I Built the Perfect Base | Enshrouded

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I just finished building what I think is the perfect base on in shrouded it was actually supposed to be a build guide but it got so intricate and I had to keep stopping and starting to get more resources that the thought of breaking it all down now to make it again is kind of so destroying but I still wanted to show off and give it sort of the light of day that I think it deserves because I just love how this build turned out and I just want to show it off to other people who like these kind of builds and content but yeah I just wanted to give this some love by showing it off I built this in the Kindle West it looks South to the ancient Spire of the Kindle waste and this is what it looks like from the outside now it doesn't look like too much from this spot but it's based on sort of ancient Roman architecture has some sort of uh inspiration from that it's really subtle from the outside sort of based in the desert and then let me show you inside now so I built this base fully with the polished Stone and the red tile bricks this first area is what I sort of envisioned be like a communal area so it it's close to the only entrance and exit and this is sort of where I imagine people sort of wait around this is where people would be visiting you know the baby wait to before they're allowed access into the main compound and it's just sort of it's kind of nice but it's not like all the nicest stuff because again I imagine it to be a communal area you don't want you don't want all your nicest things to be in a communal area where anyone can just come in and use it as they please but of course we do have a jug and some glasses the water's free help yourself guys and the stairs we've got this sort of bathroom like I said this is a little communal area so it's not the nicest stuff I've put all the cred wood set in here we've got the firly lamp up top and yeah we've got the crude bathtub we got the crude sink here sorry and also the uh crud wood toilet coming out now and we can turn right and go up the stairs and this is sort of what I imagine to be like the ground keeper room or you know like the gatekeeper someone who's just making sure that no one's coming in out of the compound that shouldn't be here realistically this is going to be your joo's bed when he comes into your world to play co-op but you know a little bit of imagination never hurt anyone so we've got all the polished wood stuff but I think it still looks pretty nice we've got this wolf painting on the wall my second favorite painting of all the ones that are offered and then at the side we've got all these sort of old books on the polished wooden bookshelf I'd actually love how all these books look but this is the only ones that been able to craft because I didn't dismantle too many books when I was out exploring and playing through the game and I just don't really want to go back and farm them all now it seems a bit pointless we' got the fireplace in the corner for warmth uh for your comfort and we also got this little workbench here so outside we've got this sort of Upper Floor view of the Kindle wastes now looking down onto the ancient spire and everything else nice little Drake over there hopefully he doesn't come over and bother us as I'm recording ing looks like he might be yep he most definitely is so let's deal with him quickly look at that could have Ed that any better get them looted up okay now this balcony does actually wrap around to the other side but I want the first view to be from downstairs so I don't want to show off from that angle I do actually have a bench around there as well which sort of just looks out into the into the baren landscape around it but let's go back in and I'll show you the main compound downstairs which is the exciting part so you finally granted access into the compound you open the door and this is what you see now I just love how this turned out like to me I don't know too much about how ancient Roman civilizations existed but this sort of idea of this Baron landscape outside you come inside and you have like all this best of Technology it kind of just is what I imagine it would have been like so you come in you see you know this this green grass you've got you know all this technology and it just seems to feel right to me I just think it looks so good so before we actually go around the garden I want to just take you around the build so let's go and do that so the first one you come into is the blacksmith he's just stood outside of his little booth here and inside his Booth he has the forge I think it it's called he has a K on either side of the storage he's obviously he's got a little two set top and he has two smelters on the right hand side now I have a few booths and I have and each one of them has storage they have six huge chests well technically five huge chests and one magic huge chest which is probably Overkill but I just like the way these ones look and maybe as the game progresses I'll need more and more storage who knows these six are actually fairly well used but around the rest of the build they're basically just for a show at this stage so if you're wondering why I need so much storage the answer answer is I don't but anyway moving on to the next Booth we have the carpenter it made SS for me to put the Carpenter and the blacksmith on the same side cuz they're kind of you know they're similar trades I guess maybe not but I in my mind they're close enough so we got two k on the left we've got the other workbench for repairing your gear his masonry tools up top and we have two table saws on the right hand side and I found this I found two of each crafting station to be more than enough for what I need as a solo player um but there's definitely enough space here to add more in if you want to as you can tell probably from this build and my other builds I like straight lines and I like everyone thing to feel like it has its exact place everything's where it should be I remember I had a comment uh a few months ago someone told me I should try and get a little bit more disorderly because I might surprise myself but honestly I like it like this I like straight lines and the fact that in shrouded has a Vox system which basically only implies straight lines it's is nice to me honestly here we've got the flame alter in the middle I actually only needed to upgrade this flame alter by one level in order to get a area large enough to make this base I will probably upgrade this at some point but I don't really need to at this stage and I don't really see why I would bother again like I said it was supposed to be for a build guide so I wanted something that you didn't have to spend too much I say too much materials I mean just too much shroud cores in order to upgrade the base because I'm well aware that this may not be your only base however didn't really work out like that because obviously I Ed a lot of resources to build this but anyway we got the two beehives here we've got some seed beds over here three in a row that I don't really use to be honest but the ones I do use are over here next to Emily who's just stood in the corner here under this um very Exquisite column which did actually used to just be a column similar to these ones here and so I realized that Emily needs to be sheltered in order to make some of her Foods I realized that as long as she has a block above her head that's enough so I built this sort of weird curving column which just comes over Emily's head like that also did the same on the other side just you know symmetry that's the aim of the game and yeah we've just got couple of more seat beds and they improved well in the corner and then these chests are obviously not the huge chest they're I think one less than the huge chest they might just be medium chest honestly but the fact that they look like a little bit weathered just kind of makes sense to what they would actually look like if you know wooden chest like this were just left outside constantly so I decided not to upgrade these two huge chests I just like them as they are and I think they just look pretty good like this so on the I guess what would be the east side of the build sorry standing in front of the hunter there the hunter has two booths I can't I think the hunter has like these two sides to her so she's got like this fabric making side which is this side on the right so here we've got two looms we've got a spinning wheel and obviously just some storage there also a drying Rock in the corner but um that's just because I could fit it in and I had to spare one but never mind about that and then on the other booth we have what I think is like her hunting side so she's got like two drying rocks here two tanning stations one on each side and this is the stuff like animal fur this is where you get like the dried fur and you know all that sort of stuff all the trophies that from killing bosses all the twigs for arrows these are all inside this bit here and then last but not least we have The Alchemist booth now this is probably my favorite one honestly but I think it's just because all of The Alchemist workstations are so interesting like this lari here just looks so much more interesting than I don't know say like the k for the blacksmith he's got another dryon rack not that he needs one but again I had a spare one so why not put it there PL cauldron and mortar up top we've got one of these uh nice floor lanterns for the illumination plus five Comfort grinding stones and whatever you call this an Alchemy Station so yeah we've gone around all the crafts people's booths now if in shrouded decides to release more content and there's more Crafts People I'm going to be in a world of trouble maybe I can build another one on this side and on the other side but after that I'm going to be struggling for where to put them okay so obviously we've got this two floor building I'm going to start on the bottom because to me that seems logical and on the left hand side we've got our little bathroom area so this is like what would be the nicer bathroom in my eyes we've got the copper bathtub linked up with the stone shower Stone sink and the stone bench and this little carpet which I always call the fancy carpet now this is obviously required for Comfort but the way this looks in here this is sort of where I imagine you'd be getting changed putting on and off clothes and we all know that the Romans were not afraid to get naked so the fact that there's no door here shouldn't bother them at all on the opposite side of the building we've got the little kitchen area so we've got two cauldrons or I think this game calls them fireplaces this one Cooks my meat this one Cooks my vegetables and mushrooms and of course two ovens built into the middle some workstations with uh some dinner wear and then I've just kind of placed down a couple of stone benches on the bottom of the structure cuz I think the stone bench is actually fitting really well to like this ancient Roman feeli they have like obviously the stone and then the red blanket across the top kind of ties in with the roof tiles I don't know they do in my mind anyway and before we go upstairs I'll just show you the back of the building here this is my sort of Agriculture area so we've got four plots which I don't really need to be using right now so I've just decided to put in some colorful plants so we got flax we got the indigo plant uh I don't actually know what this is called it's yellow though looks all right and the bell pepper plant we got a couple of smaller chests here this is where I sort of keep my seedlings or if I harvest anything I'll just put them in here if I can't be bothered putting them away and over on the left hand side we have this sort of hidden room and I purposely placed a door here sort of close to this wall so that you couldn't really see into it and this is because we have the stone toilet here now I actually needed somewhere to put the stone toilet for the maximum comfort and I wanted to place it somewhere that made sense to me it didn't make sense to just place down the stone toilet in the other bathroom because firstly there wasn't really anywhere that worked for having it the way that I wanted it to look and yeah I think it just makes more sense having it like more secluded than the open door of the bathroom I think maybe you wouldn't be too fuss getting in and out of the shower but but you know if you're in here trying to use the toilet maybe you don't want you know people walking B and looking in another Stone sink because you got to wash your hands obviously and on the opposite side we have another little room where the door isn't placed right towards the end because it's not so secretive this is just like a little store area so got a couple of wooden barrels couple of wooden crates these are actually wooden fences which I used for my very first build but they didn't really give the same effect as I wanted so I always just had these didn't have anywhere to use them but I think they look really good in the storage just sort of stacked up against the wall there like that got some shelves and some more of the clay dishes well not some more just some clay dishes I don't use these anywhere else in the build I don't think and this is the palmwood side table with some extra dishes on the top now I'm not going to say this is like my favorite room because obviously I love other parts of this build way more but I think this looks like such a natural storage room to me like I feel like I did a pretty nice job of putting things in here that make it look like a store I don't know that's just me maybe I'm being biased but I like how it looks anyway okay back into the structure going to take you out and around the left here and up the stairs so up the stairs you get this balcony view of the plots down below just because it looks nice and you know balconies are always cool and then we've got this top floor room with the brazer open sort of looking over the garden beneath and on the left we've got what I think is like the nice bedroom so this is where my bedroom would be this is all the palmwood set which is the highest Comfort available in the game got palmwood bed got a nice furry rug underneath palmwood side table and candle and then this is my favorite painting in the game so this is a little boar just reminds me of valheim really because I don't know there's bores in valheim but I don't know something about the colors and stuff it just reminds me of valheim so it's a little it's a little thing that ties me with back to my roots of starting this YouTube channel really and yeah I I like the look of it so this is my favorite wall decoration and it's always what I go for next to my bed got a palmwood table and chair next to the window here with an open book and the CL lamp and on the opposite side we've got the panwood banquet table with some polished wooden chairs around and the sand throne here which again obviously this would be myy as the king of the house and how sort of Imagine This is like we'd have maybe a couple of visitors talking deals you know trying to make me some offerings maybe have a bodygard by the door bodyguard just behind me to make sure nothing kicks off little bit of support you know but realistically again these are just placed down for the comfort level really but yeah this is my base I'm so happy with how it turned out it's probably like my favorite base that I've built um not just on shrouded but maybe ever I don't know maybe not ever I feel like that's like a push but in a long time this is my favorite build you're starting to get an idea of what it looks like at night now and hopefully you just like this build as much as I did because I really just wanted to show it off because I was kind of proud of it really um honestly and yeah if you like the video please do leave it a like subscribe to this channel if you want to see more content like this or just sort of building content in general I do also share uh tip Style videos for survival craft games thanks so much for watching I will see you in the next one
Channel: PHINQS
Views: 14,846
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: J-2EQyWqdT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 28sec (928 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2024
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