Catch, Cook and Camp - Crickets n' Catfish Edition!

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alright boys it's time to get serious here we saw a snake and we're license to kill here might be a rattler he might be a bull snake you don't know oh there's a hole right here and this holes had action around it too guys that one got away but we'll keep our eye out we are in the desert here and I never know you never know what is going on guys welcome to catch cooking camp episode on the way to a little fishing spot with my brother Micah right in front of me in his truck there and here is the river we are fishing today we are out in the middle of the thirsty desert as you can tell really excited for today because both Mike and I resolved that if we find a snake we're gonna try doing a snake he catching coke for the first time it's starting it's summertime in the desert here so we have a chance of that otherwise work a fish today bass crappie we're just gonna camp out I have tons of food with me I've got it I've got a gun in case we need to shoot some game snakes mostly I've got all my fishing rods but we're just gonna camp and we're gonna have a great time it's gonna be super fun guys guys guys check this out check it out check it out oh these big crickets too big check it out my friend so he's trying to get away look how big crickets that is a monstro cricket brach you oh and that's an even bigger cricket all right we're gonna catch some of these guys with my brother never coming out here like this is the exact thing we were hoping for it's late spring cricket start hatching the snakes come out to eat the crickets scorpions are out all kinds like crazy creatures come out in the in the desert here in fact check this out we got dunes I probably trip take my truck and just go like zoom it we have like sand dunes here just like go off some jumps and stuff like that should probably do that I will eventually but right now we're gonna focus on getting some monstro fish bait there what's going on Fanta hey get in there cuz these are seriously like we see these crickets pretty much every year we come out here but these are some of the bigger crickets I've ever seen and they're they're really facts to these crickets are also cannibals observe how that guy is I eating his comrade there that's kind of gruesome now we're just driving along there are lots of crickets everywhere we're just gonna keep our eye out for the snakes just Parker they here all right first spot we're gonna fish is a railroad bridge up here which has been in old videos before [Music] good sign there's lots of life and lots of animal life and yeah but I like how this box is a little shade - guys check this out we get it have a nice little spot right in here we can fish out there in the manor so our plan for today guys we also have worms so we got crickets we got worms I also brought all my bass stuff and we're just gonna whatever we feel like doing there's no particular plan today you see how the rivers at full pool which is really nice we have to walk on the miles down the water looks good I think a lot of things are inviting so we're just kidding just gonna have fun fishing for whatever we feel like all right fellas any volunteers someone strong brave aquatic Lee gifted yes you need to be able to hold your breath for a long time first cricket of the day going in a little split shot rig good all this junk in the water maybe there'll be some crappie around this stuff getting a bite you guys getting a bite on the cricket on the creek got one on the cricket yes first fish whoa whoa whoa well we got something this is not a crappie that's for sure Wow first fish of the day guys on the live cricket okay my drag is set okay a little light there but I did not want to get a catfish which is what I think this is I did not want to have a catfish break my crappie set up here so oh we got a train coming too oh my I can't fish oh great eating sighs guys we're gonna keep eating land this we're gonna keep this one here yes yes come here boy oh just barely hooked him in the whisker he's barely hate I gotta be careful yes look at that guy's great eating size catfish Wow big all trade whoa nice first fish of the day that is what I'm talking about the hook is right it is whisker guys while I was knocking my catfish out my bucket of crickets spilled oh there's one right there look at it all right well at least I have one more to fish with all right guys we're gonna set the catfish right there we're to put this cricket on a hook here all right my friends cricket number I this is not number two I've lost a few more four or five more like it's so much fun to catch your own bait and then catch a fish with it tapping it to happen it got it guys it feels like another catfish brah it feels like a another catfish whoa take a little run here I do have light this is kind of fun catch catfish on the light setup hey dude I'm out of bait now I'm not a baby [Music] yes this is another one of those great eatin size guys if you're new to fishing when catfish gets super big like you know 10 20 30 40 pounds sometimes people eat them but sometimes they don't taste as good as like the small young tender ones so to speak that sounds kind of gruesome but it's true like a catfish yes catfish this size guys he's fantastic for eating [Applause] hi guys here's the plan we fish in the area gotta go back here to find guess wonder if it gets before we drive all the way to our camping spot so that's what we're doing now heading back down the road we're gonna keep my eye open for other critters but we're after crickets so we have enough two of them here there so they're not even getting away from you they're so focused on eating your friends there's a regular Houdini yes yes I got a good colony over here would you start a cricket farm dude so monster crickets around the world like breed Aman like milk and stuff yeah [Music] [Music] yeah people would pay like $3 two for each cricket yes they're so valuable dude we Trey eat we could cricket farming we could eat some of these to you hmm guys got a sneak what kind is he no that's not a bull snake that's just thinking I don't know dude that looks like a water snake or something to me he's probably not not he's kind of thin yeah and he's probably yeah he just looks like a water snake he has a black tongue and black eyes can any a snake expert I'm good looking he's kind of too small to eat I think well guys at least we found one he's fast yeah he's kind of he's just not thick like a bull snake or a rattler oh no all right guys after some exploration we've settled on this spot right here and you know what here's the ironic thing so like right there we have a cricket right there we have a cricket cricket right there crickets are literally just everywhere um so we did not even to drive back to that one hatch there's a hatch all over those trees are just filled with crickets anyway we're gonna give it a try here and I think I see crickets floating on the surface might start some sort of feeding frenzy we're gonna throw out a little worm on one and cook it on the other Oh with that one ounce sinker I can really swing it but still shallow fact Wow if thunk really fast my guess is it's like between ten and fifteen feet out there I mean which is pretty shallow for this river guys we have a special bait let me find it's in the cooler here we go in the special cooler we have a special bait here um this has been sitting in our freezer since Thanksgiving folks what this is these are some entrails of a turkey that was from Thanksgiving about like one of those turkeys where they leave like the liver in apparently some weirdos like to eat the turkey liver just kidding but apparently some people eat liver and so um that was left in there and then I thought the gizzard and it's a gizzard oh it's in there that's still frozen but I'm gonna use a nice chunk of turkey liver here I remember the time when I'm gonna save that for catfishing liver big chunk of liver on a hook these catfish are gonna come out they're gonna come from yards around for this whilst we wait for the catfish lines I'm soaked I want to show you guys something [Music] YouTube stories you've already seen this this is a custom crawdad trap that my brother actually got for me for my birthday right what is a guy who local who makes them sweet so I have some other stuff in there guys Forks I got to put it together so this is how it comes the game comes with like this rope right here if I don't want to snorkel it down I want to throw it out there I've got here some line that I'm gonna tie on so we can throw it out from shore there's no snorkeling in this river right now and then this other crowded trap works if you're new this they lays on the bottom and the crawdads crawl on the bottom and they just crawl right in there and most of them can't get out the bait that we're gonna be using it first we probably using some fish guts but I just wanted to try this just because we have here some cat food oily cat food is really really good this is chicken and salmon dinner in gravy it was really really good crawdad bait so if you don't have fish guts and stuff definitely use that and I didn't want to take a chance so I thought I always carry this like backup bait around with me in case we don't get any guts or anything but at some point we're gonna throw this out there probably like before we go to bed once we decide on where we're gonna camp permanently or we're gonna camp for like the rest of the evening and set up our tents and stuff we'll figure out or we'll throw that out there and let that soak but for now we're we're just kind of testing out to see where the fishings good have a rods out here yeah guys this is the third one Mike is hooked up on good knit brah guys I have not caught a knee here Mike is cut this is his third hookup check out his video in the description if you want to see nonstop action I cut I got the two like right away and then and then it's been nothing for like two hours from me it's another like yellowy one things like yellow it's like he braided with the yellow bull head or something it's a channel down cricket alright I'm switching to all crickets now I'm done with my liver and everything else over here on to cricket guys just within a few minutes of putting a cricket out there that is funny getting all tangled up there's some wood right out in front of us here well he's taking a strong run this is a strong fish oh yeah dude this a big big fish of the day so far all right come on get them over there some wood and stuff yes over all the wood oh look at that cat right there my friends that is like good seven eight pounder I'd say we'll get an official measurement on this one one cricket one huge cricket that's all I put on and bam so I asked you guys when can you throw out a worm night crawler for like 3045 minutes not get a bite and you throw out a cricket and you get a bite within two minutes that is how dialed in to these crickets these catfish are sweet we're doing some nice fillets off this and guess I was about to put this guy on a stringer you know we're just gonna flame him up right now because it's almost dinnertime I'm just gonna take this big rock right here actually we're just gonna pop him on the head so here's the situation guys we are gonna settle at this spot for the night this is our camping spot reason why obviously we catch a catfish number two we have bait everywhere guys they all at our feet and we have all this wood we're gonna make a campfire and roast some hot dogs throw some catfish tons of driftwood good fishing this is just we couldn't ask for any better than in a camping spot you guys want to see something cool these at least I think it's cool let's see if you guys think it's cool fish cleaning station slash see take the arms out just like this one of my subscribers said this to me this is not sponsored by the way it's just what a subscriber sent to me it's from Cold Creek Outfitters and it has this fish measuring on it fish measuring right on your table and then you flip these little dials here it pops open and it kind of makes a sink and in fact it comes with but it does make it's not kind of a sink it is a sink and if you flip these open and on this side we have the little tubes for the drains we'll stick that in there in a second but you have like a washing sink and then a rinsing sink right here this is for trash like put a little plastic bag in there and then it holds a plastic bag down and we just have lots of surface area it also comes with a faucet actually that you can hook up to you like your garden hose we don't have any hookups out here obviously we're in the middle of nowhere but when we want that feature there is a gay a faucet that sticks out there but I'm gonna use this to filet the fish and just like generally have camp in fact I'm going to mostly use it as a fillet cutting board whoo eight pounder stick him on there it's great because I got these gloves sent to me by a subscriber bullet fish gloves thank you on the table it's sent to me by a subscriber thank you guys so much alright alright see there's anything in the stomach I know that sounds so weird but that's Oh ever since those little that's one of the first things I do is it full of crickets there's one oh yeah cricket parts guys cricket pieces cricket carnage that's what called a cricket carnage coming out like crazy well guys my brother has another one like I said she is via non-stop action I finally got when I switch to cricket matches when I switch to the crickets but I have to say got the biggest ones by the way check this out we're gonna try something this is the first time using this thing I'm so excited crawdad trap here guts here cut away the intestine lots of goodies in there and let's find the old liver this looks like the liver I think that's the bloody liver there I'm gonna throw that in there and we got the longest - we'll throw the lungs in there mm-hmm once we're done cleaning the fish we'll toss this out there I ready to clean this table off it's best just at least clean the blood off it's not really clean we're gonna you know and then I'm just gonna do one fish for now guys and we'll start cooking cuz I'm just really hungry the catch and cook bag fuel lighter here actually found this in the Boise River bacon look at that proposed two pounds of it look at that oh that's a good sight we have our fish fillets you know what I was gonna do I was gonna wrap these fillets look how big that is wrap these fillets in bacon I think what I'm actually gonna do is cut them smaller because there's kind of hard to wrap them I'm gonna cut it like so I'm just gonna kind of pull the bacon apart and lay the bacon in the pan first making a bed of bacon the bacon is bubbly take this fillet right that right there me catfish cook on a bed of bacon guys check this out Lucas Alpine touch Montana's special seasoning a letter from a subscriber oh that's the wrong one oh no I think I grabbed the wrong letter I did I don't know who was it that sent me this I think it was let's see so this was Cole hearing his name is who sent me this so thank you to Cole but the subscribe would give me the seasoning Qin you know I have some subscribers letters in here maybe it's in this stuff I know order that one I know isn't that one dang it well thank you to whoever comment down below if you sent me this I thought I'd grabbed the right letter I get quite a bit of mail from you guys and just like guys know if if I don't if your stuff that you send to me doesn't appear in a video it's nothing it's you guys it's just I get so much of it that sometimes it doesn't I just don't have the opportunity to use everything so maybe we have Alpine touch Montana special seasoning so exciti this because look how the seasoning is like white which is real it's like whitish yellow and a lot of times you get like seasonings are red basic red or black so to have like a white seasoning try putting some of that on there we're just gonna put it on one flakes I don't know I'll be honest I don't know if I like it or not so we're gonna put on one fillet and we're going to put aces first cast season by the way available in the description if you want to buy my first cast seasoning deliciosa so we basically have one Cajun catfish Kohinoor this is kind of cajun e here and then we have whatever this flavor will be you know I wasn't gonna do this because I'd get some flack for it but I know we have bacon on there fish we're gonna throw a little butter down let's put some of that right on top you know we need mo for the other slice bacon an end butter I mean really guys really do you need anything else I'm thinking that bacon is gonna give an amazing flavor myself even a fatty eight pounder like that we did bacon wrap a trout if you guys don't follow my channel that closely bacon-wrapped trout a little while ago and it just took that trout to a whole new level that is the inspiration for this that's almost done guys we also brought with us some green beans eat healthy guys eat healthy hey you know I also forgot we have max salad as well and that's isn't that healthy a lot of good mayonnaise and stuff in there I'm pretty sure that piece catfish is done and in the bacon grease and butter here we're gonna cook our greens you know just gotta prepare these a little better you know if I'm gonna be a good chef you're probably supposed to wash these off but there's so many unsanitary things going on here anyway that I figured it doesn't really matter throw some green beans in there so you were getting our greens all right my friends taste test time first time cooking catfish and bacon and and butter I did I did add that at the end though let's say a prayer for our arteries Nova serious and we'll say same prayer this is gonna be good I know it all right catfish fillet Wow bursting with flavor that's good I need some greens with it though I feel kind of bad eating just this greens are cooking up well grow up throwing the greens everywhere at least it wasn't bacon you know what this piece is so thick I'm actually let it cook a little bit more oh wait you know what the piece that fell away you know it's good let's try the seasoning for the first time I'm sorry that at this moment see I have the letter at home at this moment I can't remember to subscribe when you sent this to me but thank you there's a brightness a brightness to it hmm good it's like a I don't know how that's literally the first adjective that comes to mind a bright flavored a really bright flavor yep garlic and onion okay I thought I tasted the onion those are like the two things it's like a very oniony garlicky flavor Alpine touch thank you so much for sending that to me the green beans are definitely done on this side I added some more there to it bra rotate a chip yeah gotta try this little plate camp plate so the catfish is cooked in bacon and butter and that one has my seasoning on it hmm yeah did you get yourself some of that bacon with it I literally it was basically cooked in a bed of bacon and you have a little cold mac salad guy see we're getting fancier and fancier getting the all the sides going you know instead of just eating fish all day dude [Music] do they say that night Oh okay I was like I've been really inside too long oh nice little setup here and this will spread my guys like 20 catfish on the stringer every time look over there yeah it's nonstop this is so crazy I so like I'm down Mike is down here he's getting bites every little bit I'm just not not what that's 20 yards away and I'm getting way fewer bytes I go probably come down and crash his party after I'm done eating here and then right before I came here guys from Sportsman's Warehouse I got some double dip chocolate peanuts I'm normally a pretty healthy eater most days okay some days well anyway I tried to eat healthy a lot and so it's nice to come out on a fishing trip and just let go you know all right friends we're going to latch it closed first so they cannot escape when we pull them up and then look like I got this from the store we're gonna tie it on there we're gonna let it sit tight around this rock right here and see if you have any crawdads in the morning folks brand new tip here didn't realize that the last time I was using it tent for camping of stealing Micah's tent I just saw it in the garage so I just took him and obviously didn't think it belong to anybody so mike has suddenly swoops in claims that blames it for his own so I to get my own brand new one but it's just as small I'm gonna lay in the back of the truck we're gonna make the tinting back of truck and the reason we're that is is out and desert here there are a lot of creepy crawlies and we can't wake up in the middle of the night snuggle next to a rattlesnake or anything like that so that is why I'm making a the tent in the back of the truck as opposed to on the ground we're a little flat here see there's a pole sticks there and then there's one rope here it's supposed to go out I don't know man this is gonna be a progress report so with a little innovation here we've been able to my brother luckily had some bungee cords and so I'm using bungee cords aids it's looking better here we have one tied around that thing there so I've also got this brand new air mattress here ever use this before either hopefully it inflates but it's a travel air mattress I want to get everything small and compact and it's like a travel with it and and go wherever I want to in the world on all these YouTube adventures and be able to camp and it holds up really small one thing that's kind of weird about it is it does have one two three six chambers on it but that's kind of weird it doesn't just have one it's gonna take a little while we're halfway there folks holy mackerel little dizzy this is what we got luckily have a good thick sleeping bag to go along with this let's hope we can stick it in like so and it would kind of help inflate the tent we have our luxurious luckily I have a light I mean this sleeping bag is super thick and comfortable I've slept on this many times this is not new yeah but that's that'll have to do that's not too bad actually folks it is slightly deflated but I think when I get in there it'll be it'll be just enough time yeah hello making fire never gets old what we might try in the morning is just for fun so I try roasting some crickets and I'm not kidding these crickets are so huge it's like people I mean other other people like in other countries crickets and locusts and stuff so we might just try that in the morning roast some over a fire right now I'm I'm full and I'm not feeling very adventurous so well have a yeah a weenie roast and a ax and a cricket roast tomorrow and the final step some big logs and three to make a teepee cool [Music] [Music] [Music] no way oh hey guys that liver that I put on there I thought it was gone it just the fishes haven't eaten it that is weird that was out there for like two hours and I know there are tons of catfish out there cuz mike has been catching them I've never had this before where catfish are ignoring liver and worms because they just want to eat cricket so much that is crazy I thought it was stolen off I just left it out there's like there's no bait on there so I'll just leave it out and when I want to fish again I'll bait it up that is crazy I guess we're using crickets for the rest of this trip look at this guy's here this is the corner of the lake that's all crickets right there just Millions they're probably not millions right in this corner but just crickets all over the wind oftentimes blows from this direction and blows all the debris and everything in this corner and all along these hills and stuff there's just millions of crickets they've been hatched this spring that is good news for us because that's how that's why the catfish are so big out here but I just find that insane how many these little creatures are out here you could even hear them all I don't know what magic is going on over here but I'm going to partay feel free man well it was a TG of you let me come over yeah Brice your spot I enjoy the company start laying into some piggies [Music] guys can you hear the Coyotes I don't know if a microphone can pick it up just like all at once I cannot start in the Ulster howling at the third moon as long as none of them turn into werewolves or something yeah where coyotes wear coats wear coats wear coats they're like guys got one camera was off because it's been a while but I got one night fishing I put on guys I should have recorded that and creaky I was thing about being done for the evening and the cricket literally crawls upon my leg yeah I was like that's a sign I have to throw it one more time out there so I just pit plucked him threw him out there the final bow bro that's a nice one too all of them on the Cricut today all of them we're just dialed up on that they are focused in there wanting cricket jiminy ain't safe well guys it was a successful day out here you know spend the night here I should be very comfortable I've got my gun yeah she has the snake shot in it you ever seen a snake shot ground let me show you guys right show you more clearly in the morning but it has a in that plastic tube there are bb's in it it sprays bb's it's like if you're new to guns think of a shotgun blast only contained within a tiny you know it's nowhere near the size of shotgun blast it's a 9-millimeter blast but I had it in here today for snakes but it could work on human animals if there any lurking about with bad intentions sleep with that so we should sleep well and we should sleep safe before we go to bed I don't open a little mail here this is from it's got stickers and stuff all over it there this is from Jenna Lewis she's from Goodlettsville Tennessee I was just near Goodlettsville Tennessee and she's 11 years old and thank you so much for the nice letter Jenna and she made me a bracelet and they are Boise State College we got blue and orange and it's kind of and it's basically my um my channel colors as well and look at that thank you so much Jenna it is beautiful very well made - all right I'll have that for in the morning thank you for the bracelet it is time now to go to bed I got I have to say though I've gotten a lot of cool stuff from subscribers from the table to the seasonings the gloves and now bracelet thank you so much everybody who sent me stuff in the mail a lot of stuff came this last couple weeks so thank you that was fun to go through it all I'm gonna get some shut-eye we'll see you guys tomorrow [Music] it's cold this morning huh beautiful morning I actually slept pretty well last night so check this out so my bracelet Nathan it goes with the Boise State colors on my jacket perfectly we've got the black we got the blue we've got the orange and we got the white cool I think first order of business is to get some breakfast going look how calm it is out right now would you know like it's so somewhat windy but last night was oh I thought a hurricane was sweeping through last night and a couple of points my tent was completely inflated and was because it was like coming through like right where we were and just like it's late isn't it really big yeah so it's nice right now so my hope was last night that this bed of coals here would still be warm ooh in the morning I feel some heat so I piled a whole bunch of driftwood on this fire and then let it burn down so we have a nice bed of coals there it's still some nice flame first thing we do is we take our little camp frying pan here you see it folds up I think I got this at Walmart it's like seven bucks if you guys are interested I'm just set that right on there and we're gonna put water in this thing first I have to start with the coffee we're just gonna heat up some water in here and make some coffee first I have here Folgers it's just classic roast instant coffee when I'm not camping I try to keep it as simple as possible if you start messing around with brewing things or or even things like I need to have all these pots and pans and stuff like I'll take one pan like this and I will cook the coffee first then like maybe the bacon second and then the eggs all in it and it might be nice to have them all done at once but if you can bring like three pans and have too much stuff going then it just gets I don't know it takes a lot of the fun out of the camp and when you're just rushing around managing things all the time carefully pour some water off in there there we go got some instant coffee some bacon check it out I found my thong I brought these with me that Sun is just coming up over the horizon there that feels nice a little hot coffee look out over the lake bacon in front of me cooking this is good this is fun I've got a really good thing going here folks where the temperature is just right look at this see it's not a big flame mostly coals and it just has it at a nice like medium probably medium-high temperature on this bacon it's actually quite a challenge to cook over an open fire only this piece looks down here something better about eating it out here mmm here's a little pro campers tip for you guys I guess I'm not a pro but here's your's never mind anyway here's what it is if you need your fire stoked up a little bit take your bacon grease and just go [Music] No okay whoa all right we're here okay that was a little overkill they're getting hot I think it burned my leg hair off we have so much bacon grease in there I wanted to pour some often I'm gonna pour off a little bit more actually cuz I'm gonna cook my eggs next and I just don't want that insane amount of bacon grease that should be perfect right there keep them from sticking to the pan so we got this brand-new handy dandy egg carrier here let's see if I can get its job Wow it did and check it out I got this brand-new spatula - I can't prepare for this trip it seems a little flimsy it seemed bigger in the I don't know in the case like that get the job done and I need everything small I have so much equipment with me I like to keep it small keep it compact I'm gonna add some of my first cast seasoning cue these eggs guys this is the first thing I ever tried my seasoning on when it came out when the final version came out after all the testing put it on eggs and I was like oh it's done so check it out if you guys have ordered my seasoning put it on eggs it is good and if you're thinking about ordering it you should you know since these are the last things to cook I'm just gonna eat them straight out of the pan throw the rest of my bacon on you bet like six slices of bacon this morning I don't know why I'm using a spoon huh fine this is a this is a great way to start the day and then we'll pull up our crawdad traveling fish trap look how much the water came up this is the rope is almost underwater alright guys a little disclaimer here if there aren't any crawdads on here I actually wouldn't be surprised simply because the waters been coming up and down so much that sometimes the crawdad stay out deeper because they don't want to get basically left on land if they crawl under a rock at night in really shallow water and then the water recedes a couple of feet and they're left in the mud so I so and it's really shallow out there where I threw the crawdad trap out so we'll see if there are any but I'm not really sure what we'll just have to check it but it wouldn't surprise me this is kind of a tough spot to crawdad all that to to throw crawdad traps from shore look at all this muck on there so I'm not blaming the crawdad trap one bit if there's nothing on it it's going to be one of those things where it's just the location mmm yeah I don't see anything no no crawdads see I was worried about that it's not only through it and like even though it's right out three good ways it's probably like two feet out there and I don't think the crawdads are up in two feet we'll have to throw this in the local my local River and the Boise River and that will determine the effectiveness of it well I'm gonna use I'm gonna take this on all my camping trips from now and we'll throw this out brah you want to coke since you are smoking the catfish over here I thought I would join you crash a little pad here oh and there goes oh my mmm that's tough that is tough [Music] just took off all right guys we sit here with mica in within a minute or two that is crazy how you just move like 20 yards down the bank and suddenly you're getting bit that matters so much oh no look look he's getting in those rocks you see that guys that's what I'm talking about these catfish that's I happened to the one earlier they just dive-bombs the rocks taking about my nice first one of the second day for me this is a gray one yeah there's a weird head like those ones you're catching yesterday were yellow yeah sounds like great nice wink-wink got one yep oh yeah oh yeah I move mitt I'm glad I bombed your spot here bro it's nonstop action you know what guys here's what we're gonna do I'm actually to keep this one we have a one of my dad's employees wants to try some catfish and this would be the most tender meat possible I don't know if she'll like it so we're gonna give her the best catfish we possibly can which is this little sucker oh he just threw the hook which is this little sucker you know and then it's lunchtime I'm gonna start weave stuff to eat some crickets I gotta try cricket all right folks time to start cooking first we get some macaroni sound now this is from the other day and we have here stag chili so my Kyra target we went to Walmart separately you got stag chili didn't you I got stack chili we know what's good Silverado beef going down let me add here some spicy Cajun crosser chips I had these in Louisiana for the first time do they taste like crawfish they kind of do it's more like you know the Zadar and seasoning that must be put on further crawfish it tastes kinda like sadder has a sadder hands flavor you want to try some bro tell me if those taste like products for real basically crawdad flavor crustacean you know you don't want like like that's like crab flavored chips or shrimp flavor like that be just kind of weird 29 like barbecue flavor oh there we go oh he's got he's got you better get this whoa luckily got a circle hook what do you think I had it look at that folks that is fantastic camping meal right there chips macaroni salad chili dog here it goes oh they scatter they scatter before me a flea I want to actually find a smaller one oh that's a huge one we'll let that one go by all of these are so big we found a candidate so there we go guys cricket on a skewer skewered cricket I did behead him I was quite the ordeal actually it was pretty gruesome let's just put it that way but he's dead now we're gonna roast him over the fire as legs are kind of curling up like a spiders there we go roasted cricket you got one well let this cricket yeah that's all I've been using single cricket I don't use your giant a real monster the deep yeah you've got like seven hmm hmm nice bro bro I made you a cricket if you want mm-hmm you want triumph Mike a cook steak for lunch all right here we go folks first time trying to kick this is actually isn't out of the to strange and Arab usually it's like Arab in Middle East countries they eat crickets and locusts and all kinds of things hmm don't even know what kind of flavor that is probably because I've never eaten it before there's really nothing to compare it to you know it tastes exactly like how a bug would taste you know which is kind of weird you probably have to be raised on that I've never put anything in my mouth that tasted anything like that oh I need some chips well my friends tried something new that was probably won't be trying that again anyway try - I'll be trying that again but this is a fantastic time brother yeah dude we're gonna have this again we're gonna deadly do this yeah I love this camping this type of camping thing that you got going on here definitely more there's coming this summer thank you guys so much for hanging out we'll see in the next one [Music]
Channel: Ace Videos 2
Views: 1,960,197
Rating: 4.8380461 out of 5
Keywords: catch cook and camp, camping, camp, ace videos camping, ace videos catch cook camp, camping in the mountains, mountains, campfire, fishing, tent camping, tent, survival challenge, catch and cook, ace videos, ace, ace videos 2, camp and cook, catfish, campfire cooking, cook, cooking, catch, catching fish, fish, wild camping, challenge, survival, catch n cook, wilderness, camping in the wild, eating my catch, eating, fishing with crickets, cat fishing, channel catfish, Idaho, eating crickets
Id: gKauRVdLSoc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 49sec (3169 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 05 2020
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