Can engineering STOP A 1000FT TSUNAMI in Cities Skylines?

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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to city skylines this is the sprawling city of engiotopia and unfortunately we're not gonna be here today we're gonna be somewhere else so we won't get to see any more of the underground airport no more spaghetti junctions and no more infinite poor i mean i mean power is powered by poo because this little leaking atlantis area which i would call england this but um it's it's not really working it's very much leaking it gave me it gave me an idea i thought dangerous i know and it got me wondering could i engineer a city that could survive a tsunami i used to do drainage and flood alleviation design for a living after all so we're on a new map that i downloaded from the steam workshop and here it is i should press pause but you can sort of see through the fog there is a big old tsunami heading towards the land which is partly the reason i chose this map the other reason was there's a very very strong shaped river and basically i'm going to build a city and then we're gonna defend it against the tsunami in a load of different ways to see which is the best the game is still paused so i'm gonna get everything built first so it looks like someone's gone a bit mental with the roads and the railways but uh let's quickly just take a road off here we'll sort of go down to the coast we'll do that sort of layout for the middle that looks really cool to be fair although imagine the carnage of that junction oh that's gonna be interesting to see how they cope with that so something like that should be good we'll just go into the zoning thing and we can paint this however we want we've got the unlimited zoning mod on so whatever we paint will get built so i'm sort of thinking identity living in the middle some high density commercial got some offices and more living and then the industrial up this end there we go next we just need some drainage so we'll just go under all the roads and that's everything drained up but we do actually need to take this to the water source so i'm going to go to the river over that way and then we'll have the sewage outlet downstream and they just need some power and then i think that's mostly essentials done so now i've pressed play you should see there's a lot of buildings being built people building their houses and as the city is growing if we turn around we all notice that is a big big wave i think someone hasn't noticed down there and we're gonna be putting our engineering skills trying to defend the city and i will say the city is booming look at it pop up if i were to fast forward as well what a lovely sight but of course the downside of speeding up is as you walk around the city you will see on the horizon that's quite a big wave making its way in this direction oh wow you can see there's like a there's like an inverse wave as the water is being sucked towards the tsunami right i think we need to start thinking about how we're actually going to do this because our city is pretty much done so i reckon let's hit save by the way i was just looking through some of my old save we got airtopia can you remember that we've got bridgetopia good times we got the three versions of poolution as well as spaghetti topia oily oily which i'm guessing was this and then the punama canal with the inverse cattle anyway this save will be called the queen's right hand because she waves don't she oh well i'm back behind the tsunami speaking of waves check out this cruise liner hang in there mate he's literally broadside to all the waves i'm not sure that's the most clever thing to do anyway i've got a c to protect and as i want to use my real life hydraulic engineering skills we're going to be doing the five-step proposal to try and fix this so the five-step process that i use every day in my actual engineering job you got to one think about the permeability do we want water to pass through perhaps pass around next up we need a design that copes with elongation are we able to make this wider because our town is pretty wide the tsunami is infinitely wide so something that needs to be thought about third one is newton's third law now that's just common sense i'm not even going to go into that one the fourth one is impact we've got to make sure our design can cope with the impact of the tsunami so i have to look at the water density the water pressure the speed velocity all that sort of stuff which comes on to the fifth and final step the strength we need to make sure whatever we design has the strength to withstand the tsunami and keep our residents dry now you might think those five things they're pretty hard to remember but we can narrow it down into a very easy to remember acronym pennies so just remember pennies and you'll be able to remember the simple five-step process that'll help us defend against any tsunami you might encounter in your real life so for the first step i do actually i want to sort of see where the deflection will work so if we come into the landscaping tool i'm pretty sure there is yes the water structures if we were to build a wide and deep canal perhaps we could use this to deflect the tsunami around us like if we did like a three-prong solution and then sort of send these up there i mean i might even want to sort of do some like some sort of wider ones like this that sort of looks like it might help a little bit maybe what's oh no okay the wave the wave is actually quite big um i mean also in here there is the flood wall i mean if you were to top our canals with this i mean they're really they're not the tallest flood walls you've ever seen actually oh look the uh where's the water going oh no oh dear i tell you what that does actually give me time let's let's hit pause quickly i'm gonna use that to my advantage i do actually think if i were to do enough canals in front of this it might actually deflect enough water so i'm thinking that sort of thing and then if i extend all of these back quite a long way like that bring a few more flood walls in yeah i'm not very confident about this one it should be interesting to see what actually happens though i mean to be fair there is a fair volume of water that could actually work maybe potentially so let's play this in fast motion and see what effect it has you can see the actual wave is definitely getting affected and it is shrinking it's shrinking quite a bit i don't think it's going to shrink enough oh oh goodness uh sorry everybody these people just walking to work like they literally just look in front of you there's a wave coming oh oh wow okay we've been eclipsed by the wave i think we're going underwater oh no look i'm being lifted up wow okay i properly underestimated the power of this wave my stripy boys pretty much did nothing you can see it took a little bit of the wave off yeah essentially essentially not great i think we probably need to think a little bit bigger specifically taller so we've gone back in time back to when the wave was all the way back there now i wouldn't mind having a little go if we go into this water tab if we scroll to the very end i've got the super mega super water pump now this is what i used to drain the sea previously so i know that these work and what i'm thinking is could i make like a wall of them perhaps like a 45 degree slope or something so if i go to build another one of these you'll see i can only place it on the shoreline that's green if i try and place it back there no badness but if i press k a few times i can now place this wherever i want to and that's thanks to this mod of building anarchy if you want to copy so first off let's delete that i think what we're going to need we're going to need a bit of terrain work we come to the train tool we want level terrain or if we shift first we can set the heights that we want so let's use the large brush and this brush strength will go up to the max and then we've sort of got to eyeball in how tall is that it's pretty damn tall so let's start in the middle and basically let's just build a point okay so i think something like that should be good enough so we'll go to the level terrain tool we'll right click on the top there and then we're literally gonna build a plateau and this is gonna stretch around our city something like that right next up grab a pump and let's see how big they are look all right that's good i can make this i can make this like half as wide we'll do this sort of thing along here go all the way around the edge same thing over this side as well then let's see how these fit so if we had one there another one in front yeah that could be okay actually i think as well if i turn on fine road anarchy which makes our little tweety bird go from a normal bluebird to a fire-raging killer bird then we can literally place these anywhere we can like stack them inside each other and all sorts i think that's probably what i want to do with this all right i think this will be fine actually if i just slowly work my way around make the top one a bit wider again do another layer and another one and then with these lower ones we should get to a point where it just blends into the hill yeah look look at that for a corner that's pretty nice that i like that so we'll just continue doing a few more steps yes i'm well aware we're sort of in the water now but i'm an engineer i can play by my rules right nice i feel that's almost set up perfectly for all my pumps now but what i want to do first i do actually want to delete these two pumps and i just sort of want to see how this would work just like that with no pumps on it although i am thinking i think the water will just spill around the back yeah sorry i'm gonna i'm gonna have to extend these it's gonna extend these till they meet the ground which is about there oh and actually i may as well i may as well just do one side and we'll see if it does actually make a difference so the tidal wave is coming oh man this i feel like it's going to be very tight whether i built my wall tall enough look at all the water being dragged back that's only going to increase the height i think i don't know what's going to happen as it hits that slope is it going to push everything up or is it gonna push it around oh it's tight it's tight what's gonna happen up here i'm a little bit scared oh no oh no so water has definitely breached over the top oh goodness yeah now the wall is sort of working it's pushing it back now over over on the side over here it's actually working okay-ish i mean i won't light there's definitely water coming in and destroying my city oh dave everyone's just getting washed away look at the buildings oh they're being flattened that is all that remains afterwards yeah you can sort of see on this side if it was high enough the water would be kept on the outside and it would be dry whereas on this side you can clearly see the water just comes around it's rushing down here so my city would have been flooded if i did not extend so we saw how that went let's reload this and let's cover it in pumps so with anarchy active let's grab these pumps and then let's start placing them down so hopefully i can just copy these with the move it mod yeah that's that's actually working very nicely thank you mods all right then just fill a few more in manually like this all right and there we go there's a load of pumps oh it took so long right now we need to now you see the really painful job we've got to connect these up with pipes can you see all the little warning symbols which means we've got to go along and we've literally got a click between all of these i mean at least we get a really nice sound effect that definitely isn't grating after three hours of doing this oh man i do honestly wish paddy had opposable thumbs so i could hire him to do this and do you yes you mr know-it-all commenter who's about to comment saying matt if you just done it this way it would have been way easier you would have done it in two minutes no just don't no this is how i'm doing it this is the only way to do it if there's a better way i i literally don't want to know please please don't tell me in the comments there's a better way why does it have to make that noise my finger hurts from clicking too much right i think that's the final ones yes okay so they're all connected but they have no power now we're gonna need a lot of power to well powerbeat i've just really i forgot to do i forgot to this end i forgot to do this end hang on a second right there we go there we go okay so yes we need power so let's go into the power tab let's just have a look and see how much power each of these produces zero to eight megawatts zero to twenty forty a hundred and twenty sixteen hundred i don't i can't do hydro unfortunately we don't really have a capacity all nuclear plants six hundred and forty as well right so as much as i do want to use a nuclear plant these will actually use water you might be thinking well matt you just put loads of pumps in but yeah but remember the water like drains before the wave gets to us so i think that's just asking for trouble it'll be a vicious cycle if i'm trying to power pumps with a nuclear plant that needs water it's it's just a it's a disaster waiting to happen i think so i'm instead gonna grab these the solar updraft towers which need to be placed on a roadside what i'm not having any of that let's press k so let's just go mental and shove these all the way along here oh hang on do they do they actually need a road why do they need a road ah okay hang on hang on a second so we'll place the few of these down and then hopefully when we press play they should all power on yes oh look we're making 000 no 10 000 megawatts no these need water as well damn it why does everything need water all right question is is there enough water being pumped that it will work i mean if i just sneakily connect that to down there and we should be good oh yes yes you can see the first line of defense has started sucking water up now again we got two different things going on here i've got the i got the long arm on this side i've still got a short arm on this side because i want to see should this arm work will the water not work on that side i don't know anyway let's fast forward this and see what happens now the theory with this one is as the wave gets closer each layer of pump should suck it up and therefore lower the height of the wave which hopefully means it won't over top and if you're asking where do these pump to like where does the water go um just don't don't worry about that details details all right we're in fast motion the first few pumps are there they're trying actually they're doing they they're not doing they're not doing that good although although is it working i think it's working it's eaten the wave it's eaten the weave look at that so this is about twice as high as it needs to be now this is going to be the interesting bit over this side because we're at a slight diagonal i'm not actually sure water will get round it'll be interesting to see what happens i think we can pretty much guarantee that this side is fine though and look at that the tsunami defender 3000 oh yes look over this side the water is creeping round which means some of you guys down here you're a little bit at risk because although it just looks like a little bit of water when we actually compare it to the size of a building it's pretty mega i mean so much so i think a lot of these buildings are going to be swallowed yeah look they're all collapsing so it didn't quite work over this side however over this side we're looking very very good and actually is it is it receding or is that just our pumps no i think that's our pumps working still i mean look at the wave over there you can see our city took the biggest chunk out of the way that's so cool i was not expecting this to work not in the slightest usually if i spend like four hours on something it's guaranteed not to work but yeah you can see even on this side this is the extended end the traffic is getting washed away as the wave heads round so i'm wondering i mean technically i should extend that maybe i definitely need to extend this arm and look at that that is that's decent i'm impressed myself well done matt pat on the back so i think i'll just tidy this up a bit i'll probably extend this arm and then i might try and use like canals and flood walls a bit at that end we'll see what it looks like right so this is what i've come up with it sort of looks like attack on titan like the city from it but yeah basically we've extended these up both sides i've then added load of canals and walls and stuff at the back so hopefully that will work let's just watch this wave be disintegrated by our pumps i do i do quite like it yeah you can see the water getting thinner and thinner the water's gone from the middle that is that is but yeah my theory up here was as the water gets drunk by the pumps hopefully these canals will be enough to sort of catch it you can see i've linked these canals up so each arm sort of links back meaning hopefully the water will flow back into the sea and not into my city yeah we do have gaps in the flood walls though because we've got we've got little mini bridges for our motorways pretty cool let's hope they survive because that's quite a big wave heading towards him but yes so far everything sort of close to my city is sort of it's almost sitting in the canals perfectly if any spills over it is getting pumped up and then we've got two more canals over here which hopefully means we might be okay i don't know i really have no idea this is all theory based this is actually sped up by the way it looks pretty slow but it's it's full speed as fast as you can go in the game and it's sort of looking like we might actually have enough capacity in these in these channels i'm actually i'm feeling fairly confident now i'm actually feeling confident let's go see how the other side is doing yeah this side i think we've definitely survived the main wave is heading over that direction i mean unless it rebounds and comes straight around the back this is the weak point i didn't want to go into there there's obviously some ground water issues going on didn't want to get involved with those being just a surface water drainage engine it but yeah back over this side i think we've done it i think we've actually defended the city oh no oh no how many people spotted that sheep [Music] i literally didn't so if you did fair play yeah turns out we've literally made the strongest sea defense in the world then fair enough and on that note i'll say peace love and the tsunami defender 3000 bye guys [Music]
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 2,763,370
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities: skylines, cities skylines, citys skylines, skylines, cities skylines how to start a city, cities skylines gameplay, lets play cities skylines, city builder, city skylines, city skylines gameplay, cities skylines suburb, cities sky lines, real engineer plays, real civil engineer, rce, real civil engineer cities skylines, junction visibility splays, junction visibility dmrb, cities skylines road layout, city skyline, airports dlc, airport dlc, atlantis
Id: 8JcRx2rE6gA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 41sec (1061 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 01 2022
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