Engineering a POOP DAM in Timberborn!

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welcome back to Timber borers Beav the number one Beaver soap that's way better than the other one the main reason is this song we love the song where we put words along the bottom so that you can sing along if you don't sing fully at the top of your voice whilst watching you may be an architect yes hello fellow engineers and welcome back to timb bers now we're currently on episode 4 of season 7 you see we're in the middle of a drought I think this is our third or fourth drought we're actually doing pretty good for like resource at the moment we got loads of food quite a bit of water I could probably try and increase my water storage because you remember last time we started producing gears down here this is my PO powered industry and we need gears in order to build this a medium tank uh so I reckon let's get one of those unlocked 120 science I'll thank you and then we can shove some of these about now as I said before we're planning a Mega Dam so that's going to go across there so I reckon this storage probably wants to go like up here to be honest man I got 200 planks that's a lot of planks yeah we'll shove that up there so that should get built and store us loads of water how much is that 300 Water let me just select water there we go so that will pretty much double my entire storage like all these all these little ones pathetic what's the point of you yeah speaking of that metal we did actually we got over to here didn't we and we've started I don't know why I've put metal blocks in there I want scrap metal in there but yeah up here you can see there's a little Beaver collecting some scrap metal who actually is oh RT is an architect so whilst they haven't been shaming wheeled the shaming Wheels got removed which I'm gutted about oh no look I forgot last time we built what did I call it last time let me just check my notes a sec uh ways to remove architecture from the world no not that uh dog treats I need to buy pad you know hang on somewhere ah yes it's the far superior the wheel of pain and unfortunately four beavers have got in there that I don't think deserve to be pained um they are making power I've course all of these so we don't actually need that power something I did want to know with this if I drop the number of workers does the number of horsepower drop yes it does so one Beaver produces I said one Beaver there we go one Beaver produces 78 horsepower okay not bad Randy not bad at all but I am going to I am going to pause that for now cuz I don't quite have enough beavers to get that going but what I want to do down here I wanted to unlock the smelter and add that cuz that takes scrap metal a small amount of wood as fuel and then turns it into the bars that we need uh to build that takes oh 50 planks that's quite a chunk 20 gears and 30 scrap metals now as long as these buildings touch they will share power alternatively you can use power shafts which I do like to use for some random reason let's shove that there oh I don't have enough science points yet got to wait for the science right who's sciencing who's sciencing oh we got three scientists on the goat actually we got six beavers literally not doing anything how about for a little a little dry seasoned job rather than you all just sitting on your butts in the in the Terrace why don't we get some more inventor huts on the goat I don't know if anyone heard that but uh this needs a very very quick Story Time with Matt so patty just like went to the door and like started barking I was like what the hell is going on I jumped up had a little look out the door no one was there literally no one shut the door and then like as I shut the door I saw like the Post Fan like drive past and then outside our house but Paddy had like a six sense a postman sense how do dogs know stuff like that that's weird story time with Matt all right so anyway that is being built the other thing I've noticed the old food situation isn't great yes we've got loads of berries but we've got like we got four people farming like you don't ever see cor rabies like they're being eaten faster than they're being grown so what I'm what I'm thinking we got to we got to try and get some food on the go here I reckon now we got quite a lot of space up here where I had trees before I don't think I'm going to replant the trees so what I'm thinking we get a new farmhouse in then if I go build a fermentor down by my my power thing which by the way probably has to be one of the most efficient looking buildings I've ever seen in this game yeah if we shove that there probably another gear Workshop in between cuz we're going to need quite a few gears I think so if that gets built we can then plant some of this other stuff which can be fermented now do I go for cavas so 5 days to create one cassava Plus in the fermenter if you look at the recipe that turns four cassavas into 10 fermented cassavas but it takes 2 hours so to get 10 we need 2 hours plus a growing time of 5 days okay let's not worry about the hours but so each four four tiles will make us 10 food in the end if I were to do soybeans instead takes 8 days to make two then fermenting soybeans for every six you get 20 ooh but you need oil did we need oil for the other one cavas oh cassavas you don't need oil okay let's just do cassavas then what was the point of all that let's plant like probably like that sort of strip I don't want to plant too many cuz then I won't be able to like Harvest them but right there're in if I now build some cassava storage and then I can just do two little storages on the end they can store the fermented ones okay so now we've got an extra food supply and hopefully it will be decent we've also got loads of scientists so the science is FL lying up now oh nice we got two farmers going to town getting the cassavas in we got Brandon Riley as well as ghost oh down here Bob the engineer died of old age oh oh well uh what we doing over this one sorry Bob oh actually actually this little baby beaver what's that little baby beaver you want to go talk in private okay we'll go to the Terrace unfortunately all your mates have followed you so it's not going to be that private but you're a beaver from the future You' come to warn us of brown sludgy Badness it's smells and it burns your skin tell you what toddlers talk some absolute rubbish let's not listen to that one-year-old I'm sure they're probably just talking about the bad water and I know all about bad water comes from the bum hole of the map but o actually that was something I was thinking about um if you look here can you see there's like an additional sort of Channel where I could flow the bad water if I didn't want the bad water to actually be bad and come down here like cuz I'm not sure although you can grow in it cuz like these are normally well they're normally not dead but I think the bad water it has like a smaller area so if this down here was all just water then I'd have like way larger planting areas so what I was actually thinking perhaps from over here we just get rid of that we could path over this way then put the Lumberjack flag back in but we could build stairs like up this way then from this point we can use the levies that we unlocked last time we could build a little bit of a dam so if I send bad water that direction it should end up down there yeah it shouldn't flood making sure it won't somehow get back to my Colony yeah if I try and do the narrowest path that should stop the Poo flowing down into my base and then my my base will be completely poo free uh so let me just path up and I've I've literally I've just removed the new update like bad water is no longer a thing here well once once this is built of course but it's literally not going to affect me at all I'm completely immune to bad water in this game so yeah that is good right we've got one more day of the drought remaining I think what I might do for now let's let's just unpause that James YouTube you're being shamed skila so are you oh no look we're we're out of water we're out of water oh wow that water storage did not last long at all okay let's unpause these I think we still do have a bit of water oh yeah look at the depth oh they've actually changed like what that looks like it's got like a weird little intake filter thing now but yeah quite a bit of water left so I will get two log Pumpers on the goat Daniel Lamor you're in time to pump your wood for the colony oh no what's this strand did oh lagam off you knob what are you doing there so they've just gone and they've built a staircase behind themselves and now they're just stranded on that bit of land and in how long 0.8 days poo water is going to be flying down this River so you might even be swept away by the Poo now I have a decision to make do I do a rescue mission try and save lagam moth or and I think I prefer this option I won't like do I use them as a bit of a guinea pig do I see how the poo water actually affects them and stuff cuz at the moment I feel like the Poo water is not dangerous like the devs made a big deal of of it everyone in my Discord they like oh there's poo coming to timberborn it's going to be it's going to change everything I feel like it hasn't really changed a lot and I've really engineered my way out of this so yeah what I want to do I want to see whether beavers being next to the water get contaminated and if they don't then presumably they just have to go into the water to get contaminated but I think it's worth it's worth trying to see like how dangerous it actually is so there you go the drought has ended cycle 4 begins so what we want to do first is get more beavers back onto the log pumping lower the priority of the the science so they're all proper low priority I never used low priority I'm proud of myself yeah and the other good thing as this water flows down we should be able to remove the wheel of pain beavers cuz our water will be spinning again so that that's good that's like three extra jobs we'll get so let's speed up there comes the water nice oh and look here comes the Poo water so we've got try and see what happens to this Beaver you can see the ground beneath them is clearly like it's not in a good place it's definitely polluted now this Beaver is- 17 they're hungry they're thirsty they are stranded but they don't seem to be infected so we'll keep an eye on L them off maybe I'll save them last minute uh for now though these beavers the Builder beavers they have made the staircase all the way to the top so they're going to start building the dam now I think in this game you can build like down like infinitely you can you can just drop like your logs down so it builds those oh yeah look they're actually they're building that one first interesting um so they should be able to build this without like well without contaminating themselves without getting in the water so I think that's good I think we're going to be we're going to be damning the Poo oh what's happened down here oh what's happened there it died why did those die wait what they don't usually die look it's it's heading back now it's retreating why did it go that far is it because we didn't get water down so it wasn't diluted yeah so I think when it's diluted sort of infected area is there isn't one down here if you look down here there's not infected at all H let me just pause these three so yeah You' got to dilute the Poo water in order for it to not be dangerous but it looks like the only danger it doesn't actually affect beavers unless they go into it I think it only affects like the ground but look that's that's been replanted now that those ones are still dead I think they will get replanted by our Forester so okay okay I think I know I think I know how the Poo Water Works a bit more now see damn going in up there I should probably save L Mo really shouldn't I let's delete the stairs you're free go on get out of there go on Le Mo move wait why you just sat there there they go there they go right so now we can build stairs back in oh what I might do actually cuz I don't want that to be there can I just like try and build to like move it so if I build there will that move to the right yeah another one there that moves to there okay nice cuz I didn't want I didn't want that pile of rubble cuz that's got logs and planks in it I didn't want that to be stuck over here because then a bee will probably go over there and then get stuck again all right anyway something else I may want to do just get another log pumper involved so oh I can't actually shove one down here I want to know as well if I were if I were to pump the diluted water is that contaminated is that worth a little like cheeky little gamble just to see I think it is so I want to know if I pump that I might put a storage like right next to it just so we can really really be sure about how this will works and then I'd hope whoever whoever is pumping there they should f fill this up and we can see what color it actually fills up as whether it's diluted poo color or whether it does actually go to watercolor so we'll do this as a little test yeah I tell you what I might do the same sort of thing like over here actually in the Poo water and see see whether we can actually pump it cuz I think we do need it for Dynamite don't we yeah Dynamite takes five bad water and turns it into Dynamite but I don't know if this is the way that you actually get bad water I think there's there's like its own sort of yeah a deep bad water pump so I may look into that I just want to see right Matt Pros is in there by the way Matt Pro 125 that's because there's 124 mats that also Pros it's a proper engineering name map all right oh look I can choose to store water or bad water this is oh this is just pumping water though oh it looks disgusting you are going to get a dirty tip in there anyway with this built we should start to see M Pro will emerge at some point once he's pumped everything he can in there oh there you go there you go he put it in there there you go it's it's blue water so it does filter water okay next question if we if we shove one over this way oh hang on hang on hang on a sec blow has been interrupted cuz our dam is created oh nice okay so we're about to get rid of the Poo water so this doesn't actually matter anymore yeah I am starting to wonder though was there was there any point in doing that oh look the cassavas are Done Right Ona you so gobby bean and ker they'll start doing that which means down here we got to get someone in the very efficient fermenta build real agricultural service technician yes the perfect person to be fermenting some food for us we are a little bit low on power actually what I might do cuz I plan to put buildings down this side actually we've got the sence so we could unlock our smelter yeah let's get that unlocked and then smelter out the back there and then I can build stuff like up that way but what I'm going to do down here get some extra Power Wheels on the goat so if we just do those all the way across not too far though cuz I do actually I want to be able to get past so I feel like I probably want to make the most of all of these although I can just put extra stairs in yeah stop overthinking at just get all the power in that you can I won't do that one yet though cuz I want to get all of those built but nice that should really help our Industrial Area okay decent I'm also thinking perhaps another fermentor cuz I can shove one in there quite nicely and if I get that on the cavas as well then we should be getting some fat food yeah look we've already got 10 saved up cuz we're starting to use up berries yeah that's not good The Colony has grown quite quite significantly you're up to like 43 beavers now I perhaps need to turn off one of these one of these breeding pods anyway I've noticed for a bit short Vlogs for some reason I forgot to mark those trees for cutting and and those two so we'll do that up this way I may have to unpause a a lumberjack there actually let's get two let's get two I feel like we could probably do with some log storage over here to be honest decent okay I think we're good I think we're good I think the the wood numbers should go back up because I really need to get my I need to get my mega down on the goat now I think for the Mega Dam the best way to do this is probably this might be controversial but rather than building like down at the bottom first which is usually how you would do a dam I might build like both the walls over to the river and then do the bit in the middle last so I think what I said I wanted to do was damn like up there and sort of do a curve across that way if I do that and that and then try and get to like that point so I've just told them to dig up some of the those plants so if we do that sort of thing in there I think that should work out quite nicely then I'm not going to do the water there I will go over to this side though yeah probably like that so let's just remove these ones just so they don't get built and then I just got to get this up to the same level so yeah that's good level that is a good level right nice if I want to build that easy I'm going to need a platform there two on top of there and then cheeky little path down that way and path over the top as well likewise over here just keep the path going on top oh is that where I want it or does it want to be a bit more curved yeah I tell you what we're tweaking we are tweaking this okay yeah I think that's a better curve we we got we need our down to be curved inwards remember cuz that makes it stronger with all the water pressure behind it but yeah it does mean that we will cut off everything up here cuz it will go underwater so these Farms they will have to be moved but hopefully it should make everything up here sort of all green and nice okay I think the other thing I need to do with the priority tool let's let's assign some very low building priorities so I don't want the down to be built for quite a while yet I've just sort of planned it out when I need stuff all right okay so you can see now the dam up here is fully complete we are deflecting the Poo water away and that just heads all the way down there off the edge of the map someone else's problem over there there's probably like a beaver Colony like way below mine that's like why is it raining poo suddenly all right so looking at all my resources water is actually good I'll tell you what I might try and build another big storage sorry medium storage I'm compensating again so let's High prioritize that there something else I probably want to do I've got eight homeless beavers so let's get some more housing on the goate what I may do try and build like one of those other thing like o maybe a monument actually oh thousand science that's quite a lot maybe just a little bit of roof then so as I know all my beavers yeah they all they all come past here I could just shove a little bit of roof just on that corner and that is a perfectly engineered roof the trouble is I don't think they can build it without stairs oh it could be quite annoying to get stairs up there I could just shove it on the corner but I don't know something that roof just being on the ground does bug me to be fair there's not a lot else that actually gives like stuff worth doing oh AB Brazier does 150 oh that needs metal oh look we've got 69 nice uh scrap metal now so we definitely can get that on the goat once it's built oh man there's so much stuff that needs building maybe I should get a builder's Hut just so I have like more Builders helping I got to unlock a builder hut oh yeah let's get it let's get unlocked we need a builder hut I need Builders got to take this seriously now High prioritize the Builder's Hut and then we should have four more Builders yeah this colony is really growing by the way we're up to 48 beavers that is quite a lot oh look our storage is done up here decent okay so we should store more water slightly concerned about the food now do we have casava saved up no we don't really would it be worth adding more cassavas down these guys are they're about to pick up their last ones and then they're not really going to have a job so I did slightly underestimate how many cassavas we need if I just do like an extra trip down there perhaps yeah look once again we're out of all food apart from berries why do these beavers eat so much you're such porkers all of you trouble is I don't really want to invest too much in farming down here cuz I'm going to be moving all the farming up to there trouble is I can't do that until I actually get water up that way oh by the way scientist Nate has died of old age after all their sciencing or lack of sciencing I should say they finally moved on to a better place Michael tar water is that a reference to this tar water I call it poo water but I guess tar water is also like it's a pretty apt name there are some great patreon names by the way we Froot Loop McGee anyway where's that where's that premonition beaver I need to have a word for them gobby Bean yeah so they've now grown up sort of they're now a teenager and what are you you are a farmer um I just wanted to point out G nothing bad happened look I told you we built a dam there's literally no more poo water you said there's going to be poo water everywhere it was going to be horrible you were talking absolute non weren't you yes you were I can't be ever nearly listen to a one-year-old and I was panicking this is like the best season we've ever had it's going so well the only thing I'm slightly concerned about is food but we do have a lot saved up I might make all of this like berries so yeah that gatherer flag they can pick berries everywhere we got a Forester up here doing nothing oh we got loads of oak trees actually let's unpause one of those a senior champaner they can start chopping trees down but yeah I'm going to plant a load of berry bushes is just up on that Ridge probably over that way as well probably down on this path as well may as well max out the berries then Matthew Goodson he should always be busy picking loads of berries okay so that's good that should hopefully help food in the long run the cassavas haven't really done a lot if I'm honest maybe I should get another farm and fill in that entire area but again I don't want to do stuff down here I want to do stuff up here all right the the builders Hut is in now so we've got four more Builders which means we've got the smelter in as well as o as well as loads of power for that let's get this connected just up that way water is completely full again so more water storage I guess let's get two more in right oh look there's another drought approaching in 3 days uh so yeah probably worth trying to up the priority of those water storages although I'm pretty sure a th should be fine like a th000 is a lot of water oh but we are up to 50 beavers now but yeah we need to see if we keep on growing I may need to pause some of these breeding pods cuz I think 50 beavers is probably enough Beaver for anyone just greedy if you want more than that but yeah I think with that drought approaching this is probably a good time to stop successful date really really pleased with how the season's going for now I'll say peace love and poo dams bye guys
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 293,300
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: timberborners, timberborn, rce, update 4, timberborn update, timberborn update 4, real civil engineer, timberborn eggplant, timbernation street
Id: MQASwyX36l0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 14sec (1274 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2024
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