building somewhere and do my own kind of build as much as I like the pre-made the abandoned buildings okay so next location that I thought would be kind of neat to build at so Cinder Vault spawns down here this one is in the next zone so it will be a bit before you can reach it unless you find a way around the red shroud but if you come all the way up the left side here it's in the forest region it's in the rebelwood rebelwood forest it's all the way up it's kind of left from the ancient Spire so you can easily Glide down here to it it's just up the hill from the sh route By the Mark right here it's in this rocky rocky o crop Corner ancient Obelisk right down there it's just kind of like a just kind of like a little Cliff area I thought was kind of neat be neat to maybe make like say a Mountain Base inside the mountain or you can do whatever with that lots a nice area out front if you want to do anything out here it's got all these cool little like tunnels there's this this one here it actually just goes back into the mountain like that really good say I've seen a lot of people doing Hobbit homes and stuff if you want stuff like that you could do a lot of that here I could see a lot of nice Hills there's copper in that but if it is in your if it's in your base Zone it will if you dig it out it won't come back if it's within your your border so just be aware of that but yeah lots of lots of cool ideas for this spot lots of cool geography here the little caves put NPCs in there make little houses do what you will I don't think and if you there's a lot of uh if you care about resources there's a lot of copper and then if you go just down this hill here down here there's a lot of clay too a lot of clay in the area it's a lot of flat ground flat is easy to flatten this little house here is what comes with neat little uh underground Barrow Little Lookout Point okay so this next uh location here it's also in uh it's also in the rebelwood in the rebelwood forest easy way to reach both of these spots you can just come to the ancient Spire revelwood fast travel and glide over at least even if you don't have an upgraded glider you could get close it's a lot easier but yeah straight from CER Vault you just keep same area up the left side of the map and it'll be along the same cliffedge just even further further up it's just west of the rebelwood Fast Travel so you'll want to look down through here so it'll be right to the West pretty much and you just kind of want to glide through these trees you just want to come straight through here there's a tower on the left you might be able to see it let's pass that Tower up on this hill over here yeah see Tower right there there's the Spire right there kind of a good Landmark to see where you're at yeah you'll see this this Cliff edge up here here and you'll walk up this hello mushroom you walk up this uh little rocky path here and you'll see this really big Tavern on the cliff Edge really cool spot really nice Forest Overlook kind of not a whole lot of flat ground around it I don't think but really nice spot it has a pre-made well a lot of copper up on the hill there if you care about copper I'm pretty sure there is a copper mine just down the cliff there on the other side too this looks like a cave it's actually not it's just a little crevice in the Rocks but yeah definitely one of the biggest buildings I've seen in the game I think like biggest single buildings like this thing is massive it's really nice though like really cool little Tavern you come inside here and it's like a fully furnished you got shields on the wall nice little bar a lot of tables and stuff fireplace even comes with lights it's got a base comfort of 25 which is really good starting out so when you do come here though if you want to place your altar down you'll have to clear some enemies out and they will be in the basement and you'll just come down here it's got a really cool little basement you can put storage you can put blacksmith whatever you want down here so there'll be probably rats down here and this room as well it's just a little bathroom area you open this up come down here and there's a really cool secret hidden cave down here and it will spawn spiders in it I don't know if they come back I do have my base down so I don't know if it's covering it but there's spiders in this little cave kind of a neat cave cool to put something back there I don't know if you want like a Little Alchemist Den or something just a little secret room we yeah really nice Vibe like Tavern it's really it's kind of got a confusing upstairs it's got all these little Lofts and stuff here little tables little dining areas the other side has say like the rooms all that it's got little balconies does have it has a couple rooms not like a whole lot but you could add more on maybe if you're feeling creative a lot of cool little stuff in here it's got even more up here I don't I don't have a lockpick I can't get in that I don't think I can make one either no I don't have any scrap uh yeah and you can get to the attic it actually there's a secret little doorway up here highly recommend the double jump if you don't have it definitely get that one no matter what build you are but yeah it's got like a little attic area you get into a little bit of a secret too i' I've never been to the other side of this wall I don't know if there's another half but you do a lot with up there honestly you could fit so much stuff up there I'm assuming maybe this goes up to the attic I don't know but yeah really nice just little Tavern base it's got a really good vibe really really big a lot to work with it's got a neat little area around it this Rocky path too you can spread it with the rake you can grab that spread it over if you because it does give you a stamina Buff when you're running on it so you won't use as much stamina yeah if you come to the left side of it here down here there will be a mine I should it's a little dark oh just fell in yeah there is a mine back here I think it's I do believe it's a clay mine oh my God the neighbors aren't very nice so just uh be aware of that there is a lot of them yeah a little clay mine down here so if you need clay you're close to a clay deposit there's a lot of copper in this area a lot of copper up on the cliff side just in general yeah really nice spot okay so this next spot it's going to be another one in the rebelwood forest I just really like I really like the forest I don't know something about I just in fantasy settings a nice Green Forest is always my favorite so this one is going to be back at rebelwood uh ancient Spire the Fast Travel and it's going to be Southeast over here it is a marked location called Lush pasture I just have it covered with my my Shrine there so if you just look out to the southeast you will be able to see it right through the trees there it's right there and if you have a good enough glider you can make it across the Shroud here you're just going to want to fly right down it's in a nice low flat spot in the forest it's not so so much mountainous as other spots so it is easier to build here so yeah you're going to fly in you got lots of mushroom friends waiting to greet you running around but yeah there's a little Tower there will be some enemies as most places have when you first discover them got a nice little Tower this nice little dirt path through the trees not a lot of big trees really beautiful wide open a lot of room to work with some more enemies over there there but yeah you're going to come through this path here and it's going to lead up to a little hello it's going to lead up to this little farm settlement it's like a little Farmhouse I guess Lush pastures so yeah it's got a really nice well not nice it's a little bit destroyed more than other places more so but I feel like this one has a lot of potential with all like the flat ground and open space it has I think these were hazelnut trees I don't think I can repick them cuz I've already put my base down and pick them I don't think they come back just like most resources in your base unless you plant them yourself it does have Farm soil though if you like the other one if you just spread it around with your rake you can do that if you want more Farm soil if you don't you can just flatten all this area out the roads you can spread the roads there's a brick road over there if you want that little yeah just a couple little buildings here not a whole lot it's just got this destroyed Farmhouse a lot of wide open land I just thought it was a really big a nice flat spot to work with in the middle of the forest and it's got this nice big ma Mountain here if you want to be a dwarf and like digging your way into mountains you can always go that route dig a nice Mountain Base have a nice big front courty yard right here more clay there is a clay mine I do believe right on the outskirts yeah this mine here has clay in it so there is a clay mine a little bit of shroud but yeah overall I just think this place is really uh really pretty really pretty spot in the forest to build and oh yeah and I do believe the last one I said there was copper on the mountain side of that Tavern it was Clay I look back at it it was Clay it wasn't copper so it's mostly just clay in these areas but there is copper too if you look for it I think there might be it's hard to tell sometimes no it's all clay but yeah good spot okay in our next spot here it will be at the The Pillars of Creation one of these two giant mountains in the center of the map this one is in the the third Zone I believe the like the the plains here just the dusty Plains not quite the desert but not quite the the forest there so it's like that in between Zone it will take a little bit to get this one is really this one's actually quite hard to get to at least I found it hard I don't know if there's an easier way up but I kind of just flew in from one of these spires around the base and then I had to mine I mined my way up all the way up the mountain the hard way so if there's an easier way just let me know CU I did it I definitely did it the hard way but yeah it's at the top of this mountain here just nice kind of kind of slanted but a nice wide open area big old volcano below it is at the top of a volcano really nice view you can see everything from here if you say built like a big big tower up top you could probably Glide to anywhere on the map you want it almost at least anywhere Central because it is pretty centralized if you come from Main spawn down here it will be all the way Northeast in the center of your map very centralized location very high up nice Wide building area very nice spot I think I don't know what I do up here but very could build like a nice big castle or something just have a nice Scenic Overlook if you want the desert there's the other side you can see the forest on nice forest view of the whole Forest over there and there's lots of little peaks in the side and stuff there's lots of flat spots if you don't want to be right on the top just just very good very good Center central location okay so your next location I'm working my way left to right here on the map it's going to be right Northeast of the last one Northeast of The Pillars of Creation and it'll be Southwest of the ancient Spire NAD The Nomad Highlands that'll be your closest fast travel point you won't be able to Glide all the way to it but it is there is a road all the way through so it won't be as bad on stamina so it's going to be out this direction you're going to want to Glide the direction of this big rib cage here so yeah this next spot's really nice if you just want like a big wide open flat space just an empty space it's got a really really good uh area for that this little town down there and I really like this area because uh me and my buddies we played Ark survival and we really like the we likeed the the scorched Earth Map a lot and this kind of reminds me of that this is this like area here it's a little less deserty but I like it that way I like these Plains type of areas a lot of nice like Prairie grasslands Aid kind of stuff so yeah this one will be a little bit of a walk but right up here I do believe man I miss being a miss being an Archer but I couldn't handle the arrow upkeep so I switched to Mage there's a nice flat spot there too actually right next to a little town [Music] so yeah right over here there is a flat spot on that side as well and there's a nice wide open grassy area right here as you can see a lot of space to just build whatever you want honestly it's a really nice blank canvas site I think if you like this uh style of environment really nice for me like a little deserty looking base without all the sand just a lot of flat open space really big area really nice and yeah it's next to a town a lot of the scenery is actually not bad some of these areas can be a little boring with the desert Vibe but I'd say this would be a really good just big open spot my Cape is stuck in my back there we go okay moving our way left to right again the next spot will be right here and this is on it's in the kind of in between this the plains in the desert this is right where the desert starts your fastest way to get there I'd say it'd be the Kindle was fast travel the ancient Spire it'll be directly west all the way right to the edge there yeah from the starter Zone you can see it's directly up to the right easy to identify with this little Bridge area here and you will see these little squares on the map so yeah you're just going to want to look up to the west and then try to Glide it you may need a really good glider for this one you might not make it across the Shroud depending on the Shroud level how much stamina you have but but it's not that hard to get to it's just right on the edge of the desert there's a flame sanctum you'll have to kind of come around this way if you want to get to it yeah this spot's a little more it's another little pre-built spot that you just move into do what you want with it it's got a lot of sand around it it is in the desert got a lot of these birds I wish they wouldn't be as loud as they were I guess you can live but yeah so coming up here you've got it's like this cool little desert like Dugout area it's got a path out front that runs across it's got these cool little like underground rooms on each side and it's got a bunch of under underground rooms inside say when you come down Central nice little Central Area it's got a water well even if you want a water well my favorite part about these too is these side rooms they have these Planters in them so you can they have the farm soil I'm not sure if that's regular if that's the fertilized Farm soil but you can plant in these so that's really nice it's got a bunch of them both sides are the same it's got all these little offshoot rooms do a bunch of stuff with these there will probably be enemies here you might have to clear them out before you can place your altar but yeah really just kind of a really neat easy desert spot if you don't want to build from scratch yeah they have these some of them there's a couple of them in the desert I've found they have these caves to the side this one isn't as bad the other one has a little more enemies these little fellas aren't that aggressive so they're nice little platypus roseroses but yeah overall decent spot I think it'd be kind of neat to do something here you could I don't know how big the area would reach around it if it would reach the whole thing but I think you could fit a lot inside and a lot of these side rooms you do quite a bit of cool stuff with and I'm assuming you could dig through the wall even and go under the sand if you wanted okay and another location it's kind of the same it's the same as the one we just seen but it's in a I think it's in a bit better location there's another one to the north it actually has a marker it's called Rose Shell Barrow and you'll want to go back to the Kindle waste and instead of going west this time you'll want to go North to that marker there I just got to set it as a way point okay yeah so looking out this way I'm pretty sure that's it right there you can see it on the little Cliff above my head there this one has a really long Glide so you may need like the really good glider to get to otherwise you're going to have to parkour your way across some of these sand dunes to get to it it's kind of in a tricky spot especially if you don't have your shroud upgraded a lot of this is red so you're going to have to work your way probably up and around there there's only one way in but yeah it's got this cool Canyon entrance it's kind of hidden hidden in the cliffs here I I like this one a lot more really foggy Sandy out here but yeah same concept as the other one you come up to it it's just got the same style entrance over here it's got a little dirt path this one does not have a well you'll have to build one if you want to well but it does have the same has the same style Planters all that fun stuff same rooms yeah little back rooms little stuff you put mtcs in do whatever you feel with it also has the same cave on the side this cave has a lot more yeah it'll have these bug enemies and if I'm right yeah it will spawn some nasty ones they're level 23 so just watch out for that the one time it spawn like the red ones they explode and they will murder you so just be careful yeah these tiny ones oh you can sword last time I couldn't hit them with my sword yeah really really neat spots and I I like these as a concept for a desert base kind of like underground of gives me that that that nice desert little Farmstead Vibe and yeah it's got a lot of cool caves and stuff okay well thank you for watching and I hope I could help some people like myself just searching for some inspiration looking for some good build spots that maybe they haven't seen or come across I hope I hope I gave you something to help you out and I if uh if you like this video just let me know if I find any more good spots anything like that I might make another video who knows just kind of trying to just kind of trying to find uh time to build and stuff maybe I'll upload a build I do in the future but thank you for watching and I appreciate you thank you
Channel: Yojii
Views: 2,257
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gaming, Enshrouded, Base Building
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 15sec (1935 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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