Hidden Cup 4 | 2nd Semi Final (Best of 7)

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and dave i am [Music] i'm ready we're 30 seconds in because i had some issues behind the scenes but everything's looking snazzy and we have evilo who was that a misplaced barracks was that the start it was a barracks i was paused at the start of this game and he he accidentally built a barracks there what that's a little weird did he think he picked lithuanians or something but uh anyways avilo here playing in the red it has chosen the burpers for game one and john the fearless has chosen the mayans and immediately my mind comes to every game we saw from jon it is just sit back make archers wall and boom john has been the best player with that in this tournament and he sent his eagle forward really early to try and find the enemy maybe try and find some boars but he didn't see anything he saw a neutral stone so he has to assume that the enemy is most likely uh to the left of that i can't see them being that close on the right i think sometimes you run forward and then you think oh shoot if i didn't find my stuff yet this is a risk so he's actually coming home and vilo is also coming forward to try and find some many resources i actually just passed the sheep there dave very close to finding the sheep so unfortunate for a vilo and fortunate for john at least that john will have the resources for now when i'm looking at the maps here for a defensive style of player it's actually kind of plays into john the fearless's hand a little bit i mean his berries are back he's got two back woodlines the gold is in an open area but at least it's it's kind of to the side right it's not the front his only real concern is that stone yeah and as you can see there on your screens if i lo comes in here as the only undefeated player that said since it's hidden seating or sorry random seating and hidden names you never really know who players are up against and i think it was fairly obvious that john the fearless had much tougher tests in the early rounds and avila's gonna find those two sheep at the back he's gonna bring those back and and john the fearless still hasn't found those two sheep forward hmm but john looking over here and if those sheep hug the edge of the map dave i could definitely see them not being found even if they hide in the corner availa's gonna find all four he's gonna find those other two as he comes across the map with the scout or does he likely find them oh god you're joking me he's gonna go home now what is that little well i guess it's safe to assume that the enemy would have them by now but that's funny maybe john the fearless will find them that could end up being a really big deal did you see how avila sent them to the corner and now he's gonna hug the edge of the map and bring those two sheep back very very sneaky sneaky hey i should have said this at the start of the series because i want to make sure everyone in the community and that means everyone on youtube um knows that i appreciate them thanks for all the hype again everyone um the the vods and the videos for hidden cup 3 and all the hidden cups have just been amazing over the years and so i i do just want to say wherever you're at whether you're watching a rerun now where you're watching the videos appreciate it and it's awesome to have everyone involved um but yeah dave i just back to the civilizations here i don't like berbers compared to mayans for arabia i think that mayans are the superior civ and so from a vilo's perspective he could see this as a situation to have a big confidence boost if he gets the win win but then win against the mayans john the fearless once again garrisoning four villagers and shooting the board three times we don't even need to investigate the boars at this point that's 100 hair like i will die on that hill i would be so surprised i think the only thing is maybe it's leery uh one of those two but i'm 97.1 percent sure this would be hera who actually tweeted like a day one when i played that boar video he's like who sets into hidden cup and t90 already thinks he's got me figured out but then but then we get into john the fearless's games and he's doing the four villager tricks so i wasn't too far off you just got to stop making farms hera and then we we won't be able to guess you it's it's not only the boar though it's just the general like solid defensive play yeah yeah he's he's probably the best defensive player in the game and i think he's so good at it now like remember this could be the viper verse hera and i i think that it would be such a crazy story for john the fearless to to make it to the finals and imagine if john the fearless wins you go through who are probably two incredible players the first two rounds then avila who was undefeated before the semi then the final i mean what it'd be a crazy path but getting ahead of ourselves a little bit we do have a vilo with the barracks and violence with the flags on so he knows exactly what a vilo is going for look at the walls dude just like we said wall wall wall there's even been wall nerfs and neely and i were talking about how that's changed their meta but it changed for some not so much for others i suppose anna vilo didn't see the barracks from john the fearless okay well john is tracking this which is a pretty big deal i think of ilo's eco is going to be pretty good also walling up behind on the left side dave and it will probably just be one range follow-up for both players and john the fearless playing defensive and actually just is going to let him in here what hello so john's just going for three militia as a defensive manure yeah he didn't go out to gold but he didn't go gold oh no he's on gold john's on the back gold that's right okay i was looking at the main one but this is weird to me how he's he's like he had the walls there for me i think a lot of players would probably go full wall and then send their army forward but he's just sitting back here dave and this is some crazy pressure and perhaps what you expect if it is someone like the viper versus hera viper being more aggressive here more defensive into archers and big moment here and reaction from both it looks like a decent engagement there from avilo initially his scout does have almost full hp he's gonna clear up that final minute arm and chase the eagle away so he's gonna have some pressure but not a whole lot just enough to be annoying the big thing here is that his scout has a lot of hp because if jon ever wants to make uh skirms now he's got to think twice about it but yeah it's annoying it's not going to kill anything everything will add up a little bit and now you've got one range on the front for a vilo and a blacksmith behind it which is a little oddly placed and very open i mean if i lo really needs to make sure that john the fearless does not go for some sneaky raid at some point with archers because he is very open on that top side is that auto scout from avilo right now no way you can't auto scout at this stage right maybe maybe not no i think he just he's gonna try and see what the enemy's doing yeah um but he's probably just gonna pressure the other side and john is gonna send the eagle out here which is very weak and that's immediately spotted so good call from a vilo to switch sides dave and now the eagle just runs back home again and the wall is open oh my goodness the wall is open if he can oh oh my god lock it he's gonna block the foundations with the scout and the archers are right behind john the fearless has to pan panic wall to the tc but that house is super weak and the archers are gonna get through there is this the hidden cup three finals lions game one from one player or passive play and aggression from the other it feels like the hidden cup three finals it's a repeat and what a situation to be in if you're a violet man the amount of pressure he's put down is crazy that was a good reaction though after the archers got in the initial reaction the wall to the tc and then realizing your house is low hp so you can't really sustain that one make a few more to the wood line he's kept himself alive here tristan he hasn't lost a villager yet i know and that's the impressive thing about john the fearless play throughout this whole tournament and if you look at the situation he's just been going greedy with eco he's got the farm numbers he's got the food count and honestly if this gets to a certain point he might even try and make a house and trap this army in here but we see skirms coming in and john just sitting at home and i guess this is why avila didn't feel the need to go crazy for the walls dave yeah he's gonna he's got this forward pressure so he's just gonna slowly wall behind with houses yeah it'll be more secure in the end and well he i think he knows that he's realistically not going to do much damage i actually think he can though because that house foundation is about to go down here so here coming out though good micro there from john though good micro from johnny picks off the scout and he picked off an archer and now the units are in but it's just more and more defensive houses and in our micro i guess this is idle time for john and avilo is underneath the tc with a few units do you go back here if you're a vilo or just continue to sit in this business she just continued to sit how can you argue with these results i think like most players are just gonna sit back and a lot of players get punished by the greed but i think you are happy at least to be delaying some farms you're happy that the archers aren't running forward towards you you feel some sense of urgency to maybe wall at home in case there is a sneak but okay he wants to see if there's anything in that range there and now he just sees one archers there and he actually might be worried that the archers that are actually in john's tc might be heading towards his base all those houses and john was still host oh my god mvl confirmed how does that happen yeah uh but isn't it just incredible how how little evilo invested and how much pressure he was able to dish out it's just so impressive yeah taking those little advantages right just john the fearless wanted to get his eagle out he deleted a uh part of his wall and then avilo with this presence of mine to keep the scout there and to deny the villagers from building anything behind it but like and they're both up to the castle age at the same moment oh my god like that's the flip side of it the flip side of that same situation is that if i lo invested so little and quote unquote did a lot but zero kills zero deaths uh with the eco and now john the fearless is up anyways and going to add the second r2 range and continue to go into archers so it is really impressive i think the question marks you have if you're a vilo is first off where are the archers and second do i go knights or do i go skirms he's got one stable already he's just got one range he has not seen a second barracks or a second range from john and that's very important he needs to confirm what john is going to do here if you're a vilo did you just double down and make double palisade walls along some of these areas like use one villager and double palisade the right double palisade the left and then you have so many woodlines and resources secure within your base well he's kind of doing it with houses kind of doing it with houses but there's almost like the way that we talked about it earlier john's base is so much better i feel because it's so close to the edge of the map so i i i don't think as vilo sees the ranges now and will just sit on the farms i don't think you can really can justify double palisades everywhere but he is going to add a second layer on the left so there you go okay second stable too for him so no surprise the berber player is going to go into some cavalry yep and plus two right away and here comes the villager forward has to keep pressure on drawing the fearlessness base until the siege workshop goes up dave it's just exactly what we expected going into this now you have defensive tc's for john so john's just gonna stay at home he's gonna boom he actually is gonna send his archers out who's gonna try and sneak here but knight siege could absolutely dominate john the fearless's eco it's just can john the fearless get pressure in before the knights and siege get out here with plus two i think if avilo gets i mean four knights is close enough to kill this right if john's already in one spot plus two is already in here dave i think four nights is a little low personally i think that you would want six to eight let's see and yeah you're going to have a vilo back away from you good micro is too good but the magnet will be here soon so let's see if that statement holds true look at that he sees the siege workshop and says i'm out of here and he's just going to run home and he's just gonna boom it out man but like again i'll just restate this the style that john the fearless has can be punished and we've seen it in some situations the problem is it can only be punished by a few players in the game where do you push here if you're a vilo i by the way i love those houses from john the fearless on the right side yeah like if avila's gonna go for a mangano push from that angle those houses are gonna be so annoying to him the middle area is more than fine here i think yeah middle area is more than fine you probably want to push the tcs attack round from avilo okay you got that crossbow and uh you know the tough thing here is there's a barracks there john could always sneak out an eagle to take out the mango and economically it's really hard to catch up while going for so much pressure if you're a vilo so i think the mo for john is continue to mass archers and get to a big ball eventually take one good fight in defense and then your eco is paid off and then you win the game and look at that out of the tc dave and he was trying it right there to take out the magnels with his crossbows kind of unexpected maybe avilo thought there were villagers garrison in there yeah some mobility with the crossbows garrisoning and un garrisoning from that tc but still the manganese pressuring and not really anything to deal with them as of yet john the fearless going for a siege workshop of his own and trying to get some picks but also trying not to get too close yeah the shots the absolute balls though to only now make a defensive siege workshop it's sickening and it might yeah it might end up hurting him might backfire yeah he could deny this or just delay it because you're going to have more units on the way he just goes for farms man so he can eventually get imp and our blessed siege workshop will go up dave no question and now let's see if that balance pays off i mean in theory you could see a magnel get a trade here um and then if knights ever dive there's too soon three monks to get conversions this could easily swing for john the fearless as he pops out yeah he pops out again trying to do that and he pops back in right as the shot comes along all this action tristan and the kd is seven to five yep and the delete from john the fearless but he failed it it's these fancy tricks man the defensive play all these things that john the fearless is known for and it's hurting him a little bit here and it's only because a vilo is equal to these movements i'm i'm so impressed by this constant popping in and out of the tca attempting to snipe the manganals from avilo and i'm i'm really surprised that we haven't seen any follow-up manganals from him just now making a third one i think it's tough to go through tc eco with it dave so maybe a vilo's trying to find that balance there so he doesn't fall behind economically as you see the micro again good micro and there's a good shot again from avilo vilo vilo's getting the better of these engagements these he's two of the best players in the world we suspected it might be viper and hera and they're certainly if not confirming it yeah they're helping us out a little bit with this impressive gameplay everyone who didn't see a vilo play before and voted for admiral to be the viper uh earlier is like what was i doing i'm with you here but like historically if it's those two players viper has always had hera's number in big tournaments uh hera maybe did get past leery we think which is also someone else that has given him problems and those are really the only two names that have come to mind as you see the crossbow trick again here dave and the crossbow's backing away again i think you need to need to start seeing a little bit more from a vilo here and and here we see it magnet is engaging the repair is perfect every time yeah maybe you want to snag that villager if you can at some point also john the fearless almost says enough for a castle we see a vilo coming in with the knights he's going to pick off a manganelle and then retreats yeah neither player wants to commit here both players are just kind of hanging out in this area and there's the castle oh that's the show dude there was an attack ground in this castle might never go up dave that was such a sick attack round i'm sorry to interrupt you but the level here is unreal and here we go the knights are diving yeah and the crossbows are in a precarious position they're kind of trapped back there villagers going down to the manganos and the shots are coming in absolute domination absolute domination the crossbows are gone the castle's denied villagers are idle within every tc evilo just owned him dude and after watching john the fearless own everybody else with this play i cannot help but just be in shock that escalated so quickly that's dead the castle is gonna castle could go up oh maybe question mark big question mark dave i mean what happens if the castle goes up at this point right he still has the villagers but he doesn't have any counter-attack another tc to try and catch up economically but and he's hitting the gold at the back for john the fearless this is has to move all of those villagers he's frantically putting down archery ranges he's getting ballistics upgrade now he's trying to complete the castle but that's not happening the berbers pick he's just crushing him right now i just i i have to restate this the way john the fearless played this was so good it was so unbelievably good and we saw him get to this point with that style of play and availo said i don't even care like that is just mayans is the better civilization that style it suits john the fearless it suits mayans and that was just unreal dave and the quality like the cool thing there is that the quality was obviously there for john the fearless it's not like he was having a bad game yeah vilo just outplayed him in that instance now i think two years ago when i was casting i would say do you think maybe john the fearless needs to change his style blah blah blah but as someone who's been doing this for a while i think that it's actually important for john the fearless to stick to his game plan because yep i don't think he could ever do what a vilo just did but i don't necessarily think a vilo can play the way john the fearless place so it's just a clash of styles and we have a long long set so don't get too excited ladies and gents um i'll go to the statistics real quick just to show where we were at before the action started massive drop-off there on the timeline um but you know lots of uh stone banked up to build the defensive castle for john he had the crossbow numbers for a bit dave the food eco and gold eco understandably higher for the player going for knights i don't think i've ever seen a game that seems so even go to absolute domination within that short of a time frame before but i'd say the thing here is if john the fearless is who we think he is he's been here before he's been down this road he's lost some games before and i think that the mental strength is gonna be there to be able to say forget about it while he played really well but it's fine we're gonna go to the home maps now so um yeah i'm a little shocked but we have to continue here and unlike 1999 it's not a best of one in any of these sets it actually was i will be cross dave we'll hop into game two it will be huns versus byzantines sieves that we have seen many times on this map before yeah we saw this very matchup between um admiral and warwolf i believe war wolf was playing as the huns and admiral was playing as the byzantines and he got a really good start with the byzantines but then the huns player kind of snowballed it to victory so maybe we see something a little bit similar here yeah i'm looking at a vilo's base with the huns and it's a typical hanukkah style base very very open yeah very open and i i think this is a 50 50 sift matchup the more i think about it i would prefer huns personally but in certain stages huns can do absolutely nothing against byzantines it's probably the best way to say it and i think john the fearless is going to recognize that so john the fearless has picked a map which will change the way he has to play this compared to game one arabia uh on land maps with archer sieves you tend to see more defense but i think here you expanded the you field as many units as possible because it's cheap with the byzantines they're quite close to each other too yeah it's like there's not a huge distance which may favor the hun player i think one thing that we should touch on is the early scouting again uh since they're so close together are they finding where the enemy is are they confirming or denying enemy uh using various things and then also the docks and the difference between the styles i've seen with these sieves is the byzantine player likes to wall and go for dock control of all the pawns and the hun player will usually play into scouts for map control to deny the pawns yeah i think if vilo is going to go for that pawn to the left most likely and then john the fearless probably going to the one to the right yeah they'll be fairly close to their base not much opportunity for the scouts to snipe the doc villager like we saw earlier today and we saw how much of an impact that makes too imagine so so these semi-finals just to clarify on how hidden comes played basically all the games are played behind closed doors players can't share their identities obviously and what the beauty of it is you don't know who you're up against and you can't even really see the way your upcoming opponent has played previous rounds which is what happened in the early rounds uh these semi-finals that we're casting now actually were being played during the quarterfinals yesterday and of course have not been seen um the final is live so hello to admiral salutes and chat to admiral admiral sitting there like okay whoever wins this best of seven will be a very tough task to beat in that final but that final will be coming up later after this and doc's going down for both players very smartly walling their villagers in you can it used to be you could tell players tournament experience by whether they walled in their dock villager yeah but it seems like everyone has picked up on that now yeah couple years ago the things that we freak out about now we'd just be like oh that happened okay a villager went down this happened but now one small mistake will snowball so hard on you and when you get to the top it's just so beautiful the way it develops ooh john the fearless making a beeline for by those tc right now that's that's that is gonna hurt oh but he saw the straggler bit diagonal might help here dave and oh no ouch i mean having that weak scale actually means that in feudal age he cannot fight a villager 1v1 on any of those pawns out there so that's a big deal and actually as i say that you actually see it vilo send the villager without loom away because he knows i'll never lose this villager now you think he's gonna make an outpost over here dave just in case john the fearless tries to sneak he might make a second dock here okay i've seen that with some players they like to to place two docks on one pond kind of over saturate that fish early okay i haven't seen it too frequently but i think an issue with trying to just to go to too many docks too early is you're investing into another dock and you don't get an immediate fish boost you're gonna end up regretting that i see the style here for john the fearless it's just one dock at home already some walls on the side yep that's so early for those walls isn't it i i actually think it's perfect here just because now you don't have a strong scout so if you wait when the enemy is up to the next agent wait a second is this a double dock fast castle play for avaylo it might be maybe he doesn't even he doesn't even want to pressure the pawns in the north or the south or the one he knows that john the fearless has control over he just wants to control his own little water area use that to go up to castle age shades of the islands game from a vilo where he went for a greedy fish boom so two docks not going fast feudal which is the meta and you know if the more i think about this the way john the fearless might play is he might not even make a barracks he might not punish on land at all it's so smart what avilo is doing here like john the fearless is basically playing the meta here dave and avilo is playing against that known meta so vilo is scouting the gold he saw two villagers coming out to that whether he noticed that is is another question okay so he sees the gold i mean i think if i lose going to be thinking well great he's going to try and and make docks on the back he's hanging out so he can see how many villagers are going there yeah okay in about a couple seconds john will be completely walled so as someone in twitch chat just said uh it's jon not that fearless as he's a little scared of pressure that might come in for the second straight game and we see a dock in the north for john and i think the thought process is probably to make fire callies but there's nothing over there dave avilo also spotted that wall in like the middle of nowhere yeah and john fearless base so that probably tells them that john the fearless is going for something like this huge walls along the outside along those wood lines so that means that he's going to be relatively safe at home and now he's going for some walls of his own i think that john's got to be a little worried here as you see avilo spot this dock but when you see the opposition isn't up to futile yet you probably know something weird is going on here but i will say it doesn't look like the resources are going to be there to go immediately up to the castle age for a vilo is he going to go for he goes for an archery range okay with a quick gate or house that scout could be trapped i've seen enough of these two play that i know that could happen if john pays attention here okay never mind all right sorry go ahead archery range double archery range oh he deleted the range and is going for the blacksmith because he knows he needs that okay that was really satisfying as it was being deleted yeah blacksmith guards on exactly the same tile well done navila so guys at one at some point the fish here is going to run out but i think the way that avila is playing this is rather short-term to get a big lead and if you're not contesting the pond of john in the back which is not possible because of the walls and you're not fighting for the pond in the north i could easily see john long term being in a better position as he's simply adding spearmint right now stable now from a vilo so one archer range one stable byzantines not able to click up right away this has got to be calf archers right this has got to be cav archer play for a violo just add the stable or a scout or two yeah look at this he's prepping the ranges already he's going to click up the castlage and go straight into tons of cav archers see a gate okay john the fearless i know his name is john the fearless i know we've got kids watching so i'll use a different word but he's gonna be pooping himself if he sees this like oh my god dude three ranges on the front and you you haven't clicked up yet ah terrifying well he has to suspect it from huns right yeah if they're not if he's not battling on the water what else what else are they really gonna do as a vilo has gone to the south and is making a dock there so he's gonna have control over two pawns john the fearless is gonna have control over two pawns and what does john the fearless do in the middle to combat the cav archers well you say control and there's no way for a vilo to protect this area because john is wisely sending a ville here now granted i think avila will notice that and we'll just cancel the fishing ship and out of galley but i don't think the galley denies that dock dave so byzantine should have the edge in the south um but yeah i just don't it honestly feels like a spot where john the fearless might even need to consider some stone walls because the cav archers are going to come hot and heavy here and three-range production means there will be plenty in no time for a vilo and we're we're seeing why players don't really like to over saturate ponds the fish is almost gone yeah so he's got about 300 food i i think this strategy is is risky and a little questionable for a vilo but the risk could very well pay off here in the next couple minutes ooh john the fearless is going for a fishing ship down south he doesn't know that there's a dock there all he saw was the scout no way oh he doesn't have the scouting down dave i mean he's got a scout around but it's just staying close to the spear because he's he's a little i think frightened of this as he's prepping another layer of walls so we've seen this before except this time the house wall should probably go down andy's byzantine so his buildings have more hp and he's actually taking into what will be elite skirm which is a good call for john yeah it seems like the the play the scout discovers the monastery at the front from avilo so he's gonna see that navillo sends the villager forward now oh my god dude no i think he's going to cancel the monastery so he just scouted the ranges and knows it's a lead skirm so he's going to add magnets now that's just great scouting from avilo at this point he's scouted the dock in the south he's going to probably contest water there and then he's also scouted that elite skirm will come in so he's so many you really know so many tiny little adjustments from both of these players yep so far on this game now that scout should have also spotted the siege workshop too so he knows the siege workshop is there and so now i i hate to say these words again but it's defense and booming it's just got to be defense and booming here for john you can't push out with this comp no especially not against huns and he's gonna lose all three of those fishing ships he made in the south yeah but is devil gonna switch into fish traps or something here because i'm looking at these fishing ships they're soon all going to be idle dave there's 10 of them there that's huge and we're getting the war galley upgrade um for john the fearless so he's going to contest that area the pond in the south he can't really contest the other one on the left side i mean what's the point anyway there's no fish left you know i i like john's position a little bit more here he has elite skirms for now he's diversified a bit more he's investing into water so he should win the south in theory i really think that if i lose fast cav archers haven't done what they what avila was hoping to do at the start of this game with that greedy play and you were talking about investing into the fish traps that's going to be a lot of wood that you can't put into cav archers and manganese the thing is if you're not pre-planning for it it hits you and you're like oh no i have 10 idols and at that point you were planning on using the wood for other things it's like every time i i don't get horse collar it always hits me at the same time or whatever that is that was pretty good dave uh the villager's not going down there and only 3-0 eco kd in this game so far as we see three tc's behind this for john like okay economically the fishing runs out but what is jon doing to threaten the vilo that's the big problem nothing nothing he did get ballistics so if the cav archers engage without the manganese nearby yeah should be okay but the problem with skirmishers is that they're gonna really struggle to do decent damage against that manganese yeah and the magnel getting a good shot they're getting a kill you could do you ever notice how some of the units when they get hit they're just like you know they brace themselves for it that's what i would do yeah but it's like it almost sounds like a name that's a name a noise that someone would make if they didn't die so i don't know if that's the unit getting hit or what as uh nice split micro here from john there's no repair villager here for vilo and john's showing what he's capable of and so is a vilo though beautiful oh that's amazing from a vilo john the field is has ballistics by the way and he just dodged two consecutive shots should we be surprised that despite all this john the fearless has only lost three eco units in this game no and those three eco units were the three fishing ships he made at the south and he only lost him because he didn't scout properly it's it's honest it's stupid how easy he makes defense look what they say defense wins championships i guess i don't know if that applies here but uh i guess fish will also run out soon for john the fearless so i suppose in theory if like he didn't plan for it while he's under pressure it'd also be a big problem for him bit of a late siege workshop again second game in a row yeah maybe a little bit late with the siege workshop placements but no foreign this time so if he manages to take that manganell down he cannot repair it with villager again it feels like things would have been okay if he had a few mcnells a bit earlier dave i mean look at the micro here beautiful micro as he takes out a magnel the other one's very weak i would love to see vilo bring in a repair villager and the siege workshop does finish and look at this micro from john the fearless he is fearless he really is and how can you blame him dave well okay maybe he should have a bit more fear in him but uh behind this three tc's for a vilo at home he's just now adding them so he's behind and fills i think again as we stated a repair villager would have been very helpful for some of those mangoes but john maybe gets to breathe just a little bit imagine tristan imagine you're in john the fearless shoes you have like 20 cav archers and three manganals you know knocking at the door and you only have 10 skirmishers in defense and you push him away with that that's ridiculous i think that would be a good time to quit casting let's just put it that way yeah the gopro at that point gopro it's also like it's the work you would never if you're watching this at home never play like this i feel like i mean maybe it's a matter of preference dave but most humans are just going to get completely destroyed by this type of style like giving up control consistently he uses that speed defensively time and time again dave and phil avilo pressuring we have ourselves a beautiful series and one repair villager would have made so much difference here yep maybe a bit of stubbornness there and john the fearless with the score lead now 20 eco lead and and guess what this time the defensive castle will actually go up he has the stone for it yeah where do you put that right beside your gold or yeah i well the the problem is he plays with no vision so if he just goes out to the hill there could be another magnel which so it's really concerning that that's still the situation here and avila's gonna spot this right now dave so he's gonna have a magano in a moment i mean villagers could easily go down the cav archers could also easily go down to the skirmishers and with ballistics i think if i load needs to get out of here and he does after losing four a conversion comes in and that cav archer gets a kill and now john may be expecting this and i think john will be fine that castle is going up dave you know vilo getting out of there with the relic while he can he's going to bring it back to his base and he he kind of stalled out on cav archer production i think he was feeling pretty comfortable yep with the position he had in john the fearless base with the manganals and the cav archers so he added a bit of eco behind it spent the wood on the fish traps like we were talking about and that was gonna start building up army again look at that micro there split micro with skirmishers against the magnel up the hill no problem still did take some losses though dave and now you see light cav for a vilo and avilo's i think thinking about a castle of his own somewhere as well this is going to have to be all in castle i think for avilo because you need an answer to the skirms before they get upgraded any for that he's going into the light cav which is a good investment um you can't try and go imp i think in this spot you'll just get completely destroyed he's getting relics right now the light cap switching over to the right side and there's a there's a hole there actually but the light cap will just engage against the skirms and the monks first yeah and he's trying to block the monks with his skirms that's not going to work so he just keeps backing up oh eventually and the cow archers are finding their way into john's base this is the problem when you don't have initiative dave if i lo just says okay i guess i could just run in now and get some kills and and you look at it it's eight eco kills for zero but john the fearless is still on the way to imp and still in a good position and if you're looking at total eco units like that whole northern pawn is idle for him the whole right side pond is idle for him he didn't invest anything in fish traps so he's got like 15 idol economic units right now all right cav archer's going down as they retreat but now the like have come in and this was the moment i was talking about this is as john the fearless is on the way to him he's reactive again and he'll lose these skirms as he wanted to place a very weird castle over there i don't think that'll ever happen reminder to the people watching that john the fearless was clearly the best player of the players he played uh earlier at least showed it with the results and devilo has yet to lose a game in this tournament what is that castle from john the fear he's still going out for that it's a fearlessness right there it's almost like when it's not a defensive move it's a little questionable you know and the cav archers are in again yeah and i think the light cav have paid off at this point and the eco is pretty idle of course as we've established vilo is going to be thinking about going up to imp soon he's done i think he's done way more damage than he suspected he would yeah in this like interim period but he could still die like he could still die so hard to john if he doesn't take another good engagement here ridiculous the level we're seeing here and that castle is actually a good castle to protect it dave and i think if ilo sees this as an opportunity to run back to john the fearless base he's almost like no you stay in there you stay in your base for as long as possible so i can catch up please thank you yep and also keep that hole wide open please yeah i want an entry point anytime i like 13 i mean you look at the total kd it's pretty even there but everything else pretty astounding the fact that john it has the lead right now despite how how the game is played out flash of styles as we said but how are you going to be able to counter the byzantines when they'll have very cheap skirmishers mixed in with arboles and probably trebson dave very winnable for john the fearless i would actually prefer his current position yeah byzantines feel very very strong against hunts here in imperial age the fish traps have gone up for john the fearless so he did invest that wood and his fishing ships will be working again yeah he works um john the fearless likes to work out from home and slowly just expand to other areas of the map and you see that now towards the south he knows he'll need this space long term here he comes and this is as if ilo is sending light cap there has does have a monk in the area which will die i think these that's a bit of a waste with the arms is it not let's throw them in like that i mean not really no i think he's destroyed there but i guess it just depends on the situation we feel like we're in are hun's going to continue to go for cav archers here because if if the answer is no as if i low needs to react it loses the first village of the game by the way um that other group of cab archers by the way is coming back they were sitting at that southern punt for so long and now they've made their way back into john the fearless's base and they also the other arms go down dave all right now these cavaliers could go down but yeah crazy game it feels like for me john the fearless should have kept all that in one ball and then pushed right like make a few traps push down the middle with byzantines yeah have the herbalists all there have some skirmishers mixed in plug the freaking holes in your walls like it's so many little things right it's tough though because you you look at the military count now and availa's got 20. it's the way the games normally go and this is why john the fearless is such a unique player john the fearless should never be alive right now you know he's had to react so frequently but here he is 166 population 148 for vilo with three relics by the way pick from uh john at the bottom there avilo's trying to go for some stables okay the scout is there it gets one villager but availo quick walls the other one so he will have some raiding potential down there i think we're about to see the unit that huns might arguably die the most to dave and that's heavy camel see the stables coming up see the tech switch coming in for john heavy camel would counter the skirms but also counter these hustlers that are out for a vilo but i like the ability though he sees the stables coming up does he make a tech switch right now quick walls from john the fearless and john the fearless has a doubt castle castle denied the vilo asking all the questions dave but there's still a lot of blue and byzantine power makes me really worry before this red player okay a vilo had a monastery forward he made another monastery way at the back of his base what he's gonna go drop all the relics off there and he's gonna get in the transport ship and grab the other relic that's so smart he also might send the cav archers to the dock to kill the fishing ships he's getting walled out currently he's done a great job at forcing reactions from john the fearless yep non-stop and i would say with worse tech right now because our blast skirm camel is so much better than hussar and skirm and now you see these hustlers going in to take out a treb dave i don't think that's going to be enough but a few villagers going down on the all-important gold and gold will be an issue look at these two tile golds kind of directly to the south of the stables from john that gold's you know i'm looking at the gold count it's fine for avilo but long term most of that gold will be secured by john the fearless huns can't really play well without gold yeah you're just at such a civ disadvantage at this point in the game right with all the technologies coming in from john the fearless feels like a vilo has been in the driver's seat the whole time but john the fearless managing to survive everything and now he can kind of get some momentum to start pushing back against avila's base yeah now we problem here is you've got to switch back into cav archers if you're huns and cav archers also get eaten by camels if the camel's getting close do you really if you're going to win at this stage of the game you have to completely outplay the enemy i i think in many ways it looks it has had the feeling that avilo is but john is recognized if it gets to a certain stage i just can't be killed so much on gold for john 40 on gold i think the gold counts a little deceiving because vilo wasn't spending gold for a while john should have more gold control if we don't count the relics as we see cav archers behind the wood line dave there's actually still a hole there yeah he's been so good with these little groups of cavities he had those guys up north for quite a while he had guys down south which he looped around again but john the fearless coming down with camels he's gonna wipe that up yeah and there's a big freaking battle in the middle oh my goodness so many camels so many heavy cav archer for the hun player oh and it's just a better comp here for john the fearless john the fearless is focusing down every single cav archer he can but avilo does focus down one trebuchet and get the next one here dave he's got to keep this position on the front he's actually engaged against the arms which i guess you could argue is fine because it's not like his castle's getting tripped down or anything i like how availo hasn't even tucked into help yet he's just like if i get enough cav archers i can deal with the cameras and he's spending gold on those camels i'm not going to tuck into help i'm not going to waste resources on that yet yes i'm just going to try and build up my mass look at how look at how tough it is now for vilo to force the fights john the fearless has the castles and all the positions more will continue that castle's going to go up really tough for vilo to push byzantine with the hunts i think you need raids dave and it's it's really tough to find spots for stables at this point but like you really need i guess a start is taking out this 7 000 hp castle from byzantines but raids on the sides is how he was keeping himself in this and getting a lead early he's got to continue and here the staples in the south are producing yeah and he's got another villager down there to the right of those hasari okay does have a sneaky villager so potential for some more stables to go up over there i like the fact he's kept his heavy cab archers alive he has that ball and now we can just try and get hussars in front of it but we keep reiterating this fact like it's so tough to push against byzantines when you're huns but if he's able to take out this castle then he should he might have access to those golds and actually the tread pops out here that's a free pick i think it's almost like john the fearless intentionally ejected his skirms to try and distract the hustlers so he wouldn't lose the trap but he's gonna save it no he doesn't save it oh my god trump goes down in the castle in a weird spot where it's kind of like on the hill but kind of not i think avilo actually has the hill bonus against that and he's gonna take it down ostar's in dave there's just too many areas to react to the rewall denied four stables will come up this is where john the fearless starts to lose some focus on the front because of those raids and is that castle actually gonna fall here it is gonna fall for john the fearless who still i would maintain that's a much better position with camel skirmisher it's difficult though i mean the raids are still doing damage from a milo and lots of villagers idle here bill counts pretty even but busters start swinging to the other side dave that would be the next move but john says i'm not done yet he takes out the trebs did lose some of his own though and he just every time he's got a ball of skirms goes in for the cav archers and then the hussars they uh they struggle if there's heavy camels there now do you want to see a vilo tech into something else here how do you think like siege ram would do i think he needs to keep every single cab archer alive because he's out of gold yeah he does not have gold income right now and the way that john has positioned himself is he's got the gold so it's a real struggle here against the sieve which can actually thrive without gold funnily enough but what a clear up here man look at the pop dropping now for john the fearless he's still been losing villagers he's down to 114 now it's actually 69 to 15 eco kd if you look at that and then maybe he gets the gold and the camels don't seem so effective anymore do they now that there's you know 35 cav archers on the field the camels just kind of seem like they're getting shredded every time they try and engage you can tell how distracted devilo is as well because he's had that monk on garrison from the transport ship for so long still hasn't dropped off that really yeah that's what that was my theory of why players wouldn't get that all the time so okay dave i think and again i'm just a caster here but i think you're happy with this and then you push the north or the the south more if you're a vilo and i see the hustlers expanding it's like the second it enters my brain you see it enter the player's brain and he has the skills to back it up it's incredible really i thank you for the 69 gifted subs anonymous gifter but i'm really like i'm speechless at the level we're seeing here from the vilo it's crazy he recognized exactly what he needed to do he just needed the cav archer mass maybe get a few raids into john's economy and don't let him get a forward castle on that hill or if he does take it down right away i still think byzantine's have so much potential here dave it's it's kind of like outlasting them here at this point because you're still not getting gold if you're vilo and it's not easy to take out castles and whatnot either the castle positions are really good for john he's going for another transport ship at the south to take that other relic all right well and a cheeky little lumber camp there i also see that he's going he's thinking about rams dave look at these cav archers micro away from the skirms i i think that castle might be a little preemptive for vilo okay he's canceled it [Music] does he have to leave his hill here dave that looks really bad for the cavalry yeah leave that leave the hill leave the hill you need hot stars in front of this not quitting here they're not going to trade well against the camels but they provide a meat shield between the camels and your cav archers and you can't get below i feel like you you have to stay around 30 cav arches in that mass look at that castle from john i feel like that tells you what's been happening here he continues to get raided so he's so worried about that and then look at john again he knows he's holding the gold so he's just making the skirms which he can afford they're cheap trying to whittle down the cav archers the most ridiculous little side battle is happening in the north right now i see that and i a moment ago avilo saw that but is he gonna look back over here in time because the villes were there a moment ago this will end up being pretty important actually because he doesn't have defense there vilo and it's gonna be repaired okay don's taking the score lead again dave it's close siege rams coming in from the south but john the fearless notices that right away goes with the villagers to attack it the oh my god the game sense from these two players is unreal he doesn't have the gold right now i vilo if he had 800 more gold i think he could go in there with six rams but that this is kind of desperation mode if you have to go in with one ram against byzantines but he's in again with hussars look at the camels and the eco trying to clean up all these raids and he's coming back with that relic from the transport ship he's going to bring it all the way back to his main base i don't even know which one which pond you're talking about right now but if the castle in the north falls there is gold there he was on it once so john is actually going to have to push the middle now on that with that crucial hill which is also denying a stone cav archer mass is getting pretty low he's only at 16 right now this is bad dude this is bad like it was tough enough when he had 30 cavarchers but to only have 19 now is pretty brutal but look at the villager numbers the raids are doing work he killed so many bills on that stone he killed so many bills on that woodline all you need to do to know how this game has gone is look at the bottom left of my screen 131 villagers killed by a vilo 21 from john the fearless the castle in the north it went down the castle in the north went down and more hustlers will find opportunities for kills dave and with that farm count i think john the fearless will know himself how good hussars can be here but but what if john the fearless snowball's the middle right now is that possible i think it is especially with the bombard cannons and the trebs behind as with that camel mass that ridiculous number of camels and the skirmishers behind that as long as he keeps targeting those cav archers it is a possibility he just has to be concerned with all these little red dots all over the map hitting his economy if john the fearless can just just stop the decay of his eco he denies the castle wait does he he does deny the castle in the north john the fearless could do this in the fight in the front dave fighting the front hops in the castle monkey spits the other side the monk is just now getting back with that relic but this push it seems unstoppable it's it's not it's it surely is unstoppable 69 military for john the fearless 43 for vilo and he's fighting with the worst tech if i lo has done everything here comes more now all the military focus will be on this middle area skirmishers dave as they're going down they're taking out the cav archers though that's a really good move from john just whittled down so many cavaliers it's 150 pop for both is the castle not going to go down here well there's not much military left for a vilo that's amazing have archers in the queue though look at the q he's he can reproduce that mass if he clears this up yeah but can he take care of the rams here i think he needs that castle or this is gg that is such a big opening into his eco he hasn't expanded much elsewhere he's now getting hit in the wood line in the north by john he had some cav archers in that castle he's got like six of them in there you add that to the existing mass he's gonna have 20 cav archers again what in god how is this possible uh in so many different ways how is this possible from both of them how is availo still alive and how is jon still alive he's back i thought he was completely white now look at the army from avila heading across the field this is peak age of empires ladies and gentlemen but this is peak whoever we're looking at here and i think there are possibly some questions about the level of certain names who have won certain tournaments over the past half a decade a vilo saying okay buddy now it's my turn you're running out of gold i've got all the relics i've got cav archers again i've still got my hussars time to fight if i low has had 3 000 less gold in the game but if it continues and there's no gold left on the map dave the the player with the relics will have the lead and look at where the relics are for the byzantine player the one relic is right in the middle of the map right beside the army from a vilo i think you just switch back into a raid here you know just get get five to ten hustlers there's wood lines in the middle looks like he's actually sending camels to the north there or uh not camels hustlers into camels but when you get a lead like this if you're a valor you've got to feel great because you know that now you're in a proactive position and you can just pick your spot yep yeah what's going to become an issue for john the fearless as he's kicked off the one in the middle he's trying to drop a tc on the bottom side but avilo is there with hasar is like he doesn't have much wood left tristan i think this is game over dave and i i know that like it might not be as long as some of the games we've seen but in terms of actual gameplay on both sides this has to be the most impressive we've seen and score switch is about to happen too yeah which tells the players a lot um you know viola does still not have control of those golds there and there's still gold's income for john the fearless but it's not a lot and now i think we might see that help switch we talked about what 30 minutes ago he said i don't need help i think it was the correct play not to go for alex there though i agree like i think i think skirmishers and a massive cow archer were probably better but now that it's getting into the later stages albs makes a lot of sense 181 villagers killed to 35 and john the fearless has spent so much of his food just re-booming and and you mentioned wood he's really running out of wood it's actually funny the the wood lines in the middle especially this one here it's so exposed that vilo doesn't even feel like that's an issue i guess yeah like he would never take it there it's i love when games like this you know it's all non-stop action for the last 20 minutes and then you get to a situation like we've seen for the last minute which is kind of a stalemate as both players settle down and try and figure out uh what's going on well and what they can do to win for vilo you start taking deep breaths and you start to pick your spots for john the fearless you start to you know you're wheezing at this point like how do i do this if this continues you know the villagers just continue to go down the buildings are going down now here hustlers go down for vilo and still we remember how strong byzantines can be with military is he gonna have to survive another wave here 80 military from john somehow and you know those skirmishers are going to be on the hunt for the cavern like they dope right under that those skirmishes don't care about anything but cav archer deaths but i would just you know just just keep spamming hustlers i mean 86 on food that food count is nuts it is rather ironic if it is the viper against hair a hero known for his hussar spam what if we're completely wrong on that by the way what if what if hera's up one game over the viper right now it could be it definitely could be hussar raids in again just constant annoyance yeah and it's this is it it feels inevitable despite the population being 190 to 190 which is crazy it should not be that way how does it feel that way as we see if i lo making a doc you just know he's gonna get that relic now in the north oh yeah yep he's certainly thinking about it i mean he's got five relics right now yep and that's basically kept him alive here he's got almost 800 gold in the bank at this point tristan crazy you go for a wonder drop as a flex here might be a little bit too early that's a little bit much considering all you've had to do in this game just to stay alive no i mean imagine imagine doing that and then losing the game what a horrible throw that would be but i again it's just red hustlers showing up to the proper spots trash units are quite slow um and uh the cav archers aren't even in action right now dave they don't need to be it's just slowly picking away at the enemy it's methodical and it's constant there's the transport ship at the top all right so that will be six relics then for a vilo and this is going to be a good fight in the middle dave and john the fearless is going to play on here as he should with with 150 pop but i think john the fearless is dead yeah especially with that castle position in the middle yep that's like the last gold access he has there's tons of production buildings there it'll give him a launching point for his invasion of john the fearless's base he can just run away from these skirms even though they're hunting down the cow archers they're too slow to catch up and there's some chat here okay well apparently there was a little bit of lag thanks to e but uh they're gonna restart here 247 villagers killed by viola i can't get over this and 39 units killed by john the fearless and not eunice of course that's villagers like that's probably the most lopsided kd with bill counts i've ever seen in an even game finally pikeman making an appearance for the byzantine player camels haven't really been working out for him the last few minutes he's now out of gold down the fearless so it somehow we got to this point it only took one hour and 10 minutes where byzantine players out of gold and yes byzantines are great without gold but they're not great without wood as we see another raid that is soon closing in on 300 villager kills from a violo that tc has just been a disaster ever since it went up yeah i think it's been constantly producing but the villagers have been dying underneath it the entire time and availo is is pretty happy to just sit tight here in the middle and send hussars to each side of john the fearless might be playing on because of score or something and i'm not really sure why to be honest the score is the way it is because of the kd i don't know but either way this is just if john the fearless wants to drag this on for another 20 minutes he can do it but this is just it's impossible to come back if i lost still undefeated in this tournament and i i mean at least from what i've seen john the fearless has been the second best player and if i lose just making it's not making it look easy dave because it looks very difficult but he's doing it look at all the reds he has bangs yeah it's crazy 1300 gold at this stage in the game yeah any other sieve you go champion here but huns don't get that so you're pretty much maxed out you probably would just want to save your gold for rams and trebuchets and have arched if you lose any how do you start to feel if you're john the fearless right now dave like you're up against a wall that can't be moved i'm i had a similar feeling last year in the finals and last year in the finals it was the viper first hera and uh you know it it's it's similar to sanjata how john the fearless continues to play on here and it's the mentality you need to have to win long best of sevens to win big tournaments adding some farms here there continuing to try and deal with raids uh but doesn't really have a way to push the middle which is the problem like it's gonna be slow but the buildings are gonna start to go down for john he's just there's nothing to stop uh the hustlers from breaking in time and time again we got some ram production again from avilo if he keeps those near his cav archers he could do one giant push but it looks like he wants to just utilize the mobility and keep switching up the the fronts sure yeah and i guess if john had rams here or trips to try and go for a push i would feel a little bit of confidence for him but again it's just reacting dave john is running low on resources at the south side again more hustlers coming in it's nonstop the vilo's got 6 500 food banked up now wait a second wait a second he's getting atheists he's getting atheism does the enemy still get a notification about atheism yes i i think they do oh my god so i don't even remember what the change was with the atheism unique tech recently but in the past enemy relics um generate 50 percent less gold income so that one relic brings in 50 percent less gold that's right it's basically it's basically a 105 without typing 105. i know except you have to pay for it [Laughter] oh my word it's a premium service i've never seen that before i've never seen that in a tournament and it's of course a tech in the game and john the fearless here should have got a notification there but maybe in some ways john the fearless knows he's dead but he wants to play on to maybe tire uh if i lo out i mean i don't think it's great i think it's more so the pop 180 pop that's the problem here i wouldn't resign at 180 pop that's for sure and 90 military i wouldn't resign yeah but now there's three trebs and seven rams coming through the middle and he's starting to build up a cav archer mass there he's still got the cavatro mask in the north being hunted down by the skirmishers yeah they should get caught out here dave i imagine from a group of hustlers in a second and here they come um it is important for vilo i know he's got the gold but it is really important that he actually takes out the castles here because that is expensive and relics don't bring in gold that quickly and i don't i don't i actually think he's going to fail to take out that castle it's tough to kill byzantines like we've been saying yeah it looks like it's on a higher hill so he doesn't have the hill bonus against it look at that monk that monk wants that relic so bad that monk is hunting for that relic in fact i would take the monk out if i were john maybe this is john's opportunity at least he feels like to to take out the castle there and he was really waiting there with those tribes dave he hasn't shown them for a while but i think he's going to end up losing them and again he's out of gold it's kind of weird to me how availo keeps pushing with the rams but never has the cav archers to back it up he always brings them in later once the rims get cleaned up well i think he is underestimating the amount of military that john continues to have on the field like he he saw an army in the north and he said okay i can push the middle as he finally takes out the trip with his own trap and honestly just just hop behind your castle or in your castle here if you're a vilo yeah just save the cab orchestra there's no way that john the fearless can push a castle right now he's trying to go around but yeah just hop in okay yeah he's come to that conclusion trying to pass around those trebs was difficult so he just gets in the castle skirmishers can't get too close the hussars are basically a free unit at this point so he doesn't care if they die is this a wood game again because it looks like without the wood uh in the south i don't know maybe maybe we're talking no no avilo has tons of options he's got two in the north he's still got some in the middle protected by the castle i know this is maybe not the most professional thing for me to bring up but i was kind of hoping this would be a quick game because i really have to pee so john the fearless if you could just accept your defeat here that would be great and i don't mean to be unprofessional about that at all i think you put up a great fight here but uh it's gonna be an awkward situation pretty soon but still i mean 160 population dave it this is probably it though i think that after this force dies and it a lot of it will go down there's no way back for john the fearless economically to mass more units he doesn't have any skirms in the queue will probably be more hustlers in here and i think i think the castle will fall it should yeah i'm not sure he doesn't get a hill bonus against that but with that position with the cav archers supporting it should be pretty safe hustlers going in for the skirmishers just keep reinforcing that position and you should be good if you're in a violence position but is this not a sign of how good byzantines are against hunts it's been so tough for a vilo it's like if i would have written up a script for a perfect game here it wouldn't have included half the things that we've seen and there we see the gg if i lost still undefeated in hidden cup four in the second semi-final one of the most impressive technical strategic whatever you want to say displays in age of empires right there that was amazing that was incredible especially with that push that john the fearless had in imperial age with all the camels onto that castle from avila and you're like this game's over it's it's dusted whatever and he somehow managed to keep his cav archers alive and produce more with zero on gold it was what it what a show for me it killed 324 villagers and lost only 42 and yet it took one hour and 22 minutes to win this game he didn't have goals against byzantines he i i just i just can't and i'm going to look now to the statistics and make this rather quick for reasons i explained earlier but more wood food and gold collected in this game believe it or not by valio maybe using the market maybe the relics actually bringing in 6 000 golds um and dave i have to think back to that early imp for john the fearless like he was very reactive which i suppose was also the problem um throughout that whole game right it may be a bit too defensive yeah definitely especially like the skirmisher choice and just keeping them at your base with with no siege to support it seemed kind of weird all right so uh dave if you can entertain the audience for about 60 to 70 seconds that'd be great i will be right back and we'll be in game number three in a bit people all right guys who's your who's your dark horse you've heard all about our guesses for avilo and john the fearless who do you guys think is there someone out in chat that has a name we haven't mentioned for these i mean type it in the chat i'm not going to be able to see because there's 57 000 of you here jordan doubt barles barles i don't think it's barrels but that would be pretty hype if it was dog robo someone says that's a potential maybe robo rigged himself into this tournament who won the first semi-final that would be admiral won the first semi-final against sanjata very very dominant display by admiral but a good effort from senjata people think it's me okay okay i wish i could play to this uh to this level that would be fantastic doubt versus doubt mirror matchup i've never seen that one i've actually been commentating age of empires for around six years now and i've never seen the doubt versed out mirror oh man i don't know what first of all all i don't know how long tristan's gonna be i'm good okay good good because i was running out of content it sounded like you were struggling i was really like come on man i came back to you sighing heavily so i was really worried for a second that something had gone down chad what did you do to him what did you say to dave don't break dave we need him what did they do to me you mean what did the like four hour long first best of seven that's true the long game we just had do to me attila the pun with 48 months sub to this stream that is amazing as says i heard if ilo is the controller player okay can you confirm that uh controller player is on hiatus right he's taking a break he ran into some difficulties last time he played so wonderful he's on vacation reminder before we hop into game three which we'll be in a second and it will be on bay that's one dollar goes into the prize pool for every single sub this channel has that's why the number at the bottom of your screen is going up if we could get some stonks in chat from all my subs that'd be great and dave let's go game number three feels like a final um very much is is uh a repeat of what we think was a final capture age is not cooperating with me right now so one second dave civilizations are mongols versus italians and when we get into capture h we'll be able to speculate because these sieves have been seen before on bay and this is that awkward time where i continue to talk as we wait for capture age to load up and we act like there's no problems behind the scenes because this is fine this is not a big deal we're good to go semi-finals and uh yes we are some like professional production company a bunch of guys sitting in their offices or bedrooms around the world trying to put this on for 55 000 of you but here we go game number three and we are into bay we've got italians for john the fearless and we've got mongols for vilo okay so there were situations earlier where we talked about laming mongols the best laming civilization because of the scouting bonus and on bay you know where the enemy tc is now bores are normally on the backside and i remember a player yesterday scouting the back of his base early against mongols and i criticized that let's see if that becomes a factor here because the scout is on the backside for john the fearless and now if ilo sees the board now this is a long journey and it could be blocked but no hesitation dave a cutthroat mindset from avilo and he says your pig is mine was it a vilo yesterday that stole a pig and then didn't even take it until like halfway through feudal age was that him uh i think it was somebody else i forget but let me look at john the fearless point of view i think he knows the boar has been stolen at this point so at this point you can try and run out and try and block it or you can just give up and unless if ilo makes a mistake here it's i know pig or john the fearless he's sending a turkey the only place it could be is behind that wood line so he's sending a turkey to investigate he doesn't know yeah i think and again it's really critical but one of the big reasons you pick mongols on a map like this is because the positions are somewhat fixed and because of the the scouting bonus which can lead to laming and of course the hunt so it's easy for me to say up here in my casting chair like oh you should do the do that thing you knew you know um not trying to be overly critical but i i've seen it before and it's perhaps not a surprise to me dave that the boar's gone yeah and here comes the boar in here avilo is gonna stop by the turkey shop pick those up and keep on running towards the tc he's got to be careful about that one that's kind of far forward on the left hand side notice there was a pause there at 354 yeah maybe he was thinking about breeze [Laughter] yeah if there are restarts available in a tournament you have to call it before the four-minute mark so my guess is maybe john the fearless thought oh this is not good for me and just double checked john the fearless could delay this villager though it's being very annoying remember the scout from avila is low hp yeah so in a straight up fight john the phyllis can engage but not with the villager there right well uh so it seems like the meta for the map which is very much about winning water is going to stay somewhat consistent but wait a second do you remember the way of ilo i think it was a vilo played this map uh yesterday where he overmade fishing ships and just made galleys to snipe the enemy fishing ships and then went for some type of a faster castle on land that we could see that again three boars now with mongols which um was a sieve which was dominant in hidden cup three but also we've seen lose plenty of times on this version this year with the sift draft and john the fearless may be thinking about some walls to that dock there but they can just go around that side yep there's the the dock but uh fishing ships will come out for both here it is cheaper for italians to make them it's also discounted for italians to go up to the next age on the fearless i think it's made the right move to get back home and try and get some deer in because he's running low on food underneath his tc he's kind of running low on options strategically too dave i think you have to go fast fetal here to try and compete for water you don't have the option of just i guess you could go fast castle but it just feels so weak with italians yeah it feels like you got to play to your strengths right even if you lose abort fight fight for the water amen and how many times have we seen who we think value is just absolutely punish people for small little things it has been amazing today and that's huge and i i feel for john the fearless like there's nothing worse than this you're down two games and then you get lame and he's a quality player he knows that it's going to be awkward from here but he has made it to futile age or he's on his way excuse me john is going out to kansas to push that next deer oh and it's trolling i always knew i never wanted to go to kansas oh god uh sorry to my kansas audience i don't know how many people are watching from there but hopefully not too many um but yeah uh availo is just scouting to see what john the fearless will try and do also feels like the the villager is going to be late to get the second dock up here dave normally you have a veil coming out so maybe that's not the plan for john maybe he's not going to try and win the water anymore maybe he thought red scout was out there i don't know it's difficult right there's no villager coming forward from avilo either he's only making a house over there he's gonna go similar to what i kind of thought and just go one doc and play somewhat greedy with taking the deer another reason to pick the mongols he knows he'll have all the food in the bank so chad you can use the minus 7k emote we do not have 7 000 viewers from kansas right now i'm sorry i i don't actually have any facts to back that up but i'd be very surprised we don't have them anymore okay that's that's fair do you see what john's doing with the scout being so annoying to these fishing ships yeah that's weakening them a little bit well and here's what's interesting about the approach from avaylo he could have gone two docks to win water but instead he's making it 1v1 so in theory i mean if jon is able to win some micro battles here you can control the pawns with the sieve that's suited for it he's going to kill these fishing chips with that scout give him enough time yeah now the fire galley's going to come out and weaken it quite a bit that could be a big deal later on an annoyance yep and important here to not attack the fishing ship first if you're if you're john because now he's going to lose that battle 1v1 and the repair villagers here where i don't see that for beyond the fearless um but what john the fearless does see is the barracks and so that yep go ahead milo's gonna show up to the dock with his scout right as that villager comes out loses hp though dave and shouldn't be around here any longer yep if he sends his fire ship in though he can attack the repair villager with the scout and attack the fire ship with his own so maybe he gets something done there but now the scout from john the fearless coming back it's the little things right the little unit control that's going on here great play from john to keep this stable here still have to think about what's going to happen on land but slip up from a vilo as he loses that scout and now john the fearless he can maybe go for some land aggression and avila won't be able to see if the enemy's doing that in fact hold on a second before the scout went down it didn't spot the range it did spot the range dave so hell no and immediately john the fearless goes out to those deer to see what's going on i think this is probably a point where a vilo drops off the food and comes home uh still needing to pay very close attention to water here both players as the fishing ship goes down the micro the fire is coming back there's some weak fishing ships if john wants to take them and john says thank you weakened by that scope by the way and availo did go for a demo ship but he went one for one with the fire galleys oh okay okay good to know the greatest trade the fishing ship's not working right now archer's here for vilo and i just sent some greed here dave i think he's going to try and get the food as the demo comes in oh that was a juicy demo for john and he needed that huge one dave he could clear out the fishing ships and now if you think about this if i lose doesn't have the food income he doesn't have the eco to click up to castle age so i think now with a few fishing ships coming out john could be very serious are you serious the archers were heading towards those deer right it threw the deer too quickly so we went up to the other ones and now the archers are gonna miss the villagers that's not how is that a thing it's not even fair that doesn't dude that would be three villagers killed right there [Music] like okay let's say this game you know goes on for another 20 minutes and then uh when the game ends john notices that all the deer are gone like and you're saying he doesn't have any food income yeah that's his food income right there well he's still got sheep he's had like six sheep underneath his tc2 but i do think that this means if ilo is not going to expect the archers here so this could actually surprise him and it looks like john is in a position to defend against any archers that come in from it from uh yeah vilo excuse me oh dear man but he doesn't have all the archers out he does have two more in the range i guess it's just one and about to be two but there's the castle agent dave that's such a big deal to be able to keep those bills in the mix after losing water there oh boy loses that archer and immediately kicked off the gold tristan he couldn't even finish the second archery range yep needs to get some more defense here and john trying to get the villager will not get the villager tc hits the archers like three times but slightly i think in the end while john's doing a good job to be annoying here that archer's not going to contribute much more yeah and that extra hunt has helped avilo up to the next stage so he's on the way to the castle age john the fearless not there yet but on the fearless with the water control um the extra fishing chips and a much more stable economy yeah with the farms right and that's the thing about mongols you get that hunt but then it runs out look at that wood count for a vilo this is very uh very greedy long term but he is going to get horse color now okay well the archers find them now yep look at everything he checked oh and he's attacking the mill and avilo realizes and he's just so unfortunate it really is like there's there's making your own luck and then there's being a vilo like that is just a blessing from the age of empires gods right there fortunate to pick off this forward army though completely wipes that up availo losing four archers there before they can be upgraded uh i'm sorry i completely missed that one that was oh yep i see it okay this looks very very greedy for vilo and so maybe the rolls are going to reverse for the first time in the series 3tc's now i don't think the food eco is really there to justify a lot of this you've got two ranges he can't get a lead skirmisher he can't even get bodkin arrow it's just a straight up boom here from vilo and this is i'd say very dangerous against the archer numbers and the micro that john the fearless has and he's just now adding firms i mean with the with the tc placement there's not going to be a whole lot of areas john can hit with his archers which is going to be good for avilo if he plays a more defensive style but you're right about the food income yep like he's through the hunt at the top now and that's super exposed he probably doesn't want to go out there again and his farm count is only sitting at what nine right now he's gonna get bodkin dave but that means his tcs will go idle as he does this now john the fearless the way he's always played this map is little investment into water and then go for tc's with archers and he's stuck to that mo here i know in previous games he wasn't all about taking map control but on this one he loves to boom into archers and fast arbor list and it's really tough for me to say this because of the fact that vilo is up to nil and is undefeated and is on three tc's but i honestly would prefer to be in john's position having crossbows with a boom behind it didn't you say that last game like three times i i did which brings me back to my point that avilo is just a special player because like that's why i had to clarify that because i don't want people to be like no why would you ever say that if viper is wrong you know oh i recognize that good insight from ducks there he says with this level it feels like we're watching three grand finals today that's true dude that is very true this is not the final fyi everybody so i just feel as though the army out did ducks put his own quote on the screen yeah that's so ha would it come live talk about letting the power get to your head i know right it's like people didn't give him enough responses in twitch chat so he just decides to throw his own quote up there all right ducks so dave what do you think about this monastery and university now for avila it looks like he wants to go crossbows now yep and i like the fact that john the fearless oh he's he had a villager heading across and then he tasked her back to farms i thought he was going to go for some forward siege workshop i'd like to see some pressure from john rather than just sitting back all the time right well he he just i don't know if you could say this is unfortunate but the monk is distracting the crossbows and so he's been chasing that and he will kill that but now he can't really do damage here as he lost crossbows running forward but dave you could see the what the food eco has done and also what that farming eco has done and i think if isla was just way too greedy i honestly think that if the deer villagers would have died earlier john the fearless would have a massive lead i'm the fearless is more than fine right now alas the deer villagers did not die and avilo is on stone right now yeah he's working his way towards the castle and we know how deadly mangady can be on this map once you get the mast that's been a conversation we've had for years is how greedy should you be with mongols do you need to go to stone early can you wait can you play aggressive and cast light with other units but for if i lo the logic is simple just get to a castle with mongols and he feels like how can i lose but i still you've got to mask them dave you need to get upgrades on them i think that it'll be very tough for vilo to really push over the next 10 to 15 minutes and there's potential for john and i think it's going to be tough for john to uh keep this army alive avalo is kind of baiting him into his second army with those first six yeah a little bit here uh there is ballistics for violo and ballistics is about to complete here as we see micro from both so they both have ballistics in this engagement and they're both gonna dance here i mean the value has been pretty close so far wow uh someone want to explain what we're seeing here thank you uh hello yeah this in the end john the fearless is going to win this dave but impressive from the vylo to go into this fight with fewer units what the what in the name of he's got the other one microring on the other side too oh there we go put an end to it thank you unbelievable micro from both players there but i think it's it should in theory be a much easier position for the person with more numbers right so i'm a little shocked that avila was able to trade against two armies like that let's get some nerd spam and chat a bunch of nerds indeed uh dave no castle yet or if i lo but you see what john the fearless is planning on it's cheap to go up to imp with italians he wants to go for fast starblist and probably a forward castle of his own with bombard cannons to push the mongols i mean he's only got 160 in the bank so he's gonna have to wait a little bit i like the castle from avila being safer yeah up to the north there because it is one of your main production buildings if you're going into mangudai so you want to keep that a little bit more secure if your opponent decides to go for some fast imperial big moment big moment is is john the fearless going to realize this and he does and that was actually i would say poor for vilo to poke out on that side that he is to abandon this it's going to push him towards that castle yeah it'll push him right towards that castle and john the fearless is gonna hang out in that area now that he sees that foundation he's not gonna let that go down but he will take the right the middle now right he's gonna run away and distract he's now gonna take the middle with some more units and the tc did go up for john here as he is on his way up through the imperial age i think that avilo he's going for a very greedy approach here dave i love john the fearless's position nice little loop there from avilo to go around north of that woodline with a few villagers and complete that castle right yep that's gonna eventually go up i imagine if you're john do you dive in here do you just try and keep your numbers alive it's tough right i feel like there's a value to keeping avilo distracted with this army and keeping him on edge 91 ecoverse 88 one player on the way to imperial age one player with 18 military but that player has the worst tech long term i i could definitely sense something happening here where i think we'll have a situation where vailo's later to the imperial age but with two castles burst faster to the imperial age with one for john scorpion goes down and there goes the castle manganese coming near the crossbows oh that response time from john was sick and there he goes so what we've seen from john in the past is fast r blessed into bombard cannons into a castle for map control it's all about extending his lead early on where's this next castle go for value i would probably place it in front of this tc here dave but it seems like he wants to stay out of the middle with these castles yeah it's just it's a risk right especially when you see your opponents already in imperial age yeah you have to assume there's bombard cannons or a castle or something coming and if he gets the siege out under the field before you he can take down that second production building so i'm i'm very curious where he puts this okay put it more defensively i don't even think mangudai is an option here you just cannot have the time to mask them arbalest will be such a strong unit i was thinking they so many manga dolls is he going onager is that just like a delay tactic with the manganos what about drill on ager dave drill oniger could be really sick it feels bad against bomber cannons though true but if you get into rams too i mean thinking this would be more about the mongol siege than anything and i really do like that castle spot now for um for john as he boldly fearlessly kills villagers underneath that tc 50 population lead for john dave this is insane and look at the villagers go out to expand to get outpost for map control yep excellent response after the lame being down two games john the fearless showing what he's all about here as soon as he had the opportunity he immediately spreads his little webs all over the map we got blue dots everywhere and he's even got arboles at the top preventing avilo from expanding that way yep he's he's everywhere he sees everything and it means everything to him to get a win here i think if you were to the quality's so high as we are seeing drill and we are seeing onager you called it because we rarely see that right as a player hits imperial age so credit to you tristan you you called that one well let's see if it works because you also said it's awkward against bomber cannon so here's the deal guys so drill makes your siege faster and oh the bombard cannon the bomber cannon stays alive that's such a big deal but these are speedy onagers and it will be very tough for john to micro against speedy onigers or will it dave big moment he's gonna send two at a time these things are so fast oh and the bombard cannon goes down run and now you can't push now you can't push the castles this is a big problem oh my god he even takes out his own trees for good measure here and now john the fearless is like uh oh that's dangerous he backs away and i see him immediately get well for a second there he got a cav upgrade so i think he wants to go hussar and now you can move into manga or mangudai yeah mining the tiff and the unique unit there we go what do you call italian italianese crossbows i guess we probably won't see those boom absolutely rocked there yeah yeah now your castles are safe now you can make manga die dave but um it you still only got two castles and he hasn't been able to expand to additional stone piles like there's so many resources for jon and we saw what he could do last game holding on here for a long time but i guess the script has flipped a little bit oh no here come the onagers they're so fast oh no oh no all right well good splits from jonas he confidently goes in here and why are you doing that if if he would have been given any other name he would have ran away there dangerous dangerous spot for these units they're so it's just so unexpected you never fight against drill siege yeah it's so rare it's com really really hard to predict especially if you're you're microing with archers the speed surprises you every single time yeah and it's it's just uh i don't know if i could tell you the last time we've seen a straight up opening to auditor drill um this is one of those special moments they have two relics for both and here's the uh cavalier switch cava is he actually gonna get he actually is going cavalier wow interesting well he has the gold for it certainly and cavalier fantastic against the onagers and i think avilo is just hoping to get you out to marbs but he realistically if he's out here he is in trouble against cav and here come three palmer cannons milo needs to defend himself still dave massive confidence from vilo just wandering around with three onagers it's so crazy but soon 200 population versus 130. i know that drill onager is exciting but i just don't nice how do you notice that like you're focusing in so many different areas how do you notice that just in the nick of time that's amazing and now the like have come in big attack rounds possible we'll probably see a split from the cav though expecting it and we see both actually oh no but the arms go down and now two bomber cannons go down and here come the cavalier and the cavaliers split and should be enough to take out as uh valio kills his own villagers what in the world dave but the castle's down the castle is down the cavalier numbers are being whittled down as well there's like have on the field but castle was in an important position there yeah and that stays up of course if you want to rely on only hussar and and sieger i think it's going to be tough here italian cav maybe not high up on their list of strengths but it should be because they do get full upgrades but the orbs are needed i mean the kd's gonna look good at least for valeo if he keeps this up but i don't know if he can continue to sustain production davey does not have any map control i feel like paviza saved a few of those herbalists there he's trying to deny this castle with just an auditor he's doing so much work with these things but ivalio is dead he's going to lose his first game look at the raids he hasn't reacted to this giant fearless says it's my turn and in this game john has killed 32 villagers and only lost five and who cares about as another shot comes in how many are blessed you lose except for maybe that highlight reel as the bloomberg kid goes down too oh god i would be a little frustrated if i'm john right now killed the castle foundation too and it might kill this one as well he killed two castle foundations with that one treb but it doesn't matter john the fearless in such a dominating position right now and he takes back a game from a vilo who looked so good in the first two wait did he really take out two castle foundations yep yep so let me get this straight evalio vilo uh took out two castle foundations with true two treb volleys and then called the gg yep i mean i'm not saying you shouldn't resign that's just really funny um well played from john the fearless dave and this was perhaps a rougher start than he's ever faced in this series after getting lame yeah it was a really good bounce back from him i think the um the water battle was one very early which benedict fitted him greatly right he had that fish nico the entire time he was able to get an advantage from that unfortunate that he missed the villagers on the deer in the north but uh he managed to push avilo off gold for quite a while in that transitionary period and uh he never looked back and that was i i can say it even though i think we know this players way better than most it was bad from a vilo i said it the second the three tcs went up you'd know army control on a map where you need it and you had lost some water control it really was a poor way of capitalizing on the opportunity that he had with the lame on top of that dave a little bit of good fortune he could have even lost those risky villagers in the middle so john the fearless i think undefeated on that map in this tournament and he's hoping to play it again he would have to play it again in the finals of course we can't see that map again here in the semis and for the first time we will see uh the home map of avilo and the first one he picked was quarry is that what he's gonna go for dave i mean he picked it first um don't we have to play bypass though oh yes that's true that's true bypass is set my bad chat my bad this is why this is why we stream this as opposed to recording it for youtube thank you i think i think you were about to be like i think you're about to roll with me there and then you saw chad freaking out you're like wait a second what did chad say am i muted again i opened the game so oh wonderful well i'll hop into game four then so that's an easy way to answer our questions and uh we have seen this before and we are in i'm about 15 seconds in now and in the blue we have john the fearless looking to tie things up in this epic semi-final in the red we have turks for evalo so maya excuse me malay against turks a matchup we've seen before it's surprising how many times we've seen this matchup yeah there's obviously practicing this map quite a bit and with the turks the strategy has been light cap control the outer areas of the map maybe stop a push down the middle and for the malay we've had varied results we saw that one player sanjata go for a super fast castle h into some monk and siege pressure yep and then we saw another couple players go for fast futile into eco upgrades yes now i think john the fearless is a boomer despite the age of this player depending on who it is um so i would say this is probably going to be that eco approach you mentioned from malay uh as for turks if you expect that from the opposition what is the best play here dave do you go fast him do you boom yourself i feel like if you don't try and be aggressive in some way you're just playing at a disadvantage early i think the uh fact that these were played after the first round of the tournament was shown yes it is probably gonna weigh into this because john the fearless will have seen that turk strategy okay it's no longer a surprise i don't know if he practiced against someone who like prior to the tournament who did it yeah um but he'll know what's coming so maybe avilo knowing that we'll switch up his strategy a little bit okay well we see the forward villager here no huge rush at the start to do this but you see some quick palisade walls here and this is so vilo can have an extra layer of protection which indicates some passive play but yeah i would personally prefer to have malay uh just because of the eco bonuses but i i could really see a vilo uh playing a bit i don't know aggressive to then stall the game out i suppose and then using all the gold here i would really like the idea of going for relic control and uh light calf as turks to control the extra sides extra sides exercise extra resources on the side sorry it's been a long day we're only halfway through pretty much yeah that's true well that's good for me i i don't know if the quality of my casting is going to be there in when the finals arrive but i know the quality of the games will be so so uh a few moments here just to bring up a few things uh to everyone who's here so we have a giveaway link below the stream and you don't have to enter that you can enter in a lot of different ways if you received a gifted sub or have a prime or whatever you can get extra entries there i'll do that giveaway after the reveal today because today's probably going to end up being ridiculously long and tiring i'll send you the email if you win uh also we have i think it's up now below the stream it is a prediction page where you can put in your predictions for all 16 players now we will also be giving away um prizes to the people who who get all 16 players correct last year there were not many and then the final reminder uh is a thank you for being here and i don't normally do this in my normal streams but i figured since we have 56 000 people if you do have twitch prime that goes directly towards the channel and obviously it goes towards the prize pool too here so thank you guys for the support i wanted to give you a little breather there dave um nothing out of the ordinary so far for me what do i normally say here if you're a fan of a vilo donate if you're a fan of john the fearless subscribe that's so that's such a good sellout and is it going to work that's the question oh it's like got him got him got him got him it's working you didn't even i said like i spoke for a whole minute and you spoke for 10 seconds and look at this thanks man all right dave's getting it [Laughter] john the fearless is actually expanding over to the right side here bud whoa i like that and not going up quickly for the eco upgrades or yes not yet maybe he's gonna try and drop the food here it's always weird with malay right the timings because you go up so quickly you're thinking like if he wants to get eco upgrades he should try and go up yeah 1920 pop but with malay you never really know yeah i don't think this is that build order we've seen before um so instead of going for 26 or 27 pop up to feudal age with malay you normally come up with something ridiculous like 30 or 31. so it is probably i mean it is fast castle guaranteed but if you look at how avila is playing this he's playing the standard approach of just staying at home with the scout dave so he doesn't really see this and he can't really prep to do anything about this right now he has no scouting whatsoever took him a while to push in all the uh zebra and ostrich yeah but it looks like why is he still at home that's my question he's in his eyes he's going fast castles so he doesn't really care but if he goes up with anything more than 27 pop it might be a fast imperial from a vilo i think he's going to go up on 27 pop though so this is my guess uh a stable opening in the next stage you get light calf on the field and then just boom thank you to link for the 10 gifted subs no chill donated actually so do you say that's an avilo fan okay we have one of ilo fan and a ton of prime john the fearless fan so apparently everyone's rooting for john the fearless kappa um obviously those stress guys thank you to the uh i actually missed the message because it's off my screen now thank you to whoever that was thanks for the guy who randomly donated me 50 yesterday too really while you were casting with me it happens occasionally just look at my email at the at nighttime like what that's great man hey i have i can't say that i've really received many donations while not streaming or co-casting on someone else's channel so all right well we have a crazy fast uptime to feudal age coming in for john the fearless which could lead to an insanely fast castle age and i'm really liking the build order we'll probably go with a market and a blacksmith dave and i'm expecting john the fearless to maybe keep some focus on this right-hand side yeah and avalo even going out to stone for that extra he spent 10 stone or 20 stone i guess on the outposts they're really slyingly placed actually on the uh each side of that wall so he's gonna have to make that up it looks like he wants that second tc and stable blacksmith from avilo you were right yeah okay so here are the outposts i was like for some reason i missed half of what you said and the outpost thing was really bothering me so i found them there you go people that is true this is pretty satisfying you know what bothers me is how you can't put a unit into the outpost i feel like and i hate to give devs more more weird balance suggestions but what if there was a sieve where if you put a unit inside of the outpost you would get more vision no okay but we do have a unit that has charge attack so you can't rule anything out people charge what would that be like the forest ranger tech or something like that that would be you know what it seems more competitive than a charge attack dave that's true that's true uh all right so avilo is looping around to this side but he doesn't see that the zebra have been taken yeah now i guess you wouldn't assume that they should be there but he's just doing a loopty loop here and i wonder i was that factored in by john there's no way he factored in his mill position so he wouldn't be spotted right no because you have no idea like where your enemy's gonna be scouting here and john needed to take this scout fight earlier rather than later because pretty soon bilo is gonna change into a light cav but if he if he tries to save the scout he's just going to show the enemy the villagers something that vilo might not expect but now he knows there's something there so i why even bring him back there yeah sounds weird i i mean we're going to have a tc so yeah fine you know that he knows and you're still malay which should be the much better sieve with a boom here and that's exactly what we're seeing a tc at home tc the foreign land to the east and this will be all about eco and for valdo if i lo of course this is a player who's looking very good to move on he's going to go through you've been doing well i've been doing better really well yeah it's gotten to the point where i don't trust myself anymore so when i say it correct i have to think about it but yeah there's the tc what do you think about the tc though cause personally i think having a tc on stone right now doesn't necessarily suit a booming build i would have liked it one tile closer to the gold and then you're only one tile away from the stone and one tile away from the gold okay you might just this is weird man because you don't need this much on stone right now so i think he's going to pull farmers here it does give evalio or vilo a target right and he's got the light calf here he's microing around nicely and we'll try and loop around to the other side now this is even at a point now where we all try and pretend like we don't know who these two players are or actually that's not true most people think they know and i would agree with them but as a caster it's hidden identities guys we don't know who is who are gonna be very annoying like jon has to react right away when they start attacking something like a gate you gotta send villagers immediately while behind it and then as soon as he walls behind it he'll just shift focus to maybe the other gate or different palisade walls he'll constantly be have light cap looking for exposed villagers and behind this he's booming up with three tc's as well so really solid build here from avila yep 10 mils behind some eco upgrades behind just a note on eco upgrades that farm upgrade that second one dave came in really early here and it actually led to evilo idling his tc's for a bit and that's something that the viper is known for is getting that second pharma parade at this stage of the game and he really believes that it is the better way to play it but you know your tc goes idle and then you're up against malay you are going to be way behind in villagers and now vilo is kind of spreading his light cav out he's got one on the relic to the left and one on the relic to the right yeah or it was near the relic to the right i think he's going out there with a monk fairly soon he's really worried about that scout that's out there for good reason does he see it i think that's what he's going for that's why he sent that light cap back yep yep he sees it he just doesn't want to lose these monks and he doesn't want the enemy to get any relics you can see in the mini-map guys how he's camping those good point from that user on reddit by the way i'm loving the chatter man i like finished 10 days of 10 days 10 hours sorry of casting immediately load up all the different socials and see what people are thinking about the games you go for that monk there nah i don't think there's any way that john can realistically take any monks out with that scout as we see a fourth town sensor now going for the mega boom this time t seeing the zebra interesting if he stonewalls that right side as we see a light calf blocking and nice pick off i really have some faith here in john the fearless to tie this up just stonewall that side you don't have the confidence to do that when you don't have military but be really cool for later on and i think we'll start to see just why malay are chosen so frequently why you want to boom with them because with all this economy i think john the fearless will click up to em soon dave i do like the fact that avilo is gonna be getting the relic advantage you really need that with turks yeah turks is a civilization that struggles so hard if they have no gold and now avila is going forward with a siege workshop on the right-hand side but he has no loom he's going to get killed by the lion and listen no no this is this should be easy enough yeah okay yep lions are no problem when you can just build partial walls just age of empires things and woo-woo-woo as we call it here tonight i know that everyone wants to say viper confirmed but truthfully guys that is uh if if someone in the top 16 didn't do that right there i would be shocked that should be an easy one they do de-aggro once you place the palisade near them or over them [Laughter] from john the fearless truly fearless and he's going to run into the lion as well okay well has now a vilo can actually get out of there that let that lets him get out you know what's crazy though i keep coming back to these defensive siege workshops from john and i think john's making a really good play here he knows that he's been greedy with the boom and he needs to get map control before it's taken from him and he has the siege workshop up before the enemy arrives with siege and he's gonna go into a piping push so he's not gonna go in i think this is a really good call from john the fearless and i think that evilo pretty soon is going to struggle against pike siege but i could be wrong because now has two barracks are tonight kind of killing momentum with that one although the barracks on the left is gonna get forced up monks are still looking for conversions does not have redemption i don't think so he can't convert the buildings it's funny how consistent this is between these players like now you have a defensive castle this is like what the third time in four games we've seen beyond the fearless boom and then try and drop a castle and then there's siege here are they playing the same map every time micro important here dave really really important because that ideal castle spot is right where it was attempted a moment ago and units into the tc put the play here from john to take out monks with pikeman it'd be a time for the magnel to pop out two and he does can you get the other scorpion oh that's good from john that was very good for john yep monk is still alive somehow yeah i guess you just let it there for now just oh yeah go back ah he's dead but now you've weathered this norm and i have a sneeze here excuse me but he's about carry on dave are you are you good you okay earth we're good i had sorry i had to sneeze and it was just a really bad time so i wanted to be kind and you know mute avilo added a fourth tc by the way yeah but look at that look at the eco expansion for john yeah it's crazy and now he's on his way to him feels like this this push on this right side did absolutely nothing yeah problem with ilo you're starting to question like the decision making here from avilo was it really necessary to invest into that did you get any value really from your likav what is the what is the advantage with turks yeah in this situation it's hard to say that you you don't want to do that though because i don't see how else you can pressure the enemy maybe the middle honestly maybe the middle was the way but um i think good players when playing malay are always going to get these types of leads and now it comes down to if i lo can stall it out big time but what i think is poor for vilo is the positioning of the archery ranges even maybe the positioning of that castle i don't know if he's gonna be able to hold this spot uh and if he loses those buildings he could just start losing everywhere i really like how he's stonewalling the left now yep that is a good move just in case john wants to pressure that side this will start to swing and we have a castle for john who's opening hal which i suppose isn't great against cav archer long term i think you already had the pikeman though maybe it was expecting more of an investment in the cavalry yeah castle h and if you already have the numbers and you have rams behind it how bram is not really that bad especially early on the way to imp now for vilo did you see that did john the fearless complete supplies or hesitate about going for supplies i think he might have misclicked dave he doesn't know the castle's there this is crucial timing he would be making a treb if he knew and now he finds out now he's got to back away this is very important to start getting some trebuchets out and he's in on the left-hand side too right past the wall from avilo there is a light cap there which could kill those four villagers though and it's all comes down to the recognition from both of them and also in the middle here for john the fearless as avila was pushing in with a small force do not forget how weak palisade walls are there and immediately after that if isla is going to wall the middle so he figures make him think i'm going to come with more and this is going to be the end of it uh light cav has found one villager but there's still more over here john the fearless and that wall will go down unless john gets more over here okay kind of a weird looking army here for a vilo on the right side near this castle two scorpions two manganals some cav archers that aren't upgraded yet he's just now getting to the imperial age ballistics coming in which is good looking very very good for john the fearless currently can he take out that castle malay do not get cdram there are manganese behind i think it's worth to eject the help to take out the siege here you just want to take out the castle yeah first nothing can kill your rams once those uh magnatals are down he's microing the rams underneath the castle now the halves come out oh this is huge for john he's got trebs to back this up and he's so confident he's going to drop his castle here before this one even goes down what a big push for john the fearless yeah that's a huge swing now that castle's gone the production buildings are going to be in awkward positions if he wants the masters cav archers from there or his bombard cannons for that matter as the bomber cannon goes down to the hounds and he's going to have to reposition everything this is a huge huge uh momentum swing for john the fearless the boom paying off here and there's just so much blue and now you have villagers on the other side so there's no real control there and i i question the forward i question the range position even that castle you know all of this was not something that avilo could protect john the fearless might have just won this game dave i will say there's one hussar over to the right side of the map and it's killed about 12 villagers okay i'm john the fearless so raids technically yeah raids but should be something that's noticed and then you've got halves killing villagers on the flip side and this is just going to be halvadir and trebuchets at this point john the fearless is like i don't need hussars i don't need our bliss i can do everything should take that castle out too i was waiting for bombard cannons from the vilo but he lost them he just didn't have them in time is that hussar gonna depopulate that entire area come on john the fearless if he loses this game we'll look back at this moment possibly possibly but it looks pretty good for him right now i mean he's getting that castle position there bomber cannons are coming out for the turk player which can be dangerous if masked yep same story for the cavalry archers but the problem for him is going to be massing them vilo doesn't have stone right now completely out of stone after losing the castle he now has to buy stone to repair this he's of course hoping to take out the siege with his bomber cannons and the left side's a concern right because john the fearless actually has eco there now and he's going to expand with buildings so this is just a this is just a giant avilo sandwich at the moment a star is still going what the hell it's a beast dude oh my goodness but yeah dave i still don't think that hustler is going to be able to save the castle and i don't think that vilo can last if there's production coming in all around look you even have trebs and halves from the middle at all angles from john the fearless feel like turks are strong here but against a good boom how are you ever gonna do damage we saw that here yep and i would say that if i lo uh maybe the player more suited for the closed maps based on who we think these players might be uh the castle's gonna go down here right yeah castle's going down i was going to say if he does keep that alive and masses cav archers there's a possibility but with no castle you're pop capped hussar is still going though us are still killing villagers it wasn't for that hustler i don't think if i lo would have a chance but nah man look at this i guess he's repairing that bomber cannon maybe he could keep it alive but he just has no space and he's losing ground on the right he's losing ground from the left he must not have known that four villages went through there dave that's the only explanation of why he allowed them to build they ran into the castle shame oh it's coming back to his base what did oh the hussar oh it died jeff's in chat pay respects to the hustler the only castle foundation cave where oh he lost another one he lost it to the bombard cannon i'm pretty sure that was an attack ground from avilo i'm fairly certain that was well the tc and villagers are going down like i want to get excited about that but that's two in a row where he's losing the castle foundations when he has the lead it's good for a vilo but perhaps some worry here the mental the energy levels as you approach what will probably be the fifth game if this game does indeed get finished off i can't i don't see how and now pressure through the middle as well we got villagers coming through the middle we've got halibuters there we've got a trem like there's pressure from all sides on a valley's base if he somehow gets the cav archer mass in this game maybe he could have made something happen but i think it's too late now it maybe was a master class from john the fearless to take a side at the start because maybe with map control with light calf what if isla would have wanted to do was stonewall the sides dave you get like have on the sides when the enemy's just booming at their base then you stonewall the sides you keep them away from the side but the way john the fearless approach this was perfect if you ask me and then as i said when the pressure came in he actually was prepped to defend it hit a massive echo lead and the score is two to two in this semi-final i kind of think that hussar kept him in the game longer he should have been like it legitimately killed 20 villagers over there it definitely did i mean there's no way there's no way that it didn't and maybe that's also part of the reason why he was still playing on because he probably noticed that and figured well it gives me more of a reason to try and hold on if i hold on i've just killed 20 bills but man what a treat here dave i'll show you guys what the boom did more food and more wood for john the fearless and that's pretty much all he needed he did need some trebs and some some rams turks they don't get skirmisher turks do not get their own halberdier they need gold units and then evalio just didn't have the time i just questioned the sieve pick like i still don't see i i know the turks strategy has worked previously but i still don't see how it's any better than some other civilizations i well yeah we've seen it work so for that reason it makes me think that it's just how john the fearless approach that game you know anyways i'm already ready for the next map because i've seen the map it will be quarry and we will have a very similar approach from both players for game number five just a reminder that many people here believe that we might have viper vs hera and last time we saw these players play in a hidden cup was the finals of hidden cup three if it is them and at the very least at this point like we expected going into this tournament dave if we are correct the level was a lot closer now because those finals were a stomp it was a 4-0 stomp wasn't even close here you have john the fearless who's brought it back whoever he is he's playing vietnamese and then we have britons or avilo we saw how well britain's did in the first time we've ever seen this map earlier today it's kind of seemed unstoppable i mean sanjata did go for spanish and vietnamese counter britain's i think a little bit better than the spanish too there's some similarities between hal admiral who's who's our finalist who's waiting for the winner here and avilo draft we're seeing similar sieves on bypass similar civilizations saved for quarry it really does feel like if avila were to make it to the final he'd be facing up against someone he's trained with which i suppose is when you have the top teams having the top players it makes sense but just something to keep in mind here and i guess if john makes it maybe john has already faced up against a lot of those strats if he were to beat avilo yeah potentially what do you think the the opening is here for each player i think it rush makes a lot of sense here i think uh pre-mill barracks getting militia onto the field and just fighting for control berries are always forward on this map and so that's a spot that is deceivingly uh needed i guess and his high pressure area typically so um i don't think elaine would be very smart then again if i lo tried it earlier don't think stealing that board would be very smart because he'll know the avenue you'll take back to your base he might find the sheep though okay they seize the sheep i guess you just hide them i mean you can't you can't really get them out yeah maybe if you sneak along that wood line but here comes jon scout he's gonna find them and he's gonna immediately engage oh what he hit that sheep okay so he kills the sheep that's one way to do it you can only kill sheep with your scalp if it's close to the enemy and an enemy's color so it doesn't transfer ownership but that to me it did look like a second hit there and vilo does take out the sheep and it is rude chat it is rude but also i feel like jon will be happy with the hp on his scalp i think if jon clicks those sheep away avilo can never do that yeah because he keeps the distance then a vilo claims those sheep as his own and he can't snipe them right but cause he kept them still there avila was able to snipe them and that's negative 200 food yup maybe john the fearless likes to be lamed because when he got lamed it started his win streak and if i lo uh i again i have to bring up had a very very poor follow-up i think it's been his poorest game in the tournament so far can understand the greed maybe being up 2-0 at that time hey we see the boar weakened by the tc with four in tc making my assessment completely wrong yet again not a single player so far this tournament accidentally killing the board with the dc yeah we have dash who casted with me earlier says john the fearless is hera well very bold guest there dash he is you can tell me yeah you could tell that dash is in the big leagues you know with that prediction right there thanks for watching dash thanks for your input uh so walls for eva vilo and maybe this is just into archer's dave i was incorrect on my assessment they did not go for a pre-mill barracks but now wait a second john sending a ville does he want to fight this it actually makes sense you have a loomed villager against the loomed villager and then a full hp scout versus a weak scout my question is but why why not though it could be a veil kill it could be a bill kill or he could just send it back to the tc he's trying it yeah and this is not something that's normally expected so if you can block this um yeah okay maybe this is this is your point i asked the question but why well he went back with the weak one again dave he's got some confidence and okay now you've got a fresh villager but still there's the scout there i mean it is annoying but uh we see the fuel age on the way forward i want to like lame the berries here did you see what you're thinking of he tried to make a palisade there and valium made his own palisade first you gotta be kidding me yeah and now the villager heads back and what you accomplished with that is a ton of idol time for one villager that's a fair point i like i like the energy though you know i love that mining camp oh my god for john the fearless that is a good-looking mining camp that is do we have to look at something else because i really don't want to right now i just want to spend a couple more seconds looking at that that is jason's in chat now john the fearless is a little caught off by this dave and um i could see this being awkward for him because he's trying to wall and in about 20 seconds the enemy's gonna be up don the fearless wait a second john the fearless is staying in dark age and making militia he's expect he's not expecting this to be man at arms from the enemy defensive drush he does have more scout hp true so that will help him out here but he gets an extra hit on him the militia are trying to take down the villager and i think they might get her no it won't get her the scout can run away but you know what if john the fearless can just get the walls down amended arm's gonna be in scout will be here as a distraction about five seconds here dave it all starts to go down don't lose your scout oh they both lose their scouts and men and arms is in and the pressure will be on yeah the pressure is on john the fearless just now on the way to the feudal age about 30 percent there and avalo is gonna have units running around his economy it's gonna be i don't think he's gonna find any villager kills but it's certainly gonna be annoying yeah and it gives you momentum because both players are gonna follow this up with archers so there's already a range and now avilo can take the middle i think this is a really poor position for john the fearless to be in yeah especially with all that free food in the middle with the deer super important to have control over that however and this isn't brought up frequently i'm sure vilo will feel jealous of the mining camp and that might get in his head a little bit because that is gorgeous yet again he's thinking damn i'm not he's not going to have to invest an extra 100 wood to go to stone oh my god yeah for behind and then then he's gonna send an extra wood at home so when he needs to place two actually you know what it's fine but dave the archers are here there's a tower there it's gonna be on the berries that's gonna go up i just really feel like momentum is not there for john and john will have to abandon these berries yeah he doesn't have to follow this tower up with anything really he can just send these villagers back yeah collect the the deer and then just casually collect some stone uh when he's on his way to the castle age for those extra tc's he's actually not going to stop he's go oh he's just going to push in here i think he wants to maybe force a reaction it is ironic that john might go to stone because of this but yeah he just wants to break through so we can get his archers in and now he's going to take the deer so okay so archer's amended arms much more dangerous composition here than just pure minute arms in the base yep blacksmith can go up around potentially to that woodline nice little cheeky gate there from john the fearless it's not gonna keep him out for very long but it's confidence though right you know it's showing the confidence that john the fearless has watching about to be in for john as he will make skirmishers vietnamese very good against britain's if they get enough skirms out but oh this is a problem for the lumberjacks they actually cannot they're forced to tank arrow shots because the skirms can't get there to save them right now dave yeah because the men in arms are still in play they're chasing after those and a villager is going to go down the archers are running away from the skirms the men at arms are chasing and that's tons of idle time there for john the fearless plus the villager kill really good start for vilo here and he can take his berries can't take his hunt but it is fascinating when we're talking about john because john just wants his farms from what we've seen his transitions into farming eco sets him apart and i'm still getting so much value buying so much time and the archers i think will go down now but this villager could go down a vilo avilo spots weak bills on that stone oh the archers get trapped there and now it's coming back for this fill you've got to save that john quick walls yeah that won't go down nope okay i also like how john has taken his drush and put one militia on either side of the wood line oh yeah that's true yeah you could chop through there at some point if you're about if i low we have a vilo with an archer inside the tower has been freely taking the deer dave and look at the follow up here house walls a stone gate this tells me that avila wants to take this up to the next age and make it about those crossbows yeah it tells me he's interested in military number over the boom i mean see how annoying he's being he actually hopped out with that one unit yeah military over there perfectly fine it's weak villagers though for blue if he ever gets in there with any more units yeah could be in trouble is it surprising to you at this point that john the fearless is able to macro his way up to castle or is it just expected after what we've seen i think it's expected and especially since there was more pressure from avilo i i think with like the men at arms upgrade and the opening it's probably easier at this stage for john the fearless to get there quicker yeah and the difference here will be that one player will have the stone to click up to the next stage or what am i i'm sorry i just combined two phrases one player will have the stone to go for town centers is what i meant to say and i think we know that john the fearless loves to go for town centers so someone in chat like with a notepad like i didn't know you need he like didn't have his blacksmith and he thought his game was bugged and he restarted it and then he's he's like oh i needed stone oh i forgot about that all right well only one range so my assessment's actually incorrect here i really want to let's go into stone now he's going to stone now and he's looping a villager to the left side is he going to put an outpost on each of these one ville going to each side i hope he's not trying to chop both sides because that's a little bit too uh that doesn't seem like a great play i think it's outpost okay all right so just to know if the enemy's gonna chop through that line of trees to work their way around can can you believe that on the only other game that we've seen we saw a player get to war wolf trebuchets and paladins not both you know you know that's why players didn't want to play this map you know they they figured out that uh it comes down to the sieve draft at the end of the day right yeah and i can camp it out with britain's it's a pretty strong option like we just saw so many in the practice games it was just aztecs and spanish and yolo sips is pretty insane both these guys think archer sips are the way and we see cross bowman and bodkin and an immediate tc i think this is going to go late dave there will be a big boom for both players yeah kind of questioning that stone gate for vilo because it delayed his tc a little bit and he had he was forced to go to stone with like three or four yeah but still he's gonna get that second tc up at a decent time and he's gonna get the third one up pretty soon here britons are crazy with their cheap two seeds it's pretty greedy for john ii but i refuse to doubt the greed um you see him getting armor already so i guess he's going to shoot towards getting elite skirms on the field but these crossbows are going to break in for vilo and he also have a siege workshop there so i think magnel crossbow should do quite well against just the skirmishers crossbow's not gonna be able to find anything here if he manages to loop around to the far left maybe but i doubt he wants to go that far in yeah because he hasn't really seen anything from john the fearless for all he knows there could be an army behind here somewhere all right paying close attention to everything now it's a bit it's bit risky to get near the town centers when they have a flag on it against john because he hides the skirms in there he's also got some skirms in the range but they're not elite yet and avilo with some confidence i'd say to push over here because he could have so easily been scared of that yeah and he can camp this whole area that's like eight farms the gold and the stone that you're cutting off just by sitting there and the wood gets pulled away too so you can see the advantage of of military pressure right even if it's not killing any villagers it's forcing john the fearless to react is forcing idle time and here comes a manganell from the middle here and manganol with crossbows in the back of the base seems pretty good against elite skerm how many times have we seen this vilo pushing in coming forward with siege john the fearless defensive siege workshop i mean it hasn't always been crossbows but this is just the theme of this set and look at these crossbows they might just maneuver their way back over or they might not actually nope just kidding okay defensive siege workshop goes up for john which is important here he needs to get his own magnels to take out the enemy magnets good pressure from avilo and he remember he's still on stone behind this tristan he's got like almost 300 stone so if at any point he takes a good engagement and feels like he can safely plop a castle in a forward position he has that option this is probably one of the few maps where i think someone like let's say viper would drop a forward castle because if you drop it in the middle it's at the bottom of the hill which doesn't feel too good okay mangano coming forward from john the fearless let's see the micro remember the cross game when avilo i mean that was a long one but he didn't have the repairville i think he needs to repair this he's got to have a villager there and we see a stable for uh john he's thinking about knights as he loses the bill but he hasn't lost many this is so intense man the level is so knights are pretty good option here especially if you have skirmishers elite skirms behind to back it up yeah as he's microing against manganos again six six stuff and now sending villagers to take out this magnel which could end up working out actually and he could also cut off the crossbowman dave oh oh my god the play from john the villagers worked out and now the crossbowmen are kind of trapped in here there's no magnel it's the repair villager that's needed the repair villagers needed otherwise this happens john the fearless says get out of here the confidence from john the fearless to see crossbows that he wants to trap on one side and a mangano coming from the other side ignore the crossbows for the time being split around the mangonel shot and then clear them up afterwards that was fantastic a stable also might be a little bit of a surprise if the crossbow numbers are as low as they are might be able to justify taking some map control with some knights maybe even an elephant but vilo is back it is 72 villagers for vilo 68 and uh again the theme is one player sitting back in their base the other player trying to be aggressive as uh mbl would say it's a war game guys the objective is to fight i see armor on the way constantly idling resources yeah like these farms at the front have been idle more than they've been worked on that gold is idled there's a couple more farms to the left the berries still haven't even been fully collected and behind this availo is just comfortably booming on three tc's and he's got enough stone for a castle now yeah now i don't think this is a spot where forward castles could personally i think taking some losses the confidence there for john i don't think he sees the stable and oh my goodness that shot nice shots that was from miles away dave he could get another one here doesn't uh predicts the split and good engagements here for vilo still no attack rounds the last two were really really good from a vilo like you said predicted that split with the skirmishers sometimes you get a little bit too cute you know see a monastery or a university another stable another range john the fearless perhaps a bit worried now and feels they need to get production but just like in that mla game i think it's wise to produce a lot right now do not just try and go imp here try and clear this up and then go in 1100 stone in the bank and i see villagers coming forward where is it going to go well you see it right there dave this is some there's some crazy timing though because chain barting is going to be in all nights and there's enough nights i don't think this castle is going to go up dave i really think if ilo is going to make a big mistake here some risky business he's got about to be five nights garrison in that stable he's got a defensive manganell too the castle foundation is up blue can he see that yes he can there's three magnels here dave the skirms did have to hop into the town center town center's just being repaired constantly oh this is tense oh my god this could be the game game changing moment right here also if i lose on the way to imp don't you have to engage this if you're john you're investing so much i'm surprised he hasn't come out he's waited for so long like did he forget that he had the knights i guess if i lose in a great position then i mean i'm not saying that with plus two nights against britain crossbows it would necessarily be okay but i can tell you one thing if that castle goes up it's not okay yeah and that's that's um a stepping point to another castle because he's still got 750 stone in the back yeah if that is i don't know if the word passive fits there but that to me is very weird because the game just feels over if you lose that much map control the enemy's not making nights so they're never going to be able to um that you know they're going to be an imperial age faster because they're not spending food and gold and now you just lose two tc's too so that's just like what two dc's and access to that other gold there's no way you're getting to the middle currently yeah so the only gold you have is like the three tiles in the far corner and then those three towels that haven't been mined right next to your castle all right so ladies and gents game five in a 2-2 semi-final vilo versus john the fear full castle will go update but that's just a that's just a treb target right there if you ask me yeah and where's the second castle coming from red i think he sold some stone maybe placed another tc you can't you all encastly this in in like some crazy world with knights and rams i i don't know if these get upgraded to herbalist yeah and then that sure three magnels yeah three magnets wouldn't do it i guess that's what john was thinking he probably realized oh shoot i needed to engage against that earlier he had only two rams and with two castles there that would have been it that was um i guess another another game where avilo has dominated with aggression right yep yep i mean john the fearless we've seen the defensive capabilities like he can hold on while other players would be completely crushed but if he gives a vilo an opportunity avila will take it and run with it to the victory especially because he microed so well in that one instance against maganoa skirms very shocking to see the lack of confidence to try and just toss away knights against mangoes because even if there's a manganese or two left well two would be would be horrible but i don't know i expected a bit more there for john who has played a great set and could always respond my goodness thank you for the 50 gifted uh dave i'm actually going to skip past the statistics here because ladies and gents we have uh we have this semi-final to complete and then we have a final and then we have a reveal of all the players in this tournament so thank you for being here thank you for being a part but we should continue the next game will be on the home map the final one for john the fearless and we have celts against japanese celts against japanese and the map is going to be cup a super exciting map here and i think the last few games of cup we've seen have been celts against britons but celts against japanese very interesting civ matchup yeah um a match up where a matchup where japanese can scale quite well up against the celts celts were very common pick here in the past you have your wood bonus which can lead to a lot of docks and a lot of infantry but japanese infantry is the stronger of the two in straight-up fights and uh i'd say really just depends on how you're going to play this now i think that john the fearless needs to be aggressive here dave i don't think that he can just sit back and wall and play with archers against kels that is just asking for trouble so i don't know what it's going to be but in general how aggressive john didn't he do that yesterday though sit back and wall and man but with britain's though with britain's though like you have that extra range in the cheap tc's yeah it's true how can you argue with with being close to this evil player when you play the way you play but uh to explain how it works you have the water on the right side here if you dock here you can make fishing ships you can make navy but you cannot cross over and then on the left side it's the same deal more to control here but then you don't have the body of water controlled between yourself and the enemy we have seen everything on this map and we've seen some incredible games featuring john the fearless here dude we were creeping up towards 60k last game for viewers that was uh that's insane yeah i haven't really been looking uh once we passed hidden cup three's record i was very happy with that um i no doubt that when we had twitch front page it was helping a little bit but guys i'm so proud of how many people have shown up here today because the front page spike last year was extremely obvious we'd have like 30 000 and then boom 50 000 record this feels like natural viewership i don't know where you came from but i'll save the fields for later thanks for being a part of this and again the support too uh dave the fact that the prize pool is closing in on 85 000 because the sub count is also nuts yeah that's nuts man that is nuts i think we'll see a barracks here because we see a house on the front makes me think he could be a barracks or a dock for vilo i think for john the fearless you have to oh he's going into barracks right away you have to go into water of some kind right if you're going to be japanese maybe like do you not want to take advantage of your your bonuses i which game was it it was actually philip the good vs john the fearless yesterday do you remember when philip the good went for the dock and then his fishing ships got all idled because of a drush like i after seeing that i really feel like docking first is a poor move here now i'd love to be proven wrong but if the militia come out i mean they can harass villagers and fishing ships in a second yeah i think it might not be that bad if you use your dock um in conjunction with the villagers to collect the food right okay because then you have another you have another potential unit to push the drush away also japanese stock with japanese fish like that rush is gonna have 120 hits to take one of those things down that's true yeah maybe another reason to talk with japanese like you said but if i lose scouts that the militia are going to be coming so he'll know he's got the eco lead with a fishing ship and the action's about to begin here yeah he i mean he either fights back with villagers or he gives up the area and then loses fishing ships john should be as annoying as possible here and wow look falling back making a barracks now is a valeo vailo and vilo is also going to get pop capped here dave so the pressure's on and the pressure is on we're seeing the weakness potentially of the fish and those militia they know the fishing ship is probably out there somewhere but they can just hang out near the dock and wait for it to come back yep i guess he's gonna loop around instead this this is just a good spot for john to be in uh and i'm just waiting for three villagers to be pulled the wall just waiting for it it's gonna be like boop boop and boop pretty soon and that's the noise uh if you have the boop mod that goes off when you wall in game so don't make fun of me good pre-walls hear from avilo i i'm wondering why john the fearless left that dock position and he's not even looking for the fishing ships with like his scout or militia it feels like there's nowhere really else to hit scouts 15 hp versus 15. well now he's figured that out dave right i guess he needed to know for certain that he couldn't do damage but there's going to be militia from avilo here and if he manages to protect that fish economy yeah suddenly he's looking really good opening with a dock and then you could argue maybe you dock the left side too and get extra greedy with fishing ships because you have the militia to match the enemy so the way this is gone i do like ilo's position right you can get back on fish john hasn't punished that too much but john i think we'll go feudal here we'll go futile okay yeah we'll go it's kind of like this uh this is definitely playing from a milo right like fishing ships into defensive rush your josh is gonna be out a little bit later but if you keep your fish alive then you'll have um increased food economy over your enemy wondering if jon is just gonna make more militia here right you're gonna see some villagers over to gold might even see a dock and we will see a dock on the other side for john now again you can't cross over with navy if you're if i low to deny anything there in the future he's going for a dock of his own i think in the middle okay now that could be scouted and john's got the higher hp scout right now but nothing can really deny that except the militia i like how he goes all the way to the other side of the island too he knows that john is running around here with his army somewhere and he's likely to find that he's gonna go to the other side of the island and doc he's in a weird spot economically though because you've got you probably want to have a lot of wood and gold for archers and or navy and now he's got all this food and i feel like he's not going fast castle so he's got to transfer it up a little bit here he doesn't have the wood for the dock yet and he's the doctor or is he is this the max [Laughter] max max has come in here the real hidden cup we don't tell you which players get subbed out mm-hmm well i she's really indecisive dude like whatever she's building probably needs to wait till feudal age apparently oh no she's going back over here okay okay by the way so he still has some units to defend against the men at arms he's gonna have to pull these villagers back once again and his fishing economy is kind of idled but he will see the dock from john the fearless little sloppy there for vilo and great move from john who just sneaks in there blocks the ville gets the kill there's the range we have the double dock on each side for john not something that really fits his mo dave i think that he would probably i mean historically he's gone into archers here right yep and he's gonna hit the fishing economy from a vilo availo did notice the dock uh from john okay but john just noticed the dock from a vilo and he's trying to be very annoying with that villager now he's looping the men at arms over there too oh and the scout kill there so i'm liking john's position fishing ship's just kind of going around another fire could all but clean this up on this side and we even have a fishing ship already for john but minute arm engagement oh don't do that don't lose your scalp john that was yeah now that bill can get back yeah i think he forgot that the scout was on one hp he's like oh i'm gonna block it yeah maybe but uh she just stabbed and the scout went down i'm very surprised that he got the minute arm upgrade a vilo was there a purpose to that well with celts i don't mind it you know you're probably assuming the enemy's gonna be walled and what is this wall dude he was worried about demanded arms i think look at these tiny walls from john crazy oh my god a vilo is actually took that one hp met an arm and he put it into the tc and he's gonna heal it up what little little things right he's healing oh my goodness he's killing the villager in the north the dock villager yeah dave he's also going to take out the fishing ship here so i asked why the upgrade and he's he's like i'll show you i have a plan for that exactly it is rather funny actually he's got two fires on the left side japanese fishing ships feel impossible to kill but two fires two-minute arms against just two fires so the value's there plus they're pretty speedy he got a demo in on the minute arm attacking his uh dock and the fire ship as well he's trying to chase it down won't quite do that trying to save his fishing ship which he does on one hp it's a little bit of value but if this fire ship is locked man this is this is very all these tiny little moments here look you've even got the repair villager here but the repair villager is gonna survive and now the ships need to go back what a weird game man and they have to do everything else how do they do it tiny little advantages right you're just trying to find them with these small engagements in feudal age looking at the economy behind this avilo looking pretty good with his resources and similar um economy for john the fearless just having farms right now i mean i suppose on water if you look at the numbers john's got a slight lead there but he doesn't have an archery range and he does have less food banked and maybe it's just the fishing ships revilo having paid off a little bit it's weird with celts like you chop wood so fast you might as well toss a couple hundred wooden fish and chips even if you lose them right nice demo from avilo on the pond at the bottom weakening some fire ships but another repair villager coming out from john the fearless and that repair villager is fearless indeed need another demo here in a second do you commit to the water i guess they're both going to be on the way up soon i think committing to the water might make sense i don't know i i think the fact that he has a dock on 234 hp and nothing else tells me he's not really committing but don't you want to at least act like you're going to stay on water like repair that a bit more i'm wondering what this villager is doing on the right side for vilo and he's still got a minute arm or men at arm and um archer at the back as well he's probably really confused to see the wall is not to the edge i think that's the first time i've seen that from from john the fearless that john the fearless will be a minute behind the castle age john the fearless loses this game is out of hidden cup four and ivailo goes on to the finals to face the admiral and i'd say slight edge for vilo here dave and we know how devastating celts can be whoa stable and he's on stone he has 400 stone right now tristan that's why why does he have 400 on stone that's so weird all in stable castle drop question mark hey well i i mean the way that evalo evalio is setting up here is he's kind of giving up on areas that will be crucial i feel not doubling down on either of the pawns and now kind of committing towards a one villager push if this doesn't do damage if it doesn't surprise john it could be somewhat problematic but you know what it'd be very much like john to build the tc over here in a second that'd be kind of funny yep and stable siege workshop he also has the war galley upgrade so it is going into water pressure the dock is just gonna research it i think before it goes down he won't have a dock remaining though that's so weird it doesn't have a lot on food at any point though i think that gives him options right he has three he has three fire ships on the ocean right now okay this is i mean i wouldn't expect it if i was john that's for sure he doesn't have a scout i'd love to see him add one out of one of those staples because he's going to go two stable nights and he has a lot of food and i mean fish too you really have to wait with this army at the back until you have enough maybe like three nights a manganelle and like a monk on the way before you attack don't give john the fearless any clue that you're back here what a crazy way to win a series two hey now i guess those houses are going up because john was about to get pop capped and surprise is it gonna work out here one villager down let's see what the reaction looks like should at least be one more you'd figure oh microing them okay and the tc now um micro wow great job from john here dave hmm well i mean decent value already killing three villagers and really distracting him yeah it's just how do you deal with the knights um once he sends in four or five of them i guess he does have a monk now on the field siege workshop going up for wait a second knights from john inside the eco there were no walls in the front there's nothing on the front oh my goodness oh my goodness so the ville counts are kind of trading evenly here if ilo again is eco looks disastrous he doesn't have the farming eco he doesn't have the water if this push doesn't work dave i think we're going to a game seven in the villager and we brought up repair villagers so frequently it goes down but will the tv get away no more manganals on the way and no more knights either so he's gonna have what two monks two manganos and three nights yep not a super scary push you need every single conversion you can get here and the food eco is still looking good for john he's adding fishing ships he's even going to build a third tc in the middle dave i think this is really fragile for viola right now yeah kind of still questioning the the war galley upgrade well just just the strategy in general seems way too all in against a player who's so good at defending and to not have food eco behind it when you're trying to go for this too as questionable as the scout scout picks off a monk he does get a conversion but the manganals are going to go down the monk is going to go down and now it's just knights left over now it's 55 villagers against 46 water control on either side and john says you don't eat my tc i eat your tc there's literally nothing at home for vilo to defend from this magnel push yep all his production buildings were forward he added a third tc and he does still have enough stone for a castle we were talking about that for a while yeah how he was on stone so maybe he can opt for a defensive castle it's going to be tough though because the spot you want to put it is probably where that mangano or near where that manganese sitting right now scouts are just just looking man they know but i think you just have to give up on those buildings what a big investment there okay looped his knights around back only plus one on those no bloodlines obviously because it's celts but it's such a good decision to run in the enemy has forward buildings of course they're not going to have anything here beautiful quick wall from ivailo and now maybe john the fearless is thinking about having his own monks doesn't have them to defend the siege i think that mango goes down dave and one night that's worth it one night goes down and now a defensive castle revilo yep defensive castle and a fourth tc tristan okay so i think at this point there's some huge negatives for evilo but he knows that and he's just like well looks like we're it's a boomer game and he's just gonna go monks castle and try and fit like realistically how many farms can you even fit back here dave this is gonna be the tiniest economy ever gonna be playing tetris back here with farms trying to squeeze him into every little space but yeah i think he realizes that he's so far behind at this point the only way back is for him to overboom and hope that john the phyllis can't find places to do damage i like how jon is fearlessly running in though because he still he doesn't see anything there's no reason for him to not make these dives and now he'll see the tc's but i think he'll recognize that the eco is not there to back up these tc's just based on the score line right now i like that john is fearlessly running in good job not that well thank you dave thank you world writers are complete trash as a castle age unit in imperial age with elite they're very strong i see a market i mean that's actually precious farm space if this doesn't tell you how bad it is free vilo right now i don't know what will yeah plus two doing so much damage not even fletching on these tc's that's why the knights are tanking so much against the tc fire yep john of course japanese will probably want to make a switch at some point into something else i think soon we're going to see villagers on stone for john as he will think about a castle maybe imperial age maybe samurai um we'll see the monks or soon we'll see monks heal up nights in the middle area dave uh what do you do in red's position i mean you fight on of course uh it's tough right i feel like you have to get up a castle somewhere maybe to the north side of your base secure there and then work your way into god what do you go because the japanese are going to switch it most likely switch into either archers or infantry at some point but you don't know which one he's gonna opt for it sounds crazy but i think your best play is to go pike siege push to get the middle back right now he doesn't really have the eco for it but if you just try and boom to imp you get destroyed so if you can just somehow take map control back with a bunch of pikemen and siege maybe there's a possibility but being behind 20 bills and seeing the resources for john is john's about to er this is a barracks so thinking about champion i mean you could try for water control if you get a castle along the shoreline yeah you could get a castle along the shoreline get the docks up it's just not really the order you want to play in to have the stone for a second castle at this stage now you see john going to stone he's going to have a nice progression here into an economic imperial age with castles available is going for his second castle and he almost has enough stone for a third one soon so we'll see how he follows this up he went to stone so early man the fact that he as that unit goes down there the fact that he has only four on stone and is about to have the stone for a third tells you just how early he was on stone and how heavy he was all right well zero relics collected for either player uh for john the fearless this might be a nice a nice feeling at the moment as you feel like you might be heading towards a game seven against a player might have struggled to beat time and time again over the last year um as if our guesses are correct he kind of answered my question there whether he's going for archers or infantry you're definitely not teching into like all the cavalier upgrades so he's gonna go into champion yep for the late game which seems like a really good decision for japanese against kilts isn't the final game yeah the final game is set on mudflow by the way ladies and gents if we get there which to me there's certainly a chance for evalio if he goes woes against champions woods are strong but we see a castle in the middle now for john as both players get a relic at pretty much identical times and it will be probably treb's here then shrebs and champions i guess for john looks like it he's already massing almost to the imperial age avilo is up to the next stage he's still booming though so he's gonna need some time yeah i think the reasoning for john uh going for for the barracks and john has done this all tournament is just the production that we can get units out faster samurai do produce rather quickly and elite samurai is way better than getting just champion but japanese champions still do oh god there you go valeo yeah japanese champions still do attack faster and do pretty good against woes this scout could do real damage here on the left side yeah look at that look at that the tank scout getting some value there i'd laugh if he researched like have right now it'd be so funny uh okay we'll get a kill and it's gonna run away and that thing will not do much anymore but it did delay and now you have the knights coming over dave and this is against regular road raiders the knights will actually be insane here yeah the knights trade really really well against them and i think if vilo needs to just save his numbers maybe quick wall these villagers in here oh what a play there beautiful what a play and another castle now but yeah this is the main problem it's all caught up with evalio now two castles in the middle for john you can build on that terrain he's gonna start trebbing down the castles that red's gonna need to make world raiders and two-handed swordsman is already in well the pro the problem with woad raiders in this situation is that john the fearless can easily switch into a unit that just destroys road raiders yeah like even non-elite samurai trade really well with elite raider that's how good their attack bonus is maybe that's the thought process behind the yolo earlier you know like i cannot compete with this if later let's try and end it early castle age and it just didn't come together yeah he's doing a good job hanging in there though quick walling his gold so the knights couldn't get in he's keeping his road raider mass up he's getting the elite upgrade now and he's going to go for the raids which i think is probably the right call here you can't really engage against that main army try and hit the economy and hope you can outlast the push from blue kind of a catch-22 it might be rough either way um but you know there's exposed area here because john's expecting to see a response problem is the knights are now in on the gold dave villagers did go down there the castle will go down they are elite road raiders there's so many champions just 55 military for john that's all and john the fearless notices that raid right away pulls him away does the house wall thing behind what that's that's cute man the tc might honestly stay up here depending on repairs garrisons load raiders i don't think so okay all right i got confident for john maybe but dave no champions destroying the castle now we're going to a game seven in the semi-final there's just no way the semi-final has been absolutely insane and john the fearless doesn't even care anymore he knows he has the superior unit on the field superior economy and production and he's just going to push right through that castle into a vilo's economy and avila's going to call the gg game number seven on the way it's been a long day but god damn the games have been good seriously see i went into hidden cup four remembering that in hidden cup three we had a 12-hour day and it was in the quarterfinals last year i'm happy that it's on the final day this year it is truly fitting the first semi wasn't saying this last semi's been even better and a final and a big reveal of course coming up after this ends but dave we know what map it's going to be i i will briefly look at the economy tab i i think it was an awful approach from evalio it's very weird to see him dominate and then go for such lackluster strategies um whereas john i think it's genuinely been more consistent throughout the series economically would you agree with that yeah i think so but that's also like a byproduct of being the more defensive player right true true and also to um avilo's credit i i think he might have been expecting john to go into an archer play there rather than knights so when he went for that siege night monk bush that would work a lot better against archers than against the uh the night mass from double stable from john mudflow one of the new maps we introduced in between the qualifier and the main event map that i believe has been practiced and a map that believe it or not after all these games both players have good sieves for sorry tootin fans we won't see tootons and sorry frank fans we won't see franks it will actually be khmer against indians dave to settle who moves on to that final and a final where i think both players are going to be maybe this is too harsh because admiral has been a beast but i feel as though both of these players should be slight favorite at least going into it and uh this is the map we're 30 seconds into game number seven i cannot believe we're here we have ivailo playing as the khmer against indians dave and i think it's a pretty solid match-up yeah come on obviously pretty favorable on this map just because you can't farm around your tc so yeah having the farms that can drop off anywhere is really really nice also their transitions are pretty good indians on the other hand cheap villagers you have the opportunity to go into camels there's there's a lot of things you can do with that civilization and you're gathering the fish next to the tc very quickly i i personally i mean those bonuses are good but i'm a little surprised to see that uh we have not seen red go for frank's here i like frank's because of the scout opening the extra berries and all the farm bonuses but i suppose if it gets messy khmer the go-to also frank's we saw it with um sunjita right with the cheap castles yeah it's another underrated bonus for this map when you want to take control of that middle area it's really really nice if you can if you can build a castle for a cheap price yep uh villager or sorry scout has gone forward rather early here and i think john actually spotted that the scout had gone by that bill as he was going up the chapel woods so it doesn't want to get lamed here could steal a rhino potentially i don't think it's that important i think it's just important to know where the enemy's at and uh seeing as this is the final day of hidden cup four i would be a fool not to mention twitch prime again guys if you want to sub goes towards the prize pool towards the channel towards all the hype thank you okay is he gonna steal it if he steals this he has nerves of steel nope not gonna do it i thought he might go for it there dave yeah he just spots it turns around comes right back and john the fearless is going immediately to the south of the map why aren't you always like right across from your opponent here um not always it's a little awkward i think that that's probably why some players scout so early but don't steal resources it's just so they want to know where the enemy is both players also uh building their lumber camp towards the towards the larger chunks of wood i guess you know like there's that thin area in the middle and both players avoiding that so they are relatively far from each other but you can go for docks here guys you can make navy you could also see land aggression and another player seeing a rhino and thinking twice about stealing so no laming here both players taking no risks here in the final game yeah vilo had an opportunity to hit the villager that was building the mill for john the fearless and i can tell he kind of thought about it and then he turned away yeah he doesn't want a weak scout he wants all the information he can get and people are so torn in this community right now the people who aren't even speaking thank you to the new subs by the way but the people who aren't even speaking are torn they're just some people are saying oh man i really want to see a new person be a champion of hidden cup and there's other people who are like i come on viper if that is you do it again you know dave such a fine mix right now but it is crazy to at least recognize that if it is the viper verse somebody else that we're at a state in our game where someone's kept it competitive and here we go 17 pop-up from the indians player and on the other side we got an 18 pop-up from the commerce player also i would absolutely love it if at least one of these players is not who we've been saying that would that would be a shock it would be a shock like what if admiral's been the viper or hera this entire time that would really be the best hidden cup ever john the fearless is actually the less just playing out of his yeah i know yeah man and imagine the disrespect like no one's guessing other names and they're just sitting back like are you kidding me come on i'm good too okay so doc opening for vilo and he's gonna kind of wall that area off with a with a dock block and a house okay you can hop inside houses with commer which is a nice bonus when the going gets crazy and uh you know what i think this is a demo opening dave because he just how much does the demo cost like 35 45 gold and like 70 winners i'll check you know what that's that's what the cast does sell i'll get back to you on that one 70 wood and 50 gold that's a lot more than i thought okay well he collected 10 gold there which made me think he wants to afford something now he's gonna add the stable i mean we'll see scouts from both i don't know what they cost i just know the sound they make when they go boom oh my god get out man get out well there's a house for evalio not not pop capped or anything just prepping a house in case the scouts come in you can hop right inside and i guess that's just the respect that evalio has for the enemy as we see the scouts engage here we do also see spearman coming forward something that is not possible for red as the scout gets poked and no barracks out there but a galley on the way that's so he could make two galleys then yeah i wonder if he like garrisons this or if he lets out lets it out right away cause like we were speculating that this might be a gl player and we were speculating that pizarro might be a gl player based on the sieves and remember pizarro made a galley and just ran around with it and was pretty ineffective um so i'm wondering if avilo is going to have a different strategy as the scouts are trying to bait villagers into attacking them yeah at the berries well you know i again it just brings me back to collecting that 10 gold i think he's gonna want two without committing to gold but this is problematic when you can't make your own spearmint now on the defensive it's very tough and these houses are not too close to the berries here which could definitely go down but the confidence from evalio as he sends the scouts forward and we have crazy walls from john the fearless yep super walls from him scouts still roaming around we could see the the bonus of the commer there when those scouts came in he just hopped in the house he's gonna keep a scout garrison there maybe that's mind games for vilo maybe yeah you don't know what's in my stable yeah making the opponent think about it interesting we now see villagers go out to gold it's so bold they're looking at all the scouts here and now you see the scouts finally engage and man they still haven't killed the villager yes yeah hops in the house but on the other side that walling villager from john the fearless it was kind of a fearless wall there and he gets the villager picked off and one village okay so both players needing defense the spears seem there for john right now they oh my how game seven villains are saved actually insane there was five scouts there and he's gonna manage to go to that weak wall at the last second and get that mining camp up but that's pretty in all dave but this isn't no you still are hopping inside of houses you still don't have defense you still don't you're not collecting resources as efficiently you see john the fearless get the kills or hits with the spearman rather not too many kills in this game actually just been one-to-one kd uh but big thing i did mention or i didn't mention but showed is the tower there on the wood line good move from john oh he saw the dock he's nervous about potential water pressure and here come more scouts from avilo it's about to be a big engagement here but john the fearless pier peels off and now avilo can maybe shift his attention to that woodline from john the fearless yeah i think tough i mean we've seen the the you've seen why camaro's picked that's for sure here look at this galley being micro right here the scouts might go in to try and finish that off and should do so dave as bloodlines comes in for john this is the this is the john the fearless of old all right we don't know who the who the person is but there's one player who used to love to make lots of scouts and feudal dave who it might be and this is a confident display here with that but actually taking losses here as i say that armor is finally walling that wood lines too but that's so many scouts there for john the fearless and like you said armor and bloodlines coming in you can hop in the house this is all you want but not if you can't get to it he's blocking his own villagers right now big fights and big upgrades and i think the upgrades might have just won john the game what are we witnessing here look at these villagers dave it's going to be really tough for avilo it's going to be super tough and he's yoloing against i don't think he realizes armor and bloodlines is in and he calls it john the fearless does it after going down two games at the start of this best of seven who we think is the snake says gigi good luck in teh final wow believable pressure there from john the fearless and the presence of mine to get armor and bloodlines at the same time and then just take that huge fight avilo was constantly hopping in houses john was constantly putting on the pressure and what a best of seven like he definitely deserves to be through to the final after that oh definitely and the the mentality i brought up after game one or two that you have to have to come back when you get destroyed but it felt like a final now or are there excuse me and we have a final coming up soon and we still have the big reveal we have our guesses and if our guesses are correct maybe just maybe hera has finally after so many uh big struggles against the viper over the last year done in the biggest of moments dave what a performance i mean what more can you say about these two players you saw the quality every single game you saw the quality you saw the difference in styles as well there was one player being more aggressive and one player being more defensive and in the end of the day what'd you say defense wins championships well it's ironic though because in this particular game yeah in this particular game john the fearless was actually more aggressive evalio could have gone for frank's and played a bit more open played into spearman and scouts i just didn't the commerce strategy was not totally convincing for me there the galley was countered by one single tower it was just clean as can be for john the fearless so many people out there might have their guesses and we've all been speaking our minds for the last couple days but uh what we can tell you is that coming up next is going to be the grand final as far as that prize pool goes uh this is what we're looking at and this is coming back to community support and uh to duke iron spark uh you know what i can't even say all the names thank you for gifting the subs thank you for the prime subs thank you for supporting that prize pool and i do have it on the player scene here i'll show you what the prize pull split is like look at that prize pool right now 82 000 in age of empires in 2021 and maybe a bad time to be a caster or something that's a that's a big chunk of change but thank you guys uh up next will be a best of seven final we will take a short break uh remember it will be live oh wait but i have to remember that you guys get to vote now this is where you know if you were um a fan of a certain player i really get to see if the community sticks by their picks because in some cases if you think the viper's out but you're a big viper fan you might not you might be in disbelief right now so who is john the fearless i am all in on three here people um i could see it being some other players in one series but throughout the whole tournament there's only one that comes to mind for me actually the only one that that apart from hera is leary hera or leary right there what in the world what in the world so bonnie doctor lawler the legend what in the worlds guys i'm so confused i'm so overwhelmed right now oh the hype is real what is god's name is happening ah oh my gosh holy moly all right well people think it's hera you know watching the youtube video must be really confusing right now i'm sorry in the future youtube but if you could experience what's happening right now thank you is all i can say if you have a legend emote use it i can't even read chat currently can't even see votes right now i i right vote in between the gifted subs vote i don't have much else to say we have to take a break before the players come in here the games will be live so we have to make sure they're in the game room and set they do the draft everything on screen uh but just yeah thanks guys um this is this is far surpassed my expectations and so many different ways which i'll get to later on after the big reveal imagine if you showed up today to have some like epic conversation like i can't wait to show up and ask t90 this question and then you've got this paragraph you know that you've been waiting a couple weeks to ask me because you've been watching youtube videos like oh yeah let me just ping this over to t90 see if he can get a response into me yeah i might want to make a big donation and put that question as the message that's true i mean at least i could see it now i sell out this is how i sell up for you bro oh well thank you dave i uh i didn't i don't know what to say it's extremely uncomfortable i don't know what to say but people are voting viper the people have spoken they think that this is indeed the viper who has won every single hidden couple or that was indeed the viper past tense because evalio is out
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 198,937
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch, Hidden Cup 4, HC4, Age of Empires II DE, Age of Empires, aoe2, aoe2de, t90, t90official, hidden, cup, four, hc3, age, of, empires, two, definitive, edition, hero, 4th, day, fourth, day 4, mr yo, lierey, lierrey, liereyy, mr, yo, mr_yo, theviper, the, viper, hera, jordan, daut, john, fearless, fear, less, jon, ivaylo, ivaelo, ivaylow, ivalo, ivalow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 190min 54sec (11454 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 23 2021
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