These Fish Were ANIMALS!! (Deep Sea Fishing Haul)

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] do [Music] they got one wow that's impressive cool dude this is cool how deep is it right here well pretty much 300 feet he's got one too they got doubles over there this is something right here folks we're gonna be bottom fishing around this big oil rig today what is going on guys i'm fishing the gulf of mexico for the second time this is the first trip this is the second time out here and uh this is the first house i've ever gone before it was like a little bit of inshore fishing we're out here by this massive oil rig i am with mr mike who owns the boat and was kind enough to invite me out here i appreciated sir and uh he's a louisiana global he knows the uh knows these waters like the back of his hand been fishing out here for years and then this is his son parker if you guys have been fun and uh parker is an old hand at this and then they have their friends here too this is mr dean and his friend i just met them the other day and they are just slaying them since we pulled up here right here and so guys it's just been so much fun we have a ton of fishing rods with us first time doing anything like this um we're bottom fishing for a snapper oh good right here all right that line is like different colors that's crazy camouflage line nice that is a big circle hook right there this is the water huh a lot of activity out here folks starting off sharks jumping am i ready i'm dude i'm so ready so what do we got here somebody what are we using for bait today this is a little bit of jackerville jack crevalle okay you guys watch the first episode we actually went out and caught that quite a bit closer to shore but uh caught a little bait so we're basically using cut bait for these snapper this is crazy how big is that weight 16 ounces sitting guys we got a one pound weight right there big circle hook going through a big piece of meat right there i see fishing belt here guys check this out little fishing belt action you know catch a big step you gotta put this on all right guys so with that one pound weight the cartridge is dropping it down to the bottom 300 feet around the base of this oil rig let's see what we pull up that's the bottom that's the bottom okay that took about a minute and a half all right let's go show you how the first one's done all right yup y'all know i'll watch you first no problem all right he's on the bottom again reels up a few times make sure doesn't get snagged on any rocks or reef do you have one already dude oh that's cool that was that fast he already came up damn you got half a fish on there maybe so maybe a shark bit it or something whoa yeah oh came back for it dude so the idea guys is to reel as fast as possible because there are a lot of sharks down around these oil rigs and you have to keep your bait moving so that the sharks don't come over and eat it otherwise we'll be pulling up half a fish oh big snapper whoa dude look at that folks bro you kidding me that fast this monster snapper i mean is that a monster it seems big to me it's a good one okay well average size okay guys this is what you do out here in the gulf just come out and catch massive snapper like it's nothing something tried to bite him yeah that's crazy wow you ready wow i am ready i think i'm ready i just got a little class on how to catch a snapper let's drop it down there there's some bait right here make of choice a little little snapper feast right there guys [Music] there are lots of structure all around the base of that probably way out that they can swim they can swim down in it there he is come this way that is crazy my first red snapper folks whoa oh god first red snapper ever got a gash on his head there avoided something down there wow wow let's get them in the cooler what a fight yes sir i'm ready for another one guys two is the limit for snap red snapper here you can only keep two so i can drop down one more time see if i get another one all right guys mr mike is hooked up here this is crazy whoa guys are you seeing this holy mackerel or snapper wow boy are we going to be eating good tonight look at that guys three massive snapper oh my goodness so through this section unfortunately the audio got a little jacked up and it was i couldn't really use the video for it but suffice to say we did catch our limit of snapper which is two per person we lost quite a few fish in the rig due to sharks and the snags at the base of the rig but we did catch our limit so we decided to move on to a different oil rig for some different fish but on the way parker and his dad decided to take this little detour when they spotted a shrimp boat that was anchored and cleaning its catch so what do we got going on here what is it what's this that's from buy you the battery horse dump is it shrimp and boat just anchored here at it oh look at that shark guys oh my goodness cruising around oh watch out ace dude you have to grab the line that's crazy that's crazy that hurry the shark's coming the sharks close me [Applause] nice job oh that was crazy the first cast at this spot i didn't even know what was going on here come on look at that folks wow a big old beneath dude there are sharks all over guys sharks swimming around this is cool so so what's this is this shrimp and boat like just anchored against something there's like a booty that is crazy look at all these sharks swimming around him off huh oh oh we got another one folks got another one good go we're about to run out of line this is live action this is live what have we got i want to see what this is once we start to see when you go to the back of the boat [Applause] got this big wide body oh my goodness oh my goodness look at that folks [Applause] [Music] yes good breathe thanks for gaffing it on that big jig there holy mackerel so what do i do with this beast just leave him okay [Music] oh yeah yeah yeah guys see all that splash and stuff on the side of the boat what are those fish feeding on the shrimp they're throwing over yeah see all the bait this is crazy i've never seen this before folks this is uh besides sturgeon saltwater saltwater i mean you think that's the biggest saltwater fish i've ever caught oh nice those people have a big old cobia up there that is cool that's cool so what are we gonna do with this big jack you got a bonita mr mike has a bonita gosh those fish are strong [Music] oh sorry nice whoo that is cool on that a big pink jig right there folks there's our gorgeous little bait right there let's see little pink head i'll see why you got a little bite stole the tail off i'm just gonna do [Music] whoa like guys fish on we were i was just gonna throw it out behind the boat whoa while we were going and sure enough there yeah a bunch of them following nice oh nice gaff parker [Music] i don't even fish you know ocean that much as you guys know but i know i even know that's a big bonita just from videos and stuff i've watched guys catching them whoa oh my goodness wow thank you lord whoa just throwing it out behind the boat like that it's almost like trolling no he was basically all right guys we're running low on time we're gonna hit one more spot before we head down that boat we just stopped to uh fish around that boat just for a few minutes wow [Music] all right guys this is what i call fish instruction i said this is what i call fishing structure see how big that pipe is most going down rigs have about four to eight whales oh wow oh wow oh i didn't know that what an amazing piece of machinery like i mean the engineering and science that has to go in behind this like it's probably mind-blowing what's on the menu at this spot kroger little live croaker mangrove snapper all right so parker just threw in some chum try to get these fish riled up here and then he's gonna cast his bait around the chum there's a bunch of different fish down there guys look at that little crab going across the surface right there you see him swimming along the top that is so crazy like like how did they not just get devoured i would think fish would just come up and eat them they do certain fish eat them but not must not be a lot of fish because those crabs we've seen a ton of top water crabs going around got one dad back up back up oh mr mike has hooked up on something good here folks wow oh son of a gun we're fishing for mangrove snapper guys uh that's like the target fish at this particular spot but it's the ocean you never know what could bite mr mike's uses just throwing that part out for the chum and he's putting the main body on a hook cool oh fish on fish on that didn't take long all the way on the bottom just cranking that thing up guys you cannot let shards get your your fish so you have to kind of reel in as fast as possible oh little mangrove right there all the way to the bottom that is a beautiful little mangrove snapbot right there so we got some big old red snapper folks that's a little mangrove snapper that is beautiful all the snapper in there folks nice all the way to the bottom [Music] holy crap whoa shark oh sure i guess we got a big old shark here underneath us big you guys see that gray shape look at that dude i wanted to come up for the video take a look hey parker jump in i'll make good we'll make this thing go viral oh we got okay mr mike is hooked up guys this is crazy this is so cool we got sharks rolling up we got oh you got him out guys the fish always try to swim in the rig to uh they try to swim in the structure of the rig to break the line they're smart you know so you got to keep them out of there oh [Music] that's the biggest one you've ever caught in your life that is huge that's a monster that is a monster that's a whole winner that's a trophy that's the biggest mangrove we've ever caught i'm glad i recorded it whoa careful blind fish look at me right quick hold them out just a little bit more perfect wow that's a [ __ ] mangrove look look at them look at them compared dude when he has something to compare like he's as big as the red snapper like folks that's a good size like mangrove right there already okay yeah we were catching those the other day that is a beast it's a man right there congratulations all right guys i'm obviously going to switch to what mr mike is using a little piece of cup bait here get me a big mandrel i got one you got him on that cupcake get him away from the rig it's not super big but we got a fish what was that what was that booming was that lightning from where it's like calm out here oh you can hear it from that far guy's a distant ocean storm and we can hear the lightning this feels really weird the way this is or maybe it's just because it's this type of rod whoa tighten down your drag it's a bit colder you never know let me see how much line you got let me see real you're taking it holy mackerel oh he snapped it sharp might a guy might have been a mangrove that a shark might have got it yeah oh is that what happened yeah because he was coming up he wasn't that big when i first pulled him up i oh i see what happens okay so i didn't lose a giant fish it was just a shark god all right guys if you're unaware of what happened there i had a smaller fish i was towing him up and a shark came over and grabbed oh i took a jack little guy well that's cool bait for later thank you for next time pardon me oh yeah guys look at that big shark bigger shark scared him i want to see whatever scared him big old hammerhead or something you go he's got him again come on come on whoa oh hey non-stop action at this rig there he is right there it's another oh come on come on nice another solid no that's big but he's a kid he's a keeper oh wait i'm getting bigger i'm getting bit yeah something's eating it something's eating it nice catch mr mike guys i'm getting you see that bite you see that bite guys got him i got one i got a dragon just a hair a hair don't stop wait he just came up oh no he snapped it he snapped he did swim out of there for a second come on you got him oh nice come on oh man another good one guys oh i got one too come on just gotta get away from the ring pardon me burger oh you're gonna stop short [Music] a shark with the kobe in his mouth big shark guys yeah i'm ready that was crazy guys all we can do is cut the hook because there's no way you're wrestling a hook out of the shot i mean there is a way but we're spending 15 minutes we don't have the we don't have the weight we don't have the equipment messed with sharks that was cool oh i had that little shark falling he's right there hey hey little buddy guys that was cool look there he is oh there's a couple of them down there hey whoa hey you they see it i'm doing like those nature programs whoa they've got a bunch of them whoa we have a whole school of sharks coming up here and we got some jacks down there we got all kinds of stuff whoa little jack took it let's see here whoa he almost had it he almost had it all of a sudden like three of them killed another oh here he comes again he comes again he's gonna get it he's gonna get it he's gonna get it nope he's not that's cool coming into a little rain folks a little rainstorm this will be a nice little cool off [Music] what a time what a trip do i do i have a wind hair you got some nature look at that boat here boat hair going on well guys i hope you enjoyed this deep sea fishing adventure i know i did parker thank you so much for hooking me up oh yeah i forgot to louisiana there we go mike i appreciate everything thanks for that it's been a blast it's been a total blast out here guys i hope you guys enjoyed watching we'll see in the next one
Channel: Ace Videos
Views: 870,505
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fishing, fish, ace videos, saltwater fishing, fishing in Louisiana, Gulf of Mexico, grand isle, Louisiana, deep sea fishing, ace videos deep sea fishing, red snapper, mangrove snapper, jack crevalle, bait, lure, rod, reel, snapper, bottom fishing, deep sea fish, bonita fishing, red snapper fishing, fishing the Gulf of Mexico
Id: 13FG403fN8Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 56sec (1616 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 22 2020
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