Catch n' Cook Fried Bullfrogs & GOLDEN Trout!

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[Music] oh he just spit it out perfect perfect first frog of the day guys we are frog fishing what is going on guys today we are frog fishing with my brother Micah where he catch a bunch of these frogs we're catch trout who knows mining catches try for some crawdads later we're gonna cook him up should be a great day of fishing and frogging it guys today my brother and I are both using just this little tiny frog here I'll put a link to it in the description if you guys want to get one yourself but yeah it's nice and castable this is actually kind of heavy but it's small enough for those frogs can just gobble it right down a little little cannibals alright guys we see one all the way on the other side oh shoot me no he's still there probably wondering what the heck just happened dude I think you're right I think they're territorial I think that he's just trying to scare it that's why he keeps jumping over and stuff it's just simply territorial he doesn't want to Oh confrontation got him oh shoot there he goes oh he just popped up on the other side there we go [Applause] got it yes fine hooked right in the corner of the mouth just a little bit we don't want to hook these guys really bad because their mouths see the hook just pops right out the hooks just barely get a little bit that's why we don't set the hook too hard otherwise they're the frogs mouth stretches and when and they're just really hard to gather so we actually don't want to sink like all the way up to the bar or the hook we just want to barely skin hook them a little bit they come right off sweet and then once we get these frogs guys I just hold them upside down like this and we just knock them out real quick and then after they're knocked out stick them right in the cooler underneath the ice and we have four frogs forest well guys that was sweet getting some frogs but my brother you can see him behind me he is going that way to try to catch some trout I'm gonna go down this Creek and try to catch some trout we have a little bet going on right now we've seen a whole bunch of golden trout swimming around in this little creek and we decided that whoever can catch a golden trout because they're very difficult to catch for some reason don't know why but they're very difficult to catch and whoever you catch one owes the other one any jerk bait from Walmart so I said he just declared so we're gonna um I'm gonna go down here I'm gonna try to catch there's a huge sturgeon right here guys holy guys there's a massive sturgeon I think is that that's nice there's a huge sturgeon right under this low-hanging bait you see that white tail here let me get it under water Kieran sturgeon two giant sturgeon right here two giant sturgeon right here I'm reading look at look there's one there and there's a bigger one oh you kind of see him right there see that [Music] [Music] look how giant that fish is guys that is insane just right in this little tiny Creek I think what it is these ones must be spawning because there's a big one and a small one they're hanging right out in this little like a gravelly area and just it's textbook like spawning area so I think Creek sturgeon spawning where I can worry about to catch some day where to focus on the trout and the frogs all right guys it's back to business now my brother explored that other Creek he did not see a single golden trout but there are some in this one we just gotta locate them alright so we have a couple golden trout right behind these reeds I'm gonna stay back a little bit but guys I have a little bit of a secret weapon here if you guys watch my channel I got one golden trout all of last year and it came on these little red salmon eggs and that I just loaded like three cigarettes and eggs on a hook threw it out there and the golden trout went right for it for whatever reason these golden trout are so much harder to catch see him right down there there's so much harder to catch than the rainbow there are four for those bad boys guys none of them are interested come on that's right nope just not interested guys you know what we need we need a grasshopper or something we need a grasshopper let's go try to find a grasshopper all right guys no grasshoppers so we're gonna try something crazy here I've never done this before I'm getting out the knife we're gonna get out a frog here I'm just gonna try cutting off like a piece of flesh from the leg that's and then skinning it and let's see if the trout eat that there we go I just have a little piece of the meat no skin or anything on it we're gonna put that on the circle hook there we go just like that see if that gets a trout Oh got him guys I got want to go and try on a piece of frog are you kidding me he just gobbled it right up yes yes come on yes I got a golden trout I've got the golden to catching them on a chunk of frog so he catch frogs then we use frolics to catch trout that is fantastic guys when we first came here today I had no plans of catching a golden trout on a piece of frog but you just got to go out there and you just gotta try crazy things just just I mean there are no rules he can just try whatever you want oh my guys my kid just caught I thought I was like I won and my kid just caught a golden trout guys if you ought to check out his channel I'll put a link to his video description that's beautiful yeah alright well I don't do the stringer man I've switched back to a piece of frog because these trout are just attacking it so let's see what yes guys great enough a rainbow trout and a golden trout on the same piece of frog leg it is a trout dinner boys trout and for all well guys we were walking back to start cooking and we spied a nice fat frog I already used one of those frogs for bait so what I'm gonna do is put on this frog leg right I put on this frog leg right here and we're gonna see if this frog that's sitting down here all right one of us they fill eat a frog foot there we go guys a frog on a frog foot how about that first time catchin frog on a real frog there we go frog and [ __ ] frogs three frogs ready to rock and roll I'm gonna clean these things mike has never seen that it is so I'm just gonna show him real quick here all right so we take our frog he is dead they still move long after they're dead we killed this guy like a long time ago no you just make a little cut right along the back like so let me flip them over so we're gonna cut off the little beat here here we go then we take a pair of pliers and we grab the skin there and we just peel the whole frog like so and there are the legs and then see see or do own we just I just cut off the legs and there we go we got some frog legs right there and then if the Frog is big enough one of the guys in the South the United States that way bigger frogs than we do and that's where they mostly eat the frogs but you can eat the front here too just like that there we go we have a couple of little front legs but there we go now we come to the golden trout really golden trout technically but that's everybody calls Morales here folks look at this this is going to be a feast got the rainbow the golden trout I had to cut it up a little bit cuz I know it's not gonna fit in the pan and a pile of frog legs this is gonna be amazing so now that we have the gruesome stuff done guys we got a little something special here everybody says frog tastes like chicken hmm does so when I was in Walmart didn't even plan this I just in Walmart I was like perfect check that out there we have Louisiana kitchen chicken fry and it's spicy you see on the side right there so we are gonna bread these frogs some spicy stuff then I'm gonna make one of the trout a little zesty lemon Weber don't get everybody was on me for saying Weaver last time highway seconds Weber are you a Weber or Weber camp and we have a for the rainbow I'm gonna do a little spicy mrs. Dash's one of my subscribers sent this to me so we're just mix it up here so let's take the old chicken fry mix make a nice little bit of it there I'm gonna add some salt and some fresh cracked black pepper [Music] should be amazing then let's put all of our frog legs right in the chicken fried mix it around coat them real good I'm not using any sort of like milk dip or anything with these because I just don't have the rest I can't bring I can only bring so many things out here with me let's put the frog legs whoo-hoo I love the I love the sound of things frying that's in order to do I'm going to go crazier I'm just gonna add a little bit more of this chicken fry we're gonna try also frying up the trout and chicken fry oh and then this one what we'll do is we'll just add a little bit of the Reber lemons sec buddy just know that Micah says is webelo and then we're gonna ask our trout ignore him please the chicken fried frog is done I did forget paper towels on these bad boys then before we sample the frog legs let's and the trout the chicken fried trout to the oil boom look at that no chicken fat frog leg you can fat frog Lee sing them chicken fried broccoli chicken fries Broadway chicken fried problem alright guys chimp rat frog leg oh I got a little bit of oil on me yeah trout chicken fried trout that isn't really there another word for trout bro-bro make a wish it smells like fried chicken ah guys it literally smells like fried chicken like a little sweetness to it there's a little bit sweet what is that well did you cook it vegetable no might be chicken it's if it's you just its chewier mm-hmm taste though it's chicken there's like a Kiwi chicken if you came up to somebody with this and it was really breaded and you said mmm I love that Brennan dude yeah that's reminds me Freddie that is a really good ready she confirmed Britain you know what would be really good with this what if you have like a lemon zest ewwww mmm raagh leg you know breading that would be really good is that much culture to lemon zest yeah like that Buffalo Wild Wings yeah I mean yeah it's gotta be really delicious a lemon pepper do Gino be crazy is to cook cook fry legs up like hot wings you fried the front legs and then you toss them in like hot sauce or some and you could you could with these because that breading so good you could do like a buffalo bready there you know buffalo sauce on them you could do up but does it assess the kind of breading or whatever coming that was just because the Frog tastes delicious in this is good [ __ ] opossum paper towels not forgetting the golden trout we're gonna use some Louisiana kitchen again New Orleans style fish fries guys links to all this stuff is in the description then in that fish fry we're gonna add that to those spice look at this lots of spice boom boom boom boom right there you know me I love spicy stuff then some salt I've used this batter enough now where I know the batter doesn't have any salt in it so and we're just gonna plop the golden trout in this sauce really not the sauce the fish fry here just barely fits in there while we wait for the golden trout to cook this fish is cooled off enough one second you know got to be perfectly honest the trout isn't that good in the chicken fries then it just doesn't go well together the chicken fry mix and the fish to me to this trout doesn't go well the golden trout is golden brown amazing I'm just gonna squash the little trout right there I don't have big enough you templates because in my catch and cook pack I can't carry around very much stuff but look at that golden golden trout and we're gonna squeeze some lemon right over top cold and golden golden trout guys do you have a fork I'll go get what I'm not sharing mine with you fork and hand I returned triumphantly mm that's better immediately guys it's amazing that that chicken fry good for chicken good for frogs not very good for trout but I'm gonna switch back to the regular fish fry there's just something about it normally I like frying catfish trout I usually like to leave pure but I think that lemon juice though mmm that's like the cherry on top Brown that's just like it takes it from like 1/8 to that 10 that you're looking for mm-hmm landing that double back somersault you know cheers bro Cheers well done good recipe once again hmm amazing Dave trout fishing make sure to check out my kiss version today's different he saw all kinds of other stuff that I didn't see - make sure to check out his video the other one check out another one damn I'll put them right on this side there thank you guys so much for hanging out I see you guys the next [Music]
Channel: Ace Videos
Views: 1,801,780
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: catch n cook, catch and cook, cooking, cook, catch, catch and cook trout, catch and cook rainbow trout, golden trout, golden trout fishing, rainbow trout, trout, ace videos, ace, ace family, trout catch and cook, wild trout, taste test, trout fishing, fishing for trout, stocked trout, seasoning, frog fishing, catch and cook frogs, eating frog legs, catch clean cook, cooking trout, bullfrog, fry, frying fish, delicious, spicy, tasty, big trout, frog lure, fishing, fish, fishing videos
Id: eTCWMrChb8k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 50sec (1190 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2019
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