Enshrouded Guide Series - 4 More Great Locations for your Main Base or 2nd Base - Great POI's

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hello and welcome back I'm disy plays 215 this is my gaming channel and today we are going to go over four more locations that I think would be great for your main base or even just a secondary base let me know what you think in the comments thank you so much for watching our first location is this large open plot of land that is up above grind teeth Grotto you follow the arrows on the screen it'll take you to this location you do have to do some jumping maybe even use your pickaxe to um level out some areas so that you can jump up here but it's high up above the Shroud where grind teeth Grotto is and there's just a lot of open space up here you could do a Cliffside Castle you could do a bunch of different things with this location it's also right on the mountain side so you can actually do some cave Base building as well if you wanted to just a lot of open space and I'm just showing you around the area to show you all of the land that is accessible there's really no enemies up here so there's not a whole lot you have to do in order to get this ready pretty cool our next location today is thornhold as you can see you can come from the revelwood spire and just Glide right on down and you will arrive at Thorn hole you will have to clear this place out there are a lot of enemies here but there are a lot of points of interest that would be very interesting to rebuild with the uh gate around here this large building to the left in the screen and just a lot of cool assets that you don't have in the game to create um so you can keep that inside this building that we just left you can get a comfort level of 22 without doing anything very cool there as well you also have a friend right there in the cage but a lot of different things that you could do within here quite a large asset as well let me know what you guys think of this one our next location is the blue goblet Tavern I already did a video on how to locate this so if you're looking for a um just a location please see that other video but this is a great location you could build some additional assets but the main asset that is already built here is quite large there's not that much damage to it and you will be able to get a level 24 Comfort level without doing anything there's a lot of space all around this that you could add additional assets you could build a storehouse um just anything you want I'll show you the inside real quick see just a very well put together Place very nice asset if you come over here you can see that there is a small mine as well down at the bottom of the mine is Clay so also you could use this as a reusable clay resource there's a bunch of usable land over here as well and then there is this cool Tower over up the hill over here that you could also rebuild and use as a point of interest and our final location today is another open plot of land with a large asset on it um this is not a location that's noted noted on the map there's just a large point of Interest with a large plot of land you do a full-size flame alter here with no issue and just lots of space there is a um flame sanctum close by as well so you could continue to go over and gather that spark each time you load into the game just lots and lots and lots of space here you could do a lot of different things long dirt road you could even put more than one flame alter here and have just an extremely large base if you wanted to it's very close to the Spire as well thank you all so much for watching please like comment and subscribe I really really appreciate it it helps the channel have a great day for
Channel: Dizzy Plays
Views: 4,654
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Enshrouded, Gaming, Gameplay, Survival, Guide, Where to, Best Location, Main Base
Id: UE1oEgwxgjs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 7sec (367 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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