Fatslob! He Never Changes

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what's going on YouTube it is t90 and welcome to a 1v1 black forest Vikings game fat slob returns now you might be thanking teen ID you're crazy because all you've played all you've done four five six what is it seven years now I'm not sure it is play Age of Empires 2 just one game I granted I like to watch your videos t90 but I wouldn't want to play just one game only well yeah I am a little bit crazy but you know what's crazier fat slob who's been playing this game for 20 years and he plays Age of Empires only well I have no way of confirming that of course but let's just assume he does and he only plays 1v1 Black Forest Vikings the man knows what he likes and he is in the blue he is known from running forward nice and early to wall up he likes the late-game he doesn't like to be pressured early and he's actually sent his three starting villagers forward as he often does and to find his opponent red Dada Iran or Dada iron something like that has already Walt so he's oh oh I'm not sure what to do here and he's now gonna get his own walls up I guess behind Reds will also be a little bit disappointed about that and then here he's going to wall as well now few things to get out of the way this is going to be very different than fat slab games you have seen before so if you watch every single fat slob video I do my research I try and find games that are different despite the settings being very much the same now the speed also looks a little bit wonky right now you're gonna have to work with me and we're gonna zoom in and look at the classic pixels because we have a villager and scout showdown oh yeah look at those pixels oh this is this is great who needs Age of Empires 2 definitive edition when you have this boom boom boom look at the muscles oh look at the triceps the biceps the the the gallops of fat slobs like oh well I sent two villagers here I got my walls up and now dad iron is coming over here and he must be lifting he must be full of pumping iron it doesn't make any sense but anyways dad iron is going to wall further forward on both sides now in the past I've watched enough fat sub games to see that he might just bail on this game the that was the fat sob of the past I believe it or not he has changed he has encountered this so much where players will rush him or go for something wacky that he he doesn't quit anymore a couple years ago sometimes he would just bail out and say okay you know I don't like this you can't do this to me but now he's gonna stick around he's making some houses he actually knows the whole tree hopping thing and that is a straggler tree so he's gonna place a palisade over that just to make sure red can never get through the good thing for fat sob as well is that red is uh a red cent too forward sometimes you won't see any villagers come forward at all from the enemy and I guess that means that fat slobs economy while is gonna be kind of behind it's not going to be as far behind as it would be if red I had more of an economy focus alright so one thing I've noticed I'm using capture age Oh and that recently I've heard that capture jorts been announced I should say that capture age is being worked on 4-h of Empires two definitive edition that's not here yet but anyways the speed might be a little bit off in this game I really don't feel like pre recording this and trying to test around the things I think you guys are are okay with it if it becomes an issue I might need to load into the actual game but we have all the resources and the population for the players in the bottom left when I select things you can see data here many viewers might be familiar with this if not there's some cool things like the amount of wood food gold and stone on the map being listed here and also my zoom level so gotta love capture H it's been a hard seven months without it on Age of Empires to de but things are slowly improving there and fat slob oh boy alright fat slob is just gonna he's just gonna slaughter the Sheep because he's not in a rush here who needs efficiency wasn't gonna bring in his boar and I guess that's that's happened to everyone who's watching right you kind of forget about your villagers and the shepherds they don't want to share they just go after any old sheep okay so it's 1v1 Black Forest and fat slob he has his palisade walls up he probably should delete these Palisades because then he'd get the would back for it I assume he'll figure that out later but what that subtends to do as he tends to get to fuel H and then send a few villagers to stone and start stonewalling alright so that is gonna happen small spoiler spoiler that's not really a spoiler so what I normally do in my fat slug games is I just chill out and talk to you guys about some other things Age of Empires or channel related while we wait a read might be a guy who just goes fast castle you can see that read does have a slight eco lead he actually has very similar economic setup to fat slob right now so and the ratings if you look at the top left you can actually see some of the conversation from earlier red is actually lower rated than fat slob - I think in game they had a little bit of a discussion it's really rare to see fat sub speak I sometimes that can be the game room before the the actual game launches so I think maybe red had picked another sit and fat slob said SIVs Vikings speed and team fix speed maybe fat sub head fast P or something I'm not really sure but uhm fat sub speaks nice so what I wanted to tell you guys is that fat Sophos been playing a ton he actually had an eight game winning streak this week I always look at his profile I made a joke and it's not really a joke sorry marina that I look at fat slobs profile more than I look at my girlfriend's text messages I looked at his profile more than I should I just really want to know what's going on with the guy and I don't know if you guys are the same I know that my fat slob videos get a ton of use I feel like my life is just better knowing that fat slob is doing what he loves it I have no twitch chat to interact with here I can't get your thoughts right now YouTube but let me know in the comments like do you just doesn't make you happy to know that fat slobs just continuing to do his thing many people change many people you know they grow out of certain things but to me it just it's so wholesome to see fat slob is doing the same thing he's been doing for years and also he hasn't really changed how he does it either there's some funny little quarks that fat slob has with how he plays the game and you'll see some of that here too so it just makes me happy to see fats up still playing his game much of the community has moved over to Age of Empires to de there are still people on Buble actually there's more people on boob Lee then I've ever seen funny enough and you would expect it'd be the opposite because de but no I think there's more people playing Age of Empires 2 then then there has been in 15-20 years back when the game came out just awesome all around so now I I I want to ask you guys if this would be something you're interested in again in the past I did classic games so I would find recorded games from 2010 2012 2005 and normally I'd find recorded games ahead interesting strategy and then it would pass them and I know that for many people who are used to de and this is myself included this just doesn't look like what I'm used to however at the same time with such an ancient game I think it'd be really cool to maybe revisit classic strategies maybe classic pros that don't play the game anymore things like that so let me know as well in the comments I always do read my fat slob comments I feel like there's always a lot of feedback because you guys have a lot of time to think about what you might want to say but this is an amazing game you guys will probably want to give feedback on that as well a fat slob is going to futile now he could just go for a fast castle build he could do it like red he could start farming a bit actually what the why are there no farmers on these farms did he just I think he just pulled them over to gold well that's a little bit peculiar but anyways he could stay in Dark Age a bit longer he could create more villes he could get a more long-term food income and then when he arrives in feudal age he will be able to have the resources to go to the castle age but he doesn't really go for a fast castle build he just likes to get the walls up so he's nice and secure it's normally three on stone and then the villagers come forward and then he goes for heavy stone walls now what's awkward for him is he wanted to get this wall up if he got that wall up he could build six layers of stone walls without building into his base it's gonna suck for fat slob is that if he's gonna build more walls he's gonna have to build back into his base so he's gonna lose out on a lot of precious space and that's on this side as well too now red yeah I think this is probably the smarter approach he's just gonna go for a second layer of palisade walls now many people might not know this because there's so many different versions of the game but this is age of conquerors right so there's conquerors then there were some expansions that were still played on moogly and in those expansions on Buble and now in de - palisade walls were actually cheaper and they built with twice as fast so how quickly these palisade walls come up it's pretty fast like it's fast enough to the point where you really don't need to commit to the stone walls as early and as heavily as fat slab does but it wouldn't be vats up if you did right now fats up always sends two bills - it's like there's a huge rush even though he has palisade walls it's it's another one of those small things that fat sob does and it's not really necessary you know alright did he get his eco upgrades well he gets wheel barrow for free so that's nice not bad not bad not bad will get handcart for free as Vikings in Castle H now my favorite thing about fat slob is the landing area for his villagers now I've seen a lot of this game already and red does it sometimes as well and what I've been told from youtube and look red still doesn't have farmers here and maybe saving that food for later but would have been told by people who apparently do this as well is that you guys really like to have an idea of where your villagers are and what they're doing at all times so when you create Vil's and red is not creating Vil's right now well let's say when fat slab creates bills sometimes instead of sending them to the wood like that I'll send them here and then just sit there you guys might prefer those groups I guess because then you have more control or I can see your eider bill excuse me idle villagers I don't know maybe you guys don't use the idle villager hotkey or it's just how you like to play I see fat slob has his market he has his blacksmith he's building some houses over here he really should get his eco upgrades like double bed X and horse-collar yeah it's a good time to get it you have the resources for it and then you could plop down a bunch of farms but he's in no rush and Red Sea look Reds doing it RIT is doing fat slob things against fat slob and also red is stonewalling up I don't know if he knows fat sobs reputation however at the beginning remember that SOB told him as the sibs or Vikings so I know that sibs Vikings is exactly word for word what fat slob has in his game room description but I think that this is what was typed and with Reds description I think he was asking fat slob to change the speed and fat slob said ok so anyways it's just interesting to me the similarities between the two players here remember red is lower rated I did not have a chance to look at his profile and see how many games he has probably should have investigated a little bit more but this is something see what I would do is I would send this villager to a straggler tree and that villager would have chopped to wood or three wood in the time it was sitting there her red always building another mill interesting yeah ok so he's going for a lot of mills no eco upgrades for any of them if you exclude whiddleberry which is free yeah normally oh he didn't like that farm placement ok alright alright that's a little bit better normally what I would do and this is what I suggest with strawberries all Milo eat low legends out there is create new evils send them to a tree so they're doing something they can pull them right off the woods build farm but I don't think lower evil players really like to change tasks and fat slob he doesn't just send villagers somewhere he sends them right here he very rarely will build farms in this area he always leaves a little gap and that's special that's one thing I really like about that slob whatever yet 18 minutes and 30 seconds red is on the way to the castle age let's add subs doing okay though he has one more villager and one more villagers just sitting there yeah like he's not sending them to the stragglers it's so interesting alright alright alright alright well that's I was taking this gold forward his couch is sitting there he has two layers of stone walls which is actually quite low compared to what fat's up normally goes for so two layers of stone walls red has gone for I guess technically three here and then he has I can't count yeah three here as well so someone walling more than fat slob interesting it almost seems like red has to know right it seems like red has seen or at least have an idea but this is not something you'll see from fat slob a barracks so maybe Red's thinking about making some military will you look at Reds point of view red can you can see that fat son has Stonewall so I don't know what his plan is with that but when it suggests normally is booming by the way he did get double bit actually did get horse-collar something fat slob steel did not get so he's farms will last a bit longer oh also he put he so there's no auto farm on classic Age of Empires so you have to if you want farms to automatically receive you have to put the farms in the mill so that's 120 wood he's invested in Mill interesting that he did next I saw that farmer and immediately go back to farming yeah okay so he's going for an archery range well okay red is also attacking his palisade walls which is probably annoying fat slab because he does get the attack noise for that but nothing you can really do a fat slob still farming and look at the gap guys look at the spot he won't build anything here this is so fat song is so fat slob I love it okay 21 minutes in suspense is high in this black forest game this is the most serious Black Forest game that I will cast this week also it is the only Black Forest game that I would cast this week hmm okay it's the most intense black forest game that I will cast this year like can't really speak for the future but no this could be better than the other facile Buffalo that had just trying to hype it up a little bit there's nothing else for me to do right now I'm sorry there's nothing else for me to talk about I guess we could talk about the mining camps for red but you know I'd be extra critical it's not the worst it'd probably be better if you had a one tile gap between this mining camp and the gold so we could have builders here instead of just having to walk around the sides but again I'd be overly critical okay now this town center this is a little bit interesting he has decided to build a town center on the straggler trees so he does not like straggler trees now I'm with you this version of Black Forest is pretty bad all these little trees are kind of unnecessary I like to clear those out yeah maybe a TC right up against the wood line a TC here would be great you have the wood to go to and the gold to go to but he has handcart already fat subs are out about to arrive in Castle age so he'll have it too this comes down to booming hell in most fat slob games even if the player that that is playing up against fat slob is lower rated fat slob tends to go for less eco and a university pretty early to get fortified wall like that is high up on his priority list is to get a university out all right fat slob what's the plan here I think he just pulled villagers off of wood all right no new villagers yet TC okay see I like this town centre up against the wood and near the Gold's I like it a lot all right all right all right our red got double bed ax which is the castle I'd would afraid he's gonna get to chop in here and fat stops getting heavy plow in bow soft good to see the eco upgrades now extra golds and relics as something that I did not bring up so as red builds another TC which is just slightly questionable right it's not a big deal but normally I'd let's say here oh wow I thought that was a town center that was what are the odds of that okay instead of building the university up on the hill he's gonna build it up against the wood line see that would be a better TC than this all right but anyways what was I going to oh yeah the extra golds are really important to talk about so normally there's two extra golds and those are three tiles so I think red has one and then the other one is where is it is there just one I'm oh oh here I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm so so sorry it was pretty obvious okay yeah fat slob has that one so that's fair and then there's always five relics on each map and fat slop has three so he has one two and three all right so fat slob should be favored with long term gold these games can go very late in fact there was a game on fat slobs profile and no I'm not casting it don't even ask that was three hours and 57 minutes spoilers he did win that game but he had four relics to one so the opponent did a great job a relics give you a trickle of golden in a game that long you ran out of gold around the the one hour 20 minute mark so how that guy held on I'm not sure took fats off a long time to kill off his opponent get Reds actually gonna get his first relic now one relic difference happens pretty frequently in black forest when the walls come up and I do pay attention to that like that slob wins almost every time that he has more relics or an extra gold pile he tends to win because he goes for what he considers to be in what I consider to be the best composition with Vikings which is desert scorpions Trabzon tonnages at least the way he plays it I think that's the University there for fat slob and then fat slob will be thinking about fortified wall he's slightly behind economically but nothing crazy right now wonder if Reds gonna get fortified wall because he did build that university both players are saving up their resources to go to the Imperial age and that is a castle for fat slob it is very like fat slob to build his castles far back he doesn't like to build them forward because then they can be arranged by trebuchet income a lot of situations you would want to build your castles forward if you're going out for the attack but fat slob prefers that the enemy does it so we can just travel down do you see what I mean about the gold though you see how far these villagers have to walk around these villagers can actually be in here if you left the one tile gap so in general obviously everything depends but in general you want to leave a one tile gap between your stone and your between your mining right and then you want no gaps between your lumber camp and your wood cuz you're gonna chop through the with a whole lot faster then you are gonna mine through stone and mine through gold and like this lumber camps pretty good for red in fact with this many villagers you could even just build another one and go over here over here or something for efficiencies but it's no big deal he's farming a lot right now I wish you could see how many villagers were on each resource that's something that de spoils me with here we have that about twelve that is a decent amount of wood right now fat sub will be the first one to the Imperial H believe it or not fat slob might be the person to rush in this game there's been many many games where fat sob was off to a much weaker start and he would lose here he has fifty seven villagers his 68 for red actually there's been games where fat slab has had a much weaker start and he is lost and then there's been games where he is one so I don't really know what that statement achieved but I love the help both are getting fortified wall there's one thing to take away from this game so far YouTube it is the fact that red and blue are pretty similarly skilled and also the way they see this Black Forest games similar I like it now a fat slob he's back to sending villagers to his little launching pad or landing pad he just likes to see them apparently now he's building his siege workshops and he's going to be making maggin ELLs just in case any Rams come in we'll talk about competitions and we'll talk about all that so just just to bring up a couple other things here while we have the time I have been going pretty crazy with content over the last seven months so my plan when November rolled around and Age of Empires 2de came out was to commit a lot of time to it more hours streaming each week more hours on YouTube videos and I also had moved right so I was in a completely different area hidden cup three came in March and the channel had or the twitch channel had 52,000 people watching live at one point huge success for me I'm very very grateful for all of it however I finally got to take a little bit of time for myself this week I'm saying this because I want you guys to know if you're looking to stop by the stream I'm gonna be off for like four or five days there's nothing crazy but also because I'm kind of proud of myself YouTube because I realized especially with quarantine and all the other things that have been going on is that no I haven't prioritized myself as much as I should have been doing like I deserve a little bit better deserve a little bit more sleep the problem is I'm so addicted to doing this it's not like I'm slaving away it's not like I don't like doing this it's that I'm obsessed with doing it right and I just haven't been able to take care of everything else so I don't know if that speaks to anyone out there maybe someone is working overtime and going crazy right now you might not have the option like me to take a little bit of time for yourself but I guess my ask of you guys out there whatever you're doing wherever you are is just to make sure you you can find some time or try and make a little bit of time even if just an hour to breathe relax and don't be too hard on yourself alright guys I don't know what you guys see me as but you always see the good me you always see the me that I want to show the public but I do have rough times I do get stressed out and so I'm really looking forward to it I'm actually going to be seeing some friends I haven't seen in a while seeing some family I haven't seen in a while as well of course still being safe with with all the craziness out there but I'm really looking forward to it I'm also looking forward to the things I'm gonna announce and things we're gonna do on stream and on YouTube when I come back but there's always going to be time for that this game has been around for 20 years and this community is blooming so I shouldn't take it quite as seriously as I do sometimes 80 for villagers for red has 73 villagers for blue a fat slob has to Megan Ella's behind his fortified walls and dad iron i literally call him did iron or dad iron i guess i'm gonna do dad iron i kind of like the thought of both these guys being like sixty years old you know what I mean like dad iron is a guy who used to body build when he was younger or maybe still does I don't know and fat slob is according to his profile like seventy years old so uh one fat slob spoke to me he says that he's younger than his profile suggests but I do like the idea of these guys being two guys in their 50s or 60s playing a 1v1 that's pretty cool in an age where many people are seen as younger or more childish typically video games we're just totally not true that stereotype ridiculous that would be cool for me be a dad iron is playing this similarly to fat slob in many ways however this is where you start to see some changes guys what fat slob does ze goes for elite berserk which is the best infantry in you can make his Vikings better than champion he does not go for our blessed he does not go for pikemen he doesn't go for a lead sperm he doesn't go for pike she doesn't go for arms he doesn't go for champion what he does is berserks for infantry on udders and scorpions for range and then trebuchet and that is it in fact he rarely even makes ramps and that is something that Vikings do pretty commonly so it might be something that iron chooses to do now if you follow fat slob and I know there were people out here who pretty much only watched the fat slob games and you guys are legends fat slob he kills people who don't make the correct compositions there's a reason that fat slob uses those units because they tend to shred so this would be a fun one as we slowly near closer to when the fights will happen the game is developing pretty slowly it's ninety eight villagers for dad iron and then it's 81 for fat slob fat slob did he get all of his relics he didn't yet they're still a relic over here but he has two and red has two and meaning to check what's over here oh those are wolves hold on they'll make noise what don't date oh oh you hear that that was worth the wait okay fat slob is getting that relic hell and look at the honors your times these guys are so whole similar no it's classic agent clunkers balance the reason fat cell plays Vikings is because Vikings cannot get siege on injure and that's what you needed back in the day to chop through trees nowadays you can use on udders I just get on injure which most civilizations get and you can take down the trees and then you can rush bats up doesn't like rushing but it's funny to me how they're both getting on injure right now the champions on the way from red he does have decent upgrades it looks like he's got infantry upgrades and Archer upgrades but he still needs to get a few more things are pretty clumped for red but it's because he has more economy you see how the both sending villagers here like this like these villagers could have been sent to wood and they could be collecting resources while you wait to see if you need more farms they just don't like to do that you see fat so I'm doing the same thing here he's using this TC to send villagers to go up here this TC the villagers are just chillin and they're in their little spot here he's doing the same thing now I don't know if that sup knows this but there might be one person listening that does not know this if you have a lumberjack like this guy or sorry this this lumberjill here she has eight wood if you select the Vil Press build press farm and place a farm while the wood is still in her hands when the farm completes those resources go into your bank I think a lot of people get confused by that one because they think that you will lose the resource like if you have wood in her hands and then you click gold then you do lose that but if you build a farm whether you have food gold wood in your hands it doesn't matter the resources actually get dropped off so I think that that might be a big reason why people don't like to take my suggestion and send them to wood and then pull them off of what the build farms because you get sick of if you think the way I think you're thinking you get sick of right-clicking the TCC to drop off the resource and then build a farm it's almost too much for you so it's better for you and better for your multitasking too to having them in groups like this now that's up I hope he never changes that's all I hope he continues to do it this way but truthfully if you wanted to improve he would want to make some changes they're so fat sob normally takes his good old time he has Audigier he has scorpions he's getting heavy scorpion this is what fat slob can see fat slob can see pretty much nothing this is a speck bug so he can't see that there are buildings there like we can I love this this just looks beautiful to zoom out like this this this is amazing I can't wait until GE has this I'm so happy that it was announced that Microsoft is funding to capture HD now really happy for them as individuals they're all great guys but also really happy for me it perhaps selfishly I don't think it's selfish but I just want capture aged man I want to show you guys what it looks like with de more information on the screen for you easier for me to spectate maybe some things will change there okay but let's break this down so far fat slob has auditors traps scorpions and we're not gonna count the scout so he has three military pipes it's all seed but you know what I mean like units right red has heavy scorpion our ballast champion Audigier and I imagine he's gonna make a trap at some point so let's just get ahead of the game and say he's gonna do that he's a whole lot more now Viking like a Viking Cavalier really bad option I've seen many people do it anyways though because the games go on long you're gonna have food so people figure why not getting pikemen again it's a trash unit that does not cost gold if you fear you're gonna run out of gold which I'm sure they will teching pikemen is something we see pretty commonly as well that's all never does that you can correct me if I'm wrong YouTube but I've never seen fat slob go for like calf pikemen or skirmisher or even even our but you know I've been doing this for a long time I I might have might be wrong on that he builds his castles way in the back so he won't lose them so he can produce to produce those berserks and fat sob only has one single blacksmith upgrade right now that's flushing that's it red has 30 more population red will go over here to collect that gold I think or I thought and now he's thought 20 what in the did he get scared off by the wolves I don't know where they're going now but villagers were definitely going there to build a mining camp he still has plenty of gold though he still has this gold over here it's kind of awkward cuz he built his buildings here like this but eventually those villagers gonna chop through the trees we can take the Gold's he still could doing it just gonna be pretty inefficient yeah where are these villagers going where did he click them did he just click them back over this gold I'm gonna follow them I'm curious now or is it this gold by the time the villagers make it there there's not gonna be any gold remaining I guess did you know there's no rush a siege engineers for him will give his auditors plus one range very very important upgrade you see fat subs actually getting bodkin arrow so that's really only affecting his castles there's ranged upgrades but affect our blast castles tc's does not affect scorpions but he is a fun to trebuchet here okay I said was gonna track and then I forgot red oh I'm sorry guys I set a control group or so I thought on the villagers oh that doesn't work here oh my bad yeah I tried to set them to a number so I could go back to them I think they were quick to gold it said they were miners miner I hardly know her huh crop rotation good eco upgrade I can get on board with that forging now for fat slob so he's thinking of his irks I think he just got elite beserk so more technologies for red something we have seen before and then fat slob waits for you and he just says hey come on in welcome to my base and then boom he slaughters you there's champions which the as of now red doesn't really have much against what fat slob has except for his own Islanders it comes down to that pretty frequently where your best option is to just make what fat slobs making that happens commonly in mirror matchups at the high level fat slob you consider high level at this setting because he's one of the only players who plays it so yeah we'll give him that much masonry iron casting boarding so just upgrades coming in good to see players using the blacksmith we know fat slob will dad iron he's doing as well now in fact he's ahead right he's ahead look at the bottom right he's getting more text and fat Saba's he's ahead with the resources he has in the bank but fat slob is not being pressured so he's eventually gonna have slightly more because of the relic but he's on all of his goals right now bringing in res and now making more unders so again fat slob hasn't seen anything and red hasn't seen anything either now there's two sides so you have this side and you have this side it would be interesting to see red maybe attack the left side and then fats left delete his walls Buster Reds walls and go to the right that was that was the first notable thing about this game when I saw it was the fact that it wasn't just one choke there's two choke points where's that game I think two months ago maybe three months ago I'd I recommend watching it if you have it already where fat slobs opponent asked him to delete his walls fat slob did delete his balls and then that slob killed the guy it was great like full he's walls are not to protect me from you is to protect you for me all right this is the first a little bit of action ever since the Dark Age that solved walls are being attacked all right things are starting to heat up here 49 minutes in 23 game times seconds red is actually destroying his own palisade walls in the process with the Splash Damage not a big deal these fortified walls he's getting Berserker gang which will heal up the Sirk's which he doesn't have they reach regenerate which is very nice with the zurka gang or generate pretty fast as well and now fat sobs like surprised buddy that's just what I've been waiting for so he has trebuchet 'he's now bread did not make any trebuchet at this point he might be thinking who do I make my own trebs what do i do do i make rams and see capped Rams on the way alright red just poked the beehive a fat slob he's maybe thinking more about attacking now still no beserk strand but he's getting some of the upgrades he actually trimmed down a villager there good trip Red's walls of course and instead he's gonna TREB the trees now that would be Reds best option and really only option if he didn't want to bust down the walls from fat slob excuse me this has not been my best cast they may be bringing trebs over here to sneak around to be the play I've seen people attempted before it just takes so long very very time-consuming and now Reds getting chained parting Armour which would the armor for his calves I guess his Scout will benefit from it fat sob if he's thinking about it which I guarantee you he's not could click that and see the stats on it to see the upgrades coming in he'd probably be licking his lips like oh you're gonna make leg calves that's great yeah and I guess if the light calves upgrade comes in to that that would be I would be upgraded and it would show fat slob what's going on but it's interesting to me how fat sob is going after the trees here because normally he likes to choke he could just trap Reds walls down and delete his and have a nice little choke point to work with but he's opening this up now his walls stay there forever then the choke point might be the same sizes would be if he would lead his walls and do what I just said but this is different it's also different to see fat slob be more aggressive one all right plate mail Armour or pleat mail arm on the way I can't wait till dad iron gets that did I miss it oh no I think he got it already oh that would have been a great joke because he's dad iron he has an iron arm it's alright it's alright I'm not known for great jokes murder holes for fat slob detect that everyone knows is the best Tech in the game and now there's no minimum range on the castles it's very rare that someone makes it the fat slobs castles right now it looks like maybe red needs to consider murder holes cuz fat slob is thinking about pushing forward now that Saab has so many resources he is four thousand gold he has that extra relic he should be favored here he's put less resources into upgrades that may just end up being useless he does not have the are blessed upgrade doesn't have the crossbow upgrade didn't make these units didn't make champions so this isn't payoff for red he's gonna be in a pickle will dad iron be able to fight the fat slob can he fight the deadly composition or will he be like so many others who have never faced him before and they step in and they're like oh boy man I could see how this composition win so many games two and a half thousand to be exact maybe closing in on 3000 now that's I'll play so many games he's been averaging about two games a day over the past couple weeks and I know when quarantine really heated up he's playing a little bit more so I don't know very much about the guy we can only speculate but you certainly found more time around then like many people did engage of empires two had record numbers that was oh no fat slob you animal okay he just deleted three villagers and then he decides that these villagers are worthy but um I guess he needed top space the Age of Empires two had record numbers on de on HD and then on Buble and then also on Twitch over the same couple weeks I'm really proud of hidden Cup threes numbers and I know we would have killed it anyways because you guys are so supportive of me and we're so pumped for that but also it it is true that there were more people who had time because of everything that was going on and they had to be at home so I did slightly benefit from that seed RAM for dad iron now I can't wait to look at total technologies at the very end of this that would be really cool what if dad irons able to get the win despite putting more resources into a worse composition or will it be another one of those games where fat slobs is steamrolls right now I'm all in on fat slump everything says fat some should witness he has more resources his extra relic and he has the composition would tend to work tens excuse me to work so well for him now this is what red key see because his walls are being attacked he can see what's attacking his walls and a little bit of space around it so he can see there's Audigier scorpions and trips and now fat slob has deleted his own walls very rare to see fat slob do this I just had a panic attack not a real panic attack I've had real panic attacks and they suck but I thought that my mic was muted this whole time so I looked over when I wasn't talking and thought oh no did I just talk for a whole half-hour while being muted I've done that more times than I'd like to admit and the worst thing about it is when you recast it it's just not the same the first time you do it is always the most genuine I don't like to have to repeat myself you guys might not pick up on it that I do how much military here 90 military for dad iron and 81 for SATs off now dad iron is getting Cavalier and like cap says he's just gonna get every technology he can thank God because he knows this game is gonna be crazy involved fat slob has 15,000 would would he could sell if he wants to and that would give him a bit of Gold's the price probably isn't too hot there and you can see the queue at the top left if you're unfamiliar with capturing so look to the top left to see the reinforcements when the fights begin all right fat slob slowly breaking down these walls the big fight is coming YouTube thumbs just clicked in his siege not much else right now okay so how many auditors has fat saw that he has 10 red has 10 they're both two hundred pop scorpions we have 12 again 32 so there's a pretty big difference there infantry units we're looking I guess I don't even need to click them right because it's down at the bottom so it's a 35 for red and then 2 fats up he is 24 but yeah the heavy siege makes a lot more sense now red had doubled the Audigier numbers he might be in a good position to flatten fat slob Saunders and it also flattened fat slobs scorpions and trebs that's very important to note and maybe this is why fat slob took out the trees when you're fighting on top of the hill you do 25% more damage and you receive 25% less damage this is a huge advantage for fat slob both with the composition the resources and then the hill but both players will have to push up the hill won't they Reds gonna have to push up this hill and I guess the hill fat subs on right now and then if that stuff is gonna win this game he's gonna need to push this hill that might not be easy now the queue for red is what I've seen before there are many players who seem slightly more capable in late-game with their would queuing up units for reinforcements but they still can't and they can't brake fat slot but fats off is cutting through now he is 3 beserk skewed that's it 3 berserks he does have full upgrades I really like to show you the player fog of boards at Kennedy gives you a feel of what it might have been like for fats on at the time he's not sure what's over there I think Reds gonna have more of an idea of what's going on because his walls are being attacked right so he can see the desserts now you can see the auditor ate fat slob doesn't see much he sees the champion now I can't you see the champion you've got to be very very happy that Reds gonna do something here which is really interesting so I can't wait I always like it when people chat a little bit as long as it's not disrespectful I don't like super disrespectful conversation but a little bit of banter here or there or just some some wisecracks or two I'm all about that 7,000 Gold's Reds posted up in fat sobs posted up there waiting they're waiting for the big fight fats up does this all day every day he loves to do this he's built up over an hour for this moment right here I know everyone watching at home right now you guys are really excited to see how this will go I'd say about seventy nine point three percent just a rough guesstimate one fat soft win because you guys are like fat slob gives me as a new of a lot of hope or they just think he's cute I don't know exactly okay okay do you see this red says yes Bravo do you see that that's pretty cool now I don't know like that could be said in a sarcastic tone or he could actually be giving fat slob a pat in the back like Bravo for opening up the walls for having a really solid army I would like to believe there's mutual respect here I don't know if it goes both ways but that's what I would like to believe be anyways what did I say seventy nine point three percent of people one fat slob the way and then there's a lot of people who are like t90 every time you cast fat slob he wins I want someone else to win I want to see fats all blues would be an extraordinary victory fret here to do this because he's going he's making mistakes that others had made before so far fat slob has a three to one KD and okay this is the starting scalp red is going to send his like Kevin to see what fat slob has just passing just passing all right he runs through he actually makes it a lot further than you would have expected and so he can see their receipt workshops there and he just says eleven see I think Red's having a fun yet look he says 11 Bravo again I think bridge is having fun here it's like alright that's up well played well played I see what you're doing he says strong artillery it's like wow this guy has a lot of seeds unlike this I really like in-game chat and Age of Empires I can't wait till on de it's been seven months without in-game chat I can't wait to like and see players talk again especially as we're doing loading the legends right I want to see if players are communicating Age of Empires communities different work there were some things that I appreciate about Age of Empires that don't really appreciate about other games and chats definitely one of them okay I don't know why the game slows down it's not for dramatic effect I promise here comes fats up now fat slob doesn't know when red has over here and fat slob sees the auditor tries to get it actually does get it with his TREB and now sees that his opponent has auditors and scorpions and has a hill now fat slob goes for this trick where you can place palisade walls on any area where there's not units or buildings so you know you do have to spend the resources for it but he is 22,000 wood so there's an outpost he might do the palisade wall thing and it'll only let you place it where there's no units or buildings but then any time units walk across that you can see it it's cut it's one of those things where it's not a bug it's a feature you know any outpost shows there's a barracks there fat slob already saw the champions did he see the champions he saw the champions right actually I'm not well earlier he could have seen one or two but right there he didn't okay here's the palisade thing yeah so he is trying to place Palisades at a lot of spots and you can see a beserk is there and that is Lee you see a pikemen and now the villagers are actually going to build that he didn't click them back so now we could just see everything and he sees the red has a mix this is this is like this was my one of my favorite snack foods it would be Chex Mix we got champions pikemen are blessed scorpions poachers berserks monks Rams everything pretty much everything Vikings can do cavalier there's a light calves in there he's getting block printing right now this is not that expensive but block printing gives the monks a little bit more vision the line of sight monks have 9 a line of sight and then with block printing they get +3 so 12 is quite nice but Viking monks are pretty trashed they don't get Redemption so they can't convert the siege that would change things hmm so these are just scouting monks then oh he just tried to convert that's funny he just tried to convert the auditors that noise you heard if you guys heard it I hope the audio levels are good was the noise you get when you cannot convert siege huh okay he could convert a berserk possibly but for these old men it's going to be a very dangerous journey and fat slobs actually thinking about fighting now now red has more military that he'll be fighting up the hill and this is a deadly composition from that slop red has the queue so he could have reinforcements but everything could just get slaughtered it's a good start friend uphill volleys are difficult to land but he didn't land a few there I again have no clue I need to speak to capture rate about why this slows down but just pretend it's for dramatic effects okay here we go the berserks were there the auditors are there the trebs are there so many trebuchet is for fat slob I think it's possibly a mistake from him to move these out you usually fat saw will keep those trips protected but he has deserts and now Reds champions are gonna get slaughtered hey guys I don't know why this is doing this larette's taking a decent fight if you think about the amount of gold units that fat slob just lost that's pretty huge fat sob has double the gold in the bank and we'll have more for long-term and now the champions are gonna get shredded by the scorpions actually I'm gonna lower the game sound through this is pretty freakin loud man holy I'm tell I don't use this too frequently pretty much only when I do fat slot videos now but good job from red the KD is pretty close fat slobs trebuchet losses not something you'd expect from him but what we're seeing now is the next wave from read in post-imperial it's really important to have the next wave so he's creating more units the problem is he's sending his units in one by one two by two three by three and and he's gonna lose them to the scorpion so I think he needs to regroup but a little bit of everything queued up a fat subs just gonna queue up more desserts and more auditors as he tends to do pass sob he will outlast right at this point when it comes to resources just because of that one relic so Reds gonna need another fight like that and another fight like that and another fight like that and he's gonna have to somehow push this if that SOB doesn't have any stone for a castle I think he's completely out of stone at this point oh yeah wait wait a second says there's stone on the map where is that it's probably oh here it is yeah okay so there's their stone in the north there that'll take forever to chop to so I think he may be a forward castle for fat slob or castle here I think well I get his reasoning behind not building forward castles one on the hill would be really nice if red were to try and push him again have Reds back up to 200 population fat slobs taking his good ol time queuing up desserts and red says all right let's go let's go now if you're making like have and your sniping gold units that's good because you will have food in wood what you're not gonna have a Reds position is the gold yeah it seems like the maybe capture age isn't optimized anymore because when the fights come that things slow down did he kill any gold units they're close to killing a trebuchet they couldn't raid fat slobs economy but oh here comes some cavalier now they lack the final armor upgrade and they lack bloodlines pretty critical things to lack this is Reds point of view here and he kills a few gold units but how many will he lose cavalier are not sheep and now these units could get flattened by auditors and fat slob just needs to get more berserks in here I think his registers in dad iron doesn't care he doesn't care the KD is really getting bad for him now he doesn't seem to really mind I'm actually gonna zoom out from the fight so you guys can see it and just enjoy it this is beautiful it's the scorpions man if Reds gonna have success he needs big amateur shots in the scorpion scorpion stack up against each other and a pretty low HP so you could flatten them good thing for Wright as he was able to get over that hill a little bit that SOB does not seem confident off to sit here one thing I haven't brought up is that we haven't seen a single trebuchet yet from red I don't think we've seen a single one oh man the monks running the auditors running and what how did that on do you see that how did that auditor go down I thought that one got hit that's funny just twenty-year-old game things dad iron is selling food as fat slob is selling wood they realized gold is gonna be an issue hey they're both selling res and you can see how much they had to sell to get gold thank you capture aged dad iron just bought himself two thousand more gold or two and a half thousand more gold I guess technically sold himself I think he'll like that I like the style points I just easily could have been a Miss quick but he also has units inside that one Ram yeah he is our ballast inside the RAM fat slob has brought his trebs forward this is what fat sup you see he had to create quite a few more trebuchet 'he's still has that extra relic still has more wood and more food to self me if need be that's one thing about fat slob that is a big confusing you could argue he could sell a lot more food a lot more wood because he doesn't make trash units so if you don't make trash units you don't need to save up as much wood in food right you know have five have 10,000 fats off research in cartography what he canceled that I thought oh he missed clicked it we just witnessed a miss click he accidentally clicked cartography and if you know where that is in the market - it's not that close to the sale button alright it's alright he's played one too many games today but yeah you could sell more I guess that was that worth it Fred I think it was there was some pretty serious friendly fire there fat slob took out two of his own managers worth it a fat slob can take out more of Reds production buildings that will hurt red because I think that's that's the one thing that he could win the game with but is he just gonna be spamming more units into fat slob seeds like so many people have done before or his dad iron actually have a chance remember he said heavy artillery so he realized what was going on and things slowed down as red runs up the hill and look at the champions oh that's gonna hurt so much now the auditors should probably be Micra back a little bit right actually gained the hill so he'll do more attack I had a few auditors go down a few trebuchet is go down choo-choo dad iron is coming in with the RAM and there's our ballast inside there oh my goodness and fats I've just killed more of his own units but that's all I think is getting a little bit thrown off but how like how Reds sending in his military of course the árboles are gonna go down but fat slobs trips attend went down there 172 population for fat slob 174 for Dad iron man the speed thing is bothering me this is the last time gonna bring it up because if I continue to bring it up you guys are just gonna notice it more it might not matter to you guys but it's silly because I have an amazing PC fat slob loses another trebuchet now some hero in the YouTube comments is going to that they are going to tally up how many trebuchet spat solve lost that hero please use a spoiler tag okay if someone saying that fat sob lost like 40 or 50 trebuchet 'he's that is spoiling very much what is important in this game so please do that hero or heroes all man a fat slob gets an auditor shot in the scorpions it's gonna be amazing all can you imagine look at look at him stacked great still has way more queued up fat slob has the come is flattening some seeds here he's losing some of his own see Jen red is adding his own trebs he likes that strategy and now red is coming in with Lightcap now I'll show you the HP on the light cab just to give you an idea of how bad they are when they get hit by the scorpions and observes but Reds still taking out some gold units which is good is he gonna have his own gold units to finish off the game can he can serve his own auditors or a fat slob just hold the like half melt killed some siege and now red behind all of that behind that frontline wave he is using his auditors to take out fat slobs trebuchet czar trying to it's really awkward fat sloth has 300 kills 140 gets to the fights who certainly go better for him right now he now has more population than dad iron with 165 and dad iron has 150 lots of micro and fat slob chooses to send in the berserks this is probably a good time to I just hope that he commits to being here it might seem silly but once that auditors out you still have more berserks in red does and then you could maybe get some hits in on the scorpions and the orbs okay I kind of expected that fat subs gonna click back to conserve numbers with berserks it's not the worst thing because the because they regen but maybe he could have got better value if he moved the rest of his units forward and committed to that fight but there's a lot of arts and scorpions so maybe not looks like he's struggling with unit control anyways because the unit's go in again he doesn't use stand ground for his infantry he eat normally Waits and then when he's gonna attack he he sends them forward he doesn't keep them near the front lines guys Reds reinforcements are actually doing something here do you see this light cab and the berserks doing work he now suddenly fat slob he's adding more villagers he's adding only seven more berserks to add iron more population now it takes a lot more APM to keep killing up it's not easy but it's been working for red so far still I just wonder if he's gonna run out of gold like I said this is a unique one because most other phat solve episode oh no dad iron those poor are blessed but most other fat slob episodes the person who's going for like cab or anything but what fat slobs going for loses the amount of units that dad iron is losing but they can't push these trebuchet is for dad iron and just deceit micro in general for him has been top tier for his II though he's 15 19 a low I think should show up at the top left at some point 1513 a fat slob at this time was about 50 low ahead of him it's funny fat slab goes through streaks though his fat slob as she's losing more more C's units at both her populations or low that's how I think is 1650 right now had a huge win streak this week so maybe you know he plays all the time sometimes she's not feeling too hot happens to the best of us but that stuff is actually backing up actually deleting his workshops and backing up because he's worried about this I love how a red just grouped up all of his units they're all four different types of his units and click them forward and there's three auditors behind fat slob as queued up more scorpions but he also has less workshops and Red's getting some kills dad iron has more of a zerks queued up than fat slob does he has skirmishers cooties pikemen cute he has arms cute and no things are moving painfully slow and I also know I said I wouldn't bring that up again but I can't help but do that hey maybe it was the lag that the players experience too and that could be the issue but I just love how close this game is I love how read said Bravo earlier I love the conversation that's off he's not really a wordy individual himself I also love the fact that this might be the first time that red has ever played fat slob and it's very possible he's never seen the videos too because he probably picked another civilization in Lobby I don't think someone who knows fat sob would do that ooh a nice shot six-six trebuchet is against to a fat slob he does not have a lot of gold yeah we could he could get desperate sell the wood and sell the food and get desserts out I think berserks would be key when you're relying on only certain units you have to be making them at all times right just sprinkling in everything skirmishers with upraised pikemen with upgrades even the monks are coming forward he is desperate to get the win against the legend and he's just clicking forward queuing up and right now pretty decent for him because the trebs are still standing a fat slob knows how bad it is if the trebs were there he tends to use the trebuchet himself and he will not take out Red's trebs and red is even coming forward to repair the trebuchet very rare for a fat slob game the fat swaps on the back foot like this and fat sob might be struggling now hey eat ok desperation mode this is desperation mode he's just queued up 28 preserves he doesn't have a huge ball of scorpions anymore he doesn't have treads and he does not have on udders now if he were to tech into pikemen and skirmisher and like tab he would at least have that option as a fallback he never does that because he never really needs them here I think he would need something more than just berserks if he loses the castles then he can't make desserts 153 population for dad iron fat slob is sending berserks to an area where there used to be a farm something tells me knowing fat slob that might even be intentional to send the berserks there 39 berserk skewed takes a while for these things to come out of the castles and think red we'll know a red doesn't know there's one there okay he doesn't know about that one could start clearing out fat sobs houses - and then fat slob might get pop caps how many berserks is fats up have right now it's 40 military against 110 it's mostly berserks and then a few scorpions in there now if I'm red I continue doing what I'm doing obviously but I also would make our blessed or scorpions getting some range and there would be very nice normally I'd say don't make our blessed but you just destroyed fat slobs siege workshops so he can't make auditors right now so and I think getting range is helpful the the pikemen are not going to trade well at all in fact the KDS are still really bad for red but it's something in front skirmishers might be a little bit helpful okay here comes fats up he's gonna try and defend will this be the end of fat slop or can he come back here he goes in after the trebs he will take out a lot of the trebuchet is here guys misterx there's 22 of them alright there's 20 of them manis berserks are strong remember it's 40 military against a hundred fat saab will lose this castle if he does not take out these final two trebuchet 'he's alright that castles gonna go down and red still is in a decent position he still has the cue fat Saab has more gold in the bank he has more food in the bank doesn't have the numbers now so there's a secret ingredient - fat slob or Orton it's not a secret ingredient really there's there's certain ingredients - fat slobs success soup that was weirdest little comparison I've ever made but we'll stick with it alright I'm hungry I'll admit it it's been a long game and it's berserks it's scorpions it's on udders he doesn't have all the ingredients for success so many games I've seen fat sub win when players with spam a variety of units and not the right units but red is done a really good job my curry the siege and also repairing the trebuchet which is a nice little touch think even at the pro level you don't see players repairing seeds like that alright now again yeah maybe maybe a few scorpions maybe if you are blessed or 49 skirmishers so even if the skirmishers just doing one damage to a berserk it's not bad when the berserk has 72 HP it's helping even the monks are they're healing too that's super cool there's so much the red does here which is very new but it's it's like good things that only noobs do you know I know people out there like finally yeah I never see this finally we have people using monks to heal finally we have someone repairing c2 now some for production buildings for dad iron and even a forward castle he sees the next cast of her fat slob a fat slob does realize that he's getting PopCap he's out at 200 possible population here he comes again with the berserks now 33 of them with the scorpions behind fat slob didn't exactly patrol there but the units are coming in this should be pretty good for him imagine if he had just two on udders perhaps it's a bit stubborn for fats up not to make more siege workshops preparing the castle right now he knows how important that's gonna be here and he is cleaning up Reds force that Saabs castle has 1100 HP there's three tribes firing they do about 400 HP each time a shot lands he doesn't have enough repair bills though fatso will lose that castle as well but it's 140 population for fats off he might even be able to deny this castle red is sending unit after unit after unit all the reinforcements coming in looks good for Pat sob all of a sudden doesn't it the KDS still insane but the castle goes out okay so now fat slob has some real decisions to make he can sit underneath that castle he has two castles remaining he needs to decide between making berserks and making trebs so fat slob is making traps now that means you have to hold the line and have really good unit control to not run into Reds castle fire that also means it's gonna give red time to bounce back up to 200 pop so he's still making a lot of trash and the KDS not so good what numbers have worked for him thus far and at least he's sprinkling in some Sun berserks here their bread is at the freakin limit right now he is at the freakin limit for resources he does not have a lot of wood in the bank I even though he has the Lumberjacks he's just spending the woods right where as Hank fat sob would sell the wood sell the food and get golden returned and it's gonna be tough for ready to take that tribe out if he takes the trip out though right it's gonna be more of a struggle for fat slob because trebuchet is take a long time to produce and that's all might be giving him the opportunity now we have two champions and then pikemen yeah that's gonna happen it's gonna happen fatso loses one that's all could lose two here totally worth it for red to sacrifice this trash or mainly trash army against the tribe there were pairs for fat slob as he builds another siege workshop I think he realizes he needs to siege this is a sick game this is a really competitive game I'm loving this fat's up on the back foot can he do it might be the only time I've ever shown a game where fat sobs been pushed back into his face normally he dies before he can can camp behind the walls they rarely do you see this especially with the KD and the extra relic there's another TREB for fats off now that forward castle is getting enough kills to make it worth it even if he loses it red has an auditor there the auditor could be helpful Reds gonna build some more stables Archer ancients gonna build a mixed buildings forward so he can make his mix of Units fat slob sees the Omniture no he didn't get it okay now he clicked everything after it Wow how important could that extra hit be because now red could use the pikemen and the berserk after that tread he takes it out and now if he takes this trebuchet out red could hold his castle he still has the stone to repair previously redhead used the pikemen against the trebuchet but guys this is where the game ended fat swap resigned that slob tapped out of this one still had some potential but maybe he felt like it was over maybe he realized the writing was on the wall that the trebuchet would go down that he wouldn't be able to push it back I'm a little bit disappointed that that slab didn't continue to fight because with berserk sand and maybe a few monitors and scorpions he might be able to do it yeah the game ended there and dad Iren actually did it now what made this game interesting for me is that in most of that subs wins he has a 2 or 3 to 1 kale kill death ratio in most of fat slobs losses he has an awful kill death ratio here he had 779 kills he had 365 deaths he lost the game also and most of fat sobs wins he has an extra relic extra gold pile now this doesn't necessarily mean it's the only reason he would get the win but it helps him here the extra gold piles were split and fat Sava actually had the additional rally so we're gonna look at the total resources collected here in just a moment but impressive game now I know for the people out there who wanted to see fat slob win because there are huge vats of bad boys they might be disappointed but hey the guy has played thousands of games he's lost thousands of games and he win some you lose some wow that was fun though that was fun I think the key was Reds monitor and TREB micro he did a much better job than fat slob using the siege in this game maybe it was overconfidence from fat slob because he's won against trash position so frequently he felt like it wouldn't really matter but the on injure up the on injure micro and the trap micro was much better for it and just the time that he used it when he brought those six tribes forward it was immediately after he had taken out fat slobs siege he started taking out fortifications and then he kept up the spam with it think that SOB had one of his slower games even by his standards because he did not have the production of desserts he only queued up fifty Boozer 'kx when he realized that things were looking really bad for him and he was really late to add more siege workshops as well certainly things that we can see but I'm sure most of you know it's easier said than done in this game alright so bear with me here because I forgot about the achievements you I think we're gonna be ok here this is awkward because I don't know I'm gonna hold on I had actually had like a little business conversation this is so unprofessional it's gonna close this off to make sure I don't tap out and show you anything ok ok we're good we're good you can still hear me right YouTube you're there right there okay okay we're okay my bad I just wanted to make sure I have actually made mistakes before where I've shown things and shouldn't and then I had deleted and bla bla bla bla bla okay fat slobbery no 779 kills as we said buildings lost 18 man this is super tiny and that's what she said but yeah so he didn't raise that many buildings he had more gold collected he had more wood collected and actually red had more food Iran had a whole lot less food in the bank but it was because red was spending the food on all of his trash units ah the stone count was similar that's weird to me he'll red didn't have the same amounts I think they had the same amount of stones maybe he missed clicked the villager or two and then there's the feudal age Castle age and Imperial age times where that was the technology in research yeah research percent 64 percent it was 42 for fat sub so the extra research is paid off as actually six three researches against 42 as well that's interesting I don't know if the research percent and research count is normally so even I think it's a sip by sip thing but I've never picked up on this before notice how it's 63 researches and that 64% and then 42 42 okay there's the timeline that the aged ups all that was pretty even the fights were pretty even with well no the fights weren't really that even in terms of efficiency bathtubs fights were better but Reggie's had way more numbers but the timeline doesn't show everything obviously seeing the game this makes sense the numbers worked out I wish there was a different color for siege because there was a point I think was right here a fat slob lost all of his siege and then Reds siege number went up and he used it effectively anyways YouTube I appreciate the crap out of you guys I've already been working on a thank you video that's going to come when this channel hits 250,000 subscribers I know that is not the 21 hour long game that I will be casting when we hit that because I made that promise it's something else it's just so cool how we're 20 years after or even over that now after Age of Empires two of us come out and we have so much variety available to us because of people like dad iron and fat slob I'm overwhelmed because you guys are so nice to me I don't feel very worthy but I think me not feeling worthy of the amount of viewership that I may get on YouTube and twitch and a lot of support keeps me going in a healthy way you know yeah if I was one of those guys like yeah I deserve 250 K then maybe I'd be a jerk and maybe I'd lose my way but now I really appreciate you guys whether it's the comments or the tweets so that emails you guys are awesome best community in gaming best community out there and there's no bias for my aunt whatsoever if you'd like to see another fat slob game that's going to be recommended around here ish or here-ish and that's it you guys have a wonderful day or night I will see you tomorrow with another upload fat sob will be back trust me you
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 212,882
Rating: 4.8871078 out of 5
Keywords: The, Legend, of, Fatslob, Never, Changes, Black Forest, Vikings, 1v1, Blue Coffee, Classic, Never Stop, Addicted, Funny, Relaxing, Chill, Enjoyable, Commentary, T90, T90Official, AoE2, Age of Empires 2
Id: PgDhI9gsf6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 36sec (4716 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 13 2020
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