I split a city in two with a WATER BRIDGE in Cities Skylines!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome to City skylines today we're going to be recreating and expanding on one of the most interesting pieces of engineering I've seen in a very long time this is the velawimir different pronunciations May apply Aqueduct a unique solution to a fairly simple problem what is the cheapest way of getting a Highway across a body of water so you might be thinking to yourself well why didn't they just use a bridge that's like the go-to solution isn't it well bridges are very very expensive so the Dutch came up with a different solution which saved them a lot of money and Aqueduct now AG Ducks aren't anything new they've been around since Roman times mainly as a method of transporting water but this one is very unique it's actually one of the shortest aqueducts in the world and it allows a lake to span a major highway so we're going to be starting a new game we're going to be building this in lavender lake so this is the map this is the lake now you can see we don't actually own all the Lakes so we're going to come down here and we're gonna we're gonna buy some more plots of land so we'll have some of you we'll have some of you and then before we get too far and says I am going to click this button down here and this allows me to see where the water spawners are so I can see there's one bang in the middle of this lake so I probably want to try and move that so there you go it's now over there which hopefully means we can cross this Lake without any issues so the problem for the Dutch was there was a highway down here and they wanted to get this road over the other side of the lake now you could build Bridges to get across but obviously that's a lot of Steel a lot of concrete no matter what type of bridge you go whether it's suspension or just a normal sort of bridge that is gonna cost a lot and not really that is pretty unsightly say say you've got like a little lovely little Lakeside Lodge down here you look at your lovely View and oh someone's built a bridge on the way now for me I I quite like that but not everyone is an engineer not everyone appreciates the good-looking bothness of a bridge particularly when it's cost taxpayers a lot of money so we're gonna delete these Bridges I know sacrilege police don't have a go at me in the comments all right here's our roads and that's where we need to get across now there's obviously a lot lots of water in the way so we're gonna we're gonna sort of do this how they would have done this in real life I imagine I mean I'm no expert at this even though I did design roads for like 10 years of my life uh never never designed a water Bridge which might surprise some of you but I imagine it went something a little bit like this so we get the Landscaping tool we select a level terrain this allows us to pick a level and sort of just keep it flat so if we just make sure this is above the Lake water level you can see the contour lines there so if we just pick one I don't know maybe maybe about bearish so then I can increase my brush size and then we can make a bit of a wall now I don't actually know what is going on why is this so lumpy what what is that this is not how this tool usually works hang on I gotta go check is that just because it's in water like if I were to just notice acting it's acting very very strange yeah very very strange not sure about that but anyway I've just uninstalled the mod that I had on which was like the landscaping tools and uh there seems to be a bit smoother look it's way flatter we've still got some lumpy edges but that outdo so we've done a pad from one side to the other but we've left a gap in it because it's important to remember there's there's boat traffic along here look you can see down here there's ferries at one end of the lake they follow the boys all the way through the other end of the lake and oops because I built this while time was paused well we've added a little bit of turbulence to the lake I imagine when they built this in real time they didn't actually pause time to do this like in the real world hence the lake would be pretty still the entire time but it is what it is anyway let's carry on as we were so basically we need to put another strip in like that of course leaving the Gap in the middle so the fairies can still get through right and then we end up with something like this so we haven't really affected anything to do with the lake the fairies can still get through but this is the time where we're thinking about how the road is actually gonna sit in here and stuff so first things first you want to want to close these ends up so we just build across there and then build across this one as well then what that'd probably do they'd probably line these with something called sheet piled walls which are essentially sheets of Steel which sort of waterproof so basically that would be put along both these edges to make like a waterproof area and basically we have like we have a bathtub so we need to drain the bathtub so of course that means grabbing our super water pumps and can just literally you can shove those on the end like that then if we just connect these up to our water Network then hopefully when we press play we should start to see the water level in here drain yeah look at that it is going down it is going down so our two pumps will be draining the water out of there and then because we got the sheet bar walls we've essentially made like a dry sort of area yeah I mean it's sort of getting there you can see you can see the water level is a lot lower down there than it is on the outside so this is just this is a lot deeper than I thought it was going to be uh we don't actually need it that deep still let's keep pumping all right now we can think about doing a bit of landscape so basically you want this road to sort of slope down to a set level so first off let's set that level we need a level so that we can get cars under there so I'm gonna say go down to like there ish all right so then I actually want to take this down a bit of a level so I'm gonna do a bit of that shove some flood walls in then if we take the sloping tool we can say finish at that level and then we can sort of come from I don't know down there somewhere and look at the Contours we're making a nice little slope going up to there means we end up with something like that and then we should be able to take our road down here so we have something like this the road goes down a hill and then it goes flat and then we've got the wall now with the roads in I can delete the flood walls and it means I can sort of go back to this Edge all right then with those done down to there we should just be able to do a tunnel like straight through um no no no game that's not what I want I mean it does it doesn't help that I accidentally flooded this one perhaps you try and make these a little bit closer I mean we can go right up to the edge of those boys for buoys as some Americans like to call them no stop trying to do that game why all right tell you what we might have to cheat the game so we might have to say there was never any water there game just do a normal tunnel please oh God I flooded everything and the boats are just going over the top of it wait wait you're not meant to do that you're not anyway get the pumps back in there good work Pumpers right boys stop coming over the top just just wait a minute so impatient all right anyway water is gone so let's hit pause delete these pumps again all right and now let's try and tunnel onto this properly oh game okay okay he's like well you don't need to do a tunnel you had it just to a hill just go up all over your knob all right well if I put flood walls in then the game has to understand I want the freaking tunnel underneath how does that even work you can't have a tunnel up there six and a half hours later right I may have done it I may have finally done it let's try and use move it tool just to get them in the right place right and then can we delete these blood Wars Let me fill up the land right up to them right and the water level has to be above the tunnel level so it's sort of like a bridge so we're gonna go like that level there and we're gonna put that across that way right so then we have this sort of thing and I imagine as soon as I press play this is going to go absolutely mental yeah so let's do it and see what happens oh turbulent water turbulent water oh it's buried everything I've worked so hard for you know on the plus side the old fairies are moving again that's that's a good sign right all right so let's just leave that to settle and then we can get the old pumps back in all right then whilst they're pumping away I'm gonna go I've opened the mod again yeah so I've got a tree brush so we can pick a few different trees and we can just paint in all of our trees around here right and then it looks like this side is on let's get rid of these pumps oh look at that that is decent we have a water Bridge finally all right so now delete those pumps these pile arms aren't a few more trees along the edges and would you look at that we've only gone and done it we've only could have done it I that was a there's a time in there I didn't think we were actually gonna succeed in doing this in the slightest yeah you can see Vehicles they come down here they go straight under you can see the boats going over the top and they come back out the other side so we finally got some cars coming under the bridge we got boats going over the bridge over there I'm so excited it actually finally worked however I wonder could we use the power of engineering to either engineer this I have an idea right well that was fun and all but we're back in one of my favorite Maps the map where I drained the entire sea I I literally stuck pumps all the way around the edge you can see the sea is there it should be over here but it's not which means we can build below sea level you know what that means but also means boats get stuck on the berm that I built but yeah we're gonna take this idea and we're gonna engineer it to the max so I think this wall height is a good height for the top of my wall select a big brush so using the biggest brush we've we've achieved this so that is going to be the top wall Heights and I remember from before when I did I did like a triangular Atlantis a very cool video actually you should go check that out but I realize I have to use these flood walls now I probably want to do something like go to about there down to there yeah so this should make me a perfect circle I mean sort of Perfect Circle it's it's not it's definitely not perfect but it's not bad why is it got lumps why are you lumpy I'm determined to do this properly because if it's lumpy then we're just gonna get water leaking we can't have that we're an engineer we're not an architect we're doing this to work properly so I'm just going to make it a little bit smaller so we'll just come in a little bit so I think what's happened is where the tool is a bit funky can you see like there's like lumps on the edge I think if the flood wall goes over that it sort of it tries to it tries to fix the problem by just doing a lump basically so that should make more sense if we if we have a look from in here yeah perfectly level now that's just what we want when we're dealing with water but we're not just making Atlantis we need we need to make a water Bridge so what I'm sort of thinking if I go from like there over to there right so now we we grab the level terrain tool again and then we sort of want to decide how tall we want to do that I don't think we want to do like down to the bottom because I think then you won't really see the city I reckon perhaps to like that level might be good then we could just paint all this up we can go right up to the floodable edges and that won't actually matter at all because it's all going to be below the sea level remember and then we just want to delete that flood wall and that blood wall and the same over this side and then the water should blow through that now one thing I'm not too sure I'm not sure how tunnels work so if I were to make this trench like the proper flat level down there the base of the sea and then I just did a tunnel from here to that side with my road would it like float in mid-air so for example if I grab a road now I think we'll just go with the widest roads we've got and I think what I want to do I just want to go page down we go into a tunnel then if we do that level in The Middle come to this side and the cage up again and we end up with that and that's fine that works that's just a road from one side to the other but I want know if I were to say if I were to like cut this back a bit and then go through the trench down the middle at like a lower level so we have that sort of thing if I were to do a bridge through here perhaps if I turn Anarchy on because it seems like it doesn't work without Anarchy uh okay so it does put a bridge down there which sort of means this will just not work I mean that's that's clearly a hole through my wall I think water might get in there see okay that's fine basically it just means you've got to have a shallow River bit of our trench through there rather than the full-on sea level that's fine so I think I'm going to build this city whilst I let the water in because if I remember from last time this took a long time for the water to actually come in so first off we'll just rename this with an appropriate save file name the sridge then we're just going to select all the pumps boost them out of existence and we'll speed up the land and then that should start coming in nicely probably worth sort of getting rid of that bit and then cutting this all back a little bit I don't want to cause a tsunami you've got to be a little bit a little bit sensible here there now the map should start filling up with water which is just what you want basically while I build my city so I think to turn this into a bridge we basically just need enough tunnels that it becomes a bridge if that makes sense I mean not the most symmetrical thing in the world oh look water's coming down the Chute oh the seeds filled up real quick really really quick okay that's a little bit worrying actually I hope I've sorted my levels out right oh man the water is rushing it look at this this is awesome I need to fill tunnels quick I might actually have to pause if I'm honest come on tunnels go in Faster all right so there we go there's all of our tunnels oh this is like the most well-connected thing ever and it's not even connected to my my mega City over here this is my super efficient City you know we definitely want to connect this up so what I'm thinking if we just do like a junction across there that is absolutely hideous but still it's pretty funny so let's go off there over in this Direction people worried about the trees don't worry I've done I've done a tree-lined road so it fits it fits in lovely and then it gets a bit tricky because in order to get a tunnel up to that level I sort of need like I need like a false tunnel so I'm gonna have to do like a bit of that if that makes sense just so I can do the slope up okay so yes you might just think I've made another strong shape but no that's just that's just engineering for you all right so there you go now you can see our tunnel is in which means the mainland can now reach my new end of the uh oh dear so where I just raised the water level with the sea above it um a bit of a Schoolboy error that yeah so sort of flooding now we might need to try and fix that somehow um anyway since the since the C looks like it's here I should probably delete like everything right around the edge so delete all those pumps lower that sea wall all the way around the edge and then watch as well and then watch as our Atlantis is completely destroyed it's filled up with water don't worry though I think I can just pump it out so if we grab this the super water pump if I turn anaky on I should be able to just shove these like on the edge there so oh God there's a tidal wave that's Hide Away actually that's taking like all the water out of that one anyway let's just connect all these up with pipes because that will mean they'll start pumping and hopefully they'll start pumping before the wave destroys them ah they're getting a bit wet anyway hopefully just connect all of these up and then we should be good to get it all dried out again and I'm not planning to do any more like movement of the of the sea floor so hopefully this should actually be like dry once and for all yeah there's a lot of water in there I'm not gonna lie tell you what we can actually supercharge these up if we just shove some wind turbines these actually make the pumps work like a lot better I mean I surprised they work without electricity in the first place I'm honest but since it helps I'm not going to argue yeah look at that we are draining the water and then we can get back to building right nice that side is perfectly dry this one is nearly dry I think I should probably just check like the horizons and stuff because look it's a little bit because it's a little bit rough over there and if we look over oh goodness why is there another tidal wave coming oh no look how high that is that's going straight in where's that come from all right well let's just watch this fill up my Atlantis again with water probably destroy a few windmills and things I don't think I was actually too bad we seem to have a lot of our windmills left you can see the boats as well going like around the back like I literally put a channel so you can come through the middle boats silly boats anyway but after a load of pumping it looks like we're dry again yeah we'll have a quick look and make sure I don't see any more tidal waves anywhere okay I think a safe I think we're safe oh we've killed all of our trees these grow back then we'll know if these grow back um did you know you can do this as well you can like you can select what sort of trees you want on there oh those ones died so if I want palm trees I can just make them all palm tree I think palm trees are quite nice actually yeah let's palm tree all of these up oh they're literally the lids just Twigs down this side not anymore we got the most beautiful sound effect when we do this as well oh that sounds healthy that sounds healthy but yeah nice lots of palm trees what is this there are like little like little tidal sergers ever so often I think I might have to leave the pumps in for now just until the Seas calm down a little bit yeah we'll build some roads oh maybe not because we've been flooded again oh I love that wherever like I try and build this can you see like as the water moves it's trying to build like a bridge so then we want to shove some unique buildings around paint up all the different areas like residential offices commercial make sure everyone's got drainage then we can just watch the place grow oh look at this that's beautiful although as usual I did forget things like hospitals fire stations police stations and schools but don't worry now we're good now everything is building and look at this we've got the Water Bridge in it's definitely a water Bridge it's not just a load of tunnels stuck together I'll tell you what I'm gonna put I'm gonna put some fairies in and our fairy line is going to go from there to there so that means boats leave that come to this come all the way through here sorted so now the ferries are spawning they're gonna go to their first and they should head up this way unfortunately I should have I should have really tried and tried to put this so the cargo ships go in between and although what the hell where's the shoreline moved where's all that wall to go hang on we've just lost a load of water the shoreline was there they were pumping water for my city now they have no water oh stupid game I'll put these at the new Shoreline that should cheer everyone up there we go wait what now they have no water what's going on what is going on with the sea where's all the sea going and look my boat's cut my boats can't actually work well anyway ignoring that little detail I think this was a huge success I mean look we literally built a water bridge and you can see everyone everyone's using the bridge perfectly look all the ambulances going across over that side love to see it now what if I just if I use this mod to raise the sea level because it looks like it's dropped a bit yeah how about that oh God oh God um okay I sort of just ruined the entire thing [Music] anyway just ignore that happened I'll say peace love and water Bridges bye guys
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 2,346,189
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities: skylines, cities skylines, citys skylines, skylines, cities skylines how to start a city, cities skylines gameplay, lets play cities skylines, city builder, city skylines, city skylines gameplay, cities skylines suburb, cities sky lines, real engineer plays, real civil engineer, rce, real civil engineer cities skylines, junction visibility splays, junction visibility dmrb, cities skylines road layout, city skyline, airports dlc, airport dlc, atlantis
Id: rQLY3KvsO64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 16sec (1096 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 07 2022
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