Enshrouded - 0.7 NO MAGIC Warrior Build To Beat All Content! 2h Warrior Build With A Bow Ranged Opt

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hello Mor here in today's video I want to show you a pretty decent two-hand Warrior built without any magic yes I know how are you playing the game without the poison carpet easy I have a massive Bonk stick with a sharp edge which I use to repeatedly jump on enemies but that's not all we actually also use Dodge attacks some interesting mechanics involving possible supero frames and a slightly sped up animation after certain action which enables us to hit things all of which seem to be intended I won't lie this build is the strongest or most broken thing out there that's the wizard but it's still capable of clearing all content Al but a bit slow you also get to enjoy all game mechanics the game has to offer in terms of healing recovery and we also use the bone against Flyers so we are also able to kill them quite efficiently at that Flyers do not feature much health so they're easily dealt with with range attacks now let me explain the jump attack is used in this build for quite a lot of situations due to how it's providing you with not only AOE damage but also supero frames around the time when you are landing for the hit I tested this one quite a lot and I saw consistence in this but more testing is required for this to be confirmed you can also Dodge ground slams and sweep attacks of larger foes with the jump so that's also a great way to mitigate some damage next up we are going to utilize the Dodge attack which functions as a gap closer and enabler for our regular attacks the Dodge attack is a slightly faster action speed which makes it possible to abuse openings enemies provide to you now we can follow this attack up with a regular attack which also benefits from this I justed more success Landing a follow-up attack due to a slight stag on enemies which transitions well into the third attack which is also a sweeping attack that hits multiple enemies so when you're getting swarmed you're not completely lost but there is even more The Landing attack of our glider uses a custom sweeping strike attack instead of a Dodge attack which we can use to initiate combat and cancel our attacks into it it's much faster but still deals damage damage equal to around their damage you will deal with a two-handed hit as for sustain we are going to use Health Region a bunch of that bandages and health potions bandages are actually pretty good for this build due to their percentage Health regeneration outside of combat we can get into a safe position use a bandage and wait for our health to regenerate we also have just very little downtime because of this lastly let's talk about the downside of this build we have good burst damage but the actual DPS is not very high range force can also be trome but it's not as bad as you might think the biggest issue however is something airs entirely the toxic dudes are a hard counter to you at level 30 the end game is incredibly hostile to melee combat before that it is possible to beat them especially if you isolate each enemy but afterwards not so much it's extremely punishing getting in range even with a jump attack you will be staggered because enemies are extremely fast very aggressive and don't give you enough time to recover from your jump attack so you are getting hit after the jump attack which is just insane I hope someone watches this and fixes this because this one is detrimental to the enjoyment of the game especially in end game combat the enemy design in the end game is extremely hostile towards M characters until Level 25 you're fine next let's have a look at the attributes of this build and how to progress your character Constitution is King providing us with a sizable Health pool bandages also restore a percentage of your total health pool which is a nice bonus strength is up next you want to grab as much as possible to make you hit very hard lastly we are looking at a few dexterity points to make our bow hit for a good amount but we don't go out of our way to grab those as a note you have 114 points at your disposal to distribute in a skill Tre now let's have a look at our weapons first the first one we're going to use and which I consider to be the best ins slot weapon is the deep root X this one provides you with cutting damage three times a Critical Strike damage increase two times so you get 40% more Critical Strike damage this weapon however is split damage damage so it deals cutting and blunt damage if you want a weapon with just flat damage you can find this one that's the ignited hammer you can find this one in Temple chests in the golden temple chest it is however very very rare I have farmed over 500 chests even getting to 1,000 and I have not seen a single weapon that's ignited neither the bow nor the hammer the Deep RW X is much more common so this one is the best in slot for now if you are not lucky other weapons like for example the rod blast is dealing much less damage the rout magic damage does not seem to provide you with any benefits here and is just out damaged by the debex next for the bow we are looking for this specific bow the wolf snar long bow it deals the most amount of damage for your arrows that you're going to use this weapon has increased fire damage it has a ton of Base power it has additional crit strike damage and increased Critical Strike chance all of which work so this weapon is perfectly fine and performs quite well for the arrows use the copper arrows those are considerably easier to farm you don't need feathers for them to De roughly the same damage than an iron Arrow but are much faster to farm an alternative to the bow would be the ignited bow which is a short bow those have a faster drawing speed you can use them to kite around those toxic fast enemies for the shield shield of light you can find those in chests or you can craft them for the glider use the ghost glider for the Rings we're going to use one ring of endless life this one has a 3e% chance to leech 100% of the damage we deal this means if we hit for 600 we going to leech 600 damage if this one procs there is another ring that's giving you 5% but I have not been able to find this one yet and for the alternative ring I'm going to just use the Ring of Health it provides you with health regeneration so any ring that's providing you with half regeneration will boost your power considerably your downtime will decrease massively you want to have as much he regeneration as possible on this build it doesn't matter if a ring has 20 or 30 head Health the health regeneration is what matters another ring that can be really really good is the ring of ancients if they decide to fix this one this one would give you plus one to strength dexterity Constitution and endurance which you all use but currently it only boosts the highest stat so it's practically useless next up for the armor we're going to craft the soldier helmet which provides you with plus 15% M Critical Strike chance and 12% damage Critical Strike damage and you get a ton of physical resistance physical resistance is that which will probably kill you so you want to have as much as possible you're going to tank and face tank a lot of physical damage I know this will decrease your magical resistance massively and you will suffer through magic damage but even with 200 magic resistance you're going to get hit very very hard and it will make it impossible to stay in me range without the physical resistance now an alternative to this one just for the looks is going to be the radiant Paladin helmet it provides you with more physical resistance but it's missing the Critical Strike damage I test at this one which led to me dealing less damage but if you prefer the looks you can go with this one I personally prefer the damage so I'm going with the soldier helmet then we have the radiant chest plate which provides you with massive amounts of health and physical resistance it is the best chest in the game for this kind of build so go with that a crafted alternative matching to the helmet is the soldier chest plate it provides the same stats just less physical resistance then I'm going to go into a topic that's really important there are no two-handed damage gloves in the game this means what we're going to focus on the glove slot is on the resistances the 2% damage against M foes also doesn't work so those only provide you with the physical resistance kind of sad but that's what we get then for the trousers we're going with the radiant Paladin trousers you can also find those in chests those provide you with massive amounts of health and health regeneration as well as physical resistance we want as much as possible so we go with those an alternative to those are the eagle eyye trousers those provided with Sprint speed which is around 20 to 30% more movement speed the physical resistance is a little bit lower but you get magic resistance you can use those but I prefer the additional half region so I have been using the other pants if you're traveling around keep those in your inventory so you can swap them out on the go and you're running faster if you want to engage in combat use the Paladin trousers and lastly your boots I'm going to use the Paladin radiant boots those provide you with four Health regeneration which is really really huge and you get a health timeout reduction this one doesn't seem to do anything I still regenerate my health instantaneously so that's what we get those provide you with a ton of physical resistance so I do not think there is better boots than those you can however use regular crafted heavy armor boots those also provide you with health regeneration so equip those if you can Health regeneration will help massively in this game for a m character now like I already mentioned you're going to use not the iron arrrow but the copper arrrow to provide you with 14 damage instead of 21 so you're going to miss little bit of damage but they do not require feds copper bars are extremely easy to acquire and twigs you can just farm so acquire those and you can craft around 1,000 to 2,000 arrows very very fast it is much much easier to use this specific Arrow than the iron Arrow the fet gatekeep is too much the exploding arrows can be crafted and used but they require black powder so that's five black powder it's insane so do not craft those arrows those are just not worth it they deal not enough damage to be worth it you also only get 25 so let's move to our move set you have a one two three combo which is quite slow you have only one sweeping attack which I do not understand this weapon should have only sweeping attacks wide range sweeping attacks with super armor on it otherwise you're going to get stag out constantly but that's on the devs not on me for your jump attack you are going to jump one time and then you're going to attack and it will automatically jump a little bit higher to perform that jump attack you can do your double jump and then increase damage like this this is considered really good versus specific enemies where you need to jump above their attacks otherwise use your regular jump attack it's faster it's more safe and you can afterwards still not roll but yeah don't know why that's designed like that so you need to finish the animation before you can roll out of damage which is really really bad for the specific enemies as for a Dodge attack you're going to perform this strike this strike can be easily followed by another attack which is also a little bit faster so when you're attacking you need to take your X behind your head and then hit the enemy so you will see this one is a little bit slower than the regular jump combo because you don't use your a to get it behind your head first and then you hit it instantaneously appears behind your head and then you're going to hit so it's faster it's sped up the followup attack of this one is not sped up it has the same animation it's a sweeping attack so it's really really nice to use the mes have the same animations when you're going to use your glid attack you will see it uses your hand to strike sometimes a sword appears which is weird but that's the same amount of damage that you would deal with a regular attack on a Critical Strike that's around 600 to 700 which is quite nice and for your bow you can use jump attacks to cancel animation charge up the attack shoot Char up the attack shoot Char up the attack shoot it wastes a little bit of errors here but I can take it so this one can be used to kite enemies specifically if you're running around toxic enemies and cannot progress through them use your bow to kite them it's the only way to do this otherwise get on a safe spot and shoot them down with an arrow sadly that's the state of the game one thing about the jump attack when you're double jumping and then land here so right when you're shortly before landing you cannot be knocked out of the animation so you get super armor on this ax jump attack specifically now as for regeneration have your health potions on your bar half your bandages on your bar half your clean bandages on your bar bandages restore 40% Health clean bandages restore 60% of the health for potions it's 200 400 and then 800 so the 800 pots can also be farmed in specific chests in a temple area so I have a consumable farm on my channel so you can check out this one you can also Farm clean bandages there takes quite a lot of time but for bandages you can just Farm those and craft them with combining strings and ton clothes you will have a ton of Tong clothes and strings you can craft through plant fibers so those are in massive Supply to you and you can just farm and farm and farm next up the skill Tre for the start of the game we're going to go with mercil as attacks those can be performs quite regularly in the early game because enemies have a very lackluster stagger bar so you can hit them a few times and then perform the Mercedes attack it is possible to do in the end game but most of the time you will either kill the enemy before you can do the Merc attack or the ster bar does not fill up at all when you to Parry them which you don't want to do on this build it's extremely tedious and slow afterwards we're going to unlock one strength point one jump attack double jump and jump attack two pick up Runner then endurance and one the last this will increase your traversal speed a lot you will have the additional mobility and this is very very important on this build next we are going to unlock the last thing for our toolkit in the tank tree go for constitution shiny PL then evasion attack and then battle heal battle heal will heal you for 5% of a maximum health on a Critical Strike which is really nice next we're going to boost our damage with Constitution Warriors Path strength then either go brute and Hammer Time for hammers or slasher and buter for your exess then pick up veteran at this point Flyers will appear in the game range enemies will appear in the game so you want which have to be dealt with a bow so you're going to invest some points here dexterity Marksman Sharpshooter skillshot multishot and Ranger that's about it you don't need more points in the ranger tree to deal damage with the bow then we're going to pick up the whole Barbarian tree go for strength heavy-handed strength Constitution Relentless first then breach next Constitution heavy specialization Barbarian and blood rage do not pick up Shockwave or Basher those are not worth it the point investment is too high as for the stuff we're going to pick up heavy-handed will increase the damage we deal to the Stager bar one once we break the STA bar we deal 100% more M damage for 2 seconds them we have Relentless which is 10% additional CRI strike chance until we deal a Critical Strike so it's stacking it's 10% then 20 then 30 so that's really really solid heavy specialization works on two handed access I tested this one it's around 15 to 20% additional attack speed on the 200x so pick this one up and then you have blood rage when you kill an enemy in mid range which you always do you get a 20% damage buff which is multiplicative afterwards we're going to pick up heavy plates Constitution Tower strength and Earth AA for damage mitigation and we're going to flash out the build with Constitution here strength here strength here Constitution here another point in strength here then Blood Warrior so after performing IMM mer attack we spawn health or which when picked up heals for 10% of your health then we pick up Constitution and last we're going to pick up good metabolism so this one will increase the heal from the or to 30% but that's not the important part we're going to recover 20% more Health with the health potions we have a massive Health pool currently we are sitting at 1,1 Health if we consume a meat like for example this one we are now sitting at 1,300 health so if we consume the best health portion which is 800 Health we would get with the new Talent 960 Health instead which is just much better we can use this very very well now we can further optimize this build for a variety of consumables and Buffs first get your comfort up and running to not run out of stamina next consume some juicy meat early chunks of wolf meat later on game meat to improve your health for constitution next up use some berries early to Access Health Region try them to increase the duration this is very very important for this character strength is obtained for grilled corn and later hazelnuts we're going to use hazelnuts throughout the whole game for archery go for dexterity food like tomatoes and bell peppers you don't have to if you don't want to it is better to omit the dexterity but you can use those consume some elixers for Hefty boost in damage we don't use Scrolls because we cannot read and we are also going to get access to a variety of other options for light more stamina and of course healing for health potions and bandages those can be crafted in Mass at The Alchemist by combining water berries and mushrooms for the bandages you can craft the regular bandages in the crafting menu for torn cloth and your strings the better bandages need antiseptic which can be crafted at the laboratory and then you can craft the bandages at the Hun you can also Farm those in consumable chests make sure to always have bandages on you for for the end game we will boost our strength through hazelnuts not through the open sandwich the open sandwich is considered a meat which prevents us from using regular meat for HP Which is far more important so we're going to consume some meat and lastly get your fruit bowl in there for some juicy vitamins now the Sams up the video If you happen to enjoy it make sure to drop a like if you have any questions or remarks make sure to comment down below you can also subscribe if you have not already make sure to join the channel membership to support me some more and check out my patreon for theart using my thumbnail sorry for the voice quality I am currently ill but still see you next time and bye
Channel: Mordarim
Views: 30,967
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: enshrouded best weapon, enshrouded legendary weapons, enshrouded legendary weapon location, enshrouded best build, melee build, sword and board build, enshrouded, enshrouded gameplay, enshrouded guide, enshrouded combat guide, guide, gameplay, weapon, best, best build, build, warrior, mordarim, paladin, paladin build, enshrouded paladin, enshrouded tank, enshrouded coop build, enshrouded 2h build, enshrouded melee build, enshrouded no magic build, enshrouded warrior build
Id: mjrOp1p4LZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 32sec (1052 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2024
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