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what is up you guys glitches here and welcome back to the channel today I'm bringing you my latest and greatest Warrior build for unshrouded a lot of things have changed since the hollows Halls update that just dropped within the game um I'm sure a lot of you checked out my previous video for my updated mage build guide I will be making one for the hunter as well uh within the next couple days I just got a little bit more testing to do but for the warrior build I basically wanted to incorporate some of the new weapons and new changes to the skills that came with the updated patch to basically allow you to solo the highest level tier four hollowed Halls without any issues whatsoever so without any further Ado let's jump right into it um right out the gate let's go to armor so for the helmet I'm running the radiant Paladin helmet this will give us plus 15% melee Critical Strike chance as well as um plus 12 uh uh% Critical Strike damage um a lot of people go with the soldier helmet because of the tool tip but the radiant Paladin helmet is actually bugged right now on the tool tip you do get the bonus 12% Critical Strike damage as well it's just not on the description for some reason so that's why I go with that because you're getting better uh resistances in my opinion so that is what I go for with the helmet for the chest piece I run the radiant Paladin chest piece this will give you plus 240 health and 24 stamina as well as some really nice resistances again we want to try and hit that soft cap for armor um and health is the next best thing you want to invest in this one gives you a big boost to your health moving on to gloves the best in slot in my opinion is the soldier gloves this will give you plus 3% damage against melee foes which is pretty much the majority of the enemies that you're going to be coming across as well as 12% damage to one-handed melee uh weapons now this is also a bug tool tip that 12% uh damage bonus also works for two-handed weapons right now so that is why this is such a great pair of gloves in my opinion if for some reason they change that down the road and uh they make it so that it only works with one-handed weapons the deer stalker gloves is another good uh option that I can recommend because that is just a flat damage bonus that you're going to be getting across the board and it helps for your range weapons which we will be using a little bit uh our bow and arrow um so as for the gloves Soldier gloves is the one I go with for the pants I go with the radiant palet and trousers two uh Health regeneration and 90 bonus health and then lastly for the legs I go with the dead eyee boots this will give us plus three stamina regen and a huge minus 700 stamina regeneration DeLay So stamina running out will not be an issue with this build the second you run out especially if you're doing your Bonk attack uh pretty frequently um your stamina will just instantly fill right back up there's almost no delay whatsoever so really really good pair of boots for melee users moving on to the Rings um so these have changed in my opinion the funnest thing that I like to run which basically makes you basically like Invincible is running double Gemini Rings this will give you plus 16 life Lee and this will combo with a new potion that we're going to be taking as one of our consumables to give us upwards of 26% life leech against all the enemies within the hollow and uh that's basically every fourth hit so not just every fourth swing because when you go into a large pack of enemies some times one swing will hit four enemies so pretty much with every swing you're going to get at least one tick of Health regeneration and it's going to give you 100% of that Health regeneration from your attack back as health so super helpful there now if you feel like you're basically having overkill on life regen and you want to get a little bit better boost to some other stats the other thing you can run is a ring of the Ancients this ring does work properly now that'll give you plus one to dexterity which will help with our bows a little bit plus one to strength always good for a warrior plus one to Constitution for more Health the endurance is good for our stamina spirit and intelligence not so much but you do get uh a good four perks that are pretty useful for the build so definitely a nice little option there uh moving on for our Shield which we will be using I run the shield of light pretty straightforward it has the highest block of any shield in the game highest durability and 90 Parry power for our long range weapon I like running the silver shot bow this is similar to the um uh what is it the flame bow I'm gonna I'm totally blanking right now for some reason the uh ignited bow I don't know why I couldn't remember that um for damage wise um ignited bow is pretty similar in the fact that it has three damage perks and headseeker um the reason why I like at least for the hollow the Halls however to run the um silver shot bow is because it has two damage perks as well as two new perks called sacred this is a new ability that dropped with uh the hollowed Halls patch and what sacred does is it basically gives you an additional 10% against hollowed enemies which is almost every single enemy within the hollow Halls so you get two damage perks that are nice and 20% additional flat damage against them plus it has Health leech so on top of all the life steal we're going to be getting with every single hit with this particular weapon you're also going to be getting additional life Leach from the weapon itself um so that is a good secondary one if we're looking for flat damage to use against like the cyclopses for example I actually recommend using the gore Striker um this has is actually one of the only one-handed blunt weapons that has full damage perks we have 11 shock 11 piercing 11 shroud 11 blunt and 11 uh another 11 shroud so 22 shroud total and so I did all the testing with pretty much all the one-handers and within the hollowed Halls the gore Striker was actually doing the most damage out of any of them even more than the bone Scourge mates just because of the straight Flatout bonus damage perks that it's getting um bone Scourge mace is a good second alternative of this is the second highest damage um from what I tested but it also has additional life Lee so this is good when you're going against the uh big packs of enemies smaller ones that kind of surround you you basically never run out of Health um the other thing that I like to run is the ignited hammer I know a lot of people get sick and tired of doing the downward smash all the time so I wanted to add in some good two-handed and good one-handed um because the two-handed does kill thing fast uh kill things faster but it doesn't have as good a survivability because you don't really get any uh like massive regen from it um so the ignited hammer will exclusively lose uh use only for when there's big clumps of enemies you can just downward Smash and just obliterate almost all of them in one hit um and just chain that over and over again until you get down to the last couple then switch to your one-handed weapon and mop them all up um so that is pretty much my choices for weapons um you can also technically if you want use the sword of Radiance um I know I did this in my last uh build video for the warrior back when they had terrible survivability only because it has five precise perks on it which gives you um basically 25 critical hit chance bonus um when you're attacking so pretty much every single swing is going to be a crit which gives us a ton of super fast regen the only downside is the maximum damage output isn't going to be as high and uh with some of the other perks we're taking in the tree we're getting pretty good life steal anyway especially with the potion so having that high crit chance isn't as necessary anymore um before we had that potion it was but now that we've got some cool additional perks and potions to use I like to go with weapons that are a little bit higher damage now so that's why I went with the uh Ma's blunt damage of course being the weapon uh damage type of choice because all of these skeletons within the hollows are weak to blunt damage so that's nice that's why I tried sticking to maces for all of these um moving on to consumables obviously you're going to want to take your highest level health potions I like to take wisps of light because a lot of the areas within the hollowed Halls are really dark and there's a lot of secret areas that you can actually miss if your surroundings aren't lit up enough so I take that um the gore Tusk or Gore Striker rather actually does have a little bit of a blue glow um by default so if you have only this equipped it that does light up the area around you a little bit too which is kind of nice um moving on I like to take the Elixir um I have a really good farming spot um that I can show off I showed this off in my uh Mage uh build video um this will give us a 30% flat damage multiplier for 30 minutes which is really nice to farm these you can go to an area right in the beginning Zone called Rook Moore just throw down a little altar right outside the Eastern Gate and when you run in through that Eastern Gate immediately hang a left and you'll see two Elixir potions that are guaranteed spawns right on the tables just inside the entrance gate um and then all you got to do is do that reset load up your game again uh type of hack there and just Farm them over and over again so that's how you can quickly get a big stack of those um the other thing that I want to bring up for um consumables is um I like to bring fire wh summons you get tons of these um within the hollowed halls and they were just sitting in my Vault doing nothing um they're sort of like the necromancy skulls but we're not going to be taking necromancy cuz we're obviously not using wizard spells but this is a nice little alternative to give you some additional passive damage um when you're in close quarters combat especially with the cyclopses so I'll pop off maybe three or four of these and they'll just kind of surround me and do damage um on top of what I'm doing with my weapons but that is not all there is actually one additional buff that isn't uh consumable that I want to uh basically make you guys aware of and that is the scroll of VCA strength or something I think it's called um and it's actually I keep bringing up how the pillar of creation is a great place to not only build your base but if anything just put an alter down because it's in the center of the map and it's just really good for travel but it's also near the research Camp where you can Farm uh prayer flame swirls for your wizard builds and also this uh vola uh encampment which you can quickly fly down to to get the uh strength buff so I can show you guys how to get that um if you build right on top of here you just Glide down and then immed immediately drop down to this lower level here and this is basically where you would come out of the exit of the uh research Camp and you can just bypass all these enemies and right on this platform in the center is going to be the blessing uh yeah vkar is what it's called so you can just quickly go back here we'll jump back to the base real quick hopefully someone doesn't hit me there we go so if we go into our stats now for 30 minutes this lasts but we can go into our character sheet or actually status details and the varar buff will give us an additional 25 Health but also a huge 20% melee damage buff now because this fraking buff doesn't come in the form of a consumable a lot of people don't take the time to pick this up but if you have an alter right nearby where one of the uh spawn points are for one of these Buffs um just grab that right before you go into one of the hollowed Halls and that is another 20% additional damage we're going to be getting um for 30 minutes just by quickly diving down and grabbing that so really good buff there um moving on the other consumables I like to take and these are the ones you can craft um are the open sandwich this will give us plus4 flat strength and plus two Constitution for more damage and more Health that will last 45 minutes and the other one I like to take instead of the meat wrap is actually chicken soup you get one less Constitution instead of five you get four um but it does give plus one to dexterity which will increase our bow damage slightly for all of the ranged enemies we're going to be taking down with our bow and arrow um last but not least I will correct myself I made a mistake um I was uh ignorant to the details and the typos within the tool tips there seems to be a lot of them in this game right now but I recommend the excellent ectoplasm soup this can be crafted from the new vendor that unlocked within the hollow Halls patch this gives you minus 150 Health which may seem like a downside but this build is super super tanky so it's not that big of a deal but it also gives plus 15% damage against the hollow which is pretty much every enemy within the hollowed halls and 10% life leech against enemies within the hollow so you combine that 10% with the um basically 20% that or 20 or 16% rather that we're getting from our Gemini rings and that's 26% life leech on all of our hits that we're going to be getting against all the enemies within the hall to Halls which is huge so you're basically Invincible honestly you just Regen Health super fast and I know in my previous video I said that I wouldn't recommend this I go with the second tier one because 50 minutes was better than 1 minute this is actually a tool tip error it's not 1 minute it's actually 1 hour so if you do have the materials I do recommend going with the highest tier ectoplasm soup that you can craft not the lower level ones and to quickly show that off basically you're going to find this new NPC once that you start the quest line he's going to send you on a mission to go hunt down the parts to craft the ectoplasm press press within that press you get the recipes to craft Tier 1 tier 2 and tier three uh ectoplasms once you craft those ectoplasms you could then talk to the vendor again and under supplies that is where he has the recipes for the different soups he has a tier one which is 50 Health 10 damage uh bonus damage and eight life Lee the medium tier one 100 minus 100 Health 12% damage and 9% life Lee and then the big boy potion which is 150 Health but 15% damage and a 10% life leech and that only costs Yuka fruit and the excellent ectoplasms and these are actually super easy to craft you get a ton of those crystals some of the the single enemies alone will drop like six or seven of those Crystals at a time so you get Stacks and stacks and stacks of these it's actually really easy to craft and the Yuka fruits really easy to find in the desert as well so definitely a really good consumable to take moving on obviously I like to take a stack of iron arrows for a bow and arrow I like to bring greater shroud survival flas because you will be in the Shroud for extended periods of time within the H halls and then lastly for some additional um uh stamina I like to take flasks of the fell that'll give you plus 20 stamina for 30 minutes um the other thing I highly recommend which I actually didn't realize this when I made my wizard video is to not bring two picks like I did bring one pick and one axe and the reason I recommend bringing the iron axe is because all of those spawn uh uh basically bone pillars that the additional bonus skeleton spawn from and even the large one towards the end of the Run um can be killed with one swing with the iron axe pickaxe you got to uh hit it a bunch of times same with your spells takes three or four hits literally one swing with the axe will instantly destroy one of those respawn uh little pillars so bring that in soon as you get to like that first boss arena for example whip out your Axe and just one shot both of those pillars so no more enemies can spawn in and then swap back to your weapon and you'll be good to go but that is your go-to basically respawn pillar killer um so that's what I like to bring there uh moving on um we got equipment done we've got our consumables done I guess we can go over our skills a lot of things Chang with this so righted out the gate I like to take the point and endurance followed by Runner and double jump for more maneuverability um I like to take an additional point in endurance for a little bit more stamina followed by the point in dexterity in the ranger tree Marksman um cuz we do want to put some points into um The Marksman tree so our bow and arrow isn't garbage um all damage dealt with range weapons is increased by 10% followed by Sharpshooter all range damage is increased by an additional 20% so 30 damage or 30% total skill shot all damage dealt to the head is increased by 20% and then lastly Ranger this gives us huge boost to critical chance critical damage as well as dexterity and stamina recharge so you do get some bonuses to your melee stuff as well by going down this branch which is nice so really good perk to take there moving on I like to take well rested um one big thing that uh a couple of you pointed out in the comment section that I didn't even think about was that uh say you die from like the gliding puzzle or something stupid and you lose your well-rested buff um uh having the well-rested um perk is actually really nice because you can actually bring some wood or chop one of the bookshelves down to get some wood and craft a campfire and use the campfire right next to one of the checkpoint beacons um right within the hollowed halls and you actually can get upwards of like 12 13 plus minutes sometimes of your well-rested buff back with this buff normally it' only be like 5 minutes to 10 minutes um which won't last very long some of these runs can take 30 40 minutes plus so having that will basically give you enough to get you to the next uh checkpoint and have that stamina recharge rate filled up for the entire time so uh really good buff to take for the hollowed halls and it's just nice to have uh when you're out in the Wilds for extended period of time um the other thing I like to take in the athlete tree is strength followed by jump attack you don't need the full level two jump attack I you do enough damage honestly with just the single one um and I wanted to min max the points so jump attack basically lets you do that downward smash when you double jump um that does a huge AOE damage ring uh to multiple enemies at the same time moving on to the Barbarian tree pick up the point in strength followed by heavy hand Ed an enemy stun bar is increased by an additional 20% when attacking into their block followed by the quick point in strength and Constitution then pick up Relentless dealing damage with two-handed uh uh any two-handed weapon will increase your critical chance by another 10% on the next hit quickly pick up the point in Constitution followed by heavy specialization I did put a video out of uh demo that it does make a significant difference that can make or break you getting a full combo off with your two-handed hammers um so I pi recommend picking this up followed by Barbarian you will gain two levels of strength for every one level of flame um or every two levels of flame so that is two additional strength we're getting there and then lastly blood rage this is a big one when an enemy is killed within 10 meters with a melee weapon the Damage Done With melee weapons is increased by 20% for 10 seconds and the packs within the hollow Halls are really big there's tons of enemies so this activates excuse me this activates almost instantly every single fight that you get into so that is a huge p massive damage boost you're going to get moving on I like to pick up Feast because our uh meat is our main uh food item meat is now uh increases Health by an additional 15% so we become even tankier uh in the Warrior tree I like to pick up the quick point in Constitution followed by the Warrior's path when attacking with a melee weapon all damage is increased by 10% that goes for one-handed and two-handed uh moving on for uh the quick point and strength I then pick up both slasher and butcher for 30% increase damage Dage with cutting damage weapons that'll be good for um the uh Gore Striker um and then also brute and Hammer Time for additional 30% blunt damage this will be good for both the gore Striker and the uh spine splitter uh hammer and of course our ignited Hammer um that is really good uh for our blunt damage against the skeletons lastly pick up veteran when attacking with a melee weapon it will increase your critical hit Chance by 10% followed by the quick point in Conant tion and strength lastly Swift blades allows you to Tech faster with one-handed swords and axes this also works with Maes um I don't know why the tool tips are wrong still they haven't updated it but it is work works with Maes as well um so that'll be just allowing you to hit even quicker follow by the quick point in Constitution and then last but not least in the tank tree you want to Quick up uh pick up Constitution followed by shiny plates for 10% more armor then heavy plates for additional 10% uh um armor mitigation followed by evasion attack this is a good like Dodge out Dodge back in uh power strike that you can do and then lastly battle heal when dealing critical damage with a melee weapon you heal 5% of your maximum health this will combo with the health Lee on our mace and the life leech potions and the rings that we're taking to give us a ton of Health back on all of our attacks um next pick up the quicko Constitution followed by both Tower and Warden this will give us 15% less magic damage and 10% less physical Dage damage and then lastly I pick up strength strength and Constitution followed by Earth Aura this is going to be a flat 10% damage reduction across the board for you and all of your party members within 10 meters of you and this is a flat 10% it doesn't need any requirements to activate it's just going to be a permanent buff that'll be with you at all times so really really tanky build um super uh quick uh kills for big mobs of enemies and decent damage for heavy-hitting uh slower boss enemies as well um and with the combination of the life leuch rings and our health regen perks you basically are invincible you regen Health super super quick so without any further Ado I guess the last thing that we can do is pop all of our consumables and check out our attributes and then jump into a combat demo so let's go and equip our frenzy potion let's equi our meat our soup and lastly our ectoplasm potion we'll even do the stamina why not so a bunch of Buffs and we still have our varar buff right now so go over to our character attributes so as it stands we're sitting at 22 Constitution so a ton of Health five Spirit nine endurance and 20 strength also huge ton of extra damage there nine dexterity for our bows and five intelligence for damage we have a 67% critical damage 10% critical chance this is actually wrong with our uh weapon perks that give us additional chance our armor perks that give us additional chance this is actually a lot higher uh melee Critical Strike chance uh is 25% we also have plus 3% against melee foes and plus 15% with our potion against all the enemies within the hollow we also have 12% two-handed melee damage and plus 30% bow damage and then moving on to protection we have 271 physical resistance and 14 five magical resistance so we are a little more susceptible to Magic but with the amount of health regen that we're getting and how few and far between the magic using enemies are you really don't have to worry that much that like Reaper at the end is almost more tricky than the Cyclops bosses in my opinion um so yeah that is our stats I guess the last thing we can do is jump into the HED Halls I'll do a recording right now of the Run won't show the full run but I'll show sort of the same things I did in my mage build some tight Close Quarters combat with uh rooms that have big chunks of enemies and probably one of the boss rooms and uh kind of demonstrate the build and see if you guys like it um but yeah check you guys out here in a minute all right you guys so we're at the first main uh section of the tier four hollowed Halls uh we don't have updraft so I won't be able to do the full Glide that I do with my Mage to uh kind of pull all the enemies at once so we will have to run past this little section um I still do the same tactic and pull everything down down there I just bypass it and kill all this stuff so you can see how fast you just obliterate everything with those down Mage tons of health regen it's like nothing this is where we'll Glide down kind of pull them all at the same time try not to get stuck this time you can almost kill them faster with the warrior than you can with a mage swi to our gordas you can just see how much health regen our health even if we're getting beat on you can literally just Spam your normal attack and just gain all of that Health back instantly that was rude so you literally just can't die with this build with all the life leads you're getting it's pretty nuts honestly he's still alive can see the glow from the gore Striker is nice here's a good area with a ton of mobs most annoying thing in this as a warrior is actually those flying bugs [Applause] [Music] like has our health dropped even remotely low at all you don't even need to block properly this guy's annoying me easy peasy might as well show this off there is a uh little secret room right here whip out your axe not your pickaxe axe cuz this will actually get through quicker two swings instead of 10 drop down I got a legendary out of this last time not what I meant to do where's the stairs there we go no did not mean to pop that potion That's All Right Moving on over here you will lose durability on your weapons a lot more easily than with the beige so make sure to uh repair that there's actually another secret chest in one of these rooms think I think it's the next one first little gliding puzzle another secret room right here still trying to get the legendary version of that Sinister Crescent staff as well as the snake spine wand need to get the legendary version of both of those two those are the only two that I'm missing coming up to the second half of the gliding puzzle here's our first little boss area whip out your axxe one hit we'll get rid of it oh my goodness rude come over here one hit you're good to go now for the boss actually like to use the one-handed weapons more and just stay at his feet cuz the only thing he'll ever use is his um stop ability is pretty easy to dodge although this is not a good spot for him try to lure him out a little bit you dodge roll right when he slams you won't get Knocked Up by that attack you kind of just want to Dodge in and out from in between his legs and kind of stay to the back his back the legs almost got him there we go as long as you're swinging you're gaining health and you won't die just never stop swinging so very very easy we never really had to worry about losing Health on that another secret room here and hit these two buttons that'll open up this door another lootable chest in here Shield I already got it you're just seeing how much health regen we're getting now there's actually believe it or not another secret room right here that I found uh take out your pickaxe uh originally I stopped because I was like going straight back and uh it was never ending but if you actually aim upwards as you're uh picking here eventually you get to an area that leads into another room there we go we got a wooden chest here and then a silver chest here so nothing too crazy but legendaries can drop from those if you're lucky so I figured I'd show that off moving on I forgot to pop my uh little fire summons there too that didn't even bother quickly heal up here there actually another secret room right here just a small wooden chest some more arrows and spells always nice then this will probably be the last area that I show off similar to my previous video this just has a ton of enemies why not let's throw up some uh fire Sprites for this battle have some fun with it our health just never goes down you pretty much like can't die as long as you're swinging a you see the damage numbers on our Gore Striker are a little bit higher but we get a little bit more health regen with the uh bone Scourge maze show off the axe again real quick all right see if we can get lucky this time stop hitting that super super easy all right moment of truth am I going to get lucky every time feel like all I get is the the two-handed mace and the bow from that chest unlucky if anyone wants to trade for that staff if you got an extra legendary staff by all means let me know I've been looking for it forever yeah I think that is a good place to stop as you can guys see super super easy you just have infinite survivability you can take things down super quick no troubles whatsoever um let's head back to the base for a little recap here but uh yeah uh quick reminder I do have my updated Hunter build that I'm going to be dropping here shortly as well got a few more tests to do with that one but I think that one's going to be pretty fun too uh but yeah that is pretty much the build you guys um hope you guys enjoyed the combat demo again super strong super high survivability it's almost easier in my opinion than the wizard and before the wizard was the overpowered class now the warrior I feel is actually even stronger at least for the hollowed Halls um and the the pack sizes make your health regen just so easy um when it comes to fighting hand toand combat but uh yeah that's pretty much it if you guys enjoyed it be sure to smash that like button comment down below I appreciate all of you guys' feedback um in regards to feedback um if you uh pay attention to my pinned comment that is where I'll always post all of the build updates um if I find new things out or if someone recommends me something that I end up agreeing with and want to update I'll put that in the pin comment so always be checking that out and reading that um lastly if you guys want to join a community of like-minded Gamers feel free to check the links down in the description and join us on the Discord we've got hundreds of players in there especially for the enshrouded community um so hopefully you uh join us and I see you guys around sometime soon um but until the next one hope everyone had a great day and I'll see you guys later
Channel: Glitchiz
Views: 10,107
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: enshrouded best weapon, enshrouded legendary weapons, enshrouded legendary weapon location, enshrouded best build, enshrouded magic, enshrouded damage build, enshrouded mage, knight build, warrior build, enshrouded guide, enshrouded combat guide, guide, gameplay, weapon, best build, build, Warrior, enshrouded best warrior build, endgame warrior, enshrouded endgame gameplay, enshrouded all spells, Glitchiz, Legendary Hammer weapon, sword build, hammer build, ignited hammer, bow
Id: r66WJY_o4ug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 36sec (2256 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2024
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