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so today's video is going to be part two of the Lululemon case if you haven't seen part one that I uploaded two days ago you probably need to watch that one first so I'll link it up here you've got plenty of time we're all in quarantine so open another towel go watch part one and then come back here for part two it'll all make so much more sense but for those of you that have seen part one I'm just gonna give a quick recap of what happened and then we'll just get straight into the rest of the case so ginamarie and Brittany Norwood's were both employees at a Lululemon store in Maryland and they're both on the closing shift this one night in March of 2011 they both closed up the star everything was normal they set off home and then realized that they both forgotten something in the star and so they both came back to retrieve them however the next morning both women were found still inside the star ginamarie had been murdered with 330 wounds in her entire body Brittany Norwood on the other hand was beaten and tied up however she had survived the attack she was found still breathing taken to hospital and she recovered Brittany told police that two men in all black had come inside the store as the women were leaving grabbed them demanded that they give all the money in the cash registers they stole all of that and then they took the two women to the back rooms where they brutally beat raped stabbed them and murdered Jeana after checking the CCTV footage from outside the store that night police did see two men dressed in all black walking by the store around closing time so they believed that they were the suspects now I was just finding out who these men were police questioned a lot of people they had suspects including a homeless man they did a stakeout mission and everything but these men on the tape were found to be just some men on their way home from work like they did every day so they weren't the suspects and now that this CCTV tape proved that it wasn't gonna be very helpful in the case police decided to go back to the case file and just look over everything again refresh their memory right from the beginning but now they were going back through all the evidence they were realizing more and more things that were sticking out to them that just didn't seem right things just weren't adding up about this attack and that is where we left the last video so now let's talk about those things that were sticking out to police first of all the attackers hadn't brought their own weapons they hadn't brought guns they hadn't brought you know knives or anything they were just using things that they found inside the Lululemon store the Buddha statue the toolbox even the zip ties police found a stack of zip ties around where the toolbox was kept that were the exact same zip ties that we use to tie up Brittany so when the attackers just banking on Lululemon having zip ties they didn't bring anything to tie the girls up with they didn't bring anything to like you know open the doll with the Lululemon star wasn't supposed to be unlocked because this was after closing time they were just lucky that the women had left the door unlocked at the very least if you're gonna rub a star you're gonna take like a crowbar or you know a hammer because it had a big glass door they could have even smashed through the door so how could the attackers have known that that was it ties in that and plus it would have probably taken them a while to look around the back rooms to find the zip ties and to find the toolbox stuff like that doesn't have a designated place like if you were looking for a knife maybe then you could Bank on won't be in there because every kitchen has a knife but not every you know shop has a toolbox and zip ties and you wouldn't know where to find it in every store either as for the amount of weapons like I said there were a lot of different wound patterns on these women so a lot of different weapons were used all the things from the toolbox Buddha statues there was a random rock lying next to Brittany so that's a lot of gang up and going and finding a new weapon and then returning to the victims there was a lot of empty time between the attacks you know so while the attackers were trying to find this toolbox the women would just walk sat there in the back and while the attackers went up again to go and get these Buddha statues from the front they were leaving the women alone for a long time between the attacks when surely if this is a robbery and you just stolen all the money from all the steps and all the cash registers in the front of the star you're gonna want to leave as soon as possible you're not gonna go to the back and then just torture these two women you're not gonna prolong this attack and go out and find new weapons every two minutes to use on these women you're gonna be getting out of there as quick as you can my main point of this being and the weirdest part of this being is that the killers didn't take their own weapons and everything that was used in the attack was already in the Lululemon store no one had to leave to go and get anything no one had to bring anything to the store but just going back to the idea of then leaving the victims alone in the rooms while they went out to get more weapons this is kind of off topic but I have to mention this somewhere Evernote I didn't know where so it fits in here this attack to strike someone 331 times it will have been going on for a long time this was not a quick murder so calculated at one blurr per second the attack will have lasted at least five and a half minutes but one blurr per second is very fast when you think how many there is 313 this person's arm is gonna get tired they're gonna get fatigued and of course the change in weapons and stuff like I say they're gonna have to put one weapon down pick another one up changing that to one blue every three seconds that means the attack would have lasted at least 17 minutes pathologists believe that Janna was alive right up until the last blur so she was being attacked but at the very least 17 minutes and she was alive through the whole thing and 17 minutes is a long time for one person to be in such a you know blind rage so it takes a lot of anger to do this and I just don't think a random attacker that was there to steal money had this much anger in them another thing that didn't seem quite right to police were the prints in the blood like I said they identified two different shoe prints in this blood a smaller one that they believed could have come from one of the women and a larger one the size 14 men's Reebok trainer but when you think about it there was supposedly four people they star the two women and the two attackers so why is there only two sets of footprints it makes sense if maybe Jana was already dead by the time there was enough blood on the floor to be kind of trailed around on people's feet because she wouldn't have been walking in it but that would have been at least three though two men and there were Britney's and while we're on the topic of the size-14 men's Reebok trainers police were speaking with the store manager of Rachel and just telling her everything that they found and they said that they'd found these trainers and she was like oh no don't worry about those those are Lululemon property and so police are like hang on like what we thought that these had been ditched by the attacker what do you mean their star property so Lululemon actually have two pairs of trainers that they keep in the star for when people come in and they want to try stuff on but maybe they're not wearing the right Footwear and obviously Lululemon sells workout gear so you're always probably gonna be wearing trainers when you're wearing Lululemon clothes so if someone comes in and said they're wearing like heels or something but they want to try on some yoga pants Lululemon have these two pairs of trainers that they can lend to people to try to clothes on with and the reason that size-14 is because that's like one of the biggest shoe sizes you can get so at least it's gonna fit everyone so now police are even more confused because why would an attacker coming to the store change their shoes put on the store on shoes and then walk around in the blood and make some prints and then leave maybe there's the argument that the attacker put on the shoes so that their own footprints wouldn't be in the blood so that couldn't get pinned on them but at the same time how would the attackers know that those shoes were there if these men were just coming to rob this store how would they know that there was a size 14 men's trainer there for them to put on you know and another thing that didn't seem quite right to police right from the beginning and something that I know a lot of you guys picked up in part one was the differences in the injuries between Jana Marie and Brittany knowledge Jana Marie suffered some of the worst injury I have heard in my whole three years of doing this job I report crimes all the time three hundred and thirty wounds I've never heard anything like she was beaten and stabbed to a point where her body was unrecognizable whereas Brittany Norwood had a few scratches on her and a few you know bruises a cut on her forehead most of her injuries were superficial two of them weren't which we'll get into in a minute but only two of them required stitches or bandages the rest of them were literally just cleaned and they would heal on their own so there is a huge difference between what the attackers did to Janna and what they did to Brittany it just seems very unlikely that the same people would do both if you're gonna go so hard on one person you're gonna go so hard on the other person you're not gonna do completely different attacks on two people in the same stop and you know going back to those statements from the Apple employees who were in the store next door to Lululemon as this was going on they said they heard a lot of noise specifically they said that they heard two women's voices which was very troubling at first but then police realized that they never mentioned a man's voice and didn't Brittany say that her attacker was shouting racist things that are in racial slurs surely the people in the apple star would have heard that if they were hearing the women talk and if you remember Brittany said that the guy attacking her knew her full address and was saying her full address to her which seemed as though he had specifically targeted Brittany and done research on her and stuff It was as if the attackers had chosen this specific night to carry out the attack because they knew that Brittany was working which would make sense until you remember that this attack took place after closing time so Brittany wasn't even meant to be there they had already closed the star and they were supposed to be on their way home right now unless Brittany had forgotten something so if these men these attackers had been following Brittany and decided to attack her when she was at work one night why would they choose to do it after closing time it seems unlikely that an attacker would do this much research on someone fine they hold the dress find out where they work and then not find out the times that they work and go to attack them when they're not supposed to be somewhere and again thinking back to those Apple employees here in - female voices and not single man's voice if she said that this person was saying her address to her Charlie the Apple employees would have heard that but they didn't so now police are thinking well was Brittany Norwood in on this maybe she had let her attackers in after closing time shown them where the shoes were you know maybe she showed them where the weapons were showed them whether zip ties were and then volunteered to be a part of it to make it look real so police wanted to know a little bit more about Brittany Norwood and her private life just to kind of get an idea of the person she was the people that she hung around with you know see if there was any indication that she could do something like this and police quickly learned after speaking with her family and you know people that she knew in college and stuff like that that Brittany had a lot more to her past than just a couple of petty thefts I mean there were a lot more petty thefts than police were aware of sir for example when Brittany was in her teenage years she did quite a bit of babysitting for this one particular family and as time went on as Brittany was babysitting for this family they noticed more and more pieces of the mother's jewelry going missing on top of that they found out that she would even steal all kind of scam or cheat her own friends out of money so she had this rumor a while back and Brittany was always the one to pay the rent the friend would send her half to Brittany and then Brittany would pay the full amount and at one point Brittany told this friend that their rent had gone up by a couple hundred dollars a month and so she needed to start sending Brittany more money and this friend did but the rent hadn't gone up at all and Brittany was just pocketing that extra money every month and this was her friend that she lived with police heard from a local hairstylist in that area that Brittany had once cheated her or scammed her out of a full set of extensions and these hair extensions cost a couple hundred dollars stuff like that isn't cheap a full head of hair extensions plus styling is a lot of money this stylist said that she was doing Britney's hair and everything was fine the whole time up until it came to pay and Britney realized that all of the cash in her bag was gone and she accused someone in the salon of stealing the cash from her bag that she was gonna pay for the hair wares and because the stylist felt bad for her she thought that's one of her other clients are one of her employees had stolen this cash from Brittany who was her client this stylist felt really bad so she said oh no don't worry just get the money to me you know in a week or so like I'm really sorry that this has happened in my salon that you've been robbed in my salon however the weeks went by and Brittany still hadn't paid this hairstylist sir she messaged Brittany on Facebook and Brittany just blocked her so we can probably tell that her money wasn't stolen and she just never intended on paying for that another very interesting thing was that they found out that Brittany had lied to her friends about graduating college she never graduated she never got her degree she never walked in the ceremony she was actually kicked out of college in her last year I believe probably for the stealing thing and she also had pretty bad attendance but she told her family that she had graduated from college with a degree in sociology and psychology and she was just unable to walk in the ceremony because she had outstanding student loans looking further into Brittany's past police found out that she had actually had a boyfriend when she was in her mid-20s he was a bit older than her the two of them were fine for a while until they just decided to split up you know things weren't going as well as they were in the beginning so they split up and he found someone new and Brittany did not take this well at all Brittany began texting him and his new girlfriend I don't know how she found his new girlfriend's number but she was texting them both they both blocked her number she found a way to contact them still and then at one point she even broke into this man's house and stole a bunch of his his new girlfriend's things so--that's electronics just random belongings like clothes and earrings stuff that she like to steal it but sir concerning that this man actually filed a restraining order against Brittany Norwood that she actually violated on a number of times the onliest violation of this restraining order was just two weeks after it was filed against her she lasted two weeks until she was packed outside of his office staring at him through the window and that evening she actually followed him home in her car from his work back to his house police also continued working with the Lululemon staff to try and like figure out what kind of person Brittany was when she was at work and rich all the store manager said that she'd actually abused her staff discounts on a number of occasions and bear in mind Brittany had only been working at the Bethesda Star for six weeks at this point so one day a year Lululemon has this crazy discount for their employees where their employees get 70% off of everything in store up to a cap of a thousand pounds just so that they can buy all the new leggings and stuff like that and wear them on ship because I think they have to wear Lululemon when they're working like I said the employees have the 70% discount up to a cap of a thousand pounds however Brittany asked for an extension on hers just because there were a couple Muppets that she wanted she was so new to the star she had to you know buy a full wardrobe of Lululemon and so the manager let her do that sure that you can go over by a little bit but not too much more well Brittany went over the cap all the way up to 2,000 pounds double what she should have gone up the cap by like imagine how much clothes you can buy for 2,000 pounds with a 70% discount like she rinsed that discount I mean it's not necessarily criminal but it just shows the kind of person that she is that she's willing to take advantage so much but the most interesting thing that police found out from Rachel the manager was that ginamarie and Brittany Norwood didn't actually get on at the time of the murder Bree had been suspected of stealing from the Lululemon star so an old pair of leggings here are there she'd also been suspected of stealing from co-workers so like a bottle of perfume out of someone's bag in the back room and they got to the point where a meeting was held with the people higher up in Lululemon's that's rich all the store manager and Jada there were a few people in this meeting and they all talked about what they were gonna do about Brittany Norwood because this was a problem and they basically said that if they caught Brittany stealing from the star one more time then that was it like she was fired so the next time anyone saw her or suspected anything with Brittany they had to share it with the rest of this meeting and then a few days after the meeting and just the day before the murder Jane and Marie rang Rachel and said that she suspected Brittany of stealing at once again so Lululemon has this strict policy where at the end of every shift each employee has to check another employees bag to make sure that they're not stealing anything from the staff its confident policy no one ever has a problem with it you know it's just people get on with that people understand and no one's ever stealing from the star so it's not a problem however on this day before the murder jayna Murray thought she had seen Brittany Norwood put a pair of younger leggings in her bag without buying them so she went over to Brittany and she was like oh do you mind if I do the you know routine bag check on your bag and Brittany was like honor someone's already done it today is fine and brittany even gave the name of this other co-worker that had supposedly checked her back so Jenna was like okay so she goes and checks with this coworker that Brittany cleaned her checked her bag and this co-worker said no I haven't checked anyone's back so far on this shift now at this point in the case the forensic tests of jayna Mary's car had come back and a lot of jana's and Brittany's at blood was found in this car which police kind of half expected if one of their killers one of their attackers had driven this car to this parking lot they expected to find the woman's blood in there so that wasn't the suspicious thing but one thing Actives weren't expected to find in this car was a hat with blood on it but this blood was in a very specific location it was on the inside of the heart right in the front right in the middle kind of where it would sit on someone's forehead and who in this case had a huge cut on their forehead that needed stitching up in hospital Brittany Norwood so now police are thinking maybe Brittany was working with these attackers you know maybe she had driven this car away while they were killing Janna just so that she could hide the car sirplease called Brittany Norwood back in force and more questioning they didn't make it clear that she was a person of interest as far as she knew they were still just asking questions as if she was 100% a victim so police asked Brittany where Jenna's car was parked that night after she came back to let Brittany in and Brittany said it was parked right outside the Lululemon store and then police asked Brittany if she knew what kind of car Genna drove and Brittany said she had no idea so now police are wondering how that hat with the very specific blood standing on it had gotten in the car because it was obvious that it was from Brittany because she was the only person with an injury in that place please then asked her about the zip ties that we used to tie up her wrists and her ankles and she said she believed that one of the men had got them out of his backpack and then this point police just decided to confront her with this one tiny little thing and they said well those zip ties that you were tied up with matched the ones at the Lululemon store they matched another stack of zip ties we found in the back and then Brittany kind of backtracked on that and she was like oh well I don't know if he got them out of his bag he might have got them from the start it was all just really blurry and it was at this point during the question in the Brittany said that it was all getting a bit too overwhelming for her she was still very affected by what she'd gone through that night and she just asked if she could leave and detectives let her do so because you know she wasn't a suspect but you know after this question and then doubts had only grown in regards to Brittany know what they were very sister at this point and certainly began looking into her as a potential suspect going back to Brittany's injuries you know I said she had two major injuries the rest were superficial but these two required stitching and like bandaging and stuff there was the one on her forehead and then another one between her finger and her thumbs right here police got experts in to look at this injury on her hand and from a physics point of view this injury was consistent with a blade so like tightening your grip on a blade as if maybe you were holding one and he dropped it and then you went to like grab it again that is how she would have gotten that injury so maybe the weapon was slippery with some kind of substance ie blood and maybe the blade slips through her hand her hand tightens on the blade and it cuts out but why was she holding a weapon remember her hands were tied up the whole time how could she have been holding a weapon and why would her hand have been moving with so much force that the blade would slip and then that injury on her head was consistent with a kind of bash kind of movement but it was in a very strange place if someone's gonna hit you over the head they're gonna aim for you no not the very top center of your forehead and it was theorized at this point that maybe she had been kneeling with some kind of weapon in her hands here going like this to someone and then just maybe pulled it up too far and hit herself in the head eventually everything clicked in detective Rubens head and he decided to gather round his full team of all the detectives that had been working on this case and present his evidence never once did the footprints in the blood leave the star they were all found in the star plus the shoes the shoes never left the star all the weapons were found inside the star nothing ever came in or left Lululemon that night he stood there in front of his full team and said I believe no one ever came in or left Lululemon night I believe that Brittany Norwood murdered ginamarie and now it was all making sense the difference in injuries Jenna had so many injuries and Brittany had two major injuries along with a lot of superficial ones and you know I said Brittany claimed that she had been raped by her attackers and she'd done a rape kit in the hospital well by now the results of this rape kit were coming back and they should negative Brittany hadn't been ripped so police decided to bring back in the forensic expert he'd been working on this case the full time he was looking at the prints in the blood and everything and then decided to bring him back in and they said look this is our new theory we think that Brittany may have murdered jayna Murray can you now go back and look at this crime scene evidence and tell us if any of that forensic evidence points towards our new theory because obviously this wasn't something he looked far before he was looking for evidence of two attackers two large male attackers so now that his focus was shifted to may be evidence of Brittany being the attacker maybe something new would come up so this forensic expert asked to see the zip ties that were around Brittany's wrists because obviously if you tie in your own wrists with a zip tie you can't do it with your hands you're gonna have to do it with your teeth and he said that if Brittany had tied the zip tie around her own wrists they should see some teeth marks some like little dents in the zip tie and guess what they found there were teeth marks in the zip tie around her wrists but not around her ankles so it seemed as though she tied the one on her ankles fine and then the one around her wrists she had to use her teeth and even just the angle that her body was found in like I said her arms were tied there and they were above her head why were they above her head even if someone else had tied her wrists together and pulled them above her head once that person left she could bring her outs down from under her head and put them in front of that which would be way more comfortable than keeping your arms all the way up there for hours because this attack at the nighttime and they weren't fun until the next morning why didn't she just keep her arms above her head for hours uncomfortable it was just obvious that the way that her body was found was all paused and it was all for effect when it was found another thing that this forensic expert noticed was there was obviously a lot of overlap when it came to the footprints in the blood naturally people that are especially in a struggle like this the footprints are gonna be all over the place some of them are gonna rather lap however one thing that he noticed was that it was always the larger footprints overlapping the smaller ones there was not one instance on this hall floor where the smaller ones were on top of the bigger ones which just would not happen naturally It was as if the smaller ones had been made first and then maybe someone had changed their shoes put the larger ones on and then made the large footprints so now they're looking back at the crime scene photos and especially looking at the ones of Brittany since they're now suspect in Brittany and they're looking at these blood pools blood puddle around Brittany and they're thinking how on earth were they emerge because now that she's had all their injuries checked over and they realized that most of them are superficial she could not have possibly bled enough to have made those blood pools that were found in the bathroom so where is that blood come from they notice now looking at it then it looked more kind of smeared than it did naturally pooled as if it like dropped and leaked into that position seemed as if it had been wiped into that position you know and then police remembered that in the room where Brittany Norwood was found still alive with these blood pools then also found paper towels soaked in blood and it just all made sense maybe she had soaked up these paper towels from Jana's blood and then taking them into the bathroom and smeared them on herself made them on the floor to make it look like she bled more and looking at Brittany's wounds all these superficial cuts and stuff it happened on her body looking at the angle at which these had been made it seemed as though she'd done them to herself I don't really know how to explain this very well but the angle that they were Janet just wasn't a natural angle for an attack and it just so happened that just as police were having all these realizations they're beginning to suspect Britney Britney lowered herself comes in to the police station and tells police that she's remembered something about that night and she wants to tell them previously Britney had said she'd never seen juniors car before and she had no idea where it was after the attack but now Brittany had coming to the police station and said that the men had forced her to go through Jana's belongings her bag her jacket find her car keys get in her car and drive it away drag her a few blocks away and then walk back to the star they told her that if she so much has opened her mouth on the walk back to the star that she could consider herself dead so Britney is telling police that she drove this car three blocks away she was three blocks away from these attackers there and just killed her friend and that she thought could kill her too she drove this car away and then voluntarily walked back to them I don't want to say like why didn't she just keep on driving or why didn't she just go to a police station because you don't know what kind of thought processes you're gonna be having in that moment but at the same time how on earth did you drive two blocks away from the people that could have just killed you and then you're just gonna voluntarily go back to them you're in a car you could just carry on driving you could just drive and drive and drive until you see a police officer I'd see a police station she even told police that on her walk back to the Lululemon stop she saw a police officer and she didn't say anything so police are sitting there and listening to Brittany Norwood tell the story about the car and they're just thinking what a load of Lies she had probably gone home after she told police that she didn't know what Jenna's car looked like she'd probably got home and remembered she left the Hat in there and thought oh my god how am I gonna explain that so now she's coming back to police and said Oh want to say this before but you know and the police officers didn't make it apparent to Brittany but they didn't believe her at all they they told her that they believed her and they told her you know thanks for telling us that information but on the inside they're thinking no matter how scared you are if you see a police officer or if you're three blocks away from your attackers you're gonna try and escape you're gonna try and flag someone down you're gonna try and go to safety with this police officer that you've seen so the officers that just been questioning her and listening to this they went off into another room for a second and they're just said like look I don't believe what she just said and the other officers are like no I don't believe it either we should confront her right now so they go back into the room and they sit down and they say look Brittany you've just you've got to tell us the truth you've got to tell us what is going on and she just starts crying and she's getting defensive she's saying I've told you everything I've told you what's happened and the officer that was doing the question and said no what you've done is you've created this huge story that is starting to not make sense and we're starting to find holes in it so this police officer sits in front of Brittany and just starts telling her all the evidence that they've got that her wounds are self-inflicted the way that she was led with arounds above her the bite marks in the zip tie and Brittany just goes very quiet she doesn't say anything and then once he's finished really don't follow this evidence she just says in a very timid voice can I go home now and really Brittany could have left because she wasn't arrested there was nothing keeping her in that police station she'd gone there voluntarily however police use this tactic whenever it seems that you know a person wants to leave but they want to keep them there they want to carry on question in them they stay right we'll take a break can you just give us a minute so the police officers will leave the room for a few minutes they'll talk about what's just happened and then they'll go back in and they'll just carry on the questioning with a new question and kind of make the person forget that they'd even wanted to go so they do exactly that the police officers said can you just give us a minute they go out and when they come back in they bring her brother and sister in her brother was named Chris and her sister was named Marisa and they said you just want to talk to siblings for a bit you know and they helped that by bringing her siblings in Brittany would see the kind of effect that this was having on her siblings like emotionally if police started reading out all this evidence again with her family in the room maybe she would be more likely to just break and confess so that's exactly what they did police began going over all this evidence again and it was really getting to Brittany's sister Marissa Marissa got really emotional she broke down she started crying and Marissa had to leave so police sent to Brittany they were like do you want just a minute alone with your brother and mulga you know speak to Marissa and make sure she's okay and Brittany says yes so police leave and in this kind of questioning room there is just Brittany and her brother Chris some sources say so don't know how true this is because I only saw it on a few sources but some sources say that Brittany was worried that the room that they were in was booked and it was being recorded or filmed or whatever and so she got her brother Chris to kind of look around the room and make sure there were no cameras and he said no I can't see anything it's I think we're fine but of course this is a police station and this is a questioning room everything is recorded so the whole audio and the whole video has been recorded this whole time so her brother Chris just sits next to her and he says look if you've done it just tell me I need to know if you've done it you can't go through this by yourself like I'm not gonna go and tell the officers but you need to tell me so then we can sort this out and we can move forward and at first she's denying it she said no I've told them everything bla bla bla and he asks her again and he keeps asking her and she says I don't want to talk about it here which is pretty much a confession isn't it if you hadn't murdered someone you're gonna keep denying that until you die but the fact that she stopped denying it and then said I don't want to talk about this here was enough for police they then believed that Brittany Norwood was guilty and with that on March 18th 2011 exactly one week after the murder of Jenna Murray Brittany Norwood was arrest on suspicion of murder and when Jenna's family found out that an arrest had been made they were really happy but then when they found out it was Brittany Norwood they were just really confused of course they were relieved and they were thankful that this had been solved and someone was being brought to justice but this was Brittany Norwood her co-worker the woman that up until now they have believed had gone through such a traumatic experience with their daughter they really sympathized with Brittany Norwood they were gonna send her flowers in the hospital but they never ended up doing so because of course her wounds were so superficial that she was literally out the same day so they never got around to sending them but Gina's family really felt bad for Brittany because she had gone through so much she watched their daughter die and now they're finding out that she was actually the one to do it to her the whole time so now police are trying to figure out a potential motive as to why this ever happened in the first place and like a sequence of events that led up to the night where Brittany just snapped the most likely scenario that police thought could have happened was that Brittany found out that the Lululemon staff were onto her stealing and maybe she found out that Genna was a part of that she'd been in these meetings about her maybe Brittany had learned Genna back into the star late one night after closing so that she could talk to Jana about sit one-on-one maybe I don't know what she was planning to do maybe she was planning to murderer or maybe this was just a talk that led to an argument that led to an assault that led to a murder maybe Brittany just wanted to threaten and intimidate jayna and say look duh don't take this bet report any further but maybe Jenna already had maybe she told her it was too late and then that's when Brittany snapped and began assaulting her if you remember what I said in part one about Brittany's a job at Lululemon on the being temporary she actually had an interview at gym just a couple of days after this incident where she was interviewing to be a personal trainer there and maybe Brittany thought that if Jenna took this theft report any further then she might not get the job at the gym in a couple of days when she for her interview maybe Britney only intended to scare I'll hurt Janna maybe she didn't intend to murder or maybe she did I don't know because Britney has never really talked about this very openly so we don't know what her exact intentions were when she lured Jin and back that night all we know is what she did end up doing and that was brutally murdering her so before I get onto the kind of court proceedings and everything just an interesting little fact in the seven months between Britney's arrest and her first appearance in court in that seven months all the phone calls that she had out of jail were all about her looks so she was telling her like friends and family that she was stressed that she can't have her hair done I'll have her nails done anyone else would be if they were innocent they would be saying like get me out the feel like I haven't done this that would be the focus of most of the calls but there's a moreover the fact that she's going to prison and she's not gonna be able to get her hair done I just thought that was quite interesting so Britney gets herself a defense lawyer this man is called mr. wood and he is looking over this case and he's thinking there's no way I can argue this there's no way I can say that Britney is innocent there's just too much evidence against her she's obviously guilty so the way that he decided to go about this was argue that Brittany Norwood had some sort of mental disorder or illness that had gone undiagnosed it had been dormant this whole time until something that night had brought it out he said that no sane person could ever do what Britney did to Jenna no one who was in their sound mind could ever do that so there must have been something wrong with Britney he argued that this couldn't have been premeditated it must have been a snap in that moment in Britney's mental health it couldn't have been premeditated because Britney left a trail behind her a very obvious trail for example when she lured Jin and back to the star she actually called around all her color trying to get Jonah's number so that she could call Jin and lure her back to the star whereas if this was premeditated she would have probably made sure she had Gina's number in advance maybe she would have got it during her shift that day or something so it must have been last minute after the close in time of the star that she decided that she was gonna do this and while I don't want to comment on the premeditation of the crown because I just don't know I don't know what I believe was it premeditated was it not I honestly don't know but what I am gonna say is that I think Brittany Norwood was very mentally ill and of course I'm not excusing a single thing that she did she was a disgusting human being and this crime is horrific however there is clear signs that she is mentally ill for her to strike someone 331 times and not get tired and just continue in this blind rage there is something wrong in her brain chemistry like I said this crime was going on for at least 17 minutes in 17 minutes any you know mentally sound person's brain will tell them to stop Brittney's didn't she is clearly mentally ill and that is not an excuse I'm just saying it is probably very true not only that but she then went and took her victim's blood roomed it all of herself tied herself up and then went and lived in this bathroom for hours until someone found her she was just lid in her victims blood and then she turned on the act extremely mentally ill also just think back to that boyfriend that she had that time when she was stalking him and breaking the restraining order and stealing from him and stuff like those were early warning signs that this woman was mentally unstable and that was all the defense really had to argue on because it was obvious that Brittany had done this now they just had to try and get her the lowest sentence that they could by saying that she was mentally ill now not that the prosecution needed to do this but they brought forward even more evidence even after they arrested Brittany they were still finding more evidence as to why and how she'd done this the prosecution said that he had definitely moved Jana's car that night Gina had parked it in front of Lululemon and Britney had realized it was still there and gotten rid of it by the time morning came but they said that the reason Britney did this because it would make sense if Gina's car was still parked out front the next day because obviously she'd passed away how else was she going to move that car so it would make sense for the car to still be there but Britney felt that she had to move it because their store manager Rachel actually lived across the road so imagine if Rachel had woken up in the middle of the night all gone to her window before she went to sleep that night and say eleven o'clock and saw Jana's car still outside Lululemon she would think something was wrong maybe she would go across the road to go and check on the star and maybe she would find Britney in the act trying to set up this big crime scene afterwards Britney realized she had to move Jenna's car so it wouldn't hurt Rachel if Rachel did see it but then she realized she had to come up with some kind of reason some kind of excuses to her why she did that why the attackers mere to do that and that's why she went to police a few days later and said oh I forgot about this thing she never forgot about it she was just still trying to make up the story in her head so police believe the sequence of events goes like this Britney lured Jenna back into the star some kind of altercation happened maybe an argument that led into an assault that led to Britney murdering Gina they said after that Britney then noticed the car out front she drives it three blocks away and then she walks back to the star where she then begins to stage the crime scene so she's smashing stuff she's knocking stuff over she takes all the money out of the cash registers and stuff which I don't know if they ever found all the cash she gets the men's size 14 shoes she stands in Jenna's blood and then trails it all around the star she then staged as her own crime scene she goes and grabs some of Jenna's blood on these paper towels takes them into the bathroom puts it all over herself puts it all over the floor she gets the razor out she cuts herself a few times she hits herself on the head with this rock or whatever and then she zip ties her ankles and her wrists together and then puts her arms over her head so now the jury had heard the full case they went to deliver it and they were deliberating for not even an hour less than an hour and if you've heard a lot of these care so - you'll know that less than an hour is no time at all they were certain that they knew what had happened so the jury came back and they said that they found Brittany Norwood guilty of the murder of Jenna Murray the judge sentenced Brittany Norwood to life in prison without the possibility of parole because this woman was clearly such a danger to the public she was very mentally disturbed and the fact that she could do this such a heinous crime such a brutal murder 331 wounds over a pair of leggings shows that she should never be left to roam the streets again before she left the car Brittany Norwood give this huge like I'm sorry I feel so bad kind of speech - Jana's family honestly I just believe she gave that speech just so that she had a higher possibility of getting parole just to make it seem like she was remorseful but you know if she was really sorry she would have given herself in she wouldn't have tried to cover it up she wouldn't have tried to frame two random men for so long and carry on with that story for so long she was clearly you know she wasn't sorry and just to finish this case off a nice little fact to end this off is that that Lululemon star in Bethesda is still that in that shopping district and has actually been a mural put into the window so the father's it was just all glass windows but now the top part of those windows is like a mural dedicated to ginamarie and it says love in some like ceramic tiles and it's really nice people go and leave flowers and like cans of dr. pepper and stuff outside of there I think dr. pepper was probably a favorite drink that's what I'm assuming from hearing that but yeah that completes this video thank you so so much for watching thank you for watching both parts if you watched both parts up until now that is thank you so much for your time if you enjoyed this video make sure you leave a thumbs up down below and subscribe if you want to see some more from me because I'm planning on making so many more videos now we're in lockdown if you want some lockdown entertainment I volunteer thank you so so much to all of my channel members on both tier 1 and tier 2 for their support with the channel but yeah thank you so so much for watching and I will see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Eleanor Neale
Views: 1,761,634
Rating: 4.9683218 out of 5
Keywords: eleanor, neale, eleanor neale, eleanor neale true crime, 2019, mystery, unsolved, unsolved mystery, true crime, solved, documentary, lululemon, lululemon murder, yoga store murder, yoga, store, jayna murray, brittany norwood, part 2, series, netflix, podcast, true crime podcast, serial killer, buzzfeed, buzzfeed unsolved, tiger king, creepypasta, storytime, horror, paranormal, interview, grwm, workout, makeup, crime watch daily, killer, murder, 2020, forensic files, bbc, itv, dateline, news, yoga store
Id: -BrsNFDi-xM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 33sec (2733 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 17 2020
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