Saltwater Pier Fishing - Cooking Whatever We Catch!

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what is going on my friends welcome to the white sandy beaches of Florida on this gorgeous morning the Ancients pulling the golf cart down on the beach I'm making him pull the golf cart this trip oh I couldn't help okay well there we go we are on our way just gonna fish straight off the beach here and see what we can catch this morning before it gets busy this beach will be absolutely covered with people in a few hours so we're gonna try throwing out a few lines [Music] [Applause] I wonder what he's doing just I guess I didn't know yeah I didn't know that happened actually just cleaning up the beach I guess funny thing is I see a piece of trash right there yes that's why I'm wondering if he's just skimming it out see my dad just picked it up there's a piece of trash here so that's why it was confused to me I was like what didn't work but maybe normally it does pick up the trash so what's cool and the water's like this have school and fish or fish running away from the predator or whatever you can see it real easily it's kind of a fun visual in the way so I think my dad's gonna be on top water duty this morning last time we already got some on top where that was actually really cool all right my friends in here I have a cast net I'm gonna try to catch some live bait and use that it'd be great to get a big red drum or a black drum or something like that hopefully that got something oh we got a little white crab huh I frosted him and sugar Sandy sugar only that little white crab hmm that seems like that's good bait and you know folks I've been seeing a lot of uh crabs here at this beach they'll like grab onto the your baits and stuff I'm wondering if I should take a piece of chicken and go crabbing it in a little bit fish on the cruise oh yeah I got something got a little something this is good as long as it's not a pumping out oh it is a Pompano dang it shoot fire it's a little Pompano these have to be uh can't use these as bait I'm afraid they're pretty little fish though got another something I know we got here we go we got a little croaker look at that guy's little Croaker there and another one this is excellent look at that guys couple pieces a couple little Croakers right there sweet all right guys as ASA mentioned we're throwing the top water got some rattles in it let's give it a hug here got something messed up there we go right away got one right away oh shoot you got off they're bad shots that's for sure it's such a beautiful morning out here there we go there we go ladyfish that's what they are out there a bunch of little lady fish I don't even hook this I mean I snag this one it's a fun fish though they're fun Fighters there we go put that one off sometimes you gotta vary your speed oh there's a dolphin there we go got him let's keep him on this time here we go number two is that a ladyfish a little lady I'll use I'll use hers bait I'll use her as bait which sounds kind of weird to say out loud but crab washed up on the beach there oh yeah I see why I caught a white crab in the cast and a little one um I think I'm gonna get some chicken or something for later yeah breakfast right here all right my dead little lady fish sweet all right here we go I saw on a YouTube video a tip where a guy said bring your rubber mallet out there with you so it just makes it way easier to put your rod holders in the ground guys check it out there's dolphin right there like a bunch he's looking going around oh he's attacking some fish pops you that's where you cast right there look at that guys look at him oh that's me you know that's you just got to keep coming outside guys because you never know what's gonna happen some mornings but there he is right there some mornings you come out and not a whole lot happens and then some mornings you come out some dolphins and stuff like that right by where you're fishing I'm gonna grab the biggest one Croaker here [Music] there we go my friends sweet uh huh yes sir yeah that was pretty cool that that attacker you saw the dolphin attack yeah what are you looking for with that thing what are you looking for with that thing shells okay all right I got my first piece of bait out there all right beautiful sunrise fishing rod out July fish just wait for that thing to double over and then on the other Rod I'm gonna take one of these Lady Fish and kill it real quick and nice chunk right there for the heavier setup oh you got another one nice oh that's crazy huh that's hooked into the front in the back wow yeah I think one more piece of bait will do because I might I might use these for crabs later all right guys I've got on mine a uh chunk there let's throw this out ladyfish chunk going out that sounds really wrong got him finally what is this oh it's a Lady Fish that's annoying eating my bait fish a bait fish eating my bait fish all right guys so here's what we've got going on got a Sabiki rig six hooks one two three four five six with a one ounce sinker [Applause] oh got it right in the middle of a bunch of stuff that's for sure that was cool there we go got a fish another little lady fish they're fun to find oh it looks like we might have multiples here kick but they're gonna totally destroy this rig dad gummit that's the only trouble with this we got five Asa [Applause] that's fun well one got away that's all right these are these that's a needle fish there oh that's a houndfish yeah it's a needlefish family but it's actually a Hound fish he's he's got really some of the sharpest teeth you can come across will you put him back in yes ma'am is that a Lady Fish there though yes ma'am I don't think I've ever caught five at once wow that's pretty cool that is cool yeah I'll rinse them off real quick it's got some major teeth on them if he opens up his beat it's part of like the needlefish family yeah that's awesome shreds and shreds a thousand minnows a day I think come on open up bro I called sometimes they'll actually turn and try to bite you when they get real big because they get like four or five feet long and we've caught them before and they'll turn around try to bite you we have a video of it I know these ones uh because they have a beak that's like a foot long or whatever with and you can see that's when you can really see their teeth makes you want to go yesterday pardon me it's a Hound fish like kind of like a needlefish yes sir yeah wow you about a little bit yes sir hey were you oh he's struggling a little bit he got hogtied so oh there he goes by the way me I don't know what he's he's a little discombobulated like there he goes all right guys I just hooked up on a macro Spanish mackerel keeper I thought it was a big lady fish I didn't even worry about walking to shore because I've been all I've been catching is ladyfish I've been watching a guy down here oh he's been catching her lady fish so I didn't think anything about it but it was definitely a mackerel I saw her spots dark top silver bottom next time I'll start walking to shore yeah they're three four or five of them right here chasing you now you like to eat your feet I like to eat tickle your toes yeah they like to tickle your toes that's for sure oh there we go fish on there she goes be careful oh just got away the trout I think is that right yeah it looks like a trout might have been yeah isn't that amazing isn't it amazing how clear this water is oh there we go got a fish on here we go that's a good one careful care I don't want to get you careful it's a mackerel mackerel look at that guys a little mackerel nice that looks like a keeper too that's so cool just catching macro from the beach that's right I think it's first for us it is and I uh I know I had oh I know I had one other one I saw it but then the other one another one broke my line before you came on the hook on the measure him over here we have a little measuring thing yeah he's like oh yeah yeah he's way long enough yeah just throw them in there yeah we'll just throw them in there for now sweet all right nice job pops mackerel from the beach guys there are dolphins all over out there I'm gonna get my drone out I gotta get the Drone new drone here so let's see what happens [Music] so check it out it was a mama and a baby dolphin came in close and they were just chilling with everybody just kind of checking things out the waters were very smooth there's a lot of bait around so I don't know if she's teaching them how to hunt or what but you'll see him cruising through the schools of fish you can faintly see the schools of fish there and they were just chilling with all the people uh very comfortable with all the people paddling over and looking at it in fact they seem to be kind of having fun playing around and they came in real shallow here where people were just standing kind of checking everything out it was so cool everybody was having a blast on the beach and this dolphin is going through and I'm guessing it's just cruising through all the fish you see all the fish parting around it and any stragglers any ones that don't get out of its way it probably eats them it's probably just a way to feed and uh right here this little kid was so excited to get this close to the dolphin I actually saw him afterwards he came up to him he's like did you see how close I was he was so excited and then they just cruised on down the beach and look how much bait there was in the shallows I mean they could eat as much as they want you just see the fish parting around them like I say probably any like ones weak ones that couldn't get out of the way those are the ones they just gobble up such a beautiful time in the Panhandle and then you can see a big fish here doing the same thing the Dolphins doing just cruising through the clouds of bait fish and then check this out when I kept the Drone still you can see the schools of fish moving down the beach and that's why you can have a bunch of lines out and not be catching anything and then all of a sudden they all go off at once I thought it was cool to see a kind of a time lapse of that well my friends a beautiful morning out here but as you can see the beach is getting quite crowded and uh we're gonna pack it in for now decide what we want to do next all right my friends we are at spot number two we just oh pops look right there all over this you see him guys all right I I did not plan that I did not plan I did not know they're like a school of mullet right there I was just like gazing out over the over the bait guys so uh the beach is over there we decided to come to the Bayside to hopefully turn our luck around I mean it was cool yeah pops he's just cruising right there I mean guys it was super cool to to catch the various fish see the dolphins and stuff but we still don't have anything to eat so we're gonna come to the Bay Side hopefully get nice throw pops um we thought let's I haven't actually fished the base side here in the Florida Panhandle see a banjo sweet mullet mullet yes all right I think this now now we're cooking I mean I'm seeing visions of redfish and who knows all what you see the difference in water Clarity um there's a mullet right there uh here versus the beach side but if the fishing is better on the base side um that might be the ticket now what's this I'm gonna walk over to this dock yeah I'll let you take care of the cast net thing let's explore this doc because I Envision sheep's head swimming around the stangents this is just like a beat up dock guys sometimes I think that look at that it's all just mangled messed up um it's just abandoned yeah I think that maybe hurricanes take these out and then the city hasn't rebuilt them yet I guess is there any people live here if you could Enlighten us fishing or something yeah nice laying right on top of the grass cool that's a good find and we'll see if that comes into play later that'd be cool to just like catch a fish on it on a mover that you found we've located another school you guys see that disturbance right there don't fire until you see the whites of their eyes oh shoot oh you got something oh yeah I want to see what these are these are different than the mullet oh look with the mullet stayed there look at all look at the pinches oh yeah a bunch of little babies all right just dump them out on the beach and I'll grab them and then I would say grab that school of mullet right there they're out there hanging out look at that look at what all these little yeah this little pin fish tons of them you kidding me look at that for me oh this guy's all right you just got right on top of them oh yeah sweet oh yes I think we have enough now yeah oh yeah oh yeah sweet well we're having a bait for a bait for days oh yeah sweet all right pops this is what I'm talking about he Almost Got Away sweet a bucket full we'll put them in the uh the proper yellow cooler with a bubbler and all that all right uh let's figure out where we're gonna fish now um yes sir perfect all right my friends check the spot out so we can back the truck up right to the edge this is like an old launch ramp um yeah old laundromp abandoned rocks right here looks great I see mullet jumping out there we got some pile of things right there hoping to get some sheep's head or something so all right I need volunteers I thought one might jump out it helped too both of them want to go right through the lips there we go live mullet oh God I'm right by that stand by the old piling not too close though where you can get tangled up in it but if there's a fish hanging out there check the drag that fish will feel the vibrations let's see I've never really fished for my truck but I think right here is a good spot bam just like so cool all right so me ancient's got a bobber on there Sanger and a little pin fish oh you see I do nice and watch your line what is it array keep them away from the oh I may have reeling Oh shoot what came up oh it was either a ray or a flounder it was flat s shoot put some sunscreen on my bald head here 100 SPF before I get too distracted what you got that's a big Croaker it's a big fat Croaker that is one of the biggest Croaker I've ever seen well it's edible this looks like a snapper doesn't it I wonder if it's in the redfish family because it looks you know like the head shape and mouth shape and stuff well I think we should try it yeah let's give them a go sweet oh man you can hear them they're croaking away okay I wonder if that's because I got bit you know on my yeah with the pin fish so my dad has another one is it it's another big Croaker croaking like a like a frog wow so we got Mac one mackerel two Croaker to eat we're just gonna eat whatever we catch folks Seafood medley in in the salt water wings taste so good all right pin fish on this one live mullet on this one actually you know I'm changing to a cup mullet [Music] what's up can you see that bite [Music] oh my goodness something in your stroke missed you see that oh and I missed it how the heck did I miss it holy mackerel tough pickles for me folks this is a this is hard not having a good good day I might miss like seven fish or something this is insane look at that even at the bait on there [ __ ] exposed nothing I can do nothing bites oh for seven on bites so gotta go get something to eat otherwise I'm gonna start breaking furniture and destroying buildings and throwing people around and uh then we'll be back this evening and hopefully it'll be hot evening bite the tide tide is actually starting to turn uh right about now and start to come in so should be good for the evening all right my friends we are back out here and the sun's going down the Tide's coming in I missed seven bites in a row when you miss seven bites in a row you just stop what you're doing and you say I'm hanging it up for a while and I'll come back out otherwise you're going to start doing bad things so we still have the bait we're just gonna set everything back up again and for the last add it's one hour almost exactly till sunset yeah you got a fish it just was just like I thought I had a bunch of seaweed why don't you ask me what kind of a time I have I can guess go ahead and ask ask what kind of times you have rotten gasp I told you nope missed him what in the heck I I have no I wonder if there's a type of fish out here that we're missing or something it's not like we're doing anything wrong caught a million fish this way this is just strange guys this is the these are the highs and lows of fishing on the plus side is a beautiful evening it's calm it's like 75 degrees like that's really good Florida weather you need a 75 degree day that's amazing foreign [Music] yeah that really summarizes the day right there big piece of trash you know it was like it's like hot the highs and the like it was cool when you're casting it in all those fish and it's like we just totally it's not every day guys you get a big cooler full of live fresh bait like that and uh and then we just totally whiffed on the Main Event kind of thing the bubbler is still going strong those batteries have like a thousand hours of Life on hey you he just opened his mouth he was like really for me here you go a little piece of mullet there if you want it so quickly wow I feel like there are just sheep's head and Flounder to be caught around those standards maybe different tide or something we'll have to come back to this spot guys but uh unless something happens in the next few minutes folks I guess we'll see y'all out on the pier tomorrow [Music] look who came back thank you [Music] all right my friends another beautiful day out here vertical man work um got a gorgeous morning and we're gonna fish off this pier which is the longest pier in the Gulf of Mexico how about that over a quarter of a mile long over a quarter mile wow apparently you can catch deep sea fish off at like a pelagic fish and stuff not that I expect to do that like catch a sailfish but people have done that off his Pier before it goes out so far and it's such good fishing so see what happens oh you only got you ready yeah I think that's what we have are you bouncing that up off the bottom I guess yeah that's cool yeah it's fun that's cool I mean I'd love to catch a big flown [Music] who is this yours look at that three slot redfish those are nice three big redfish whoa dang nice hold out the red carpet for me look they got something what is going on here number 10. there must be something going on here guys look at all these people I'm gonna sneak in here oh big red fish are these all redfish down here yeah good grief and close Gary yeah I'm okay you just sitting baits right now or what pinch that tail together look at that a little over 27. 00 I got them right here we could just clip some of the tail off I have a big Shear for the morning ah quarter inch quarter inch you got one nice dude oh sweet do you mind being on YouTube video Ace yeah he's a subscriber yes I'm definitely a subscriber oh cool this is perfect timing I'm a very big fan oh cool nice dude oh video man look at the other one swimming around with him my dad is a pure net if he's coming I don't know if he's a pleasure to meet you oh pleasure to meet you too man thanks for watching I'm glad I showed up right out now dude that looks like a slot one it might be it might be uh you know let's lay in the first and then I'll think about oh he's here comes I'll take it if you don't mind yeah we'll go here all right my friend all right my friend let's do this pyramid oh wait ouch that burned my fingers all right all right there we go guys nice dude oh dude he might be man oh nice dude that's sweet oh there you go nice dude I think that's a keeper oh your dad is calling you back oh press accepted I'm on the speaker hello I just caught a redfish oh nice you got another one yeah I'm about to take a picture yeah all right all right love you bye uh hold it out just a little bit make it look as big as possible there right now we're cooking nice dude yeah sweet here's your phone too thank you you're welcome man wow sweet man they're on fire right now where'd you catch them on dude oh I caught him on a live pinfish I think nice [Music] all right guys with the Sabiki here I'm gonna try to catch some Bait fish to use for these redfish so I have a crazy idea what if we went back to that spot where you cast needed stuff got a bucket of bait because as the a kid just one of the subscribers just told me he said man if you have like a cigar minute or whatever you have the right bait he said it's like five seconds and you catch one if we had a bunch of those little pin fish and mullet I mean they love a moment yeah that would be good for all day yeah we've got one another three hours while the tide comes I think that would be worth going all the way to there all right my friends we're back at the spot Pops I see the mullet the school of mullet right down there all right guys we're gonna try to catch some bait I think it's gonna be worth it if we come all the way I mean the beach is all the way over there but we drove to this side because we feel like if we get some mullet it'll be fairly easy to catch a redfish knock on wood so nice I think you got some oh sure I want to see oh yes nice throw pops nice throw got a bunch of it yes all right oh thank you guys Gathering them all up all right that's sweet all right all right then we have this thing that we're going to put them in and it'll help keep this neck clean watching throw them in oh thank you my friend there we go sweet oh yeah a bunch of them will you help we got a needle fish you'll like this oh you will like this it's a Shore fish yeah kind of like a swordfish isn't it yeah does that look like where we're from it looks like the Gars looks like a gar does it yeah yeah we'll let him go back let me pick him up he's got all his teeth are like little needles lots of little knees they'll cut you so fast they come there we go there he goes wow look at these guys yeah you want to put them in the basket for him yeah that one can go back he's so small well no we won't use him for big you want to throw that one in the um ocean Laker yeah pick him up going back oh wrong one oh that's fine just a second oh nice oh yeah we got it yes oh that was such a good throw a bunch more young man and young lady yes look at the face oh that is oh wow you got three of them three more mullet that's these are called all right [Music] you gonna pick one up like them can you throw them in there thank you my friend all right you're gonna open it for us oh take those latches off there there we go and the other one too thank you those are those are bubbles that the fish can breathe that puts uh oxygen oxygen in the water there uh we've got I think we've got 10 or 12 mullets so it's kind of dragonfly whoa that is nice job my friends oh he actually flew away oh nice yeah I think uh I think we've got enough bait pretty much I don't think so I see a little Croaker in there thanks guys for letting them participate oh you're welcome nice little tree you didn't intention Ally oh awesome 10 or 12. you're welcome man see y'all it's good to meet you I hope your YouTube video is wonderful and that you have oh thank you I appreciate that appreciate that I've only met one person who actually made their dreams and it's just wonderful thank you like to do and spend it with your family yes fish with my dad yes ma'am thank you so much have a good day look at that guys oh oh hey I'll shut it real fast anyway look at all the bait guys you can see that all right let's go back to the pier you have a good chance of Pompano here too sure and I I don't know are those red fish that's what the guy said are those redfish out there oh those are oh excellent perfect you guys were working quick they're coming closer looks nice because you see it all right so there's a shark right over there and he's like kind of corralling the redfish hopefully they come a little closer where my bait is but they're definitely coming this way oh man this is exciting These Guys casting their baits right in there yeah they're definitely coming closer let me make one poke in the stomach nah I don't think that matters all right good luck sir all right guys my dad is gonna he's gonna chase him down the beach chase the redfish and he's gonna try to walk out in front and cast in front of him we'll see if he can do it yeah hopefully yes Mr watch your videos oh cool what's your name Jace nice to meet you Jay he's cool oh thank you thank you I like Megan what are your favorites that's like three days of the three day uh every those are everybody's favorites yeah eating only a catch for three days I appreciate you watching yeah it's cool for me too see you man Jace all right thank you sir maybe see you guys out here again so this part I didn't explain real well because there's so much going on on the pier but basically my bait was dying and one of the fishermen right beside me offered his bubble box uh for some of the mullet and then eventually he found that he had one of the extra pieces that I needed because the disperser on my bubble box got crushed but he had an extra one so he gave me his and in return I gave him some live mullet and it worked out real well as you will see here so he got some live bait and then I revived as much as I could the rest of the bait and that was a key factor oh man oh man they're getting and close this is crazy fish in here they're right among my line because I think they're right out there with my line I don't want to cross anybody if I just flip it right down there isn't anybody's lying down there [Music] I got got him got him I got one the bike It's Going Under the Pier I got a redfish guys from that school I could tighten my drag just a little you got his head up yes sir all right oh yes do you have a pier oh thank you sir appreciate that oh this one might be a slot too oh it took a while but certainly did live mode there's one more live one in your in your thing in your cooler there too yes all right I'm gonna do it you did I saw him just kind of slowly swim right over oh shoot there he was ah am I over no no I think you're in slime but I think you're in the slot you're just perfect but that fish there is about 20 28. thanks sir thank you sir let's see how close I am right yeah he's been fishing a while if he yeah he's right I think he's spot on her back there yeah he's watching he's like almost 28 inches long dang it right at 28. yeah yeah about 28 yes sir oh well I can see enough of them to get pretty close uh-huh yes well guys a little uh about one inch over the side that's a bummer throw him back look at him go bam took off he's angry angry close too did you catch him on that mullet that oh excellent excellent that is amazing how you switch it with it's live it's just so much more effective oh man that was that was you if he'll make that one's all you oh I appreciate that of course thank you and chase you can only keep one isn't it the one per person one per person so you and Dad can have one okay thank you all right guys my dad there's a fisherman down here that loans us this that reload us this really pass this out there's 20 cents thank you sir I appreciate that thank you set them in there for now we're gonna get ice in a minute thank you sir I appreciate that thank you all right shared a few mullet and we got two Reds excellent guys look while all that was happening another big school of bait has moved in this is just amazing this is Cool Pops it's the live every time we switch to a live mullet because I I loaned him one or let him have one and uh he he caught that one yes sir do you have your redfish for the day or are you still looking for it again he's got him nice another red fish my friends this is so cool this is so he's getting the pyramid nice one boom got him got him nice look at that you can have two right yes sir my dad's with me you know um the woman in the purple really wants one I think yeah is it a good is it keeper yeah all right look at her because she he gave her that he gave her the redfish that's cool all right whoever's is that I am free of you yes I needed a re-tie anyway hey I know you do you get oh hey yes all the time he always goes fishing around here cool what's your name what what's your name Peyton Peyton nice to meet you Peyton how did you call Refuge yes uh do you want our leftover bait sweet do you have a cooler or anything like that that you wanted here all right perfect a few are alive some of them most of them are dead fish and some mullet all right you gotta get the waters out first here dude I'm subscribing everything I love your oh thank you inspires me to fish so much okay cool cool I appreciate it cool man good luck all right good luck hopefully see you again out here all right guys right about there my friends should be good sweet I think this is going to work out all right my Dad's getting out a fishing rod folks I tried to park my truck on a fairly flat area for the cooking and uh we have here some friends that we met when my dad and I came out the first day we were here we started scouting and we just like hit a bunch of spots this is one of the spots we hit and these guys were parked here and at first I didn't want to roll up on them but then I realized wait a second I met him before so dude what's your name Connor Connor all right Connor so Connor's gonna be efficient while I'm cooking I'm gonna keep an eye on him uh easy kind of flounder right before we rolled up right so and Connor and what was your name again Devin Devin all right Devin Devin and Connor they're fishing so if they catch something we'll pause the cooking and uh check out what they've got oh and the Heron is back our hair and friends so all right and the me age is gonna fish too and I shall cook oh I got one more thing here we got all the kinds of bait from earlier we had casting it and Connor if you want any kind of mullet or pin fish we've got a bunch of them so yeah if any of you guys want just we're just probably just going to release them at the end so take us sweet sweet all right my friends got cooking stuff here and in the back of the truck check this out got like what do I want we got got this brand new thing just slap your mama fish fry never tried that before you know well since I have guests now I think I need to keep it kind of mild and for this second time I'm gonna use my brand new jet boil that hey little robot R2 how's it going sweet I love how big this thing is I'm gonna I'm gonna be able to cook more elaborate recipes with this yeah that's what I'm saying too man all right everything's set up and ready to go we just need our fish clean him real quick he's been on the ice close here one thing I see like these big fish they're usually pretty easy to clean okay look at that steak all right guys watch this bring it right over The Cutting Board lay it on there and I'm gonna let's see how big I think I'm gonna have to go like chunks like this because we're gonna make little fish sliders all right so these are all fillets I'm gonna touch up later folks you know I'm not I mean I should make one more chunk I would rather have two money sandwiches they just said their friend is coming so sounds like I'm cooking for bit of a group here there we go plenty of fillet chunks it was really cool how it all worked out today on the pier folks with the guy um helping me fix my bubble box and then I got to uh how's it going Connor said that one of his friends is showing up by the way I need some sassy cues Island rub given to me I subscriber to amp up the amp up the uh flour and a little popcorn salt mix this around a lot of friendly people here in Florida that's for sure another place where Southerners congregate and Southerners are already very hospitable but then when they're all on vacation they're really really hospitable hey how are you all doing good what's up hey hey what another subscriber holy crap man how are you doing you're just in time for some cooking dude your videos man oh cool look I'm getting ready to cook up uh redfish if you're down I looked I was like look like Ace cool man you'd be in Florida yeah I come here try to come here why is there what is going on oh what the look there's the instructions folks oh my goodness there are the instructions what I well I just burned up my instructions I didn't need them anyway they must have been stuck to the bottom of the pan but you guys always witnessed a disaster all right no I'm leaving this in you're subscribed now oh thank you but you watched before yes I watch all do you mind being in a video I don't care you guys are just in time really really just about to start cooking up subscribe oh sweet excellent And subscribe for like two years all right I'm subscribed is that your channel I'm pretty sure it is yeah yeah sweet and in classic form I forgot um yeah I forgot a part of this and that is tongs any tongs in here look at these potato rolls we've got everything for making little fish sandwiches but I did forget the tongs so I'm gonna have to just use these Jessica should come down here to fish or just holes you're digging holes of course okay sorry so you just so soft we're like a blue Raptor wait hold up I'm gonna have to cook a lot of fish because now I'm adding guests it was going to be my dad and I and now it's uh then we added two more and it looks like we just added three more random subscribers so is it weird to see me in real life yes yeah I'll bet I'll bet okay I'm gonna make some sandwiches out of these if you guys are damn look they're like a little mini sandwiches oh they're sliders a little exactly fish sliders how many people do we have so we have one two three one two three four seven seven Evan you want a fish slider they're gonna be delicious all right they're minis look at these look at this all right so I've added mayonnaise to a bunch of these but I also have some wowie dipping sauce and that should be good and then we'll get a little lettuce I'm gonna make some of these full-throated and some of these not you know uh Marlin base yeah I don't know him personally but I know the YouTube channel I watch him a lot uh I want to get one of his lures I contacted him once about him him and I collaborating he just never responded I actually contacted him twice because I had this really cool video idea yeah it's turned into this gonna be fun Feast a bunch of people get to test my cooking glad you guys showed up all right I'm gonna take these filet chunks guys and stick it right there in the sandwich just like so all right check it out folks a bunch of Sliders with lettuce and tomato and mayo and I have here some wowie dipping sauce which my friends in Louisiana told me about and had some down there also brand new bottle so it's still good man why was that so hard there they really didn't want anybody breaking into that thing all right so we'll put some wowie sauce right there for everybody to dip into all right guys y'all want to try some fish fried redfish you know what let me flip this little I cooked a croaker just to see it's got a huge Croaker I want to see how it would taste and uh anyway so what we have here are some sliders and it lets tomato Mayo on them but then I have one here that's just like it was just mayo and then one that has nothing on in case anybody doesn't like mayo and then here just random fish pieces and that's why we sauce it's delicious on fish so if you're feeling adventurous you want a sandwich and if you just want some fish go for it so dip in take what you want what was your name Evan Evan nice to meet you and I'm Ace real quick say prayer okay we usually say grace whenever we're out that sounds good you guys thanks so much [Music] I appreciate this day we have in Chrysler amen all right everybody get hey you want a piece I'll take one now that's the plain one do you want something with the less tomato on it yeah yeah either grab that yeah one of those right there can't see anything thank you sweet I didn't know if you guys were now do you want lettuce tomato on one I'm all good you're all good you don't want any fish are you sure okay all right wait wait just a tiny just what just one tiny piece no you're good okay you guys want to dip your sandwich in any wowie sauce it's really good in fish you just dip it right in there we're all friends here it's good as like it excellent let me try some fish I have as much as you want I will um that's really good excellent little redfish slider that's kind of a first what do you think if you need to add more meat to it I tried to make them good thick little sandwiches okay I want to shove it into your mouth the area this is my front door today wait bears in Florida Yep this is in front of my house Replay that one my dad threw me sideways my dad just sent me this let's see if we can here there we go what a bear in Florida are you kidding me that's huge I mean that's big for yeah black bear I've never seen a bear in front of my house before actually like my dad if he was sitting in his garage and his neighbor set off their alarm on the outside to let the bear to like run away it was in the trash cans it walked right up to my dad he had sit in the garage basically the trash cans are sitting it right next to the garage and just like within five feet because my dad didn't even know till it was walking out of the driveway whoa digging in the trash can that's crazy bears in Florida heard something every day well guys we're gonna cook up the rest of these fish and uh pig out here thank you guys so much for watching thank you guys for being in the video I'll send it to you guys see you guys in the next one [Music]
Channel: Ace Videos 2
Views: 1,306,411
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ace videos 2, florida pier, florida pier fishing, ace videos, ace fishing, pier, redfish, catch and cook redfish, eating whatever we catch under this saltwater pier, cooking my catch, cooking fish, cooking redfish, redfish catch and cook, beach fishing, Florida fishing, Florida pier
Id: 1oKgvSBBz_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 27sec (3387 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 20 2022
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