3 Hours of Catch n' Cooks - Shark, Crabs, Flounder, Trout n' More!

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all right should we cross let's get it done sweet we're gonna cross the river here guys to this island what's up guys welcome to a little fishing adventure with me ancient we're gonna spend the day on this island and we're gonna fish we look for crawdads we're gonna see if we can scoop up in this we have the uh we have Snake Island here we do have to be a little careful because it's very jungly ever very Woody and actually every year this whole island gets covered in water and so there are all kinds of log jams which we'll show you in a minute and there are you know things like tires and stuff like that so we do have to watch out for snakes but what we're gonna do is we're just gonna Forge across the island we're gonna fish off both sides of it and uh just kind of eat whatever we catch this is fun so my dad's going to be the fisherman at first he's gonna see what we can catch fishing and I'm gonna flip over some rocks out in the river see if I can catch any crawdads or hellgrammites or Turtles you know any random thing we can eat basically everything's on the menu today so yeah let's get started there are a lot of fish hitting surface out here we're crawdadzo guy got a little net here the net is more just to hold the Crawfish um not really to catch I'm actually just catching with my hands [Music] foreign [Music] for the first side of the island we got a four crawdads and some interesting fishing lures there it's an old spro frog that's like a nine dollar ten dollar frog and then this is like a limited edition I think just based on how it looks that might be Rapala limited edition Rapala lure somebody lost before crawfish let's go to this side of the island now this is a pretty big island there's a lot to explore I have not explored down that way at all so we'll go down there in a minute but I'm gonna see about catching crawdads on this side [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you ouch [Music] yeah gotcha oh that's the biggest one of the day I wasn't gonna let him get away all right guys there we go I just had to take that pinch because I have so many of them getting away because they're so quick there's like I just have to grab them any way I can it's been a good crawdad hunt so far though so here's something kind of gruesome folks yeah this is the one okay so I dropped one of the crawdads I caught just happened to be a soft one I dropped him in there and look the other crawdads have eaten him eating him they've completely uh wow yeah they completely just torn out his insides there what I'm gonna do is drop some leaves and some and some different greens some seaweed and stuff in there and hopefully that kind of quiets them down for a little bit right some successful crawfish hunting and now guys this is a really it's a really long island long and narrow although it gets wide at a couple spots but probably close to a mile long and I've never really explored it so what we're gonna do is to start walking along here like I was saying earlier we've got to watch out for snakes you see how like we've got these log jams and stuff here got to be real careful where I walk because the water washes over this makes all kinds of log jams by the way I have here this little frog gig with me never used a frog gig before cool nice a nice long little frog gig there hmm little one two three four five prongs on there they're quite sharp we've got like what is this like 10 feet long or so a little frog gig cool who knows what we'll get if you guys have watched my brother chant my brother's Channel he uh I actually got a snake with his frog gig a copperhead and he ate it if you guys want to check that out I'll put a link to it in the description this Forest here it's pretty thick pretty dense I'm gonna also keep my eye out for mushrooms look at this big tube here all this trash nothing in it interesting see guys I have these nice tall waders on they aren't exactly stylish but they're perfect for foraging and dangerous habitat like this did you have to wait the other side there's some grass over here there's a baby phone there's a baby in the grass so tiny where's Mama something might be wrong it's like he's laying down or something I Would Be watchful for Papa because if Papa comes charging out of the forest we're in big trouble oh no something yeah he's he's shaking something's wrong with this little guy oh are you okay dude oh no look at him so tiny so tiny hey man what's wrong what's wrong I've never seen where where's mom and Papa where are they huh where are they are you okay something's wrong with you oh he has one oh oh maybe not oh wait he does yeah he has a leg it looks like something's wrong well he got it fine though oh well there he goes um um we'll hush my mouth oh you know what guys it's super steep it's super steep right there but you know all that happened oh I better get out of here yeah oh no he's falling down okay we're out here here's what we're doing um so here's the situation that's a super Steep Hill right there and it looks like baby couldn't get up the hill I'll bet if I leave I'll bet if I leave um the parents come back down and help the baby I'm wondering if I spooked some deer without knowing Mom and Dad charged up that steep hill and baby couldn't get up the Steep Hill and so that's why baby was also shaking and just kind of crouched there because it was scared that is a tiny deer that is super cool though I think what I'm gonna do is I'm going to leave the spot and if Mom and papa come back down then they'll get their baby but if that's like an abandoned deer I want to know so we'll keep an eye we'll come back oh look what the somebody used to have a tree house here maybe they still do well it's kind of dilapidated actually a lot of the boards are gone cool spot for a tree house I might do that hey live on a treehouse oh and what do we have here folks ladies and gentlemen the first mushrooms of the day you know what I do not recognize these little Fellers so we'll have to get the mushroom book out but there's a possibility got a bunch of spiders there look there's the underside of the tree house man this is cool this is cool this is what you come out here and you just never know what you're gonna find folks you just gotta start I've got to go snag my mushroom book and then we'll be back that's easy to remember there fish on Fish on come on big fella or little fella whatever you are nice oh that's cool come on Come to Papa get him over here where it's a little shallower cool just love those River smallies oh yeah oh yeah all right all right there we go pretty little Bass let him go catch the next one keep it all right guys here we go videos there he goes all right let's do that again all right my friends before I start fishing I'm gonna cheat a little bit I'm gonna put the old drone up and Scout the river first [Music] foreign [Music] so this is one of the first times I've ever come across a small mouth while scouting with a drone and I was curious to see how they would respond to it because some fish like trout swim away they don't they don't let you get close at all with the Drone they sense it coming and they're off and right there you see takes off but I was probably four or five feet above the water there and it's clear and it's shallow so Smallmouth take a little bit to Spook or at least that one did and then I thought you know what I'm gonna go check on the deer and see how the deer is doing up River here instead of walking all the way up to the end of the island that little grass patch there was was where I discovered him so I hit right over the grass patch and just kind of look around and I did not see him anywhere in all this stuff so we're gonna assume that the uh mom and dad came back and got him that is a a new fawn for sure and uh yeah so that's what I assumed I actually went back way later and checked around that spot did not see the Fawn so we'll assume that's what happened and then right here I see a big lone fish and I'm like this has to be a big trout but as I get closer it's not spooked so I was like wait a second and then you see the sucker mouth it's just a big sucker so that was a little disappointing zoomed in on it and I was like yeah that's just a sucker fish that's not a big trout I was kind of hoping to come across a real giant swimming around in here there are some giant trout in this River so fingers crossed we'll discover them soon and I come across all these fish here kind of in the slow part of the river was really excited at first but then when I get closer none of them spook or start zigzagging around and they're pretty much all sucker fish and the closer I got the more I realized yeah they're just sucker fish or variations thereof so in the slow parts of the river where I could see real well in the shallow Parts a lot of suckers swimming around and then I come across this uh family of geese out for a morning swim there that was two little babies there between the parents but the parents are making those ahead movements there I think they're not too happy about the Drone so I didn't get close to them uh didn't want to see really what would happen I think they would have all scattered uh came across a bunch of other fish here but pretty much just sucker fish besides that Smallmouth right at first just tons and tons of sucker fish and then this is cool guys right when I was over my dad with the Drone this happened fish on Fish on there you go right in the shallows guys just annihilated that bait that was so cool come on big boy don't know how big he is because it's a river Smalley but it's a it's a fun fighter yes foreign oh yeah he's a good oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah look at that we'll just walk him right over to the shore [Applause] check it out look how dark that thing is beautiful all right check this out guys look at that fish look at that on that hard bait ASA isn't that beautiful look how dark he is that is gorgeous yeah nice catch so that's that's the zero there oh over 16 a little over six oh that's pretty nice I think I'll let that one go okay first one and then see if rain catch another one watch this release There She Goes let's see how she'll see if she can take off here There She Goes hope she's gonna go down that way for now all righty my friends trying to get back to some fishing for me had enough exploring for now all right check it check it out a little Rainbow Trout colored spinner right there let's give it a go there we go right in the riffles I love a big old Pig of a trout got him guys got him yes got him got him see what it is the mystery fish that's so cool about living down here there's so many different things so many different varieties I think it's a trout it's a trout yes we got him we got a nice little rainbow trout there ladies and gentlemen just like I'd hoped all right let's print them off real quick here rinse off oh he's trying to get away look at that beautiful little trout guys all right right in the fast current there just like I'd hoped we're gonna eat good we got crawdads and trout take a little Stone and Bop him real quick there we go we've got dinner ladies and gentlemen that is fantastic I'm just going to set them in the cool water right there as long as he doesn't like revive and come off or a wild animal doesn't come and grab him I'm Gonna Keep fishing let's even get another one we'll have one for me one for my dad look at all these good looking riffles we have to fish still on the very next cast see you get a fish and then you get all jumpy you get all excited and every little I got one I got one I got one guys a big one a big one whoa whoa something just loaded on the very next cast the very next cast what is it okay maybe it's not that big if in the current it burrowed down in the current and felt huge oh no it's oh yeah it's decent it's another trout it's another trout oh another rainbow beautiful rainbow bigger than the last one though look at it look at it oh come on come on baby rainbow troll big rainbow trout look at that whoa whoa that look there's the first trout here's number two two and two cats and this is a fatty oh we're gonna eat good we go look at that guys that is a wide fat trout right there same thing guys two fish and two cats is fantastic oh that is beautiful this is so cool this is so cool I love fishing there we go guys we've got dinner whoa look at that another one a rattle travel white one boy I am finding the lures today unfortunately they're all quite old and rusted out but uh man that's three in one day that's pretty cool I'm just gonna do the old-fashioned uh they'll stick through the mouth there the old-timer Stringer back before they had knickknacks and doodads for everything just use a stick [Applause] all right put those right in there with the crawd ends terrorize them for a minute set my fishing rod there let's grab an empty water bottle and the spear let's go back down this way and I'm gonna try to find those mushrooms and keep my eye open for anything else guys this is so funny so I took my sunglasses off for a second and you want to see how much polarized um matters look at that that's how much might as you guys see that smallest Moon around right down there yeah can you see him now look at that isn't this so cool that is how much polarized lenses matter make sure you guys get yourself a good pair actually I just have these cheap pair from Walmart that I was yeah they're like 25 bucks they're like the Kevin Van Damme series sunglasses you just find them in the fishing section that is cool I think it was right around here that I saw the mushrooms yeah here we are oh oh wow look how wilted they look now guys they looked fresh just a couple hours ago that's nuts okay so I don't have my mushroom identification book well my phone's not loading kind of sketchy Soul service out here but chanterelles I believe are what these are called but this is the crazy thing they're already like Wilt they look it's like the sun's beating down on them and just drying them out look at that though I think that's a chanterelle I'll have to wait till I have cell service actually before I eat this because I want to make 100 sure you don't take chances with mushrooms but uh already I mean that's crazy these looked fresh and let they even feel like they're drying out a little bit here I'm no mushroom expert yet still have a lot of studying to do but I'm real interested in learning it all right guys since I didn't catch anything to keep the punishment is to have to get the firewood and everything ready to go so we're going to go ahead and gather some firewood from the little stuff on up to the big stuff and have everything ready so when Ace is ready to cook I've got him good to go kid this is the most fun part of the day getting the fire going are you kidding me okay that is a good looking fire pops I've got a frying pan here ladies and gentlemen while I cook my dad's gonna go and he's gonna do a little bit more fashion maybe we could add a small amount or something or a trout do you have my spinner there if you want to try that too I'll take your spinner and I'll take my hard bait all right sweet all right you have fun we'll cook here I brought this water here we're gonna pour this in the frying pan all I have is one frying pan folks we kept it nice and simple today didn't bring a lot of stuff with us so what I'm going to do is uh get this water nice and hot we're gonna boil the crawdads first and then we'll cook the trout to check this out guys package from a subscriber the Graham family from Virginia and you know I believe the grand family are actually I think you guys are members as well oops this isn't from then this is from another subscriber who's also a member gave me this Johnny Seafoods um we'll get to that in a second but that that wasn't from the Graham Family here's from the Graham family in fact let's open this first thank you guys for the nice letter I just read it a few minutes ago when I opened the package you guys check this out from Janie I think that's Janie to Ace thank you so much that is beautiful check this out nice trout there trout just like we just caught and the sun in the corner there from Clara Clara or Clara depending on where you are in the country Clara thank you so much that is beautiful and guys they sent me look at this never seen this before tiger sauce original tiger sauce for meat Seafood anything else that can stand up to the Sweet heat sweet heat I love some sweet heat and another one sweet heat tiger sauce and here's what we're gonna do folks so I've got the um got the water boiling I did not bring any like Zatarain's shrimp or crab boil what they say Necessities the mother of invention and uh who knows we might decide might discover something real good oh wow it's very liquidy did not expect that okay no this is going to be just fine it's like liquid I didn't realize that guys that it looks just like how the zataran shrimp and crab boil looks this some sweet heat crawfish I'm actually excited about this I didn't realize it was so liquidy this is going to be perfect I thought it was like a paste or like ketchup or something like that and we have the crawdads in here they've been chilling for the afternoon we'll take the seaweed and stuff out throwing that out there and now a lot of these folks we'll just pour them out here a lot of these guys aren't exactly monsters um like that one's a keeper for sure but some of these we're gonna let go look at what he is quick guys I'm shocked by how fast the Crawfish are around here he was trying to bury himself right away in fact we got to rinse him off so he's not all gritty pretty when we eat them there he goes I'm in person I'm in Pursuit he'll get tired got him and yes okay almost made his Escape crafty little devil I think that's boiling good enough all right who gets the claw yeah you're a candidate for sure drop them right in you're good this guy's fighting me oh this is a fighter right here this is a fighter these little guys here get to go free there you go Little Friends you're free to go I had found a couple of cool lures oh the soft one we're gonna be able to eat him whole oh what'd you guys say that look done that looks done to me look how bright red those guys are yeah excellent excellent excellent all right well we let those crawfish cool and soak up you want to leave crawdads to sit in there in the juices that you cook them in so they can absorb in this case the good sweet heat of that tiger seasoning tiger sauce um and I'm gonna fillet this trout here I'm Gonna Leave the head on just because there might be some Head meat and and there it is ladies and gentlemen finally showed that to you guys after all these years that is how you clean a trout and leave the head on beautiful all right get our butter spread out evenly over the place drop one trout right in there and I think he needs a friend a happy little friend right there and just adding some of this delightful Journey seafood seasoning on there sent to me by a subscriber as well very cool so while I was trying to decide whether or not to eat these mushrooms came across this article where this guy talked about um there's this danger of look lookalike to Shen chanterelle mushrooms I think they're called which are very good but they just look like called a Jack-o-Lantern and I'm not even enough a mushroom hunter to know if this is a Jack-o-Lantern or a chanterelle I think I'm saying that right so we're gonna have to let these go by for now until I get better at this mushroom hunting stuff all right folks so the trout is sticking to the cast iron so it looks like garbage right now but we know it's going to be delicious the cast iron things tend to stick to it way more than others hands oh man all right my friends oh my goodness The Spoils of the day all of your work good Heavens so I have there's some it's kind of spread out because it's more liquidy but there's some tiger sauce if you want to dip sure the trout in that otherwise it's cooked in just like a regular um Johnny seasoning excellent excellent should we pray we'll do that let's do it I'll pray dear Lord thank you so much for this food I ask you blessed to our bodies and thank you all we've been able to enjoy creation today thank you for just filling the rivers with so many fish and different creatures for us to enjoy through Jesus I pray amen amen Cheers Cheers I'm gonna dip mine in the tiger sauce actually first bite to test it out it's a good fish son whoa whoa that's a punch didn't think it'd be too spicy pull out a little nugget of meat it's not much guys the Crawfish in this particular River are a little on the small side but I'm gonna have me a little bit of just a little tiny piece there a little tail meat that's good perhaps get the final piece oh I got a shirt out there oh doesn't that look so good that's just part of it I had to cut that trout in half he was so fat you know let me throw the butter on there let's do that yes sir all right yes I'll share this one yeah man guys I'm glad I brought you along wow this is a fun time guys I hope you enjoyed hanging out hope you enjoyed the day as much as we did thanks for hanging out with us good time as always good all right first Crab Trap away yeah there we go sweet first one out what is going on guys welcome to another organ episode out here on a boat with my Dad we are crabbing in the Harlem Bay I don't even I think it's nehelum Bay in Oregon we are crabbing today from a boat this is a boat rental from Kelly's Marina we'll uh provide some information for uh to them at the end of this video so if you guys want to come out do this yourself but today we are crabbing for some Dungeness crabs and then we're gonna do a little catch and cook right on the beach right over there should be an amazing day let me show you what we got here so my dad has here's our crab trap for the day guys we got a whole bunch and this is uh the bait bag a whole bunch of fish heads and fish guts and nasty things in there that crabs like to eat this is just a simple ring it lays down on the bottom and then uh we wait for about 10 or 15 minutes when the crabs get in there to try to get to that bait we just pull it up real fast and it should be full of crabs there's another look at all that bait right in there good nasty smelling fish I'll let my dad do all the work sweet goes down in the water there and what we're gonna do guys is we are going to put a GoPro on one of these crab traps and we will see what goes on down there all right guys in with those two dead fish in the middle this one has a GoPro on it bon voyage and hopefully we don't lose a 400 camera oh well guys all four traps are out including the GoPro one um and now we just wait for about five or ten minutes and we'll see what happens I'm always so curious what's going on down there foreign [Music] one baby crib it's the first time one little tiny female so we'll put her back guys there's a Coast Guard helicopter right there hopefully hopefully nobody's in trouble hopefully it's just a training exercise all right let's get this uh let's check number 22. hopefully this one will be better what I'm going to do is I'm going to grab it and we'll wait till we're right over top of it before I Yank It Up all right you can slow her down now this is the only crab in the Trap all right we're gonna try putting it out there a little bit deeper alrighty now it is time to check the GoPro uh trap see what we got oh we got some crabs got a bunch of small ones though all small huh yeah we're in there we're just gonna throw this GoPro one back out there again [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] oh yes yes nice hopefully I think that one hopefully if there's going to be one it's going to be here uh-huh no he's short again just barely this guy's probably been caught before hang it yeah no he's short guys sir close oh well all right guys GoPro back down there three of them so close but no Sega we'll get him we'll get them we'll check that trap right there let's see look how much rope there is I think this is pretty shallow over here hopefully that doesn't make a difference come on baby oh oh look big mail oh that is a keeper guaranteed look at that oh big male oh yeah you don't have to measure that's a good one nice big that's very nice the kind of ocean candy we came out here not even but oh he's close with that white one there right there yes that one okay yeah he is all right sweet IE two males yeah let's drop guys we actually held onto one of the traps and we said let's wait till we get to we start looking yeah we said let's wait till we locate some before we throw any more trash back out nice and uh we did sweet all right boys after a successful oops oh well I don't I don't know how to steer after a successful pull of that trap we found that when we went farther into the bay that's when we got a couple Biggins all right whoa look at that a bunch of them but but I'm going to keep it I don't see you I don't see a lot of them I see all small ones that is crazy it's like out in the deeper water we just have all these like little dudes you thank you thank you oh we got a big one oh my goodness we got it not very many but we got a big big male hopefully is it yep it's a male nice well I can tell you right now that's big enough oh yeah yeah in Washington too nice guys look at that right beautiful Dungeness number four on the day I don't know why I turned Australian I wonder what's been going on with the underwater GoPro one let's go check it out so this was hilarious to me because uh this little crab was the first one in the Trap the little crab and little fish there and for a long time he was the only one in the Trap so he basically had this big Buffet all to himself for like good five minutes or so I mean can you imagine walking into like a Golden Corral and you're the only one there and there's all this fresh hot food laying out you're the only one in the entire restaurant you just sit on the counter and just Feast that's basically what this guy did he just jumped up on the counter and just gorged himself for a while and that little fish was getting in on the action by the way what is that fish can somebody tell me what kind of fish that is anyway that was funny and then here's here's this is amazing a seal comes over looks that even sniffs the camera and check that out again comes over sniffs it so apparently the reason why uh they use rotted fish um in crab traps instead of fresh fish is because if you use fresh fish this seals will come over and they'll tear your trap up getting the fish out of there but since they use fish that's a few days old the seals don't want to have anything to do with it and uh yeah that's why it's all rotted meat the crabs don't care obviously as you can see so anyway here you see the Rope is being pulled about to pull it up and I always wondered do crabs take off when you start like pulling on the rope and no they do not they are totally engrossed in eating uh and so they aren't even paying attention none of them take off or anything all right whoa milk got a bunch a bunch of small ones I swear this gopro's bad luck good grief look at that guys just barely a non-keeper boy his life in like a month he's gonna be a keeper oh we got a big one big one oh yes yo this is the one that had to keep her last time guys look amazing that's legal in Washington dude yeah Washington guys they have uh perhaps have to be bigger than here in Oregon sweet number five we got five crabs on the day that is Oregon Gold all right guys let's check the GoPro one see right by it I cannot film jump in I cannot film and uh and crab at the same time uh but steer a boat film and crab but anyway we're gonna see what's going on with this GoPro dad so at first glance it looks like there's just a bunch of small ones but it turns and check it out there is a giant just dominating the pile looks like he's trying to keep the other ones away from it so we had a big one in there and then check out the background there's a salmon that swims by right there that was the only salmon I ever saw in this whole thing a girl at the marina told us that salmon fishing was pretty much done so but obviously there were a few still hanging around and we pulled it up and we had a bigon deeper yes oh big one let's oh are you all right big one guys a couple of big ones let's hope that's a male let's hope it's a man it is it's a male yes sir guys that's another one we don't have to measure oh look at some little ones dropped together big ones that one's a male too that one might be guys that's the biggest one of the day to me very very nice succulent look at it it doesn't yeah that's like another seven inches wow wow wow so I think we might be grab it I don't know oh yeah he's gonna be a keeper I'll tell you right now yes definitely number seven nice job pops well guys we have seven yeah let's just set him down guys what we're gonna do is we're just gonna leave the Trap down there and we're gonna go park up on the beach and we're gonna cook up a little lunch and then we'll come back out here and check them one more time [Music] it might be deep enough all right I'll pull up the motor all right guys it's right up on a little Sandy Beach this is amazing what a cool day and right in here is all of our catch and cook stuff crabs are really simple this spot here guys a little log kind of serve as a table all right guys Welcome to our outdoor kitchen here we've got all the stuff that have a little butane thing right here and my dad got some sea water that's right that's the best thing to cook them is right in the salt water and the salinity is perfect and nuts have been in it so the crabs have been in it yes no flavor leeches out into the water so we gotta start this bad boy up beautiful well guys we had uh we got somebody on horseback approaching you want me to call Scott good afternoon hello that's pretty cool you live around here then you live around here yeah well that's neat it is a nice day if you like I'll give Scott a call and the watch pot never boils all right pops if you want to do the honor of putting the first crab first one in I'll put my wet gloves over that one all right got some boiling water or boiling Waters they say downtown ready here we go upside down let's get him yeah we have tons oh there we go barely fits in there guys I upgraded my pot yes and uh it actually fits Dungeness I don't have to break them up anymore now I don't think it'll fit that seven and no it wouldn't but this here we got the smallest one oh and the lid fits on too perfect that guy's steam is coming out the pot it has been 15 minutes it is cooked look at that [Music] that is looking amazing wow you can't get any pressure you guys are right on the beach he was alive 15 minutes I don't know I know and cooked in salt water should we add the other one before look how much he's steamed we have to let this guy cool for a second all right let's add this one number two he's a little Lively say again we're just at him upside down feet first yeah there we go curl all up just like a spider there we go there we go guys you literally can't get any fresher than that still steaming still steaming from the water and cooked in the salt water that it came from I don't know about you Pops I'm going to start yeah start here that's right I'm gonna go for a clock I'm going big should we break that's great aim All God's Children said amen all righty all right sir Cheers Cheers I'm so hungry I know hunger is the best sauce but this is still really good uh this is one of my favorite meals of the year is fresh Dungeness crabs that we can't dress up I mean I'm talking top three favorite whole [Music] um I better grab that other club before you see that right now oh big nuggets of I could get us some butter going if you want I brought a little tub of butter So Good by itself it's so good right so maybe we eat this one and then we have the second one okay sounds good guys you really don't need butter it does it does add a little something but it's not it's not necessary to enjoy it that's for sure and when I'm hungry I don't want to wait for butter that's just the way it is so guys I just remembered something at the very Marina where we rented our boat the girl there showed me last year about crab butter I forgot about this okay so it's because it's been a year since I've been to Oregon so you take the crab here's the body and you split it open and look at that right in the head there's all of that yellow stuff right in there it looks like cut looks exactly like butter actually so we're going to dip it in that yellow stuff there oh I'll drink that wow crab butter man it is it's like that's really good it's crazy guys it like it like increases the flavor of the crab that is really really good I totally forgot about that so crabs have their own butter built in that is amazing yeah you could almost drink it you could guys that timer is the next crab is all done gorgeous Red Crab too much steam right in the camera this gorgeous Red Crab oh man we we're gonna heat up some butter for this one we're just gonna use the crap the built-in crab butter I totally forgot that like trick what you call it a crab hack crab hack we're gonna eat the rest of the rest of the crabs later on um bring those home and share them with the family but we get first dibs all right pop so what are you doing here yeah that always does something I yeah you know I like to eat crab I I get all the pieces and put them all in and of course now we have the butter I just added the butter from yours so I get a bunch of pieces and then I get to eat a bunch of it at once just kind of you crack and crack and crack and then eat and eat you don't eat as you crack no well a little bit at first when I'm real hungry but boy I like to do it this way that is cool right in the crab leg we've never done that before guys you can just throw all the pieces of crab right in the Shell there it's like butter it really is like like butter that is so cool this is the life oh man this is very nice is that too much [Music] [Music] what is going on my friends welcome to South Carolina with my brother what's up hi Adventure videos check out his channel Linked In the description and today we are going out on this bridge we're gonna fish from it in the salt water on the South Carolina coast the current is absolutely ripping but uh we're gonna give it a go it's kind of a Blustery Day kind of cold a cold front actually hit so it might be a little tough out here but we're gonna give it a try anyway [Music] [Applause] oh look at that fish right there I'm just going to use a little uh Carolina rig all right guys First cast of the day fishing's just a cool sport look down in the dark water and hope that something finds your bait you just never know what you're gonna see experience for the day last time I was actually at this spot a dolphin came charging or like right in front of me and ate I think it was a trout like a speckled trout that was so cool to see never know big birds flying there just cool just cool see if I can get something on a swim bait while my shrimp is out there kind of keep an eye on it got one guys I got a big flounder guys I got a big flounder on a swim bait bro bro oh I don't know if I should try to haul it up oh oh nice you know what just to be on the safe side he looks like he's not really hooked that well just gonna put them up on shore and then go down and get him oh it's a good oh he just came off he just came off I gotta run down there dude he just came off the hook but he's in shallow water oh great of course there's a parade going by right about now oh my gosh do you see him is he still down there all right come here we go I can hear him flapping and flopping pokey's still flopping I see him oh he's he's almost getting away there he is there he is there he is right there do you guys see him oh my gosh dude he got away yeah but he was in shallow water [Music] you know he just threw the hook like I was trying to drag him up on shore and then he just after the hook came out ah good grief I've ever caught a keeper flounder before if there hadn't been a parade of cars going by just this little have a bunch of them if you wanna on a swim bait oh man that stinks whoa dude I think that was a flounder that just jumped on those fish right there dude I tell you I did I kind of thought they sat on the bottom and yeah oh I just had one just had another bite just had another bite look at my bait is right down there come on I need to cast net for some of these yeah I'm gonna do you guys will do something real fast before I keep casting got my scissors here gonna reel this bait in yeah there's no more bait on it because it got stolen from random fish including a ballyhoo put that on a hook now I'm just gonna lower it down like right here so I can still cast my other stuff but to at least have that down there then I'm gonna pick my swim bait back up keep going with this but I'll keep an eye on this whoa whoa whoa look at this look at this look at this got one guys why is the drag so loose on this piece of Ballyhoo what a big flounder big flounder on the Ballyhoo I'm walking them straight to the edge this time and Hauling them up on shore dude look at that are you kidding me on a piece of ballyhoo I think is does it look like a keeper to you it's gonna be close he has the hook dude that was look at that my friends this might be a keeper here they have to be pretty big in South Carolina to keep oh guys I have to be 16 inches okay we'll see if this guy is 16. all right it's gonna be close oh dude he's short quite like a quarter of an inch like a quarter inch dang it dang bro dude nice catch oh man well guys it was fun fun while it lasted bro there are pliers on my backpack could you grab them out my biggest flounder quarter of an inch short shoes it's a beautiful fish though dude there he goes I thought you had it man I thought you know that would have been a keeper last year because last year was 15. yeah they just upgraded it this year so they're gum all right guys I'm gonna do something got a cast net with me all the bait that these flounder are eating on I'm gonna try to cast net and then get back to fishing if we had to cast night with a really really long handle we just throw from the bridge but we do not have such a cast net I got a needlefish two needlefish no one is a Ballyhoo got a fresh ballyhoo well there's some absolutely excellent fresh bait this little fish is called a ballyhoo and there's I'm gonna throw the needlefish back you see something a pin fish that's actually not what I want we'll keep him but that's I want the the little I don't know there's some little minnow that these flounder are really going after there you go there you go if they're big enough I think I probably got some there otherwise they slip through the net oh yes yes they are mullet bunch of mullet sweet that's what these fish have been eating on oh that is all the bait we need right there folks look at all these mullet that's what they've been feasting on wheat a dozen mullet guys in one throw yes all right let's get back to fishing I got the bait one dozen in the throw and a live Ballyhoo live pin fish and alive dude you got some nice ones in there you mind if I partake dude you grab whatever your heart desires dude I'm thinking I think in a little one of these guys get over here yeah come here that little guy right there there we go so I hooked him through the bottom kind of towards the anal fin because it's going to be on the bottom and hopefully he'll like struggle to try to swim upwards that's what I've heard anyway give it a go bait away oh there's a bite there's a bite on the live bait oh do I miss him no I got him I think yeah flounder another flounder he's not that big but dude that was awesome on the bullet on the mullet dude there's they're in the area they are look he has like a chunk taken out of there oh dude yeah he does doesn't he dude that is cool yeah he's like look how green his eyes are doing [Applause] floppy fellow oh he does have green eyes look at these green eyes dude whoa It's like June bug eyes yeah he has a chunk taken out of him like a shark or something took a chunk or another fish yeah probably a nice little 10 11 incher not a keeper but just hammered that bullet we're on a school of flounder this is a first for us I think I've never been in an area like this where we're just catching flounder consistently they're just stacked up down there yeah cool see you little fella hold up oh the mold's paying off bro do it dude let's get a bacon check this little fellow dude I got one I got one a flounder again check the check the bait what the heck [Music] for number four this is the most flounder action I've ever seen those are such a cool fish are you kidding me wow love them oh our mullet's trying to jump in it what a cool cool fish very nice oh belly flopped on that one oh that one is the one I'm gonna use all right these live mullet getting it done too little let's see one on a swim bait one on a Bally who cut bait now a couple on live mullets all right we're getting the bite got him huh dude he just loaded on yeah dude look they're getting smaller what's going on dude he's blowing in the wind you're getting a white too nice that doesn't look shabby oh wait that was a red fish oh was that a trout dude oh dude [Music] oh oh dude this live bait is where it's at a cool little fish oh that's that's smaller than the last one unfortunately come on dude we gotta get that keeper man whoa that was amazing well they're still feeding down there oh look look oh something took it got him got him dude what the heck what heck is that like he just grabbed it just grabbed it and I still missed him you know I should have let him eat it for a second in reality like when on hindsight and I guess I did kind of let him eat it for a second maybe a second more dang it right under dude bro there's a lot of drama today man all right fresh mullet under the bridge come on oh look at something's chasing dude you got yours right in the bang Zone man yeah dude I am oh look at him something something's going on right here oh big swirl another mullet just bit the Dust oh one more let's get it oh and get the map of trees are growing there's a lot of work out there there's a lot of work to do that was bad do your kids watch that they have seen that actually oh dude more casualties over here seems like the Bites come in flurries yeah make flurries how did I know you were going to say that ah it's been around me oh look something something hit right there dude you strapped your blind right there what you should drop your line right there every once while I keep seeing something hit right now oh there's something hanging out you're gonna catch him yeah like right there the there's keeps being a swirl dude I got something on the end of this Rod right here you ready oh yeah oh big flounder big flounder oh it's a monster dude oh dude come on come on come on no no no no do not run don't oh dude that's gotta go 16 right there oh baby oh baby oh baby yes yes dude look at that yeah he was down there that was I kept seeing him hit he was just seeing him hit dude oh yeah I'll just lift him up into the net nice dude that better be 16. you want to lower a minute bring him over yes okay let's see guys oh boy let's see are we eating flounder or not so we kind of shrunk a little bit when he came up I have to say it's gonna be close he's gonna be real close um come on come on gotta be that 16. why does it look way bigger it looks it looked like easy it looked like a 20 incher down there a big flounder bro that's the biggest one I ever caught nice not quite doormat size but uh you can wipe a shoe on it all right hey sir oh he's so right 17 seven so is that right there yeah seven look set over 17 like 17 and a quarter bro first ever nice nice fish bro oh man all sudden I lifted up and it was just like it was like yeah you just ate it yeah he's there when I first got that bite when I told you I was hit him dude your hunch paid off yes I want an assist on that one man definitely for sure all right there you go like 17 and a quarter we waited patiently we fought against the elements and we won Against All Odds well my friends Mike I was gonna say we did it well I kind of did it because I was the one that told you about fishing right there you did you really did so I take part credit um now none of us neither of us have any idea how to clean a flounder so we are going to next next to Side Quests and then we'll uh figure out how to cook it all right my friends we're rolling down to the beach here and we're just gonna cook on these rocks that's a hard oh wow S at the gym are working out for you oh I mean that was clever all the years in the gym were working out for you I like it I'm somewhat of a Wordsmith all right you stand there and look pretty and I'll adjust this by myself that's about as flat it's gonna get and you'll be good um I could sit right here yeah yeah no that could sit right here and cook on this semi-flat rock what are you gonna do you want to fish I'm gonna throw a line out dude I think so why not sounds good yeah throw it right over him is that what you're saying I don't know guys there's like a big mullet swimming what in the heck he's right there right there dude you just got him look at that wow oh yeah he's like he must be sick or something cause that's so weird he like wasn't even scared dude do you want fresh cut man I was just about to play this we could cut him up for bait I like that do you want him I want him yes okay do you want him right now for one of your lives you got old Bluefish dude from yesterday you want fresh mullet you have to have fresh that Bluefish has been sitting out of a cooler for like four hours no yes look I've got the knife right here fresh fish you gotta be really getting me hyped up there bro you want a steak yes thank you media that's a steak sounds so good right now it's got a shark Rod right here you got a shark rock yeah dude oh man that's perfect thank you sir you're welcome sir let's see if we can get a little lucky while we're cooking up and actually I figure out how to uh how to cook up this how to clean this fish actually yeah okay now I've got a challenge my friends let's uh all right my friends flounder cleaning about about to commence no guarantees on this one oh here's a nice Flat Rock for him all right I love those videos with long intros filet a flute in fluke in 15 seconds I thought a fluke was like an amoeba yeah you want to start on the white side on the white side start on the white side Mike okay grip on them get a good grip on him wow this guy knows what he's doing dude by his town business look at that look at look at the flag job on that stomach bone yeah let's keep you nice nice and nice and flat yeah that's just one no you want to make sure look how close he got to the Bone nice clean fillet same thing this guy's definitely from Jersey or something you know shoulder grip same thing this man's a wizard with a knife belly bone oh geez look at your belly belly button whoa hmm all right let's do this boy after watching a guy from Jersey I think he said push your knife through it yeah we looking look at it look I'm close to the ribs oh yes it looks really good okay I didn't know how it should feel so I was just like kind of just knife along because you're going to separate from the spine always cut towards yourself boys and girls there's a lot of red flags going on right here right now outside and I bend the Knife Down no good happens um yeah okay yeah there's just not very much are you calling my fish small no no it's just different than what I thought all right let's see let's see let's see your hands here look that's pretty good you can see the rib bones and Bam wow that is pretty good bro well thank you for not wasting my hard fought hard-earned fish they say cut the belly button out like that cut the belly bone oh belly bone yeah there we go belly bone gone sounds like a pirate's name belly balloon belly bones we're leveling up in real life folks there you go yes yes oh and there's our oh yeah I'll just separate this we have two Flats there we go we did it yes that looks pretty good bro well done for your first time wow they don't have very much meat on them yeah and you know what the one that you watched that guy filet was probably like 24 25 inches yeah that was big this was what 17. I see that seagull right there gonna make a Mad Dash for him if he gets any closer I'll bet I could catch him bro I think there's more meat on the dark side really than the uh is there dark meat on the dark side no I think it's the same but the filet just looks bigger I mean look at those yeah that looks really good thank you Victory just like take a bite it's not what you're supposed to do with your first fish you've ever eaten before fish not mine yeah yeah we'll pass on that tradition for now all right getting after this seagull you know getting our running stance here what are you gonna do look at that look he knows something oh that's a fast seagull oh that was a lot faster than I realized I had good speed good form I got your hook back oh dude thank you 20 cents let me rinse it off you know yo thank you you know actually I think that's your hook if I'm not mistaken yeah I did take that out but shoot I shouldn't have said anything and just gone home with it it's like a 30 Cent hook all right brother I have a confession uh-oh I do not bring butter or oil oh but fortunately I brought monkey sauce so just cook it monkey sauce it's extra oily because it's made from real monkeys so we'll get my oil if you need any if you have oil in your truck see that tote that the oil was in I was counting on you to bring oil but I think the tote that the oil was in was left in my truck dude we couldn't bring any oil oh my god dude this says this this will liven up the up any dish it's made in Panama good stuff in Panama so I'll Trust it okay no one getting around here no monkey business start hey we got flames there you go thank you sir you know hold them right there I'm going to um put a little monkey sauce in there oh it's watery it's water he was supposed to pass my appetite it's watery with chunks I'm guessing it's coming nice and oily usually that's not a good sign of watery with chunks all right we'll take the fillet there and we'll just ride into the monkey uh we'll do two fillets and the other two we might save them for when we have before when we have oil that's a great idea oh I don't want to do this fish a disservice yes especially delicious flounder all right you have a fish Maybe you have a crab in which case we're cooking crabs and monkey sauce what the whoa what what's the best oh it's a sea bass I think I think yeah dude that totally is a sea bass nice catch bro thanks I've never caught a sea bass before actually this is a first for me your personal best flounder and of your first sea bass yeah that's cool pretty little fish that is really cool that's really pretty dang I thought something was hitting that Rod I was down there sweet bonus fish yeah I wonder what the I think those had to be like 12 inches or something like just like in the cool I should have measured it just in case just to be sure gotta see how the food is cooking don't want to burn my monkey fish here oh we're good frying up nicely bro watch this is gonna be like amazing we're gonna discover something throwing fish and monkey sauce or we might discover this is a tragedy can I have some chips in South Carolina nothing like it and most of them are folded to the best yeah these are probably these are kettled you can't beat a good kettle cooked a fork for you sir thank you I believe our monkey flounder is just about ready here I say we eat them a monkey a new species I say we um try them straight out of the pan all right bro oh man hmm I'm sorry I forgot the oil he should be deep fried but um yeah we'll give it a go anyway we'll give it a go yeah should we pray real quick yes dear Lord thank you for this blessed day we got to spend out here together and I asked that you would um there's less food to our bodies and thank you for your creation we had to enjoy Jesus I pray amen amen here we go here we go looks cooked through now you see that fire until you see the white of the meat very flaky looking yeah it is all right here we go let's get a bone oh shoot I thought I'd cut out all the bones for the monkey sauce is spicy dude that fish is really flaky yeah it's super flaky hmm I mean it's good because we knew the fish was gonna be good yeah the monkey socks is a little um overpowering to it yeah I did not expect it to be so spicy it's like monkey fish I'm gonna need some milk yeah that's very spicy the monkey sauce I mean it's fine right definitely should have been deep fried it's passable I mean oh yeah yeah it's a good it's a good uh like uh the texture of the fish is delicious I didn't imagine cooking this up right with like butter you know seasonings or frying it we'll stay together phenomenal yeah we'll save the other two dude thank you though you're welcome for cooking my fish up I need to bring you along on more videos we enjoy it thank you so much for hanging out with us on this little South Carolina trip boys are back together again amen we'll see you guys in the next one oh there we go nice there we go there we go fish on es it what is going on guys welcome to a rainy version of striper fishing out here today with me ancient and today we're with Phil here's our fishing guide today we'll get to all of that in a sec and then of course we have Micah here check out his channel in the description we are striper fishing on this rainy morning on Boone Lake in Tennessee bill has been guiding here Boone for how many years seven seven years and I just met him randomly while out fishing he was like hey I'll take you fishing and so we're out here now let's see what happens all right guys so I'm not going to show the bait that Phil is using because uh he sets a secret bait um proprietary information yes exactly proprietary information uh but we're trolling a little secret bait behind the boat uh searching for a jumbo striper we're going for the biggest one there are tons in here we're going for the like the biggest ones we've got a planer board out right there folks we're trolling this morning I don't know how many lines are in but I think we're gonna put up quite a few minutes will the board if you [Music] if you release it or oh okay will the board go under no okay sometimes I mean like that hold on here we go what holy cow guys already he didn't even get the other oh he just got off oh shoot just in case you know my goodness that was fast guys that was in the water for just a few seconds [Music] foreign nice [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right you guys we can't have everybody at the back okay leave it [Music] let's take a kid he's way back dancing Dave's trying to get toward those guys he's trying to get toward those trees right there yeah keep them out of the trees oh keep going keep going bro oh guys he's head that fish is headed right store those trees get them out of there yep yep you're good you're almost past the trees oh my goodness really good all right nice nice bro in shallow water keep winding how does it feel bruh feels good bro as he comes to the boat I want you to back up all right oh my God oh that's a big [Music] [Applause] nice good grief that's a fish and a half right there wow that's a PB huh yeah wow look at that that is a huge striper that was a jumbo cool guys I'll put a link to Phil's Guide Service in the description if you want to check it out get in on some of this action I'm like you are a little weight on them here okay yeah 16 and a half 17. 17 we'll call it 17. call it 19. I say 21. I think you just go around to 20 right yeah yeah wow dude that's just a slab of a fish yeah obviously a new personal best for me good grief dude holy cow 17. wow by the end of the day it'll be 25. [Music] wow that's awesome that's awesome cool now can we keep this to eat if you want to yeah so we'd like to keep one especially since it's not like a 30 pound or something like that all right yeah yeah definitely striper steaks are amazing sweet cook it's a fresh striper tonight all right all right so Phil's just bleeding it out here guys believe it or not for this lake that is not a super giant fish um once you get like 25 plus then they're considered a giant fish yeah there are people guys that on this Lake like their personal best is like uh 42 pounds and stuff like that so 17 pounder uh is a nice fish for sure we're super happy with it because we don't catch striper that much but um you know there are guys like meh yeah call me when you catch a 25 pound Plus dude and uh yeah we're gonna fish like along these Cliffs here now spot number two and the rain is gone finally here there's fish you guys are just dropping down deeper you see all the little fish there we're just waiting waiting for it you got him yep on the cut bait yes all right look at that guys this is what we've been waiting for wow yes it's like one o'clock in the afternoon I've been waiting we've just been patient and uh finally got something near the bottom whoa that is a good fish wow these fights so hard it's been like a year since I've hooked up on one it's about time when you guys join me in the kitchen cabinet wow the strength oh fish on that one too doubles oh came off holy cow guys we saw a school of them on the graph and dropped our baits down and oh whoa whoa whoa I did not know it was that I thought it had like a nice hybrid on wow oh wow that's a giant oh my gosh look at that oh guys oh my goodness whoa ah thank you sir appreciate it let's see if this my personal best um so let's see if it breaks wow it's been like a year almost to the day that I've caught a stripe it was it was the second drop that down was it the seven one I gave you down to the bottom are they still down there yeah they're a bunch of big old Porky head on that fish good creep 15. he's he's leaning against this one 15 exactly 15. what a bull dude wow what a bowl wow I decided to throw some cup bait down all the way that's what got him because they seem to be a little bit slow or they were really slow out here but we have the one do we I don't think we need to keep another one we should just leave let this one go we're gonna get so many Stakes off that 70 cow oh yes this is what we came out here for folks fall time striper fishing there you go big boy nice dude that's cool there you go oh yeah I'll go to the front we're gonna sink the boat if we have too many people back here all right oh yeah another striper [Music] oh that's cool that is so cool okay back up behind it that Squid gets them every time I'm sorry I'm going next so this is a small one oh my goodness that's nice I'll take a small one it's got skills good grief all right what a gorgeous fish yeah see you gotta hold them out and hide your fingers to make it look as big as possible really very nice cool oh we want to weigh him we're going away sure I don't need to fill your mind yeah this is my personal best I'll tell you that 12-4 12-4 s Sweet all right look at that still strong like a submarine taking off into the deep thank you all right we all caught one yes so what say you bro oh are you talking to me oh you're in your bald head back there yeah good day guys oh good time striving for fishing out here even though we only caught small ones we're gonna take one of these back home let's cook it up all right guys back at the house and uh got our striper all laid out here Mike is making me fillet his fish yeah dude I'm the guest all right no I'm actually I'm actually excited to cut into that I'd like holy cow you have to like dude what is this why don't you bring a chainsaw to get into this thing yeah I did I agree if it sounds like a hedge trimmer dude yeah this is a really powerful one like you could yeah yeah do some damage with it you start trimming The Verge afterwards yeah let's see what happens yeah actually I kind of want to see like Could you actually not very effective not very effective at all unless that's a real hardwood Bush no I don't I don't think yeah he's having some trouble ladies and gentlemen hey we did I did it all right maybe we should just stick with the meat dude I can't believe that this ladies and gentlemen is still considered a small fish I don't say small fish [Applause] you're making me nervous bro okay let's do this I like it every man with the power tool has to do that so I guess I'll just start what dude get away B or do what you're gonna do like if you want some meat go for it there look at that it's so thick seriously oh look his cousin came in for some Revenge cutter bees coming in all over the world coming dude if we'd have kept all three of those fish we could have fed the towns people today [Music] [Applause] good look at that look at that my heavens and we bled them out the guide Mr Phil bled him out yeah [Music] [Applause] folks voila look at the size of that meat good grief dude oh like all we have to do really is just be like like whoop yeah and it's like and we could sell that little strip right there that you just cut for about 10 bucks I guess you have to cut that bloodline out too they say Oh indeed yeah you definitely everybody in the bloodline everybody's all about getting ready I don't mind my fish tasting a little fishy myself but but that's what all the cool kids do so look at that dude just gorgeous well done well done thank you all right my friends so in past videos I have cooked striper on the grill and it has turned out beautifully then I've experimented with other ways of cooking and deep frying them and Searing them and all these other things some off camera some were members only videos um and the best way by far is just to Simply Grill them and so I've got the fillets out right here and all I'm going to do add some olive oil to them and a seasoning of my choice it's really that simple that's all they need this fish is so tasty all by itself I'm like Bob Ross just gently painting my fish [Music] next I'm going to add some seasonings and add a little salt to each fillet just a sprinkling then to half these I'm going to add my Ace Videos first cast seasoning it is amazing so delicious Link in the description to it not quite Cajun it's inspired by Cajun but it ended up after the end of all the experimentation turning into it's a flavor all its own good some subscribers sent me I used it this last summer and uh it was amazing so I want to try some of this again it's kind of a lighter more garlic kind of based seasoning to flip all of these over and do the exact same thing to the other side [Music] hey bro yes just about we're just in time let's already go on the grill wow I apparently dude look at that that's like that's a tray bro [Music] you know it might turn on the grill I should have had the grill fired up there brother what you doing here bro adding some good mint I thought I'd do it before it gets hot uh yeah adding the oil to the grill you know that's a trick I learned just recently actually yeah all right we're back in business here and we're gonna add our fish wow look at that yes yes so have you seasoned both sides oh yeah oh yeah wow you were inside I was seasoning both sides ah wow let me drag this last piece through all that oil and seasoning and get them all seasoned up oh man this is gonna be a beast yeah whoa dude look at that wow slaying that the girl you're like one of those uh what is those Japanese shiatsu Quasimodo people whoa oh oh dude that's my meat bro dude that's my fish but we will get to that later yes we will dude dude apologize that's looking bad as well you should you know it took me like a minute to reel that thing in that's looking delicious though I mean ladies and gentlemen you could probably taste that through the camera if you've had striper before oh if you haven't go get yourself go find some striper go find some striper do yourself and your taste buds of flavor and find some striper look at that okay no no it's still good it's still good I will fix it folks just for reference it was right down there now apparently the grill what is that going to become like like a mashed potatoes here it's not fully cooked so I can can are you molding this fish back into a fish oh my God alrighty are we looking forward to be done oh oh my heavens dude fire in the hole oh man that looks really good wow we got a bed of something yeah what is this we had a better rice and a better means my mom actually made that oh wow and uh Mamas are the best yes so I did not make that she she was like I can make something that'll make you know to go with your fish wow and she did thank you mother there we go that's what I'm talking about dude your mom's so cool I know for some reason I thought it might burn guys but to actually know Nene no it looks absolutely like absolutely perfect I'm always worried when I'm on it when I'm at the grill yeah me too you know flinging meat off the grill and stuff no respect around you no respect that's called flame grilled right there hey Tom how what is happening oh my goodness this is turning into yeah call the fire departments oh my goodness man down oh oh I got smoke right oh my goodness get out the s'mores and it's Weenie roasted time people hey so take us through the steps here what happened to create such a large flame do you have no idea too much oil maybe it was too much maybe doubling the oil on the meat and the grill yeah could have resulted in large Flames yeah licking the tops of the roofs rooftops here ah all right well look at that we got it that does look beautiful oh and then she said add some of this let's just make it real good oh what is that what is it is uh some tortilla strips Texas toast Texas tortilla strips you just can't you can't beat that right there so you have a little crispy in there oh my you got some texture all right oh my God yes thank you Lord God for this food and the wonderful way you provided it and a good day fishing and I just appreciate this time together with my boys in Christ amen all right all right wow oh man what you got what a big day nice it started off just like it's rain coming down then the wind picked up in the afternoon imagine if we could have kept all three straight we would have way too much Cheers Cheers Joan I'm gonna go straight sharper oh man that's really good wow the meaty um the guys striper is one of the best tastes if you catch striper a lot of people just catch and release striper you're missing out yeah Miss out bigly you know I usually like to have tartar sauce on my fish in fact for me sometimes tartar sauce is the or fish is the vehicle for tartar sauce and this here this is good all on its own oh man what's going on guys welcome to the mountains in the fall about to do some trout fishing folks I have found a brand new spot to fish here a local told me about this I was at a farmer's market which I've been going to the farmer's market very frequently uh these days making some friends there and uh this lady who loves to fish said you know where you should go you should come up to this bridge here and all it is is this little creek and this bridge crosses it and she said this is one of her favorite spots two fish so I have driven up here on this drizzly morning to try it out love fishing brand new spots but I am starving I left the house without any breakfast it was a little bit of a drive to get here um so I'm gonna make some breakfast and then we'll start fishing and then after that who knows yeah I was gonna use my little mini ketchy cook set up but I actually think I'm gonna break out the griddle here check that out so I got yes this is good I'm glad I brought this [Music] blue [Music] thank you [Music] all right my friends after a delicious and Sumptuous breakfast come down here at first glance I don't see any trout but a lot of times the fish if they're smart they hide out in the actual like dark shade of the bridge so guys I see a crawfish down here secret let me see if I can catch him with a lure sometimes they'll bite lure especially if it has scent on it see he got it he got my lure can I pull them up yes I got him crawfish First Catch of the Day folks check out how similar that color is so the color of that tube is called crawfish and look how they look exactly the like at least on the top not on the back but on the top there that is crazy right set him right there he still hasn't let go of it I need my crawfish bag I see it right there tell you what folks I have this little dive bag here a lot of you guys been asking about it and it is so great look he's still he's just trying to take off and he still hasn't Let It Go hey um a dive bag is fantastic because you can put crawdads in it or trout so it's better than a Stringer look at he still is letting it go let go come on come on look at him he refuses there gonna tear your arm off man all right First Catch of the Day I'm gonna see if I can find any more down there guys I see a nice trout hanging out right under here but he doesn't seem to be very interested in my tube so this crawfish is just a little on the small side to eat I mean he's he's definitely edible but he's a little on the small side so what I'm gonna do is uh we're gonna use him as bait to try to catch that nice trout I'm gonna kill him real quick there we go Twist Off the tail there we go and I have that little chunk of meat there and the real not only is it real but one of the things about using crawfish is the smell and you can even smell them on your hands and I've actually seen it before where a trout was swimming on the bottom he wasn't interested in anything I was throwing but I put a piece of crawdad on Upstream of him and immediately he started to go sniff around for it and seek it out oh I see the trail there are two of them two nice ones two nice ones folks I mean nice for a creek this small oh they smelled it but they swam away seeing these Clear Creeks these trout can be real tricky sometimes guys a crawfish has grabbed it a crawfish has grabbed the bait the trout were looking at it and the Trout's looking at the Crawfish guys I just caught another crawfish on a piece of crawfish and this is an even bigger one that is crazy this is a bacon right here this is definitely an eater size that is so funny like he came out of the rocks to grab a chunk of his friend there this is so crazy I see the CR the trout down there looking at the bait they're definitely interested they're they're kind of swimming all around but it drifts to the bottom and out pops this crawfish and he grabs it instead oh now I have a leaf this is funny folks I see another crawfish over there this is turn the trout won't bite so I'm just sitting here fishing for crawdads instead he's got it he's got I gotta let him take it a second so you got to get those crawfish they get a taste of their friend and it's so delicious that they can't let go okay so he's had a good enough taste now I just carefully reel him in oh he's swimming a little bit he's swimming he's on the top now it's on the top can I well here comes the lift and the lift is successful whoa that's a big one that is another eater right there well the trout refused to bite but we're catching some Hefty crawdads here that is a thick crawfish right there folks that is a good trade-off to use a tiny one for one that big all right hmm there we go two Biggins here's something you probably didn't know crawfish love bacon why because they're smart they know what's good cut them out cut it about half here that should be a big enough piece I want a big enough piece here so it gets the cross attention like that and let's lower that down to the bottom see how many we can get to come out all right hopefully no real fisherman come along here and see me doing this they're gonna think I'm crazy 700 water camera down there let's throw it down [Laughter] yeah he can't resist the bacon he's like me he just can't resist the bacon boo we got a first crawfish on bacon folks even as I'm taking him back to the truck he still keeps eating on it he's suspended in the air he's not even in his environment and he's still chowing down there I can see one coming out the Bacon's not even there he's he's just looking for it still let's drop the bacon on top of him [Music] [Music] I've got him [Music] boom another one I don't know why I'm not just having the red bag right by me we're just gonna load it up load it up these fish are straight up wanting it too [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] dropped off darn it the lift oh no I only got one shoot dang it yeah there's still a bunch down there let's try I'm gonna try it again I need to get like a double kill or a triple kill here I think it's a triple the lift can I get triples I got triples look at that guys triple crawdad right there all of them so greedy look he still has it in his mouth that is so cool all three of them are Keepers too wow this is so fun I didn't know I would come out here and do this that's why you just gotta get out folks you never know what's gonna happen oh man he's feisty these are all really nice crawdads but you know it makes sense in these little trout streams you're not exactly gonna have they don't have any enemies I mean there's nothing in here big enough to mess with crawfish that size so as soon as they get past you know say an inch and a half or two they're pretty much safe from any trout that lives in here this is a beautiful fall day out here by the way wow [Music] thank you [Music] I think there might be three there might be this might be triples again [Music] there are three on it I got three more look at that that is so cool who cares about trout fishing this is this is really fun well my friends I fished this bridge every way I knew how um just all through this area and I I cannot catch a single trout in here but the crawfishing is excellent so I think I'm just gonna be content with some crawdads here and I'm gonna cook them up in a way I've never done before all right so I set my little Grill back up here and let's Light It Up there we go set the Deep pan right there I didn't eat all the bacon and had some breakfast so we took that off first while I'm waiting for that to cook I'm gonna come over and check my fishing line again let's see here oh wow I didn't even see the bacon where did the bacon go it's under folks it's under the bridge oh there are two of them on it two more can I get doubles oh yeah doubles oh that's a big one oh wow there is a I mean of all of them I've been catching have been pretty nice but this guy here nice got some big claws look at those big meaty claws there man wow cool good grief look how guys I don't think I've ever seen a crawdad with claws that long before I know I have and look how they're hooked at the end those are some vicious looking like this guy right here is normal like that's what you normally see what is with this guy's got some mitts man I wonder what causes that like why his claws are as long as his body basically so back to the cookie got my bacon here that's looking good enough oh man I love bacon and you see all that grease in the bottom folks that's staying some of you know where this is going so I have here A whole cup of butter and I was going to show you guys something really cool today that Colonial people used to do with butter and fish I don't have any fish obviously so I'm switching plans here and uh I'll save that for another day I'll save the the cool trick that Colonial people used to do and instead we're gonna boil the Crawfish in bacon grease and butter so I have a whole cup of butter here just melting it down slowly and mixed with bacon grease these are going to be the best crawfish I've ever had hmm yes I am already chowing down on the bacon so I was debating whether or not to add anything to the butter and the bacon grease but I think if the crawdads are boiled in that there's no reason to add like a bunch of seasonings or anything and here is the I'm going oh there he is and look he has one in his claw I'm gonna breathe [Applause] I don't see why these aren't gonna just like taste phenomenal oh wow the smell is just delicious look that Cottage is splitting open at the back that's a sign that they're done Perfect all of them it's kind of splitting in the back there some it's obvious and some it's not but like this one's real obvious you see how it's like separating there that's oh this is exciting so as I'm removing the last few crawfish here I'm wondering what should I do with this leftover butter and I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it but I'm definitely not going to throw it out I'm going to take I'm going to turn the heat off and take this home for something this has to be used for something else I think this might be the best plate of crawfish I've ever made have to taste test it because you never know never know what crawd has say a prayer real quick what a phenomenal day even though the trout fishing was nothing it was still super fun that's why you just have to keep coming out all right so as I pull it apart you know butter is getting everywhere I feel like I said suck on the Crawfish first because the outsides of course the outside of course is coated the home tail in my mouth before I even need to start going otherwise butter is going to drip down wow that is good that is seriously good yeah oh look how beautiful it is out here whoa all right yeah we'll bring We'll fly your kite later we're gonna fish for now yeah hey there's a boat right there oh yeah there is a boat they're catching shrimp what is going on guys welcome to a little South Carolina Beach fishing episode here hanging out with Arabella can you say hi she and I are gonna do a little fishing and then my brother's back there my brother's gonna join us and we're just gonna do a little Beach fishing out on a little family vacation and we're just gonna take a morning here throw out some lines because the Tide's coming in got three fishing rods with me I always travel with fishing rods and uh just see what we can catch from the beach oh the sea looks pretty nice today hey folks first thing I'm doing is putting in some uh rod holders here yeah you found something oh there's some shells yes all right look how calm it is like this is beautiful day nobody's out you're like all right guys yeah all right guys for bait I'll show you what we got here we just went to the marina we got two types of bait got some mullet Frozen mullet and Frozen squid will probably rig up a variety what do you think Crockett look at that that's a little little squid is that cool [Music] all right just cut off I think one with squid and two with mullet should be good I might steal do you mind if I steal a chunk of squid for the Crab Trap we'll throw it out there yeah yeah thanks sir all right all right folks we got three rods here that one we have a piece of squid that looks good yeah yeah a small piece of mullet cut mullet on that one and on the big one it's a 50 pound leader and we've got almost a whole mullet there I've cut out the bottom so the juices could kind of flow out in the water hopefully we get a shark or something on that one so sweet all right folks just waiting now here we're gonna get to the sandbox I want this one to be pretty far out there the the kind of shark one or big red fish or something like that you never know oh we're out there uh-huh pretty shallow all the way out all right my friends all three lines are out we just keep an eye you know by the way you guys are new to my channel that's my brother there hi Adventure videos and these are his two kids and his wife so that's everybody who's hanging out so you'll kind of see them throughout the morning and I have fishing rod Duty so oh oh got one by the shore that was cool well guys we we casted just like a few feet from Shore oh this might be oh is it a it's a little redfish no it's a big that's called a croaker it's good to eat we could eat them if we want that is the biggest one I've ever caught no joke normally they're like just a six inches long or so wow guys what do you think that's pretty easy guys I caught them on a shrimp head there that is the biggest Croaker I've ever caught or not a shrimp and a squid head sweet wow well we can eat it if we wanted yeah have a little fresh fish I'm down that sounds good I should say guys Whiting Whiting some people call these I think South Carolinians call these Whiting depends on where you are in the country all right we'll take the net out yeah I think you found that shell yesterday oh Croaker is that white yeah it depends on where I think it's I think it's the same thing white and Kroger in terms of if you're in Louisiana or South Carolina I think there you go mistake look at that is that pretty guys look at that that's what a good like 13 inches probably I think it might be in the same family as a redfish it looks kind of like it I'm not I'm not as familiar enough but it sounds cool all right boom oh yeah all right we got another fish already oh hey couldn't even you feeling on this oh boy you got a fishy stuff do you feel on tightening oh yeah you got one I think wow another Whiting sweet is there a size limit on these and there's no I think it's like 50 a day or something like that we could like whack the head off the lights up or we'll put them in the bucket cheese oh it's cool is it crack it touch him oh all right there he goes sweet all right this looks like good cut bait right there oh oh oh oh got him whoa we got something good whoa this is something you want to reel this one in bro or you want yeah all right guys we're trading I just grabbed it we got something heavy on yeah yeah it's not heavy on there sorry for grabbing your Rod bro I was like my instincts that was again right by Shore folks stronger he's on there this is yeah this might be one for papa to reel in here might be it's just something different oh I'm dying to see it look at that oh he's feeling some drag oh is it a I think it's a stingray yeah it's a stingray oh it's a big Stingray too I don't know how big they can get but oh look at that sweet the way whoa yeah right look at that right there whoa what do you think Bella that's pretty cool remember we don't touch him okay because he's got a Barb right on the back of his tail and he'll stick you with it then you have to go to the doctor's office how do you get it out of this oh so you first of all you grab the tail and season and then um once we have the tail under control we flip him over like that oh yeah see how he's wiggling his Tails he's trying to poke him yeah and then go get the pliers already and I'll hold the fishing rod if you want there we go all right finally you see that Pokey thing right there on his tail see right there yeah that's the Stinger all right okay living back over oh there he goes hey oh that was quick it took off before I could even all right fella oh dude that's nice right by Shore again folks this Rod is so far out there it's almost out of line and we haven't gotten a single bite on all the bites have come like we're just flipping it right there close to shore that really tells you something are you gonna swim in the pool yeah both of them are like yeah yeah yeah okay we'll see you guys I'll see you guys in a little bit good luck thank you bye Crockett they're going back to the pool area uh we're staying at a VRBO up there and they're going back Mike and I can stay here for a little bit longer and fish I'm all just got another bite another bite and remember it's a circle so you just have to pull back I'm gonna lay in today just slam back on him like you're flipping the pads for bass getting a bite would you hold this yeah oh yeah got him got him gopro's in the mouth oh he snapped it yeah I don't know what that was that was weird that was weird why is my drag all the way tight it was not that way I know I know it wasn't that way do you have time to put the GoPro on yeah just a clean break he snapped the leader I had no no drag whatsoever got something good whoa that just took off I was retiring you got some stuff moving dude hopefully this is not a stingray if this is something like a fish fish we got a good fish like maybe a bull red or something wow it's like it well he doesn't want to come this way yeah look at that like dude that's a heavy thing I'm excited I'm excited to see what the heck this is yeah you never know oh that's crazy must be a big Ray guys that's nuts I want to see the size of this it is too guys we can't get too close to it obviously if it's a big one it's gonna have a really big Barb so I want to see it dude it is just suction it came off the bottom like try to get her up on the yeah that's what I say he's trying to maybe instead of straight up yeah see instead of straight up she just drag her sideways across the bottom up toward the shallow stuff there we go oh yeah oh that's cool guys look at that baby oh hey oh no you could try to keep her up here yeah I'll try to grab the the tail yeah just keep her there keep her there and I will carefully got her thanks Brad you're welcome wow okay about to flip her over real quick dude that's a big Stingray there we go there we go nope no you don't no you don't it's such an odd fish to try to bring up yeah all right the hook is like right there oh wait wait wait wait wait wait oh their teeth trying not to get bit I got it dude sorry bro it has they have teeth but guys that is a huge Barb huge Barb OS tail tail on the loose that's the part you have to be worried about yo look at her flicking that thing around yeah all right help her over y'all grab the tail that's all we have to do oh nice dude nice all right hey dude nice team that's the biggest one we've ever caught definitely ever nice bro yeah that's fun they're nice thanks bro thank you for your help all right we will I was hoping for a big shark or something oh dude I was hoping so too but then like yeah when it would just like section to the bottom it was like yeah almost reminded me when you hook like a big surgeon it'll just sit there all right guys my brother left to take some stuff back up and check on his family so you know that's when something insane is gonna happen when I'm the only one out here ladies and gentlemen the line this one just went really slack like really really Slack got him folks the line just was like oh my goodness see I told you something crazy would happen like oh we got a shark we got a shark oh oh dang it dang it look I got a shark folks look at that that is so cool like I swear wow that is cool a small shark whoa he's a strong dude guys what kind of shark is I'm gonna rinse them off whoa oh it's strong what kind of shark is that look he has the bait in its mouth yeah I see that oh that is cool I think this is a sharp nose guys an Atlantic shark nose they're about a bajillion of them out here so it's not a crazy like rare Catcher And I think that's pretty cool oh oh there we go oh you want to see him if you want a picture with him you can I'll get you what did you want a picture all right here's what I'll do I'll grab him he's strong he's gonna hold it okay let's take a picture or how about I set it on the ground as she gets behind it set it on the ground okay there we go stand right there I'm gonna get a picture that's pretty cool so you're you're welcome hey okay whoa whoa whoa look at that guys a fishing rod fishing rod he's going out whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa we got something huge got something huge oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my goodness this is nuts that thing just started what is it it's strong oh it's just a stingray Oh I thought it was something different the way it's running he's just laying on the bottom just like they did last time all right I'm gonna pull him inside it this is crazy folks Michael left and it's always something if something weird happens always when you're fishing partner leaves and you're like oh man it was so awesome what happened and you're trying to describe it and he's like yeah cool sounds like it was amazing yep big Stingray oh my goodness whoa that was I don't know did you see my rod almost went in the water how about that all right guys yep can I ask you to hold my fishing rod real quick I didn't need two hands to to get him off the hook thank you sir that is so typical folks as soon as Micah leaves like Bam Bam Bam guys want to catch and cook one of these in a little bit look at that all right guys here we go Stingray headed out all right my friends we are going to keep and eat this shark just lifted up it is an Atlantic sharp nose and that's a good little eaten size not they don't get super big but have some nice fillets on it but not be not be too much so ah excellent sweet well ladies and gentlemen what an action-packed morning good knit um got a shark now to eat I'm gonna head back to the uh to our place up there and let's get cooking on some shark kind of hard to sit back and back in chair it's a shark this wasn't well thought through but it's what I got alrighty my friends only the second time ever filleting a shark and uh it was wool wild back like almost a year ago a filet a shark maybe maybe 10 months ago but uh give this a go all right so I'm going to start here you can see the gills actually what I'm going to do first is let's look at the teeth here his teeth actually this better not stick my hand in there he is dead by the way his teeth snapped the line that's why he fell off there right on the beach that would be super cool to make a necklace out of shark teeth from a shark that you caught yourself I'm gonna go in right behind the gills here just make a nice little cut Cuts pretty easily the Skin's a little bit thicker than your average fish but it cuts not too bad and then you know what post before we go any further check us out I'm gonna make some sharp shark nuggets we're gonna fry up some shark nuggets I'm just going to cut them like that there you go nice little chunks of meat bam just like that beautiful little pieces keep working my way down here trying not to waste any of the meat and then I've got this check it out that looks beautiful to me and we'll cut just nice chunks nice strip like that batter them up deep fried shark nuggets how about that you know what I'm gonna do here folks check it out so that is the dorsal fin right there people talk about having shark fin soup and all that like I don't know anything about that but yeah okay so you can get an idea ah there we go the the skin is definitely a little tough that has me question though about the shark fin soup there shark fin soup idea so we have the dorsal fin there's definitely some meat you know we'll do Just for kicks since we're frying up anyway let's keep the dorsal fin and we'll bread this up and we'll just see what happens we might spit it out might throw it away but we'll we'll try frying the dorsal fin as well you know while we're here actually so like see how big that much the head takes up I'm gonna see if there's any meat looks like there is right back here yeah check it out check out that Medallion right there I just got to get the skin off of it oh 100 100 look at that chunk that is a beautiful chunk okay we're gonna do that to the other side and then folks none of the shark is going to waste because we're gonna try to use it for either crab bait or Chum over the next few days sweet let's fry up some shark nuggets all righty my friends we're out here on the deck and uh Micah is grilling up something fresh here got some chicken yes sir got some got some beer canned chicken got some Mediterranean herb chicken uh then we've got some uh Southern Tang barbecue sauce Jim Bean ribs going on here sweet uh with a small hint of Kansas City inspired seasoning rub there nice basically just experimenting yeah yeah and it's all you know you've had these before so you know they're all good and I'm going to deep fry on this part of the grill folks you know let's make sure it works actually since we are at a yeah look this is Weber Weber seasoning team Weber bro Steve with Libra all the way it is a lovely day folks and this plot is really nice you guys got the beach just right there you guys kind of see it within I shot of the beach it's fun to be way up here on the veranda and we have here our shark chunks folks about 15 minutes ago I put some lemon juice on just like let them soak in the lemon juice and uh we're going to open let's see here how am I going to do this now we're going to leave those in there and then folks as far as the fish fry breading mix goes I was debating see how doing beer batter but I'm actually just going to do this crispy stuff I'm gonna make a nice pile of it there that should well maybe a little bit more I should take care of it if you hear a bunch of noise in the back that is uh my dad and mom playing with the grandkids downstairs and uh in the pool we're gonna add some of my first cast seasoning to this as usual it is delicious on everything but folks really the main the main oh we got some drama down below but um anyway the really the main thing I look for is this Caribbean Jerk Buffalo Wild Wings I'm really excited to try this make some Buffalo Wild Wing shark nuggets basically all right there we go hey [Applause] hi hi Crockett hi hi you just learned to say hi he's been saying hi to everybody that is cute and the final thing folks we have the fin we'll just toss it in there and be experimental we'll see all righty take these over here set them on top of the Hot Grill not recommended [Music] oh yeah there we go there we go that is hot enough got some bowling going um I'm excited shark nuggets oh bro my my compliments to the chef thank you good sir I think those are looking pretty good I think we're gonna hit them with one more uh four more rub down let it glaze over a little bit I think that's gonna be bright as rain there Perfect by the way guys if you're new to my channel check out my brother's Channel down in the description below like And subscribe comment share you know all that stuff all that stuff that nobody in 2021 knows how to do yeah exactly thank you let's check on my stuff here oh looking I think it should be done just a few minutes in there should be good oh yeah oh look it's falling apart well there's our taste tip there's our look the shark is cooked three ladies and gentlemen let's throw the weird shark fin in there Just for kicks and we also have that one of the Whiting that Arabella caught that's a filet of it right there so we're gonna throw that in there as well with the shark Bella you want to try some of the fish you caught this morning we've got some fresh fish and we got shark uncle is a cooked up you want to eat some shark for a YouTube video hey Crockett you want to eat Sunshine hi you want to eat some sharks all right it's a party so this is something interesting folks when I try to grab the fin the skin like stretches it's definitely not tough anymore so interesting like it's almost the way it stretches almost seems like it's edible yeah look in fact I just broke through it so the skin which was tough I can pinch it with the tongs here and it pierces it so like the skin has become malleable and I I'm assuming edible alrighty ladies and gentlemen we are about to taste test some shark let's move this a little quick actually we'll move you a little closer there we go and some of Bella's fish Bella can you say a prayer for us real quick before we start before we eat that piece right there that piece of fish is that the one you caught this morning or if you want to try a little piece of shark you can try a piece of shark you know I've actually never had shark before here should we cheers Cheers Cheers you're welcome you soaked this in something lemon no I'm picking up that lemon juice dude a lot of lemon juice in there very lemony that's good though dude I need like I need some tartar sauce like it's a classic like fried fish I need like some tartar sauce or coleslaw with it that's good it is guys it's it's not a whole lot different than most ocean fish yeah that's what I'm trying a little Caribbean Jerk I thought it'd be appropriate Bella what do you think of the shark yeah pretty good pretty good would you eat that again should we go catch some more yeah I think we got a head nod there she's eating it all I think she's enjoying it when you're four-year-old's eating it all you know uh it's a win I ain't playing in the pool all day it helps too yeah here's a fin a shark fin I'm just gonna try eating it this skin has become soft now it's if the skin was tough while I was playing it all right not soft that don't look right to me but I mean it went from being like hard to poke the knife through it to him it just breaks apart hmm dude that's good that's actually good like the fin is I'm not kidding the fin is good wow um I would offer you some but my mouth's been all over it dude you're good yeah no that's totally you're not feeling that adventurous the finger of higher Adventure hasn't gone up that high quite yet wow who knew that the skin of the shark would be good that's good to know I would have never guessed that probably on the fin away yeah yeah that's I did the last time I threw all the fins away but guys you can like fry up the fins that's so interesting by the way Bella has mowed through her second piece of shark now wow which one is Bella's fish no there's one right here that's the fish you remember you reeling that in there hmm is that good I wanna try some Whitey is really soft it breaks apart bro thank you man this is so welcome you caught this of course right as I left no maybe that's what needed to happen it's not that bad luck or anything I still I don't believe that but that's good my first ever shark taste I am glad you enjoy it bro cheers thank you Bella Cheers Cheers bone guys thank you so much for hanging out hope you enjoyed this little uh Beach fishing Adventure we'll see in the next one did you say bye bye bye [Music] what's going on guys check this out check this out we have a dolphin that is chasing around someday that guy says he thinks that ran our specs off look all right here comes the dolphin again you were catching a few fish before he showed up he'll come back right there though that's right there yeah they'll come back yeah all right all right you'll be perfect come on this right here is always he's a YouTuber how are you sir YouTube videos you guys got a subscriber right here I'm making one right now let's do shrimp sweet um you know when I started doing I started putting Gorilla Glue right here on the top but it come out and you see how this one's holding up and stuff I didn't have it on this one I see him right there yeah looks good to me probably the next shot what is going on guys so we're out this morning early first thing started cruising down the beach in the four-wheeler um to try to find oh oh look you got some dolphin coming in Dolphin coming in look at it look at the tear through the water like Jaws look he's hunting he's hunting so we're cruising down the beach we're looking for a good fishing spot I see if there are any birds or Dolphins feeding anyway I think we found a good fishing spot there are a ton of uh I think those are mullet just jumping everywhere I'm still a little bit new to this type of fishing but uh it's just I mean unbelievable morning right now um we're just gonna start start fishing from the beach actually we've got three of us here folks we've got Mr Chris Mr home Mr Kirk and we're just spreading out on the beach I'll introduce everybody in a minute but uh priorities we've got a fish first I am so glad I woke up if anything just to see the sunrise even if I didn't fish just that was worth it look at all the fish jumping that is so cool is that bitten in hand or bitten had his tail bitten off some sort of oh yeah it's a big black drone oh crazy giant dead fish at the folks who got his tail bitten off by a shark probably wow his Tail's bitten off probably by a shark I'm guessing his Tail's gone something big huh like the bottom half of them is missing oh yeah a whole bunch right on this point more Dolphins right there I'm good with this [Music] let's try it again let's do it we've got porpoises out here we got Dolphins I think those are the same thing I don't know fish on oh I had one still sitting the hook like I'm in a bass tournament need to slow it down these speckled trout have such soft mouths I'm not used to that I've slowed it down a little bit look on a little bit easier on them but I need to go easier still oh right in front of me there that's cool got him got a fish on no I don't I think he got off oh yeah I do I think he's just small it's just small a little trout not a keeper but whoa when we got dolphin right there should I feed the dolphin the trout this Trout's pretty docile I think he's kind of happy that he's out of the water with that dolphin around watch this all right guys let's just see let's just see I'm not saying nothing anything's gonna actually happen but and that dolphin pops up we're gonna toss this trap right in front of him oh he's going that way maybe we won't okay well I'll just let this trout though I thought it would be cool to kind of feed a trout to a dolphin but uh I don't know where he went now here's a question are the Dolphins good or are they bad see I was told they were bad because they scare away the fish but like this morning oh I got one got one it's uh they fish on the way you know their trout in the area is the dolphins are there because the Dolphins are feeding on them oh look at it right there oh that's so cool man this is amazing I feel like I'm in Sea World out here I think this is a keeper too [Applause] oh look I got two I didn't even realize it I've got two fish on it once that's a first for me hooking up with two speckled ones one little baby one and one big one oh really I don't know what a voodoo shrimp is but it's an artificial okay yeah we get them oh guys look at all the dolphins here look at that look at look at this look at they're just chasing everything around right here this is amazing this this is just got him oh miss you got off it's funny that they have Dolphins chase them and they're still feeding look at that got him fish on oh feels like a decent one you got one too Chris has one too guys doubled up here oh you know I think I think I had two on it once again because all of a sudden it got light there guys and I only have this little one on I definitely had two fish on at once again this guy's gonna be too small there you go don't get eaten buddy I bet we have like six or so around us guys right now it's kind of cool that is mechanical oh look at it look at him Jason you see the fish jumping ahead of the oh he went in for the Keel right there I think he got something got him official oh that dolphin's kind of hit a rat for my fish hopefully you don't steal it off another little one foreign I don't have a measurement on this Rod what do you think it needs to be right above above this okay it should be all about the same my other Rod I put a pizza a piece of blue tape um got him three and three oh he got up there's another one three and three casts folks there must be just a pot of I think these dolphins have them have them all push right here this is cool another little one though little really little one this is definitely a little bait for Dolphin there don't get eaten buddy got him guys you see that four in a row four in a row either I've got two on or it's a nice one forecasts in a row and I've got a fish oh this one this one's gonna be close oh I got two on that's white velvet that is cool foreign thank you sir do you ever have the Dolphins come up and just take them right off your hook he close he's very close wait a minute he's above it all right sweet another keeper guys five in a row guys five in a row yeah I bet I got two on again all of a sudden it got way heavier and oh this is amazing we got two again two and two casts oh and the big one dropped off that was definitely a keeper it's probably 13 inches or so dang it left me with a little non-keeper five casts in a row though can we get six casts in a row got dolphins behind us now oh there was a bite come on got him six casts in a row six in a row and big dolphin feeding right here whoa it's a little intimidating being in the water with him if they weren't such nice creatures I definitely wouldn't be out here oh this one's gonna be close oh what he dropped off again dang well at six in a row can we make it seven in a row let's see I'm cast in the exact same spot got him every time seven in a row let's see how long we can do this all right so my GoPro ran out of battery so I'm still seven for seven so far I've uh put a new battery in let's see if we can go eight for eight I told these folks here they could join us if they wanted to they were sitting on the golf cart watching and I think they've taken us up on it all right can I go eight for eight got him got him that's eight cast in a row eight fish oh this is a good one this is a good one did I get the net for this guy just so he doesn't that's a keeper yes all right we gotta keep her folks yeah looking barely hooked I thought I saw it on the outside there just wanted the day for me all right we go nine for nine got him nine for nine folks nine four nine two of them again oh the little one fell off and this one's probably too little as well can we go 10 for 10 . oh right there between us guys I might not go 10 for 10. oh this is amazing ah nothing on that one guys well I went nine for nine that was cool guys I'm done fishing for the moment I'm gonna get my drone out and let's watch this from the air foreign [Music] so I want you guys to observe the amount of fish activity there is around these two fishermen this is a couple who come down here every year for this very thing they said and you see a few speckled trout you didn't see the dolphins and they're swimming around but watch what happens as time goes on so the fisherman at the bottom there catches trout Dolphins hanging around he takes it off the hook in fact you see it looks like a mama and a baby chill in there I don't know if she's teaching how to hunt or not but he throws a fish and the mom and dolphin grabs it and if you guys have fish before you know that any fish has been taken out of the water when you release it it takes several seconds for the fish to kind of get its bearings and realize where it is so I think the Dolphins were kind of eating these discombobulated fish that were being thrown to them and you see right here again the bottom fisherman there takes it and throws it right toward the dolphin grabs it Isn't that cool and like I said I think it was a mama teaching the baby how to hunt you see the little baby chill in there and I wondered as I was watching this if the mama was bringing back either dead fish or wounded fish for the baby to eat it was so cool to see this and then you see right there the fish activity is increasing you're getting bigger and bigger schools the speckled trout there and what's happening out on the other side of the jetty is there even more dolphins in speckled trout and I think the Dolphins were driving in schools of speckled trout closer into Shores we were fishing between the shore and the Jetties and you just see the fish activity increasing greatly and after a while check out how the Dolphins are just kind of waiting there you go release a fish I think she grabbed it again so the Dolphins after a while stopped hunting the schools of fish around there and just waited for the fishermen to start releasing them this is just amazing and the little baby there just seems to be chilling like I said I wonder if the mom was bringing food over here kind of like a mama bird does it was almost every cast they were catching you see a third dolphin pop up there take the fish off the hook and they were just throwing the fish out there again boom look the dolphin was waiting for it they hardly had to move how much fun then I flew the drone over to Mr Kirk and Mr Chris and you can see Mr Kirk is reeling in a trout here and the Dolphins are right behind it right behind the trout but never once did they bite any of the fish we had on it's like they knew it was hooked and they knew that it was most likely coming toward them because we released like probably two-thirds the fish we caught they were just undersized and the same thing here the Dolphins were just getting Bolder and Bolder and uh and waiting for just chilling around us and waiting for the the discombobulated fish to come in there we go Mr Chris just threw in another one off and grabbed it I mean why hunt when you have fishermen just feeding you and again you see here look at the schools of fish being driven around them like I said they're way more Dolphins big PODS of dolphins actually on the other side of this Jetty and then there were the ones that were kind of the Smart Ones really that were hanging around us and just feet feeding on the fish being thrown to them easy meals and look at the Dolphins going right between them there after I looked the Dolphins looking right at Mr Kirk like you got anything got anything else they really got so bold with us look it's just coming up right to him like hey uh so what you got what you got for me and then it gets so bad at one point watch this so Mr Kirk is taking one off the hook and the Dolphins are hanging around and he puts it in his basket and the dolphins look at it I'm like uh is that is that for me and there's nothing I think the dolphin throws a fit it's like what the heck why was that not for me it was so cool what an unbelievable morning look they're even fish right here and there's a needle fish there's a needlefish chasing them there's just all kinds of stuff going on out here that is pretty cool that's wow like guys like that dolphin he knows it's like it's dinner time oh wait this might be a keeper okay so one of the one of them you kept and I swear the dolphin threw a fit he sat there he sat there and he just streaked off and he was mad that you kept that one so you keep it oh yeah oh they're gonna be mad now got one behind us I saw him on the Drone their whole school of them just hanging out behind you too okay this one might be a keeper now these dolphins are gonna start feeling entitled can I measure I don't have a measuring on my yeah he'll keep he went over got him um I saw him on the Drone dude this is a good one this is a good one all right guys I I gotta get a oh yeah oh yeah this is a good one here oh I got two of them two of them at once guys look at that yeah and look he comes he's coming around for supper yeah guys we didn't have to measure this one it's a good keep about 14 inches or so all right I'm all right guys two keepers in two casts there are two keepers in one cast I mean he's right there yes he knew we had a couple fish then they they do like tear off like they're mad they're mad we didn't feed them yeah right yeah just like that if you keep the fish guys it's like the Dolphins are angry got him right by those rocks they're really stacked up right there there's some either this is two or this is another good one oh oh one of them got off because all of a sudden got lighter I'm getting keepers yeah it's like the bigger ones are hiding in the rocks boy this is cool that's why they're big got one two guys it is it's almost every cast on the back side of these rocks it's good y'all should start a guide service fishing with dolphins you could you could charge big time look at that we've got a little one here all right let's see what uh let's see looking look at it right there guys you see him just right there all right we'll give them to you yeah we'll give them this is a little one you want them there are tons of fish around here we say I don't want to chase mine anymore y'all just feed me okay all right guys let's do it [Applause] you're gonna swim over and grab it I don't think he did that fish may have that fish may have uh been a little too sneaky for them that fish was pretty Lively got him that's another good one they're like the all the big ones I swear right by the Rocks there oh he just spit up something spit up a minute another keeper guys oh you got two Chris has to look at this guy he's like uh is that one for me or yeah I see like he's I could see his eye rotate down and look at me it's like checking it out that is funny no sir this is everything that's gone on today is new new for me got him right by me guys I got doubles and here comes flipper yeah I got something for you look at him he's just hanging right there you guys see that all right all right all right get this little one off here on oh the little one on the bottom got off hey you hey hey here you go he got it look at look he's threw in the air do you see that he he threw the fish in the air that is crazy hey you wow this is better seriously you guys could have guided he's fishing with dolphins tours you could charge like a thousand bucks and people would pay it guys let's see what size it is feels pretty small oh he's close oh yeah oh there it goes wait there it goes there it goes right there I think that the dolphin ate it as I as it was swimming away yeah look at it I'm telling you could have Louisiana wild dolphin guided fishing tours you're just part of nature we don't have them in cages we don't have them trained hey Stop scaring me every once while they scare you because if they've come up so close what the oh he's excited he sees he got one chill buddy yeah he sees you have one yeah that's that's exactly what he was waiting for he threw it almost right in his face he just had to open his mouth and grab it I'm coming by mama well guys we are headed back this was uh this was incredible incredible time out here and What A Catch is gonna be tasty all right guys we're at a little Supermarket here I'm gonna go inside and buy some authentic Louisiana seasonings and stuff for this fish so I can use it for this cook part also so I can take a little piece of Louisiana home so let's see what they have hello how are you good good foreign spicy huh wow look at all this so many crab and shrimp things but I want some wowy sauce I love this sauce you know I've never tried frying Dill slices let's give it a go alrighty my friends so I'm gonna grab a few of these specimens out of here appreciate you being my guide today Mr Homer hello um we're gonna fillet up a few right now right this afternoon and cook them up Louisiana stop excellent six that should be perfect it's been a long time since I've used one of these probably the last time I used one of these actually when I came here [Applause] the knife is pretty slick I like that cut out this little bit of stuff there something like that that's it right there excellent appreciate it I got all the nice stuff here guys [Music] Let Me Tell You Folks that thing got this done in a hurry that's nice I would carry one of these around more but uh kind of hard to carry one of these around on a hiking trip in the mountains all right so we're not having a big fish fry this afternoon this is just going to be the sample and then the bigger fish fry will come later when more people come friends and family and stuff like that but for right now I'm gonna try to make a kind of a genuine Louisiana meal here so we'll see how it goes I've actually never seen this kind of Louisiana Kitchen fish fry um just says season to taste on it so apparently this is mostly just like flour and cornmeal I guess I'm gonna add some salt first because it said has no added salt the Tony sashers straight out of Baton Rouge seasoning Creole seasoning we're gonna add up quite a bit of that to it nice mix it around a little bit there I think it needs some more there we go that should be good we're also gonna make some fried pickles two so that should be delicious eventually just had to do the fingers you know get down with it but there you go nice little pile of fish then check this out Mr Homer got me all hooked up with his Nifty little fryer here with fresh oil in it and I just set it like that it catches the cage it's like a miniature restaurant style deep fryer and we're just gonna set all those in there we just lower the basket right in there and oops maybe I overfilled it my first time using this thing so for this particular one I've used one of these before but not and we'll let these cook like I don't know six minutes or something like that in the meantime let's bread the pickles thank you how are we looking oh looking mighty fine I would say that's done oh can I do it folks there we go oh hey there we go pile of fish done oh you almost escaped there little fella oh that looks and smells so good all right let's put a couple pickles in there yeah this is the first time I've ever deep fried pickle spears instead of pickled chips and I thought this should be this should be just as good have a long nice spear like that put the lid on what do you think shushu what do you think you like does that smell good I'll share some with you in a minute I'll let it cool down first I think shushu though kind of eats everything you're not picky are you you're not picky at all huh yeah you're not picky you remember me yeah don't be shy don't be shy yeah this is as big as shushu's gonna get every year I come here he's the same size a little miniature dog a little sweetie too yeah you're a sweetie everybody loves you don't don't they and finally the fried pickles those those look amazing um alright guys 2 2 keep in mind first of all this is just a sampling uh we figured that today we caught upwards of 50 keeper fish and we'll have a big fish fry but of course there'll be a whole bunch of people there and a lot of people don't want to be on camera and all that so they were nice enough they said why don't you fry up a few few fresh from the ocean so I did that the second thing I'm going to do is last time I came here a lot of people said how does uh speckled trout compared with rainbow trout which is what I'm used to eating and I'm going to do that right now I'm gonna it's been you know a year since I've had speckled trout so I'm going to sample some of this and give you guys an honest opinion whether I like speckled trout or rainbow trout better let's pray all right which is better and I'll be honest because I know I mean you guys I I've eaten hundreds of rainbow trout before but if this is better I'll let y'all know I also got here some wowie dipping sauce put a sampling of that right on the fish wow we that's good here's the thing folks they're both so different it doesn't even taste like trout it's so different there's really no comparison rainbow trout especially when you catch them in the mountains have such a unique flavor to them and speckled trout in the ocean totally opposite I'm not going to say whether I like one or over the other because they're kind of in two totally different categories fried pickles someone the fried pickles are good they're really good with wowing and Steve shushu wants something all right do you like my cookie you like my cooking oh he's licking it he's licking it he's dropping on the roof how'd I do how'd I do no you know let's try something Miss Belinda was telling me he doesn't like stuff with crust on it all right here's a piece with with most of the crust taken off you like that hey thank you I'll try not to take that one personally well guys I hope you guys enjoyed this epic day of fishing thank you guys so much for hanging out I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Ace Videos 2
Views: 2,268,665
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: catch and cook, ace videos fishing, catch and cook compilation, cooking shark, shark, crawfish, seafood, catch clean cook, ace videos, trout, fishing, fish, flounder, catch and cook flounder, catch and cook trout, catch and cook shark, catch and cook crabs, coast, coastal, coastal fishing, saltwater fishing, crabbing
Id: YyguKjw_o6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 186min 59sec (11219 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 15 2023
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