ENGLISH Phrasal Verbs: Learn The Complete List - #16 | LIVE English Lesson

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hello everyone welcome to another English lesson with me Anna English here on English like a native today we are learning five more common English phrasal verbs now these are helpful to know whether you're learning British English or American English of course I am British English so I have a bias towards British English but it's all helpful for your language and learning lovely see some of you in already welcome do feel free to comment during the lesson and also to make use of these phrasal verbs so as I teach you a phrasal verb please try to put it into use by writing a sentence using that particular phrasal verb now I make every effort to try and respond to your comments of course if you're commenting on YouTube during the live lesson I won't be able to respond to all of you it's nothing personal it's just impossible to respond to every single comment but it will have the patron chat room open I'll show you now hi guys so this chat room is open and patrons obviously you get top priority so if you have something that you would like to add to the class or a practice that you would like to have corrected then please write it in this room so what five phrasal verbs are we covering today it's been a few weeks I think since we lasted a phrase a verb session and last the last phrase of that we looked at was to book up so now we're moving on to boot out to boot out no no not boot out boot up haha baby brain ignore me to boot up now this is a very simple phrasal verb if you boot up then you are talking about your computer or some form of computer if you provide that computer with power and start the computer then you are booting the computer up okay so you can say boot up the computer or you can say the computer up you can put it afterwards or in between the phrase of ebb so let's have a look at the notes and I'll show you the example sentence that I've written as well so here we go boot up means to turn on a computer and I've written I tried booting up the computer in recovery mode but it still froze on the loading screen and this actually reminded me of the recent horrendous time I had with my computer my old computer breaking down and I was asked many times by my technician to reboot my computer and to boot it up in recovery mode it was very frustrating so I'd like you now to try and use this particular phrasal verb so who if we got hello good boy in Cardiff hi what's the weather like in Wales today it's beautiful here in London ok so boot the drive in I don't understand that a sentence that doesn't work I'm afraid ok so when you're ready guys please do write an example and when I see some examples coming through our correct them I've got one from Francesca here my patron so let me have a look at this one I've got I'm booting my computer up to watch your live class absolutely perfect it gets a big love heart from me well done Francesca and you're in sunny Malta wonderful I've been to Malta and I absolutely loved it there I was very young at the time but I loved it all the same probably go back there at some point so I've got it just stucked at boot up and that's from my um my oaken place I don't know if I pronounced that correctly it's it just stucks at boot up so let's correct this sentence you should say my screen or my computer is stuck in boot up or I tried to boot it up but it just gets stuck okay David says I have the booted computer up so you don't put the then booted then computer you need to keep that and computer together because they belong together so you'd say I have booted the computer up okay fabulous this is a very easy one so I'll just do one more from my patron and move on to the next one because this one is so easy I've got all this I booted up my computer from the CD very nice very good perfect perfect perfect okay so what do we have next on the phrasal verb list we have one that has two potential meanings and it is the phrasal verb border on border on now the border of something means the edge the border it's the edge we talk about borders a lot when we're talking about countries as well you every country has a border in fact with a lot of locations there is a border land has a border so your garden or your property has a border where your land ends and someone else's land begins so what countries are on your borders that'd be interesting to know so the two ways that we can use border on as a phrasal verb is firstly to be located next to a place and this is exactly what I'm talking about now so I'm talking about countries because this is when we would typically use it and I would say something like England borders on Scotland England borders on Scotland now it's not I don't often hear this particular phrasal verb in this respect what I would normally here is simply England borders Scotland but my research shows me that it's not incorrect he used the phrase of a borders on so you can do that if you like England borders on Scotland now the most common use that I hear here in the UK for border on is to say that something is very nearly something else so for example I've written what you are proposing is bordering on the impossible let's have a look at this particular sentence I've noticed I'm going very dark let me bring the lights closer to my face hi what you are proposing what you are suggesting is bordering on the impossible so imagine I say to you what would you like me to do as your English teacher how can I help you and if you say to me Anna we really need to improve our English speaking our English conversation what we really need is individual calls a one on one call with each person every day now bear in mind I have two hundred and five thousand subscribers here now if you asked me to do an individual lesson with all of you every single day to help you with your English speaking I would say to you wow that suggestion is bordering on the impossible it's not completely impossible I could probably do a very very short call with lots of people over the course of a day but then again I wouldn't be able to do it every day because then I'd have no life I wouldn't be able to wash I wouldn't be able to shop I wouldn't be able to eat all those kinds of things so really it's impossible but not completely impossible so I'm saying it's very nearly impossible so if you can replace the phrase of a border on with very nearly then it will work okay so it's bordering on impossible so I want to hear your examples for border on okay what do I have here my patron page let's have a look hello patrons Eva says Austria borders on eight countries fantastic really lovely that's incredible isn't it eight countries goodness me can I say what happened to me made me crack up yes that's completely unrelated but yes you can say that [Music] jean-claude says hello Anna what's the difference between border and frontier oh gosh to be honest I'm not altogether sure let me just bring up frontier right now so I can have a look at that don't here frontier being used to be honest in in general speech so a frontier as a noun is a line or a border separating two countries but to be honest I I never really hear it he only over here bought it I wonder if this is more of a a an American English word if we have any Americans watching maybe you can clarify that for me because I just I don't really hear it here in the UK yeah I think it's potentially more of an American word I hear it in films but I've never heard it in just general speech or in papers or anything like that okay so let's have a look back we've got Latvia borders on four countries Estonia Russia Belarus and Lithuania very good hello Garcia and Georgi says the speed of the car was bordered on the speed limit we'd say bordering on bordering on or take away was the speed of the car bordered on and then this doesn't work the speed of the car was the speed of a car was bordering on you might say like supersonic or it was bordering on ridiculous if the speed was far too fast you could say it was bordering on ridiculous the speed of the car was nearly ridiculous Garcia I border way very rude neighbors okay but use the phrasal verb aye-aye-aye border on would you say you could say my oh I've no I wouldn't use this phrase verb in that respect but good to know Garcia I hope that they find some manners very soon okay in that case at Garcia you would say I live next door to or I have very rude neighbors it would it wouldn't be right to use this phrasal verb in that respect okay let's take a couple of examples from the comments I can see now I've got Oh an American here frontier is never used okay so maybe frontier is just one of those words that's kind of falling out of popularity perhaps if anyone knows any more on that word I'd love to know so James bordered past things score in his academies hmm Eric that's missing quite a lot of things no no that doesn't work so if it's very nearly something so imagine someone writes a piece of work and it's almost perfect it's almost perfect there's a few little mistakes but it's almost perfect you could say his work was bordering on perfection it was very nearly perfection okay living on Mars is border on possible is bordering on it has to be bordering border ring living on Mars is bordering on possible yeah still sounds a little odd but that you need to you need to use the continuous version okay so we've got border on and we've got boot up the next one on the list is boss around or sometimes you may hear boss about but more often it's boss around if someone bosses you around it means they tell you what to do or they try to control people and they give orders okay so let me show you the examples that I've given here we have his little sister was always bossing everyone around I told her that she can't boss me about because I am much older than her his little sister was always bossing everyone around I told her that she can't boss me about because I am much older than her I'm sure all of us have been in that position where someone who is not allowed to tell us what to do tries to bosses around I'm afraid to say that I am the eldest of my siblings so I was the eldest in my family and I was a little bit bossy growing up I did always try and tell my little brother and sister what to do I was quite quite bossy I was always bossing them around so I would like you to now try and use that in a sentence okay so whatever it gots I've got my sister is always bossing around says Fatima bossing who around so you have to include the person that's being bossed about so bossing us around bossing me around bossing them around bossing my friends around so you have to include the object of the bossing who is being bossed you must include it my friend bosses about my friend bosses about all his siblings very good well done Mohammed just make sure you use a capital letter at the beginning every sentence and a full stop at the end and that would be perfect in fact your sentence Mohammed is bordering on perfection just add those little Corrections and it would be perfect my colleagues always say that I boss them around David that's also bordering on perfection but you spelt always incorrectly it's an obvious typo you also need a full a full stop at the end and a capital letter at the beginning and that would be perfect aimin says my wife bosses me around all the time perfect very good I'll med my dad always bosses me around very good capital letter . and that would be perfect okay so questions that come through that aren't based on today's topic I'm going to skip over because it just draws focus okay so let me just have one quick look at them any more from my patrons and then we'll move on to the next one so I have I I never can be a manager because I can't boss my colleagues around very good really nice if one is a boss would it be bossing around on his employees yes if you are a boss a manager or someone in charge then you do boss people about don't you you do boss people around it's what you do okay so fabulous and those of you attempting to write unpleasant messages or anything with swearing or insults won't come through because I have filters on the messages so don't waste your time and that's me bossing you around okay so the next one on the list here is watch up I love this word to botch something up is to ruin something or to spoil something to make a mess of something okay so imagine I am trying to do an English lesson and I make so many mistakes and everything goes wrong the feed ends unexpectedly which has happened before and at the end of it it's just been no benefit to anybody you could say Anna completely botched up her live lesson today she completely botched it up you could say that you botched up the dinner that's something else that I usually do I tend to lose focus when I'm cooking or I don't follow a recipe I tend to experiment when I'm cooking I just go oh I'll add some of this and I'll add some of that and sometimes it means that I botch up the dinner so I have to say to my partner I say I'm terribly sorry I botched the dinner up I hope you still love me - which he says of course darling I go good answer okay so what have you botched up lately let me show you the note so you get a good feel for this so botch up to ruin or to spoil something Jenny was told to make a roast dinner for the family so I decided to help her because I knew that if I left her to do it by herself she would botch it up she would botch it up okay fabulous so I'd like you now to write in your example sentences with the word botch up so I have ma Amir Amir says hmm botched up is the same as screwed up yes exactly so it's very similar to screwed up it's just a more fun way of saying it okay i botched up my job interview sirs am it yes it's a perfect sentence very good but I hope that's not true goodness me job interviews can be quite quite scary can't laying quite pressured and sometimes we do make a complete mess and we could say we bashed it up is bashed up similar to bone up no bone up remember this is not something we use in British English very often to bone up is to study hard to learn something for an event a meeting or an exam so if you suddenly have to remember all the Spanish that you learned years ago for a meeting with a Spanish person then you have to bone up on that information okay so it's completely different Sidra says I botched up my homework okay very good stop watching up the secrets which I told you know you wouldn't botch up secrets you would keep a secret or you would give a secret away but that's not making a mess of the secrets by giving away a friend's secret you might botch up the friendship because you're ruining the friendship or spoiling the friendship but you wouldn't botch up the secret that doesn't work unless you tell the secret incorrectly that's botching it up but it doesn't really work the meaning doesn't come across very well okay um I am to botch the birthday cake up I am going to you need I am going to your I'm assuming you're making the birthday cake and you're going to make a mess of it you should have confidence before you start you should have confidence Martin says I remember when I botched up my brother's birthday surprise perfect very good okay let's have a look at the patrons and then we'll move on to the last phrasal verb goodness me it's gone so quick today so I have here let me just take away this note so you can see these so I have my brother is bossing me around all the time perfect Garcia it depends on his employees or colleagues yes that's an answer to a previous comment I botched up the cake for an invitation so I had to buy one hmm now an invitation is either a verbal invitation so me saying you are invited or it is a piece of paper which tells you you're invited so I botched up the cake for an invitation it wouldn't be a cake for an invitation the cake would be for a party a celebration of some sort so change that word either I botched up the cake for a wedding I botched up the cake for a birthday party I was invited to so I had to buy one that would work the trip was bashed up by nasty weather very good one have to rules other one one have to rules other other have to here I'm not quite sure okay you mean in relation to bossing people around one this would be one has to rule one has to rule others have to here one has I am he has she has one has one has to rule take away yes others plural others have to here I would say have to listen probably better Franchesca he botched up his relation for betraying her so this would be he botched up his relationship by betraying her he botched up his relationship by betraying her okay you can say cheating on her or betraying on her both of them work just fine okay I love botching up everything good okay if if you botch something try to fix it if you can try to fix it as you can you Jews if instead of as try to fix it if you can hello Anna your shirt is very beautiful is it it's very fit on you it's very fit on you it's not something you would probably say but thank you very much you say it's very nice on you thank you in fact little story about this shirt it's one of the only things I could find today that would fit me because of my big fat pregnant tummy so I was very very much struggling to find a nice summery top to wear today that would look nice for you guys and everything was just really stretched so this was all I could find today to wear that was clean and ready to go so thank you glad you like it ok so let's have a look at the very last phrasal verb that we have on today's list now before I jump over to it and bring this session to a close I just want to say if you have found today useful then please do give me a thumb-up those kinds of things really do help the success of these lessons and if you know anyone who is learning English then please do share the video to help others to learn these phrasal verbs as well if you're not ready subscribed then do subscribe and make sure you press that Bell notification button by making sure your notifications are turned on it means that you should learn about new videos I've released or learn when I am live and if you would like to know always when I'm live it's usually on Mondays at 4 o'clock and also on Fridays I tend to go live as well and I tend to release a new video every Saturday but I always let you know on Facebook and on Instagram and sometimes on Twitter so do follow me on social media to keep up to date with what's going on so what is that very last phrasal verb well let's have a look it is bottle out now I love this phrasal verb to bottle out it's a bottle out means to suddenly decide not to do something because you lack the courage or because you feel afraid so I'm sure we've all been in that position at some point in our lives where we bottled out of doing something I was very shy as a child and I used to always bottle out when it came to standing up in front of people and going on stage if I had to speak in front of people I would be so shy I would just bottle out and I remember very distinctly I was I was about seven years old I was on holiday with my family and there was a talent competition and I wanted to get up and read a funny poem and I was very excited about it but when the time came to get on stage they were saying Anna it's your turn come on Anna and I just stood there shook my head and said no I don't want to do it and they said come on come on my mum pushed me on the stage and I saw I got up on he stood on the stage and I just went and I forgot all the words I completely bottled out so I didn't give my performance because I was too scared I felt afraid of the audience obviously now I'm not afraid of an audience but back then I was very very scared so I used to bottle out all the time so tell me what kinds of things did you bottle out of now the example sentence I've given here just to help you out with this one is he is planning to ask Millie out on a date but I bet he'll bottle out as soon as he sees her so I bet he will decide not to do it because he'll run out of courage he'll suddenly become afraid when he sees this beautiful girl that he wants to ask out so let's have a look at your example sentences now it's your chance so what am I got here Garcia I bottle out going to the cinema because of the rain I bottled with addy because it's in the past I bottled out on going to the cinema because of the rain now that works but I would say that remember bottled out is not just deciding not to do something it's deciding not to do something because you're suddenly afraid or nervous so in that context Garcia I don't think your sentence really does work I understand your meaning but unless you're frightened of rain then it doesn't really make sense because it should be being frightened that stops you which is why you've bottled out you've lost the courage so Eamonn says I bottled out to produce my presentation last week I bottled out of of is normally the word we use I bottled out of producing my presentation last week okay so remember I said bottled out is always when you lose courage you get nervous did you bottle out of producing your presentation because you were nervous if so that works I bottle out to speak English I bottle out of speaking English because you feel afraid and speaking a foreign language can be scary can't say I understand that one I tend to bottle out when I start my presentation about my job ok very good I bottle out going to park because of dog am it I bottle out of I bottle out of going to the park because of the dogs in general the dogs I have not bottle out my father-in-law nilam I don't understand it's usually you bottle out of doing something so you've decided to do something and then you bottle out which is a decision to not do something so your sentence doesn't make sense because there's no doing you're not doing anything I have not bottle out my father-in-law there's no happening there's nothing happening so try to do the sentence again with something that you're doing so it might be I bottle out of going fishing with my father-in-law because I'm scared of fish or I'm scared of water Tom wanted to ask her out but when he saw her he bottled out perfect very good ok let me just have a look see what else coming through for my patrons I have I can't kill a cockroach because I always bottle out and shout very good you can bottle up feelings as well yes that's in the next week's lesson good i bottled out going to the cinema because the film reviews were really bad alexander i bottled out of I bottle doubt of and bear in mind what said before to Garcia it's usually something to do with backing out because you're nervous so again not going to the not going to see a film because the reviews are bad it's just a sensible decision rather than losing your nerve goodbye Aldous thank you for joining me either I bottle out at my driving test i bottled out at my driving test good bill i can't ask her out she's too perfect bob don't bottle out now very good well done i like it georgie there's nothing that can bottle him out of doing that hmm now when we're talking about someone else bottling out we'd put it more like we'd say there's nothing that can make him bottle out now there's nothing that can make him bottle out now okay that's how you'd phrase it I hope that helps there's nothing that can make him bottle out now and Alexander one more time my friend Mike was going to do a parachute jump but bottled out at the last minute perfect I nearly bottled out when I did a parachute jump it was very scary very scary indeed alright ladies and gentlemen thank you so much for joining me I won't keep you any longer but I hope that today has been useful we had the phrasal verbs to bottle out to botch up remember to make a mess of something to boss around hopefully no one will boss you around today to border on so either to be next or something usually when talking about countries or to be very nearly something else so to be bordering on perfection to be bordering on insanity to be bordering on educational to be bordering on entertaining so it's very nearly something else and to boot up if you boot something up we're talking about a computer it means you're starting it you're giving it power and getting it going okay so thank you very much for joining me guys now this week I have a very big event happening on Friday it's a business based event with YouTube so unfortunately I won't be live like I normally am around midday on Friday that won't be happening I do have some recorded lessons coming for you later this week so do look out for those and the next time you'll see me live is going to be Monday next week at 4 o'clock so same time next week we'll all be together if you're watching the Royal Wedding this weekend then enjoy I hope you have a nice viewing experience I hope you all have a wonderful week do come and join me on all my social media links will be down in the description box below otherwise thank you for joining me take care and good
Channel: English Like A Native
Views: 14,457
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Learn English, English like a native, Anna English, british english, english lesson, Live english lesson, english vocabulary, learn english, english, british, speaking english, english phrases, english accent, british accent, Phrasal verbs, verbs, english phrasal verbs, learn phrasal verbs, common phrasal verbs, verbs list, phrasal verb list, Complete List, COMPLETE LIST of phrasal verbs
Id: tIq9Uf6oNu8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 33sec (2073 seconds)
Published: Mon May 14 2018
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