So I Tried Enshrouded Again..

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I know that everybody's really excited about playing po world right now but I I really think this game's great and so I wanted to play it more yeah I I actually think this is a really nice game I'd recommend it this game's [ __ ] great yeah it is it it's I I feel like it's almost disappointing that this game comes out so close to power world because so many people will just look at at power world and be like okay well I want this one right but um damn what a dick sucker he went to attack me like that okay um but yeah I I really think that if you uh if if you like this game or sorry if you see this game you should definitely try it out I I really like this game a lot I'll play it after yeah there you go and uh if you don't like it then maybe don't play it but uh for me I I think it's great damn how the [ __ ] does he get away damn he is [ __ ] fast get the [ __ ] out of here [ __ ] okay we'll get all the rest of these too Warriors don't use wands though I think I might resp because I feel like magic is way better like what do you guys think like one of the coolest things about this game is you can actually terraform and dig underneath uh the ground so like in valheim there's like a limited version of that that you can do but in this game you can do it pretty much as much as you want like I was actually digging a hole where's my hole wait where'd the hole go well I have a hole somewhere I don't know where it is I dug too deep did I oh I have no ammo to make more uh more more arrows well there's a hole around here somewhere I I think it got lost it doesn't respawn it resets every time you leave oh wow so I have to actually okay so terraforming only happens I understand okay that makes sense all right let's see what else I can craft [Music] here okay so we've got a scaffold reach higher points you build your base okay that's interesting and plant fiber a glider I probably should make this to be fair plus one Comfort I guess I'll probably just let me just loot some of these things so I can start crafting um torn cloth metal scraps I need these too runes wax bones I just want to make sure I loot all this stuff so I have it whenever I'm going to craft flint Stone plant fiber okay good so now we can start crafting all right we're going to build the table here and then I'll put the table right here okay so now my comfort level is at 12 minutes a fireplace plus two comfort okay we're going to build that right now where's the fireplace it's seven okay um I'll put it right over here and now it's going to be at H maybe I'm not doing it the right way maybe this is considered a fireplace already near the bed like this close the roof not sheltered no it says I'm sheltered okay so chairs okay we have our chair now ooh looking at 13 minutes now okay benches craft all right bench [Music] done okay now I'm not sheltered for some reason I don't know why it'll fix itself illumination candle I need string I'll just make some of them okay and then candle oh can I put it on a table oh that's cool okay cool and so we've got that actually let me [ __ ] I want to put it right next to my bed you know that looks really nice okay so now we'll go back to crafting again and Firefly lamp I don't know how many of these overlap does each one give its own type of benefit I'm not really sure how this works craft a grappling hook I need string for that okay yeah I'll do that all right grappling hook is is crafted and a glider we need sh I don't have shroud wood uh table okay all that's good it's one per category okay good that makes it a lot easier okay oh I see so I want to upgrade my stuff because it gives me more Comfort oh that's very interesting is there a way for me to get plant fiber more easily because I feel like I'm always being limited by plant fiber or is that something that will just kind of go away get them in a bush yeah but I feel like even then I I never have enough like I I can go on a bush Expedition but it still isn't enough oh shouldn't I try to actually mine something or cut something down and shroud I feel like I should do that damn that guy's a real dick sucker isn't he okay he's dead and are there any trees here oh no there's no trees here at all anyway oh well [ __ ] you should Farm uh there are bundles of plant fibers and barns really okay I haven't seen that yet I need to also make more arrows how many combos can you do I don't know its usefulness will phase out as you progress okay that's good at least okay I'll also make myself some more arrows no a shield um yeah I just needs so much [ __ ] string man I don't have the [ __ ] string um I'll just go look around over here shroud made a game no shroud actually is making a game yeah I don't know like what the timeline on that's going to be but him and I think it was sacel are like going to be involved in in a game it's probably going to be what you can expect like a shooter type game I would assume from them because that's like that's their main thing but we'll see what happens new mobile game well that' be funny if it was pay to win okay I feel like leveling in this game is really slow it's not a criticism by the way just an observation POG survival shooter yeah I'm surprised that more games aren't like once human I feel like there needs to be more games that are like that there's like a really big market for it I feel like people just can't really hit that market though Treasure Chest also reset oh wow oh [ __ ] I didn't even know that okay um okay it's done okay so now we have the charcoal and we can build the furnace right we can right now oh [ __ ] yeah okay I didn't mean to put it there but it's okay uh where'd it go okay so what can I make metal sheets with charcoal and metal scraps okay so we have charcoal or metal scraps wait yes yes okay good so I'm making that oh we're big [ __ ] it now let's go um we'll just do more more dirt and more charcoal okay what else can I do really right now oh I used all my metal scraps I needed to make nails oh no no it's okay cuz cuz I need metal sheets and I need one more string now get out no this is okay okay there we go good and do we have any more yet uh no we don't 3 2 1 what's the countdown here okay whatever all right let me make this other helmet right now what is it this time so armor set wait this is just better wait why would I ever make a bad armor set yeah I want to have the good armor set faing axe oh wow I need shrouds wood okay so I need to get more metal scraps how the [ __ ] do I get metal scraps do I have have to go farm those okay how many did I make I can only make one at a time o that's bad metal block at workbench metal block it's just a block of metal I don't know what else I expected okay let me put all this stuff away and we're going to start farming okay and we'll take this as well mushrooms and berries for food and then we'll also take guess I take more purple berries I think we're pretty much good right now and I have more arrows right I thought I made arrows I probably put the arrows back in here didn't I where the hell did they go yeah okay now we have seven or 70 okay let's go try upgrading your alter okay I'll do that right now I didn't realize I needed to do that I forgot about it looking C got more survivors okay shroud core I don't have that okay we need to get some of that shroud wood you going Elixir Wells I don't know how a lot of that stuff works I don't know if you can go down there or not no you can't okay we'll go across the bridge then like barriers to get my health back right yeah it's pretty easy to cook meat too if I want to do that then I will do that later on you just to see the map sure it's a big one um ooh oh we grab one now all right let's go nice h what's that over there why why' it go up there I wonder why let's see what's down this way a bunch of [ __ ] nothing of course I'm just looking around that's good we need more metal scraps no I didn't know how that worked oh no I lost my grappling hook uh well that's really bad okay um I did not want to have to do this guys oh my God there's like a whole [ __ ] area of guys here oh what the [ __ ] um wait is it up above me oh no so it didn't drop where my character dropped it dropped somewhere else oh no okay um and I only have 3 minutes to figure out where to go okay well let's go follow this bridge oh no it's getting dark too I can't even see what's happening okay I got up here that's at least good where's my torch where's my torch can I make a torch I can't okay we're we're kind of [ __ ] here okay for okay we made it so where's my grappling hook though I don't have it [Applause] I don't understand how it works it doesn't make sense SM time you got to jump right away after you reach the end well I didn't know so like basically I didn't even touch anything my character just dropped I thought I was going to swing back and forth so like it's called momentum yeah but why would the momentum cause my character to drop I I cuz you know maybe it was because my stamina right so I was like oh do I have less stamina but I [Music] didn't as I've said before like a lot of normal things to people like it just doesn't make like this doesn't make sense this this is bad I I do want ironically think this is bad okay let's try it again okay I still don't understand it it's weird since there's two mechanics for grappling it's a stamina so I have full stamina whenever you swing no watch I'm going to press it I'm going to hold it not going to do anything it's just it's confusing I don't get it let's go this one you still have to jump yeah so you didn't have enough stamina earlier well I don't know your stamina was low no I wasn't because even if I'm full stamina so like there's some games where like you jump and you go like this right and other games where you jump you go like this but like this game is a game where you have to jump and use the momentum and also at the same time know that your character will just randomly drop also it drops you at the end anyway yeah no that's what I'm saying hey the ladder yeah is everything chat yall wrong no y'all stupid look I'll show you again what my right yeah no it's not watch okay right so it wasn't because of I didn't have stamina because it drops no matter what it's not like it drops you whenever you run out of stamina it just drops you whenever you reach the end of it so you have to do it like that which is confusing and then also you have something that you have to go over and it's confusing also whenever your character drops and then the drops are not down where your character was I I just feel like I'm going to be honest I feel like it it just it creates a frustrating outcome I don't know why you would have a situation like that in a game intentionally it it's like a uh it's like you're you're Mak you're creating an L it's confusing yeah it's confusing it doesn't make sense why would your character randomly drop okay so what's this we'll kill this guy I need to get a two-handed weapon also I feel like I should probably just use like cuz this wand is so good I should just use this man whole games an now no I I don't think it is I I just I think people always like defending bad game design by saying that like a streamer is stupid but like I'm not stupid I know I'm not stupid like uh I I'm I think I'm right about this I think it's it's bad like it's confusing it doesn't make sense okay agree with feedback yeah it's not intuitive no it it's not it doesn't make sense okay so what's this flame Shrine W oh I could what was this a a spark oh wow I got a legendary well [ __ ] yeah well I think the next thing I need to go to do is to go down into the Shroud I think that's my next goal does the combat feel good uh yeah overall it does there are some things about the combat that I'm not a big fan of but overall yes I would say the combat is good ooh I know that I was there but I forgot how I went from there to here how did that happen I see there's a road you see that yeah it's this way what don't you like about the combat I feel like it's so fast like it throws your character forward uh I'm not sure really if that's like uh you know a I'm not even saying the game's bad right I just there's something about it that's like a little bit odd to me okay let's see if we can cut down some of the trees in here shroud wood okay so I can actually do this Let Me Wait for a Minute the stamina in this game is definitely an issue yeah um I know that I can drink this and it'll make my stamina go faster okay I get six of these what about this can I cut this down what the [ __ ] even is this I looted a shroud liquid okay that's just what I got bro [ __ ] um Jesus that was a long range I didn't expect he'd hit me like that okay what was I going to do um oh I was cutting down this tree that's right no I wasn't I was dealing with this guy there we go got his ass I'll leave at 1 minute left uh what's this shroud liquid ooh Rusty shortsword well that's cool cut this down Tekken fans are happy they're playing the same game for 25 years oh yeah yeah the new game comes out I might actually play that I apparently I got a code to play that game I don't know when I'm going to do that though okay um did you find the string and shrouded caution oh oh cuz I'm I'm low okay and I'm assuming whenever you uh this timer runs out like my character just dies or something what the hell is this yeah okay wait so do I have eye frames it's hard to say yeah yeah it's really kind of hard to say I'm not sure if if I do or not you going to see the death no no bro I'm chilling I'm good all right yeah I feel like the magic is like magic just seems like so much stronger like I don't even want to invest any more points into uh what do you call it I don't invest any more points into like strength cuz I feel like magic like I don't even need to spend any magic to do basic attacks and they do almost the same amount of damage right so like if I lock onto this guy and I just press five oh I'm hit the wrong button like I feel like I'm doing so much more damage over time and also there's like no resource cost for doing that damage either like that seems really really good cuz like for example like with with bow and arrow like you need to make arrows but with this you don't which just makes it way better I think I should have a bow and arrow especially for hitting things with like sneak attack but besides that I don't really see it being valuable and this is all I think Flintstone right yeah I'm not sure if they have like iron or like cuz I thought there was going to be like a metal scrap area I could mine in it seems like that's not really the case melee weapon scale better the two-ended axe with jump attack is my favorite yeah I mean maybe I should just you guys think I should just try to keep keep going with what I have and just say [ __ ] it so how do I get metal scraps in this game like should I just go and keep trying to kill mobs ouch farming Bandits okay uh I guess I'll go do that true so even there I'm taking damage okay I have no armor oh yeah you're right about that yeah I'm only getting one metal scrap per mob I feel like that's so bad like these guys it's really good cuz I can hit them and stagger them but it's whenever I can't stagger them with the attacks that's whenever I really start getting [ __ ] up I wonder if this game has a Parry like valheim y see that it does if it does then I think I'm going to go and and figure out how to make a shield then Jesus yeah it's like if I can just get them in that stagger then I win okay so it's like Far Cry with axes I never really played Far Cry To be honest I'm not sure is there anything good over here I feel like there's not just a bunch of [ __ ] garbage wood logs just what I needed like this is actually a really good way of farming wood it's just blowing up the barrels it sounds like really stupid but it works okay let me see if I can fight this guy M with melee oh there's two of them Jesus Christ they do so much damage uh let's see yeah it's like look how good this is like I just lock on and do damage yeah ranged op yeah I feel like that's so good it's weak as [ __ ] though really I mean I don't know cuz I I'm getting [ __ ] down by these mobs uh like they do so much damage so I'd need to have like high armor and like I know like probably what this will result in ultimately is like higher level mobs will be harder to fight because they do more damage so like I bet later on in the game like it'll be balanced for you to not take take damage at least that's what I would assume I could be wrong DN bro [Music] like this is this is we we're struggling okay so where do I need to go now to mend Old Wounds okay let's go that way also eat another potion or berries damn Jesus Christ I got to zoom out okay um one Health block bro yeah I haven't done that yet I'm still trying to learn the the basics of the mechanics like I'm a really slow learner like things take me a really long time to pick up on and like to actually do that's just the way it is okay why is it even why why is it even like this just put there I we don't have to swap okay same with the other one right um crackling one does 14 damage this does 14 Dam okay I'll just use this I'll put it right here oh my God okay let's see how do I deal with this oh that does a lot on I think they're going to kill me that was stupid of me to run myself out of stamina h I got animation locked okay um such range yeah that's really annoying okay uh what do I want to do now I guess I've got to go back and get my stuff infinite aggro range yeah it's just garbage um but it is what it is what's up with the health potion I just didn't think of it like I mean I had a guy chasing after me like the last thing I was thinking about was like what was in my inventory like to me like I thought for sure like it would Diago so I didn't think of the house po infinite aggro yeah that is really annoying okay let me go back you can drop another altar uh I don't know how that works okay other wand is better no how's it better just 14 damage this one was 14 damage I guess it does overcharge this one does overcharge oh no this one does too okay um Jesus CRA it's so bad stamina man yeah I know this is with the rested bonus too uh let me actually get the water okay and don't I have uh food Oh I thought I had meat I guess I must have dropped the meat whenever I died May it's just an early game thing well I don't know I guess we'll find out okay um campfire guys I I don't want unsolicited random advice there people telling me how to play like if I if I want advice I'll ask for it I don't want people just like constantly trying to shout like their tips at me okay so now we got everything back and I thought I had meat that I cooked where' it go that is what it is okay um I guess I I'll go back to my base see if I can craft some more stuff how do you like the game so far um I think it's a good game uh but there are some things that I don't like about it like uh I mean the aggro range is really annoying for sure um NPC gives quests is that a quest I have to do did you break something okay I need Nails okay there's 10 Nails resin and string okay I guess I'll just try to get a helmet oh no I can't okay I can make gloves and then I okay now I need more string okay character gloves put these on okay good okay Shield I didn't know I could do this okay [Music] um uh it's not grabbing in away seems devoid of lore um I don't think that a game really needs lore to be good personally uh can I melt things down in a forge I'm not sure if I can or not what have you okay uh pickaxes fing axe oh yeah I was going to make this I need more string again oh my God okay um I guess I'm going to go up I'll just look around and try and find bushes what one like I I really don't like uh the stamina bar in this game I feel like I'm I feel like uh it's kind of like the way that I felt about valheim where I felt like whenever I was playing valheim I was primarily kind of like fighting against the stamina bar jump while running uh why would I do that okay all that's good I guess maybe I didn't click this okay it's so [ __ ] hard to get string man there's no bushes where's the [ __ ] bushes let me go to the other side get resin yeah someone said jumping doesn't consume Stam you're actually right it doesn't yeah the the stamina logic in this game doesn't really make any sense to me like some things consume stamina whereas other things I think should consume stamina like it it would make sense to me that like using uh using an attack should cost you stamina I don't know like I think that's what kind of makes sense right and if using an attack shouldn't cost you stamina then uh what do you call it oh what's what are these guys doing um I if uh if using an attack shouldn't cause stamina then why is it that oh God Jesus Christ um okay uh what a huge oversight yeah stamina recovers way too slow yeah um and and also like if using attack shouldn't cause stamina then Gathering also shouldn't cause stamina like I don't see the logic that so like Gathering should cost stamina but attacking with something shouldn't how can that how does that make any sense I need more metal scraps I also need more charcoal uh feels like Deb didn't play games themselves well this is like I think one of the hardest things for developers to be able to do is to be able to have like the right mix between something that's entertaining and fun versus something that's like challenging and it's like a uh uh it's like an experience right oh I guess I'll just use I'll just make two of these right I can only make one like providing an immersive experience because I I think that like there are things that provide an immersive experience and in doing that it makes the game better right but there's also a lot of examples of games that provide like for example whenever whenever like in a game like uh there was another Survival game that I played what was it besides power world I'm trying to remember what the other game was that like you can craft from your inventory which game was that was it rust once human yeah it was once human and so like you can craft from your inventory directly your inventory and so like you don't need to go and uh just a second um I guess I will just try to roast some of these okay okay so that doesn't work um okay so how does this work uh hold the cook okay you can this game later you unlock it later I understand that I just have always been of the mindset that you should never lock quality of life behind uh some sort of gameplay thing and I just feel like it's a it's a level of quality of life that just kind of it makes the game annoying to play likeing that kind of stuff in qual life is annoying yeah it's it's bad and I don't I don't know what to say this C where the chicken came from you can craft from the chickens uh from the chest pretty quickly well I'm not [Music] sure my Minecraft Creative Mode well I don't know what I I don't really like Minecraft personally I've never really liked Minecraft okay so why would I actually want to do that what's the difference between these two things grilled mushroom room there two intelligence and this is one intelligence okay well that's pretty simple um okay [Music] um massive LT wait what was the LT there I'm I'm confused yeah I'm confused oh Minecraft oh yeah I don't really like Minecraft yeah I never really got into it um okay so maybe I should go over there because like those all those guys over there were really hard to kill and I think I need to kill more guys in order to get my uh my metal scraps cuz like that's what I feel like I'm really getting uh limited by is metal scraps okay starting yeah yeah I'm just starting the game off it's just my opinion yeah yeah it's just I I think Minecraft is probably one of the best games ever made it's just not for me okay I guess we'll go this way then can find out some more of these guys you need to destroy things around you for metal scraps okay um like what like what about this that's just wood logs I have to go down to here I think I do try the bush as you can on the on your way yeah I just I forgot about that okay um that worked pretty well ooh I got a ring [ __ ] okay to go this way okay and am I getting any I'm not getting any metal pieces off of them okay now where is this enter The Elixir well okay I guess I got to go back and get it again I have to go get rested though like I feel like it was leading me in that direction [Music] right that was a high Lev [Music] shroud the benches taking away your sheltered the benches why would the bench take it away this be a Grace time before you die of missed I think it just caught me by surprise like I didn't even know that was going to happen I was just walking around like cuz usually you I tell you guys like I'm usually whenever I'm playing a game I'm usually not really like actively like hyper focused on the game you know like I'm focused on the game but I'm not like [ __ ] laser oh my God I'm watching every frame in case something goes wrong and so yeah like I you know I have a quest marker that's like leading me there and then it's like oh okay that's not where I want to be um maybe I could go I don't think I can like I I feel like oh yeah maybe maybe I can maybe I can I go down this way and do I lose my inventory too character no I don't okay good all right let's get my stuff back it's deadly shroud area yeah I mean I I know that now I just didn't I had no idea I mean how could I how could I have known that oh my God Jesus Christ okay let me run back well at least not now I know I can get down there from there again yeah no I just I couldn't see it cuz of the Shroud I didn't know it was going to be like a huge drop like that I just died okay oh does this mean that I lose my other stuff too I wonder okay well let me so did I lose this I'm so confused by this game okay so glider's op yeah I don't have that right now what what's trying to attack me Elixir well okay well at least I got a skill point out of that okay got his ass all right not too bad I didn't mean to do that okay um you can block mid animation yeah I don't know how that works return Beacon stand near them to feel their effect okay so this actually okay so this just makes it easier for me to be around in this area Okay um location above what so what do I need to do put a journal reach the Elixir well did I complete it enter The Elixir well okay how do I do that I guess I probably go underneath it right oh oh [ __ ] what's this fell Thunder Brute [Music] okay okay so it feels like I don't actually get ey frames in this game all right oh wow oh holy [ __ ] I got a legendary axe destroy it with a faing axe oh no I don't have a failing axe okay okay okay is this yes okay I can't fast travel [ __ ] okay now I have to run all the way back up there I'm dead I'm dead use the wood axe no it says a felling Axe and a felling axe is something that I needed to use the Shroud wood to make wait how do I get out of here can I use it um can I use the other axe that I that I got cuz I'll go over there and I'll try it yes okay I why I mean I assume that I needed to use a faing axe on the thing that they needed they told me to use a fing axe on okay uh well let me go back down then I don't know why why would they tell you that you need to use something that you don't need to use all right extra fing tree yeah all right well let's do this now this guy's getting [ __ ] up critical 10 damage wow nice oh that's cool so oh wait so does it removes the Shroud oh wow oh that's really cool use weapon anyway yeah yeah I like that that's awesome valim mistland valheim Mist lands got to take notes true man very [ __ ] true so what's it like out here then okay well out here there's still some shroud but there's less okay let's try out this new axe guys also uh let's look at get skills I'm going to do the I'm going to do the jumping attack sorry oh I get one more [Applause] okay that's garbage I don't know how to feel about this um yeah I mean like that's okay but like if I just use this guys this is not looking good man this is not looking good like this is a legendary axe like what the [ __ ] the guillotine oh man I don't know about this one guys upgrade it to Max well what happens if I upgrade the wand to Max though I don't know man I'm just I'm not feeling good about this at all oh man okay we'll use the axe a little bit more okay guys um why the [ __ ] am I here I'm just going to go back up to the top and then try to teleport back to my base oh let me see can I so can I destroy this for like metal scraps cuz this is made out of metal my celium okay I got one metal scrap out of that this isn't looking good guys blizzard lay off is wild it's not wild at all I mean they've spent the last 10 years releasing garbage so it would make sense that people get fired and also like they just got bought by a really big company like how would how would that not happen I mean like everybody it feels like almost a lot of people collectively agree like the games like I mean it sucks obviously that it happened and like the odds are that like a lot of the people that should be fired probably didn't get fired like you're right about all that but at the same time like of course that's what's going to happen you equp your rings yeah I will I have a feeling that we're not really doing much here I think I want to go back to just trying to kill the bandits because at least I get experience from killing them versus uh just breaking random things for uh for resources I'm going to go back is this actually a Souls like I mean it has dodging I mean so I mean I'm pretty sure every game that has dodging is soul likee I mean come on okay so we got a glider I probably should try to figure out how to make this oh actually you know what I can make what have you got for me uh fing axes okay so I need oh my now get out okay I don't have oh God okay um why does three not allow me to unequip my weapon okay uh actually let me equip these these Rings okay so we have two rings we have stamina and then we have a ring okay so there we go that's good and I haven't gotten anything else yet have I no I haven't okay and then I already have a lot of this and then we have more Metal Sheets and I just need more metal scrap man like I'm down bad on scrap keep it no no no no no no I didn't mean to do that no I didn't mean to do that either wait what am I what am I doing unpen right okay [Music] unpen okay so there I I got his quests all right um can I teleport to these shrines oh upgrade alter okay I can do that oh nice resin bones and animal fur Okay I need I have all that nice okay and this is all higher level stuff I still don't know if I should use the other gear you can teleport to the giant Towers okay deposit all Stacks what does that do I see okay um the tower can I teleport to a tower flame Shrine are flame shrines Towers I guess not okay let's go this way gliding off the towers is op yeah I I I have no idea okay hopefully this will work you want to reset skill points I don't know if I do yet or not because like I mean it is really [ __ ] funny that this magic wand that I randomly found out of a box is better than the literal legendary weapon from the boss and not only is it better but it's a lot better they have levels on the weapons that's correct they do axes can cleave wand cannot I bet you probably get spells in this game that's why you have a blue bar for mana and I bet one of those spells is probably a big Fireball that Cleaves I [ __ ] guarantee you magic falls off a bit later on okay well I can Respec pretty pretty cheaply so wouldn't it just be a smart idea for me to Respec dynamically based off of what what type of content I'm doing because like to me that's what seems like the good idea right it's great early yeah yeah all right let's go up this way let's see what these guys are what is this this road is blocked no it's not or wait wait can I [ __ ] it stopped my trajectory I could have done it but I didn't know that's how it worked okay we got it oh I didn't mean to do that okay so I mean like if if if I can't really even break their Poise with the two-handed weapon I feel like this is bad like even the jumping attack didn't break their Poise guys I feel like magic is just [ __ ] better I mean and and maybe hey hey hey hey maybe maybe the weapons get better but right now guys this is [ __ ] this is like a night and well it's night right now this is a total [ __ ] oh my God where the hell do I even need to go I can't see anything oh God H yeah I think we re back I do I hate being a wizard but I mean it's just [ __ ] better man like and like from my perspective I don't even think it's a bit better I think it's way better I at this [ __ ] suffering he's just dead Okay small Flint line what do I need to do here I don't even know I can't see much oh and people say I need to use the [ __ ] no [Music] way I got to figure out how to get up to that [ __ ] area that castle I want to go up this way I can make it o a level three [ __ ] look at that damage Jesus oh we got oh this is a big oh wow look at all this fiber bro [ __ ] the [ __ ] that like I'm just glad I'm getting fiber Jesus look at that damage oh this is crazy this really looks nice though like the environment look at this it's got like a very um the the the graphic style for the game it's like a very uh I don't know really what the word is for it like it has an old school vibe to it it looks like a game that I get excited for whenever I was like a kid uh that's a lot of people [Music] okay maybe the ax is good for some things right what the [ __ ] um don't I have any more cooked meat I guess I ran out it's bugged yeah true I think the game's just bugged to be honest with you I hit the wrong button yeah look at that damage that's crazy I mean these guys are getting absolutely [ __ ] I'm just happy we're getting so many shrubs so how do I handle something like this do I go and like shoot it like this yeah I guess so and what does it drop more animal fur just go assassin do 10x damage no no I don't think that's the way it works actually and this is where I would have needed the [Music] glider wait can I be a grave robber I can no wonder that guy died what a piece of [ __ ] weapon Jesus what a loser okay um bro like I had that at like level five or not level five like 5 minutes into the game I mean okay um I feel like I have to wait until it's brighter because I I can't go back to to where I was at cuz then it'll take me so long to go back and I can't see anything at night so I feel like I'm just kind of stuck here for now do the tower I don't know how to get over there and it's too dark for me to see where to go jump the Gap yeah but then I'll die from Fall damage and I only have one chance and if I lose my stuff then I have to run all the way back and not have my stuff so I don't think that's a good idea yeah at least I've got a lot of fiber I mean like that's that's like the one thing about this area that's good at least right is like I've gotten a lot of [ __ ] fiber out of here okay y like I can't see anything man go back and get a glider yeah no I want to wait until it's daytime and then I'm going to see if I can do it without a glider first I feel like that's a better idea than just trying to trying to go back right now like this guy right watch all I'm doing is backpedaling bro this guy got [ __ ] [ __ ] like has anybody been ever [ __ ] that bad I don't know but he is he got destroyed I can't do it when is this night time going to be over you can sleep is there a weight button I can do maybe there's a I don't know crafting maybe how many of these can I make you hate using torch I don't have a torch okay it's finally getting brighter so I can see what's happening again okay so what do I need to do then H oh it's still dark this is really annoying let me kill this how is this goat so good I hit it once okay God so I can't come up here okay I guess I have to build an altar I'm going to try to build an altar and teleport between them okay okay so I'm just going to teleport back over and I I Jesus Christ let me just wait for this to be over okay good but it's over all right um now how do I make this glider shroud wood I thought I had shroud wood where is it [ __ ] okay I do glider done okay and then fing axe I'm going to make this too right wait it's called Scrappy axe I thought it said felling axe faing axe is a is a category okay okay um so how do I how do I use this equip okay um all right I'll go cook the food and then we'll go to the tower wait so I have to put the food in my [ __ ] um test of first and go try a tower that's a good idea okay so how does the glider work let's find out okay I can't get on top of my house I guess no I I can't okay so just press space okay I understand okay got it all right let's do it boys gotcha [ __ ] there it is all right oh I hit the wrong button again okay and then oh yeah I can actually just eat the meat too so if I use this and I use this wait why did I just get sick huh I ate the other meat I didn't eat the right meat okay oh is there am I only able to have one meat buff at a time food type already active I see so it's not like in valheim where you can stack up three meat Buffs or something like that so what happens if I try to mine something like this nothing okay um ancient Spire sprig lands if it's ineffective then why didn't why why' I break it okay this is kind of cool give me a minute okay that's better I just keep accidentally eating food damn [ __ ] what a thirsty [ __ ] okay now at least now we're getting a lot of shrubs so this is this is really big for me and how the [ __ ] do I get up there oh through the stairs that literally lets me go up there okay that's Howell naturally okay let's see how this wand uh how this wand does ooh ooh what the [ __ ] some doors are locked could be opened by finding rest button okay oh I see okay if that's the case we should probably go up this way for no reason so what happens if I destroy this oh oh wow oh okay so these little barrels this is like Zelda oh bro these are Big these are big dick barrels look at all this stuff oh my God look at all this stuff wow okay shepher this looks like it's garbage do I have to jump off grapple at the top top of what go up how do I go up I don't see a grappling point the stairs oh I see I didn't see that Jesus Christ stairs yeah no I I don't I don't see things the way people normally see things I just I am extremely tunnel vision I don't even think I just only go this is so bad okay um okay so I guess I have to press jump Maybe [Applause] okay or there's a lot of Barrels in here holy [ __ ] first try it makes it a lot easier pressing jump worked well yeah but like it naturally it like logically wouldn't work like what would logically work would be if you let go of the string at the moment that your momentum was the fastest going from the direction that you were coming from like that's what would make sense and so that's the first thing I tried to do it it it's confusing to to do it that way because it doesn't like why would I do that like now now that I understand it I of course I I can do it it's not a problem but like the first thing I'm going to try is obviously the thing that makes the most sense to me okay you at least have to use the momentum no it's because I thought the release button was different because for example pressing F doesn't cause you to release which doesn't make sense okay there's a lot of these I have to destroy and now what some logically using a magic wand yeah I I think that's normal um I think Games should follow like a degree of like intuitive logic that that you should have yeah I I do think so I I think that even like magic in games intuitive [Music] la oh I almost broke this weapon uh okay it doesn't work that way you founded a lot of Metal Sheets in those pots why the [ __ ] do you think I'm farming the pots bro absolutely maybe I can use this this break them faster I actually should have been trying different weapons huh yeah this is way better holy [ __ ] this is better okay I don't know what I was thinking there um all right so obviously I know what to do here okay and there's another area this way but let's go here first okay okay um I don't know if I should go up there or not I'll try to go here first yeah the stamina this requires is just crazy that sucks Jesus Christ okay um where's my body it's over there oh [ __ ] okay um [Music] okay okay I see straight up Banning people to talk about you by the way what are you going in in her stream to talk about me for what are you what are you doing I see I see oh oh oh oh oh oh oh that's cool all right Awesome Forest long dick okay now we go to the next level oh wait was this open oh it was it was okay I wait am I understanding this I see that was oh okay I get it now more sens than CCP uh yeah I mean there's a lot of people that don't really like to have to deal with like you know large community of people like kind of I mean you know it that's it's a lot to deal with I have a bunch of people in chat like coming in trying to like talk to you like ask you weird questions stuff like that ooh okay do Fair social weirdos yeah there's a lot of people that were like I saw that on on Reddit people are being like super judgmental they were like like uh you know like everybody have like their own opinion of like her or me or like any of that stuff and it was kind of crazy to hear some of it I mean it it's not really it's not really a big deal to me uh but I I don't like it whenever it affects other people cuz it like it's it's kind of like I'm I'm kind of like responsible for that you know okay so that door is open what's crazy about it I mean it it it's weird I mean I don't know about crazy like yeah maybe oh Fireball okay so you can cast Fireball but in order to do that there only charges so it's like Dark Souls 1 H and so this is the door that I have to open there's something I'm not seeing all it's this way okay there's another area up there oh I I hit the wrong button chest no I was thinking about something else h wait oh no okay um wait how did I get out of here oh yeah it was that thing people weird you just cuz see do outside yeah um as I said before Jesus oh my God this is so [ __ ] annoying um it's not ideal that people act like that but it's also like uh I mean it is the internet right and so people are always going to have like an opinion on uh on anything you do or anything you you say that's so weird to me that it works that way it shouldn't work that way cuz like I I use F and I use f again but then it doesn't work and so I have to jump why does it height matters but I did it from the same area what I have to do is I have to jump in the air but how can you jump in the air like that it's okay um we'll just go back that makes no sense yeah it's stupid okay um okay uh can I just go through this no Edge grabing is annoying uh ironically I think the spike should do more damage I do I feel like they're too they're too weak okay I'm back to where I wanted to be scrap Arrow okay backpack's full okay um do I even want this flask of the fell I mean I guess that's pretty good I could throw that away oh I hit the wrong I okay I picked up the wrong thing uh inventory is full yeah well I mean there's a lot of things I looted okay oh right that's not how it works okay so we did all these and now we have the chest okay all right this better be something really good masterful mace okay that's [ __ ] good we're taking this mace and we're throwing it in the [ __ ] garbage it's getting deleted and now we have a new mace and this is the new mace okay good and okay we did everything here it's big boy mace yeah John Stewart back to the Daily Show through 2024 election oh that's great yeah I uh I remember my dad and I used to watch the uh The Daily Show a lot commune with the Flames these ancient SP open fast travel points over the oh [ __ ] yeah okay nice so I just unlocked a fast travel point I will break all these too now Glide I don't think that would work because won't my Glide run out of stamina and then I'll fall down and die it works okay I'll try it this is really cool I'm going to look out over the uh the Vista here look at that holy [ __ ] and that's where I originally came from right there that's s's Fortress over there oh Goods what the [ __ ] yeah I mean as I said I think this game does take a lot of unnecessary L's like you know why are certain things in the game the way they are but overall I I think this is a good game okay I'm going to do it I'm going to try and go to those houses if only someone could have predicted this if only someone would have known if only know how to use it well yeah I mean how would I like I mean I don't know the intricacies of some like some video game mechanic I've never used before how how could I know okay so can I do this can I cancel and then okay so this is how you do it loot my loot was up there oh I didn't notice okay well if my loots up there then I guess I should go back right it's just that just doesn't make sense to me because like that's not where my loot was whenever I died um okay um I I'll give it a minute then I'll jump back over at least now I know what to do why does gliding cause stamina I don't know okay the stamina is just yeah the stamina in this game really it just it makes the game worse I think that's really all it comes down to like uh I I actively enjoy the game less because of the stamina and like I played once human and I also played po world and they games that are kind of the same Dynamic and they don't have that and so I don't think it's necessary for a game to have that so like why does this game have it because like for example those games have other annoying things but why does this game have this one uh I don't really see the value in it why am I oh there we go okay he's dead power world has stamina it just doesn't rely on gliding oh no no and once human has stamina too but like the stamina isn't as oppressive as it is in game it's not about whether the game has stamina or not it's about whether the stamina in the game feels like it's an oppressive force that makes things take longer oh wait what the [ __ ] oh wow I didn't see that oh that's bad at okay so I live here now the depletion rate's too high yeah yeah and so like if the stamina was like way higher it would be okay it's it's not really that like oh let me kill this get out of here [ __ ] all right and what are we going to get rid of here actions use item I'm debating like how so I can't really get rid of this stuff I really wish I had more inventory I feel like all my inventory slots are full maybe I should go I think I need to go back I'm going to go back to base I don't want to cuz it's really annoying but I I I want to do that now remove bones well why would I remove bones I don't know what to use them for if I remove bones then maybe I might need them later on okay um so we have metal scraps are there any more metal scraps that I got I guess [Music] not bones are valuable yeah I mean like people everybody always like was trying to like uh tell me like oh do this do that I I don't really um I don't really follow Direction very well and I have actually no interest in really any in any any feedback from people uh I just want to do it the way I want to do it what needs fixing okay I can't even use nails so I don't have metal scraps never force it actually gaming yeah yeah Salvage unused weapons I don't know how to do that how do I Salvage a weapon uh do I click on it actions Salvage okay this is a 14 okay that's bad okay I get runes out of that I can delete that one okay and then I need to make another box for these potions what do I need for storage here string and twigs what else is new okay where string I don't have plant fiber oh I put the plant fiber oh my God okay uh I hit the wrong button okay so now I can make storage and I'll put all my potions in here the chests suck for a while they really do like I I I don't know why so many developers get fixated on the idea that the early game part of an experience has to be annoying I don't know why they do that like I never feel like my experience is better because of it maybe other people don't mind it but I do what's annoying uh it's annoying to not have the items that are in my uh in my area not automatically like I want to be able to craft from my [Music] inventory you feel op after really for me I just feel stupid for doing it in the first place tell me what you need okay [Music] um anything else so there's that and I guess what I want to do now is I'll go back to this area right yeah let's do it do you want spoilers regarding craft from chest yeah like how many how many more hours do I have to play the game whenever I'm just like whenever I'm like my I'm bad right craft your armor I feel like I don't need armor use a wand using two more axe until you can craft in chest yeah okay the wand it doesn't seem like complain about more important [ __ ] than [ __ ] video game chest your body man a little testosterone how can you complain about me complaining about video game chest whenever you're in my chat complaining about me complaining about video chest video game chest like isn't that worse okay I destroy this yeah I can but there's nothing in okay there's nothing in there um I guess let's go inside first oh why is the com bro this Combat music is stressing me out okay I was just running around spamming F damn does this give me anything oh this guy's chained up that's badass and now he's [ __ ] like deleted okay dismantle old books can I open open this door oh that's cool I got metal scraps out of that that's good I always need more of those 28 should know yeah know I I don't like I think that the way that I play through a game is actually the way that most people play through a game so if something is like confusing or bad for me I think I have a very good like read on how people process information like in general and so like if if I say something like that I think is bad I I do think that a lot of people will experience the same thing that I do and the reason why is like I've watched people play games like a lot of people like has it has it ever occurred to you like you know a lot of streamers like usually aren't really uh you know super observant of like what's going on and um I think that's something that happens with everybody actually it's not just streamers it's just that you watch streamers do it and so uh I'm just looking at what even is this okay so I go down this way ooh all right so once if I break this does this give me metal I guess not doesn't give me anything Chatters yeah okay you play seven days D yeah it was bad when the games do aggressive tutorials people whine and call it Ubisoft or whatever well it's not a about having either one uh oh [ __ ] um I don't think a game should have aggressive tutorials or not um damn uh the the mechanics in the game should be intuitive to where to tutorials are minimally necessary like things that make sense in real life should make sense in a video game I I do like I feel like that's kind of maybe an unpopular opinion that I have but I feel like a person who like and I think like the best example of this is like Monster Hunter and like one of the reasons why I really liked Monster Hunter a lot is that I felt like a lot of the mechanics in the game really kind of made sense to me like it it made sense that the game works this way it's like oh yeah well of course of course this type of monster would be weak towards fire or of course it will be you know like velca isn't going to take as much damage from like uh uh you know like a ice attacks or something like that so yeah there should be intuitive gameplay that a person can who understands like a certain mechanic can kind of uh pick up on and take advantage of because it makes the players feel smart and it also gives them uh it like it basically somebody already went through the tutorial for this because they exist I I think sounds like kind of an abstract way of saying it but I do think that's what makes sense in my mind and so yeah trash in the library yeah I don't know if I'm going to need those old books or not like maybe you need them to like turn in for spells or something I don't know and so uh by the way I really love the um the house design in these games like this is this is amazing this is really well done yeah I I love this so if I destroy this do I get weed I do oh wow see that's see that's the kind of cool stuff like that's exactly what I mean like that's so cool to me that's the way the game should be like the moment like you know you figure something out right and it's like oh if I destroy this bundle of plant fiber I get plant fiber there it is like Soul like crafting game yeah it's the same as like you know jumping attacks do more damage because of the momentum behind them and so I think that in general like video games should follow uh you know normal observable logical physics in games or sorry in real life now I think that it's okay to have some things that don't do that for example but I feel like it should be few and far between things reg grounded in reality you know what to expect without needing the game to tell you if you step on fire it should hurt you for example exactly I think that's a great example yeah like stepping in fire what's one of the first things that a lot of people do whenever they see a fire well they they jump on top of it right they want to like oh I didn't even know was I doing yeah they want to jump on top of it to see what's going to happen oh so I get muddy feet like that makes sense right this is interesting right you would logically assume this would happen if you walk through mud then it takes a minute for you after you walk out of the mud to be able to move your character properly and I think that's great we'll go ahead and get some more of this you get Carpenter NPC okay well I hopefully uh I'll get it soon too much realism for me but it does seem cool um I think that what you're saying can be true and I think everybody is going to have like a different basis on like what they think is like an acceptable amount of realism versus not versus Annoying oh oh These give me metal scrap too I'm going to loot all these um I also think that uh oh wow I wasn't ready to go up there now but I guess I'll go up there now anyway just do this yeah look how many of these I can get this is amazing floating Barrel yeah um I actually really like platforming in games like this even each person has different degrees of game realism I think the problem is whenever the game logic is defiant of of actual realism like that's I think whenever it it's a problem and whenever like a player is punished for making an assumption that like a normal person would make uh aside from that uh I don't really think it's that big of a deal to not have it you like eating every 2 minutes or dying uh in a way like like one thing I would want and like this is like this is something that's like more contentious right is that I don't like in games whenever there's no indicator that there's something that you should pick up and I don't think there should be like a bright red you know [ __ ] neon sign on top of everything that you should loot because it hurts immersion but like it is very hard to determine like what is just an object placed on the ground and what's something that you're supposed to loot oh I got another one nice dig under Rubble okay yeah well I got that one there okay well let's go down this way what are all these I'm just going to bro like after after the plant fiber situation corn cob that's good so I wonder what happens if I destroy this okay this game looks very fun has anyone tried it with the co-op um I'm sure a lot of people have like I feel like right now if if pow World hadn't come out I think oh I think everybody would be playing this that that's my honest opinion I really do I think that the reason why more people aren't paying attention to it is because po world is so is so big and like I that's why I kind of like it this sounds like kind of stupid but like that's kind of why I was like oh I should play this game today because like I feel like oh nobody's going to give this game any attention because like you know this the other the other game came out and it's like it's so big right but like I really do think this game is a it's a good game in a lot of ways even though I disagree with some of the ways that it's designed developers love you well I hope so right and um you know like I like the game and I hope that you know they they and anybody else it's like if I play the game like generally I I give feedback because I like the games you know it's not because I I want them to die I want them to live and so uh you know if I'm saying something negative about the game it's certainly not personal like this is [ __ ] stupid how is very unique blend of mechanics yeah it is and um I think that also like people like games that push the envelope now because I feel like there's been uh like for a while there was like a lot of tone ping of like everything that people would say and do and I think that over time people kind of lose interest in what the hell that okay um lose interest in that they don't like it and so uh now that that's not really as much the case like you have all these like little areas like this this is this is so nice you know it's like cuz like if you just look around at like the environment that this is part of there's like you know little things everywhere and I think that's what makes it so special the game's gorgeous yeah exactly game's gorgeous well it's also that they put a lot of work into like all the little things right and that's the that's the real value who's this guy I'm sorry guys but we're respecting the magic like this is crazy I I mean like it's so much better I would smash that but I know I can just go down this way yeah this is so cool can I open this can I destroy it I can but it probably will take like an hour I'm assuming there's a door that will open it or a leather oh wow wait is this any good well I guess I'll use it um I'm going to replace my bow then oh I see I feel like this game doesn't have eye frames I think every game by the way should just have eye frames on Dodges it doesn't yeah oh opening the chest I see what happened why is it doing three damage M do make any sense okay make sure I eat the rest of that barer too I'm going to try and use the uh the bow uh oh there's no reason to I don't think so right like there's no way I think that this was just to create a event whenever you went down to the bottom there's nothing else really to that okay let's go to the next area wood acid oh I bet I can get metal scraps out of this right okay [Music] oh combat with what the [ __ ] bees damn I lit that [ __ ] up I'm not going to even try and get that right now I will get this though uh what can I throw away I don't need sticks if it's a special flower I bet I probably can't get that many of those I didn't do the upstairs area here oops yeah I'll actually be kind of curious to see if if this game is going to have the same situation that like once human did where like these houses will be repeated and so like you go into like the houses at like level 20 and they're all going to be the same as the houses that we're seeing right here because I remember thinking the same thing about once human that I really like the way that it was designed and the houses and like the amount of work they put into it and it was great you know it's not like it's bad but like they also just copy pasted it 100 times okay so what's this oh I see [Music] it feel like there's nothing even up there uh what do I not need I probably don't need this many corn cobs but we're not going to get rid of the Corn cops equip ring no I already have two rings equipped right now okay I'll Farm all this then I think that I'm pretty much good to go right so i' I've gone through everything here and that's all the houses why can't you equip eight Rings because you're a [ __ ] you're a warrior not a rapper obviously look at that damage oh these guys are just getting [ __ ] telling you bro like this damage is nuts I think I need to teleport back I'm going be honest like cuz I feel like there's nothing I really am going to get out of this area oh yeah bro look at how much damage that did to 20 right that did 23 and I don't need Mana right I don't need resources like bro bro we we about to resp like I'm going to be honest like this is just this is just sad I'm going to get rid of these bombs uh I don't need these let me kill a few more of these before I leave [ __ ] yeah dude this damage is nuts [ __ ] I got to go back let's see what we can craft now perfectly goes anything melee get tanky yeah but like you don't need to be tanky if you don't take damage hey okay what is it this time add runes to weapon enhance equipment okay so crack wand space what did I just do I guess these circles okay let's Respec okay runes okay let me go get some runes I don't think I should try to know circles what what's the problem wait I thought I had runes huh I thought I looted them oh I know what I did okay they were in two different areas okay and does it cost more now no it doesn't okay that's great all right so wizard battle mage [Music] H radiant Aura huge it [Music] is I think we go big wizard this is the way I wonder if I don't know if this is good battle mage that's really good but and healing over time is broken this one here okay all right we're done and yeah I have fire damage already so I might as well use it you know what I mean anyway I'm going to go ahead and uh get ready and get some food uh it's getting kind of late for me so uh anyway uh my day two impressions of this game are still quite positive uh I might play a little bit off stream do a little bit more and kind of figure out like you know how the game works and everything a little bit more uh but yeah I I do think this game is good um there are things that I find to be annoying in this game to be honest um you know what are they I mean there's there's a lot of them uh but ultimately it I I do enjoy it and I think it's fun I feel like as we don't make nails so talk to this guy right uh as I play the game more and I understand it better I think I'll probably uh I'll probably like it more and you know then I I like CU for me like getting into a new game is always like kind of annoying to me because I never really know what the [ __ ] I'm doing and so and I I don't like not knowing what the [ __ ] I'm doing but that's definitely what happens so I I I think like yeah there there are some like annoying things in games and I think like in general like I don't think that Games should be annoying uh or like at least not in in a lot of ways and so I wish that they didn't really have like that kind of stuff but I do think it is yeah it's a decent game it is um uh where is it oh I guess I have to use it somewhere else solid take yeah yeah like what I mean is like annoying content is like um things that are just like kind of designed to make things take longer uh or like they provide like an extra level of complexity sometimes and I don't really think that it makes the experience better uh I'm going to just make two of these uh and I think that there are some things in this game that fall into that category for me like for example like not being able the craft from your inventory inside of the the base that you're at and people tell me that like uh you'll be able to do that later on in the game but I've never really enjoyed games that make you wait for um this is kind of I probably shouldn't even do this [Music] um delete oh wow I just deleted something random I didn't realize I thought I thought that that delete was for the storage chest um okay should be Baseline yeah annoying is subjective though yeah no but like that's my subjective opinion like of course it's subjective like that's why what did you think I meant um okay there we go all right we're good we good all right and like building all that uh like these games in the Aesthetics yeah definitely you also be four of storage boxes yep anyway guys until next time boys till next time boys I'll be back on tomorrow and we will probably play probably more power world tomorrow that's my plan because I I said this weekend uh we'll be playing Monster Hunter again until next time boys peace
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 531,701
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, zackrawrr
Id: BvZgFvTv2Jk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 161min 59sec (9719 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2024
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