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👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/theBotThatWasMeta 📅︎︎ May 18 2019 🗫︎ replies

I love the Spiffing Brit

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Delcium1 📅︎︎ May 18 2019 🗫︎ replies

The infinite pops works as described (only limited by how long until you get bored with leaving your autoclicker on), but I think he's wrong about the infinite mana part (unless it was changed in a recent patch). He doesn't actually show the mana exploit in action, so I suspect it was all just theoretical. The tooltip doesn't tell you this (thanks Paradox), but you cannot pillage cities that you own yourself, even if the civilization level is 20 or above. Also, he's slightly wrong about marketplaces giving civ level (they only raise the civ level cap, civ level still ticks up slowly afterwards).

That said, I also love his videos -- Spiffing Brit got me back into playing Prison Architect running just as a forestry service a while ago (which was just amazing). But he may have jumped the gun on this one, putting up the video without a proof of concept on the second exploit (terrible, incomplete tooltips really didn't help matters).

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/buxomant 📅︎︎ May 20 2019 🗫︎ replies

does this exploit still work?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Fitzegerald 📅︎︎ Sep 02 2019 🗫︎ replies
so that's infinite mana points as well as infinite population infinite money infinite manpower infinite armies hello there ladies and gentlemen I am the smithing Brit and you know what I've been on holiday for so long what's happened well imperative Rome got released enough now that it's released I can finally review the game break the game even more and also hopefully paradox who have banned me from PDX con due to this now it should all be good anyway welcome ladies and gentlemen to Imperator Rome the latest game to be released by the Swedish developers Paradox Interactive featuring some wonderful standard grand strategy features that paradox is known for and my favorite new character tomato man honestly I've no idea who he is but hey I like having tomato man in all of my loading screens anyway today ladies and gentlemen I am going to give you one of the greatest things known to man a very meaty exploit that will totally destroy your game have you ever played as a tiny Danish tribe and wished that one day you could take room but what if I told you you could take room within the first 20 years of the game that's right as any tiny little Danish miner you too can decide to take on the world's most powerful nation honestly if you also don't want to just defeat Rome you can also go on to defeat all of the other nations in this game effectively I'm going to show you how to break the game using an exploit and then we're going to use that exploit to cheese tons of the game's mechanics so ladies and gentlemen if you're sat back relax you of your warm cup of Yorkshire tea sat next to you hmm that's the correct way to watch one of these videos and if you're new here and this is your first spiffing for a video give us a shout it be absolutely lovely to have you here in the community I'd be having a wonderful day anyway without further ado we're BAM let's dive into this game in a new single-player one so here we have it the incredible world of imperator oh it is absolutely massive it spans all the way down here to India and you have tiny tribes all the way up here in Norway Denmark and Sweden now the map has a lot going for it like there are all these tiny little cities which need to be conquered I however don't want any of those I simply want to play as a mighty tiny Norwegian migratory tribe well to the nation of grania tactically speaking it is probably one of the weakest countries in the entire game it starts as a migratory tribe it has no citizens meaning it physically can't research if centralization is so loud that it's really bad at settling land and effectively expanding to the degree where you could take on roaming this game is next to impossible however I'm the smithing Brit I'm not going to let a tiny little setback like that won't defeat me from taking over Rome so we're going to start a game as Ingrid girl oldest of the lovely Grenada tribe oh look at him he has a mighty beard and a lovely egg head that is actually almost a perfect sphere of an egg head and we can also see that his traits are energetic domed steadfast and assertive you know what that's exactly what I look for in a character you're perfect so we're going to jump into a brand new normal game and we're going to whack on Iron Man mode meaning we can now gain achievements and also win no longer allowed to cheat ladies and gentlemen that's right no cheating now we start out the game with two tiny little armies but don't worry we don't need to worry about either of them they're just our clan chiefs they'll do their own thing the one thing that we do need to worry about and actually consider are the lands to our north no these are wastelands they can't be colonized and as you can see they for some reason I don't know protect us from the north and there's a ton of white walkers up there but this impassable terrain here of fool is very special because like some other impassable terrains in the world this is a minor barbarian stronghold this means until the end of the game each month there's going to be a naught point naught for increasing barbarians here now as the barbarians grow you get a percentage chance of barbarians spawning and when barbarians spawn ladies and gentlemen we can break the game anyway let's go for a few little elements to start off with a wonderful experience so naturally what to do for favor the earth and rack up some national tax modifier now as we're playing a tiny Norwegian tribe you might have guessed that well we only really have tribesmen we have no freeman's we have no citizens no one is particularly intelligent we only have lovely tribesmen our tribesmen however are effectively godlike for the sole reason that their average happiness is at plus 100% and O's so meaning that their total output is increased by a hundred and ninety percent tribesman give you both money and manpower which are literally the two main resources you can get from pops in this game but realistically speaking tribesmen are better than Freeman and they're also technically better than slaves meaning we might as well have as many choice one as we can however how do you generate tribesmen well the game would have you believe that the only way you can particularly grow pops is either by events or waiting for them to slowly grow over time as you can see here our next tribesman should spring into existence in about twenty years time I'm afraid that's just not going to do for me I'm going to need them a little bit sooner now pops in this game are literally everything they govern what you can and can't do and also how much manpower you have how much money you can generate and in the case of being a migratory tribe how many men you can start to migrate so as a migratory tribe you can effectively leave your lands and move to anywhere else in the world the best thing is when you're a migration you don't even have to obey two borders if you want to just stroll from here all the way down to Rome because you're on a migration you can you totally can the game is honestly like you know what you should be able to do that and so we can but you might notice that migration isn't perfect as you can see to start a migration would cost us 100 oratory power and it's only going to give us free migration units that's right it's based on the amount of total poops we have and we only have free so this makes it relatively useless once we click this we abandon our current province and we only get 3,000 men because that's right when you migrate you convert the pops into 1,000 units anyway we can also activate a few lovely little inventions is kind of like little tech hubs and my favorite one right here tribal reserve were baptized when output increased by 5% noise they're certainly going to be giving us even more money have there's one resource which we genuinely can't spend and that is of course oratory power we're going to need as much oratory power as we can get but don't void we're going to also be choosing that now as a migratory tribe with absolutely no citizens who are doing research as you can see our technology is not going to progress at all but don't worry technology is for the weak we have no need to learn about anything other than vaguely shaped pointy sticks and so for that reason we can go to our economy here and just crank up our taxes too high but it's going to increase our slave output well we only have one slave and decrease our total research points so we're BAM our tax rates have increased now we also need to be constantly checking on our lovely barbarians over here as we can see that barbarian growth has risen to a mighty null point six four meaning there is a nought point one percent chance each month of a massive stack of barbarian spawning and running down into our lands and starting to pillage them now this might sound like a bad thing but trust me it's exactly what we want once we do this the game's broken you can literally do anything if you want to be grania and just walked right on over here to the seleucid empire okay they have the wonderful city of babylon whereabouts is it here it is babylon right here if you want to take babylon you can see those lovely Hanging Gardens of Babylon you just what's on all the way down there it's yours babylon also starts up the game with the largest amount of popes i do believe as you can see there are well over 60 people living here meaning it is legendary providing a massive amount of income and also research and manpower it's an incredible city however we're going to do better than that because yes we're in the harsh Norwegian wastelands where literally nothing grows other than fish and in a few hundred years oil but sadly we're playing imperative Rome so there's no oil mechanic in this game neither is there a tea mechanic which is honestly devastating if we take a look at trade goods look no tea you have wine okay that makes sense there's a bit of incense some spices but where is my leaf juice I guess the closest thing we could get is if we boil down some word in some nice hot water you might get a bit of a te taste but beyond that there's no T and so Paradox Interactive imperative Rome is getting a big fat zero of ten in my regards where is the tea now as I mentioned all of these armies here even though they are part of my nation they're actually controlled by clan chiefs now we have effectively two other clans in our large Kingdom you have armies which will march around and fight for me however the clan chiefs are a little bit upset they're relatively angry so what I'm going to do is just tell them to have a fight to the death and one of them dies lovely less clan chiefs to worry about and now suddenly wanted the clan chief armies needs a new leader well it's a shame the old leader died but hey I've just been given four thousand freemen and you know what I'm going to give those armies to myself are the cycle of life come on barbarians how close a week were 1.92 okay so that's good barbarians have a nought point three percent chance of spawning this is everything we wanted more and I can activate yet another omen of course I'm just going to spam out a ton of favor of the earth because I love tasty tasty tax revenue now tax revenue is relatively important in this game because with enough money you can just buy any of these molecules also sometimes referred to as mana now man is a bit of a tricky thing because if I'm honest it kind of ruins the game a little bit have right believe perhaps the system hasn't been fleshed out as well as it could have been so perhaps in the future this is going to be a very tasty system to have but for the time being you can just choose the system by converting your money into one of these things now later in the game go to the nab salute ton of oratory power so we're generating money to put into oratory power so that we can exploit the game in the future or an event unruly tribesmen with no warfare to focus on the tribesmen have started becoming unruly oh no while we can spend some military power to try to disperse the rioters or actually we can do something that's better for us we can decrease our centralization you see we can spread out our people even more this kind of lowers the national unrest yes it lowers local tax but honestly it's going to be worth it low centralization means happier tribesmen tribesmen don't like to live in a civilized area with tons of running water and the like it's not that fun and also a high centralization means barbarians aren't as likely to sport and trust me barbarians are the greatest thing this game has you definitely want some barbarians oh and I've just gained my first achievement in the game tribal Concord it just popped up in the left there what does tribal Concord mean apparently whilst you have a tribal government change a law nice okay apparently we've changed the law very good and as you can see our centralization is doing very good it's at minus 5% centralization which means the cost of migrating is decreased and also the turbulent output is constantly this is exactly what we want and guess what we've got another event to decrease centralization whoa BAM we'll do it again now the migration cost is down five percent which means if we try migrate it's now only ninety five instead of being a hundred now this doesn't seem like a lot but we're going to stack this again and again and again until we completely and utterly destroy the game now on the government screen there are some very jazzy things you can do you can hire specific people to do incredible things like increased recruitment speed make tribesmen happier increase your life force I guess yet that's what the Apothecary person does but they also do laws now on the law tab there are some very jazzy things you can do including this incredible beast over here nomadic heritage this decreases centralization by not point to each and every single month this if you can get it off early is absolutely broken and perfect this is what we want we want to be able to take our centralization down to minus 100 percent but of course to do so we need all of the people in our government to be loyal and the Apothecary person isn't so we're just going to give them a bribe and suddenly he's very loyal and now we go to our government and whoa BAM nomadic heritage yes our centralization is on the decrease now ladies and gentlemen oh I can feel the success coming it's going to be very jazzy now we're ten years into the game and as you can see not really too much has happened or tribe has mercy just set itself up on a train of constant decreasing of our centralization already we're at minus twenty percent which is quite good I do believe that means it now costs us only ninety to go migrating which isn't bad but of course it could be better and with time it will be anyway we still just need to sit around and wait until the barbarians of fool end up spawning what are the chances at the moment one percent each month that's fine so it's time we just sit back relax maybe at this point you probably should have gone and grabbed a second cup of tea and we wait for the barbarians to sports I don't know we can lay on ice but it relaxing jazz music dance along to that as we sit back oh and today if you want to help out my channel or so you know what feel very jazzy was doing so can give this video like it's absolutely majestic in the last video I sent like a target for 15,000 likes and if I did that I said I'd give out my PA box and lo and behold I ended up having to give up my PA box so yes if you want to go to the community tab section you can find the details of my Pierre box where you can send lovely wonderful tea bags if you're planning sent something to the Pierre box or if you could send literally anything to the Pierre box tell me the comment section what would it be I imagine 90% of the comments are going to be things like I would send you a nice cup of tea and then the occasional heretic American person say I would send you a sample of water from the Boston Harbor mu ha ha ha ha ha yes I get it I get it you evil beings can't believe they do that to the TV I mean witch's windows says oh yes this is it's barbarians Oh perfection my tribal chief the barbarians have risen in fool we should ready our troops to put down the rebel yes ok if that's what you think should be done I have no intention of doing that I would like the barbarians to fight and kill literally everyone hopefully my clan chiefs don't actually get in the way because that would be very annoying I actually desperately need them to not do that however sadly due to the fact that my clan chiefs are exceedingly disloyal I have no way of ordering them to do as I want if my clan chiefs accidentally end up killing these ball bearings oh my goodness they do that well we just have to wait for the next barbarians is born what an absolute pain come on tribes people you don't have to chase away this tiny little AI nation you can come over and help us come on just see drips on my lines don't stand and attrition your army on a fort that you can't really actually take down ok that's what they're gonna do right looks like we have to wait for the next barbarians to spawn then oh well at least the barbarian AI is as good as you'd expect a barbarian to actually be alas yes it would appear these barbarians have being completely utterly defeated certain barbarians don't fault the air I defeated them now I have to wait for the next set of barbarians to spawn thanks Gabe I'll be back when that's done oh goodness Morty is going to be consumed for this one I can feel it and we're back ladies and gentlemen wow it's only taken us almost a decade to get barbarians to spawn again this time they've returned with 9,000 men and they're fighting one of my terrible little clan men here I basically tried to convince all of the clan leaders to not engage in combat and instead just let them win so they go I'm telling all of my clan meant to just effectively retreat from combat now's the time not to fight this is the exact opposite of fighting time it's come on please can you just retreat already army apparently they can't quite leave combat yet there we go I've managed to get them to retreat perfect now this means that the barbarians are going to now occupy our lands occupying our lands is exactly what we want and I would like to get my armies out of the way so I'm going to send them into our AI friends to the left and allow our lovely brand-new barbarian friends to occupy the entirety of our nation because trust me barbarians there's so much nicer to have than just regular human beings now normal barbarians in the world generally speaking aren't going to be your culture which makes them a bit annoying because the interactions that you can have with barbarians are greatly diminished if you're not the same culture and religion for barbarians here as they don't occupy any lands all we can do is simply pay them off and get them to leave all of our lands alone but we don't want that we're BAM they've occupied our lands and they've even decreased a civilization level for us how kind of them so these barbarians we can do a few things we can ask them to settle our lands which they're really really keen to do if they set a lot of lands they basically drop down a few pops into this local province say about probably two tribesmen nothing really too exciting and of course they'll be the same religion and culture group of the barbarians Joystiq and routine lo and behold our entire civilization is built on to stick and Regine peoples so naturally we'll just leave all of our empires to be pillaged by these wonderful barbarians calm barbarians occupy Olive Oyl tasty lands and here we have it lovely the barbarians are seizing up our capital we need them to win oh and lo and behold they've just attrition din to a position where they can no longer win that's great barbarians that's great hopefully the barbarians will move on if they don't we're just going to have to do our exploitive looks the barbarians once again are doing a 0iq play classic barbarians would appear the barbarians are completely utterly stupid and are just going to attrition themselves to death on our capital fort which is fine so we're going to begin our exploit now to make sure you do it perfectly you're going to want a few jazzy things firstly you're going to want to a file of this save so we you just want to save the game now this is Iron Man so you can't particularly reload it if you do anything wrong but if something terrible happens just do a note f4 and reload the game and they say save scumming never pays anyway so over here with our lovely barbarians we can click to settle them now settling them will convert them into a lovely Freeman pop of the barbarians religion now this particular group are going to provide us with free tribesmen in the warn prophets that they occupy which is of course the city of grania an absolutely lovely city but completely and utterly unremarkable now they are always going to be happy to settle because lo and behold their opinion says yes and so you know what ladies and gentlemen it's time we begin our exploit so you want to make sure the game is paused and then you just want to hit enter to accept that they've settled but as you can notice the barbarians haven't disappeared that's because the game's paused the game needs to actually tick a day to process that the barbarians have just settled which means we can click this button again and hit OK and suddenly that's another free pop settled but ladies and gentlemen what if we could speed up this process well you can what you want to do is make sure you have an auto clicker and an Enter key so what you do is you hold down the auto clicker and then hold down the Enter key and lo and behold this happens so I'm just going to sit back relax and hold down this just for quite a long while ah lovely now previously in imperative Rome I showed you that it would typically take about 20 years for a standard pop to grow however at the moment we're gaining about free pops every millisecond which is notably much more than any other country can manage one utility later right so you know what I think we're probably reaching a point where we have just enough barbarians to take the entirety of room if we really want it so well BAM that's enough no what you want to do is close this and allow a day to tick over and we're BAM the barbarians suddenly surrender and they've chosen to start settling down now as you can see something interesting has happened with our menus here there's a very strong black life and as you can see that's because a large amount of menus are stacked on top of each other due to the fact that a large amount of events have all happened at once so you're just going to have to hold edge skip you away for all of these as well there's a lot of them if anything hold both of your enter keys simultaneously to speed up this process actually finally to speed up the process even more you want to activate your auto clicker on this as well as the enter key to smash them simultaneously and we're bound there we go now this game is a beautiful graphical game and as you can see on this tiny settlement here because there's not many people living here there's kind of like just a few houses nothing major now the province next door are a ridiculous metropolis is formed which encompasses the entirety of this settlement with houses and the reason being is that there are 4079 tribesmen here so in this one province here there are four times the population of Rome this is the entirety of the Roman Empire and four times that population live just here in the lovely province of Ultima fool in scandia yeah yeah ladies and gentlemen that could be an issue also our centralization is now at minus 67 percent meaning we have some very happy tribesmen even though there are 4,000 tribesmen literally standing on top of each other who all claim they hate being centralized they are in literal Wonderland they are so happy because they're the same culture the same religion and they can honestly they can even live in a better place what do believe the game might have crashed oh no what have I done to you in further oh go a game come to terms with what's happened it's not too difficult it's just standard sniffing breath malarkey and because of course you have so many people living here the game goes right you have a large enough population to spawn a mercenary army the issue is the mercenary army scales to the amount of people in the region meaning we have a single mercenary stack with almost 300,000 men in its ok that's perfectly fine anyway I think it's time to March our armies home and due to the ridiculous amount of men here our tax income is going to start to increase yeah yeah it's gonna get funky ladies and gentlemen Oh in the settlement is giving us plus 185 tax income per month yep not bad not bad at all really so what are we gonna do with that well of course we want to convert that into some modern however as you can see if the system is kind of broken at the moment it doesn't really know what to calculate at at the moment it's offering me to convert one thousand gold into a single oratory point I don't know how much oratory parrots actually going to give me if I try and convert it the game hasn't really come to terms of it just yet and at the moment we are currently gaining three thousand man power turn which is a significant improvement over the 33 man power per month we were previously gaining so yes this isn't bad at all or so maximum man power stands at nine hundred and forty thousand and if we go over here to India we can see their maximum man power is actually half of that yeah the game has calculated that the tiny Norwegian nation of grania should probably have a standing man power pool twice the size of India it's a perfectly balanced game ladies and gentlemen honestly I can't wait for the first DLC of this game because that's just going to added even more mechanics for me to break I've got it's frozen again please don't break imperative please okay no it's done it and thanks to our incredible size of population the clan chiefs now believe it's perfectly normal to march around with planned retinues of twelve thousand eight hundred men in fact they've trained them up to 17,000 strong cohorts not bad at all now the reason why it is important to make sure the barbarians are of your same culture group is if the province that you have as a majority of a culture which is different to yours you can't migrate but of course as we know the barbarians of this settlement war of our religion and culture group we can start a migration which is going to cost us sixty six oratory power but give us twenty units of migrating men so we do that and were BAM we have our first migration unit here the first gradient migration this is twenty thousand men and they can just settle wherever so we're going to march this twenty thousand men and we're going to march them all the way down to Pho so now what we're doing it we should also probably force March them to make them even faster so go my incredible men go now twenty thousand men is a large amount of men honestly it's completely not only broken but what if we wanted more well this game says yes because there are 4,000 men here so if you want to raise up more migrating armies games like sure go ahead we'd love for you to do that so that's exactly what we can do but at the end of the day how many men does Rome have well rome has a solid standing army of forty five cohorts that's roughly about 40,000 men so naturally the way to defeat Rome's armies are to raise up larger armies of our own as we can see is the tiny nation of crania are standing cohort army is around about 85 oh and also don't get me wrong migratory armies cost money they're not too cheap at five gold each oh five gold per turn that's so expensive oh wait it's not this province is generating two hundred hmm Gabe surely something's going wrong here cut the tribal clans oh they're starting to raise up armies of 25,000 men Oh God say yes one clan chief is now leading 30 warmed cohorts oh and it would appear our migrating tribe has arrived lovely stuff so this lovely region of Augustinian we're going to settle down a lovely tribe and apparently that's counted as capturing a city and so render unto Caesar achievement has been given to us sure I remember doing that now if we really wanted we could start conquering our way all the way down to room and take it within the hour however ladies and gentlemen I do believe I have showed off my very exciting exploit here today and so all this left is feeling me - ever so slightly break the game even more as you can see BAM generating 5,000 man power a month not bad at all but just how many men could we theoretically raise so if we start spamming the start migration button we can start seeing just how many men theoretically speaking we could get and as you can see were BAM we've spent all of our oratory power but we are now fielding an army of oh good lord I'm going to need to get my other armies out of the way if I want to see just how many men we have oh my goodness okay so yes we have a subtle army of 500,000 light infantry oh okay ladies and gentlemen please do remember that we're playing a tiny Norwegian tribe and so our nation really shouldn't have a standing cohort army of 600 and 11,000 Oh God what if we done yes that's how large an army theoretically we could have so at this point it's physically impossible for us to lose the game oh god this is fantastic and of course the events themselves are also scaled on the size of your nation meaning this tiny little event here which previously only gave us 30 gold now gives us 824 that's not bad and at this point if we wanted we could get our entire tribe and just start migrating it down and colonize the entirety of all of this all of this land could be yours if you wanted to micromanage that much I however don't have the patience now another thing you can do in this game is pillaging and for some reason the game allows you to pillage your own cities so if you ever wanted a free source of mana points as well all you need is to make sure that this city here has a higher civilization level than 20 which surprise surprise can be gained by literally just building 20 marketplaces which is exactly what we're going to do and once you hit that point you can just pillage it over and over again every 5 years you pillage it you get a hundred monic points in each category and whoa BAM you're done oh and also don't forget your population growth goes down but it was going to go down anyway at minus 40% so minus 25% doesn't matter Commerce income doesn't matter because it's all tribesman and losing 20 opinion of yourself that probably doesn't matter over now at the moment because we have 4033 tribesmen they are producing a base tax of 138 per month and this is after having their entire output increased by two hundred and twenty nine percent because of course they are all 100% happy ah escape ok and then you move it on over to how much we're actually making which is two hundred and thirty the reason is because we're taking us 138 and then we're adding plus forty percent because the marketplace plus sixteen percent books of the magistrate plus fifteen due to the stability and five for the property tax I guess what we'd just finished yet another marketplace which means another forty five percent sure we're technically losing one of these tribes people I think it's one every three months but you have four thousand of them they're not going to go away until the end of the game so the amount you gain from pillaging is not determined by the amount of people or the civilization level it is in fact determined by the amount of buildings you have actually I think it might be a mixture of the civilization value and the building's so this means if we build four hundred and three buildings here from pillaging it we could probably gain about a thousand mana points per pillaging I mean we have 25 buildings at the moment if we made it 250 that means we're gaining one thousand four hundred and eighty per pillaging and you can do a pillage every five years so that's infinite mana points as well as infinite population infinite money infinite manpower infinite armies ladies and gentlemen I have been the smithing Brits this is imperative Rome completely and utterly destroyed I hope you've absolutely enjoyed watching if you'd like to support me and you have enjoyed it feel free to give the video like it really does help me out thank you very much hey you might even want to share this with your friends or put it onto the subreddit of imperative robes so that the game devs eventually fix it anyway thank you very much for watching ladies and gentlemen feel free to subscribe somehow we managed to hit 400,000 and for some reason we're preparing ourselves to 500 thousand good lord that's a lot anyway I will see all of you in the next one have an absolutely lovely day farewell for now
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 913,016
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: imperator rome, Imperator Rome Game, Rome Game, Imperator Rome Funny, Imperator Rome Montage, IMPERATOR ROME IS A PERFECTLY BALANCED GAME WITH NO EXPLOITS, infinite gold exploit, infinite gold glitch, PERFECTLY BALANCED GAME, paradox interactive, spiffing brit, funny clips, spiffing brit perfectly balanced, strategy games, video game exploit, montage, the spiffing brit, funny moments, game funny, game exploit, rts cheese, rpg exploit, rpg game, stratergy funny
Id: cngtf0_c2ho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 1sec (1801 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2019
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