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[Music] a very good morning to you my name is Anna and English to be exact and I am broadcasting to you live from London England where I am from today we are looking at how to write a CV or a resume as some of you may call it in English so this is a liquor live English lesson and I am English so I will be teaching you everything I know about writing a CV or a resume during this lesson today so if you have any questions then feel free to put your questions in the comments box and as we go through this lesson which will be a very long lesson then I will try my best to help you as much as I can being a native obviously I have some experience of writing Seavey's and of course I'm very experienced in the language that is English my native language so I'll do my very best to help you today so let me say a quick hello to everyone I got everyone here in the YouTube room hello this is 76 of you in at the moment hi wherever you are in the world say a quick hello to me if you haven't already and hello to my patrons patrons I've got you here in the chat room good morning to you now before I do start this lesson this business English lesson I duly say that this video is sponsored today by I Torquay now if you're not familiar with I talkie I talkie is a large online database of both native and non-native teachers that offer video lessons 24 hours a day so it can be completely convenient to you and they don't just teach English they offer hundreds of languages and the best thing is the price these one-to-one lessons are very affordable at they're cheaper than offline lessons at around 30% of the cost and to make it even better I've managed to arrange a special offer just for you I Toki will credit your account with $10 when you buy your first lesson so basically is like buy one get one free and all you have to do to take advantage of that offer is to click on the link in the description box below so it's the very first link in the description box below for you to get that $10 credit when you buy your first lesson so hello Ella ello is dropped me a super chat already so this this video is also sponsored by Ella and her super chat thank you so much Ella and you said Anna I love how you follow your dreams thank you so much for your how that's very very kind of you so Ella of course as you know anyone who drops a super chat during this lesson your message will highlight so I can read it and so that everyone else can see it and also as a way of saying thank you you will receive the notes from this lesson now I spent hours last night writing these notes for you and these are the notes we're going to go through today I've tried some it they're quite concise and also I will send you the sample Seavey's that i've pulled from the internet as well okay so thank you very much Ella I will send these over to you after the lesson if you just drop me another email just to remind me and I'll send you those notes at the end of the session if anybody else would like those notes and you're not sure what a super chat is it's the little dollar sign next to the emoji sign in the comment section so that you can donate to the growth of this channel and this community okay so shall we get started with this incredibly important lesson so tell me in the comments now have any of you ever had to or are any of you considering writing a CV in English to apply for a job in the UK or in an english-speaking country or company so let me know how many of you watching now need to write your CV in English let me know okay and as you're doing that I'm going to get started so how to write a CV when you apply for a job in the UK you may be asked to provide one of the following document so you may be asked to provide a CV which stands for curriculum vitae curriculum vitae now we very rarely say curriculum vitae it's a very long way of saying CV so in almost all cases when speaking we just say CV we never really say curriculum vitae but now you know what curriculum vitae is as C V now CV is basically a summary of your work experience your skills and your education this tells a potential employer why you are the best candidate for the job so it's a way of selling yourself it's like a sales pitch for yourself tells an employer all the best bits about you your education your skills and your experience okay so that's a CV now be aware that many of you all know this as a resume a resume and we pronounce it like that resume resume but this is American okay we don't use resume here in the UK so obviously important to know the both and but if you are applying to a job in the UK you'll be asked for CV which is a resume all right always good to know the difference and okay so a few of you are telling me that you have had to write to companies that are British or English and you've had to write CVS and you need to write one now goodness me okay so good good lots of you are going to make good use of this lesson because lots of you need to be writing CDs in English good okay and alright let's get going again Cristiano says he'd like to be the king in the UK you can't apply to be the king unfortunately you have to be born into royalty alright so a that's the most important thing that you'll need when applying for a job in the UK you may also be asked to write a cover letter it's pretty standard to have a cover letter with your CV so a cover letter is a letter that accompanies your CV a letter accompanying your CV so you have to send them both together you can't just write a cover letter if it's got nothing to cover the cover letter covers your CV and it highlights details about your application to the company so cover letters we can cover this in another lesson it's a lot to cover in one session just doing a CV so we'll do cover letters in another session but a cover letter is a letter that accompanies your CV then you're also in some cases we asked for a reference now a reference is a formal letter to an employer from somebody who knows you well and when we're talking about we're not talking about your family or your friends we're talking about a professional person so it's usually a teacher if you just come out of Education will be a teacher it would be a previous employer normally if you've been in employment for a number of years so hopefully you'll have someone who can give you a good reference will be a referee who likes the work that you've done who's happy with you as an employee or as a student and will give you a good reference and as I just mentioned the person who gives you the reference is a referee a referee the very same referee that we say in football match you have a referee so it's pronounced exactly the same a referee alrighty so how do we actually write a CV should we get on with that yes I think we should so Oh Anna bless you Anna has also decided to sponsor this lesson in this community thank you very much Anna Paula Santos has said thank you for your lessons thank you Anna that's very much appreciated all the contributions to these videos go goes into one big savings pot and all that money then goes towards buying better equipment I'm actually looking now to move house in order to get a nicer property so that I can work more effectively to get better internet so everything that's contributed here goes towards making these lessons better for everybody so thank you very much Anna you're amazing drop me an email and I will send you these notes the email address is in the description of this video but please don't send emails if you if you're just watching and you haven't dropped a super chat don't just drop me an email because honestly I get hundreds of emails and it makes it very difficult for me to work efficiently so Anna please send me an email and Ella please send me an email right let's carry on so structure how should you structure your CV we tend to say no more than two sides of a four a four if you don't know is a piece of paper and it's this that is this size of paper this is an a4 piece of paper so a piece of a4 is how we would normally refer to this a piece of paper a piece of a4 to be precise the size is a four so all make us a bit brighter here so a CV should be no more than two sides of a4 ideally one side so you do two sides but ideally just the one side okay remember that the people who are reading your CV don't have much time and I read a statistic that said sorry I'll come back to you a statistic that said most potential employers will only read your CV for eight point eight seconds on average eight point eight seconds it's not very much time so you want to make sure that your CV is concise and to the point and short so it gets all the best bits out quickly and doesn't just just have lots of fluff and extra thrills extra thrills extra frills two different things okay so keep it short ideally to one side away for it is typically it is typically expected that you follow this structure when writing your CV all right so this is the structure we're going to go through now now just to let you know I in my life have had many jobs I have written a number of CVS however my main career has been around performing presenting acting modeling and therefore my CV style is a very different style because when you're an actor a presenter a model you have a very very different CV to a business CV I know about the general structure of a business CV and I've done hours and hours of research for you to put together these notes and to do this lesson but I'm not an expert so I'll help you as much as I can and these notes have been thoroughly researched but I'm not an expert so please feel free to ask your questions in fact it may be best to ask questions at the end when I have time to read them all and but just so you know I'm not a recruitment specialist so there may be some questions that I can't help you with but I'll try my best all right so we have the first thing you should put on your CV is your contact details never put at the top of your cv cv don't write curriculum vitae at the top of your CV the very top of your CV should be your contact details so your name your full name and when I say full name I want to include my middle name so my name is ana Tyree so I would put at the top of my CV Ana Tyree I wouldn't put Ana English Tyree English being my middle name I wouldn't put that I just put Ana Tyree my my first name and then my family name and then you should put your address so a an actual full address where they can write to you and give you a letter of confirmation or a letter of rejection depending on how well it goes and you should also then definitely put a contact number now if you have a landline and a mobile I would put both you want them to be able to contact you so give them as many opportunities to be able to contact you as possible so I put my contact number and then your email address now make sure your email address is a professional-looking email address if you weren't present in the lesson that I did a few days ago maybe last week about sending business emails formal emails I stressed there that it's very important that you have an email that just represents you as a business person as someone who is employable reliable you shouldn't put something like fungal 2020 or you know something silly something that ideally just represent you as a sensible person so my email address might be for example English like a native at or Anna Tyree at okay so these are very sensible business emails so put your sensible email address at the top with everything else important to note do not include your DOB DOB stands for date of birth date of birth don't include your date of birth and it's quite important that you do follow this because basically it's important that recruiters don't discriminate based on age or based on the way you look and this is why these points are important if they know how old you are they may they may discriminate against you because you're too young or because you're too old and that is not allowed there are rules that say you cannot discriminate based on age or based on appearance unless of course a person is very scruffy and doesn't turn themselves out very well but don't include your date of birth and don't include a photograph because then they can judge you based solely on your experience in your skill not on anything else the only difference to this would be if you are an actor or a model or a presenter then you will need to include a photograph still don't include you date of birth but do include a photograph okay if you're an actor or model and you're applying for an acting or modeling job okay I think that's pretty straightforward everyone happy with that so far all happy and as as Kier says I'm 14 years old why am I here well a skier if you're here to learn English then it's a good place to be and also you may be 14 but soon you'll be applying for jobs I did my first job when I was 15 years old I had to write my first CV so it might be good that you're here our serene less serene has dropped a super chat and you've put I appreciate what you've done for us I love you thank you serene I love you too that's amazing thank you so much and that will go into the pot and go towards contributing more to this channel so serene please drop me an email and I will send you all the notes at the end of the session thank you very much okay um so let's carry on everyone seems quite happy with how we open our CV hello Eric you are you are present in the chat room how are you you said nowadays there are many computer programmers searching for jobs is there a special CV for them and there are a number of different types of CV that you can create depending on and your industry or if you're a freelancer or just looking for a regular job and today I'm covering just a general CV as long as you've got a good idea of some of the do's and dont's then you can't go far wrong all right okay here we go let's carry on what's the next section so contact details first next after your contact details you should write a personal statement now a personal statement is a very short paragraph don't title this section so don't write personal statement and then the personal statement so you don't need this title when you're doing this section so don't title this section make this section short and snappy that means quick make it to the point so it's a short and staff P statement it's around 50 to 200 words maximum basically between between three and six sentences okay between three or six sentences is about right for a personal statement and this basically tells your potential employer who you are what you can offer the cut their company and your career goals so it tells them three things who you are what you offer and what your goals are what your what you want to achieve why you want to do this job you can write in the third person or you can write in the first person that's completely up to you but if you do write in the third person don't use your name so don't be like Anna has worked as a teacher for many years so don't don't use your name okay I I was writing in the third person I would say an online online YouTube educator seeking seeking a permanent role within a school so I refer to myself as an online educator rather than referring to myself as Anna who is an online educator yeah so don't use your name if you're writing the third person but both forms are acceptable right in the first person or the third person so here's an example an example paragraph here let me just put these in quotations so you can see so I've written here are highly a written in the third person a highly skilled sound engineer with extensive experience in maintaining and repairing sound equipment looking for a challenging fast-paced environment within live broadcasting to utilize my technical knowledge of sound recording equipment and develop my creative skill set further so a very short snappy statement at the very beginning of my CV it tells my potential employer some very important things it tells them first of all Who I am I am a highly skilled sound engineer it tells them what I can offer them I can offer them extensive experience in maintaining and repairing sound equipment so if they're looking for someone with experience of maintaining and repairing sound equipment then they are in the right place they should continue to read my CV further and it tells them what I want what I want from them I want a challenge I want to be in a fast-paced environment I want to work in live broadcasting because I want to use to utilize my technical knowledge now there I've told them again that I've got technical knowledge extensive experience of sound recording equipment and I tell them that I want to develop my creative skill set so I've told them my goals what I offer and who I am so in a very short sentence I've sorry a very short paragraph they get exactly what they need to know whether they should read further ok so that is your personal statement personal statements are difficult to write they can be difficult to write it takes a bit of time I would always spend a bit extra time on my personal statement because that's the first impression ok so that's your introduction so spend a good amount of time going over your personal statements get someone to help you get someone to proofread it for you yes a personal statement very important then we move on to our experience hmm so depending on depending on whether you are a student just graduating and looking for a job or whether you've been in employment for a long time will depend on how you order your CV now if you're a student and you're looking for your first job maybe you've had a few little jobs but nothing serious if you're looking for your first big role your first big job then you will put your education next your education would come next your education and your skills because you don't really have any job experience to talk about so your education would come in this section obviously if you've been in employment for many years like myself I've been working well since I was 15 really and I'm 35 now so that's 20 years I've been working for 20 years ha gosh how the time flies so I have a lot of work experience I've done lots of different roles lots of different jobs so I would put my work experience next and my education will come later on in the CV because that's not as important hmm so when you're talking about your work experience you would title this section and this would be where you outline your employment history it's written in reverse chronological order reverse chronological order this is very important don't start with a very first job you ever had years and years ago start with the job you've done most recently and work backwards okay so start with the job you've had most recently and work backwards so um in the first job that you write you write about the job that you've just had and with this one give a lot of detail about the job then as you work backwards through your history then give less and less detail because it's less and less important so for example let me see a job that I would so I recently my most recent job before what I do now I worked as a marketing manager in a design company so I would put a lot of detail about what my roles were what my responsibilities were maybe what I achieved during that job I put all these details in then as I work backwards maybe fifteen years ago I worked I worked as a flyer a leaflet girl I gave out leaflets in the streets I stood in the streets in the cold and the rain and I gave out leaflets that people didn't want I would not even put that on my CV probably but if I did put it on my CV because it was relevant I wouldn't any information about it I would just say CV girl and the date and the company I worked for I wouldn't put all the details about it because it's not important it was 15 years ago the most important things are the things I've been doing most recently okay hello if you are just joining me now hi welcome thank you for joining us we're talking about CDs and resumes today if you're not already a subscriber then please do press that bit red yes press the big red subscribe button and the Bell notification button so that you don't miss any future lessons and that you're not late in future and there are lots of amazing English lessons here amazing if I do say so myself so that modest often isn't it so there are lots of English lessons here for you so if this is not of any use to you this particular lesson do go and have a look at the other lessons on offer and I'm sure there'll be something that you will find helpful ok should I see how many thumbs we've got before we carry on with work history how many thumbs do we have Oh 70 thumbs okay let's get out to 800 thumbs so if you're here and you find these lessons useful please show your appreciation by clicking on that thumb right now lovely all right while you're doing that I'm going to carry on so working backwards for each role every role that you've done that you decide to include you should include the name of the company it's really important who did you work for you and now I put you should include the location I would include the location if it's if you've worked in different countries so if I worked for Apple then I might put Apple head office Apple New York or something like that so perhaps I'm going to put this in brackets because it's not actually super important but I would put the location if if it's been in different countries because I that could be a good interesting talking point you definitely need to put the dates of employment I tend to put the month in the year but as long as you put the years that you worked there if you've worked somewhere only for six months then put the month and the year if you work for some someone for eight years and then maybe just put the years that you worked there okay and you want to put the position that you were employed in so I would put marketing manager for xdesign company in 2014 to 2016 then perhaps as I said a brief description of your responsibilities and your achievements in that role but keep your sentences brief in fact bullet points can be helpful so sometimes it's nice it makes it look nice it's easier to read if you list things in bullet points okay okay um serene it you fought for each role includes you must include I'm not saying each role includes this is what you must include and that's why I've written it like this for each role include the name of the company the date of employment the position you're employed in and a brief description of your responsibilities and achievements okay we'll look at some examples at the end so that you can get an idea of how to list your employment history all right lovely okay so if you are a recent graduate this section is now really important for you and for everyone you can you can include your employer your education it's quite important but the longer you've been in employment the older you are the further away from your education you are the less important it is now for everybody unless you don't go back any further than 15 years old so any any qualifications or certificates or anything that you got before GCSEs or before the high school education don't include those so we tend to include our high school education which in the UK is GCSEs our college education which in the UK tends to be like a levels and university education which is the most important one if you have an educator in university education which are things like degrees master degrees PhDs those kinds of things so it doesn't matter obviously if you don't have a university education you just put what you do have so if you have a university education if if I have a master's degree so I went to school got my GCC's I went to college got my a-levels and diplomas I went to university I got a degree and now it's University again and got a master's degree so I have four points of Education this I could talk about now because I have all this education I won't talk about my GCSEs I'll talk about my master's degree that's the most recent thing that I did is the highest level of education I achieved and it's important I would include my degree depending on what I'm applying for I may include my a-levels but probably not actually for me the degree and the masters are the most relevant and it is assumed that if you have a degree then you have to have a certain level of education before that you can't go and do a degree if you don't have a levels or that level of education so they're not important so if you have a university degree then you could consider whether it's relevant to include your a levels but don't include your DC C's if you don't have a university degree don't I'm doing with my fingers here if you don't have a university degree then include your college education and your GCSEs or your high school education if you don't have a college education if you don't have a levels then just include what you achieved a high school and most importantly most employers will want to know do you have English so even if you are a native English speaker they'll want your English to be a certain level montauk my language here we're talking about general English as a subject so I have to have English and maths at sea or above for my high school education in order to progress and most employers want to know that you have English and maths after certain level to progress into employment so include those things obviously if you've been employment for a long time then like I said maybe just include your degree or your masters if if that's what you achieved and okay so let's have a look as I said earlier if you're a recent graduate then put this as the section after your personal statement before you work experience because I'm guessing your work experience if you're just finishing being a student will be things like being a waiter or doing small tasks small jobs that aren't really relevant to the industry you're trying to enter this is also written in reverse chronological order so you'd start with your University and qualifications then you would go down to the ones you got before that your college education and before that your school education and list and date all previous education starting no earlier than 15 years old that's what I've just talked about and remember that your qualifications may not be familiar to a potential employer so write the British equivalent now what I mean by this is if you if you have your education I don't know if you're in Thailand or Colombia or just any other country and you have full education there and you have all these qualifications from your own country and you're coming to work in the UK or with a British company or with any other company with something to be mindful of they might not be familiar with your type of qualification so for example here we have GCSEs a levels degrees they might not be familiar to you in your country you might have a different type of qualification so if you're writing your qualifications on your CV and then not qualifications that we would recognise here in the UK put your British equivalent all right so that it makes sense to them so they can say okay so they've been they've been educated in the different country but they've got the equivalent to an a-level they've got equivalent to a degree in science in engineering okay and connection seems alright for me here is anyone else having a connection problem I can see someone's commenting on connection mark mask mask you're having a connection issue hopefully hopefully is just your end just try to refresh try to refresh the page and hopefully that will work for you okay so let's get back on it so your qualifications again we'll look at an example CV in a moment so that you can have a look at how they've written theirs out so the next section after you've talked about your background is to talk about your skills and achievements this is a chance to talk about things that you are proud of whether that is an award or a personal professional goal achieved so it might just be that you you ran a marathon you raised money for a charity you launched your own business you started a YouTube channel and managed to gain 40,000 subscribers in fact we here today on this channel are close to hitting 40,000 subscribers I don't know if it's going to happen during this lesson it might do wouldn't that be exciting when may be exciting if you hit 40,000 subscribers I would have reached a personal and professional goal during this lesson where are we up to we're 45 subscribers away can you help me can you help me to hit 40,000 subscribers during this lesson do you think that's possible okay the way we would do this is that you will hit a share button and share this with one of your social networks whether it be Facebook Twitter and tell people to come into the lesson and subscribe to this channel maybe maybe we can do it maybe it's possible I think 45 is a bit of a stretch but potentially okay so you talked about a personal or professional goal that you may have achieved something you're proud of also here list your additional relative skills for example you might say I'm fluent in in Lang in English maybe you have a qualification in English language maybe you passed one of the Inc exams which would be very important if you are applying for a job in the UK they want to know that you are a certain level of proficiency within English so if you have a qualification to prove that then that would be helpful to put in this section you might also if you are applying for a driving job you need to say that you have a driving licence so you put the type of driving license I've done jobs where I had to drive and in my CV I would write a full proof full clean driving licence is what I used to put full creep clean driving license UK driving licence so just put whatever you have in my be that you have a a bike license or some particular type of hgv which is a heavy goods vehicle you might have a HDV license to drive those big lorries so you'd write these in this section if it's relevant if you're applying for a job in IT you don't need to write your driving licence in the skill section because it's not relevant it's unnecessary they don't need to know if you can drive and you could also put any computer software that you have experience with so if you are and if you're proficient with word with with PowerPoint if you're proficient in Excel is usually good one if you are very good at using these if you're if you've got a lot of experience with them and you know how to use them that could be a real asset to a company and it's something they would want to know if you're working in a very technical industry perhaps there are there are specific software's to that industry that you might want to mention if you know how to use them for example I work in media of course I am very experienced with using the editing software Final Cut Pro but I don't know how to use premier which is another popular editing software so I would say proficient in editing with Final Cut Pro so that they know that that is a skill set that I have to offer so this is an important section really to give them that that extra little bit of knowledge about what you can give them so yes you also might want to write typing speed if you're applying to do something like there are some jobs where you have to take dictation where you have to take notes a lot where you have to write in shorthand perhaps or you have to type really fast and they might be interested to know your typing speed and there's a natural way of measuring the speed at which you type I don't know it because I don't use it but you might want to include any skills like that that you have that are relevant of course okay any questions on that my patrons are very quiet this morning patrons are you all right is everything okay over there okay do CCB's have to be specific to the job or can you write a general one make them specific to the job it depends how important is it for you to get this job if you're just applying to a supermarket to be a checkout girl or if you're applying to a chip shop a fish and chip shop to be and to have a weekend job if it's not important for you if it's just a general job just to get a little bit of extra money while you're studying or just to get by then maybe just do a general CV if it's a job you really want it's a career move it's an important role in a company that you've wanted to work for for a long time that you feel very passionate about then take your time and make your CV relevant to that job if you don't take time over your application why would they take time over considering your application and considering you for the job I think you get out of it what you put into it so you put your time and effort in then you'll get rewarded okay you'll receive the rewards so I would always tailor my CV to the job I'm applying for if it's a job that I care about okay hello Alonso how are you Alonso is one of my patrons Alonso are you in you in the Skype chat room I sent you the link you should come and join the Skype chat room come and join us come and join anyway okay let's carry on so and then you would have after your achievements and extra skills you would have your hobbies and interests okay so in this section in ideally you'll include hobbies that are related in some way to the role or the industry in which you want to work in try to avoid generic interests so this is like general the same thing that everyone else writes which is I like socializing I like going to the cinema I like eating food this doesn't really tell your potential employer anything interesting about you it's just what everyone says I like hanging out my friends so does everybody I like going to the cinema most people like watching films use the section too while them give them something interesting something different something that is uniquely you so for example if you're going into a sales role or you want to work in sales or marketing then if you are a member of an acting group an amateur dramatics group or if you make youtube videos or if you have a podcast even if it's just a hobby these things are really interesting and relevant to that industry if you if you are going to work in a technical industry may be an IT industry or a gaming industry then it might be good to put if you if you're involved with any kind of and computer game groups if you like spending your time playing computer games or or anything related to that then put this in your hobbies and interests section if you're going to be working outdoors if you're going to be working in conservation or in nature and you volunteer at the local animal shelter and you walk the dogs then would be something perfect to put in this section so hobbies and interests put something interesting something different don't lie tell the truth but put something interesting Oh lovely we've had another sponsor you guys are being incredibly generous today I've got a Lindy we Talia do we tie Lindy we tari Lindy Watari thank you very much I hope I pronounced that correctly I told me if I did but thank you very much that super kind of you to drop a super chat again that will go into the pot and all these donations go towards increasing the productivity and quality of this channel so thank you it's very much appreciated do feel free to drop me an email I will send you the notes after this lesson has finished thank you okay so after our hobbies and interests then what do we put we would write typically here at the end you put your references and like I said earlier your references should be from your referees are your referees who write your references should be your previous employers or teachers so if you're just coming out of college or university and you haven't had any previous jobs your referee should be a teacher and a teacher who spent a lot of time with you if you have been in employment for a number of years then it needs to be a previous employer it would seem strange if you have been employed for a few years and your reference comes from your teacher so they would think that maybe something went wrong in your old job or you weren't your previous employers maybe weren't happy with you and that's why you haven't given references from your previous job so if you've been if you've been in work for a few years references from your previous employer is the standard okay so commonly if you're going to put this section in your CV you would include the referees name address and number and email address so that's your potential employer can then call tax them privately for a reference for you okay and you don't have to do this you could just write this line references available upon request and then if they decide that they want a reference then they can ask you for the referees details so you can just write that which is what I would tend to write generally it saves me having to get all these details initially okay so couple you are saying to me and and that I using Instagram yes I do use Instagram and if you're not already following me on Instagram then please do come and join me and I'm trying to offer regular videos I say daily but some days I do miss because of being too busy but I try to offer daily pronunciation lessons little short videos the link to my Instagram account is in the description box below so do go and join me there I'd love to have you a couple of you up loads of you of you super kind saying very very nice things when it comes to questions related to CVS I'll do all at the end so just save your question and now I've missed a lot of comments forgive me I'll do all at the end we're nearly there okay what if I've just come to a new place and I have no references and surely you would have some form of previous education or some form of previous employments and wherever you've come from it can be back in your home country or where have you been previously unless you've not had any education or employment previously and you're starting out completely from scratch no education no employment then in that case which is very rare in that case then I would potentially put someone who knows me who has a good standing in the community like if you know a doctor or if you know a judge or a local policeman or someone who's got a kind of a respectable role in the community see if they can give a reference of your character it would be a character reference then Paluxy Oh can I use the word resume so CV resumes American so if you are applying for a job with an American company or in America then say resume if it's in with a uk-based company or it's in the UK say CV okay let's have a look what else we've got here on the notes so okay let's have a look at the examples of well-written CDs shall we so here we have what do we have here this one let me just get it up on my screen is this one yeah okay so this is a technical CV so this is a CV of someone who has a lot of skill a lot of skill now you'll see at the top here they put their name their full name but not then it'll land the first name and a family name they've put their full UK address this is made up by the way this isn't a real one so this is a full UK address they've put their email address some reasonable the email address uses their name and then a contact phone number this is at the top of the CV quite clear bold stands out from everything else here they then have their personal statement so remember the personal statement and is when we talk about who we are what we have to offer to a company and what our career goals are so this person says do to graduate in 2017 so this person is still studying so they've made that clear from the very beginning which is important do to graduate in 2017 they've put I have acquired technical knowledge and skills from my course as well as practical and business skills from my industrial year in a software company in Germany so they're telling me what they have they have knowledge and skills practical and business skills from a year they had a gap here in a software company Jerry so they've got some experience they're not just students they've got some experience in work as well I have used a range of languages this is what they have to offer the company a range of languages operating systems and development tools as well as experiencing the systems development lifecycle this is all very technical obviously it's specific for this industry that they're applying to specialising in mobile technology I am and that now they're talking about their goals I am keen to develop as a graduate trainee in software development so this is what they're after okay so that's their personal statement it's a bit long but it's a good personal statement I just have to say a big thank you to la ha el la ha el and hope I'm pronouncing that correctly thank you very much you two have sponsored this this video thank you very much for your contribution your soup chat that will go into the pot lots of love to you please do send me your email address so drop me an email saying hey I sent you a super chat please can I get the notes and I will send you these example CDs and the notes from this entire session so thank you you're all being super generous today it's very very kind of you and where were we you are on this one so no this one there we go so that was a good personal statement it gives the reader that those eight seconds that they're going to spend looking at your CV it gives them an idea of who you are what you have to offer and what you want and because they're student they've started with their education because that's the most important thing so they've said here the university that they studied at in bold and they put the years that they were studying okay so in bold under a bold section called education you might want to underline this you could potentially underline this that would be normal and then university of Bedfordshire 2013 to 2017 then you put what you were studying and what your what your subject was so a BSC in computer science and software engineering with an industrial year because they haven't graduated yet they don't know what they're going to get but they're predicted to get a 2:1 if you have graduated then you would put what you achieved and then they put a little statement about what that time included what they've what they've learned so far so they've got modules including object Orion orientated programming mobile applications AI and system systems development third year industry placements it says where that was and when that was placement year individual project stop control systems for wholesale food suppliers final year project so they've given lots of detail about what they were doing now for me this is a little bit too much writing I potentially would put these on bullet points just to separate them out just so it's a bit clearer rather than one big block of writing but that's just me they've then put the next place they were at before that was hybrid College in 2011 and 2013 to 2013 they did a BTech I did a BTech at college also they did a BT at level three in ICT so that's what they were studying and sorry be like BTEC level three ITC and that's what they were studying I'm also a level math so they did two things they're a BTech an a-level in ITC ICT and maths it's like a tongue twister that ICT ICT ICT so that's Clara they didn't have to put any extra statements here and then before that because they are graduate they're going to put all their you're going to put all their previous education on here so they're including their school they were in school at this time they achieved seven GCSEs in English maths science German IT PE and history okay so that's pretty straightforward then they've put a section here their skills so remember here we put our achievements and skills they've written their skills and development tools so they talked specifically about the software they're used to using and the packages as well just general IT packages and the programming languages so they can program and these are the languages they're familiar with and the operating systems are also familiar with so given a lot of detail there it's very handy and then they've got a section for other training and skills or other training skills these are obviously very technical don't know what this is because I got work in this industry they have an extra certificate in systems development and they are conversational in German including technical and business German really good to point that out if you have any languages that's usually helpful for most companies and here then they've put their their employment history so they have had some jobs so they put their employment history down here after education because these are less important in this scenario okay and here they put bullet points of what they had to do in those jobs then they put this their interests sports and interests and again their bullet pointed it and now they've written the sentence references available upon request okay so that's a technical CV quite long isn't it two pages two pages how are you guys all doing in the chat room all okay good okay and all right we're nearly at the end we're nearly how long have been on an hour and how many subscribers do we have have we bumped that number up at all am I going to achieve my professional goal we've had five more subscribers lesson hello welcome my new subscribers so we now need 40 subscribers hit that 40,000 subscribers during this lesson mark I don't think it's going to happen but we can we can keep our fingers crossed all right so the last thing I'm going to do is go through a just a conventional CV so someone who has been working for a long time just go through how that looks and then I will open up to questions alright um okay so a general CV Dada da da da which one is it let me find it this one Joe Smith so Joe Smith um Oh Joe Smith has done it go around as well interesting oh because this is a graduate oh this isn't the kind of CV I was hoping it would be alright we'll go with this one anyway but just bear in mind that if you're not if you're not graduating if you've been in employment for a long time your employment section comes first that's the biggest difference okay so let's have a look at Joe Joe Smith address email address phone number here's a nice short personal statement I'm a final year maths undergraduate with customer service and sales experience in the energy industry as a tutor a math club coordinator I can explain maths concepts to all ages and abilities I am keen to use my maths and commercial skills to train as an energy industry analyst so that includes everything we need from a personal statement then it very quickly in University of Birmingham during these years this is what they studied the subject and the predicted grade these were the modules covered within that time and then they went to the any town high school before that they got a-levels there in maths physics and chemistry and an AAS level in geography and then they got nine GCSEs before that then they talked about their employment history this is their position they were an inbound customer service advisor this is who they worked for Energex UK the call center sorry Energex UK call center and these were the times in which they worked there between 2014 2016 these were their responsibilities while they were there oh I'm terrible at highlighting the right sentences so this is what they did while we were there so that's really clear and that's how you should set yours out then they also did maths tutoring for 11 + between 2013-2014 and this is what they did they were assessing pupils levels of maths and confidence they're preparing and delivering individual lessons 100% pass rate of students that's an excellent thing to include that makes means you must be a good teacher then additional things that you're proud of and or in fact they put volunteering under educate and under employment because it's a form of employment so do do that if you've done any volunteering work it comes under work and this is what they did is a volunteer and then they've put their achievements underneath that their hobbies are sports here they just put sports and that's it one page nice clear concise CV really quick and easy to read easy to get an idea of this person this Joe Smith and so we'll know very quickly whether we want to call in Joe for an interview all right okay so um start thinking about questions that you want to ask I'm going to just finish through these notes and then I'll answer your questions so to write a good CV try to use positive active verbs like achieved arranged assisted coordinated completed dealt with developed established expanded handled handles is the same as dealt with help implemented improved increased interviewed if you're if you've worked in recruitment introduced maintained managed negotiated organized which is the same as planned processed programmed proposed promoted purchased redesigned reduced reorganized revised sold solved streamlined supervised trained translated worked and wrote so these are all good words verbs that you can be using to help your CV seem a little bit more professional and make it stand out more so these are great words to use avoid using the words team player hardworking and multitasker these words come up time and time again on people CVS and they're just generic it's it would be hoped that you would be a hard worker so lots of people put I'm hard-working I would hope that you would work hard for me if I employed you so you don't need to put hard working on your CV it just it doesn't tell me anything particularly about you other than what I already expect from you I would expect you to work hard so don't put hard working and team player everyone puts team player I would expect that if you're being employed by me that you would work well with me a well within my team so you don't need to tell me that you're a team player okay and multitasker also comes up quite a lot most people these days have to multitask within a row so it kind of goes without saying that most people can manage a few tasks at the same time so don't put those words it just it doesn't tell us anything it just adds unnecessary bulk to a CV okay and just a few more things to go through here and then I'll take your questions um additional topics to discuss format so as with the email lesson that I taught last week formats important don't go for some fancy font don't do nice scrolling font or like handwriting font always type your CV by the way never do a handwritten CV always type your CV do a standard business formal font like Times New Roman and Arial hell back to you whatever that's called basically the font that I'm writing in now for example would be a good one to use just a general standard font standard size so no bigger than twelve the font should be no bigger than twelve obviously you would adjust the size of potentially for like your contact details would be a little bit bigger maybe and your personal statement would be a little bit bigger than the rest of the writing on the on the CV but generally keep it no bigger than twelve fourteen maybe for the titles the subtitles okay and then no color so it is colored and ink either some people I've seen CDs come through in like orange or pink and purples don't do that keep it just standard black or dark grey and if you're emailing your CV out do it in a PDF format I've come across this problem myself on many occasions I use Apple and therefore I use something called pages to do my writing a lot of people don't work with Apple and so when I send them pages they say I can't open this format so I have to change it to a PDF and a PDF can be opened by I think everyone so write in a PDF or change it to a PDF format before you send out your your CV via email just means you will have no problems with them opening up your CV okay what else do we have proofread this is super important guys sorry just having a little drink so proofread a sloppy CV will hinder your chances always proofread I fall foul of this all the time i'm dyslexic if you've been watching my channel for a long time you'll already know this and with my dyslexia it means i make a lot of spelling mistakes i'm not very good with spelling i can't see spelling mistakes very easily i have to really really concentrate so if i'm writing in a hurry or sometimes if I think too fast and I write and I can't keep up with myself I make terrible writing mistakes so then it's important to go back once you've finished your CV go back and read it again leave it for a little while come back and read it again later on looking for any mistakes that you might have made in grammar or spelling I would always ask if it's important and your CV is quite important I would always ask somebody else to go and read it over for me to look for mistakes and so it's yes it's very important that you proofread before you send it out okay and don't ever lie or over exaggerate it can be quite tempting to to over exaggerate or to tell little white lies we call them lies that we think are not that important like maybe saying maybe saying that you had responsibilities that you didn't have or maybe saying that you are interested in surfing or diving with great white sharks just to make yourself sound more interesting but or saying perhaps that you are proficient with Excel spreadsheets or that you can use Microsoft Word and you just think well if I get the job then I'll learn it more often than not if you tell a lie or you over exaggerate you will end up making things worse for yourself there's nothing worse than being an interview or actually getting a job and turning up at the job and then finding out that you weren't being quite truthful then it will just make you seem like a bad person like you know someone who can't be trusted so don't do it it's not worth it so don't lie or over exaggerate on your CV as tempting as it might be now if you have big gaps in your history for example I'm an actress I am a trained actress a professional actress and because I've been now doing YouTube full-time because I wanted to come and help you guys properly I decided to go full-time on YouTube in December so as an actress I have not had any real acting work since January all the way through to now so we're we engine so that's a long time a big gap where I haven't technically been employed as an actress so any casting directors looking at my CV as an actress or sale anna hasn't worked for a long time what's going on so it's important that we just explain those gaps so for me now on my acting CV I have a my personal statement I say and there is now a full-time youtuber trying to grow a an online educational channel for English learners so that it's it's very clear to my potential employers or people who are interested in my CV it's clear to them exactly why there is a gap in my CV okay so don't worry about gaps gaps are not a problem even if you've got a gap for because you've been ill before or you took time out to have a child or whatever it was maybe you took a sabbatical to go and do some learning in a different country these are all fine they just add to the interesting potential that is you don't lie about it don't worry about it just make it clear on the CV those gaps are there and and don't be ashamed of it okay so another point and a really important point is be on LinkedIn if you're looking for employment in the UK be on LinkedIn loads of companies now use LinkedIn for employing and you can have your CV on LinkedIn and people do job searches on LinkedIn is becoming more and more popular so have a profile on there and with your LinkedIn profile and your CV keep it up to date we change and the CV should be an accurate reflection of you so make sure you keep them up to date and then a question that came through earlier that I already answered was tailor and tailor your CV for each application like I said if it's an important job and take the time to make sure your CV makes you look most relevant for that job so as an actress my CV has lots of acting jobs lots of acting jobs radio television theatre immersive theater children's theatre Shakespeare if I was applying for a job in a commercial maybe I'm going to be selling tea bags for a British tea company I would take off my CV I would take off jobs for me doing children's theatre I would take off most of my theater credits because those jobs aren't relevant to me doing a commercial I would leave on all of my commercial work I would leave on all of my media work I'd leave on my TV work I would put on there that I had training in television I would put that I had training I had experience in broadcasting live because that's relevant for that job if I then had a job interview for the Shakespeare's Globe Theatre in London to do Romeo and Juliet I would take all my commercial work off and I put on my fear to work back on I would write that I taken part in a festival but actually previewed at the Globe Theatre so it previously been on that stage I would put all these things on because they are relevant to that job okay remember you want your CV to be short and concise so you don't want to put everything on there especially if it doesn't matter for that job if it's not of interest to your potential employer don't write it on okay all right so now is your time to talk to me all we've been on for an hour 16 we did that a lot quicker than I expected to you that's good okay so now is your chance to talk to me and if you are here and it is your first time then please do press the subscribe button and that Bell notification button so you don't miss any future lessons I know that about 60% of the people who watch my videos aren't subscribed and that's a shame because right now this channel this community could be as big as 40,000 people but at the moment were only thirty nine thousand nine hundred and sixty-four so we're close but we're not quite there so if you're watching and you're not a subscriber then do me a favor just click the subscribe and the like button and let's just be one big community together now one thing that you can do to help me out and I looked last night so many so many of you have already contributed I'm looking for your language on my videos I only speak English I speak a little bit of lots of other languages but I'm not fluent in anything else you have a wonderful skill of being able to speak English and obviously your own language now it would be super helpful to this community and to your fellow countrymen if you could put your language skills onto my videos I'm looking for people to translate titles descriptions and if you have the time to do subtitles you can even offer English subtitles because I don't have the time to write the English subtitles there are automatic subtitles for all my videos but sometimes the automatic ones are wrong so if you have the time and you feel like your English is advanced enough I would love to have your language on my videos if you are interested in helping me with that then the link for adding down translations is in the description box below also in the description box below there are links to CV writing books and resume writing books one of them is a free Kindle version so if you have Kindle then there's a free book that you can get down there as well so go and use those links and also my social media links are down there so join me on Facebook and Twitter and Instagram as well if you so wish to I do also offer courses and private lessons and all those kind of things and all those links can be found in the description box below write questions patrons how are you Alonso you're in the sky true wonderful so patrons if you've got any questions feel free to ask and let's start having a look through your questions on YouTube hello 19:53 emo your first lesson live with me from Slovakia hello welcome I hope you are subscribed I do press subscribe and Anna what's the difference between the pronunciation of jury with a court and jewelry jury jewelry jury jewelry um la ha do you mean add subtitles to your videos yes if you if you don't mind translating um subtitles that will be wonderful in your language that would be amazing but if not even just doing the title and descriptions I've got hundreds of videos here and lots of them have already been translated into different languages but I want your language and ideally on all my videos but I know that people are busy but if you have the time that would mean the world to me and it would help this community to grow hello jean-luc how are you what is the time when you come live it's different every day next week I'm not going to be live as often as I have been in the previous weeks because I am organizing to move house and I have a lot of big and interesting Jack's coming up and lots of editing to get through and that I've been doing over the last few weeks that I need to finish so next week I will be live as often I might be live maybe three or four days of the week but not all five days the best thing is to join me on Instagram and Facebook to find out when I'll go live okay okay is there a specific dress code for a job interview okay it depends what job you're going for if you're going for a job in a bank or in an industry where you would tend to have to turn up in a shirt a suit and a tie or just looking smart then go to your interview like you would dress for work go to your interview in a suit with a shirt and a tie look smart look clean brush your hair wear nice polished shoes if you're going for a job in a creative industry maybe a design industry or a media then maybe a bit more relaxed maybe wearing a tie and a suit is too much so maybe just a shirt and maybe some smart jeans and some smart shoes so I always think dress up like you're just dressed like you want to impress and dress like you're going to your first day of work in that job okay la ha la ha because you've dropped me a super chat anyone who's dropped me a super chat please email me and to get your notes and my email address is at the bottom of the description so have a look at the description of this so at the bottom just drop me an email okay so in India a CV is popularly called a byte bio-data okay so there you go if you're Indian then a CV is your bio-data apparently okay thanks ml thanks for that any more questions about CVS or anything really hide hi Jimmy how are you and can we add a photo to a CV don't add your photo don't add your photo to your CV unless you're applying for an acting job a presenting job or a modeling job there's a a good reason for it you'll have a photo on your LinkedIn profile so it's there if people really want to see it but if you are generally sending out CV don't add your photo because you don't want them to discriminate against you based on the way you look so you don't want to give them any reason to discriminate against you discrimination shouldn't happen but it does happen people can't help but make judgments based on people's looks based on people's age so don't give them the opportunity to it's only human to make judgments or first you know first impressions is what we get to people so don't put a photograph you know it just is better not to let them judge you based on your experience and your skill so there's no need to put the photo on I wouldn't all right and how about applying for an English for an English teacher in a new school if you're applying to be an English teacher in a new school and well then you'd write the CV as as written as we've gone through today you put all your previous experience your education and your background your teaching qualifications you look more motivated today that's good can you explain to me what is RP and RP is received pronunciation RP is an accent that basically the Queen would speak in a heightened RP kind of sound it is an accent that was created by the BBC so that everybody in the country could understand one certain way of talking so RP as an accent does not belong to any particular region within the country it is an accent that is considered to be I'm doing hi to lop you know it's an accent that's considered to be spoken by the well-educated by the rich by the aristocracy heightened RP is only really now spoken by the old Gentry the monix it's not very popular and general RP again is not it's not widely used it's what I speak now what I teach is a very soft RP so it's just a standard soft RP accent it makes you clear and understood it's a general standard accent okay but it's not regional it doesn't belong to any particular area if there's a gap in my CV that's caused by depression or any other mental health issues would you be honest if there's a gap in your CB CV because of illness but you are now better then then you can be honest I think it's important that the important thing is are you well enough to work now what your employer will want to know is if you've had time out because of illness will that illness have an effect on your ability to work now if the answer is no I'm completely better I have it under control then there is no reason for you to lie about it there's no reason for you to be ashamed of it and so just be honest with them say you don't have to tell them exactly what the issue was but you could say I took three months out due to ill health but I'm now 100% well it won't affect my ability to work just be completely honest okay and Congrats on your new home and a thank you how about if someone has participated in a comp in conferences or workshops could that be mentioned on the CV if you've been involved in if you've attended conferences and workshops if you've attended them and if they're very special workshops perhaps they were really really educational then you might want to mention it if you don't have much on your CV but um I don't know the thing is for the conference or a workshop you can attend the conference it doesn't mean that you learnt anything they're not necessarily very practical and you don't get any certificate at the end to say that you have learnt something that you've definitely taken that knowledge away so I don't know if it's very specific to an industry and you think it would help your application then in then add it but I wouldn't I all think what else do we have patrons are you ok patrons are so quiet today and I used if I used to teach in the university would you use the word teacher or lecturer and the position should be four or of I mean a teacher of or teacher four okay so I would I think though there has to be let me have a look at the difference between lecturer and I think a lecturer um is is different to a teacher is someone who gives lectures at a university and where as a teacher you would find I'm guessing more to school or teach you can cover all sorts of different things let's see if I can find this here did you give did you stand up and give big lectures if you if you mainly gave lectures then I would say lecturer and I would say or definition just trying to see what the actual definitions are these two yeah teacher is mainly associated with school and lecturer is mainly associated with higher education so maybe go for lecturer so that's clear and I would I put I would put off not for so a teacher of English teacher of science a lecturer and of whatever subject it was at you covered okay is it considered as a line my friend speaks very well in a British accent so he always tells the new principals I'm half Egyptian half British to get better chances in teaching field is it considered a lie despite not harming anyone it's a very dangerous thing to do and so if you tell what we call a white lie a white lie is a lie that doesn't hurt anyone like it yeah it's just a little white lie and if you tell a little white lie and they find out what will they think of you that's what you have to bear in mind if you tell someone that you are half British and then they see your passport or they find out through some other means later down the line they actually you're you're not half British at all you're Egyptian then they'll be like why have you why have you misinformed me why have you misled me how can I trust anything you say when you told such a basic lie that you didn't need to tell I understand the temptation to tell little lies on your CV in order to get a role but it's better to get a job based on your skill and based on your performance than anything like rather than on lies if you if you don't have good foundations if you're not employed for who you are then it's a very dangerous road that you're going down because if they find out that you've lied they're going to lose all trust in you so I would tell your friend to be very careful okay okay so I'm looking back for some questions that I can answer that I'm helpful for everybody what do you have to write in an email in which your CV is enclosed a kind of a cover letter question mark no so if you're emailing a CV I would email the CV and a cover letter and then the email would simply be um dear whoever it is you're writing to and please find enclosed my CV and cover letter or something like um in response to your advert applying I am playing for the role of blah blah blah in your company please find enclosed my CV and cover letter for your consideration I look forward to hearing from you kind regards Anna I did do a I did do a lesson recently on how to write a formal email but of course if it's one just to send a cv to apply for a job then I would keep it nice and short and then your cover letter will be attached to do a proper cover letter as an attachment as a PDF attachment and those of you have to leave goodbye thank you for joining and I'm only going to stay for a few more minutes now guys because the day is getting on and my voice is getting tired how do you pronounce resume resume resume um zooming a resume and guarantee guarantee and I have to speak British English just keep joining me I've done lots of videos to help you and I do have a course as well if you really want a British accent I have a course the link is in the description box below British English procom feel free to go and check that out although I think we're having problems on the website today I need to sort that out which is why I need to go soon to go and fix the website Anna are you originally from Manchester or from London I'm originally from Manchester but I changed my accent so you won't be able to tell I'm from Manchester I have one more question please do ask yes if you've got more questions ask away and then I'm going to say goodbye do we have a hundred thumbs do we have a hundred thumbs and how many subscribers do we have dad Oh thirty nine thousand nine hundred and sixty-seven not quite at that forty thousand mark nevermind um okay thanks a lot for this really interesting lesson you're welcome I'm glad you found it helpful and Jana will you make a lesson on how to behave during a job interview I will I did record a video on job interviews ages ago with Chris do you remember Chris from apartment the name was English Channel but Chris is a wonderful English teacher and we did one on job interviews but I didn't like the footage afterwards I think there was a problem with the camera and it was all blurry so I didn't use it so the intention is doing one on job interviews I'm writing it down right now Thank You Jana for that suggestion reminding me about that good topic we have 149 thumbs boom thanks guys you're awesome I feel like I'm running out of vocabulary any ideas how to increase your vocabulary okay open your mind to new subjects so if you feel like you're running out of vocabulary and you want to increase your vocabulary then try reading a different type of book and try watching a different type of film and read newspapers just you need to just immerse yourself in language and then when you hear a word that you don't know highlight it and go and check it out and then try and use it three times in the following week okay okay you love that you'll miss the twinkling lights in my house when I move I will get twinkling lights I promise I'll get to it wherever I move to I will get twinkling lights lots of lights um thank you for all your kind comments okay I think it's time to go so thank you very much to my patrons and you haven't really said very much today I hope you alright but hi and goodbye and if you haven't yet click Subscribe please do click Subscribe and make sure you've given this video a thumb up before you leave and do go and check out some of the other videos yes there'll be lots coming up if you do take up the I talky offer which I mentioned at the beginning the $10 itoki credits then let me know how you got on with your first lesson on I talkie and if you enjoyed it I'd love to know more about your experience and if you want to get involved and be a patron and help this channel then feel free to check out the patreon page the link is in the description box below Olo bless you just send another super chair you are so sweet thank you and that's very very kind and God tan said can I send a soup shop by PayPal I'm not sure I'm not sure but anyone who has sent a super chat today you will receive the note please do please do send me an email to remind me to send you the notes I'll send you the notes that we worked with and I'll send you the two sample CDs so that you have something to work with and when you're trying to remember what we covered if you do want those notes then you've got about three minutes to send a super chat over you send a super chat by clicking the dollar bot the bot dollar sign next to the emoji sign in the comments box below so yes you can do that and I will then change the format of the notes into PDF and email over tu in PDF so that you can definitely open them and you can make use of them of course if anyone decides to become a patron then all patrons messages are answered not the solely straightaway but I always answer messages from patrons and next week I'll be wrist I'll be drawing the winner of the patreon giveaway so every month and patrons are entered into a prize draw and I pick one winner which is great because there's not many patrons so you have chances of winning are very high I pick one winner to do a Skype call with me so you do a 15 minute Skype call with me just one-on-one just have a chat and practice your English speaking so if you want to be a patron you want to join the Skype group and go into that price drawl and do consider becoming a patron you can do it for as little as $1 a month and you get lots of rewards for being a patron and supporting this channel like I said the description box has all those links that you might need all right I'm going to sign off now guys thank you so much for joining me have a lovely day thank you for all of those generous super chats that have come through today you guys are incredible and I very much appreciate your love and and 19:53 emos as i look forward to you getting 40,000 subscribers I hope it won't take long thank you I look forward to it too and great thanks guys have a lovely weekend and I'm going to Wales I'm going to go camping so I'll probably be quite tired next week as I would have spent a week Ennis and weekend in a field with sheep camping and hopefully having nice weather so keep your fingers crossed for me that have nice weather for my camping weekend otherwise you have a lovely weekend I'll see you at some point next week I will be posting up a schedule soon so that you'll know on Facebook and Instagram all right mmm lots of love from London take care
Channel: English Like A Native
Views: 19,009
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Keywords: Learn English, English lesson, English like a native, vocabulary, esl, english, british accent, anna tyrie, Grammar, british, anna english, english listening practice, english lesson, english vocabulary, intermediate, intermediate level, learning english, Cv, how to write a cv in english, cv writing, write a cv, resume, how to write a resume, how to write a cv, writing a resume, resume writing tips, resume writing, resume format, cv, job, work, curriculum vitae, English cv, esl cv
Id: t3dBqgMLvjg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 9sec (5649 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 16 2017
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