Beastmaster Ranger is STRONGER than you thought | Enshrouded Build

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good day everyone the Beast Master archetype in in shrouded has gained a bit of a reputation as being underwhelming or weak and so today I've got my Beast Master build that I actually used on my first playthrough of Ed that is still one of my strongest builds whilst the build May read to be underwhelming with the right build path and you're really just playing a Ranger with only 14 skill points invested to gain the Beast Master stuff and don't underestimate these skills anyway let me tell you some of the beasts like the draconic vulture in the end game can do some serious work for you so if you're after a really fun and strong Ranger Warrior hybrid with the fantasy elements of the Beast Master then this build is for you so let's dive into it so starting off with the gameplay style you'll be primarily playing as an Archer with decent melee strength I'll talk about how to benefit from the Beast Master skills separately in a moment when fighting tougher or multiple enemies you want to abuse your range and Mobility from rolls and double jump to whittle down your enemies with powerful ranged attacks this is definitely where the build is strongest like any range of build is and remember to always aim for head shots for bonus damage when you come up against lots of little enemies or Shield using enemies you can transition into melee combat to cleave down the packs of enemies or break the enemy block bar with repeated attacks this build always uses a one-handed weapon and a shield to benefit from parrying which you should always do as often as you can when fighting in melee by blocking at the last moment as the enemy swings its attack make sure you equip your bow as your designated ranged weapon so that you can weave between melee and ranged combat really smoothly and quickly using the specific ranged weapon key button make sure you you buy this on something comfy you'll use it a lot finally make sure you abuse your double jump and line of sight to kite enemies around the natural terrain and structures or while punishing with your ranged shots now let me explain how the Beast Master skills work the first two NOS you'll get stop beasts and vka attacking you essentially just pacifying them if you attack them first they will retaliate though the second two will make them also defend you whenever anything else within 50 m range attacks you this is completely passive and particularly strong later in the game as the draconic vultures don't bother you and will actually fly down and attack all these Bandits up on the walls that shoot you it's actually really really strong the final interaction which is not explained is that you also gain the ability to command a beast or vka to guard you and then they just follow you around this is a little limited and clunky they occasionally get stuck or just disappear and obviously they can't keep up when you start gliding around really quickly I find this most helpful though just to bring beasts with you into ruined towns and Villages where you're expecting combat so you can guarantee that a beast is within that 5050 M range and then just let them defend you for whatever reason you can't command the vultures to follow you which is lame I suspect it's probably flying versus ground limitations in the back end and one last thing to note is that the tool tip does specify shroud Afflicted beasts won't protect you but the Shroud vultures in the end game actually do which is really really nice so again you're getting a lot of value out of this the biggest downfall of these skills is that they are inconsistent as you can't rely on beasts always being near you when fighting fighting but you're plenty strong without them anyway the quality of life of not always being harassed by every vulture you come across is actually pretty good too in terms of weapons I recommend bows with the 0.6 second attack speed rather than 1 second it makes a big difference for quickly weaving shots in between Dodges and movement don't stress too much over this throughout the game you'll find plenty of bows just keep upgrading it for the next best bow that you find and for the end game I've put a few good options on screen in terms of melee weapons this build uses a one-handed weapon of your preference and a shield the only only thing that really matters is to use weapons that have as close to a single damage type as possible because we only have enough skill points to boost a single type by 30% for example the bronze sword is nearly entirely cutting damage so we would combo that with the cutting skills benefiting from nearly 30% entirely again I've put some endgame options on screen for Shields just take the highest block stat you can find this reduces how much stamina gets used to block in terms of equipment you want to take the archery boosting helmet and gloves relative for your level as these are the two armor slots that cont rute towards offensive output the chests legs and Boots aren't too influential I like to take the warrior and Soldier themed sets for a source of health regen and better armor the Archer versions just give a little less health and more stamina which we don't really need in this build to be honest rings are harder to obtain so just use whatever you come across in General Health and stamina and regions of both of those are good Mana is not really used in this build use whatever arrows you have access to and enough resources for and don't stress too much over these you can use the basic wooden arrows the entire game of your if you wanted to personally I use mostly a combination of wooden arrows just for spamming fossilized bone arrows for stronger enemies because these are easier to make than mining iron and refining it into ingots I go to this spot here to farm those right below the Nomad Highlands Tower as you have a huge fossil Source right here next to a nest for Twigs I also make a few explosive arrows but I save those only for the hardest enemies in the end game now I know many people watching this aren't going to be at Max skill points yet so I'm going to walk you through the whole build in the rough order that I recommend taking your skills throughout the game put the very first two points into Constitution doubling your health pull at the start of the game is really valuable next to gain the biggest boost to Art tree as soon as possible we'll build into the ranger tree you can also grab the base Dex point in the Assassin tree while we're here Marksman and Sharpshooter give a flat 30% range damage followed by a further 20% on head shot multi-shot procs and the ranger Point gives a huge amount of passive benefit eag ey is optional I don't use it because it doesn't add output value but if it helps you aim for head shots it will be worth it personal preference on that one for your next four points simply round out your Bas node stats for endurance and strength and if you're desperate for double jump you can grab this right now too or you can get it later when we build the survival tree that's up to you at this point you'll be approaching the mid game and you can decide between building the Beast Master or Warrior tree next based on your preference if you feel you need some melee power and some health sooner then go the warrior tree otherwise build straight into the core of this ranged Beast Master build to access the Beast Master tree you need to go through these two very underwhelming poison resistance nodes these are these are terrible and weirdly Niche I don't recommend these at all instead you can access the tree through the Relentless flame node which adds a nice 5 minutes bonus to the Shroud time which is actually really helpful so in the Survivor tree take this endurance point which is actually dexterity so we get some range damage and then wonderlust and good metabolism which give pretty noticeable efficiency when running on roads and potion strength now something to note about the Beast Master tree is that it has two incorrect tool tips these two endurance points are actually dexterity like the one before on the Survivor tree and so this area here has four Dex nodes a flat 20% range damage which really helps to make the Beast Master more viable so go ahead and pick up the four Dex nodes and the four Beast Master nodes which I discussed before it's worth noting here that I never take any of these points that scale with flame level because they only give two stats per five points invested Which is far far worse than all the single point stat nodes which are 1 to one in the Warrior tree you'll need to pick between one of these three branches that boost a single Tope of melee damage each as I mentioned before so you want identify which type your melee weapon uses and take that it's inefficient and we don't have enough points to boost all three damage types then just take the rest of these nodes they are all solid crit chance attack speed and more stats now there's a little more range damage to be grabbed from the Assassin tree sniper gives a valuable 10% crit chance stamina on headshot is useful and a DEX node I don't take any more because blessed arrows gives Mana which is not really used for this bounty Bonanza is useless and the Ricochet and Chain Reaction skills are too specifically dependent on exploding arrows I think these are just too much skill points to invest especially noting that exploding arrows are one of the last thing you unlock in the game now we are just rounding out the build with as many single point stats as we can get efficiently and the athlete tree is a good spot for this take jump attack which is good to have anyway a strength node vigorous deflection is fine for only two points and opens up three more stats at the end of the tree which you'll want to grab as well at this point you'll be in the end game and food Buffs are worth about four stats or more so putting some points into Survivor for some decks sweet regen and a fourth food slot is very valuable now your last 10 points have a few options depending on your preference that can be taken whenever suits if you're happy to farm exploding arrows you'll get the most offensive value from Shell Shock the stun from this is really powerful against some of the hardest enemies and actually gives a use to your Mana if you want to lean more into melee you have a few options in the Barbarian tree heavy-handed is actually really good and you can grab another two stats there as well if you desperately want blink instead of your normal Dodge you can grab this for a seven-point investment through the healing tree and finally there are a few loan points that are quite valuable so mix and match these based on your preference Feast adds a really nice boost to health rebound boosts your base stamina region significantly Swift shot sustenance is also a source of stamina regen through orbs which works well with good metabolism which you already take anyway Eagle ey if you took that earlier shiny plates is a good amount of defense for only two spare points breach if you like to smash into Shields is pretty good same idea with merciless attack or Eagle's Bane if you hate these damn endgame enemies like me if you've got a single point remaining finish with this last last endurance node in the Survivor tree lastly I'll talk about food Buffs and consumables very quickly in general just use the Constitution decks and strength food Buffs throughout the game appropriate to your level once you have a fourth food slot use it for stamina regen from sweets or regen from fruit or liquids best combinations at the endgame are vegetable soup for decks sandwich for strength Chicken Soup for Constitution and then either the fruit bowl for massive regen stats or spiced tea for endurance or grilled yucka which is a sweet combined with the swe s tooth talent for massive stamina regen and that's it if you like the build please like or comment and subscribe for more and shrouded content I intend on making a full Suite of build videos for every type of play style thanks for listening everyone cheers
Channel: Wilstorm Gaming
Views: 7,138
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 37-u4yTRNBE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 42sec (582 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2024
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