English Masterclass #5: Disabled Run Cafe Robots

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hello everyone welcome to another masterclass here with me and english on english like a native okay so do let me know that you're here let me know that you can hear me and see me and that you're all well and happy i can see that some of you have already been chatting in the chat box which is fantastic um nishanta lovely to see you here francesca lalito lovely so many of you here now i must let you know that i had a little accident yesterday as i'm sure you can see from my face i was playing squash which is one of my favorite sports um and somebody hit me on the head with their squash racket i did go to the hospital to see if it needed stitching but luckily it didn't and it's um closed nicely but yes i have this this mark on my head and it'll probably be there for a couple of weeks so that's what happened it was a squash accident for those of you wondering what's happened to my face um i have also had questions already from some of you asking where is um the other lesson so um actually a couple of lessons that you can't see number three and number four because this is number five in the english masterclass series well the other lessons that you can't see in the series are actually um on the elan community for students of the elan courses so these live streams are normally exclusive to elon students only um but for the next few months once a month i will be sharing one of these live streams with all of you um you know because sharing is caring and so that's why this is number five and you haven't seen number three and four as because you're not a member of the courses uh the elan courses and the community that i have as part of the courses if you are a student on one of my courses then all you have to do is head over to the community area and look under live lessons and you'll see a back catalog of all the previous live lessons the pronunciation lessons and the english lessons are all there in the community okay fabulous shout out to the philippines hello hello hello lovely okay so today we are going to be looking at some c1 vocabulary and we're doing that with the help of sensations english which is a resource i've talked about many times before they're really fabulous addition to your english learning and so i'm going to share with you now the article that we're going to look at today and well let me just play it and then you can enjoy it and later we'll break up down all the vocabulary okay let's listen tokyo's first robot staffed cafe is more than a mere marketing stunt to draw customers dawn cafe is breaking down barriers for those living with physical or mental impairment leaving them unjustly disenfranchised from society operating robots called oriheim from their homes employees have a variety of capabilities such as handling the robots using eye movements via specialized computer boards which also allows them to converse with the clientele kantaro yossi fuji co-founder of the robotics group ori laboratory believes the cafe's success hinges on the ability to have communication between employees and customers customers here are not exactly coming to this location they come here because of the people behind and they will come back to see them again the cafe opened its doors just in time for the city's hosting of the paralympics which also coincided with the we the 15 global push for an end to prejudice against the world's disabled population one of the cafe's employees michio imai tells us that his job gives him a sense of achievement conversations via small robots help customers discover more about the experiences of those operating them which turns out to be a great learning opportunity for all involved mamoru fukaya shares his experience the pirate was very friendly since he said he can't walk outside his home it's very good for such a person to have this kind of chance while humanoid robots traverse the cafe floor waiting tables the small robots provide a more human element to the experience many may shrug off the robot cafe as a mere fad nevertheless for am i it's his saving grace i feel happy if i can be part of society [Music] fantastic okay so hopefully you were able to follow that but don't worry if you weren't because i'm going to go through some of the vocabulary now that you might have struggled with make it clearer for you and then we can look again at the entire article and hopefully that will make a lot more sense to you okay so um just before i do that i just want to show you because sensations english have been very kind in letting me use their material to do this lesson i'm just going to show you if you're not familiar with their site you can watch that video again at some other levels so if you felt that it was too hard you can move down to a level more suited to you and you'll see the same video but um at your level so it's been rewritten at all these different levels specifically so you can move through the levels you've then got a transcript of what you've just watched and then at the bottom this is what i really love is that you've got all these games that you can play um uh how do i scroll across here now oh yes there we go so you've got a number of different ways that you can then put into practice what you've just seen and what you just read and there's lots of things for you to do here interactive activities so there you go now what i'm going to do is stop sharing that screen and i'm going to share with you the notes that i've made so just bear with me um to bear with someone means to just wait a moment wait a moment bear with me um share a window that one yes please okay fabulous can you see this now hopefully you can okay so let's just work through some of that vocabulary um okay so the first thing that we heard was talk of a marketing stunt a marketing stunt now a marketing stunt is an event something that's put on in order to get attention for a brand or a product in particular so for example if i worked at the company speedo and we make uh swim swimwear uh if we had a new product out a new a new type of swim shorts or speedos then i might have uh tom daley or one of the one of the um one of the divers one of the famous divers wearing that product and doing um a dive into a pool of beans or something something unusual a one-off event that is purely a marketing stunt so that lots of newspapers and um yeah news outlets cover that story so that everybody hears about this stunt and uh and become aware of the new product for speedo so that's a marketing stunt can you think of any marketing stunts can you think of any marketing stunts that have gone wrong because sometimes they do sometimes people will put on a marketing campaign or a marketing stunt and it backfires it doesn't do what it's supposed to do in fact it it creates bad press or a negative vibe around a new product or company so can you think of anything do let me know okay so a marketing stunt um the next is the adjective mirror i thought this was quite an interesting word and i thought that i should mention it um mere so it can be used to emphasize that something is not large or important think of it meaning it's nothing more than okay it's nothing more than um but sometimes mia can be used when you want to show that it has a big impact on you so i i might say the mere mention of his name made me crumble with fear the mere mention of his name made me crumble with fear but you see mia still kind of means the same thing mia still means the small thing it might seem unimportant the small mentioning of someone's name the mere mention of his name makes me fall to the ground in fear so this tiny thing actually has a big impact on me okay so mia can be used in that way but overall it means this small and important thing okay in the article that you've just watched they talk about the the uh the whole concept of the robots um being a mere marketing stunt or not being a mere marketing stunt we're not sure yet we'll find out in time time reveals everything okay so let's go back to these notes the next one is to draw someone now i'm not talking about taking a pencil and drawing them because that's a very simple verb we can use to draw meaning to bring someone in to entice or to create interest and i've as a joke written the example my milkshake draws all the boys to the yard do you know this song the song usually goes my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard and they're like it's better than yours um but instead of saying brings we can use draws my milkshake draws all the boys to the yard um drawers so you could say that my youtube videos draw a lot of attention my accent videos particularly draw a lot of attention draw many people in to my youtube channel could you write me an example using the verb to draw yes to draw someone's attention fantastic okay so um okay let me just so i'm just trying to read some of your comments here okay some of you joining late saying what's happened to your head i got hit by a squash racket what happened to my head okay i'm going to move on the next thing on the list is to break down barriers to break down now to break down can mean a number of different things but when we're saying break down barriers we're talking about um improving understanding and communication between people who have different opinions so usually if two people can't quite connect and communicate well it's because they don't understand each other very well or they have completely different backgrounds or completely different views and opinions on things and that causes this barrier to go up between them and so to break down barriers is to open up a line of communication and create an understanding between them so to break down barriers okay next on the list is impairment impairment impairment here is just another way of saying disability so you might see it written or hear people talking about physical or mental impairment um which just is just another term for disability okay the word unjust if something is unjust then it is unfair you might hear a child say no it's not fair but then a step further from that would be it's unfair it's unfair my child would never say that um but a step further from that would be it's unjust it's unjust so you would usually see this written in newspapers um it's definitely much more formal language it's very unjust that was an unjust comment you made the uh the the injury i received was unjust it was unfair i didn't deserve this injury the man who hit me should have called a let and replayed the point but never mind can she read our chats yes i can read your chats um good if communication has broken down then you need to break down those barriers and get communication back up and running okay the case is unjust yes yes absolutely if we're talking about a legal case um a trial if you feel like there is evidence there which shouldn't be there that hasn't been properly gathered or that there are things that are just not right unfair you can say this this case is unjust this trial is unjust i demand a re-trial um [Music] i don't know where oval is so you keep asking me where is oval um i don't know i don't know i don't really fault this football right the oval stadium i don't really follow football that closely i'm sorry um it's definitely not close to my house otherwise i'd probably be aware of that so next on the list we have disenfranchised disenfranchised now this means if you disenfranchise let me sorry take that past tense if you disenfranchise someone you deprive them of a right or a privilege i personally used to think this word meant disillusioned it's where you kind of lose your passion for something um but it's it's different disillusioned it actually means to no longer have a right or a privileged uh privilege so disabled people can sometimes feel disenfranchised in society they feel like they don't have the right to work or they don't have the privilege to be able to work because it's not set up for them or they're not they're not given access so they feel disenfranchised can you think of another way to use this word disenfranchise have you ever used it before oh the cricket ground of course oval is the cricket ground um i think that's up in richmond is it which is not close to me no um okay so next on the list is capabilities your capabilities are basically your abilities what you are capable of um yeah it's just it's just a more advanced way of saying ability what you're able to do capable i mean it's just a lengthened version of the word really isn't it able capable yeah yeah okay so your capabilities are your abilities are you a capable person are you capable of achieving all your tasks at work um next on the list is the word converse to converse is to talk to someone to have a conversation it's just a posh way of saying conversation to converse um i wouldn't say i was conversing with my friends last night it's definitely more formal um i don't think i've ever said converse to be honest actually i've heard it a lot but i've never said it the next is clientele clientele is another posh word that we use for the word customers so your clientele you might say um here at this company we have a high-end clientele we serve a specific clientele who like the finer things in life okay good do feel free to try and write some examples of these sentences and i'll have a look we know how to use our capabilities yeah i'm just thinking about that because you could say we know how to use our abilities but this is a strange thing to say um you'd probably say we're aware of our capabilities we are aware of our capabilities i guess there is a difference what you're capable of is what you can achieve and your abilities could be seen more like your your special powers your skills so i guess they could be treated slightly differently what do you think ray is there a difference between capability and ability there must be because i'm capable of doing something but i'm able to do something i am converse with my geography okay so to converse is to have a conversation with somebody so you converse with a person so you wouldn't say i am you say i i converse with i converse with my geography teacher every friday or um i am having a conversation with but i converse with and then the person um thank you very much thank you i'm a little out of sorts today i think having a bang on the head definitely had an impact but um an impact on my cognitive abilities my capabilities but um but thank you for being so kind i am capable of and capable of i'm able to but i'm capable of i'm capable of driving in heavy rain you'd say manuel uh ray says they are similar i guess we just use them slightly differently um i try to converse with him to get him to accept my offer i think that would be i try to converse with him to encourage him to accept my offer are they native words yes yes of course they're just um more advanced words so you see them written more in in news articles or used in more formal settings that's all um airlines don't have enough clientele at the moment very good yes i'm sure that is actually true very good i prefer the red one the red reebok trainers over there converse uh yes converse is also the name of a brand making a pun there their clientele has or have always favored quality over quantity very good very nice we have the ability to write a story i am capable of writing a story um does it hurt not does it hurting um you if you're using an ing form you'd say is it hurting is it hurting right now or does it hurt in general so it hurts if i touch it or around the area and it hurts if i try to use my eyebrows because you can actually see it's going to be a bruise here so it's a bit swollen yes it hurts but if i don't touch it i'll move my face it's fine um i just have a headache that's all oh dear don't play squash it's so dangerous you are a capable trainer very good i had a converse with my manager can we use it like that i converse with my manager i converse with my manager i had a conversation with my manager i converse yeah because con converse is the verb right let me just double check this converse first in english all night long yes converse as a verb so you wouldn't say i had a converse because you're making it a noun that way so the noun is conversation um but to converse um yeah the noun version is conversation so converse is the verb okay i hope that makes sense uh thank you for thank you for giving me thank you for giving me that advanced with a d vocabulary you're welcome he did not have the capability to think for himself very good uh oh i just saw a good one that's just escaped me oh no i missed it has it gone or maybe they deleted it okay yes ability and capability overlap we could say that they are synonyms what happened to her face i got hit by a squash bracket okay um his his conversing his conversing at such seasons what do you mean such seasons do you mean like such events a season is spring summer autumn winter or um you have a season um in terms of tv television programs it runs for a season um but here just feels a bit unusual his conversing at such events was always elevating anna and i converse on skype perfect good every people capability helping families okay so every person is capable of helping their families or helping other families okay every person or all people every person all people are capable of it's a tricky one isn't it it's a tricky one i'm capable of taking care of myself i'm capable of taking care of myself okay let's have a look what comes next on the list so we're up to clientele clientele next i have hinge on to hinge on so if something hinges on something then it depends on something or it needs something in order to be successful so a hinge hang on let me put myself back in there sorry i pressed remove remove myself from the stream awkward um yes a hinge is see if i have something with a hinge on here no i don't oh [Music] do i a hinge is a piece of metal that holds a door to a door frame and it's the piece of metal that opens and closes like a book and so it allows you to open and close a door you usually have two or three hinges up the door to attach it to a door frame a hinge hinge and so the phrasal verb to hinge on um is yeah something is dependent on something to be successful so you could say the success of my birthday party hinges on the guests if the guests don't arrive my birthday party will be a disaster or uh the case hinges on the strength of the evidence the case hinges on the strength of the evidence if the evidence isn't strong then the case will fall apart and it won't it won't it'll be dropped probably it'll be thrown out of court um the success of my grammar book hinges on oh double on there hinges on my publisher promoting it worldwide very good example there and yes very true you do have a grammar book i know you do and i wish you all the success in the world with it i know it's taking you a long time and a lot of work these things these projects they're huge they're always we always bite off more than we can chew i hinge on you my english teachers to learn english perfectly so you say like you say my my ability to learn english hinges on my english teachers there's a better way of saying that but name what it is first that hinge is on that relies on the other thing so it's not you that hinge on it it's your your english learning that hinges on the quality of the teachers or the attendance of the teachers okay i hope that makes sense to ride on yeah that that's a similar one um i have everything riding on this um it is similar we don't use it as often here i don't think i've got everything riding on this i need this to work can you give me an example with ride on i'm just trying to think of one off my head um i have everything riding on my english courses i could say um i've almost completed the c2 course and that means we now have five courses out and the success of my business hinges on the success of these courses does that work the success of my business rides on the success of these course launches you might say so i need students to take the courses in order for the business to thrive that was a good um suggestion there thank you for sharing that with us up to hinging off depending of no that doesn't make sense to me i'm sorry um to be up to to be up to something can mean a lot of different things but it doesn't mean to be dependent on passing your exams hinges on studying hard hinges on you studying hard yeah let's see if i can find some other examples it's a tricky one to use this hinges on it might be worth um doing a little google search to see different examples of this being used okay let's move on for now and if i find any more examples that i could share and we can talk about then i'll share them next we have the word coincide this is a good word coincide and this means when something happens at the same time as something else so they coincide uh you might say i'm going to take this yoga class because it coincides with my partner's fitness class so we're both taking a class at the same time which is convenient because it means we could travel to the gym together and we finish at the same time we can grab a coffee and go back home together so coincide happens at the same time okay what was next ah yes to push for something so obviously we know the word push or you're probably familiar with it to push is the action of forcing something to move it so you're giving a shove with your energy your body weight usually with your hands but you can push with your back sometimes if i'm moving big heavy furniture i'll sit on the floor and push with my legs um it's probably why i've got bad knees but to push um if you push for something it means that you are it means that you're demanding that something you you're demanding for something to happen or you're demanding something of someone or you're working hard to try and achieve something so if you're if you're exercising you're in an exercise class and it's a really heavy exercise class and you're sweating and you're finding it difficult your trainer your leader might say come on guys this is the final push let's push for that 20 minutes cycle if it's a spin class perhaps so to push can mean to strive for to try and achieve or to demand i might push my partner to do the washing up i talk about the washing up all the time but i might push him to do the washing up because maybe i'm sick of doing it okay here we go some examples my birthday coincides with independence day fantastic i was listening to music it coincides to anna's class time so listening to music i was listening to music and it coincided with anna's class i was listening to music and it coincided um because you've said in the past i was doing something then we're going to do past tense it coincided with anna's class okay oh ray you're very sweet thank you so much your your comments are not annoying at all you're incredibly helpful an absolute asset to the elan community so thank you for being here and for being so helpful um when we try to do exercise it hinges on the weather over there yes so okay so you're talking about in the uk and that's a really great example by the way when we try to do exercise doing exercise hinges on the weather absolutely if you're doing exercise outside then the weather can play a big part in as to whether you're successful or not because if it's raining and cold and miserable and dark you just want to snuggle up with a cup of tea and a bar of chocolate it's definitely how i'm feeling at the moment um it doesn't feel like summer anymore it's quite depressing we're in for a long winter um ah here's a good one yes to push for a promotion so we've just been talking about pushing for something or to to demand something you might push for a promotion so you're really pressing your boss for a promotion and working really hard to prove that you deserve a promotion um i always push for something from you does you like it do you never does you do you do you like it question mark i always push for something from you do you like it yes good good um [Music] let me see more good examples achieving your goals hinges on striving i take away so striving striving hard i'd with striving i'd usually use something like truly striving or just striving striving in itself is a it's a big word you know to strive to work really hard for something achieving your goals achieving your goals hinges on striving or take away striving maybe hinges on working hard hinges on working hard hard work and dedication i have never been able to coincide with my wife where where where to go on holiday better we staycation um okay so you're using co inside here to mean agree it's very clever and it's very funny but coincide means to happen at the same time not to be in alignment or in agreement okay so you could say i've never been able to agree with yeah i've known how to agree with my wife about where to go on holiday better that week's vacation the better that we have a staycation a staycation for those of you who don't know is a holiday in your home country so you don't leave the country you don't go abroad and that's what many people are having to do now with the pandemic and the difficulties with traveling so most people have opted for a staycation um i'm pushing for a good score a good score in the ielts test fantastic good luck we are pushing for a ban on nuclear testing very good okay um i'm just reading through oh here's one go all out or go all in to achieve something they they mean the same thing you can go all out or you can go all in um to go all out is very similar to put yourself out so you make yourself vulnerable it's like you're stepping out to the world and going this is me i'm going all out i'm completely committed i'm not hiding anything to go all in is like referring to like gambling when you're gambling you might have a pool of chips which are the coins that represent value of money um and you might put just some of your money onto each bet but if you feel lucky and confident you might go all in so you put all your chips in and so to go all in i think stems from gambling terminology to go all in is to just put everything you have into the success of something for example as i said before with my courses my my new business i've gone all in so all of my time my effort my savings everything has gone in to the elan project and uh if it doesn't work out then um then i'll be in trouble but yes to go all out or to go all in are exactly the same thing same sentiment really lovely phrases okay staycation is not a proper word though it's slang and not recognized in english grammar dictionaries yeah staycation is is a slangy term so but you i mean i wouldn't be i wouldn't be nervous about using it it's definitely it's definitely a buzzword at the moment um and it's definitely not crude or anything so okay let's have a look at the list and see what else we've got what other gems we can uncover to get a sense of something this is a phrase that i see and use a lot so i thought i'd mention it in case you're not familiar with it to have a sense of achievement fulfillment a sense of enjoyment a sense of fun i've used all positive words here but it could be a sense of something negative you might have a sense of dread a sense of nervous anticipation basically to have a sense of something just means a feeling and maybe even an unexplained feeling about something so i might say i imagining i was pregnant i'm not but imagining if i were pregnant i might say it's really exciting news but i just have this sense of dread and i'm so scared that something might go wrong or i feel like something's not right or i might say i i have a sense of a sense of excitement and nervousness about the labor about the birth i don't know what to expect so it's just to have a feeling of something that you can't always necessarily explain um oh we just had a new member join hello john lovely for you to join us thank you we have a skype group for you come and say hello um if it doesn't work out then we will all burst into tears so will i so will i yes to burst into tears is to suddenly spontaneously start crying okay so we talked about a sense of something when did you when did you last have a sense of excitement or a sense of dread or a sense of fulfillment um i had a sense of dread today when i realized that we we have a marketing company who are going to help us advertise our courses but what they're working on is a campaign to advertise all our courses which include a business english course and i realize that starts in three weeks they're going to start telling the world about all our courses and i realized i haven't finished signing off the business course so they're on course which means they're they're keeping to their deadline they're going to achieve their deadline in three weeks they're going to tell the world and i don't know if i can complete the business course in three weeks i mean it's finished it just needs signing off it needs bringing in line and so i have a i had a sense of dread today when did you last have a sense of something share it with me nishanter i have ah i have a scent always i sense a sense of something i have a sense of nervousness when talking to a beautiful girl what can i do very good that's a really nice one and have you if you're genuinely asking um always just remember that you're a wonderful person too and that you don't need to be nervous take a deep breath and just focus on saying one thing at a time and listening to what they're saying repeat what they say back to them so that you know so they know you were listening and so that you can clarify what you heard and yeah just take your time don't rush when we're nervous we tend to stumble and say silly things but that was a really nice example thank you for sharing um [Music] i i have a sense that people get people get take off the s people get bored when i talk oh i'm sure that's not true do you know a lot of people think that they are not very interesting and this is what makes many people without realizing it it makes many people speed up when they talk especially when there's a number of people watching so if you're doing a you know a presentation or speaking to a group you suddenly start to get nervous and speak a lot more quickly because you feel like what you're saying isn't very interesting or isn't good quality and um the best thing is to just try and ignore those feelings because they're probably just your own [Music] your own you know evil person if you have two people uh an angel and a devil on your shoulders it's probably just your devil talking it's telling you negative things um oh hi ellaria thank you for joining us you can do it anna thank you um oh his intro on an interesting one in or at or during rush hour we definitely say during rush hour um obviously during rush hour is at the point when it's happening so i never travel during rush hour ever at rush hour we would say um and that's usually at the point where rush hour begins so um i arrived i arrived at work at rush hour or i arrived at the station at rush hour that's terrible isn't it when you when you're trying to beat rush hour but you arrive at the place where all the commuters are going to be at rush hour and that's how it's at the start of that period in rush hour is like during rush hour um i was traveling in rush hour yeah we choose all of them we'd use all of them a rush hour for those who don't know is when um commuting is at its busiest when the trains are full and the roads are busy because people are going about their business so they're going to work or they're going shopping or whatever they do but it's that period in the morning between usually 7 30 and 8 30 9 o'clock and then at the end of the day around 4 30 from the school run usually around 4 4 30 to about 6 o'clock that's rush hour however things are changing because of the pandemic lots of people working from home morning rush hour doesn't look the same anymore not in london i think it's increasing a bit but the trains are much quieter now it's nice even though i applied for the job i didn't have a sense of excitement good yeah good i've got a sense of my girlfriend i have a sense you might say i have a sense that my girlfriend might dump me i have a sense that my girlfriend might dump me i hope that's not true and i hope she doesn't good luck um okay should we should we do another one let's do another one okay so we've talked about push for something a sense of something turn out turn out now turn out can you mean a lot of things but in this article it meant finally knowing something or the result of something which is surprising and so you say it turns out that so you the it was revealed that or we discovered that something and it was a surprise so how can i use this as an example um we we bought some plants and did some gardening and it turns out that i'm very green fingered to be green fingered means to be very good with plants um that's not true by the way i'm not very green fingered i'm just using it as an example so we bought some plants and did some gardening and it turns out that it turns out that i'm very green fingered so that's something i discovered that i'm surprised about um you could say there was a a murder investigation back in 1962 that um that went unsolved for 10 years and it turned out that it was the husband um who paid to bump off his misses okay so it turned out in the past it turned out that it was the husband who bumped off to bump off his to get rid of somebody to bump off uh his mrs slang for his wife or you can use it for girlfriend too um i thought it was just a rumor but it turned out to be true yes yes very good so in the end it resulted the result was it was actually true it's so difficult to take a taxi with an i not a y a taxi at rush hour to return home yeah it can be an expensive if you're taking a taxi during rush hour oh how painful and you watch that the the meter you watch the meter going up and up and up like that um guys if you are here at the moment i always forget to do these things but could you give the video a bit of a like um that would be very much appreciated and let's go on to the next one a humanoid a humanoid a humanoid just refers to a machine that is like a human in some way so these humanoid robots some of the robots look like humans so they are humanoid machines or humanoid robots good the next word is to traverse to traverse i used to think this meant to go across something but it actually just means to cross in any direction it means to move or travel across any area so i traversed asia on uh i traversed asia on a horse on horseback or i traversed the mountains on foot you could say i traversed my garden to reach my house okay [Music] can we say red fingered that's an unusual one no i've never heard red fingered um however rey said not red fingers but you can say sticky fingered yes if you are sticky fingered it means that you if you have sticky fingers it means you're um partial to stealing things you like to just take things that you're that you haven't been given permission to take you have little sticky fingers um and there's shanta oh yes you're such a flatterer it turns out that anna is not only a good mother a good mother but also a good teacher and thank you very much i try my best to try my best um i had been learning to drive i'd say i've been learning to drive for two years and it turned it turned out to be an accident i'm not quite sure what you're trying to say with that i'm not it turned if you mean that you had an accident after two years then that would be different so you'd say something like despite learning to drive for two years i still ended up having an accident so despite learning to drive for two years i still ended up having an accident turnout is to discover something so to learn something um i've been learning to drive for two years and it turns out i've been learning i've been learning the wrong thing you might say or it turns out i don't need a driving license after all that would be a the right use of turnout okay [Music] it turned out that the guy who was sent to jail for the murder was innocent yes and it happens doesn't it it happens i just think that's the most terrifying thing to be to be jailed for something you didn't do to lose a huge chunk of your life wasting away in a jail cell and and to be innocent horrendous um i traversed the forest to find the shore so just add the in there and that'll be perfect the kiddies are quiet today yes the kiddies are well jacob's at nursery and caspian is with the child minder so we have very large child minding costs at the moment which is unfortunate but the nature of having young children well giant while trying to work um and i missed them terribly can i say i traversed a difficult time period or moment you can there's no reason why you can't um because you you journey through a difficult time so we always use that kind of metaphor um i haven't heard it very often but there's no reason why you couldn't use that it's kind of you know creative creative use of language sometimes in the night i i i wake up not i awake just i wake up i wake up asking myself are the humanoids going to what you want to say here is take over not turn out take over the world are the humanoids going to take over the world um you can only use turn out for future if you're if it's conditional so um you might say if it turns out that humanoids take over the world i'll eat my hat um just trying to think of an example that would include the terminator because sometimes people think that the terminator the films with arnold schwarzenegger might actually be correct and that actually ai will turn on us um but i can't think of a good example right now i'll leave that to you guys okay what do we have oh bless you guys have been so sweet thank you guys thank you guys i didn't do well in the exam but it turned out with a great result but it turned out i got a great result i i mean it doesn't quite make sense um you could say i didn't do well in the exam but i learned of but it turns out i learned the best lesson through failure because sometimes we do and actually it turns out that going in one direction in life an unexpected direction is better than what you had planned okay this is a little politically charged but let's go with it um brazilians voted in bolsonaro for president thinking he'd do a great work not uh thinking he could do great work but it turned out to be a disaster it turned out to be a disaster yes um i agree with you but i know not everyone does i don't tend to talk about too many political things um but that was a good example well done um [Music] okay let's have a look at the list and we can't find any more examples to use so the next one is element an element um is it just means a part of something so um uh motherhood is an element of my life it's a big element of my life youtubing is one element of my business [Music] the mark on my head is an element of bad choices on the squash court okay here's another turn out example i thought my friend is a good person having said having said that he turned out to be mischievous okay so let's look at this i thought my friend was a good person in the past i thought that they were a good person having said that he turned out to be mischievous so i take away the phrase having said that because having said that you're not you're not contradicting yourself you're just saying that you thought something and then you learned the truth so you're not contradicting yourself having said that is used to contradict what you just said so i'm on a diet having said that i did just eat a big piece of cake so i've just contradicted my own diet as it were um so i'd say i thought my friend was a good person but it turned out uh but he turned out to be mischievous mischievous uh okay what else do we have uh lying is an element of politicians um [Music] lying is so it wouldn't be an element of politicians it'd be an animal of of the politicians work yeah or um it could be an element of a politician's personality to be a liar it could be an element of their personality but it would be an element of a politician's work it would be a part of their work uh yeah lying or as i would say spinning to spin the truth to turn things to show you the better light or to show you a light that they want you to see is part of is an element of political rhetoric political life political work okay uh yeah elements are also used when talking about like materials and stuff so an element of diamond is carbon uh oh oh i didn't mean to open that one what's this one say watching your videos on youtube is an element of my daily activities fantastic and lovely and yes a very good example i studied swahili for some time but it turned out to be difficult turned out to be difficult maybe you say it turned out to be too difficult very good um okay let's have a look let's have a look at the last things on our list shrug off i love this phrase to shrug something off so this is a shrug and and we shrug when we don't know something uh where are the keys it means i don't know or it can mean i don't care do you want to come to the restaurant tonight and enjoy my birthday dinner i don't know like maybe do i don't care so we usually do it when we're not that interested in something um or we don't know something so it means that whatever's being said to us is unimportant or that we just don't know um so to shrug off as a phrasal verb to shrug off means um that you're yeah it means just to treat something as unimportant so um i might say to you oh my goodness have you seen all the crazy weather events global warming is is real and i'm really worried about it how do you feel about it huh i just i just shrug it off i'm fine there's no weather here just a few clouds so that's me shrugging off the the problem that is climate change i'm treating it like it's unimportant okay so to shrug something off sometimes it's a positive thing oh she's she's so good at just shrugging off all the problems that come her way she doesn't bat an eyelid she doesn't she just shrugs it off she doesn't let it bother her so it can be a positive thing or it can be a negative thing to just shrug something off all the times just like you don't care about things okay um i i had an accident yesterday i was hit in the head and initially i i just told my head and i was like oh that hurt but let's carry on just give me a second let's carry on and they were all shaking their head saying no no no no you need to stop and sort your head out and i was like no no let's keep playing and they said no no you're bleeding i was ready to shrug it off and everybody else told me no i need to take it more seriously everyone else said you need to go and see a doctor see if it needs stitching um but i shrugged it off initially because i would much rather play my sports than wait to see a doctor because i love i love squash so um i tried to shrug it off but they didn't let me here's an example when i asked my friend have you seen john he just he just so here you know i say he just shrugged he just shrugged um yeah you could if john had been missing for a while and it was quite a big deal it's like you say i asked i asked my friend if he knew about john's whereabouts but he just shrugged the whole thing off he didn't he didn't try to work out where my friend was um [Music] white lie what does it mean white lie means a lie that doesn't hurt anybody so a lie that is okay to tell for example we tell our children that father christmas i don't know who's watching this i tell my child that the dummy fairy has taken his dummy to children who need it and in return for taking his dummy away she gave him a present and now every time when my phone tinkles which it does a lot in the evening um my son thinks that that's the dummy fairy coming to see if he's in bed already and so that's a little white lie it doesn't hurt anybody and we use the lie to help manage his behavior and help him to understand why he needs to give up his dummies about growing up and things like that and that's a little white lie so it's a lie that doesn't hurt anyone that doesn't hurt anyone to tell it um any others um can you say shrug off about a person to shrug someone off i'm not sure if i have heard it used to talk about a person she he just because you can actually a little bit you can't shrug someone off i feel like there's another term for it she shrugged me off maybe maybe i would google that because i think perhaps yeah um here are some possibilities yeah to brush someone off to brush them off physically like get away or to snub them i always think about the nose going up if you snub someone they talk to you and you go just lift their nose up and turn away how rude so you might be snubbed at a party hi it's lovely to see you very rude yes to be snubbed um okay is it normal of not understanding british comedians i mean is it normal to not be able to understand british comedians yes i'm not surprised british comedians many of them have very strong accents um actually some of my favorite comedians have very very strong regional accents or they have unusual voices and that's kind of part of what makes them interesting and different to listen to um [Music] so i'm not surprised and they also you know talk in a very informal way most of the time and they use a lot of um like features of features of speech like puns and um metaphors similes things that plays on words a lot of plays on words and so i don't blame you for finding difficult to understand just persevere persevere um it's normally raining here but i shrug it off yeah doesn't matter i'll go out anyway good for you fantastic right let's finish this list we're nearly there so we've got fad we talked about a fad um a fad is can be a style of clothing uh an activity so a thing that happens or an interest that everyone's into you know sometimes these social media platforms are fads aren't they uh or do we have snapchat is that still going or was that a fad uh it's something that's popular for a short period of time and then it's done i've written here also a flash in the pan a flash in the pan is something that like it's like when something in a pan it sets on fire and everyone goes whoa in a restaurant so they flash it in the pan but it only is on fire for a moment and then that stops otherwise it would be burnt to a crisp and so a fad is a fashion or a thing like maybe uh exercising in the park might be a fad for a little while all um [Music] planking was a fad everyone was planking and taking pictures themselves planking in different places or that thing where you jump out of a moving car and dance next to the moving car that was a silly fad wasn't it um so a fad something was popular for a short period of time myspace was a fad yeah i had a myspace account i think i recently deleted it because i i found it was still going what i've forgotten all about that uh so yeah a fad myspace were you on myspace youtube did survive i'm very glad about that um yeah did you know youtube started out as a dating site did you know that it did that's how it started its life started as a dating site and now it's you know it's just unconceivable to think that it was a dating site once um okay hi julia you've just joined we're just getting to the end of our big list um okay so the last one is a saving grace a saving grace is a small good thing that kind of offsets a bad situation so it's like the phrase a silver lining every cloud has a silver lining so the cloud is big the cloud is gray the crap the cloud brings misery but occasionally when the sun is behind the cloud you'll see a little silver lining which is beautiful and so a small good thing in a bad situation or a small good outcome from a bad situation is a saving grace and they say that at the end of this article so now we've covered all of those uh all of those words and phrases if we go back and look at the article again it will hopefully make a little bit more sense so does anyone have any questions about what we've covered and should we move on and read through the article straight away let me know um [Music] i heard a noise and turned back and turned back what it was and turned back to see what it was you need in there why you turn back and turn back to see what it was but then i just shrugged it off i would add in something like i turned back to see what it was i couldn't see anything so i shrugged it off sometimes life gives us life not live or live life with an f sometimes life gives us a surprise so every cloud has her silver line or a silver lining very good okay let's go through this article and um and we'll see those things that we've covered as we go through okay so tokyo's first robot staffed cafe is more than a mere marketing stunt to draw customers okay so it's a robot staffed cafe it's an unusual thing but it's not a mere marketing stunt remember mia means an unimportant little thing a marketing stunt is an event that's done only to bring attention to a product or a brand to draw customers remember my milkshake draws all the boys to the yard so to entice and encourage okay tokyo's first robot staffed cafe is more than a mere marketing stunt to draw customers it's more than that dawn cafe is breaking down barriers so remember it's opening up is um the communication between people who have not been able to communicate before so it's breaking down barriers for those living with physical and mental impairment disabilities leaving them unjustly so it's not fair unjustly disenfranchised means that it's not fair because they don't have the the rights or the ability uh to fit in with society and so it's the impairment that's leaving them unjustly disenfranchised from society but dawn cafe is breaking down that barrier as allowing them to get involved um operating robots called orihimi from their homes so these people who are living with these impairments operating the robots from their homes employees have a variety of capabilities such as handling the robots using eye movements via specialized computer boards which also allows them to converse remember it's the verb to have a conversation with the clientele the customers are you with me so far hopefully here we go kentaro yoshi fuji co-founder of the robotics group ori lab believes the cafe success hinges on the ability to have communication between employees and customers so it won't be successful without this this is important for the success of the cafe um he says customers here are not exactly coming to this location just to meet arihimi they come here because of the people behind orihimi they will come back to see them again the cafe opened its doors just in time for the city's hosting of the para olympics which also coincided so it happened at the same time as or coincided with the we the 15 global push for remember to demand or to try and achieve something the global push for an end to prejudice against the world's disabled population one of the cafe's employees machino email in my am i tells us that that this job gives him a sense of achievement a sense of achievement a feeling of achievement he said as long as i'm alive i want to give something back to the community by working conversations via small robots help customers discover more about the experiences of those operating them which turns out we discovered that and this is surprising it turned out to be a great learning opportunity for all involved mamaru fukaya shares his experience i find it so hard to read these names i hope i pronounced that correctly we'll find out in a minute the pilot was very friendly since he said he can't work outside his home it's very good for such a person to have this kind of chance while humanoid robots traverse to cross to travel across the cafe floor waiting tables i'm just going to stop with this bit a minute um so if you are a waiter or waitress you wait tables it's quite an unusual way to use the verb weight because you normally say i wait for but when you're talking about a waiter or a waitress doing their job they wait on tables or they wait on their customers and so to wait on something is a little it's a bit of an odd way to use that verb um but you can also just say they wait tables they're waiting tables so it's a little unusual but that's that's the way we use the verb in that setting uh the small robots provide a more human element to the experience many may shrug off so they'll treat it as unimportant they'll shrug off the robot cafe as a mere fad so remember mia again we used that earlier meaning an unimportant thing a small thing sorry and fad being something that's only popular for a short time so it's just a fad a mere fad nevertheless for am i it's his saving grace it's the small good thing at the end of not the end of but on the outskirts of a big bad thing he says i feel happy if i can be part of society good okay does anyone have any questions about that did that make more sense next time round the second time around having gone through the vocabulary hopefully it did let's have a quick look at your your comments um are you about to finish the class uh viviana no i well we will soon very soon i'm going to play the video one more time for everyone and then wrap up [Music] what are the symbols next to your name what symbols what symbols do we have symbols next to my name oh do you mean in the chat oh okay some people have like a like a sideways s next to their name and it means that they are members on on youtube the youtube has a membership program where people can donate some money towards creators and in return they get access to a skype group access to some notes access to some videos that aren't available to everybody so that's what the little symbols next to people's names represent if that's what you're talking about i thought you meant my name then i don't understand um [Music] okay i'm confused tell me what's confusing you which bit is confusing you can you just repeat all the vocabulary yes i can let's have a quick look at all the vocabulary once more so we had marketing stunt something you do to get attention for a product mia you use it to emphasize that something's not important to draw people come on to break down barriers to open up understanding between people impairment meaning disability unjust meaning unfair disenfranchise meaning that you're deprived of your rights or your privileges capabilities converse which is the verb for conversation clientele meaning customer something hinges on something so to depend on coincide happening at the same time to push for something so to try and get something or demand something from someone a sense of something to get a feeling turn out is to finally know something but in a surprising way humanoid is a machine that looks or feels like a human to traverse is to travel basically to travel to move element is a part of something to shrug off to treat something like it's not important a fad is a passing popular style or activity that's popular for a short time and a saving grace a good thing in a bad situation okay um could you explain to us a sense of something again um yeah a sense of something just means a feeling of something um right now i have a sense of excitement because i'm going to see my son soon i have a growing i have a growing sense of excitement so it's a feeling of something um every time i see your forehead tears drop down over my chin it's something i can avoid it over sensibility in my eyes please don't worry it's fine um if anna twists her her this is something that i correct a lot with my students women females her she men are his him he so trying to remember those but her twists her headphones it turns you're trying to use turn out um you could say so turn turn out is not necessarily to result in turnout is more about discovering something that's already apparent or that's already the case it's not it was anna twisting her headphones results in her headphones breaking that's different um that's the end result of my action so you but you could say anna was wearing headphones but it turns out they weren't working so that would be interesting wouldn't it because i'm wearing headphones that don't work so they're they're useless but it turns so it turns out they were never working why was she wearing headphones the whole time to be honest i don't know why i'm wearing them i don't know why i'm wearing them turns out it was uh unnecessary okay i hope that makes sense okay i usually forget the meanings of the memorized words what is the best method for memorizing vocabulary really good question okay so the reason you forget words is that you're memorizing is because you are not forming a long-term attachment to that word you're not forming the kind of neurological pathways that you need to form for something to become long-term memory you make a quick connection neurologically you make a quick connection in the brain and then that breaks down because the brain is constantly changing and adjusting the memory is cutting away unnecessary information so what you need to do to form a long-term memory is to revisit a piece of information multiple times so that you reinforce that connection it's like imagine you're driving through sand the first time you drive through perfectly flat sand you're going to leave a treadmark behind you tire marks will be there so people can see where you've been if you don't go over that same path again if you don't drive that same route again then the sea will come in and wash those tread marks away if you do drive again later that day you'll make the tread marks deeper and then if you come back and do it again in the morning they'll get deeper still and the ocean is coming in and out but it might not wash away the depth of those treadmarks so by going over and over that information you're making the treads deeper and deeper and deeper until it there comes a point where the ocean will not wash away time will not wash away that memory that you formed so what i always suggest that you do as a review schedule is to learn a piece of information revisit it again within an hour or two and then revisit it once more at the end of the day so i learn i learn the phrase a fad or shrug off now in an hour i'll look at that again and think about it again for a second then before i go to bed i'll look at it again i've made a list a handwritten list that always helps writing by hand then tomorrow look again only once but look once more tomorrow then in a week look again and then in a month and that's it so in an hour end of the day next day next week next month five times that will be enough should be enough to get that into your long-term memory when it comes to vocabulary because there is so much it's also going to be excellent if you try to get the words into your regular speaking so i tend to when advising my pronunciation students if they have a number of sounds to work on i say okay today you've been looking at this particular lesson why not keep that lesson in your head for the next two three days maybe it's working on the th sound so only think about the th sound for the next few days and so this can be the same for vocabulary think about the phrase a fad or silver lining or to have a sense of something choose one of them and try to get them into a conversation or use it when typing a comment in in a chat okay so by using it you're going to go over those treads and make those treads deeper i hope that i hope that helps okay but yeah repetition really is the key practice really does make perfect but that was a very good question so thank you for posing that oh and take that off okay um oh my goodness i need to go because i now have a conversation clinic with my students on zoom so i really need to go i didn't realize what time it was i'm going to really wrap this up and say thank you to sensationsenglish.com for helping us out with the material do go over and check them out and if you want to join us in one of our conversation clubs which we hold twice a week at the moment do consider joining us at um english like native dot co dot uk where you can join any of our english courses or pronunciation course and very soon because i will finish it the business course thanks for following guys take care
Channel: English Like A Native
Views: 8,832
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Id: 9vZRzh41sME
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Length: 90min 13sec (5413 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 02 2021
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