Enshrouded - 0.7 Updated S-Tier Mage Build To Crush All Content! Still INCREDIBLE! More Than Acid!

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hello morm here today with an update video for my S tier Arc mage build for enshrouded the newest pet just dropped and crushed a few things that made this build op namely the Ring of infinite mana and my beloved acid carpet are just dead the glitches and animation cancels are also fixed now or at the very least are very hard to execute this leaves us with a severely weakened Mage archetype but is it as bad as it sounds or are we just looking at a more group focused build well given the new dungeons are being balanced around full group groups of people I imagine this is how we are supposed to play it solo is just tougher but it still works if you play your cards right where this one truly shines now is group play now the main spells you want to use are Fireball for DPS frostbolt for kiing groups of enemies and helping out your groupmates and meteors as well as channel lightning to Nuke enemies we also have healing spells to keep our party fighting and we also have a light no to push back waves of enemies if we need a little bit of briefing room the acid carpet however is completely that it has an insanely long C time costs a ton of mana and Deals absolutely no damage like near zero they absolutely dunk this skill it's so bad I convinced it's bucked at this point like I said this build is still despite all the nerves still great to play especially when you start to use your environment to your advantage to prevent enemies from reaching you the cast times of spells are pretty long so in Solo play you need to do this Flyers are still no problem SZ bombers Get Wrecked before they can reach you and we can also take [Music] gear we don't need to pick up Spirit around the tree and can focus on other picks as a note you have 114 points at your disposal to distribute in the scale Tre as always especially now let's start with the equipment we're going to take a look at the Rings because currently we're going to use the Ring of Mana I prefer to have two of them on my character but the Ring of ancient also works now so it gives you plus one to intelligence endurance spirit and so on and so forth so this one works it is a great ring but given the Mana issues we have I prefer the Ring of Mana two times in this character in my inventory I currently only have a plus one ring of Mana those are quite rare when you look at the map you will see four zones so we have one down here one up here and so on and so forth those dictate how well this ring can roll so if you're going to farm this ring try to go to the highest Zone you can and loot just chests it can be quite tedious to get this one but if you do you will be happy to have it so at the very least we get plus eight to our Mana regeneration and a ton of Mana with this one if you're struggling with health go with the Ring of endless life this one has a plus 6% chance to life Le on any hit meaning 100% of the damage going to be leeched at a 6% chance so if you throw a fireball and it deals 1,200 damage it's going to have a 6% chance to Le 1,200 health for our boots we're going to use the El boots or any boots that have high Mana regeneration and Mana regeneration delay this is now very important for the build because we do not have the ring of rep it's completely gutted when we look at the ring now it's just really bad minus 40 Mana just three Mana regeneration it is entirely not worth it to pick this ring it is just so bad for trousers pick up the best trousers you can meaning High magic resistance as much Mana regeneration as possible and Mana Plus for the gloves go with the Elder gloves do provide you with plus 12 magic damage this works on spells and wants the damage against Magical Force now also seems to work at least in my testing so this gloves provide you with plus 21% damage for the chest plate I want to use the soldier chest plate the explanation is simple we need physical resistance if we go with the maze chest we are going to have only 120 to 150 physical resistance this is not enough to survive hits you will be completely crushed and extremely squishy you need to be able to take a hit and the soldier chest plate provides you with just that more stamina more health and we don't need the Mana we get from the Mage chest for the head the arch Mage head or the Elder helmet both of which have the same stats so pick a poison and pick whatever looks better now let's go over the staff the staff is a little bit um how do I put it interesting you want a staff with Mana Leach on hit the Mana Lee on hit works on all spells this means whenever you use your Fireball and the Mana Leach procs you get a bunch of Mana back this helps with your Mana sustain you don't necessarily need it but you can spam more spells if however you have a legacy version of the have this neat little effect so it's a great spell versus a lot of enemies next their Eternal ice B this one doesn't deal as much damage as the fireball but it now creates a patch of ice on the ground that slows enemies so you can use this one because it has a very very short charge up time then run back a little bit and charge up your Fireball to hit them it is really really nice to use so this combo is your bread and B combo now you weave in both of those so next is the Turnal light spell the light burst so as you can see here a flyer those are very very much not resistant to it they get stunned so Flyers get stunned by the spell it is amazing for the stem you can basically stun lock them and they can never move if you do it right uh they also buff the feathers you obtain from those you always obtain five so it is for 50 arrows very very neat but this spell is really good versus Flyers it is really good versus groups of enemies however the range sucks technically the range is only around that wide so this rock would be hit this one wouldn't be another benefit of the spell now is you are immediately range and we are using those ORS that spawn so if you pick those up you will be healed you will recover Mana you will recover stamina so a pretty neat spell to use the next two spells are basically boss nukers and something you use versus specific enemies that are very tough to deal with otherwise they can only be farmed in specific chest so for example here is a chest that you can Farm it still works but if you run out of the so spells it's very tedious to craft them and I would not consider it to be worth it we now have a lot of enemies in here we use our short metor Nukem deals a ton of damage pretty good AOE spell it works pretty DN well especially with this bosses that have a lot of ads so that's something you need to consider for the lightning Channel this one is very good versus the ghost fly enemies it deals an obscene amount of damage but it takes a lot of charges to use you also have your heal spells one in Channel heal and one in the chain so those two heals are provided to you my character is currently bucked and I cannot obtain the Spells so I cannot showcase them in the infinite form but they basically the same one is great for group healing one is great for single Target healing so the next chapter is going to be about ws and what you want to use in the end game you will be able to obtain the Helix wand it provides you with a ton of shout damage and most importantly down here the overcharge ability and the duplication ability so there is a 50% chance to spontane ly create an additional projectile this Stacks with the wand master so you can technically spawn three projectiles dealing a ton of damage so when we shoot our projectiles you will see there is a ton of duplication going on you can technically spawn free like here but that's very very rare so that's the best DPS want next we have the frozen core wand for frost damage it doesn't deal much damage and I wouldn't advise using it in the end game the Helix wand is just better and you have a shock wand like the ritual Tempest wand with a lot of shock damage that deals basically the same Effectiveness on damage than the frozen core wand the only benefit of the frozen core wand is it has Mana Lee so if you want to recover Mana you switch to the frozen core wand otherwise go use the shock wand if you must it is very good versus all fliers in the game and then you have the Luminous wand this one falls off technically because the ritual wand and the Helix wand so the shout damage wand and the shock damage wand out damage it in the end game because a lot of enemies have vulnerabilities versus those damage types and fire is basically only here to substitute this one but if you find a nice oneand with a lot of fire damage you can use it so just to show all wands you have the Helix wand you have the frozen core wand you have the ritual Tempest wand and you have the Luminous wand all of those wands can be farmed in this specific spot as well as from this specific enemy there is a boss a flyer enemy right here the Grim bottom right corner of the map now let's go over the skill tree we're going to start down below here at the tank with Constitution shiny plates evasion Attack Battle heal Spirit bloodletting life burst and blood magic those will basically fix all our Mana issues regardless of the game stage you don't actually need Mana region with this one because the blood magic ability specifically says after dropping below 20% Mana you will restore 20% of your maximum Mana per cost of Health then you have life burst to heal back up so when you kill something you heal for a ton of life and then you have blood letting to spawn all of those Health mana and stamina orbs on average you get per mob two to three Mana health and stamina orbs those recover are after you gather them 10% of the respective resource so a really nice thing for group play and for yourself next we pick up Arcane deflection then we go to pick up blink as as emergency blink to get a jail out of free card for stunts we pick up intelligence Unity want master and sting this will provide us with more Mana recovery as well as more damage with our want especially in the early game that's really nice then we pick up healer as well as healer 2 intelligence water ARA and Waters of life if you're in group playe now that's something you need to consider at this start of the game you basically have no intelligence so this one will heal for basically nothing you can completely skip this one if you prefer something else you don't need to pick up water Ora anymore it's really weak and it's just for the lazy ones if you want to regenerate your health in other ways if you do not want this one you can pick up those points and put them in for example Mason and Miner those will provide you with a lot more quality of life so once we're done with this side we're going to pick up spirit and Counter Strike in the trickster tree then Quick Charge because 50% charge up time on our St attacks is going to be huge I'm telling you this is the GameChanger note here before that the Mage feels a little bit slower you need to use your want a lot but with this one you can use your spells considerably more now at this point we do have a lot of damage already what I like to pick up is Runner as well as double jump here to get access to a lot more Mobility a lot more well repositioning tools especially as a solo player so you can jump up at roofs or on hard to reach places so you can K enemies better it is much more important than the damage because you will deal enough damage next we pick up intelligence be gone intelligence and terror terror will provide you with a stun on enemies without any diminishing returns for 4 seconds on a critical hit with a spell this is amazing and the must have on the build and towards the end we're going to pick up a lot of multipliers in form of theist away for more magic damage arsonist pyromaniac for 20% and 10% additional fire damage we pick up radiant AA and Sun AA to get something against Critters so those have a very low amount of health so when they run into your sunara they get hit for like 30 damage and that's enough to get them to be pushed back and killed next we pick up thunder and lightning because those spells are our boss Killers then we pick up wizard for additional crit strike chance and mass destruction for a tendril lightning tendril that's jumping from enemy to enemy to deal damage based on intelligence a shock damage so that's also good and lastly we pick up Dark Arts and Abyss for 10 and 20% more sh damage because our shroud metor is going to hit for a ton and we have our Helix wand as our primary damage source with wants so we want to boost the Shroud damage alternatively you can drop the radiant AA and sonara and pick up more defensive skills right here with Tower and Warden as well as Constitution and potentially Earth AA if you stretch the points a little bit but other than that that's the build now we can further optimize this build for a variety of Buffs and consumables first get your comfort up and running to not run out of stamina stamina is really important next consume some juicy meat early chunks of wol meat later on gay meat improving your health through Constitution next up use berries early to get Access to Health Region try them up to increase the duration for your main stat intelligence use mushrooms of any kind later you will be able to craft soups which count as a liquid enabling you to use vegetables for additional spirit you don't necessarily need Spirit but it's nice to have consume Alex is for a hey boost to damage Scrolls to increas it even further and a variety of other options for light more stamina and of course healing through health potions bandages and spells we also want to pick up mana potions sustain our massive hunger for Magical resources spells cost a ton of mana and we don't have infinite Mana anymore so if you run out we need those Mana potions those can be crafted in m at The Alchemist by simply using a ton of mushrooms so make sure to plant them in order to sustain your addiction now the endgame food for intelligence is actually pretty simple to craft and obtain the spirit vegetable can be grown the soup only demands of you a small sacrifice and resources and the Constitution food also provides with an additional point of in but you can substitute it with grilled meat if it's too much of a hazle to craft you easily get access to plus five stats as a mage now the thumbs up the video if you like what you saw make sure to like comment and subscribe if you have not already you can also support me some more by joining the channel membership which will allow me to keep making videos so thank you very much for watching and see you next time bye
Channel: Mordarim
Views: 15,151
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: enshrouded best weapon, enshrouded legendary weapons, enshrouded legendary weapon location, legendary wand weapon, enshrouded best build, enshrouded magic, enshrouded magic build, enshrouded mage, mage build, wizard build, wand build, enshrouded, enshrouded gameplay, enshrouded guide, enshrouded combat guide, guide, gameplay, weapon, wand, best, best build, build, mage, wizard, mordarim, enshrouded best wizard build, endgame mage, enshrouded endgame gameplay, enshrouded all spells
Id: bgLnvrMB-DE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 14sec (914 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2024
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