Eating Only What I Catch for 3 Days!!! (Hawaii Edition)

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time starts now what is going on guys welcome to the very first three day survival fishing challenge on my channel for the next three days 72 hours I can only eat what I catch when this time runs down I'm going straight to McDonald's and we're finished hopefully the goal of this challenge that hopefully is that I can make it through all three days I am going to be on the beach and on the rocks eating only what I can catch / gather for the next three days 72 hours when this timer runs out hopefully I will still be fit and healthy and won't have scurvy or anything like that so here's what we got for the next three days it's gonna I'm really excited for it because I get to to spear fish and fish and crab for the next three days I have here a spear gun loaned to me by a subscriber Mike from the channel awesome blue I'll put a link in the description but you loaned me his spear gun and I'm gonna try to go out and we're trying to spear some fish with it we have here fishing rods so we'll be fishing a lot because that is my strong suit we will also be crabbing we could catch mud crabs we could catch white crabs we could be catching poner crabs we have all different options will be crabbing a lot as well to mix it up and we have a neck here maybe I can go around some tiny pools and gather up some fish a net so whatever I can fish for / gather during the next three days that is all I can eat it is a Wednesday morning a beautiful Wednesday morning here hopefully we'll be way eating up Saturday warning victorious let's go all right my friends first thing we are going to do is try to catch some minnows in this net in some type holes down here we're not doing a minnow catcher we're going to catch the minnows we're not that desperate yet we might become so desperate that we are catching at cooking minnows but at the moment we are doing fine really thirty minutes in so this is easy so far anyway coming down here and we're trying to catch some minnows in these tide pools and use them as bait it is low tide right now so this is the easiest time to catch minnows or kind of take an advantage what do we have here you right you little beggars [Music] ah we got one here here we go yeah another one way that guys some little glass minnows whoo-hoo guys check this out this is called a wrasse this is going to be game fish candy right there oh man yes that's a good one whoa guys check it I got two of these little these are tiny the little hunk fish baby hawk they're spiky yeah check it out looks like some sort of a little sea bass that should be amazing bait if they're not too spiky for the game fish all right not a bad catch of the day we have a well I thought we had five wait one second there's one of the glass oh look what did the glass minnows jumped out there yeah we got five oh yeah these tricky little dope all right so we got five at a good little baitfish there now we're gonna do was uh take them out on the kayak drop them over the reason even get a BP [Music] that white down there is sin and how it's black right here is poor and so the holes in the sand is where we found Quechua thank you these little fish on I'm gonna start I'm gonna start with the best piece I'm gonna use that little rafts that did so well guys you know what we're gonna start with a silver minnow I was about to start with a rasp but last time a silvery minnow definitely performed well there we go guy down over the reef oh no I don't have any bait well guys the last of the silver minnows is gone that I didn't even feel the bite something must've just come over and chomped him so we are gonna put on this little rat [Music] well maybe we won't son of a gun shoot I was real I thought we would get something big that is like cuckoo candy let's try one of these a little sea bass alright so I have them hooked through the lips like right like that that's uh let's hope that gets it dang it that is our so stupid swing like a pendulum what do we got ah your ringtail laughs mmm by the way guys here's one of the rules of the game I have to catch I have to eat only what I catch so my dad catches something really good well right here I cannot are take well guys I got to conclude something here I don't think these little fish work I think they're too spiky they have they might even be I don't know poisonous or something for all I know because the reef fish down there do not want anything I'll get little tiny bites are you gonna get some little hits and then they swim off and this little guy she is hooked in through the lips so it's not like through his head or anything so he's actually still fine he doesn't even have any like yeah he's I think he might be too spiky that's happened once before where we used a really spiky fish and we didn't catch anything on it so I'm gonna have to go to octopus guys got a nice big flat piece of Ock you say we're actually using the head of the octopus which is the last piece that we use before we have to go out we've used up all the tentacles so we're going to go octopus hunt either today or tomorrow and we want more bait please be something good oh no oh it is a ringtail wrasse which are edible I don't these aren't my favorite fish but I'm angry we're gonna throw them in there guys we'll see hopefully I can call them out with something different maybe well guys that didn't go as planned I thought for sure oh yeah more than one fish at least we have something for a lunch here and we'll cook this guy up and then I have something I've never done before we're gonna we're gonna catch in fact we're just gonna show you guys right now we'll set the fish in here let me show we look around on the Rotch here and potentially we could actually catch some crabs and different things but at the moment I am looking for in fact yeah I've never eaten a Black Rock crab either that might be something else to do in the next three days but I'm looking for a little ha so check it out look at these little things right here these are good to eat apparently but I've never done it before but they have to be an inch and a quarter across in order to keep that guy is definitely an inch and a quarter so you know let's measure this one too what I did it on my knife is see that line I made right there I scraped that line I measured it with a ruler so at an inch and a quarter so I can measure them and then with my knife out let me make sure this one's legal - yep that one's legal so we have to legal whatever these are called there we go look at that if I look like a little oyster type thing there I've never eaten these before but a local Thome put these on the grill put a little hot sauce or seasoning on them and they are good just slide my knife under oh they said you have to do it quick otherwise they're really hard to get off that is true here let's measure this one this one's a legal one as well I'm just gonna slide my knife on get them off there this is cool this is like coastal foraging stuff whoa check it out we got a big one right here there we go yeah you do it fast it's not too hard Oh guys check it out [Applause] look at that mmm I'm hungry now won't look he's peein Wow [Music] I don't know man we could eat a sea cucumber these are edible when you think you know what after that little display there oh look you can see as little yeah Wow okay interesting well you know what I'm not that desperate yet we're only four or five hours into this thing maybe on day three I'll get that desperate but right now we'll let the sea cucumber go by check we have two big ones on this rock I'll have to come back to that guy there you got that one off you have to be quick you have to be quick he's immersed there we go got him that's a dozen right there all right so we have a little bit uh we'll put these with our fish we'll be right in business and we're gonna cook a fish in a brand new way to who got some brand new whatever those things are and we had a fish I'm gonna cook fish on a half shell on the grill I've never done that before and what that means is on a half shell we're not literally cooking it on a shelf but it greatly simplifies the fillet process all we do is we go down like we're gonna fillet this bad boy normally you just cut along the spine they were just going to go down like you would a normal filet but then all we do is we just take it like this and we rinse it off and we leave the skin on and we're gonna lay skin side down on the grill and that way the heat comes through and cooks the meat without drying it out I've got to wash a little bit of blood off there but that's the method called on the half-shell we just had this beautiful filet we'll just put some seasonings right on top of that and there we go there's our other half shell look at this this was in the food bag it's a tiny little puffer fish or a Toby they call them I believe that's what it is and I think that the wrasse must have coughed that up that makes me not like those guys anymore that is a cute little fish a little Toby or a puffer fish I can't quite tell you throw them in there that is crazy what they spit up in the bait bag all right let's get this grill going think it's a simple start yep so take our fillets we just season them up right now very generous with the pace videos first cast seasoning guys check it out in the description below it is a little Cajun inspired seasoning I put together help support my channel and it tastes amazing I have all kinds of testimonials from subscribers saying it is delicious oh they worked hard on it move these to the side and we have one little piece of meat that I took off that wrasse as well we have these little guys here I think I don't wait to season until they're on the grill you're just supposed to yeah yeah I'm just gonna wait for that this is really cool to have like this little feast we took from the ocean this is fun I'm gonna blast right now put that on the grill and we will put that and then these little guys here will just set them up right right on there guess that's what we do [Music] and the last one we'll put right there gonna be carefully they don't fall through the grate but there we go got a little seafood going on alright interesting via the fish is kind of like curled up huh you know this need to be cook just a little bit more these little guys I have to imagine whoa juice is filled out of them these little guys I have to imagine are done already probably doesn't take a whole lot to cook them remove them kid guys my dad has joined me he came down when the food was ready you want to try these some years yeah you want to hear it we'll bring these over here and if you want to try one of the lines right let's see yeah I'll do this or not sure you've never had one of these well you know I had one raw Chuck oh yeah when the day when the local was showing us guys chuck the light in fact chuck if you're watching thank you for showing us about this he gave one you had it all though you don't have a cooked good juice huh tastes like good taste like to see taste like the sea all right we're gonna try one raw and then we'll season the next one little snot and rock there very salty mm-hmm this liquor took a bite of the ocean okay yeah that is kind of ready to script them it's like oyster ish clamming like an oyster a clam good check but some season [Music] he said hot sauce we don't have any hot sauce no no they're chewy we're gonna use a little bit of seasoning I would say see he makes a lot better I'm taking some of your food here no all right let's try some fish here this guy was on a hotter part of the grill so this one looks it done this guy right on the very top doesn't look quite done yet so we will let him sit we'll take this little strip off there let that little piece strip sit and try for the first time fish on a half shell fish there is something you know let's take a look at this here okay the skin got nice and crispy on the bar we're not gonna eat the skin and I left the scales on there too we're not gonna eat that part looks like normal fish right now no it's a good a little grilled flavor to it those are bad long and maybe it's cuz I'm so hungry but it's not a ton of protein or anything but it's fun just fun seafood it's like eating the clam or something like that cool well about six hours in and I'm definitely not uh not starving yet this is a good lunch so guys as I was walking along here I see there's a tree right there I don't know what kind of fruit that is but there's some sort of fruit on that tree is that a papaya papaya tree maybe any way I can see some spots where some have fallen off there's some green fruit on it right now but they you can see some spots where it's falling off so I wonder it down by the base of it there might be some fruit we'll come back for that and check that out I'll kind of go later on like this little fruit exploration look around and see if we have finding like fruits or vegetables and all the floor and around here all right guys so I'm on a drive just did a little errand and what I'm going to do is we're driving on this little road here that there are a ton of palm trees and I'm gonna keep an eye out because I might get I could find a coconut or their Ben and a lot of banana trees and why we have a lot of flora and fauna a lot of flora that fruity stuff they have mangoes and papayas and bananas and all kinds of fruit that just grows on trees coconuts obviously and so I'm gonna keep an eye out there's an ABC store they have tons of I can't buy anything it's only what I catch so anyway I'm gonna keep I in fact guys I'm not kidding you I see a tree with coconuts on it we're gonna pull in right here we're gonna check it out that was fast hmm we have some we have some up there those don't look ready though those look too young we also have some of this tree but a whole bunch of them but same thing they're very green look at this view though this is amazing so cool well guys I don't think the every time I'm about to go somewhere or or like thing I think the scene is gonna change I see something I don't know you smell really coconutty but they they're small oh they're full of saying oh okay oh they have a hole in somebody's huh another hole in dang it well hmm well we tried I know there are tub bone trees so we're just gonna keep going keep trying to find some coconuts he just keeps scavenging check this out check this out oh it's heavy it's heavy oh it feels like there's something in it now that's great it looks a little green to me it might not be right not this guy you know we're gonna do it's worth a shot I'm gonna take both of these home and we're gonna see looks like a sump something started to bore into this one we're going to take these home and we're gonna see if there's anything in them this makes me feel so much better but I can literally hear the water in it I think these are right but we might have found a couple of coconuts because I do not want to eat be eating nothing but fish for the next three days McDonald's McDonald's I love you you ready almost guys back at the place my dad and I are gonna go down and look for octopus and I'm gonna spear fish if I can get you in this my goose on a wetsuit it's like a mini wetsuit oh [Music] fitting clothing all right let's go [Music] all right so pretties remember that I am a newbie at the spearfisherman and so still just learning my come oh come upon this school fish called the kool-aid and as the locals call right away taking about to take a shot but they kind of disperse but there were a ton of them out here I look over and check it out I see a peacock a grouper so we're not an invasive one and they say you should always spear those and get rid of them you can't eat them though and so I wasn't about to waste energy on a on an invasive fish that I could not eat so I focused on the Akula and missed they're narrowly missed but they did let me get kind of close to him so that you know I got to switch up my strategy I got to get just a few feet closer a local gave me a tip he said swim down like we're your eye level with them and and a lot of times that you can get closer to him that way so I swam down eye level here kind of hide among the rocks trying to be a bit more sneaky about it because they're just swimming around everywhere and so just a matter of getting close enough dial in a couple just wasn't quite dialed up enough and so I get on them again to focus in beat them and bam finally get one super happy with a shot by the way this noise you hear is the fish they make her weird with guttural noise from my understanding these don't get that big so decent fish you know nothing giant B can't expect too much you can't expect like five pounder or anything like that so I go and find my dad and he cuz he had the fish bag and he was looking around for lobster which I thought hmmm some Lobster sounds tasty I got dinner over here okay so we put him in the fish bag and kill him real quick with a knife and then I thought you know what I'm gonna look for some Lobster that would be perfect with my fish so there's some really good lobster caves in this area so I dive around and looking like I said it the evening hoping that they're a little bit more active and sometimes they might come out of the deep holes in the rocks that's I was hoping for and I could actually see one back in here but it was just too far out of reach and so I came to this other good-looking cave here and there's a turtle in fact the turtle always sits right by that cave but there are lobster up in here too so I look up on the cave there you can't really see what the GoPro but there was a lobster back in there but he was again out of reach Turtles like what are you doing man so I left I looked around for lobster quite a bit but could not find any and shot us a few other fish but couldn't get any more fish that was tough and we have the coconut well guys unfortunately this little fish here is all we got we do have the coconut though so we're gonna go down the rocks here and let's hope that there's something in this coconut and I can have at least a coconut and fish dinner alright my friends good actually cracked open a coconut there's some juice coming out of it and it smells bad it's not a good sign it's no good yeah I can smell it it's rotten that's all shoot it well my dreams of a coconut and fish and dinner are smashed to pieces well at least we have the fish but it's not a big morsel this is gonna be harder than I thought this was a tough day I kind of thought this morning that if I caught those little fish took them out in the Chi like I was like all I need is one five pound poppy Oh or a one of this trevally and that'll feed me for a long time and I was pretty confident to tell you the truth I had no idea that this and and that grass were the only two fish I would catch all day and solve our fish here makes me think of that would you go find some crabs or something hey you know we do have check out one of those things don't take my fish ocean almost took the fish anyway we have some of these things here ah got it anyway we have a one or two of these we'll get some more of these things here well guys here we are I told you have as we use butter not without butter this day though has turned out to be a lot tougher and I expected I can tell you right now I am one hungry dude got a lot of misses with that spear gun the something longer just stupid like the fish was right there and I just thought was a pain attention enough and so I got to correct that tomorrow and I go out spearfishing again so this fish here is uh looking looking about done a little morsel there I'm still having a blast today fun trying all this new stuff I better say quick prayer right for help Wow that's a good fish it's a very strong flavored fish very strong flavors on that deal yeah I like it it's a really good dish actually Wow I wish that was bigger that's a really good fish way we're gonna cook these little put some butter and then I'm just gonna take them all with their own kind of stuck together take him and we're just gonna put them right on the frying pan face down look how they're rising like the meat inside is oh look it just came right out of show oh that's weird it's like a weird brain thing that's crazy this is real survival mentality here folks look at that it's not much it's good if you're hungry there's reason sounds are bursting with flavor it's like salty and oyster II play round I'm just using the word oysters that's the only thing I can like compare them to check it my friends I had forgotten that but about the second coconut it's about to wrap it up for the night and I was like hold on a minute aya vane this one is bad too though because it was right by the other one but you never know we gotta at least try it back to the stoning this mic guys look at this okay so we have the coconut open there and we have meat what's that soft stuff I mean it tastes good oh man yes yes manna from heaven I gotta get a spoon it's still in that soft mode but it's sweet at least I'll write to here what look at this this is a soft one see how it's not very thick the meat on is not very thick at all some somewhat coconuts are like that I should learn that in Brazil cuz they need a ton of coconuts in Brazil not bad at all looks like a little bit of desert to end the day well guys day one down welcome today number two not too bad first 20 almost 24 hours down 48 hours 21 minutes left to go almost 24 hours down feel pretty good um I am quite hungry at the moment last night a little bit hard time going to sleep us obviously went to bed hungry but it wasn't too bad I've actually done in working out that the intermittent fasting thing so one day of like going hungry I'm actually kind of kind of used to have done that before so one day is no problem the problem is day 2 if I I better have a more successful day fishing today because if you try to go 2 days doing this then you're hurt I want to get a big fish so I can kind of eat on all day so I'm not going or going out a whole bunch of times kind of exhausting myself using up tons of energy trying to catch a bunch of small fish so that is the goal this morning catch a big fish I'll show you guys what we're gonna do let's get out there it is quite an overcast morning this morning as you can see in fact it rained tonight and so we'll see how that affects the fishing but I'm more interested in getting minnows right now it is low tide so we're gonna walk down to my favorite spot here to catch healthy catch some different types of small fish and then use a small fish catch a big fish guys I didn't look real closely I should have looked I should have paid attention it's a low tide right now but it's not a low low tide it's just a quasi and the reason why that's important is that when you have bait fish you need to really low tide to where there's like either there's like one escape entrance out of a tide pool well if you see in a situation like this there's an exit there an exit there an exit there the next there's like four just for this area right here and the waves are splashing over so if I try to corner some fish a wave is going to bail them out and so the only time you can actually really catch a lot of good fish in a tide pool is when the tide is super low and they're they're trapped basically so there's not going to be any any net fishing today so I'm gonna have to rethink my options here and figure out something see I'm hungry I came out on the lanai and it's funny I've never really noticed that tree before but that right there is a a paya tree I believe and I can ask you some right fruit on it so at the base of it there might be some fruit that's fallen let's go check it out I see some ripe ones we need fresh falling call and papaya if I threw a rock or something get some down now I can do that otherwise they'd be smashed into these vehicles here we have one more of those I believe that's papaya wheat oh I'll shoot oh that's weird guys okay so one of them fell a ripe one but look at all the slugs on it like big old snails and slugs that's crazy well I'm a little too late for that piece let's look around here dang it that's what I was hoping for probably about 24 hours too late you know if I were to come out here at the start of this challenge that would have probably been a good piece of fruit you know I don't see any more orange or ripe ones oh there's one right mmm shake it maybe you want to follow my head oh yes yes yes oh my goodness it fell sorry they're a bunch of people around so don't be too loud sweet victory did you guys see that yes we got fruit we got breakfast boys alright that I know it's gonna taste so good smells juicy that smells right she's got a few seeds inside this is a papaya if you're if you're new I gotta go dump these bushes real quick oh this is good check it out look who just landed oh he just oh it's just eat a gift oh look I just pull on watching me together and Egret I don't think that's probably legal they're kind of skinny anyway well guys there's a remains the papaya I took my teeth and scraped every bit out of there that I could well I'm glad I found that that gives me actually a little bit energy this morning I always feel like are you just feeling low energy that's amazing how when you don't have enough calories you're just kind of like yeah so anyway but I feel better after eating that so um now let's go let's go fishing it's starting to rain now you can see it's rain is coming I think I'll have to throw the GoPros in some underwater cases but we're just gonna do some shore fishing because I can't go out when it's stormy like this and the kayak to get blown all around so uh it's looking like is gonna be a shore fish today so it's gonna be trying to get get a horse a small reef fish and get enough for a meal and also we'll gather some more of those things and we'll just look in the tide pools who knows mighty two sea cucumber today are keeping my eye on all these trees and stuff we're gonna keep looking for food as we go along but look at this beautiful area I'm gonna fish here it's so funny because it rained just a little bit and nobody's out here nobody's on the beach oh wait wait wait wait I see a sign down there's a shark sighted stay out that is why nobody's on the beach yesterday or a couple days ago there's like a 12-foot tiger shark that came in shore and was swimming around so yeah [Applause] hey hey whoa guys a coconut or coconut Oh guys such good news hopefully this is a good coconut I guess I should leap to optimism look at that and there's more and there's another handful like that it's we ready to use these I have no bait with me because we're out of octopus but these make good bait we'll use these for bait and then we'll eat whatever we don't don't use for bait so it's been a good haul right off the bathroom the first ten minutes of the in here the Sun is starting to come out gotta figure out this mess here alright so we will select one of these little morsels here and still I can cut it in half I being for that size of hook I don't know what I'm doing I've never done this before I'm doing a whole lot of neat things lately on my channel it's trying to level up in real life here there we go yeah chunk right there really tough it's coming on keep us and so stays on the hook well first cast of the day [Applause] whoa whoa guys look at this got a needlefish a little needlefish that is weird gotta be careful these dudes they got nice little little teeth there okay good I'm surprised he bid on that comes out easy enough you know that just drop him in wrong way buddy I surprised the needlefish would bite on something like that you know I just bought something I have a local guy tell me one time if those were edible for sushi I don't know that was pretty small but yeah I was about half some regret that let that go mostly because I'm so hungry but that's so close to tiny other fish there's not gonna be much meat you get you need one of those big Anita fish I got two or three footer take our coconut brat over here and let's see gotta go out to go to rocks we'll set it right in there get it started Rebecca first some of the best fire starter right there got halfway up waters coming out guys look it's beautiful Oh smells good too it smells just like a coconut should it's gorgeous I'll look at that chunk right there thank you Lord for creating coconuts I love coconut anyway and then to have it to just find one you know what see all the sticks and stuff right there they're open hearing storms and stuff this might be kind of one of those corners where a lot of stuff just washes up we might go find more [Music] you know on some Coco's very in sweetness it's going to be perfectly honest this isn't a super-sweet one but it's good there's the calories calories I need I go I'm eating I'm not walking around look for a no one we have 44 hours left still feeling good I was getting discouraged yeah I'm so hungry Oh shaken but remember how thin that one last night was look how thick this one is that is so good in between this and the protein of all our little the whole bunch of those little things gotta learn the name of them we're gonna be alright just like this all like this will give me a lot of good energy to have our little portable set up here by the way those little things are called opt-in Hawaiian I just looked that up I guess we're gonna do some here we're gonna try cooking these a different way we're gonna try boiling and then this time let's see what that does to them so wait for that water to drop a few in we'll see how they taste first [Music] that's interesting just and they float right out of their shells look at the foam after just a minute or two the foam forming on the water and it's interesting because the water this whole dish smells really like seafood II the way I like him the most maybe I cook these a little bit too long they're really really good I'm at cooking let's go back to butter with me today I actually forgot butter sadly enough but I do have some vegetable oil here which we will use all right let's pull some more out of our bag here they're all trying to stick to each other and wait that oils plenty of hot and then we all drop them [Music] maybe oil wasn't the best idea maybe all those water's coming out of them yeah I don't know man oh that looks good I mean fur up sea snail [Music] the flavors good red rubbery again tie overcook it I keep overcooking these dumb bleep at 30 seconds and they're done guys I'm leaving my cooking stuff out we're gonna try to catch a decent fish to eat here it really it's so unfortunate because you see how we need is this it really stinks with these storms because I can't go out my kayak and catch a big fish I mean one five pound puppy Oh and I would be sitting pretty I mean you can catch a big fish from shore but this time of year it is very difficult and you have to wait a long time [Music] all right let's cast this out deeper water this looks like a really good spot look how beautiful this day is every day here in Maui no matter what the fish does like it's just gorgeous whoa look at that big turn right there just popped up big turn [Music] hawkfish cool fish and edible but with how big their head is it's just not worth that tiny bit of meat on there and they're very difficult to clean because of the thick skin I just need like one good bite from like a trigger fish a trigger fish or something like that how does a person by the head and it totally stole off the worm well guys no good see this this little thing in the whatever I forgot the name already muscle is not a good thing I get a couple of bites on it but it's just not good and then yeah it's just tough take a nap I feel really tired and I'm back to that like low-energy stage good news is I saw half of coconut and we have this evening we have to know me of all all the rest the day to fish so we're gonna take a break for now and then we'll get back to it a little bit guys I was walking back home and I see something over here oh you know never mind oh shoot it has holes and stuff damn it's like we had a perfectly good orange sit here but no bugs have born holes into it you see it's black this is old dang it hey I could catch and cook a chicken mmm what if that's legal to catch the couple wild chickens oh that would be tasty some fried chicken you know what guys rethinking that this even though there's some holes in it this actually might still be there might be some good parts so we'll cut it open let's see bring it over here I not you good to use the same knife for all your tasks but there we go folks so there's looks like something drilled down right through the center but other than that it's like a normal orange so you see the black hole there and then the blackness inside if we just cut that away I got part of an orange I'm gonna bring this home actually here's what it is I have to sleep tonight and when you're super hungry you can't sleep so that's why I'm saving half the coconut and I'm probably gonna save this too because being like honestly when I'm really active I see another orange way up under the tree of it that might be well how do I see part we'll see sorry anyway um it's funny how you walk by all this stuff and you never notice it before so you're actually like scavenging it's fine being a hungry during the day when I'm active it's laying down and you're still that you really notice it so that's why I basically I want to save up food for for tonight right before I go to bed if I indeed can't catch any fish this evening hopefully I'll catch a big fish and it will all be over but um I'm gonna save this for tonight this is harder than you thought but I want to win it what our are we own gosh so we have 41 hours still to go well guys what an interesting evening so far so we just are at that or the thirty four hour mark so over halfway done with this challenge it is almost 11 o'clock at night I planned on evening fishing however wind is not as bad at the moment we're kind of shielded by this building over here but a storm a major storm kicked up and started raining started going it was it was nasty out here and it's it's calmed down a little bit actually it's not I see the fire there the wind is just shifted directions building is shielding us anyway storm came wind came rain came it was nasty and so there's no fishing to be had the surf is also hot so surf came up too as well there wasn't I couldn't fish at all but a strange thing is kind of happened this evening let's go inside where there's more light and I had to mine fruit still fortunately our fruit here but I'm not eating any of it tonight a strange things happen I'm gonna prepare this orange real quick I'm gonna cut out that black stuff anyways strange things happen I was super hungry all afternoon I mean stomach growling but then it's like my body reached this point where it's almost every stumble it's like you know I give up and I'm not hungry anymore and I haven't been hungry for like probably the last two and a half three hours and I had saved this fruit till the very end of the day we're gonna throw that part of way it looks that's where the bug went in anyway we have good pieces of oranges here in fact just you need to smelling the citrus actually it's trying to get me kind of hungry again anyway I thought well since I'm kind of like so hungry it's almost like my stomach has gone into this like comatose state where I'm not hungry anymore I'm not gonna reactivate it by eating something and my guess is there's the other piece my guess is I'll probably wake up in the middle of the night and be you know wake up starving and I'll want this fruit for then and so I'm gonna save all these orange pieces I'm gonna save this these coconut pieces for the middle of the night basically when I wake up in an Angry hungry rage this challenge has honestly turned into way more of a challenge than I realized when I started I was like well this'll be fun for three days I can basically fish all day and eat my catch all day and I wasn't planning on the storm coming in I wasn't planning on the fishing being tough and this is this has been like there was a 1-point today I was attempted to give up in fact I keep thinking about peanut butter out of all things I mean I'm not even that big of a peanut butter lover but whenever I think of food I'm like oh peanut butter sounds so good but I haven't eaten anything I've stuck to the challenge of eating only what I've been able to catch or gather Ashley even though it's not hard the farther I get into it the more determined I into Winx it's like I've got come all this come on this way i'm not- up two days in or whatever so yeah that's right now that's all the news you said 9:00 we go to bed where I get hungry I'll see you guys tomorrow I did wake up hungry last night by the way but I didn't even I'm just gonna lay here and I'll see if I go back to sleep then within just a few minutes I fell back asleep but hunger literally woke me woke me up so if I saw my coconut and my orange it's really interesting I woke up this morning and I'm not too hungry this morning it's again it's like my stomach is in comatose in fact I feel really good right now there's this point where it's like forgetting a hungry hungry hungry hungry and then now it's just like I could eat something if somebody set a plate right in front of me I would devour it but I'm fine I'm feeling good rest a little breezy this morning but still we can go out and should be able to kayak fish that is what I was hoping for so what we're gonna do the plan for this morning is I'm gonna launch the kayak and go on over the reef and I'm just gonna try to load up on reef fish I mean everything that can be kept on to me throw it in the bag if I could get like five or six reef fish in my fish bag I would have enough meat to get me through this final day let's see if we can do it look how windy it is out here man it was not like this this morning when I'm using for bait today guys is squid frozen squid it's not as good as octopus but it'll do all right bombs away come on squid do something down there really I just need guys I just need a couple of fish I'm keeping everything that's legal today what is all taking it equal to be grass to be grass yes oh my goodness oh I've never been so excited to catch your ass before whoo I'll take it well take it deserve a drink after that Wow there we go boys first fish today I'll take it well this might be an oku the way it took a real hard run the way took real hard running now it's kind of coming up easily what we got it is it's a new COO yes get in the boat get in the car you girls guys we're gonna make some sushi out of this as soon as we get back whoa that is what I'm talking about a snit gray snapper if you guys are new to my channel oh this is one of my favorite all-time fish to eat out here and boy is this gonna taste amazing it is amazing how good it feels to catch a fish when the stakes are this high so the wind was getting stronger and stronger and was actually blowing me almost directly out into the open ocean so I decided to call it early plus I had some fish that I was really eager to get back I cannot tell you how good this is gonna be guys we have about 20 hours left and we have these two fish was part of a coconut and orange I think we're gonna be okay I'm gonna make sushi out of the gray snapper so right now I'm gonna clean this guy first all right my friends for the gray snapper I only want the choicest cuts for the sushi and then what reducer is safe I'm just going to eat some sushi for now and then this evening I'll save the rest of it and we'll grill up the rest of this snapper right now look at that little piece right there and then we're just gonna take the skin off [Music] nice bite-sized chunks it's gonna be get anything to this side that beautiful filet right there games I'm getting hungry all that physical activity really all right guys so we are finished preparing the fish we have the rest of the hookah here that we will save for later maybe maybe how hungry I am these are the cubed and ice cubes that we will use for the pocket and then this right here is the poke a mixture I threw together real fast it is red pepper some soy sauce some sesame oil and some green pepper in there there green onion I mean and we are just gonna take these chunks and toss them right in the mixture oops I forgot a work for this I'll just have to use a knife stir that around when you can eat with this knife here stir that around we're good you know we have a lot of sauce I might be cutting the rest of that that snapper there mmm we are gonna say quick prayer speaking of Prayer I see why people fast now that mmm oh it's good it's my mouth my mouth like released a bunch of water cuz I've not eaten anything well I've not eaten anything for like over 20 hours and even when I did eat something it was just those you know submitted coconut some of those little OPD this is so tasty speaking of fasting you always wondered like how in scripture like people would fast for three days or whatever and pray and I personally have never done that actually fasted to pray but you get this clarity of mind when you don't eat for a long time or you eat very little and you also get really like serious so like I didn't feel like in the joking mood all day yesterday I just felt I'm not like stir not like oh I was sad it was just like I felt really serious about life and I felt like I could focus on things really well and so people who you know like fasted like if you had a big problem or you you know you're just going through something really stressful so they would fast and pray it would give you like really this mental clarity and and kind of just a seriousness about your life kind of a thing so I for the first time I actually understand really why people do that all right so I may or may not have stolen a few more pieces off that buku that I was supposed to say for later but I have all this sauce in here and this just tastes so good now we will end with a little dessert little fresh coconut mani does that gorgeous - yeah see my mood is already improved coconut and then they I loved about the soap fibrous that really fills me up yeah compared to other foods like I feel like an apple after now but Apple doesn't isn't really filling but just thick fibrous coconut makes me feel full lunch was amazing look at this gorgeous day out here at the storm has passed the wind is calming down right planned on spearfishing this afternoon but as you see the water is kind of you see that's like all stirred up right there but the good news is since the wind is dying down the waves will probably die down later as well and then it might get clear so maybe we'll do like an evening snorkel evening speared fish well guys the conditions have not cleared up this evening afternoon in fact the weights have gotten bigger and it's gotten cloudy raw fish there's not gonna be any spearfishing fishing is a little tough because the wind but what check out that here I mean nothing to complain about that sunset man gorgeous gorgeous evening out here I'm glad this is the last night though this is this challenge has been fun it's been challenging but I'm glad this is the last day I do have my fish and so we're gonna yeah the grill the wrasse and watch the sunset and maybe many of toasted coconut [Music] my friends we're gonna be alright a plate of food that oranges we had coconut and we got fish you know it's funny a few days ago if somebody offered me a plate with a few pieces of coconut on it a few orange slices and it's in a ringtail wrasse I'd have been like what it sounds like an awful dinner but when you're really hungry sounds amazing we're not wasting a single bite [Music] our primary Scipione won't eat are the bones and the eyeball it's really not a flavorsome fish at all but it'll do that's a good night I'm saving the snapper in case I get hungry either in the middle of the night or tomorrow morning [Music] like teriyaki fish right Neku well my friends I didn't wake up hungry last night but I was so tired that I could fall back to sleep again but overall I mean we're gonna make it to the finish line just what the doctor ordered when I want a healthy nutritious breakfast this is what I think of victory three days guys three days it was fun but I'm never doing it again so don't even ask unless of course this video gets millions reviews then I probably will be doing it again in the meantime thank you guys for watching don't forget to check out ace videos seasoning in the description below signing off for now see you guys the next [Music]
Channel: Ace Videos 2
Views: 9,454,771
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eating only what I catch for 3 days, ace videos, ace, videos, ace videos 2, ace videos second channel, fishing, fish, eating my catch, catching, catch, eating fish, survival fishing, survival, coastal foraging, coastal, coast, hawaii, hawaii fishing, fishing in hawaii, foraging, scavenge, eating only my catch, 3 day challenge, 3 days, ace videos survival, fishing challenge, reef, limpets, catch and cook, catch n cook, catch clean cook, cooking fish, survival fishing challenge, Hawaiian, fry
Id: W9oq-DnzUHE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 36sec (4236 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 20 2020
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