ENGLISH Phrasal Verbs: Learn The Complete List - #15 | LIVE English Lesson

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hello everyone welcome to another lesson with me an English here on English like a native today we're covering five more phrasal verbs these phrasal verbs are going to cover the verbs bolster bone and book so some of these verbs are used some of these phrasal verbs are used commonly and are going to be very important for you if you're learning the English language and if you are an english learner and you want to improve or practice or just get some listening practice writing practice then you're in the right place just make sure that you press the subscribe button and the Bell notification button so you don't miss any future lessons or live lessons like this one now this is going to be a practical lesson I will teach you the five phrasal verbs and how to use them with examples you can then practice writing the phrasal verbs in a sentence and I will correct as many of you as I possibly can during the session this will only be 30 minutes long so we'll be finishing in 30 minutes hello everyone goodness me you're all jumping in and saying hi hi I hope you're all well I bought a new t-shirt because I'm getting so big now my pregnancy is really kicking in so I bought a brand new t-shirt because I'm full of love love for you guys love for everyone just love it's all about love okay so here we go let's have a look at those notes shall we so the first phrasal verb that we're looking at today is bolster up now I don't hear this very often but to bolster something is to add additional support to reinforce something I always imagine a block of wood a block of wood yes and perhaps I have a chair a broken chair imagine my chair is broken at the back and every time I lean back I feel like it might break so I might get an additional block of wood imagine this is wood and I might hammer it nail the block of wood into the chair so that it reinforces the strength of the chair it makes it nice and strong so the phrase of verb we could use in this situation is to bolster up to physically support something and we normally use this phrase over when talking about objects we can sometimes use it to talk about people to give them support but it's rare so use it more often with objects so use them yeah nouns nouns that aren't people okay so the example I've given is I'll just show you we were planning to oh dear hang on we were planning to bolster the ladder up this weekend to try to prevent another accident so imagining here that someone has fallen on a broken ladder or a ladder that's not very secure maybe the wood is cracked and so we've decided to mend the ladder we were planning to bolster the ladder up this weekend to try and prevent another accident okay so that one's nice and easy let's move straight on to the second one and the second one is to bone up or to bone up on so put them both in one they are 2i some people would separate these phrase of verbs one being bone up and one being bone up on but they're pretty much the same so they have the same meaning you just use them in different circumstances so they both mean to study hard for a goal or a reason so it's not just generally studying hard it's because you have something in that you want to achieve perhaps you want to impress someone in a meeting perhaps you need to refresh your knowledge for a test so in these cases you would bone up now I personally have never used this phrasal verb but I know it exists I've heard it it isn't that common in the UK but it does exist which is why it's on the list so the examples I've given of the two versions the first one I need you to bone up on your Japanese before our meeting tomorrow imagining that we're having a meeting with some Japanese people and I need you to be able to communicate with them in their language to help the meeting go well so I need you to bone up on your Japanese before our meeting tomorrow now I've used the version to bone up on here because I'm following with the subject that I want you to study hard so I want you to refresh your memory to study Japanese in this sentence you'll see I haven't included the specific subject that I want you to study and therefore I've used bone up instead of bone up on this sentence agos we spent the evening boning up for our end of term test for our end of term test and this is one phrase it just means the end of a term within school or within a university or College okay okay hello Lucas you've come over from Instagram lovely if there are any people here who are following me on instagram then say hi tell me you're from Instagram it's lovely when you come over from platform to platform thank you so much for making that jump okay so the next one on the list do have a go writing your sentences using these by the way and I will try to help you correct your sentences and I just have to say a very quick hello to my patrons who are jumping in here let me just take that off the screen for you so I have all this hello I have fellows hello I have Jenny's in Jada's in Vivian's in Garcia's in hello everyone lovely tub my patrons here as always now let's have a look at that next phrasal verb so what do we have we have to book in to book in and this one is really important okay so you can either have book in or book in to book in or book in to and I'll talk to you in a minute about how we use this two different versions so firstly this could mean to make a reservation in advance to make a reservation in advance and the example I've given here is I will book us in at the Intercontinental I will book us in at the Intercontinental or if am using book in two I could say last time we booked into the Ritz and that was a disaster so these are both hotel chains so quite nice posh hotels the Intercontinental and the Ritz I don't think I've stayed at either the Ritz or the InterContinental Hotels but you'll notice here I'll book us in at the Intercontinental or as here I said I'll book us into the Ritz so if the place that you're making the reservation for follows the phrasal verb directly then you say into into so for example I want to book us I want to reserve a table at a restaurant called the Jade it's called the Jade or the Ruby the Ruby the rube the red ruby is an Indian restaurant called the red ruby I want to book us in so I'll say I'll book us into the red ruby for dinner our book is in to the red ruby for dinner because I'm saying the place exactly so I've used into all right if I mean to be fair you could also say like I did with the first one I'll book us in at the red ruby so we just change the preposition I'll book us in at the red ruby or I could just say you like the red booby I'll book us in okay all right so I don't use it that often for that meaning but we do regularly we do regularly use book in when you're announcing your arrival it's very similar to check-in so when you arrive for your appointment or you arrive for your reserved place position hotels restaurants then you normally have to book in it's going to book in so you go to someone and they check off in the book that you have a reservation and they check you in so it's very similar used interchangeably with the phrase of Oh check-in so to book in to check-in say hi I'm here I have a reservation I just want to book him with you first okay so the examples I've given for this ah once you arrive at the venue please book in at reception after booking into your hotel please join us in the Grand Hall for reception drinks okay fantastic all right now it's time for me to have a look at your examples and give you a few Corrections so what do we have here all right I've got a few coming through from my patrons so it's going to bring them up on the screen so we can all read I have to just adjust this a little okay here we go let's have a look so I've got Garcia has put I have booked in the hotel room with the beautiful view of the sea now because you've been very specific here and you haven't used yeah because you've been specific about where then you need to say - I have booked in to the hotel room because you'll be specific about the place I have booked into the hotel room with a beautiful view on the sea I would say of the sea or over the sea a beautiful view of the sea of it feels more natural and this sentence I must book us into the hotel in the summer holidays good I would use during just because you've used in already once before it just helps the reader if you change that to another another word and put these together into gem relief there next to each other put them together I must I must book us into the hotel during the summer holidays or for the summer holidays would even work but thank you for giving that a go well done alright let's see what else we have my friend was boning up for final exams last night but she fainted so we both we both stood make sure you put a needy on the end because you're talking in the past so we bolstered her up in order to make her stand and I booked her in at the hospital fantastic the rock really really well done just make sure that you use balls stood in the past tense because you're telling a story about something that happened before are these phrases informal no there that can be used in a formal way or an informal way if they are specifically informal I will tell you but for example if you are working in if you're at work and you have to book a table or you have to book a hotel or you have to a room to give a presentation then you will use these phrasal verbs a lot to book into book into I would say bone up because I don't use it I would suggest it's informal I haven't heard it and if I heard it in a formal setting it would sound strange to me so I would say bone up is informal okay oh gosh people are being very lovely you're all giving me compliments that's very sweet thank you very much obviously being pregnant suits me mmm okay what else do we have back and forth what does it mean I will answer additional questions that aren't related to the lesson at the end if I have time so just hold those to the end okay can I see any more examples I have booked in at Airlines schedule all that doesn't make sense I have booked in with the airlines but I don't know why you've got scheduled in there that doesn't quite work I'm sorry I can't I'm not quite sure what you mean with it so I can't help you with that one I booked into Radisson Blu last year fantastic well done mm hi can we use booked in for planes and Airlines yes you could say I mean normally when you arrive at an airport they use the frozen web check-in as their formally when they're talking and it's written everywhere check-in you have a check-in desk you must make sure you check in so you can say booked in because it means the same thing but probably best to use check-in because that's the language that everyone recognizes with the airlines yeah I would say actually yeah just use check-in instead of booking with Airlines and flights or you could say I booked in a booked in on a 7 o'clock flight perhaps that might work but yeah and will you do a video ok all right I'm going to anything that's not related to phrasal verbs I'm going to pass by have you document phrase verbs so the list that I'm showing you will eventually in the net well in the next week or so be available from my website in sections because this is pages and pages and pages long like hundreds of pages so I'm going to break it down into each letter and release a book for phrasal verbs beginning with a phrase of those beginning with B and it will be available within a week on my website so my website British English procom it's listed in the description box below there are other notes and ebooks available from there so if you're interested you can have a look ok so halfway through the lesson let's look at the final two phrasal verbs so this is number one to nine of the phrase of those we've covered so far in this series and it is booked out to book out now researching this I found that there was another meaning to this that I don't believe we use really in the UK some some dictionaries say that to book out means to leave in a hurry so if you booked in for a talk or you booked in for dinner at a restaurant and you arrive at the restaurant and you don't like it and you decide to leave unexpectedly you then go and book out but we I'm sure I've never heard this and I would never use it so I haven't included it this time because I'm not I'm not convinced we really use it that way in the UK however we do use the phrasal verb to mean reserve all the spaces all the seats are all the tickets so for example if I let me just bring my face back up so you can see me if I'm decide if I decide to have a party for my birthday and I want us all all of us there's a hundred and ninety four of us here today if I want all of us to eat in the same restaurant and have a lovely meal all together to celebrate my birthday then I will have to book probably an entire restaurant to make sure that we all have a seat and we can all be catered for so I will have to book out a restaurant I would book out a restaurant so that's the phrasal verb I would use in this instance I'm going to book out a restaurant and that means I'm going to book the entire restaurant all the seats will be booked nobody else will come to the restaurant it will just be us okay all right so let's have a look at the example that I've given here so we had hoped to utilize our local town hall at some point in December for a prize-giving oh dear I've just made the page go over but the am tram Society has completely booked it out for their pantomime okay so if you are unfamiliar with these words I will just explain them quickly to utilize is a more advanced way of saying use to use something so we have we had hoped we were hoping in the past we were hoping to use the local Town Hall so every town usually has a big hall but lots of different societies and groups of people can use for different things for the community they hope to use this local Town Hall at some point in December so not any specific date but at some point for the prize-giving so they're obviously going to have an event where they award their members but the antrum society and this am dram is short for amateur dramatics so a Dramatic Society are basically actors who are not professional just local people who like to put on plays or musicals we call this an AM dram society the AM dram Society have completely booked it out for their pantomime and if you no pantomime is a specific type of performance it happens around Christmas they're very very particular types of performances they're usually aimed at families very good fun and I think it's quite a very much a British thing it's a British thing I don't think pantomime to really exist in any other country mmm it's having a slurp of my tea okay oh gosh I'm revealing everything now no all right so now it's time for you to try and write a sentence using booked out okay ping Kang has said are these phrasal verbs just used in British not American um some of them actually a lot of them will be British and American English some phrasal verbs exist just in American English and those ones I haven't put on the list and there'll be some on this list a very few that are specifically British English it's very difficult for me to find out exactly which ones are which without having an American or a group of Americans because America is vast it's very wide and they will use different phrasal verbs in different states but a majority of the phrasal verbs on this list will be used universally with countries that use English okay so I'm now looking at your example sentences will go first of all to my patrons I have one here from Garcia says all the tickets were booked out so this has to be used in the past tense so we have to you're talking about the past were they were booked so I need an IDI at the end there my dear all the tickets were booked out sad face very good I will book out the restaurant for my son's 18th birthday so here you just need to put the possessive s so son apostrophe s to say it sure it's a birthday that belongs to your son I will book out the restaurant for my son's 18th birthday good fantastic talking about children very exciting I have a scan yes no on I had a scan a few days ago and I saw my baby babies doing very very well and we found out the gender of our baby I'd love to know what you think do you think I'm having a girl or do you think I'm having a boy so write your your prediction in the comment section I'm going to reveal all tomorrow so tomorrow in my pregnancy vlog it's going to be a short weekly vlog now which will appear on my other channel and as big adventure and you can come along and have a look at that vlog and at the end of the vlog I will reveal the gender of my child it was very interesting to find out because I've had my assumptions obviously it doesn't mean anything but I've been making my assumptions all the way through the pregnancy and so it was a relief to finally know whether I'm carrying a girl or a boy so okay let's see if any of you in YouTube have written any example sentences yes I've got Mathon Ajira said I will book out a nice bus for my trips when I finished my training fantastic now remember the phrase of the book out means to completely reserve the whole bus it means reserve the whole bus okay so you're saying I will reserve an entire bus all the tickets on the bus I will buy for my trips with my friends that would work okay I wish that so I hunt for just I've just lost it where did it go oh I'm sorry I just lost that one whoever I think that was the rock I just missed your message what do I have there was a discount in easyJet Airlines so strike while the iron is hot well done strike while the iron is hot you've watched my hot hot phrases video so strike while the iron is hot and booked all seats out for us to visit Casablanca fantastic I've been to Casablanca that's very nice okay fantastic I'm going to move on to the very last phrasal verb and then I will let you go we're into the last five minutes now and the last phrase a verb for today's session is booked up to booked up and let me bring this up on screen for you so - booked up means to fully or mostly commit or reserve so having a minute that's just like booked out it's very similar isn't it we use this when we're talking usually when we're saying a place is completely full so mmm if it's fully booked up when would we use this well let's have a look at an example first of all I've said to you if you want to join us on this excursion and an excursion is a trip out to do something so it might be an excursion to go and see the Lions in their natural habitat or it might be an excursion to the pyramids or something to go and see something of cultural I've done all the word is but an excursion look it up if you're not sure of the meaning but if you want to join us on this excursion then you need to reserve your place ASAP this means as soon as possible as places are booking up fast so if something is booking up its kind of going through the motions of becoming unavailable if I said to you I am going to hold a live face-to-face lesson a meet-up in London next weekend there our only 10 places available book your seats quickly because those places will book up fast they'll book up fast and people will book those places up okay so it's booked up mm-hmm it can be used interchangeably with booked out but it kind of it more explains the action of booking out if I use booked outs than I mean it's gone it's booked out it's completely reserved it's gone if you booked up then it means individually people have booked tickets so for example this will make it clear if I am selling a show a theater show a musical limb miserable er you know on my own that one you know that one I dreamed a dream and time gone by you know that one okay limb is our blur if I booked all the tickets then I have booked the theater out sorry I just hit the microphone I hope I didn't scare you if I buy all the tickets I have booked the theater out if all of us buy a couple of tickets each and we take all the tickets in total individually buying tickets and eventually there are no tickets left then we have booked the show up it's booked up it's fully booked up because individually we've all booked does that make sense I hope so this stuff even confuses me sometimes mm-hmm okay so I'll just show you those notes one more time and then I will give you a couple of minutes of Corrections so book up to book out to book in and to bone up to study hard for a specific goal or reason and to bolster up to give additional support okay so I'm going to go firstly to my patrons okay so you guys thinking a boy a boy a girl a boy Garcia says he couldn't book into the cinema because all the show is books up booked Edie Edie on the end because all the shows and because you're talking about more than one or no sorry you're saying the whole show I would take away that word completely it will make sense he couldn't he couldn't book into the cinema because the show maybe you put the show he wanted to see and in fact if it's the cinema I'd say film would be even clearer because the film he wanted to see is booked up okay I hope that make sense whether it's booked out or booked up there is no single ticket left for me there is not use the word not instead of no you could say there are no tickets left for me or there is not a single ticket left for me or for me left year you can use that version for me left the tickets and because it's plural here you need to use are the tickets are booking up fast and then that'd be good yeah okay so I'm running out of time very very fast running out of time goodness me fantastic what is sold out sold out it's along the same lines if it sold out means there's no tickets left there's nothing left if you want to buy a ticket to the concert you can't there are no tickets left it's booked up it's fully booked up okay all right ladies and gentlemen I've come to the end of today's session I will be doing another live session on Friday as always let me just check my diary very quickly yes on Friday I'll be live at noon twelve o'clock in the middle of the day so that's four hours earlier than I started today I have a video lesson coming out tomorrow and I'll probably have another one coming out later in the week or at the beginning of the weekend so do have a look at all the videos I released last week because there was a lot of them or very different look out for the videos coming tomorrow and later in the week and come and join me again if you can on Friday for the next live lesson I very much enjoyed being here with you today and if I can ask one favor besides giving this video a thumb up I really need your help you may or may not know I have a children's channel and the children's channel is called Bella and beans TV I'm gonna write it here in the patron Skype room so you can see it it's called Bella and beans TV and we recently wrote a song and I think it's a very good song and it's for a good cause this song is for helping children to know how to safely cross the road but it's a fun song and in the children's part of YouTube it's very hard to beat the big children's TV producers there they dominate the YouTube space and it's very hard to get your things seen so if you have any children or you know someone with children then perhaps you would be so kind as to show them Bella and beans TV and show them this specific video and the song is called waddle while you walk to waddle like a duck or to waddle like a a toddler who has a big nappy on you waddle you walk a little bit unsteady and go and check the song out yourself and leave a comment and let me know what you think about that song underneath the video but refer to me as Bella on that channel don't call me Anna we don't want the children to know that my real name is Anna okay that would be really really helpful thank you alright until next time my darlings take care lots of love from London you
Channel: English Like A Native
Views: 14,069
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Learn English, English lesson, English like a native, Anna English, british english, english lesson, Live english lesson, english vocabulary, learn english, live lesson, learn english live, english, british, speaking english, toefl, ielts, english phrases, learn vocabulary, Live, phrasal verbs, phrasal verb book, phrasal verbs in use, english phrasal verb, learn verbs, learn english verbs, new phrasal verbs in english, all phrasal verbs, all phrases in english
Id: kOkkQ1u-8LU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 40sec (2020 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 30 2018
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