Catch, Cook and Camp in a Rooftop Tent!!

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uh [Music] just like that pat simple what is going on guys welcome to a little camping episode um here in tennessee i'm in knoxville tennessee doing a little camping i'm actually not come down here just to camp i've come here to work on my special project that is currently a secret currently a secret all i'm still working on on this video here it is august of 2021 hopefully by this fall everybody will know everything but right now it's still a little bit of a secret but what's happened is i've been working on a hard last three days and i'm done now so i have about 24 hours 30 hours or so to myself i've been camping out here because it's cheaper to camp than like stay at a hotel and i just been camping out here and i thought you know for the last uh last little bit here i'm gonna fish as you can see i'm right on this beautiful river there you know it's kind of what's kind of a lake river one of those like lakes that flows and is kind of long and narrow so it's kind of like a river kind of like a lake it's a reservoir i'm gonna do a little fishing see what's up here do a little camping in my new well it's not really it's new this year but rooftop tent i love how easy it is to set up i'm not messing with poles or or you know rocks and clearing the ground or anything like that it is so easy to set up i'm gonna add a few more finishing touches it comes with these uh little rods here these little rods this end goes like that and this canvas comes out and it hooks in there see it's kind of bowed like that and do the same thing to this side and as you can tell now we have a nice little canopy over it and if it rains tonight i'll still be good so interesting to me how much nicer they're making camping in many ways to me it's getting more and more enjoyable to be out here there we go there we go this is only like the third time i've had this out so i'm still it's still new so i love it yeah and then just up here look at that i can have the windows open so to speak there we go sleeping bag rolled out it's about i don't know seven feet seven and a half feet long so just wide enough for me if i unzip this it's pretty toasty folks it's august it's middle of the summer i don't have ac in this which is fine i don't i didn't expect ac to come in a tent but i've have the windows down that's for sure fortunately here in knoxville tennessee i think it's because of the um it's because of the elevation there are some mountains around here don't have as hard a time with the hot nights last few nights i've been here it's gotten down to like 60 at night so it's plenty comfort in fact that's perfect to me for sleeping it but they're all set up here wow i've been working hard the last three days come to a stopping point it's nice just be able to relax do a little fishing all right so coming down to the lake's edge here looks mighty interesting i kind of want to stay in the shade i was thinking i got in the kayak but it's so dang hot here's my plan folks here's my plan just came up with it what i'm going to do is i'm going to start off fishing from shore here in the shade while we're like right in the middle of the day it's like 90 degrees i'm also going to fish for bluegill because there is a dam down that way i'm going to fish early tomorrow morning and some folks at a local tackle store so there were striper there the guys actually the tackle store also said that um i said do you sell shad for the striper he said we do he said we don't have any at the moment but we'll get somebody so what i would do is catch bluegill and use bluegill for bait he said because the shad aren't running yet when the shad run the stripe we focused on those but he said since the shad aren't running at the moment he said they eat bluegill is one of the best baits and i actually see bluegill right now and the one just hit the surface right there so i'm gonna catch a bunch of bluegill for tomorrow morning basically i'm gonna start off small they're feeding on something they're a bunch of them hey that's my cue that is my cue i'll go get the go get my rod all right just use a little bobber worm let's catch a few bluegill first but you never know of course especially when you have a log jam like that there might be crappie around there too or catfish i mean honestly when you put on worms you never know what you can catch so i'm not limiting it to just blue all right first worm away right around that brush pile yeah that'd be cool if we catch a crappie or something like that got him oh that's a good bait size good bait size so we're in business we're gonna catch a monster striper tomorrow in that little sucker there actually what i need to do is stop talking so much about what's going to happen or what i hope happens because i think that jinxes jinxes me sometimes whoa flying fish whoa i threw him up on the bank and oh he made his get his getaway oh yeah this is a beast beast of a bluegill i don't get a striper's attention i hope see i got to stop jinxing myself we'll see we'll actually see what happens you know this could also get a flathead catfish's attention guys a whole bunch of fish just broke the surface right there huh all right guys i'm rigging up a fluke here try to catch some bass now we're just kind of a little food chain well we'll smart small work our way up hopefully end the trip with a big striper or flathead catfish tomorrow that would be cool go got him first guess oh yeah he came off he came off my drag what was with my drag is way too light what the heck guys right away a bass came over i mean two seconds in a bass came over guys i see a school of fish down there there's like a school of shad um dang it guys that was a big bass too sneaking around to this side here whoa whoa guys guys guys look at that look at that look at that look at that something's feeding on them sounds oh yeah yeah oh this is crazy got some schools of stuff feeding got it got one guys oh it's a bass oh it's sweet i cast it right where those schooling fish were yes look at that on the fluke yes that is so cool try not to make a scene there's a lot of campers around here yes that was so cool saw the schooling fish stalked them around the corner and uh put a little flute this this color is actually called tennessee shad skinny little fish huh that almost looks like a malnutrite mel uh new whatever that word is malnourished malnourished bass look how big the head is compared i mean that's not too bad well not too bad but i mean that is a skinny little bass go in there and get some food boy that fish might just be a terrible hunter because corny when i can see there's a lot of bait in this lake it doesn't have to be that skinny maybe he's vegan i don't see any more of that uh of the sh it's like the school of fish moved out of here i don't even see him swimming around anymore all right back to bluegill fishing or whatever you know worm fishing got him yeah nice all right sweet good bait size again all right my friends we got seven bluegill in there that should be enough bait for tomorrow i'm gonna fill this bucket all the way up with water all right gonna clear away the fishing stuff for now let's make way for the cooking stuff check this out got a decked system installed in this i think it's the first time i've ever showed this on my channel because this is only actually like a month old but i haven't used it even though i installed it like a month ago i'm going to use let's see what i want to use here we're going to fry up some chicken folks yes fried chicken this is what i want louisiana crispy fish fry seasoning oh this is the spicy recipe too so we're making spicy chicken some salt some pepper we've got our paper towels even got spam with 25 less sodium we'll bring some oil out sweet i've got instant quote instant oh instant coffee is not sound it's kind of a brick i think some water has gotten in there and made it into a coffee break we'll inspect that in the morning oh cool i'm filming a video right now actually oh no no you're fine you're fine all right so you i saw you guys just get here he watches all the time i just watched one where you and your dad were doing a like some catch and cook hopefully you would only eat what you cooked yes yes okay cool that's pretty awesome do you guys mind being in a video no i don't care all right what was your name maddox maddox oh that's cool maddox all right guys so uh i have some subscribers camping right beside me here and maddox anyway nice to meet you maddox cool so it's nice to meet you guys what are your favorite what's your favorite video um i like the one where you're like eating only what i catch for like backwoods edition okay yeah everybody that's one of everybody's favorites and the hawaiian okay cool cool i'll have to do some more of those yeah nice matters all right cool well nice to see you nice to meet you guys sorry all right no no you're fine you're fine i got some subscribers there that's pretty cool um yeah they're one they're one camp spot down so they just arrived actually while i was fishing down here [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Music] [Music] ah all right guys i've got here some beautiful honey barbecue fried chicken and a caesar salad this is not a chicken that i caught and cooked myself but it's the first day so all right let's see how i did on my honey barbecue buffalo wild wings i just put a dribble a dribble of honey barbecue flavor on him at first because i wanted to see how the chicken was that crust tasted chicken's cooked all the way through that's the biggest thing in fried chicken but i did make the breading a little tiny bit on the bland side i could have really thrown in the tony sashers there but i didn't because i wanted to taste the buffalo wild wings honey barbecue this kit salad's not too bad it's actually really good i've been trying to incorporate more vegetables and slightly healthier things into my diet when i can't instead of just eating all meat which is kind of what i normally do all right guys after a sumptuous dinner we have about maybe an hour and a half of light left i'm gonna launch this kayak and we'll do a little kayak fishing maybe there will be some feeding fish all right let's head toward a cove that i saw over here check it out you see that disturbance on the water those are minnows it's another cloud of bait fish huh nothing's disturbing them right now they're all pretty calm oh nice i like this inlet guys i like the feel of this in that there's some big trees and stuff in the water got him nice nice whoa didn't oh it was so oh and they're a bunch of other ones following it guys there's a school of them down there look at that look at that not a big one but this is so much fun to come to a lake and have this much success right off the bat another really skinny largemouth really skinny huh that's so weird maybe i should eat some maybe maybe this is an overstocked or overpopulated lake oh folks folks okay i was rigging back up from that fish because it destroyed my flute well i have this popper tied on as well oh right in the middle of them oh look look you see all these feeding fish oh my goodness look at that look at that oh that's so cool that is so cool we got feeding fish everywhere there's my popper there's my popper got him got him did you just see that the school moved right that was so cool the school of bass moved right toward my popper and grabbed it yes two fishing two guests oh my goodness that's cool school and fit okay i gotta be quiet i'm making too much noise all right there we go little bass all little ones so far but i have seen some big ones dang it i gotta be quiet from now on okay you know i'm gonna oh look there it goes right there right there again right there come on come on maybe i can stir something up this is a big loud popper there's got him got him yes all right this is amazing another large mouth wow folks wow this is a keeper and turn it for sure another skinny one what is with these really skinny fish folks this this lake yeah this is definitely looks like a malnutrition now what's that word malnourished i want to say malnutritious but that doesn't oh my goodness look how skinny look his stomach goes in that is a skinny little fish dude get down there and catch some minutes hmm i might be eating some largemouth you never know back to the fluke my friends it's so funny how like it it was mad action for five minutes and it's calmed down now but you see that disturbance in the water there's all the minnows nothing's disturbing him right now got him yes on the fluke on the food this is a better one oh just like a bass pro i had envisions of myself as a bass pro and then it got away hey look at that on that fluke i'm trying to be a little quiet because i've noticed that whenever i catch something i get loud that they kind of go away folks look how skinny that fish is again huh just not the fat healthy bass they should be almost thinking i might should keep some of these on that tennessee shad fluke funny that we're in tennessee that's that's the reason why i picked it i was like out of all the colors i had in my tackle box so it's like this says tennessee shad so probably gonna be the best one there you go buddy guys there's something guys there's something swimming across the water up here there's something big like i don't let's go look at i don't know what the heck that is or what they're three i don't know what this is we're just gonna get close these capybaras that's what they look like from here they must be otters or something i swear they look like capybaras oh it's just a big beaver oh like oh okay i think they were like two beavers but their tails look like one part and their heads were the other okay i was like what on earth never mind and when they slap like that that's a beaver oh hey you i see you he looked like something different a he has a huge head that is a giant beaver folks and that is a massive beaver the way his head's oh and look that there's the other one yeah we got one over here we got one right here what's up bro he's slapping his tail at me got a hooch back here somewhere probably he probably lives right up there's probably hooch behind that big hey cool it yeah i think oh man guys that's fish's beaver huge right here see if they got any fish in their house a lot of times beaver dams can be really really good spots to fish oh oh shoot i just missed him that the fish swam toward me and left out of the water they love this fluke man guys this tennessee fluke is whooping them folks last cast of the day oh and it was look at that something jumped right there hmm got it yes last cast of the day actually you know you know it may not have been last cast of the day you never know but oh yeah right in that corner another now this is looking like a normal healthy bass here yeah there we go see how that bass is like fat and like wide that's that's normal there we go hey oh there you go buddy sweet that was a great last cast of the day way back in there way back in there come on ah oh right in that corner one more time okay this was a blast but i need a light on my kayak if i'm gonna be out here so i better head back to shore luckily it's just right over there all right that was fun great way to end it catch a fish on the last cast that beaver dam the beaver hut that was really cool folks i've never seen there were at least two there may have been three beavers all swimming together that was very very cool all right folks notice how the bluegill look how they're moving really slowly and they're up on the air up on the surface gasping for air that's because their water hasn't been changed in a while and there's no way i can leave them overnight and expect them to stay alive there is one dead one in the bottom that's because he jumped out and i didn't see that he jumped out anyway i'm going to put them in this and tie it off on a tree and hopefully nobody comes in the middle of the night to disturb it there we go all right little fellows i need you to stay alive all right let's hope that they stay alive till tomorrow don't want to put your face in that yes glad i looked up all right let's see take my shoes off first i need a little rug for the base of this thing so i don't get my feet off ah the king's sweet you know it's been crazy i don't think i've had one mosquito bite this whole time yeah i haven't had one mosquito bite this whole time i've been out here does knoxville not have mosquitoes that's really weird to me it's probably about 70 degrees right now i'm guessing that by the time i wake up it'll be 60 so it's pretty good i wish it would be just a couple degrees cooler but it's still nice i love this tent love how easy it is we go to bed early so i can wake up super early and i'm gonna have to crack a dawn and we're gonna get down below the dam and start fishing so see you guys in the morning oh beautiful the best part of camping the beautiful calm mornings sweet i am excited this morning this tent is the best night of sleep i've ever gotten in a tent every single time slept in it only the second time it's been out but it has that thick it's i call it a mattress was not a match it's just a futon in there but i have plenty of room to spread out and uh i don't have to sleep on a cot oh i do not like cots oh better take the tent down first i can't take off with the tent up like this that is one disadvantage to a rooftop tent is that before you go anywhere you always have to put it down which it doesn't take a long time but i have to always make sure that i'm settled wherever i'm at if i have to run to the store for a little bit or whatever i can't get all set up and then run to the store so every time i go to camp it's like okay am i going to be here for the rest of the evening so that is one little disadvantage to them there we go last strap i almost forgot one of the most important things the bait see if they survived the night nobody disturbed them that's good are they alive in there they're all alive sweet except that one that one died he was he was already dead all right sweet we've got six pieces of bait all right let's go try to catch something some boats already below the dam so that's a good sign all right so pull up and it's 75 degrees it says it's 7 53 in the morning stopped off got a little coffee and breakfast sandwich let's see what we got yeah so not running very much water compared to i scouted this spot yesterday and definitely not as much current don't know if that's good or bad sirens going off hmm that usually means they're going to start generating again they do that to warn the boats [Music] yeah they definitely started generating more water and these boats there were some boats like hanging out and they all came up right where they started generating so i think that turns on the fish i guess i know for sturgeon that's the case a lot of times they start generating beneath the damn the sturgeon can turn on but i don't know if it's the same for other species kind of nice to have this path all the way down i'm not climbing over mountains of rip rap which is what i'm kind of used to this is luxury fishing right here pardon me that is such a cool bird if i catch any fish i'll share you want a bluegill you want a bluegill talking to animals like they understand me hey you oh look at he's still sneaking up on it even though he's like wait is this a trick he's very cautious there we go that was cool we've got one two three four boats fishing here folks i think that's a good sign let's get what i have here is a um i have some 17-pound test lines a little bit heavier setup heavier rod bigger reel more line capacity of shimano trunks is that how they pronounce it shranks tranx just a big circle hook and i think what i'm gonna do is just try free line in it first i might have to add some weight later but i'm just gonna try free lining a little bluegill right there ouch that bluegill poked me you know one thing i always wonder about is like with those herons and stuff they must have some pretty sturdy stomachs because like bluegill have a lot of little spikes and stuff on them and they must just have no problem because i mean those bluegill have to be flopping and stuff in their stomach it's not like the bluegill die instantly so all right sweet folks oh look who's back he's coming back for more looks like you got any more sorry dude again you need the rest of these for bait he's staring right at me first cast of the day folks you know what i'm just put the rod there i'm gonna see something real quick this would be kind of cool watch this that was cool that was really cool heron's hairs are so such a cool animal i think oh i'm getting a bite getting a bite getting a hit it's bouncing remind me not to just wail back on this thing since i have a circle hook because if this thing takes off i'm gonna get so excited got him got him folks got something yes oh it's a big largemouth whoa whoa oh cool on a bluegill you never know what you're gonna catch see if i can land it it's a big one it is a big one oh dang it no oh my goodness shoot came off right at the shore oh dang it now i kind of wish i hadn't fed that hair and all those blue kill oh my goodness well it's good to know their big largemouth hanging out around here because once i run out of bluegill probably i'd get a big old crankbait or something on and uh and crank these rocks dang it the bluegill oh look at that this fish jumped right there lugia got me snagged dang it oh it feels like the classic he's snagged on another fishing line well we'll see look which line is stronger well i only got one more bluegill left that's alive then i have a dead one too uh oh oh hey hey no no no look the heron's trying to get my other bluegill while it's on a hook dude that's that's funny he saw the bluegill it was like ah look at him just staring me down with those unblinking eyes well ladies and gentlemen in hindsight maybe uh feeding that hearing some of my bait yeah maybe it wasn't a good idea but it was just my natural reaction when i saw him i'm going to now that all the bluegill are gone or dead i have a couple small pieces left but i ain't getting anything on the cut bait i'm gonna throw this let me show you what i'm using here got a great big silver rattle trap on i'm just gonna try a variety of crankbaits jerk baits rattle traps and spinners all four of those through here to see if i can get a some stripe or a white bass anything heck oh look butterfly butterfly for good luck i don't know i know dragonflies are i don't know what butterflies are let's see if i can get something going here come on i've seen i saw guys reel on a boat reel up a striper over there i've seen lots of fish hitting the surface so now i've switched to a spinning rod with a little tiny rattle trap on it the problem is with a spinning rod i only have what a six or eight pound test on it um if i get something big on this this will be interesting but i want to use a small rattle trap because i see lots of small minnows in the water got him whoa just like that okay well maybe i wasn't matching the hatch right what do we got i was seeing lots of small silver minnows i was like maybe a little tiny rattle trap oh it's a small mouth oh oh no pretty good what is it with me missing fish i have missed a lot of fish well that's a good sign though i mean getting something got him got him hmm this might be something good folks this might be something good what do we got oh yeah a white bass or wiper yeah white bass yes whoa finally all right well switch a little white bass yeah just a white bass sweet i am i make fishing videos oh really modern monster i'll check it out ace videos eight oh you're a subscriber oh that's cool man guys i got a subscriber right up there nice to meet you man monster catfish how are you gonna fish right down here okay cool well if you catch something i'll put it in a video if you don't mind sweet all right yeah excellent yeah come on down fish wherever you want you guys got a subscriber up there all right things are looking up little white is that a white yeah white bass i'm pretty sure i can keep this and there's no size limit on these in tennessee it was a long time coming you know i had to just switch to smaller baits i was using big rattle traps guys i tried all kinds of different things let me knock them out finally getting some bites on a little tiny rattle trap hey so you're fishing for some uh for some big catfish oh yeah you got the big setup oh yeah guys check this out it wouldn't look so bad i just got a bad snag oh yeah you're probably known but that's that's that's cool the camo handle and all that all custom all custom all right that's cool well guys uh what was your name shane shane all right nice to meet you shane sorry i'm home um if you hook up on something i'll come over and i'll uh i'll show it so hopefully sweet this one here is my my biggest ever oh good grief okay guys can you see that like like was that 60 pounds or something actually like 60 inches long you're 55 inches around whoa sorry it was hard to tell it didn't mean it's hard to tell in the picture but that's a giant one it's cool to meet somebody that's pretty cool excellent i'll keep an eye i'll keep an eye out that doesn't sound good you know what i'm gonna go down toward my stuff in case they raise it and i need to um yeah i need to pull go up to higher ground oh that's that's cool so okay cool i saw you earlier and i i'm filming a video right now guys there's a another subscriber right here what's your name eric cool here i said hi to eric earlier guys but i have my camera on i'm just walking by and uh cool another subscriber you caught anything yet i just caught one small white bass and one small mouth but uh yeah it's been actually really slow for me this morning i used bluegill this morning trying to catch a big striper and it was a fail so there's yeah yeah i saw one boat catch a really big striper and that was it i didn't see anybody catch anything else while i was out here i've been out here since like seven or eight o'clock so yeah oh yeah it's getting hot so good to meet you too thank you thank you for watching what the oh good grief that is a huge hook guys check that out a giant treble hook that's what they snagged for battle fish there are paddlefish in here yes oh no kidding see i don't know anything about there's paddlefish we got sturgeon sturgeon oh i know it's a thing or two about sturgeon fishing all right here's here these if you want i actually have five of them so hopefully that'll man here i'll catch you through so definitely all right actually yeah yeah i watch a bunch of catching cook videos oh thank you okay yeah my brother too yup he he's good can i see that bait real quick that you got in there guess he's got a whole is that what is that a quick job whole creek chub right there folks hopefully get something big on that most certainly got one got one oh this feels like i have some weight to it i'm using light line though in a light rod so it's kind of hard to tell on that little tiny rattle trap again i can't rush this one oh he might be snagged might be a smaller fish that's snagged i'm not sure yeah oh he's kind of on the side of his face but it's another white bass yes all right sweet it was on the side of his face at first that's why it was like kind of heavy all right guys another good eaten fish we'll have some lunch for the little fish fry today so growing up in idaho where we don't have these i think they're kind of cool i haven't caught very many before hey nice nice fish all right check that out i got what'd you catch them on they're just a little uh it's a little hair jig sweet sweet yeah man that's what that's that's a tennessee rock fish a little juvenile yeah grow up to be big yep you know it's bad you can't use it oh you can't lose your face shoot nope can't use it for bait because it's a game fishing legal size oh okay but that's still a that's a beautiful catch uh huh and a great start nice for sure for sure what a great start let's give it another chance at a new walk here we go away he goes nice what a beautiful thing all right guys uh huh maybe you do two at once with a double ring got one there we go guys all right or is that a yellow bass look at some yellow on it i'm yeah they're all those little different not much difference okay cool can you use these for bait you can have them if you want you know what you ain't getting away i won't let you you you got him oh my gosh fish fingers i'm a ninja i was like oh there it goes you grabbed it out not me what do you have pads on your hands that was crazy all right big old bait are you just gonna let it free line out there no sinker in here wow very cool all right guys uh so since shane caught the one rock bass i'm switching to a couple little crappie jigs and i'm gonna tie double but i've got white i just happen to have these actually my tackle box from a trout fishing trip uh because i actually designed four trout so let's uh see what i can get on these got him guys got one on those on those little like crappie jigs little trout slash crappie jigs sweet got one shane uh another white bass all right yeah a little white bass switch like the second cast guys little double rig here all right sweet number three well guys this was a blast but i am getting really hungry i'm gonna go above the damn there's a park up there with some picnic tables and i'm gonna find a picnic table in the shade and cook up my catch after i say bye to shane down here nice guy um hopefully we meet again next time i'm visiting knoxville tennessee but uh let's get let's get out of this heat all right so there's actually a change in plans here folks i'm just gonna cook up on the bed of my truck i took my kayak out and uh i'm gonna throw a line off the point here but it's a nice shady spot i've got all my stuff here i don't even know what i'm gonna do to be honest i got oh i've been wanting to try frank's you know actually no i'm not gonna do that i'm not gonna try frank's red hot sauce it's like a 95 degrees bad life choice got ramen noodles could make some noodles wait you know what you know what spam oh it's beautiful that sounds so good right now some salty spam all the salt that i've lost in sweat the last few hours yep it's spam and fish folks that makes sort of a cutting board at least i won't damage my knife it has been about a year year and a half that up since i've had white bass before so i've kind of forgotten how they taste i think they're really tasty though i guess we will see because i'm going to cook them up you know we'll see which is better spam or white bass i always forget about this little cutting board that a subscriber sent me i must always forget i need to stop i need to just break it out i don't even need wood and stuff i'm just used to searching around for wood this last one here i'm just gonna pan fry them whole or almost whole take the head and the guts up and that's it ah a few clouds have come out i'm in the shade it's cooling down a little bit all right let's dig out this spam here spam with less sodium i know when i eat spam i'm real concerned for my health people who eat potted meat usually are i'm gonna go in there with tongs let's grab this thing out removing spam is always an experience as you'll see because you know they're kind of like dq shakes look at that you turn them upside down and it doesn't come out you gotta like grab it and kind of gotta squeeze oh we got juices coming out you gotta squeeze okay and squeeze just right and you don't stop squeezing until it all comes out ah gorgeous how appetizing man okay now you can't obviously eat a giant chunk of meat like this otherwise you just look like a total barbarian so we take our fillet knife and we cut it into strips and then you just remove strips and drop them in there just like so if you're just like eat this whole thing you know you just that's just not right and you flip it oh like that's perfect absolutely perfect yo i just remember i have some bread we can make a spam sandwich i have bread and mayonnaise i can make a spam sandwich that's actually really good so i have here part of a bread loaf loaf of bread spam all kinds of tasty words going on here just gonna take it and pull out freshly fried all fried to perfection pride to perfection spam there you want it just slightly brown bordering on black it makes it a little bit crispy there we go oh gotta balance it should have picked a bigger piece of bread there got it all right look at that simple spam sandwich then i take the mayo hellman's and put a little mayo on there say a prayer real quick everybody since spam comes in a can a lot of people are like oh my gosh it's so unhealthy or whatever but i love spam and i think i come from i spend a lot of time in hawaii and hawaiians for some reason love their spam i better get cooking in just a second before my oil burns my spam oil that's the great thing about spam fact i'm gonna let this cool check this out another great thing oh whoa almost spilled it the great thing about spam is that it makes its own oil after you cook it so i don't even need to use butter but i'm going to anyway because i love butter and i will add the fish to that buttery spammy goodness there swim it all around and now i will add some tony sasher straight from louisiana i got this in louisiana actually and we'll add some of that right to it oh this stuff is delicious love louisiana cooking spam is actually amazing i highly recommend you try it this is not sponsored yet the great thing about it is it keeps forever i can throw a can of this in my truck and have it as backup in case i don't catch that much [Music] all right let's taste some white bass snuggle it up next to the spam there we'll see which one's better white bass tastier gross hot give me a second here [Music] really tasty now maybe because i cooked in spam oil and butter spam oil spam is mostly ham spam mostly ham i think it has some other meats mixed in there i think it's kind of like a wiener how there's kind of a mixture of meats in there not necessarily bad but like the tips and pieces and different parts i i believe but it's mostly ham so basically i fried the fish in ham oil or really close to bacon grease or basically bacon grease i love it white mouse is really good and yes it does beat the spam although i do love spam well guys i may not have caught a giant striper today but at least i made friends with a heron i don't like that trade-off next time i'm just going to catch a giant striper and i'll let the heron do his own fishing it was still a fantastic time here and uh just want to show you guys one last thing look at the gorgeous sunset this is why you get out you never know what's going to happen the setting sun hitting off those giant storm clouds that is gorgeous beautiful beautiful even here in tennessee hope you guys enjoyed hanging out thank you for watching we'll see in the next one
Channel: Ace Videos 2
Views: 653,588
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rooftop tent, rooftop truck tent camping, camp, camping, camping videos, fishing and camping, catch cook camp, eating what I catch, catch and cook, rooftop, tent camping, truck camping, fishing, fish, bass, bass fishing, white bass, camping and fishing, ace videos 2, truck camping catch and cook, catch, cook
Id: MvIkzCwchRo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 12sec (3012 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 22 2021
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