Eating Whatever I Catch in Hawaii (Surfer Edition!)

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foreign [Music] what is going on guys welcome back to the Hawaii series out here today with me ancient uh check out his channel in the description and we're just gonna fish off these rocks this afternoon and see what we can catch my dad started off a little silver spoon just a great all-around like General fish bait and I'm going to use a Sabiki we're just going to fish along these rocks and just have a good time out here and fish till we catch something to cook just got your nice little backpack with all the stuff we'll need for the day hopefully we'll be putting some fish in this we have some Gatorades in there and then I am using a little saviki rig here just to get the day started who knows I might catch a bait fish but also I might catch a special fish that I would really like to catch hold of papilla hard to catch but they are like the prize fish here in Hawaii I have to be careful got here in the Ziploc bag some octopus that my dad and I snorkeled for got some cut up pre-cut pieces here just micro pieces of octopus each little fly one two three four yeah six of them six hooks you might even think like it's a little baby octopus all right I'm excited I have not fished a single day yet here in Hawaii I've snorkeled but I haven't finished First cast of the day of the trip I gotta keep it real and though otherwise I get snagged on all the coral down there I also kind of have to stay away so I don't get just plastered by a wave I was kind of hoping I'd get a bite on the First cast but uh I got something a little tiny fish it's barely pulling but I do have something it might be a bait fish of some sort which would be cool yeah it's uh a little Ras all right first fish on the set he took a second cast of The Hawaii trip he got the very bottom one look at that that's a pretty little fish second cast of the day uh this is called a saddle Saddleback wrasse w-r-a-s-s-e a little aquarium fish right there people actually come to Hawaii to get a start whoa aquariums and there he goes sweet whoa I just had another one on the third cast got him oh no that's a snag ah shoot even though it's inconvenient to fish when the waves are big it actually can make the fishing better A lot of times I'm gonna cast it like right in this stuff and work it pretty fast just in case there's a peel hanging out oh I had something chase it was something black though it wasn't a papillo papillos are silver all right guys my sabiki's just been shredded I keep getting snags not surprisingly I get too comfortable with a casting you know I don't get snagged and then I'm like I'll let it sing just a little bit more and then I get snagged so I've taken the sneaker completely off and I'm just gonna let the uh baits drift around down there in the current got him got something fish on oh it's one of those like uh big bluegill looking things like a sergeant fish that is super cool all right um I don't know guys he's a little small to keep I think oh he is so spiky you know guys since he's uh he's a little small I'm gonna let him go so that's Sabiki before it got totally shredded it's caught two fish and no weight is definitely I got another one the no weight is definitely a good call two cats in a row oh beautiful look at that look at the colors on that guy right there wow incredible colors on that wow wow wow thank you Lord creating such a beautiful fish wow I guys I need to start an aquarium if they weren't so much during work I would totally start one or if I had like a if I didn't travel so much if I traveled too much to take care of an aquarium well that is cool seems like a good little spot I think it's more the technique than anything though taking that Sinker off was what I needed to do and the fact that it's getting evening time that usually turns the bite on as well got him another one oh he came off got him whoa what do we got oh a hawk fish or uh yeah Hawk fish now this one I got it I actually got to get pliers because uh it's spiky yes yes still nothing edible but certainly fun the variety yeah it is gorgeous put your fingers in this box just just grab them by the mouth like a bass that would be memorable guys look at the colors on that that is so cool these guys just lay on the top of the coral and blend right in that camo and they uh attack little minnows and stuff oh he's just barely hooked yeah he's sticking all his spines up not quite the caliber of a lion fish you see though the yellow tips on the fins there though he will hurt you though he will hurt you wow that was a big wave something's messing with it come on eat it little fella got him whoa I got something good here oh it's a bigger Hawk fish I gotta tighten my drag that dude was like peel and drag although they are hard Fighters hmm maybe we should try eating this thing now these don't get super big so this is a decent sized one I might keep this guy grab them by the spike on his fin there we go all right we're gonna keep him in this tide pool in this bag for now by the way everybody asked me about this bag just a diver's bag um and it seals shut which is pretty nice crawdads can mysteriously get out of it but fish can't well we have one small fish to eat this is going to be kind of one of those like eating whatever we can catch on the Rocks kind of deals so I think it's fun the variety you never know what we could pull up well I think we should be done on the point I think the Tide's coming in that was the biggest one yet that's for sure guys uh in Shore all right my friends me ancient and I are going around the point and a fish kind of close to the beach now oh look at this guys it's cool all right hey how's it going let's make our way down wow yeah I see can you guys see all the yeah there's just tons of fish down there my friends kind of we have a nice little tide pool to put our fish in right here but if the Tide's coming up I'm not going to set my backpack on the sand I'm still gonna set it right up there and we'll just have to Be watchful see how it's all stirred up so like all the sand and everything I've just discovered last few years of saltwater fish and that's when it's the best really even though it's you get more snags with it swishing back and forth like oh there's a turtle speaking of snags a little one can't get snagged on him even though you do get more snags um you can do catch more fish in the end there's another turtle I almost I cast almost right on top of that one you guys see that guys this dude's about to jump you can jump from the Rocks up there it's pretty fun I used to do all the time with my brothers when we were younger whoa did she just come back over to say whoa there we go say thank you yeah we got something on here hope it's not that turtle out there I can't believe how many turtles there are there we go I might have a little Puppia look at there wow isn't that beautiful check that fish out yeah he's not going to be anywhere near but that is a cool fish when they get big they really look cool got a real bony tail right here too very very cool yes all right go get your big brother well my friends a good little first fishing session out here um but besides the hawk fish I don't really have anything good enough to eat so you have to decide what we are going to do next it should be fun [Music] thank you [Music] all right my friends it is the next day and uh I'm just driving along the uh North door here and I thought there's something a little different this morning there are very high waves around here 13 to 18 foot waves have started to roll in on the North Shore and it's really cool looking actually in fact I think it might stop right here um so I thought what I thought I'd do this morning is just go on a little drive and I'm not much of a surfer don't surf very much but I enjoy watching surfing apparently there's a lot of a lot of Surfing activity going on on the North Shore of the Island right now and I just wanted to check it out [Music] what are we out here out here oh there are some Surfers down there yeah big waves oh this is this is really cool oh there's a way to park down there I see oh this looks like a good fishing spot actually I've never really come to this side that much it's gorgeous right guys uh there see okay you guys to see very well it's one two three five Brave Surfers down there wow this is gorgeous um I wish there wasn't such a cliff drop right here man it's beautiful I want to fish on this side I feel like I have a good chance of catching like more game fish in this kind of wild area that's not built up on and everything it's just a pretty treacherous to get down to oh there it is or maybe oh my oh my God here's this little we're falling off the ledge you can see the holy the ledge there okay um here we go here goes nothing this is uh this is Adventure folks drive around the island and this may have been a mistake this road looks gnarly organarily as they say okay well you know what let's assess this thing uh yeah yeah that's pretty bad that's pretty bad too you know if I had my big truck I would just totally roll over this but oh man but we're so close the parking lot well you can just hike down wait just a second all right I'm gonna I know what I'm gonna do um yeah since that is the road repair yeah I'm gonna Park up on top for this one I'm changing out of the flip-flops put on these tennis shoes kind of like water tennis shoes all right let's go definitely a good decision to come up next this is how you find new spots folks a lot of people ask me how I find so many cool areas whether it's a beautiful mountain waterfall or a creek filled with huge sturgeon and this is what you gotta do you gotta jump in your vehicle bring some water some snacks throw a fishing rod in the back make sure the tank is full and you just go and you never know what you're gonna find like this like this little cool beachy spot man first time being here I see minnows they just come out here and like throw some lures and stuff come out here and take a Caster tube all right my friends change of plans I was about to get my fishing stuff out and uh start fishing but um Starman and I don't have any lunch I'm gonna find hopefully a roadside standard that's very common thing in Hawaii or like little oh that's cool view that is a beautiful view um find a little like roadside stand where I can uh yeah they have some fish tacos or something like that oh that's gorgeous that is just gorgeous so anyway the next mission is to find food oh this this is what I'm talking about this is exactly what I'm talking about a little roadside standing aloha if y'all have any uh banana bread you're sold out oh shoot what kind of fruit do y'all have I guess yeah this is or oranges and this is a tangible with tangerine orange y'all take one of each please there is six dollars how about five yes sir thanks so much thank you so much you have a good one put this in my bag of fishing goodies let me show you guys in a second um yeah so I've never tried uh Hawaiian tangerines huh all right my friends back at the fishing spot a little bag here of food and new fishing equipment about the two best things ever to me that's about how most of my shopping trips go actually I buy food or fishing stuff or boat [Music] forward I think I can do that this is so much fun like exploring the wild side of the island they got this nice little grassy patch here I'm gonna kind of set my stuff on let's get ready right here you know what I'm hungry let's try this oh oh that's not I want the ugly banana you want the ugly fruit the folks at the roadside stand said there were uh not really many like fish taco places around and they actually normally sell tacos and different things like that it's just it's very popular Hawaiian thing to just like taco trucks on the side of the road and but theirs is closed down right now it's under repair so they just had fruit and they're out of banana bread darn it I knew this would be good this is called an apple banana a little tiny one and it tastes kind of like an apple no not an apple with banana more like a banana with some apple flavoring in it they're really good all right guys so some cool fishing stuff in here went to West Maui Sports and Fishing Supply um let's see I've been here like eight days and I've been in there three or four times already three times there and then one time to another fishing department got here some Sabiki rigs those were so effective the other day a little uh spoon you know I actually I'm just gonna put on a little cast Master here to start off and then I'll I'll get to that other stuff I like starting simple first and these little silver spoons are so effective sometimes just something that looks like a little minnow it's just kind of a general all-around fish catcher just throw my banana peels up there those were tasty this little shelf here is a perfect spot for me to set my backpack and uh all right folks First cast of the new day hey how's it going are you professional photographer I'm assuming or videographer yeah cool yes I do yeah oh really yeah oh cool oh you're subscribe oh cool all right that's how I was like filming some of my friends I was like my nose yeah oh that's cool so so what do you what do you film though I film uh surfing and music videos that's cool do you have a channel I don't I have a production company okay yeah oh you're on that end of it yeah I thought about going that direction but I actually like making Vlogs so much that I don't yeah thank you oh thank you I appreciate you watching what was your name Thomas nice to meet you Thomas yeah enjoy the game hey you too I'll see you around so that guy Thomas is filming the Surfers out there um that's pretty darn cool wow a subscriber all the way out here got one guys I got a fish got a fish oh oh no he got me snagged oh he's out now he's out he's out oh my I'll get closer this is cool this is cool I got a fish I got a fish on the spoon what do I got a goldfish look at that a goat fish on a spoon that might be a first for me not goldfish in general but on a spoon that is beautiful look at that oh just flipped out there you go folks that is a gorgeous fish I think that this wants to be they have to be eight inches to keep I'm pretty sure that's well over eight inches more like ten that is look at the colors on that thing it's like a purple Sheen to it that almost might be too beautiful to keep right there wow all right so I just killed them look how quickly it's changing colors already so we have two fish for the cook and uh yeah go Fish Hawk fish let's see what we catch catch next this is fun I love this kind of thing guys it's a cool tide pool see I was supposed to come out here to watch Surfers and I end up fishing is about par hey I'm watching hey well I get to watch Surfers and fish actually I think I'm gonna move around to that point there oh that's cool these tide pools have so many cool little fish in them check it out [Music] [Music] wow that was a little intimidating pause a minute I think one of these uh Hawaiian oranges or tangerines I don't know which one this is watch the surface like I said I don't serve but I love watching [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] ER and he pops out the other side that was great that was a great that was a good note to end on ah that was fun all right ladies and gentlemen the orange was uh delicious as well what I'm gonna do actually is fish the beach because I've noticed that a lot of times the papillo actually hang out where there's like a sand and rock mixture and this is pure rock not that they wouldn't be here but they might be over there oh I might have just had a bite right there fun I don't know it's great well my friends this was a fun time but uh I think I'm gonna go find some food I am really hungry so I have to head back to town pick up some meat some burgers some something good than just fruit and uh see we're gonna do next all right my friends we're back at the beach here it is the next day I decide not to do anything else because I was just I was tired from all the hiking and driving um we have a boat coming in here it's called the hula girl so me ancient and I are getting ready to go out uh snorkeling but we're gonna have to be careful with all these boats actually plan on just going right out there let me careful with these boats going around all right so with some trepidation we uh went out snorkeling over the Rocks uh on such calm beautiful days like this the boats are very busy and so we just had to keep an eye out and they keep an eye out for us too and uh pretty quick we found a nasty Mora eel under the ledge he is not happy with us I don't know if we Disturbed his Slumber or something but man he's a gnarly looking dude and they love to eat Little Octopus hiding in the Rocks like this one and look I went to poke him and he threatens me with his beak I've never had that happen before normally they score ink at you or they Slither farther back but when I went to poke him he's like get out of here bro I'll bite your finger off I've never had that reaction before that was cool oh my dad is a good one to try to catch and he goes down with a spear and just gently pokes it comes right out there's no need to jab these guys they hate getting poked with metal I mean really who who wouldn't and it was a nice little octopie but it was a little on the small side all right what do you think you think he's big enough this will be close let him go octopus have to be over one pound to legally keep in Hawaii and he's so close and you can see all the ink he's letting out so he's getting lighter by the second and even if he was one pound when we caught him he actually might be less by the time we brought him back to shore but this was crazy right after I followed the octopus to the Rock there I saw an eel on the move and then he paused right here I got the camera out and started recording him I was wondering what he was doing because he was just on the move it looks like he's been caught before on the edge of his lip but he saw the octopus go under the ledge there and that's what brought him out from his spot and so he goes in to go after the octopus but then I look up and the octopus has already slipped out the back door I thought that was really cool like the eel must have like seen us release the octopus and went after him but the octopus could sense the eel or he just you know knew to keep moving and so he escaped there must have been some little back hatch from that ledge a little hole in the coral and uh he slipped down the other side so they're a pretty good escape artist and speaking of hiding look at the trigger fish right under the ledge there it's funny because out of all the trigger fish on the reef these are the ones we catch the least I think they're one of the coolest ones just the pure black triggers but they must be a little bit smarter than the average one because we don't catch them very much and then my dad found this really nice Sinker Lodge between the Rocks there's no way a fisherman was getting that out but my dad got it out and we haven't bought our own lead sinkers for years I'm talking like over 10 years and it's funny because we're not the only ones who do that I was actually talking with a friend named Mike who lives on Hawaii and um I offered him some of our sinkers he's like man I have so many from all the snorkeling trips it's like I'll never even use them all so we're not the only ones who do this it's kind of fun and with the price of lead these days we really do save a good bit of money uh Gathering a few sinkers every time we're out uh we found out later that this is a good fishing spot I ran into some locals that set up with a whole bunch of fishing rods um on a Saturday night and they're like this is really good around here and uh sure enough you see the schools of fish we're kind of cruising around the rocks and the big ulua and stuff chase them so that's why we're finding so many sinkers all of a sudden and then I found this room key to a local hotel has to be disappointing for the tourists to lose that but it was a great little trip and you can see the boat coming up behind me there we did have to watch for the boats we could hear their Motors underwater when they got close to us but um they watched out for us we watched out for them and it was a good little session but we found some sweet sinkers and shelves shirt there we go that's like 20 worth of sinkers with the price of lead these days I didn't know you found these shelves too yeah so we'll just have to give to somebody that melts them down well guys still don't have anything to eat but it's been fun it has been a lot look at it I myself have a supporter underground or underwater it's a nickel it's a nickel it looks everything looks bigger underwater definitely well I guess the search for for something to cook up goes on all the tour boats getting ready this morning what is going on guys to me agent and I decided that we need one more fish to cook up and uh sort of come out this morning and fish from the beach I'm gonna put a nice little chunk of octopus on this and try to get it out there far away this is a beef stick and uh just try to get the bait out there good ways this is octopus we cut ourselves which is always so fun kind of food chain Fishing Challenge all right with the old beef stick oh let me make sure it's straight so it looked like a total newbie wing it way out there oh that one did you see how long that cast was guys when you got like a 10-foot Rod you can really I think it's actually 11 feet 3.35 meters I'm not really sure actually how I think that's 11 feet oh you just cast it over me oh you're fine I go under you look I got one I got one already I got one guys my dad my dad snagged into my line First cast of the morning and I got a fish you were getting to see what we got oh it's a hoobahuma sweet you know what we've never eaten one of these before that's a Hawaii state that is the Hawaiian state fish right there bigger fish gotta be what eight inches uh no there's no they're totally unregulated you can keep as many as you want which is kind of weird for their state fish to be totally I guess they fear they have so many of them people can just keep them if they want I think we should eat them wow oh they have Chompers he's chomping the hook there we go lady ladies and gentlemen sweet a third fish First cast success wow I'm glad you snagged into my line that gave him time with that little mouth to eat it all right my friends I mean I love this beef stick I've never owned a beef stick before but this is what you can do you can cast it like I don't even know how many yards that is I'm not very good at that like what 50 yards or something got him got another one with this thing I can cast way out there I think I'm getting right to the reef and uh yeah boy it takes a long time to crank them in with that long of a cast another one that's beautiful I could probably just eat the one what do you think that's gorgeous these guys have some tea if you don't don't want to get your finger caught in there man all right little fellow there he goes shoots away the cast number four I caught two fish and three casts sweet look at these guys here show-offs no they do that so they don't get dumped by the waves in that small boat look at this boat coming in oh I'm getting bite and thumped huh that's crazy foreign if you want I'm gonna go get the cooking stuff ready I'll take yours this Huck it as long like get it to the reef I would say or try to as close as possible all right guys let's cook all right my friends out here on the rocks to clean the fish all right I'm gonna start with the hardest one I think it's gonna be this trigger fish because they have such thick skin a cleaned a pink tail trigger fish I remember that very distinctly because it was very difficult to clean that sucker huh that that seemed to not be too bad actually that first cut yeah it's hard super thick skin there we go wow look how red the meat is look at that very very dark red there huh all right first fish done I'm actually Gonna Save all the fish heads folks so that uh well I just have a special project for him and then the old Hawk fish here foreign they all have big heads and it kind of takes up a lot so there's not as much meat as I would like but we're refishing so refishing in the winter so you can't expect too too much and there we go my friends three different types there you can see the color difference um wow the hawk fish is super white and then very very red almost uh maroon color for the trigger fish there and then the old goat fish should be pretty easy to uh see which is the difference and then I have all the fish guts in here do not throw guts out when they're all these snorkelers out and about I'll take these back and throw them in the dumpster in fact I'll take everything back clean it off real good sweet all right at the grill area beautiful view and a beautiful spread here we've got Louisiana fish fry Seafood breading salt my first cast seasoning the best seasoning in the whole world some french fry seasoning and Idaho Oregon Idaho potatoes I guess these were grown in both Oregon and Idaho and we've got vegetable oil I've got Hawaiian Sun lilikoi passion juice here uh if you ever come to Hawaii make sure you get the Hawaiian Sun brand I got these brand new sweet little love there's actually crustacean you know lobster and crab scissors here I'm going to be using these probably a lot on this trip but they're not just good for lobster and crab they're just good all around for everything fishing my seasoning starts to like Chunk Up in these uh tropical climates here oh this is such a deadly combo my seasoning with the Louisiana stuff there be real generous with it if you go too light you just don't taste any of it and just a dash of salt the salt is chunking up as well and then I'm just gonna use the grill to heat the oil this Grill gets uh turn it up quite a bit started or is it whoa well there you go I I wasn't sure how it worked yeah you can hear it light when you go to uh yeah so yeah careful with grills all right so I'll take the trigger fish or the uh or as a local con usually they just call them humu for short there's this one filet I took all the skin off and the other one left the skin on just to see what would happen since I like to experiment on my channel that's the hawk fish right there and I don't don't uh like put them in any buttermilk or anything folks the sea fish because usually these these reef fish taste amazing usually all right this is hawkfish going in Wii U and the Beautiful red goat fish that was this cool creature looking good that should be definitely done now crispy Kreme's starting to fall apart all right Hawk fish the uh goat fish seems a little sturdier we will see which one we like the best ah fillet of trigger fish you know I now that I recall I have had Triggerfish before it's just been a long time and there are a lot of different species I don't know if I've ever eaten a Humu before seems like though I did one time seems like it take one little fry oh yeah oh yeah you hear that you gotta hear that lovely Idaho potatoes famous even here in Hawaii nice nice stir them up so they don't stick together maybe a little few too many but okay okay all right the fish should be done done that's a nice size trigger fish and that's what we get what I'm gonna do is I'm put the fish up on the sides as the skin looks now try a little skin maybe not it may be like leather and goatfish is usually fantastic there we go there we go lots of room right in the middle for these fries here how are they looking oh that's what we're talking about right there excellent yes extra crispy kind of cool that you can come all the way to Hawaii and find Idaho potatoes add the last two there a couple of them that were left in the bottom hey Pops how are you oh thank you ketchup right there close this look at that folks fishing chips as they say bam popcorns you're hungry I am hungry man look at that let's see should we sit right over here yeah that sounds good shall I just pour out some ketchup sure sure yeah just right on the fries and what we'll do is we'll try all three fish and see which fish we like the best sounds great wow all right you say prayer for us thank you so much Lord God for this day and blessed day thank you for this fish we get to eat the food we're about to eat and the way you provide it for us graciously I should bless it to our bodies in Christ's name amen amen all right tell me which is Rich so we have here goat fish which I think we should try because we've had that the most and then we have Hawk fish which we rarely have and Triggerfish which we rarely have okay all right I'm gonna get my little ketchup cheers tasty very mild flavored nothing super remarkable about it's been a nice fish yeah it's not real flaky it's it's a kind of a meaty fish it is meatier I don't even notice that when I'll stay on the pan on the other hand as far as pure flakiness as we have the hawk fish now you see that Ridge of Bones coming out of the back here yeah I didn't want to remove that and remove a bunch of meat so we'll just both all right cheers Hawk fish very easy to catch are very aggressive on the reef this is flavorful no there's not a bad fish it's not a bad fish but it's a little bit mushier or something yeah all right and then we have the dark colored trigger fish here that is cool cheers that has a stronger I mean it's not it's it's kind of meaty yeah it's almost like a steak fish that's like the steakiest fish yeah it has a robust flavor and very uh like you can really chew on it yeah yeah you know what Triggerfish dang good actually yeah so give me the humu humu I would say that's my favorite too actually very good you know that skin interesting yeah look how that's like just pure yeah there's no way that's edible yeah that skin is so thick I'll hold it back here that is crazy thick skin there you go no way that's edible guys but the trigger fish is the star in this dish for sure you know and then crispy potato the fries here man this was a really welcome lunch here guys all the stuffy sauce do Shoreline fishing just swimming out on the reef something anybody can do highly recommend you guys try stuff like this on your next uh vacation and um yeah thank you guys so much for hanging out with us hope you guys enjoyed check out me ancient's channel Linked In the description and your subscription yeah and my subscribe to our page if you guys want to support my channel the big thing you guys can do is uh it's go to the subscribe to our page and sign up there it's only one dollar per month but you get extra monthly videos including giveaways and there's already a library of really cool videos there to get access to all those it's only one dollar and you can 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Channel: Ace Videos 2
Views: 214,741
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ace videos hawaii, hawaii, maui, hawaii series ace videos, ace, ace videos, hawaii catch and cook
Id: sHJeDAvwEgA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 50sec (2690 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 03 2023
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