7 Day Island Survival Challenge Maine THE MOVIE - Catch and Cook Survival Challenge !

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[Music] thank you [Music] I'm Zachary Fowler and this is the seven day island survival challenge for the next seven days this Island's all mine to build to create I hope this works [Music] have Adventure on and to catch and cook has many unique things as I can come up with smoke yield sushi in the outdoors we are off on another adventure seven day island survival challenge this is so cool I got a small boat full of stuff as you see here this is a catch and cook survival challenge so I brought some goodies to be able to make the cooks better than just cooking plain fish all the time we saved that for the 30 day survival challenge for the real Nitty Gritty survival stuff this is Adventure I got the kayak because we actually are on one Lake over that you can't get to with the power boat so we got a Portage over a dam and check out the island I'm gonna anchor the boat here though because this is a beautiful Lake as well we'll come back up to this lake with the big boat do some fishing here do some kayak fishing down there do some building on the island need any more be said than that it is going to be awesome [Music] laughs [Music] all right the boat is secure I think little fish are jumping all over the place this is gonna be awesome oh two of them three of them let me see if I can't rig up and catch myself some dinner I got a lot of Camp building to do when I get down there so if I can catch something now I can focus on setting up my Camp before the rains that's in and they're like I got even tired on my leader yet what it's really clear I'm gonna want hot water on it see the top more blow up oh this is gonna be awesome there we go oh I don't that one of the bigger ones oh good he got off they didn't like the top water so we're gonna go with the creature soft Plastics because of the tip of the hook you put it up and it sits on there like that and it protects it makes it automatically weedless no kidding fish hits boom hook set let's try again I'm gonna get going before it rains they're definitely into these creatures they totally reek of Annie's oh starting to rain already all right oh man look at that I should have stopped here first and tried to worm right in there instead of going after the Bassin let's get out of these bushes big old bass right there just shooting off oh there's a whole bunch what is that is that a trout oh my goodness [Music] thank you [Music] there we go yeah all right get in the boat all right there we go there's one first fish of the trip all right this is gonna be exciting seven days to figure this place out and really start nailing some fish doing some fun Cooks having lots of energy from all the good food and build some really cool stuff I even stopped and picked up two pieces of Roadkill just in case I get really hungry no I'm kidding I'm not gonna eat it make a uh a maggot farm and then I can use some of those maggots to fish with catch some other smaller fish really hammer down on some tiny fish and do some little tiny fish cook [Applause] all right there it is [Music] there's our Island [Applause] [Music] it's there waiting immortality trip your Island yeah it's mine I think it's about two and a half acres maybe three but for the next seven days she's all mine the build to create to have Adventure on and uh yeehaw k it looks good I've been out here once before I already and scouted it and uh got permissions to come here so don't try this on your own I rented it and have permission to do everything that I'm doing out here and everything that we do in these series we want to do legally so I can only cash catch the amount of fish legally that I'm allowed to catch in the ways that you're allowed to catch them so you got to be clever I'm doing this as a catch and cook survival thing I'm gonna have to be clever because I'm only allowed two baths a day um unlimited numbers of little perches and uh Sunfish and and only two trout or two salmon two rainbow trout things like that I spend a lot of time you know with my whole team just Googling everything we could pop possibly think of we think it might be illegal we you know we get a hold of the game word and ask them they're very friendly if you um are wondering about something check out your game wardens in Maine there is a team of men and women dedicated toward conserving Maine's natural resources and protecting the people who enjoy them those men and women are main game wardens I don't see anywhere easy to have to build a dock first thing it gets deep really quick there's some decent sized trees too maybe I could even build a rope swing I think I want to oh those are no way oh look at that ripe juicy oh oh this is amazing maybe I can use a fish skin make a pie crust [Music] I just eat them I'm just gonna eat them I'm just gonna eat every single one of these ah find some cattails try to make some oh they're so good primitive flour and oh I'm dropping them I'm so hungry that's right where I wanted to be camping up here on this end of the Island ah there we go home sweet home what do we have here big old Pines they're blocking the rain so unless we start getting bigger rains nothing doing right now pretty comfortable maybe with all this rain too enough of it hitting the ground the high humidity oh some mushrooms popping up tomorrow I see some rotten ones some like Coral some uh rotten bullets down in that swampy spot there some of these guys I don't know what this is but uh I don't think that's inedible it's not one of the ones I know as edible so we'll leave that alone it's cool that Trillium those uh kind of Gone by but they're not oh they're just seeds and gush not an edible thing rain is starting to sprinkle down through a little bit I better get set up and build my camp [Applause] ah first wound cut myself on the shovel cheers but a scratch yikes just a flesh wound what a mess all right we call it a draw [Applause] there we go that's all of it cooler with some vegetables to make the cooked more fun drone Tackle Box toolbox my Trapper basket full of mummy tools for making stuff and doing things the saws but incline so we can build stuff flash things backpack with hammock sleeping bag and the camera bag my favorite which everybody calls prison sandals I I like them I don't care if everybody makes one of them I got them on Facebook I feel like I'm Gonna Keep My Fire next to this brush pile less work to do for tonight so maybe across here Maine's a fairly safe place and the most I have to worry about here is going to bed damp if I don't keep a change of clothes dry but there's always some risk whenever you step out your door for a new adventure [Music] so unless you intend to spend all your time hiding under your bed to minimize the risk you're going to be out there trying to live your best life unless you're lucky enough to be born a cartoon character that never misses a step despite the fact that he never looks at where he's going so whether you're practicing Shaolin over top of a giant crevasse on a 100 year old rope bridge where you're just stepping out your door there's always a level of risk involved fabric by Gerber life was designed by parents for parents to help you get high quality surprisingly affordable term life insurance policies in less than 10 minutes as a father of two beautiful daughters and now a new husband and stepfather once again to another wonderful young lady it brings me peace of mind to know that as I head out on New Adventures should the unfortunate happen to me my family is covered by fabric as parents we know that life is busy and there's never enough minutes in the day and fabric knew that designing their services to be quick and easy to use so they don't waste your time and with policies providing a million dollars worth of coverage for less than the price of a poorly made gas station coffee every morning you can ensure the security of your family's future in less time than it takes for that gas station coffee to cool off and be drinkable it might not make you Superman but it might make you pretty super to those you leave behind you could be offered coverage instantly with no Health exam required apply today in just 10 minutes at meatfabric.com Fowler that's meatfabric.com Fowler m-e-e-t fabric.com Fowler let's get on with the video and I hope you enjoy the rest of this special movie edition of the seven day island survival challenge so we want to find some clay some sand some flat stones to kind of Build It Up oh yeah look at that found a couple Stones here's a nice like dragonfly nymph or whatever that'll make a great fish catcher I'll probably work better than a worm or just as good because it belongs here that should be enough let's go build a fireplace and make some dinner [Applause] all right maybe a slow fire start got some sticks from the trees instead of the ground over there a lot drier higher up the dryer up it's birch bark that'll do the job it's been a long day since my last meal before I left slice of gas station Pizza that was not satisfying if anything it's making things worse because like a heartburn you've got a ticket on the heartburn Express [Music] you were sitting at the pepperonis you just got the cheese [Music] [Music] [Music] look what I have created I have made fires wait I gotta build a stand-up table I do not like having to do this haul squatting it down but this is gonna be epic oh all right I think I'm gonna get some water for cleaning stuff but I got my little guy in there that I found I'm gonna go throw him on a hook and throw them in the water see if I can't catch a night fish for some breakfast and then get back to the cooking I don't really want to grab him he looks like a giant earwig foreign there we go yeah I got it out there 12 feet let's see [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] oh like I said to you guys all the time we need smell-o-vision we need smell-o-vision re-experience your favorite movies in a whole new way [Music] [Music] huh oh [Music] smellovision by Fowler risk the sniff when I hit 10 million I'll invest everything in uh smell-o-vision so these videos could be like the first most epic videos ever all right this looks like a hot mess say grace and uh dig in Lord thank you for this first day and that it didn't rain too much a little wet but that's okay I'll dry out and uh just bless this food to my body bless the rest of this seven days of Adventure that uh just give me the wisdom to get up to more Adventure and just to experience the fullness of life that you have in mind for us and the adventure that is out there jizz name amen like 10 o'clock at night I am so so hungry it's like a fish fried up in the oil that's good that's good a little plane now with a stack of tomato basil peppers and onions oh that's so good that's the thing that's the thing all right how about my deconstructed tartar sauce this would be so much easier with a spoon or something might have to carve a spoon tomorrow 's actually really good mmm I haven't really had the location or the opportunity in a long time and the time to just spend days building and creating a magical Wonder World when I was a kid I was super inspired by Peter Pan with Robin Williams and all that whole place that they had the little tracks and looked like they were all lashed together things and little carts and little tables and all rustic in the woodsy and or Swiss Family Robinson all those ones but did you ever dream of having a hard step on a treetop they always seemed like the coolest thing in the world to me finished putting my hammock together and head to bed it's supposed to rain tomorrow so I might be able to sleep in but it still leaves me a plenty of day if it's done raining by eight right all right I am in for the night not a bad day um I didn't put my tarp down so if it starts pouring sideways I am going to be in trouble up to get out there make steaks and tarp pull my tarp down I left it up so he could still stand underneath of it tomorrow we'll get up to a whole bunch more building more Adventure I'm dry snug in my hammock I might have a good night's sleep ah just woke up because I heard the line peel and drag on this pole it was supposed to be stuck I was gonna go fix it in the morning I caught something uh I caught two somethings holy cow I cut a giant Bass and anneal somehow my goodness um okay well I got my eel for my sushi how the heck oh I see what happened I caught the eel and the bass came along and chowed it because it was like oh that's a great that's a great meal that eel what you gotta be kidding me I didn't bring the neck knife still around my neck [Applause] three pound bass well I'm sleeping hahaha I don't think I can keep him seems like he's okay is going to be my Sushi breakfast I got got caught and then swallowed by a bass holy cow the sinker must have been what got caught out there foot long heel and that bass just choked it and ended up getting caught hang that up head back to bed [Music] [Music] all right [Music] hmm good morning it was raining when I woke up so I uh went back to bed for a little bit but now it's looking pretty darn sharp out there oh it's uh get out there and have some Adventure oh yeah looks to be a nice day yes [Music] I wake up in the morning and this great blue State Golden Fingers caress my face slips through the window on a silky Breeze a dream is on the sea foreign [Music] [Music] I don't think I dare to test that one no I'm not gonna eat that 100 year old egg how's my fish doing oh yeah look at that that's what I was hoping for fly eggs now I have something to start my maggot farm with we're catching small fish maybe even big fish [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] can't quite decide what to build first the table or something but first first is making some coffee it is so so muggy Everything feels sticky squeaky bugs are doing their thing give me fall give me winter give me snow get me cold what you doing in there Mr spider you're going to want to get out of that coffee pot [Music] takes a little bit of skill to have a coffee pot like that over the fire without burning up the plastic handle for that many years at least 20 I think thank you oh yeah all right coffee time oh that's nice [Music] foreign so hot out here it reminds me of an old Chinese proverb I think I went something like from the windows to the wall the sweat drips down my forehead or something like that I don't know why that's on my mind it's just so hot I can't think straight I wonder if I couldn't Bushcraft an AC unit what would that take I suppose I would just be a fan though all right gotta deal with my eel it's gonna be hard I gotta skin it oh there's my hook if I don't deal with it now the Flies and stuff will get to it I've had it covered up in the bucket now getting the skin off of these can be a pain in the neck and I might have already cut its head too much and a pair uses the Grim tweezers so I'm gonna take advantage of that little serration it's on the both of them I put those together and see if I can't use that to pinch the skin once I cut around a little bit it's actually giving me a really good grip on the skin tweezers are doing their thing with the heads ripping off it's part of my bigger problem right now ah got it one stripped eel and an eel skin I could totally use to make a fishing lure and catch some catch another one because Bass love that eel skin smoke that till it's uh edible completely edible without having to take all the bones out and stuff and then chop her up and put it into some smoked eel sushi rolls that'll be good build a quick smoking tripod nothing too complicated smoking any fish really adds a lot to it if you have to eat fish plain but you can smoke it for a number of hours you'd be surprised how much flavor you get out of it [Music] foreign [Music] there we go that's pretty cool it'll keep enough smoke onto it while I'm gone I'll put a bunch more water around it that way it smolders the smoke comes up the Flies don't get to it smoke keeps getting onto it it keeps doing its long smoking process if you look closely here you can see I use rotten Punky wood it's extremely wet from the night before his rain and so is everything else around here otherwise I wouldn't be doing this rotten wood and Greenwood will smoke if you don't put too much on and not flame up I have a lot of experience with this living in a reed bamboo Hut for 87 days with an open fire so don't try this at home unless you got that kind of credentials and it'll be safe enough while I'm just over here doing a little bit of fishing for something to eat right now because I'm getting hungry so we better go uh go do that let's see what we can find for fish today I think I'll head back up the river to where that uh that Beaver Lodge is I saw a lot of little little Sunfish you know small things like that wow this is just like almost undescribably beautiful it's like hard to hard to say you just being able to see down into the water [Music] oh big old bass right there [Music] turtle frog or turtle but there's some big old snapping turtles in here too that chain pickerel yep small chain pickerel make something out of this [Music] turn that into a lure the plug go ahead and rub some water with me single hooks let's see the fishing I'm gonna fish this without the poles yeah possibly I almost want some really long hooks to lash to it all right I think I'll use some of these from Dave canterbury's card I like these bigger hooks I'll have to use some sinkers from my own stuff to see if I can't bring that eel down but that might work to our advantage too because it might pull it down and the plug floats up and I'll boop boop boop oh man fish are gonna love this oh yeah look at the size of that hook that is you ow that's sharp man I just can't help but like cut myself on everything out here right now I put some blood on the hook get some scent in the water I'll go with two hooks kind of trebled up by taking these bigger hooks and hanging those from the bigger hook like that so now it's a homemade treble each one of them yeah how to fasten the hooks and stuff to this if I put the skin on this first I won't be able to get the hooks onto it if I don't put the hooks on this first I won't be able to get those two eyes to tie onto there we go and had to bend it open a little bit and then I just got to pound it in oh that's biting into there really good all right and I'll make it go that way so as it slides down the skin I can poke that back through and tie onto that let's put a second one on here [Music] it's making squeaky noises I could just blow and it'll pop out [Music] let's see oh I'm gonna put my mouth this oh that was disgusting [Music] now stick the plug in [Music] some Tails so it's like that through the water but tie it onto the head this is crazy [Music] that feels pretty solid well what do you think I think it's gonna work [Music] you gotta fish it I fish it real good [Music] see if she catches fish fire one [Music] [Music] well sounds a little red-eared sunfishes and stuff in here I think we'll just give that a go that we can do a little hand lining I will use the floss card why not it's a lot in this floss card man there's a lot of little fish in here swivel or spinny thing I bet you if I give it a little twist it'll spin the water create some activity I'm gonna thread on one of these little spoon like things and then a little tie on a hook let's see what that looks like in the water [Music] oh yeah there we go ah there we go a little red-eared sunfish that didn't take more than a cast or two we'll try some more of these and then uh at least we'll have something like that for dinner we can get a whole pile of these [Music] also make a beautiful meal foreign there we go two oh that's not a oh that's a bass oh did I get him ah I got him that's about the same size as what I got yesterday all right I'll take it yes just on that little hook a little hook and and a piece of worm we've been at it long enough today that I got other things I want to do fish for the bucket I'm gonna catch as many and eat as much as I possibly can tonight yesterday I didn't eat that much oh there's a big one right in front of me that's like a five pounder holy cow there's no way I can land that there's no way I can land this try the eel this will be my PB if I could hook this guy he's I think I lost his interest and he moved off after that last hit he tasted something funny there he is there he is that's all right let him run it out let him run it out oh I lost him darn he was pulling me look at this pulling me all around and everything oh don't get stuck in the weeds there we go my goodness was that the beaver another one oh this one's a little I wasn't throwing up I don't know it's not so bad I'll take it they both seem to thank you gotta catch a certain type of fish to have an enjoyable meal but man they all have a wonderful flavor to me [Music] oh is that a snapping turtle oh hi Mark I could have caught that snapping turtle with my feet don't think I'd want to [Music] all right better head back all right home sweet home all right and the Victorious Hunter returns home with his bucket full of little fishes what did I get anyways five uh the little red-eared Sunfish and one smaller Bass not too shabby for just uh rocking some survival cars I'm pretty psyched that'll uh add up to quite a bit of food actually yeehaw looking pretty dry and there's no flies or anything still some good heat here I can just restart the fire cool thank you foreign [Music] now that I started breeding flies over there from my fish attractor slash catching fish flies want to get on my fresh fish [Music] oh trash perfect and boom I can use those [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] I even got a little thing for my bucket sink so much for going to bed early 10 o'clock at night that's crazy so let's do up these fish I'm gonna fly them up on this without having to use my cutting board I really don't want to do that oh it's way better than yesterday that's nice hmm oh I'm looking around like what do I what do I do with my fishy hand oh butter clean it up if you didn't guess I'm tickled with my own creativity Tackle Box lid plastic it's perfect for this it's like a plastic cutting board it already smells fishy it can't get any worse and I can always clean it off tomorrow perfect faux Lays boom one fish nugget ready to be El cucode Filet-O-Fish oh yeah oh I love my table this is so cool this is so much better having a table oh I love this knife it was a little harder cutting stuff with my finger being all messed up because I can cut all these with my eyes closed right now like I cut this tomato just kidding without uh looking because of the way I do it riding the blade the the side of the the side right there about there about right there against the knuckle right here on my knuckle yeah you must cut only the onion yes not me [Applause] hello thin little slices you just want confetti to go on basically strips of confetti now last but not least Z mango I do not know how this is going to go is there wild chickens out here kind of work the fish around in there with the egg pork grind panko I'll throw some of this Aces I guess I got some moisture into it oh yeah this is working great there just got to get his Panda rinsed [Music] foreign [Music] the bass ones are kind of big the other ones are perfect that is lovely now I could put all my fixings in them a little slice of mango great I'll just go like this there we go what what oh unbelievable basil some onion some cabbage I had tomatoes on top Final Touch the hot sauce a little bit on each one of them oh my goodness [Applause] no Bon Appetit thank you for this meal for the adventure the opportunities you provide to spend in your Outdoors what's his name amen that is so good so good that is good oh yeah all those tomatoes and vegetables and that crispy fried up fish with a just slight bacony Porky flavor that um I'm gonna bag these up take a dip and tuck it in for the night I think oh beaver oh Beaver oh Beaver I'm coming in blue oh that feels better oh Lillian bucks well [Applause] all right in for the night that swim felt good it was worth it but I already feel like muggy ah [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] good morning another beautiful day in the neighborhood my finger up here is healing up good but right there it's a little on the red side I think I gotta try to find something to do that I'll have to get out of bed make some coffee oh I forgot I didn't do my dishes last night kitchen's a mess ah single guys in the woods I mean what are you gonna do all right let's do this foreign [Music] look at this mess okay oh look at my sink uh change out my water and wash my dishes [Applause] any coffee left from yesterday I hear something there [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] looks good everything oh look at that it's clean sink it's clean maybe I'd do the same thing with this little dry and rack area I do love that walk just uh just like cast iron to boil it clean wipe it out treat it with new oil good to go all right all right oh my Camp is clean now it's officially clean [Music] [Music] to your diary I wonder how I'll Be Remembered in the future not just like a little ways from now but like the far of our future where the the trees are all gone and the and the fish are all gone and there's no choice but to go live in space and they find my videos well I'd be vilified like some sort of a Bushcraft Darth Vader killing all the fish so I could eat them and chopping down all the trees so I can build stuff ah who are we kidding they're all gonna be fat and riding and hover sleds and won't care anyways wow that got dark really quick well there's always the Matrix to get plugged into whoa ah flies are getting a little Annoying I think I got to build my little maggot feeder and get him out of here the dead stuff area over there is getting a little gnarly uh and but I got the Flies and the stuff growing on it that I wanted so Now's the Time to put it here in the water somewhere downwind so I gotta find my Grim card make a net I think and then I can put the dead stuff in the net and hang it from a stick in the water where I can cast around let's see what we got here card with the net needle that's what we need making is really quite easy to do it's uh and it's kind of fun it's it's like knitting for men okay let me try to fix this I'm just thinking like making is more useful than knitting we can't make a hammock out of it knitting or crocheting even so it's more of a girly thing whereas net making you can catch a fish or make a nice hammock boy I'm pretty sure that's going to come back to bite me in the comments not the prettiest net I've ever made but that should do it dropped my dead stuff in there not too shabby took me about I don't know 45 50 minutes probably should have done finer holes at the bottom I started out with a circle and then just kept increasing uh I doubled it now I just got to get them in there this is gonna be a nasty nasty and get them out of here because they just smell it well when all that grossness back into camp [Music] [Music] somehow grosser than I thought it would be and uh all right gotta get this done oh [Music] all right I even went and grabbed the fish from last night I don't want those rotting near Camp what a gnarly looking bundle that is huh I shoot my rods are all tangled up in the tree so I got to build a dock oh this would kind of be the ultimate if I could like come from the island and sit on this rock and there's a giant crevice underneath that rock well that's pretty cool this side of the Island's all Rocky the other side's all weeds it's got such a nice mix of uh you know Agriculture and just wildness well the beaver cut this tree down the wind's been going this way the entire time so if I put it over here between the weeds in the tree I could probably trim a little bit walk out the tree and put it right in here see if this will even work though there's lots of gravel that's pretty sturdy oh I'm gonna keep my balance gotta get near it [Music] oh gross it touch the rest of my boat no ah disgusting uh it's touching all kinds of stuff I haven't touched me yet though come on come on get it on there oh well it's not like this boat could smell any fish here just kidding I don't really have that big of a gag reflex there mission accomplished ah wow all that hard work surprisingly enough it's kind of made me kind of hungry I think I'm gonna have my uh tacos from last night oh man I guess I really didn't take that into account I thought maybe they'd be a little soggy but like this is like wet noodle soggy kinda that's not appetizing uh I'm pretty hungry though so let's I'll give it a bite huh pretty good oh we're at cigarettes um thank you Lord for the abundance of fish and fish tacos just name amen oh my goodness and tomorrow and the next day hurricanes coming in so Hee-Haw that's still really good probably think I'm nuts but one of my favorite things is whole belly clams fried but not the day that you get them you leave them in the back of the truck bed for a day and the next morning you go out and open up that styrofoam container and sprinkle some salt on them and eat them left over like that oh man so good it's got to be a truck bed though and you can't nothing weird can happen to him you can't have a raccoon climb up and get into them after two days in the outdoors and two nights of sleeping in the hammock even as muggy as it is without my fan and all my Comforts at home just feel energized it feels like Juiced feel like jacked on the outdoors I don't know why else to put it and all kinds of things just bubbling out of my mind here just ideas ideas I'm thinking ideas like slingshot that shoots my lure and uh and uh and and a worm and a hook out out off of a dock and a dock that that I could put my boat at so I don't have to like climb in and out of the boat and it's all flopped to the side I could tie it to a dock and another place to put the cooler like over here so it's on the stand so the top of it is right here so I can also use that for cutting up fish on oh I hear it the Drone it's coming where is it no where is it I hear it can't tell what direction it's coming from over there no that way no I think it's coming from that way I don't know how it's going to make it down through the trees [Music] holy cow all right oh geez I hope I didn't pick anything breakable I can't I don't think I did what we got in our package another mystery tackle box and another Elite mystery tackle box oh clear googan wins that would have been great for yesterday's bass that would give me trouble oh that's what I needed all these the Yodo worms but it's it's like a big leech and I feel like this is kind of a lychee Place frogs oh I'm excited about these I love the googan base I don't care if people say they're too expensive and stuff I can't get over the smell of these oh like Annie's and I don't know what it is maybe there's garlic too but I'll like mostly I just get that Annie smell it's like I love the look of this guy it looks kind of grumpy I was looking forward to this one digging straight down for the trout and or salmon this will be great and a nice little hard swim bait is perfectly matches the fish that are in here all right everything I ordered oh I am so sweaty I think I'm throwing on a new shirt ah fresh shirt I love my gadgets and gizmos can I say and I think I might have a shopping problem my name is Joyce and I'm a shopaholic okay hang in there Joyce what about you hi I'm Fowler and I'm a shopaholic let's get up to the Upper Lake and take the big boat out I have haven't taken it out with the new trolling motor with spot lock and the Garmin so we can see down deep and see if we can't Target something better than uh the old bass and uh bass and and and bass and bass and bass catch something really good for dinner [Music] headed on the highway headed for adventure and everything is stuck to everything else my Lua is not very alluring today oh stinks I might just save that in my memorabilia box even though I didn't catch anything on it it's still pretty darn cool that I made a lure out of the uh skin from that eel that's funny everybody's been at least where are arts and all this stuff let me tell you exactly where I am you can see the four states that border Springfield Ohio Nevada Maine and Kentucky didn't really think I was going to tell you where I am this is my new favorite spot if I can someday I'm gonna buy me a lake house on this Lake this is beautiful [Music] just so much to look at it's so clear the water amazing I wonder if that beaver's coming all the way down from here so I'm all the way down take the sticks off of that aisle [Music] I know I said we go to the boat further up but I just can't just can't pass up one more shot with all this new stuff at that big guy again see if he's still in here meep done I just I got a good feeling about this white and sparkly guy and weedless let me Chuck it right on top of the Beaver Lodge and then pop it out of there and let it fall right through the stick see if we'll take the bait foreign [Applause] little Bass a little bass not the big guy goodbye let's head up over the damp you go to the big boat [Music] there we go [Music] there she is right where I left her [Music] perfect [Music] okay [Music] okay [Music] all right now to find the fishes where are all the fishies I know that on the map I've looked at Somewhere Out There is where I'm hoping to find the fish foreign [Music] with the trolling motor and get a more accurate view of what's going on down below with the Garment perfectly clear ah so excited I'm going to do this for so long this whole trip all kinds of fun things that I've wanted to do I keep finding myself too busy to do them now I'm doing it I can see the bottom there's the trolling motor trout worm I won't be able to resist that fish on hey John oh oh I lost him ah there he goes back down darn it looks like a Ready for War we got one on the nose one on the tail hooks everywhere all right let's do this ah I got him a bath a smallie a smallmouth bass ah [Music] wait I got something oh another smallie all right oh he's just jumped into the Garmin no back into the sea you can see him [Music] all right what else we got in here we're going super tiny to catch dinner so papa wants to eat it's getting darker and foggier and creepier and lonelier all the howling of the wind and this howling of the strings and the the fishing line creaking in that thing jeepers going ice fishing style tiny hook tiny lure tiny bit of worm and a whole lot of fish oh ah it's definitely a whole bunch of smallmouth bass down there keeping this one and then we'll move over and see if there still isn't something somewhere else closer to Short yep yeah all that's in this Lake well it's nothing to write home about and it certainly isn't a trout it's like a video game that I'm losing no I don't want you you're a tiny air fish let's go [Music] very successful in my fish catches during this seven day challenge here on the lake Chris and I went back after the fact we brought the Drone with us and we got some beautiful footage of the bottom of the lake in the areas that I was fishing I accidentally recorded one of them in time lapse but it it's such an innate look at the bottom of the lake and I was fishing right in this spot here so I don't know why I wasn't catching some of these bigger fish but they're down there and this is what I'm looking for whenever I'm fishing a spot I'm using the fish finder or a map on the phone looking for an area that pushes up from the bottom it's not the deeper holes it's about 23 feet right here and it is full of small mouth bass and largemouth bass and Chris and I managed to nail a couple good ones when we went back [Music] foreign nope and yes it's a different fish which is perfect I think there's a whole school room down there it's a little one of these little red-eared Sunfish again oh my goodness that's two of them that jumped into the Garmin good [Music] foreign [Music] there I think that's the best one I've caught so far on this trip it's like two pounder kept paddling past all these baths just laying in here and now I'm in the other Lake so two Bass from the small mouth from up in the other one the little bluegill and the new Lake one bath two tinier basses ah haha that's a good one 15 inches two pounder two pounder oh got hot from all that paddling apparently they're feeding after jerk and guess what I am too I think I'm gonna make some uh ramen noodles [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right let's see let's see Lord thank you for this food and blessing me with this fish right when I need and ramen noodles just name amen all right let's try it out so excited so excited I wanted to try this recipe for a long time that is so good ramen noodles by the campfire oh other than that just hit the spot catch and cook ramen noodles sesame seeds I almost forgot the best part nothing like a little oh or a lot of sesame seeds that mix those in it just adds that little bit of something special um totally worth waiting until one o'clock in the morning holy cow it does not look good for this adventure uh hurricane is coming this way I'm not excited about that oh that's bite was spicy I'm gonna spend all the jalapenos at the bottom I still got some cleanup to do I better do that before I can't get up at all there we go in for the night not a not a bad day all in all hopefully tomorrow the hurricane isn't uh too bad thank you [Music] foreign [Music] wow that'll wake you up man that feels good [Music] all right I feel like a million bucks now I think I'll make this better coffee [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] that's nice coffee's done oh [Applause] Sunday I have to try to take it a little bit easy today I really I did so much yesterday I'm already I'm calorie deficit for sure I'm so hungry at this time in the morning or I should say it's noon it's noon uh slacking slacking but it is Sunday supposed to be a day of rest that's a hard thing I'm reading about uh David and Saul that uh David was being chased by Saul and he was hiding in a cave and Saul comes in and he goes to the back of the cave to do his business or whatever and David sneaks up and cuts off a piece of his robe and when all of his men were telling him to kill Saul because he was already uh uh ordained to become king and uh and he comes out when Saul leaves the cave and and tells him that you know he had the chance to kill him and he didn't do it and here's Saul for no reason is seeking to kill him because he knows that he's going to become king someday and he doesn't like it he's lost all of God's grace on his life because he just didn't obey but the whole point is and the thing that I find so hard sometimes is that uh it talks about Saul saying to him you rewarded me with good when I just I was intended to do evil to you you are more righteous than I like how hard is that you know when people do wrong to us to and maybe it even feels like God delivered them to our hands that we could take our retribution even legal retribution at times and instead to reward them with Mercy and wait for your reward even if it means you get no reward or you don't even get back what you lost but to give them mercy and to give them love you wouldn't think I'd have many problems like that in my life with different things but I've had people steal from me recently and um people deceive and people try to trick for you know large chunks of money and stuff I had the opportunity and mercy is for the week huh give them Grace prayerfully because of that that person might might see that love that was was reached out to them and instead of experiencing resentment and that they were turned in and their life is ruined and and turning that into uh self-justification and and all that that they might have the chance to be restored to uh a healthier state yeah this day's getting super dark and looks like it's gonna rain a whole bunch thank you [Music] [Applause] dear diary I've spent 87 days while living alone up in the Andes Mountains on history's alone show not watching any TV and when I came back my biggest shock was I didn't really miss anything but for the North Pond hermit he went into the woods in 1986 and was there for 27 years and only spoke one word to another person when he accidentally passed them on the trail you see he lived off grid like that in a little tent in the woods stealing what he could from camps and never having interaction with another person his only interaction with the world was the books that he stoled in reading them so when he disappeared in 1986 it was like Elf On TV Matlock and the a team and when he came out the first time he turned the TV on the kind of things he would find in 2013 were well the Gilmore Girls and Jerry Springer and the bachelor I wonder what his reaction was to all that thank God I'm blind all right what to do now I'm hungry I'm really hungry I think I'll cook that fish from last night so it doesn't go bad I didn't do anything with the blueberries yet so maybe I'll do a bacon blueberry sauce over Bass and the little other fishes that I got there bass and uh well smallmouth bass and largemouth bass that sounds like a delicious uh Sunday brunch oh grasshopper I was just looking for something to put the blueberries in nice things looking pretty gnarly after I've been smoking my yield still needs a bit more smoke and then it'll be ready for the smoked eel sushi fish love grasshoppers where am I going to put him though I got two of these from wazoo they're uh this one needs a bath got a whole little key with Legends and stuff edible poisonous medicinal but I'll wrap my little grasshopper up in here until I'm ready to use him [Music] thank you so that's enough blueberries I think to do a one-person blueberry bacon sauce over top of my fish is gonna be good I think first I gotta cook them so I'm gonna put those in the pressure cooker in the broth from yesterday whatever ones I don't fish out later I can have in there as part of my fish stew and bring that back to a rolling boil and soften those taters up precious Brussels potatoes the hard thing is without having tons of pans and easiness to wash it I got to pick the right order to do this All In I think the first thing I need to do is crisp up my bacon this goes completely against my knee to remind you I am not a huge crispy bacon fan I like mine raw um onion oh the smell of these is cutting this herbs up oh smells so good living the life can't do that at home just throw my Pieces away like that a little bit of the green onions I have to make a scouring brush out of just some leaves yeah well that works hey that seemed to work pretty good I got the paper towels of the woods more leaves from the sticks that I built all this stuff out of just a dash of oil at first trying to get that warm pan seasoned back up I'll kind of warm it up on the fire and rub that oil into it foreign [Music] foreign [Music] shoot I was hoping to finish my cooking before the rain settled in I guess not [Music] there we go that should keep it from puncturing oh man well I got it enough so it's covering my table I still have the cam right here covers the fire and I'm not brushing my head up against it non-stop I put it on upside down accidentally hopefully that doesn't make that much of a difference rain makes everything harder supposed to be settling in from being pushed up here this weather from the hurricane so just praying it's uh a one day thing see if I can't fish out these taters get it in with the fish fish head soup oh they are just right perfect ah nailed it [Applause] man down no he's okay oh they just cut right in half like nothing like cutting through butter garlic well at least the rain's coming straight down that's something to be thankful for it was coming in sideways I'd just be getting drenched underneath I might spoke to you soon it's getting windier [Music] foreign [Music] thank you make sure that the blueberry is not the grasshopper [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] that was a logistical nightmare but I think I nailed it everything should still be hot at the same time Lord thank you for this food bless this rude to my body and make the rain stop if you could but that's okay if not juice name amen all right let's see did I get it right this is still hot hmm that's sweet blueberry bacon flavor with the fish that's really good who'da thunk bacon bacon and blueberries on fish would taste so good that's all I can do half of it my bag I figured out what to do with myself now it's gonna be raining like this thank you [Music] I don't know I just came up with the idea like I've always been really inspired by Marling Bates and His Channel and he's always making a different lure for every episode and then he goes and catches something with it or so it's like he calls them like one days and I've done a couple one days in honor of him and and mentioning him and stuff in the past I've been sitting here and feeling sorry for myself and I'm stuck out in the rain and being hit with a sideways Mist continually that I would take advantage of it and use my notepad and my uh my space pen that allows me to write in the rain and uh see what I can't come up with the coolest bait ever made maybe I could fish it tomorrow maybe uh maybe I'll take it home and I'll have it scanned and have a mold made of it or something like that let's see what we can come out with [Music] [Applause] crawl worm after coming up with the cry worm and realizing it wasn't something I was going to be able to carve on the spot a heart swim Bay being actually more feasible for me to carve in one evening I thought I'd do a little homage to the Headhunter I got off of shop Carl's and give them a little smile of the face since theirs is grumpy we need to find a piece of wood so I can carve one of these let's see [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] turned out pretty good foreign up a little bit maybe a little Dremel work and get it nice and clean cool all right I am in for the night kind of a uh slow day I was pretty wiped after staying up so late the night before and just keep getting further and further into staying up late and having a hard time getting up I think uh going to bed early tonight will be good I get up tomorrow get a fresh start get back on track with being up early and doing things [Music] [Music] what is that it's early so I get all kinds of stuff done today hopefully uh that Hurricane's still sweeping through so it'll probably rain again at some point oh so well on this thing and it's just so cozy that's so cozy all right here we go [Music] you just the cutest little thing oh [Music] dear diary I wonder what it would be like to do a 30-day survival challenge in space of course in space you have to bring everything with you wouldn't be doing any fishing on the moon or picking any mushrooms on Mars and I hear that on the International Space Station you have to drink your own urine of course they filter it unlike Bear Grylls who just likes it straight up ah [Applause] found some soup for some breakfast all right time to build a dock I hope this works this is something I've really wanted to do and I haven't built another dock since alone and I loved my little doctor I'd sit out on it I was actually hoping to do that here day one there's a lot of rocks and then right here we have some branches so I'd really like to get out far enough maybe snip one or two of these little branches so that I can cast and then at the end of the dock I'll be able to pull the kayak up step out onto the dock and not have to wrestle with it and have a little pull spot for my fishing pole with a slingshot like here and I can put my stuff in it instead of even having to be casting with it and shoot it out over the water so the first thing I need to do is uh find some sticks cut some sticks to build this all out of there's a a nice maple and another one I kind of prefer the beaches and when it comes to cutting the trees here I promise to be a conservationist about it kind of the same way I am up at my land but at home so we're not just going out and chopping a bunch of trees in a big area we're picking ones that um might not do as well so like for instance you got two here we pick one that looks the best to leave it and this one to take away or something so that one's all twisted but it's got some nice straight sections to build my dock if we take that one away this one will have a greater chance to be able to get all the nutrients it needs I even found the perfect one for my slingshot Giant lure chucking slingshot soup is on oh there we go I better put that hopefully I didn't boil off all the water running out of room on my kitchen table oh that smells good oh um the fishy broth and melted down fish heads and boiled down leeks and everything a growing boy needs and cover that up and save that for a snack a little bit get some more building done before I have lunch all right back to work string winding stick what else some butter this would make a nice long way you're gonna get me out very far though foreign the woods right here order now and we'll send you paper towel of the woods fresh from the wood [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] there we go super solid dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun I don't know how to dance just sit down on the end of my dock and enjoy the rain I like it I feel like going for a swim so sweaty just so ugh it's only like 70 degrees but it's just so muggy oh the wind must have changed I can smell my little maggot raising Farm thing ugh now I just have to I'm going to trim one or two little limbs so I can cast out from my Dock and set my pole up and then I'll be able to use my slingshot things foreign [Music] [Music] thank you Little Nick at the top so the bands don't come off [Music] and a big rock trucker band [Music] oh it turns hmm [Music] [Music] I may pull out a little extra line pinch it in the [Music] oh that is awesome this is like I'm gonna go with a worm this time [Applause] I'll have to hold the hook and the Sinker together and try to Zing since flying out there look like that it's got kind of a sideways twist helps for hooking them that all the way up here on the braid all right here we go worm and sinker are in there I gotta get it past the end of the pole so I don't whack my pole or the trees uh okay didn't work worm went out there uh the hook sinkers here but the hook somehow flipped up and around the line I don't understand why no line went out at all maybe the Sinker fell out of the pouch as I was shooting it new victim for the space launch you're gonna go where no worm has gone before at least in a method that no worm has ever experienced before as far as I know [Applause] [Music] okay stand by there [Music] nope the hook hook just caught into the pouch and the worm went flying something's going on it's like I need some sort of a delivery system all right move the position of the pole Explorer number five Captain's Log all earlier experiments have failed explorers sent out have not returned to base successful we do not know the outcome of their missions we pray God speed to them they found a better way a better place a special place probably a bass's belly or perch or bluegill maybe not so much a better place my water bottle I had with me when I left if I attach that to the sinker and then the hook falls out of that I have a good feeling about you Mr worm this time I saw your potential the first time we ever met I said to myself there's a worm that's Gonna Go Far in life now what oh my goodness lost half the worm I guess I was wrong about you Mr worm you're not half the worm I thought you were foreign on the hook but it's not Tangled the last of our Intrepid Adventures we'll see we'll see a new dawn or the bottom of the lake oh a perfect shot not as far as I would have liked but it's short shy of the tree and that leaves me with some line left and there's still a good 10 yards on there for something to hit it and take it I'll get a little drag oh shoot it was just changed again I'm in my underwear I see the I heard the Bell I might have a fish yep I got one don't lose it foreign [Applause] oh oh what have we got oh there's a jumper a little bassing hey that's a smallie I think all right well it worked it's official it's official good enough that'll do thanks little buddy [Music] all right time to make some sushi or my Bushcraft facsimile I'm gonna get rid of this and just use plain water I'm gonna measure out some water to go with my rice this should actually work pretty good the pressure cooker well pressure cookers I like the best way to make sticky rice and the half of this bowl through some of the aces First cast seasoning in there seaweed cucumber Ginger avocado [Music] ah a foreign [Music] foreign [Music] this looks so good oh uh maybe not the bug I could I could live without that little guy that just flew into there hey get out of there Lord thank you for this food thank you for the adventure thank you for your Creation in Jesus name amen I'm so excited this is like gonna be the coolest thing I've ever made when I was out Bottoms Up that's like almost way too much I should have slices thinner hmm [Applause] there's a mouthful that's for sure hmm feels pretty good that worked out really good it tastes it tastes kind of fishy like but not in a bad way like just just strong enough that it's kind of right you know that like just strong enough that it's like you actually have a fish thing in there and not just some fake you know fish substance or and actually has a little bit more flavor than because of all the smoking too than like salmon or or one of those ones that you know really is then something that's really raw I don't know if it's just being out here for five days or what but like flavors or that's what happened to me and and Patagonia is like flavors came the first thing they gave me was almonds and raisins they were so good I had never ate anything that tasty in my entire life I think it's the best thing I've ever cooked in the outdoors catch and cooked sushi swatham I'm gonna say address those for four of them for the morning it was magical all right in for the night not too shabby not too shabby now it's muggy as all get out again I don't think it's 70 degrees but the mugginess uh [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] good morning another beautiful day appeared here in my mouth beautiful day in the neighborhood uh let's get out there and see what this day holds for us it's already bright and sunny look at that [Applause] I just need to make a cup holder foreign spoiled uh this is what I've been dreaming of since day one just sitting out here by my in my little dog feet in the water so nice oh now that I've got it all built I wanna I wanna stay here for the next 30 days not just seven it's like just getting good like I I'm just established now so it's like now is would be the time to you know continue to go on look at this is this cool oh man what an adventure who let's see what do we got for today's reading time got my Our Daily Bread it's amazingly warm and muggy for this time of year where is it I don't know [Music] dear diary they say you can do anything you put your mind to whoever invented cauliflower pizza certainly thought so jury's still out on that quite like a deep dish pizza with a flower crust ah now I'm hungry and whoever thought about digging up beets in the seats and eating those they're disgusting pretty sure God buried them for a reason don't think he ever really thought that we would dig him up and try to eat them I've set my mind to do a lot of things but no matter how hard I try I can't make those things taste good all right let's see how I got table here fire there the wind almost always goes that way or that way so I don't want to put a bench over there I think I've always walked through right here what the cooler is just sitting there so if I put a bench right there [Music] [Music] laughs [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] there we go my table my cooler thing locks in place got my nice bench so I can sit there yeah I finished my camp on day six would have been nice to have this all set up the whole time huh you can sit by the fire eat my food cook cut and wash and this is a pretty awesome Camp I'm pretty excited about this I think I need to make some dinner things I'm gonna make some dinner make some food I keep saying I was gonna do this and do that I always say that I always have more plans than I have time for it I think I'm going to make a dinner with that fish that I caught last night with the slingshot there's also frogs I didn't want to get a frog when I was out here and do a frog meal I only have today and tomorrow food first then I'll think more clearly yeah let's do this foreign bass bacon cheddar nuclear last time I made uh poppers mmm that has to be the most delicious thing I've ever made but this thing's a bomb I'm calling this the jalapeno Bacon Popper nuke no that can't be proper nuke jalapeno bass bacon jalapeno bass bacon cheddar nuke jalapeno bass bacon cheddar nuke with blackened garlic all over the bass oh yeah and there's rice in there so it's more of a casserole rolled up in bacon that we're gonna hopefully cook I I'm like oh I'm hungry I want to eat something now this thing's gonna take like six hours to cook hmm maybe if I get some coals just the right way I can uh take and cover the whole thing over and leave it in there and then I'll scoot out and enjoy myself some even in bass fishing before since I don't really need to catch anything right now let's see if I can figure some way to make that so it slow Cooks When I'm Gone [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] just going to take a little bit of the water and pour it around the fire I'm not going to go far and that's all green wood so it won't even burn I'm actually going to leave this right down here full of water because I'm only going to go over that little rock pile right there in the dock and along that Shore [Music] more and more I can't get over the fact that how beautiful this place is and I you know it's like if I spend all my time exploring I wouldn't have been have time to build something if I spend my time cooking I don't have time to build something or if if I spend all my time fishing I'd there's just not enough time in the day sometimes you know I need I need a month to really just explore this place or okay buy a lake house here so I could just be here all the time oh I'd probably if I owned a lake house here I'd become really lazy I'd never make another YouTube video again I just or maybe I'd make a YouTube video every day and everybody be bored because it would just be me here playing in the water and fishing and cooking I mean I don't know if that how long that would just become before it became boring for you guys I can't believe it would ever become boring for me it'd be in right here like this is just we're at the little buoy here I guess is a rock pile try that lure from earlier if you're wondering why I got earbuds in I'm listening to a series by Dr David Jeremiah on Romans 8. I just I have gotten a little bit uh tired of the sound of my own voice just talking to the camera just being quiet there we go I lost him oh Lord won't you give me a fish for fun I got my dinner but you know me I'd always like another one oh wait where's my new guy I have not tried him let's try him if as soon as it bites it pops up it can pop up it doesn't pop up mind you but it hinged so it can't I just think that's the coolest thing coolest lure of the year foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] sweet home let's see if our dinner's done all right let's dig her out of the fire and see if there's anything edible left in it it does seem a little deflated foreign that's a good sign all right moment of truth lots of burnt ooze out so far hmm as I thought most of the bacon appears to be in fairly rough shape foil still burnt to it see I think I mean it's a little crusty there and a little crusty on this side but the underside looked decent enough a little crunchy on the bacon I like mine a little more wriggling all right Lord thank you for this food uh bless this food during Marty body and uh bless this evening's frog hunt okay we'll get see if we can get a frog for breakfast in Jesus name amen I think I'm gonna go snag a frog and put them on ice and uh I think that's the first thing I'm gonna do tomorrow is Cook Ed it's a weird flavor in there I've never been said that blackened garlic ah that's disgusting uh first time I made something kind of edible that fish is not edible that's disgusting it's so gross it tastes so fishy like I never say that but like I've never tasted something so fishy all right maybe this piece of cheese is okay that was awful that was horrible all I can taste is that disgusting fish Maybe by putting it in the cooler on ice for the night it just it brought the fishy flavor came to the front I have no doubt that I'm sure it's fine to eat but it does not taste fine that is the first time it I mean that's a fail I mean I've done that a couple times already where I caught a fish I've had to put I need to do and I'm like oh I'll cook it the next day and the other ones I cooked the next day they were great maybe something about that black and garlic I didn't taste the garlic it just like brought the fishiness out of it this was a total bomb like even the the non-burnt part of the bacon well that's kind of okay that's not okay that's not okay I screwed this all up I don't even want to eat the tomatoes to see like fruit flies crawling all over them I screwed this up big time I don't know what to even do with this I haven't rested anything the whole time I've been here and go dig a hole I guess and bury it hide my shame in a hole of dirt all right stick [Music] couple nubbly bits still on it where's my knife make a frog gig see if we can't get something better for breakfast I'm gonna be powerful hungry after not uh have a much of a dinner eh [Music] I wish you could spear fish didn't mean not to be rhyming all right we've got a water bottle I found in the woods [Applause] this is like one of my favorite little things to do making cordage so satisfying I don't know if that cuts straight enough those this thing is the coolest little Gidget Gadget Gizmo whatever you want to call it right you just feed your bottle through there and once you get in the Rhythm it turns that whole bottle into cordage and then the cool thing is when I tie the Frog gig on I just heated over the fire and that cordage shrinks super satisfying to turn a bottle I gotta go slow with this one because it's all warped but you can like a two liter bottle you can just be like this right down to the last little bit and I got all of this get out our card gigging card probably the the Poseidon here the three spikes would be nice and I killed a guy with a trident foreign I don't know I kind of feel like that's all I need like that's that's plenty right I just need to wrap it and shrink it so that it doesn't come off three quarters of an inch of that thing into the wood before and oh look at that shrunk up so perfectly tight let's go get some frogs pushing off foreign the other side of the island where it's all weeds and and stuff that's creepy what is that white thing in just the middle of Darkness oh it's a jug on a line now to find frogs frogs until the spot of the Frog away can't believe I missed I totally wiggled I think I'm just going up in the woods after him foreign off he could have gotten away but he's up in the bushes on the island here there he is I got got a second chance oh shoot I should have just poked him there he is there he is come on Stick oh I lost him my last chance got him I got him good completely eviscerated him one frog holy cow it's like midnight I can throw it at my dock food came to me there he goes gold snapping turtle he's like I'm out of here I thought about eating a snapping turtle but this is more of a fun catch and cook if I was out surviving surviving doing 30 days I'd be trying to put every calorie into me [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] good morning part of the top of my head day seven final day [Music] but there's adventure to be had and you can't have it if you stay in bed thank you oh they just fell out of bed [Music] doc looks good bench looks good everything looks good table's clean not too messy going and make ourselves a little froggy breakfast like I said before that's been on my bucket list kind of for a while to do this Frog as a whole frog cook because I saw somebody uh and left in the comments once before when I did legs and they were like why'd you waste the rest of the Frog so I'm gonna see if that's true ah pretty hungry after yesterday's cooking Fiasco first time I don't know that I've ever cooked something and it turned out bad [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] pot I miss my old glass lid that I had for this glass never would have done that [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] laughs [Music] oh this is gonna be good I'm excited for this it looked like it turned out really good there is a lot more meat on the upper part of the Frog than I thought a little bit of rice a little bit of pepper I've had fry before I know it tastes good that is really good I wonder if I could just eat one of its feet like bones and all like does it crunch up like a fried peanut nope you don't want to eat the bones just the meat mmm that's good I don't think I'm gonna try and eat the head maybe I'll try to eat that oh that's weird I think I just ate his tongue that's kind of weird I just tasted the Frog tasting me it's food get over the weirdness of it is it worth eating the whole frog I'd say in a true survival situation yeah you cook the whole frog you eat every little piece of it don't wrestle with it you throw the rest of back into your ever stew you know if I was out doing a 30A I wouldn't throw any of these little bones and things in the fire I'd all go into the ever stew and have a nice rich broth for days a little bit of backstrap and these aren't even nearly as big as the people that I've seen pictures of people getting them down south oh my goodness I didn't know this but apparently frogs have a wishbone look at that I'll save that and bring that back to the office see if one of the guys wants to play Wishbone with me [Music] that was a good last meal out here I think I'm gonna um pack up my stuff I'm gonna tie a fly clean up my mess make sure there's nothing left here and I fire is good and out go home by then it'll be pretty late and uh I'll have a entry back into society meal and we'll talk about uh what I learned what I could have done better and um and what I think I'll do different next time I actually learned a lot this time more than anything else I've done in recent uh maybe in the last three years on this adventure so I think that's pretty cool we'll talk about that later all right got my yellow bean Rod I actually haven't even used this one I bought it after coming back from the Rockies I had such a good time fly fishing up there yes got one nice never used this one this one's got a a sinking leader and a sinking line and a floating line if I thought I'd bring that one out and finally try to make a lure and catch something on the lake I always have this dream of like oh I'm gonna fly fish all the time you know once a week all summer and then the Summer's come and I get so busy and and I love my bass fishing it's just so much fun I like time flies and back in the day when I was in high school I spent all my time tying all these flies not even fishing I'm just just enjoyed tying them more than I did I always been that way I like making stuff that's why I don't like hiking like hiking is just such a miserable thing I don't know why anybody would want to do it uh it'd like spend all day uh just looking at the scenery and stuff and getting sweaty and Hiking when you could be like at a camp building something or at a lake swimming or fishing no good see if this even clamps to my oh yeah this will work fine try it out see what we can do see if I even remember how to do this [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] it looks more like a a bumblebee with legs it could work they kind of look like some froggy legs sticking out behind it I'll call you Bumble frog we'll see all right that's gonna have to do that took forever and I did a poorly job I don't really care to try and repeat that until I look up some how-to again let's pack it up head up the river see if we can't catch a fish with the Bumble frog it's like one of those drawings that you see from your kids and you're like oh that's so nice good job Bonnie it's it's a great looking um honey what is it somebody know what this is help me somebody help me I don't know what it is or you make the gas oh my goodness I do that all the time I'm like oh that's a great Cloud it's a great dog dad that's not a dog that's a teacup oh oh okay sorry I is it a dog on the side of the teacup and no no okay foreign [Music] foreign [Music] fire is out safely looks like I've got all of my stuff a couple little veggie scraps no trash though I'm reminded of the story of uh one of the parables in the Bible about a man once he finds a pearl that was so precious he goes and he sells everything so that he can buy that Pearl sells all of his land I feel like if I had some pearls I would go sell all my pearls and buy an island because this place is so cool this was so much fun hopefully uh I can come back and visit the place again and um maybe come out during ice fishing time land owners permission uh if they're happy with the little structures and stuff and uh go ice fishing Winter Camp or something like that well time to head up the river and see if I can't catch something on my Bumble frog thank you all right goodbye little island retreat so long until next time well hopefully there's next time here we go yeah it got really gross but uh I didn't see any maggots falling off of it and doing its thing there was no fish over here when I came over here so I don't know didn't work take it somewhere and sink it oh gross look at what happens when I dip it in the water oh it stinks something bad There She Goes bye I am going to miss that place there it is last look at the island through the little Notch there goodbye goodbye my neighbor this is just so cool this little Bridge spot here somebody built something and used to have a little Bridge right here and I guess they all like once it rotted they didn't want it back so that I wonder if whoever owned that over there I know I'm the same over there well I suppose we should rig up and try to try our uh Bumble frog out all right reel leader for a piece of Rod oh that's pretty strong all right it's still meant to have some like later tip it on it but we're tying it right to the tapered leader a regular old fisherman's knot all the fly fisherman are like rolling over in their grave like what are you doing [Music] all right that's pretty good though it's an eight pound test at the back end kind of a neat thing about the fly rod is I can cast out over the lily pads I want the real back through them and get hooked I can get it back up into the air again and work my way back and then Flip It Up cast it back out [Music] let's try it spot this is where the big guy is [Music] foreign [Music] there we go I got one I got one ah come here come here little fella he's trying to get back towards those sticks no no no no no no no no oh don't lose him don't lose him all right oh no wonder he's fighting so much Smalley hey here we go [Applause] I got you I got you let me see let's put you back that'll do [Music] I didn't get skunked I didn't get skunked I can go home now [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] what you got there homemade wrap that's great I love rats that's one of my favorite lures that same one too yeah that one's so much fun it sounds so good you can do a bait caster yeah yeah I stink at it does it tangle on you really you're gonna have to teach me how to do it then what do you run for line [Music] fluorocarbon yeah I got a 10 plus this morning yes killing me I've been catching nothing but little things everybody smile what's your favorite video uh probably the Dollar General survival challenge yeah the Dollar General survival ride it for fishing oh yeah it's hard it is they watch you all the time I do too oh yeah oh sure I made that while I was out there oh when I finally made it over the dam up here I caught a smallie one I'm like okay all right now we can fight dad who inspired me to make my own YouTube channel foreign [Music] this looks good Lord thank you for this food bless this food to my body and thank you for keeping me safe on the adventure bringing me home safe in Jesus name amen all right first meal back all clean and at home so good to be home that was such a good time uh is a little hard actually trying to add this whole island exploring foraging building and still cooking and things and get a lot done in seven days it's a lot of work to go to a new body of water and figure things out and then to survive on top of that so I didn't focus on that nearly as much and I just focused on having fun and just getting some food to catch and cook um other thing I focused on was always trying to learn new things so to learn the new things I went and I when I when I did this challenge instead of just doing what I knew would catch me the most fish I actually spent more of my time experimenting with new things and new lures so that I could better understand the relationship between fishing and the lures and catching the fish and the times a day to fish and things like that so I'm I made it a little harder on myself so I didn't do as well on the situation as I could have done which gave me a greater basis of knowledge so when it comes to an actual tougher competition I'd be ready for it we'll see what the owners think once they get back and get a chance to look at all the stuff I built out there if they appreciate what I did or I never want to see me again never want to rent it to me again I did ask permission make sure you ask permission and know the laws before you go out and start messing around with things in the outdoors especially if you're trying to push your boundaries and be creative you know wow and when you cut down trees be smart about it you know no do some reading learn about canopy and protecting and uh sustainable forestry a little bit oh I'm gonna finish my meal the girls should be here soon and then we're gonna go pick out or go pick up our new puppy I'm tired of having these adventures all alone I've only had one Adventure alone right then hey honey oh my goodness you're So Tan okay no two weeks at the beach without me oh I missed you are you taller too no it's only been two weeks you got taller oh you got heels on I missed you all right so I'm tired of having these Adventures alone so we're getting a dog not all these dogs that's too many Okay so this this is the dabs right here Ollie's the dead okay and this is the mom right here yeah Alice what are your names yeah he doesn't mean to but I'm just saying this is good like see the way he jumps just kind of give her your knee and this is my husband John hello oh what a beautiful nice spot huh right before you got here they were eating a bee and I was like oh great she's gonna like blow up with her face this is your puppy right now this is her puppy here Claire foreign [Music] is there you feel that and then your thumb like that there you go she's calmer than a pigeon yeah [Music] definitely oh yeah that's it for me thanks for watching guys and I'll see you in the next one Fowler out I've always dreamed of being a YouTube Star this is my moment my moment to shine ribbit ribbit
Channel: Fowler's Makery and Mischief
Views: 1,002,266
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fowlers makery and mischief, fowler survival, fowler, survival, fowler survival challenge, survival challenge, catch and cook, 7 day island survival, 7 day survival challenge, 7-day survival, island survival challenge, island survival, fowler island survival challenge, surviving on an island, surviving on an island for 1 week, maine island, catch and cook survival challenge, catch and cook challenge, 7 day catch and cook, maine survival, island catch and cook, survival movie
Id: 3eY0uSH53Ig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 179min 50sec (10790 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 06 2022
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