Sunset Lobster n' Crab Catch and Cookout on an Island!

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what's going on guys welcome back to the main series out here at rockport harbor gorgeous harbor and i'm here with zach fowler link to his channel in the description below we're headed out on the bay here to find some bait and once we find bait we're not going to fish with it we're going to put it in some lobster traps and hopefully i can catch and cook my first main lobster today all right my friends we've got a uh an old lighthouse here on the point and we're just looking for pogies or any kind of schooling bait we do have some backup bait in the buckets here for the lobster traps but um we'd like some fresh stuff all right guys first trap is it that trap right there that's my buoy orange orange of course surprise guys uh zach has his lobster traps you have them out here all lobster season right well yeah which is all year round for a little bit during the winter because it's a pain in the neck okay you take it out for a little bit but he just always perpetually has lobster traps uh out here i take him out when it gets so cold that your hands freeze to the rope oh okay take a break those got gnarly quick yikes that's a lot of slime yeah that is a wow that is a lot of slime i wonder if there's like something an algae bloom that's moved into the harbor or something because that's pretty gnarly yeah like you know even in your videos i've watched you lobster and i've never seen all this see like that's a week ago when i came out like they really got narrowly quick look at that oh look at that big gun is it well it seems big maybe it might be big enough it might be first time wow that's excellent cool right on the top look at that guys a main lobster it's a boy it's a boy right there so these swim fins if they're flip if they're soft like these ones it's a girl and if they're hard like that they're a boy makes sense and then there's big claws guys that that's a tiny one though oh that's the time okay we might not i'm excited but let me imagine i want to see a giant main line it's a keeper it's like so your hashtags oh yeah okay yeah the shell i think yeah over the back eyehole and over the back then we can't keep it and if it's a girl and it's got a cut fin right here then she's had babies and it has to be thrown back i see or if she has eggs we have to throw it back but sweet i can't believe it i want a picture out of there okay i want a picture of that sucker yeah i mean i know you see these all the time i'm not juiced look at that guy's our first one like right on the first trap hey we didn't even i didn't expect it because i thought it's been uh a while since i baited up that you know they would all moved out of the trap because they're called traps right but they kind of come and go as they want oh you have to pull it up when they're in there yeah so you pull it up when there's it's full of lobsters and you get more lobsters and if you wait too long and the bait's gone they move out oh i didn't know that okay so they can just they can just get leave and go at will undersized ones can go out the holes oh i see and then if somebody loses a trap all these things have grommets that melt away and these things all rot away and they'll open up and the trap will allow all of the you know the baits out oh so nothing even if somebody lost a trap on the bottom all the lobsters and it just becomes part of the habitat of the ocean and it could be a place for them to hide in and then come and go as they want oh cool what a cool system yeah all right so i can't believe this sweet i'm keeper lobster yeah well like five minutes into the day yeah the first trap and all this all right this is pig hide big hide okay this lasts longer than putting fish in there okay so that way if and i hadn't didn't have these in here before so we'll put some pig height in there you know where do you get is there a slaughterhouse around here so i buy it at the the marine store okay so they sell it for four lobster fishing lobster fishermen you want to grab out of the cooler our fish from yesterday sure guys if you watch the first episode we had a bunch of mackerel yesterday there we go so we actually caught five of them so we'll put one of one in each trap okay just for just yeah because that'll that'll really bring them in really quickly the crabs and lobsters will fill the trap because of this and then and then they'll stick around for the the pig hide because the pig hide how long will how many days will that last the pig hide oh that'll that'll probably last for the month a month oh wow that's crazy because it takes them a lot longer to get in there and snip little pieces off and work at it so yeah a month from now there'll still be little scraps in there okay just to sweeten the pot we have some harbor pollock that i caught when i was out here a couple weeks ago and i just threw them in the freezer because i had already baited up the traps and uh so anything that i catch during the year ice fishing that's junk fish um you know chain pickerel uh yellow perch white perch and anything i got and eat during the year for fish any leftovers i always bring them out and i put them in my lobster traps okay that's cool yeah make the most of it use a little bit use everything that you get and here it goes and now you try not to get tangled in it oh but there have been a few mishaps that way i've had a couple times where it was like but it's not and i had to stop the boat but you've never been pulled in no it never pulled like it was pulling on my leg and i was like ah okay all right we're going on to the next trap and we got this big sailboat uh zach was telling me it's actually a uh you can go out on like a tours and stuff and they'll serve dinner and drinks and different things on it so that's pretty cool old-fashioned sailboat there that's uh like the boats i came up here originally when i was 21 to build okay like 20 years ago when i went to boat building school or actually like 24 years ago i went to mobility school and then i came up here when i was 21 and built the schooner links that looked a lot like that it was a little bit smaller okay and i built the mask for it cabinetry in the galley to match the period in style the olden days that's cool it was cool oh here's our next buoy does everybody have like a color-coded uh you pick your color you get to pick it yourself so how nice i accidentally picked a color that somebody else kind of has but there's a different pattern so sometimes i do be like wait a minute is that my no it's not mine but it it mine's a little more orange tractor dude there's another one there's another one sweet sweet sweet this might be the sweet time of year when we go back there's one like you see the crab claw in there yeah when we go back to hall these there may be like you know two five gallon pails worth of lobsters that we get oh i i see a crab in there too yup oh that has to be a keeper right that's a female no notch oh so she so if she's the right size it's a keeper all right the keeper that's two excellent yep and then you got a little rock crab in there these are called jonas oh jonah crabs yeah sweet so we can bring him with us too because they're tasty okay he has a baby make some crab cakes yes that's great that's a small one comparatively okay here's a big claw from a big one oh wow and so that's probably why that lobster was still in there because he maybe was eating uh the crabs that was in there and stuff i wonder if the lobsters and crabs ever uh ever fight it out like the lobster because it seems like a lobster pinch a little crab like that is uh when the females uh are um i don't know if it's when they're shedding or if they're coming in because they have eggs and they're just eating a lot right okay so or they're producing their eggs somewhere along that lifestyle kill there's this really predatory phase and so if you leave your traps too long you'll find like a big female in here and a bunch of smaller lobsters just shredded like she'll just she'll eat the other lobsters in the trap no kidding yeah if she gets stuck in there that's crazy so guys we're putting one mackerel in there gosh we came out to bait the traps we already have two uh two keepers that is great that's some thick skin right there ladies and gentlemen is that salt on it salt to preserve it it's all to preserve it sweet i've done that before a lot of pogies and salted them myself and they they lasted for two years oh wow they're nasty smelling but oh check this guy out chain pickerel oh there you go you know they're a predator and they ruin fishing for like lakes for trout and stuff so eat along keep them keep them because we turn them into lobster turn them into lobsters they're probably real bony like a pike too yeah they're exactly like yes they're not really super edible everybody in the videos they're like oh that's a pike and like no it's not and some more of the hybrid pollock which are out here by the millions yep rather have lobster than those yeah sweet we are loaded cool another one loaded up sweet one yeah there we go second trap in and that is the result all right that is going to be so tasty guys i've never had fresh maine lobster up you know you can get the frozen stuff pretty much anywhere but frozen isn't you know anything compared to fresh another one oh and some nice size jonah crabs they have paws on them yeah that one does that big old claw i'm guessing that is the most delectable part of them uh no actually i think this is the easiest part to eat with a nice pit of meat right here okay the claw is too but it's it's harder to get to all right so it was like ex i love crap crab and lobster guys fresh seafood and we just came out to bait him but he said you said that there might be some in there but you weren't sure if there'd be so somebody probably i'll just throw that one back but somebody they'll grow back their claws but somebody else probably hauled them and just ripped the claws off and threw them back in ah okay uh threw them back into the water this guy looks small it's a female and it has a cut fin so we got to throw it back it looks like it was an accidental cut finn from fighting but it you can't have keep it okay so if it's an accidental or not it's just it could be a female that was an egg layer so she'll go back so these are the pogies oh yeah okay there you guys yeah this is a good oily yeah these are they love these so i'll put two of these in there that from my old catch yeah and that's such a cool use for all this stuff i mean because guys if you've watched zack chandler he he's fishing and all this stuff all year long and you have a lot of fish guts and all that and to take and like eat a fish and then use the guts to catch lobster and crabs that's a cool trading up right yeah yeah like that but hairs from like deer hide if you were to shoot a deer and then like oh you want to throw that in there that would be a no-go it's part of the laws ah okay it's illegal yeah guys we got some seals hanging out there they're a little far away though for you guys to see but they are watching us i wonder if they ever mess with people's traps like go and steal a lobster out or you don't know that they mess with the traps but uh they definitely like to hang around and see some bait washed off the deck like the seagulls i had a video on time where we're crabbing in oregon and a seal swims down he's all looking at the bait and stuff like that and you had to actually put rotten bait in the trap if you tried to put fresh bait in the traps in oregon the seals just steal it out oh really yeah so always you have to let the fish rot for a few days huh all right here we go no join the crab throwing a crab one crab well that is pretty cool though to go three for three first oh this one needs repairs i'm gonna have to put together a couple more traps and bring them out we got a uh posturing uh farmer ant here he thinks he's something he he's trying to start something with us here he said he's all like come at me bro just pull up to uh over here and have you snag some some uh seaweed grab some of that okay seaweed all right guys we're gonna come here and we are gonna grab she weed that's harder than i thought just like smaller smaller handfuls so it breaks okay that is some thick stuff there yeah there we go and put it on top of them that should protect them from the sun and stuff connection a little bit here let's see if we can get that clump over there that's the good stuff boy that's some tough seaweed there there it's like rubber here little bits of rubber ah a foul or a knife and grab a bagel there you go ahead of it and uh do that there we go excellent thank you sir yeah that'll make a bigger difference look at that beauty that's cool well my friends the lobster traps are out fresh bait and all you have to do is wait 24 to 48 hours usually yeah two evenings two evenings okay and uh we'll see what we got see you guys then [Music] all right my friends we are back at it it's time to check the traps another beautiful calm morning i have hit the weather pretty well here like no gusty days yeah and it's been nice thanks [Music] here it is [Music] my [Music] [Music] that lighthouse is cool so do people live in that lighthouse i think so yeah that's their like residence guys their summer place a summer home you have to sail out to that's pretty cool ah there's the old orange blue orange and white rope didn't get any cleaner the icy lobster yes whoa i see a bunch of lobster well he's several i don't know what counts as a box he's four including a little tiny one and crabs oh he fell through he's so tiny grab him right after this guy looks oh that looks like a nice one that's a keeper nice and that's one you like don't you have to measure look i will though just in case okay like yeah yeah sweet and these guys look all too small okay but we'll check anyways because looks good yeah just there like right over there maybe this one doesn't look like it nope no he's got some nice nice claws and not so much that guy all right we still got got some big pig height in there we didn't see any bait on the way out so we'll leave it there for now all right throws it back in at the right depth sweet successful first one all right this is great oh wait i just remembered something that little guy oh shoot yeah it fell through look at that guy the tiniest little lobster he's got some big mitts though yeah that is cool all right little fella get bigger we'll eat you one day nice that's a lot of them in that one wow we've got a haul guys yeah it's sweet wow take that there we go all right we've already got a lobster big jonah crab all right look at this perfect i said it here we go look oh man that's a is that seems a big male big that's a keeper look at this big meaty claws yep oh look at that another female notch tail so that's what we're talking about there see she's got a notch that's been growing out so at some point she had eggs and they notched her and had to put her back okay so we got to put her back too all right that one's going to be too small that one's too small then another keeper yep another keeper four keepers no notch that's a keeper i go grab their other claw they tend to let go so oh she'll come and grab whatever yeah they're not super quick like uh like i thought they would be like dungeness crabs like they can really snap around and yeah no these guys don't really just snap quick for sure beautiful that's one number five or six five or six i don't know i'm losing count that's a great day there's so many gosh what were they like a dozen in there or something yeah a lot what would you say is like the record number of lobster you've caught about two five gallon pails all right this time of year wow i feel like if we had put pogies in all these and stuff we might have had that darn it is such a beautiful day out here on the ocean man it's hot like normally like oh man it's just warm out he could swim and i'm surprised at how nice the ocean is actually you swam in it and uh i was surprised i'd be really really cold up here in the morning huh only one in this one wow one big one though yeah and this wasn't the lost trap because this is the one with the broken runner i gotta replace it's a girl no notched tail it's a keeper i'm predicting oh yeah yeah keeper big time keeper so no notch no sign of an old knot look at that guys we are absolutely loading the box too a shed or what do you mean it's soft yeah and if you feel the squeeze the body oh yeah you see how it's squishy uh-huh it is it's like fairly recently shed so those are the juiciest those are the juicy sweet what a haul oh snags it look at all the green look at it yeah tons of crab sweet one lobster and it looks to be small but hey we got like eight so far so um please too small ah dang it barely goodbye little fella hey like flaps his tail at us goodbye what do you think showing the crab yeah i see some bigger ones in there yeah they're a lot of work to eat oh okay so it's like unless you really got nothing better to do like this guy look at that okay yeah now that's sized crab excellent all right i appreciate this wow i'm getting the full main experience here [Music] lobster and crab we filled up this big ol well not filled up but i mean three quarters of the way with lobster that's enough for a really big meal i'm super happy with it looks like we can just reach it sweet this looks amazing look at this guys look at this huh oh guys are you kidding me look at this spot we're gonna cook up lobster right here so we were talking about going back to uh zach's house and then he said i have a better idea how do we go to this island that i know about and um oh sorry about that he said let's go back to this island that i know about and uh we'll cook up on a beach and then we'll just camp on the island so we're gonna cook up some fresh seafood and camp i mean it doesn't get much better than this all right we got everything we even have a picnic basket all right everything but the kitchen sink and we didn't bring that just because we would have brought the kitchen sink all right we got to see this first guys i'm not kidding a day doesn't get better than this a little breeze 75 i think like oh yeah not too hot not too cold perfect for camping i wonder if somebody like made this out of driftwood somebody made a little chair here or they just brought it out maybe that's factory made i don't know somebody definitely made this little one oh a little wobbly but uh it's cool anyway look people have uh tried to or i don't know some sort of like sacrificial altar here hopefully there hasn't been anything sketchy going on around here and then an interesting stone seat with two bricks on it kind of a gnarly that's kind of a cool looking tree and uh and a trail huh hopefully there aren't no this island's too small i think it's too small to have bears and stuff hopefully because i didn't bring a bear gun or anything there's been a lot of wood cutting along here for being a a wild island with nobody living people have been busy somebody's even made like nice wooden signs look at all fishing off this side tonight this is a nice little kind of beachy spot too but it's kind of directly into the wind so we turned down this one but i mean just just a gorgeous evening out here whoa i just realized something we've got raspberries this whole thing is a raspberry bush let's see if they're any good they're good this is uh don't know what that is but these are more right here more raspberry bushes wow eating wild raspberries cool ah look at that tons of them now a lot of these aren't very good they're either under ripe or over ripe like those ones are all except for this guys right those are oh they're just all over these ones don't have any berries on i didn't that's why i didn't recognize them at first because like all these don't have berries but they are okay here are a few berries this is all raspberries in here folks see this is why you gotta just keep coming out here you never know what's going to happen you ever know what you're going to find look this is all raspberries all of these bushes all right let me get the cooking stuff set up here [Applause] see it's hard because i want to cook but i want to fish more but i need to cook because i'm really hungry but you look out across the ocean we have all of our we got went back and got all our fish and stuff we are ready for a night of and a morning tomorrow of fishing all right friends romans countrymen we're gonna cook up on this table of driftwood let me put this over here nice people like put those rocks on i'm thinking to the lake so the wind doesn't blow it off all right i'm gonna use something new here this is a zach's jetboil actually i'll have his help the first time oh that's fancy looks like a robot we got r2d2's cousin in here [Music] oh pringles all right so we got r2d2 and a half here getting all set up and uh you get his attachments going and then he just flips open like so look two burners bam this is excellent flatten out the table just a little bit and we gotta clean this out just a little bit what a beautiful evening all right there we go what i'm going to do is i'm going to come over here to fill it up with water so we don't get any sand in it and we're just using water straight from the ocean folks it is the best it is the best water to use because the salinity is perfect boop just like so this is fun this is a good time all right so this is kind of unusual to me because uh don't have to worry about things flaming up which happens you know just every once in a while on my channel oh wait i was trying to turn this knob here i think the knob is right here is oh there we go is that going there's a lot more turn on those knobs than you think wow those do spin a lot all right oh that's very nice very safe sweet so kind of like unlike those pullman family ones where you like you're like turn it a little bit just a tiny one they turn it and it's off uh those are hard to work with yeah zack's getting the uh getting the hammocks all set up while i start on the lobster and crab here oh that was nice it's real nice all right i think that's good and steamy and i'm gonna take this big boy here he's got a some seaweed and stuff on him so we're gonna grab all that off clean them up a little bit kind of shake him off here we go let's see zach said you know what i'm gonna do it's funny how like these guys don't move i thought they'd kind of crawl around more and they're just like pretty docile all right here we go zach said to put he said that he thought i could fit three in i'm gonna put that one and that one i don't know i'm gonna put a crab in there for sure and uh and you know what i think this guy's too big here we go we have to exchange them out for a little bit smaller one he need he just needs more space there and bam we'll save the the big one for later there you go all right folks and we are boiling lobster and crab you know i'm gonna add a rock to this because it keeps wanting to steam out steam off place a nice little rock on there and we'll make a little steamboat now check out what zach set up right here this is going to be my sleeping accommodations for the night i've never spent the night in one of these like fancy backpackers hammock so that is going to be excellent oh man this is fun this is a good time oh look at that's we got the steam going there huh that's the good stuff all right folks it's been 12 minutes time for the big reveal [Laughter] look at that that is what i'm talking about are you kidding me that looks incredible wow you know what there's no point putting them in a plate this is like a cutting board so i'm just gonna take them out they look gorgeous look at the color on those the bright red oh wow this one yeah you can see like his shell just collapses the soft ones exactly those ones are even tastier all right set them right there and then what is this the crab looks a little orange but he didn't he didn't change that i much believe this this is fun this is too fun i put a few more crabs in there i think this should do it you know five lobsters and three crabs that sounds you know just crab i don't know why i keep using the tongs there we go and then the big one the giant the giant spider giant bug those claws are something else they kind of all you know i just realized the reason why they're moving so slow is because they've been on ice i'm like boy maine lobster don't flip around like spiny lobster do and the reason is because they've been on ice you dummy it like puts them in a coma or something newbie here there we go [Music] i just like man this is this is amazing i feel very blessed right now it's man the days are just packed i can't believe i'm catching giant lobster in maine i remember years ago talking to a gentleman i knew named mr henry and he said he uh went to maine every year all the way from idaho to uh take a trip and eat lobster he said i just love maine lobster and i see why it was such a destination place for him and uh i mean views like this zach actually pointed out he said if you wanted to like buy a lobster dinner on the oceanfront like restaurant he's like you would pay hundreds of dollars to have to do that and uh here we are um i guess we did kind of pay hundreds of dollars in in gas and all of our things but you know what i'm saying still and we don't get served by a cute waitress and all that but this is still great let's see put a fork there and put a fork there and we are just about ready to go you know what i'm going to turn this off and the rest of that butter can melt and then i'm going to take these right here and use them as seats which i'm sure is what people use these before before are you gonna use some chopsticks for yours yeah sweet little twigs there clean them up and it's the best way to pull your little bits of lobster back out of the butter when you drop them in oh that makes sense that makes sense all right all right he did have forks huh yes i did uh where's the crackers crackers oh like actually you know what these are soft we might not even need them oh these are all soft shells oh sweet well not that guy that guy's a hardshell so you're gonna need the cracker for that okay so when you first told me crackers you said they're crackers and i think like actual you said they're lobster crackers and i was thinking like you want to put our butter split their butter up and oh that's good good here's one for you one for me sweet sweet oh man this looks so good let's live in the main lifestyle here [Music] did you get enough almost looks like we need more well we can we have more we can heat up too we'll just use this for now excellent now make sure you say prayer real quick yeah we should dear lord thank you so much for this incredible day and thank you for all the variety of creation that we get to enjoy i ask you bless his food to our bodies now through jesus i pray amen amen appreciate you zach all right so i i obviously could get into one of these and uh and eat it but i want to know done you've done florida once yes so the bigger experiment here is is this as good as a florida lobster oh that's true because i am i'm pretty like uh i know how i've eaten a lot of florida lobster so the only thing different okay now you tell me if this is the same i guess i want to jump into the claws first okay because that's the but you know or continue well i could just show you real quick so i don't think this is any different than the florida ones right you push the piece of meat out uh-huh and they're soft shells so they come out easier and then you tear the strip off the back and then you pull out the poop trail right basically yes okay so that's the same thing as a florida lobster a lot of people in florida they'll clean out the poop trail first and then uh because they usually clean their lobster first and then steam them but oh really like that's yeah that's a useless they rip the meat apart and clean and cook they break it all beforehand while it's in its raw state and then they they eat it huh okay so now i guess the other thing different would be that they have no claws yeah you pull off the claw and then the this is can be get juicy so you keep it try to face it towards your enemy okay yeah as you break it each time now these are soft shells so i was able to just do that in my hands okay so normally they can't do you have to use the crackers all the time you get them on the right spot of the knuckle this way with the claw that way and give it a little crack but right now it's just gonna gush it all because it's a soft shell so just kind of turn it and pops off sweet and then you got like a you could just even like a lollipop you know like lollipop lobster meat and then whoa remember i said face it towards your enemy i messed that one up didn't i um and just break it in half with a with one that's a hard shell it would be like you're going to take it right here and you're going to crack here and then you're going to be able to break and down and away from you okay towards you and then you can pull it out now when if you have a hard shell i always just use these they sell tools for them okay so you use the cracker and then when you get into the knuckles on a hard shell they're kind of full and it doesn't the meat doesn't want to come out so you can use one of these and you can reach so the harder they are the more full of meat they are yeah so say you got a hard shell you use this thing and it does such a good job to like either push out or fish out the meat you don't have to buy the lobster tools it works so much better just to use that one claw okay but there you have it sweet oh yeah it's just like it just tears apart yeah like almost like paper wow yeah if you give a half a fold or whatever and it's a now these are the best ones because there's so much look at that huh i save a little bit of the uh butter the water on my plate if you crack it right too and then you can use that to rinse oh interesting you know just to rinse anything off that you don't like the looks of it's perfect now is it as good as florida lobster i'm gonna have to eat a few bites first this is like the perfect location like watch the sunset and and like we have a table here that somebody else made when it's like we had to construct it or anything all right tail meat here oh look that one had eggs yep that was sweet i'm guessing they're gonna be good eating lobster eggs for the first time just little orange beads they're very um very early stages all right dip it in my butter wow no um hold on i'm gonna have to think about it for a second if i like one over the other my inclination to say would be to say that this would be better because the cold water fish i think are better but after eating some fish in florida they're pretty darn good so well my friends um is it better but they're both the same like they're both so delicious yeah you'd have to do a blind taste sense it's that close i think you have to do a blind taste test on them really as far as foods go like to me this we're at the height of food flavors here heavenly it is heavenly yeah now something a lot of people don't know especially with the shutters it's so nice okay um i can't really show show it to you but you can take the claws off and when you're at home i do it with a rolling pin okay after everybody's done eating i lay out two or three claws at a time and roll it with a rolling pin and it will probably work with the shutter just by squeezing it if you could do it no not really so you need a rolling pin a big heavy end and you roll it down here and a little wad of meat comes that all the meat comes out that's cool and so if you do eight lobsters or so up you end up with this little pile of meat which you could do a lobster roll sandwich for yourself hide it from your family and the next day you have your own little personal lobster roll yeah both of them are that just that's that's really fun this whole thing is fun all right you will need the cracker for that guy okay i got eggs in mine too there you go nice little piece there cheers it's weird to be eating crab and and the crab is just secondary you know it's not the main thing oh i gotta dip it a little bit yeah because down south it's like your main thing isn't it or when like you visit the oregon country that chunk of eggs oh wow it's like like really young tiny eggs try that in the butter you know the crabs are good but when you have lobster beside him like the lobster is just like zombie says she likes the crab better really i don't know if i can continue to date her [Laughter] that's fine actually more for me yeah that's actually a great thing that's fantastic right it's a perfect it's a match made in heaven she's not going to steal my lobster and i'm not going to steal her wraps and we just keep going on wow yeah these little guys they're they're pretty good but i'd way rather have one of these well my friends we are going to now do a little striper fishing we're going to fish through the night then wake up real early and fish in the morning and just have a great time out on the island here but that video is gonna be on zach's channel camping camping out so in the meantime thank you guys so much for hanging out zach i appreciate you giving me the full main experience here it doesn't get any better than this thank you guys for hanging out i'll see you in the next one
Channel: Ace Videos 2
Views: 1,072,789
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ace videos Maine, Maine lobster, lobster, crab, Maine lobster and crab, ace videos lobster, ace videos, ace videos Zach fowler, Zach Fowler, lobster trap, lobster trapping, steam, cookout, lobster cookout, trap, butter, zach fowler and Ace, island, ace videos island, sunset catch n cook, catch and cook
Id: ApaU2yjiuQo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 37sec (2617 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 21 2022
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