5 ENGLISH Phrasal Verbs: Learn The Complete List - #14 | LIVE English Lesson

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hello everyone welcome to today's live lesson my name is Ana English and this is English like a native it's Monday it's four o'clock and that means we are doing some more phrasal verbs just five phrasal verbs for you today these are verbs that we use all the time that every native will know and so you should know them too now I have my notes as usual which are they going through patrons are also here in the patron Skype room and yeah let's get straight on in there and as you might be able to tell from the thumbnail the first phrasal verb is the phrasal verb bog off now if you are familiar with this phrasal verb you'll know this is quite a abrupt and maybe slightly rude phrasal verb rude as in it's something you'd say to someone if you're annoyed with them so if you want someone to go away or if someone has irritated you with what they've said then you say off it's very similar to the phrase get lost get lost now it does technically mean go away but it doesn't mean necessarily that you want them to go away you wouldn't say to them bog off meaning leave you might just say bog off saying shut up or stop talking about what you're talking about or I'm offended so bog off is just a phrase you'd use if you're annoyed basically and only with someone that you know very well or that you don't mind offending I would never use this in a formal situation I would only I don't think I've ever used it actually but if I did use it I'd probably use it with my brother or sister or I might use it with my boyfriend or I might jokingly use it with a friend maybe have you ever heard this phrasal verb hopefully no one's ever told you to bugger off but have you it before okay so I'm just going to show you it written down now do feel free to do for free to try and write a sentence now using this phrasal verb remember this lesson is all about me helping you so I want you to try and put these phrasal verbs into practice and then I will correct you if you're using it incorrectly okay so here we go bow off and it means to get lost or go away it is slang so only use it in informal situations and it's usually used when someone has annoyed you the example sentence I gave is he tried to tell me that I couldn't park so that's talking about my car he tried to tell me that I couldn't park in front of his house because he didn't like the color of my car I told him to bog off I told him to bog off okay notice the word color I'll just point this out in case you haven't realized the word color is spelt differently in British English to American English in American English they don't have the letter U so if you are keen to keep with American English then these lessons are still very helpful but there are some differences okay all right ladies and gentlemen I do have to point out you may if you're very perceptive notice that I'm speaking maybe slightly differently a little bit more guarded on how I'm speaking it's because I've got another huge ulcer on my tongue you remember not so long ago maybe three months ago I got such a big ulcer that I couldn't work I couldn't do lessons I couldn't talk for a whole week so hopefully this one won't become that that bad but that's why I'm speaking funny because I'm in a lot of pain oh woe is me but it's fine I'm here now and I'm working through it so I will not be bogging off anytime soon so now looking at your example sentences I've already got a couple coming through let's have a look if you're watching this pre-recorded you should be able to see the chat box at the side and you'll see these also on the side of the video I've got Vineet says I told my friend to bog off only ones even eat not to I told my friend to bog off when she said me to play with her when she told me when she told me that's more of a that's more of an order isn't it she told me to play with her that would work better my colleague kept annoying me so I told him to bog off very good Sarah well done chat cow Chow Yuen Li says Bob off don't disturb me I'm doing my assignment I need to submit it today very good make sure child that you're putting a space after every piece of punctuation full stops commas yeah you need a full stop every time a space between them you can't have them all right next to each other okay and now I'm just going to jump over to see what my patrons are saying hello patrons welcome I've got Alexander and they suddenly last few questions I'll double check that later for you off off the air but you've said as an example for example Anna for example Bob off I'm trying to sleep yes you could use that Bob off I'm trying to sleep hello Georgie Julia how long have you been talking about that boy Bob off I'm annoyed yes very good very good example there and pour you another also yes I'm very prone to ulcers I'm very prone to ulcers it's just something that happens when I get a little bit rundown but thank you for your for your concern Alexander I wanted to take an autograph from Taylor Swift but I was told to bog off by a security guy well done good afternoon welcome okay while your examples are coming through I'm going to go to the next phrasal verb fabulous okay so the next phrasal verb is using the verb to boil boil now boil come in a couple of different things it could be a noun sometimes if you have a boil it's like a lump of skin that grows and if you want to remove them you have to get them cut off that's a boil too if you're you could say that I'm going to boil it which is when you get so hot you get too hot and you could say that the weather is boiling if the weather was very very hot you boil water but as phrasal verbs we have a few options with the verb boil now we have the first one which is boil down to boil down is basically to reduce something in so we do something to its most basic now normally when we're talking about boiling something down we're talking about something that's liquid based and usually we're talking about cooking usually not always but usually anything to do with liquid and it's usually talking about cooking so the example sentence I've given here is to say the trick to making a good risotto is to always oh sorry is to allow the stock to slowly boil down the trick to making a good risotto is to allow the stock to slowly boil down okay nice and easy hopefully you'll find that one easy so I'd like you to write a sentence let's try and base it around cooking because I only really hear this when I'm talking about cooking so what would you boil down so see if we can write it Center that you're using boil down and while you're doing that I'm gonna come back to my lovely patrons let's see what Vivian has to say I would never tell a person to a bar off on his or her face as long as a person stay on his or her good behavior so first of all I would never tell a person to bog off to her face or to his face now because you've said person you've been generic I know you've been generic here but what you should do here is say to their face so if you're not specifying a boy or a girl then you'd say I would never tell a person to bog off to their face as long as the person stayed on their best behavior is probably what we'd say as long as a person or as long as a person was on their best behavior okay I hope that helps okay patrons do feel free to continue adding your examples and I will help you with those okay let's come back to you guys hello good evening in China hello shortening and you from his new for Mystic alterations from butt off okay I don't understand that one I don't understand what you're trying to say with that bed anyway let's carry on I can have got any examples here bog off I'm not sharing my food with you good fit land sharing is spelt differently you don't need an e in sharing okay do we have any examples with boiled down John Noble are you really pregnant yes I am really pregnant no examples oh here we go Marlena says do not touch do not touch these cookies they need to boil down hmm now cookies you don't boil cookies you bake cookies cookies are like biscuits you normally make the the dough and you put them in the oven I'm going to put this light on here so you can see my face better you put them in the oven and they bake they bake so you wouldn't boil cookies down it's a good attempt but boiling down has to involve liquid that you want to reduce okay any other examples I boiled down the article to half the length very good now Mohammed has used boiled down but taking it away from liquid and just used it to mean to make something very short and basic so that's good you use that correctly so any more examples okay I've got one here let's have a look let's bring this up on the screen this may seem a large quantity of mushrooms but they do boil down considerably good I would say like here this may seem like a large quantity of mushrooms but they do boil down considerably yes very good if you boil mushrooms or many things that you boil they reduce in size don't they so very good a question if I'm frying meat can I say something like frying down no you fry off you fry off I'm frying this off but you boil things down okay and I think with with boiled down we use the word down because it reduces because it lowers it decreases so we use down for that reason okay okay so let's go back to our notes and look at the next phrase of oh sorry I'll just answer this one and then we'll go if you want to make this soup have a thick texture you need to boil it down with a small fire very good well done alright let's have a look at the next one shall we so boil down now we have boiled down to now this is the one I hear more often use to boil down to this little this little word makes a big difference so if you're talking about something boils down to and we're talking about the most essential element or the most basic aspect of something it's hard to explain but the example sentence I've given here is imagine I'm looking around a house because I want to buy a house and the estate agent the person who is selling the house tells me lots of wonderful things about the house they say Oh Ana it has a marvelous garden it's the biggest garden you'll find in the area it's got lots of beautiful bright rooms great for filming you've got lovely neighbors underfloor heating it's a very warm house it's very secure it has an alarm system it could hear tell me all these wonderful things but I will say to him look you can give me thousands Oh oh you can give me you can give me a thousand reasons why I should buy this house but at the end of the day it all boils down to the price how much is it so I'm saying look it doesn't matter how many good things you can tell me about this house the most important aspects the most important thing I need to know and and what is essential for me to buy this house is to know how much it is because even if it's the best house in the world if it's too expensive I can't buy it okay so like you to try to write a sentence using boil down to now we normally say boils with this it boils down to this is what it boils down to another example maybe two people don't get on very well and you say essentially the reasons why they don't get on all boiled down to the fact that they are brother and sister or the reasons they that they don't get on and it all boils down to the fact that they really love each other and they can't be together and it makes them very angry okay so that's another example of using the phrasal verb boils down to so Rosa says I don't cook risotto so often I don't cook risotto so often because it takes ah long time you can't say it takes a long time you have to add in their Rosa it takes a long time to boil it down good use of that phrasal verb boiled down that we just previously looked at but just add after that sentence and that will work so the rock says it's true that that all students oh it's lost it where did it go oh no he removed it oh no okay um okay stunning lad hello ray says I was out I was a out apartment hunting today two thousand pounds up front is what it boils down to yes very good choosing which school you want to go to boils down to what job you want to do in future very good yellow 7:30 well done Sunday so they love this lesson thank you that's very kind okay I'm gonna have a quick look over at what the patrons are saying at this point so let's go back to the phrasal verb boiled down Vivian says I will normally use ingredients such as meat pork or chicken vegetables on on it on I'm not sure what you're saying it on to water mmm-hmm this should boil down the soup hmm I would normally use ingredients such as meat pork chicken vegetables meat and vegetables add it to water I would say add it to water and boiled down to make soup and boiled down to make soup it's what I would say Alexandre you can boil the long story down to a few sentences and it still has the same meaning very good well done what I want boils down to just one thing become a native speaker in English well done all our political movements boil down to one thing money yep you can give me as many excuses as you I would say like but let's see what the rest of the sentence is you can give me as many excuses you can but it all boils down to the fact that you didn't do your homework good but I would change can to like it works better Remy oh my god I didn't notice the daylight savings time I'm 15 minutes late it's a life lesson oh dear don't worry now you know and you'll know for future reference it all but it all boils down to attitude very good well done alright so I think you've got the hang of that one let's now jump on over to the next one I've got two more left guys but this one has a double meaning so technically when the next one's got a double meaning so technically we've got four left but obviously they're double meanings so and while right this kind of halfway point if you haven't already then please do share your appreciation to this lesson by giving me a thumb up that would be excellent and if you're not already a subscriber but English is something that you really want to improve in then please click the subscribe button and the Bell notification button so you don't miss any future lessons ah yeah I think that's it really oh and if you don't mind sharing with someone who you think might find it helpful with any English learning forums or any groups that you're a part of where people are interested in learning English for free then please do share away I'm finding it very difficult to spread the news of these lessons at the moment everyone wants you to pay money to advertise them to to share and I think it's very unfair but if you can share for me then that would be a really great help okay let's move on so the next phrase verb is to boil over now we'll use this in two different contexts it both kind of mean the same thing but one is when we're talking about liquid and one is when we're talking about an emotional situation so firstly we're talk about liquid this is nice and easy usually here is in the kitchen because that's why we're normally boiling things we might boil water or milk or soup in a pan we might be boiling a stock or stew you might be boiling the kettle although I would be surprised if the kettle ever boiled over and so it's basic liquid flows over the sides of the container jutsu and while boiling so if you make something too hot or maybe the pan is too full and you boil it it rises up and up and up until the liquid flows over the sides makes a terrible mess and you're like oh no I have it with porridge sometimes I'm a little bit lazy lazy and I put my porridge in the microwave to heat up and every time I do it it's terrible I shouldn't do it every time I make porridge in the microwave it always boils over so a bubble bubble bubble and then it all goes over the size and having sticky porridge all around the bowl in the bottom of the microwave is just terrible it's so messy and it takes so long to clear up so I don't like it when my porridge boils over it's not so bad if water boils over because it's easy to clean up it's not ideal of course you don't want things to boil over but sometimes it happens right if you get distracted or the heat is up too high so the example sentence I've given here for boil over in this context is I turned away from the hub and the hob is the top of a cooker where flames are where the heat is at the very top okay so you might have a gas cooker or an electric cooker I have what's called an induction hob it's a very new style of hob and it's very safe so no one can burn themselves okay I turned away from the hop of five minutes and when I looked back the pan of soup had boiled over okay and I do have to just stop for a moment to say Biel 'mobile has dropped a to passive chat thank you so much Nabil you say hey Ana I like your lessons from Leeds woohoo well thank you so much Anna Beebe that's very very helpful Nabil sorry not Anna Beebe all super chats go towards helping this channel to survive and to continue to grow it's very difficult to provide free education as a full-time job but I try my best for you and the support of people who like you Nabil who gives super chats and my patrons make a world of difference so thank you so much and as my way of saying thank you and Nabil if you drop me an email I'll send you over the notes from today so I'll send you the notes from these of these five phrasal verbs that we've covered today so that you have those in your records for future reference thank you okay so that's boiling over talking about liquid or something in a pan that you're cooking now we can also talk about emotional situations that boil over normally it's if someone gets angry or if they are quite sad and they're going to burst into tears you could say they are boiling over so it's when a situation reaches an intense emotional state and can no longer be contained so the example sentence I've given you here is the atmosphere in the house is unbearable everyone hates each other and we do not want to be there when it all boils over so this person is suggesting that any moment now all these people who are in this house because they hate each other so much any moment now they are all going to start arguing they might even kill each other who knows it might turn into punching and scratching it could be very nasty so it could turn into a very nasty situation so we don't want to be there when it all boils over okay so it's very similar it's very similar to when a pan boils over because it's not some thing you want to happen you can see it coming it gets higher and higher and higher and then it explodes or it goes over and makes a mess it becomes a nasty sticky situation okay so emotional or liquid based let's have a look at your example shall we right so now Nalani lon I'm glad you're here I know you were waiting for the live lesson you said milk on gas boil over gas is spelt with 1s so I would also say I put milk cooked on gas boils with an S at the end over milk cooked on gas boils over okay today the atmosphere of my home boiled over because my mom was mad at me because I forgot to turn off the gas and the curry boiled over well done so you've used two versions of the same phrasal verb that's really clever I would change a few things though today the atmosphere today I wouldn't say the atmosphere I just say things at home today things at home boiled over cuz now this spelling of cuz is very much slang I'd be very careful using that I would say because every time if I'm writing because my mom was mad at me for now because we've already used because I now change and use for my mum was mad at me oh actually no no one was mad at me yes used for my mom was mad at me for forgetting so you have to change forget into the continuous my mum was mad at me for forgetting to turn off the gas and the curry boiled over or you can say as a consequence the curry boiled over don't use got either the curry boiled over that's all you need okay well done it's a good example the apartment I saw today had a view of the kitchen from the living room so I would be able to see if anything boiled over really great example thank you and just working back here a little bit it happens to me all the time with milk says Rosa yeah it's it's messy isn't it it's very messy water boils at 100 100 C over well water boils at 100 C over you'd boils over at 100 C water boils over at 100 C my mother was sick of me not studying and finally boiled over to me being rounded finally it boiled down to me being grounded he could use you could say my mum was so sick of me not studying that finally she boiled over and punished me but my punishment boiled down to me being grounded as a superstition it is said that if coffee boils over it brings good luck really I didn't know that okay so I'm going to just jump over to my patrons now and see what you guys are saying and then I'll move on to the very last phrase of oh gosh it goes so quickly doesn't it so we've got what we got here there are plenty of reasons why most people failed or fail so don't use Edie there are plenty of reasons why most people fail or give up so don't use the past tense give up on their journey of learning English learning English don't say speak terrible English such as the fact that they weren't born or raised in an english-speaking country space always put a space after punctuation however it all boils down to good space here again and no cuff to letter there because you've just used a comma however it all boils down to the fact that they do not dedicate enough time to you are dedicated to they do not dedicate enough time to learning English or use excuses to make themselves feel better I would say and and use not using and use excuses to make themselves feel better good there are many ways to study in schools or universities effectively space but the ultimate way the ultimate way to learn awesome I think that's supposed to be the ultimate way to learn awesome grade I would say the ultimate way to get an awesome grade in school is to to be humble willing to acquire knowledge from people and not and not to place yourself above others okay to clean the frying pan you have to fill it with water and let it boil over then hang it up to dry oh really okay there's a good sentence well done and when you are heating up your soup or cooking your soup with fire on our stove make for aa in there you should always supervise it when the stove is on rather than leaving it alone and going going to play on your computer otherwise a-w not avi otherwise the soup will boil over as a result you don't need a commoner otherwise the suit will boil over as a result the kitchen will be a mess okay or maybe not the common there otherwise the soup will boil over and as a result the kitchen will be a mess oh okay good let's move on now to our very last phrasal verb okay so the very last phrasal verb is also using boil and this is the last phrasal verb with boil so what should we know this one will know all the boil based phrasal verbs and it is to boil up to boil up now you could say boiling up when talking again about liquid boil up the pan boil up the water or you could talk about it again when we're discussing an emotional state so normally we say it's boiling up if we're talking about a negative emotion so if a negative emotion is growing then you say it was boiling up inside or her anger was boiling up or you could say you see she boiled up so it's usually to do with the negative emotion I don't think I've ever heard it used with a positive emotion okay let's have a look at the examples let me bring them up on the screen for you so so like I said a growing negative emotion and the example I've written is Thomas is the only person who understands sorry I've made a mistake there who understands how I feel he can sense the anger boiling up inside me Thomas is the only person who understands how I feel he can sense the anger boiling up inside me okay the second version which is to bring something to boiling point again usually talking about a pan of liquid I've written the example I simply boil everything up together in some lightly salted water maybe I'm talking about my green vegetables I simply boil everything up together in some lightly salted water so I might boil my peas and my broccoli and my leeks all together in the same pan uh-huh and stunning ladders go an example to boil up some soup yes I always boil up my soup now I can see in the chat room some guys some of you guys are exchanging phone numbers and email addresses which is fine but what I'm gonna do guys is remove them not because I don't want you to connect I do want you to connect I think it's a great idea but it's to protect you so many of you quite freely give out your phone number and your email addresses and it's really bad practice because there are lots of people out there just waiting for an email address or a phone number so they can then start spamming you and I know because I have it all the time all the time and while I'm on that note I will say recently I've had a lot of people finding my phone number and however you come across my phone number it's it's not meant to be out there publicly but sometimes I make mistakes and and I've had a lot of phone calls in the middle of the night while I've been sleeping or on like a Sunday evening while I'm trying to relax with my family and people just phone me all they send me messages and even when I ask them to stop they continue to message me over and over again and it becomes what we call a nuisance it becomes a nuisance a pain it stresses me out it upsets me it makes me feel vulnerable it's hard to relax when someone is constantly calling a messaging you it makes me feel bad because these people are normally trying to be friendly I just there has to be a level of privacy that's respected and so firstly you should always protect your own phone numbers don't just put them out on the internet for everyone to see but secondly I guess if you are someone who comes across my phone number ever and I haven't personally given it to you for whatever reason please respect my privacy please don't use the number and do let me know in another way where my number has cropped up I have the same with emails lots of you send me emails and it's lovely because most the time you're just sending me emails to say I loved your lesson I think it's wonderful and they're very very nice to read but my email account is so full of emails every day important business based emails that help me to run the channel help me to continue doing what I'm doing and sometimes I get lost in my emails because I have so many emails from viewers so you guys can talk to me here on YouTube that's what YouTube is here for I read all the comments every single comment that comes through I read them if I have chance I do respond or I'll give it a thumb or a love heart if I really like it if I don't like this I think it's an appropriate hour of it which I do do regularly if they're bad bad comments no negativity on this channel but yes so all I'm saying is please let me allow allow my email to be for business my phone number is for my personal use and for my my special little whatsapp group or for my private students sometimes on YouTube is for you guys okay so let's keep those things in the right place and that's cool and also look after your own personal details it's it's quite it's quite difficult once your phone number is out there once your emails out there everyone will become spammers and they they can misuse your personal details so please be careful please be careful okay so let's just quickly recap on those phrasal verbs that we learned today boil up oh I'm boiling up I'm angry or the pan is boiling up if I'm not careful it will boil over or if I don't control my anger and calm down I will boil over and then we have boiled down to what it all boils down to at the end of the day is that I want to help you with your English that's what the essential and most basic driver of me being here on YouTube is I want to help so that's what it boils down to but while I'm trying to help you I'll make some soup but the soup is very runny so I'm going to boil down the soup so that it's a little thicker and then the first phrasal verb we had was bog off which as I explained can be seen as a rude term okay so that's all that we have time for today thank you for giving me your attention for 37 minutes goodness me the time does go quickly some of you are asking me now what is the time here in my country well here in London in England it is thirty nine minutes past four so we are coming into the late afternoon what I might do is get a little breath of fresh air after this before carrying on work this evening I have had a couple of new patrons join me recently I will be sorting you guys out with access to the drop boxes later on this evening so look out for emails in your email email inbox and thank you for joining me I hope you all have a lovely evening patrons I'll stay online for a few minutes to answer any final questions and I hope that you guys will join me again tomorrow I won't be live but I will be releasing a very special video tomorrow evening where I collaborated with some very very lovely beautiful English teachers from another Channel so I hope you'll be joining me for that that's tomorrow evening possibly another live lesson on Friday but lots of lessons coming in between times this week so keep your eyes peeled make sure you've subscribed and click the balint occasion button otherwise take care lots of love from London [Music] you
Channel: English Like A Native
Views: 20,118
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Learn English, English lesson, English like a native, Anna English, british english, english lesson, Live english lesson, english vocabulary, learn english, live lesson, learn english live, english, british, phrases, speaking, speaking english, pronunciation practice, phrasal verbs, learn english phrasal verbs, english phrasal verb, phrasal verbs in use, bog off, toefl, ielts, phrasal verb, phrasal verbs in english, learn phrasal verbs, english phrases, englsih verbs
Id: X65pT1NS0lY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 17sec (2357 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 16 2018
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