Eating Only What I Catch for 3 Days (Backwoods Edition)

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we got off their right-handed order please hello I will take the Duchess up some sort of it's like the Big Mac except bigger yes the double Big Mac I will take a double Big Mac please yes ma'am thank you what is going on guys welcome back to another three day fishing challenge I thought it would be a really really long time before I did another one of these but I did say that if the last one got like a million views I would do another one so here we are I'm eating my last meal before the 72 hour time starts oh my goodness look at that so I got a double Big Mac never gotten a double Big Mac from McDonald's and we got Twinkies real Twinkies hostess Twinkies no knock-offs these are the real McCoy this is the fattiest meal I could have I could think of before we went three days eating only what we could catch so as you can see there where 72 hours time starts now this is the last thing I'll be eating for the next 72 hours I started this challenge in the evening so that we'd have three whole days to fish and do stuff it's time to go home get some shut-eye I'll see you guys tomorrow for first morning to fishing [Music] good morning everybody welcome to day one of the three day challenge she really excited as I'm not cocky though last three-d challenge I thought it'd be easy I learned my lesson from the last one how hard it turned out being weird you're fine stuff it's time though I'm more humble just starting out but I am very excited to do this so we have three fun things first of all we're gonna fish this morning for our breakfast we're on a lake here and we're gonna fish this morning we're gonna kind of forage around and explore and I also get to cook up and one of my favorite things explore a new spot so I have never been to this spot before in my life is a good looking spot to start out at I'm just gonna walk around this Cove make my way around the bank probably to stop off at all these little points and stuff and just start fishing the rules of the game today guys I cannot keep bluegill bluegill are completely off-limits in terms of eating them the reason why that is is bluegill are so prolific there are millions of them everywhere and they're dumb as dirt you can you can catch I could come out here in a warning and catch like 100 put them all in the bucket and I could just eat on those all the time and the challenge wouldn't be any really challenge at all so bluegill are off-limits but some of the things that we could catch include largemouth smallmouth spotted bass crappie perch white bass they have a hybrid bass in here that I heard a really good striped bass white bass they catch frogs crayfish salamanders turtles anything like that I'm just oh I would love to catch a turtle actually so we're gonna try every different kind of thing we're just gonna scavenge around in the forest there's a beautiful forest behind me right he and I will scavenge around there see what uh see if there's any possibilities that way and so we just have a lot of fun options this is gonna be fun three days so check this point out you've got the cove back in there and becomes kind of opening up into the main lake I have some good rocks down here I'm just gonna fish all along this rock point here with some bass low receiving score bass oh my gosh oh my gosh I just got a crawdad guys guys sorry they're a bunch of people around so guys I just caught a crawdad yes yes the first rock I flipped over though I'm just gonna flip over this great big rock hey this is still a fantastic so fantastic so I got my big Bucky here got her first crawdad let's find some more will alter them in fish and crawdads we're just going to work our way all down this Bank Oh stirred up there's one yep little guy this is a bait size one right here folks look at that little tyke bait sighs that's to my friends its crawdad time take my socks and shoes off so I can kind of wait around better gotta wear these shoes all day so I don't want to get them wet all right let's get this bad boy a fleece Dylan oh yeah there is weight when they all savor these tennessee crawfish they are quick they are a real speed look at that little tiny chronic guys is that not the most perfect bait size crawdad you've ever seen so hopefully they're crawdads get bigger here cuz I want to eat some too but we at least at least have baits yep there's a nice product there's a nice there we go number four guys yes there we go another one they're all really little though I'm which is great for bait but you can't really even guys all right here is our catch folks this is interesting I don't know if this is just the way Tennessee crawfish are or maybe I was just unlucky but look how tiny except for this one but I mean even this one is small compared to like Idaho crawdads and I mean most of these I mean that's perfect bait size but as far as eating them unless we get some bigger ones but we have five of them in there and so we got some good bait let's keep fishing so check this out guys got a small little red worm there with a bobber setup going real old-fashioned I just want to catch a food fish because I'm really hungry right now I just want to catch like a perch or crappie or maybe a rock bass something like that for for some food and then we'll have fun a little bit later fishing with our bucket of crawdads and kind of going after some bigger stuff might even catch like some blue yield to use for bait and kind of just go after a really big fish but right now I just want like a food fish that's small oh it's a it's a bluegill shoot little monster you are not part of this challenge actually that's not a bad bait size ya know what guys we might have catfish plate there well for gene for bait is going extremely well alright my friends I know I just said how does it say the crawdads for later but I can't help it look at that little guy so I've got him on the hook there on the same barber setup we had before let's try all along these juicy looking rocks here Oh either Sam's messing with it or that crawdad is on the bottom yes he something has it you know I think the crawdad might have found the bottom because my barber went over went under real slowly got to get him out there farther guys check it out crankbait snagged oh he snagged good right on the rock they're getting out of that that is fantastic red crankbait not like striking right I'm not sure what that brand is actually tell you the truth but I'm gonna keep my eye out for more who knows might find a lot when the water goes up and down so much you can score sometimes sweet we're gonna throw on this crank bait I figure if the locals we're using it there's a good chance it's a good bait choice let's tie this on throw this around it Casswell well guys here's a summary of the whole morning nothing zero zip I mean besides the stupid bluegill I fish a live crowd at a live live lively crawdad with no claws for over an hour like an hour and a half two hours on a bobber you would think and no bites literally zero mmm no bites on a live crawdad so I think one of you is I'm I should have switched Lakes because this is stupid when the fishing is this insanely slow and I've moved like I am I am miles away from where I started I keep moving points and stuff what kind of fish don't eat a live crawdad on a bobber with no claws I've tucked the claws of the carotids off almost 15 hours into this challenge and I've not caught a single thing worth keeping yet well almost 1 o'clock in the afternoon unreal I saw something sure we got a backpack here probably in the lake yeah it looks like it's in the lake no it's filled with ants must've had some food in it I think literally got oh my gosh ants have made their home in it I think this is literally now an ant nest well we'll leave that right there there are millions of ants in there crazy alright folks we're back we're back so I took a minute actually an hour to calm down got something to drink I went to McDonald's oh I know just kidding I didn't go to my Johnson but I'm glad I'm not crazy by the way this little spot looks really good hey I'm glad I'm not crazy because other fishermen every fisherman I've talked to actually said the fishing is awful one guy fished all morning he said he caught two he was in a boat the other guy too just taught - he said he caught one another guy said he didn't catch any bass he just like snagged into a drum so it's not that I'm a total goober out here it's that the fishing really is tough so we've got night crawlers and I think I'm just gonna go full-on my crawler for the next while to see if we get any kind of just eating fish this that crawdad has a baby crawdad in his claws he's just been mangling him yeah yeah he has a little tiny one they just mangle it well there are quite a few crawdads out but they're not the big Idaho crawdads they're all these little tiny Dinks and dunks maybe it's just I don't know I don't know guys this is miserable I am NOT not having fun out here anymore fishing has lost its luster in moments like this and I keep trying all these spots and I keel think no fish had a big fish pull my bobber under back there Oh got one well I got wrapped around this tree oh it's got me snag the fish wrapped it around a rock got it snagged got it snagged so I don't know this looks real interesting but the fishing is so painfully slow that I mean it looks cool look at the boulders and stuff but I don't trust anything anymore worm line out here this is spot number feels like 100 but guys time to bring out the big guns I've had these in here this is the ace videos tackle box if you guys haven't seen already put a link to in the description these are six of my favorite colors of tubes here what we're gonna do is we're gonna grab one of these a little crawfish set him there and we're gonna look at our tubes and let's see I'm thinking that this is the closest color cuz this is too flashy this one is too orange this one's just right this is called changeable craw actually throw him back in the bucket I'm gonna run out of bobbers that's why I'm not using the the crawdads anymore so we're gonna use this changeable craw tube to make sure you guys check out this box in the description when crawdads our our blue you have a blue one there there's some times that that blue green color sometimes they're that real orange color I'll put a link in the description it's a very own tackle wine first cast the day with the two got one I got I got a fish I got a fish what's it I think it's a bass yep it's a bass oh my goodness that feels good that feels so good oh not a giant let's see let's check the time real quick holy mackerel five it almost six o'clock I haven't eaten in 20 hours don't tell me that's this is this a spotted bass if it is a spotted bass there's no size limit on these in this lake we'll be eating if it is eat this I could eat it raw like Smeagol well guys it was a wishful thinking but that's definitely not a spotted bass they have to be 14 inches or more to keep this guy's probably live and a half I guess it feels good to get a fish though but I feel kind of bad letting him go let's get another one maybe it's a hot evening bite well folks here's what we got unless something magical happens in the next like 10 near 15 minutes it looks like I'm gonna be going the first 24 hours without eating anything actually it's gonna be way more than that because I started at night and I have to sleep all night so it's gonna be more like the first 30 hours or gonna be without eating anything this is shaping up exactly like that Hawaii one I thought the Hawaiian one was just a fluke you know I thought okay bad weather that little bit of bad luck and it turns out that this one is even worse so far than the Hawaii one this is just I can't believe it I cannot believe I fish all day I fished hard all day for two I just got a bite you see that I picked that up it was a small bite but there I've been getting small bites but everything that's gone wrong like just snags I feel like I've lost like 200 dollars worth of tackle today on these rocks small bites look look at that see that yeah see that it's probably a bluegill yeah that's like the machine gun bite technically yeah you embodying over like seven days without food so I can do it it's just a matter of like why is this so hard like this is this is just so stupid that this is this hard I come to Tennessee for great fishing that's why I came here for great fishing and then this happens so anyway we're done with this Lake this is the last few casts here tomorrow is a fresh day tomorrow's the fresh day I'll just nobody better say anything bad to me this evening I'm gonna bite their head off anyway see you guys tomorrow wait never mind look at this bike look at this bike come on please please please please I'm begging you pick it up pick it up pick it up baby pick it up it's a bluegill [Music] more folks check this now we are on a back road Here I am on this road because I believe that it ends in a fishing spot the creeks off to the side here has no water in it but there should be a bigger Creek up ahead this is getting kind of cool we are or in the countryside I've driven for about an hour this morning woke up really early drove an hour into the toward East Tennessee and uh ain't now on this back road trying to find a fishing spot to this Creek well this is interesting there's a fisherman right here this Creek is what I wanted to come to you look at this gorgeous country out here alright guys I just got done talking to a very nice gentleman named mr. herby who lives around here fishes this Creek all the time he said it is absolutely loaded with smallmouth really big small he said he kept like 22 inches 20 interest he said this is one of the premier smallmouth creeks in Tennessee and he also said that rock bass fishing is really og's fishing right down there he said the rock bass fishing is amazing and the thing about rock bass is if we can get one of those there's no size limit to them so we can eat them look check this out the river was so high that it swept over the road look at like all the debris right over there look at the debris right here can you I cannot even imagine the river being so high that it swept over the road he said they had an insane amount of rain this spring it was super high I mean this looks so good he said just find anywhere along the shore anywhere he says you can just wade the whole thing you can float it you can do whatever and just just throw small plastics um I've got this fishing right here I'm excited okay we got this fish right here we got a small green tube he said Green is the main color this has some blue on the of it see the blue tipz um we'll see if that works here look how shallow though this Creek is but he said in all the little holes and stuff there are smallmouth and rock bass hanging out easy you can also catch crappie sometimes so that's catfishing look at this pile of wood like if I wouldn't have a plier we'd be golden my stomach has done the thing the same thing that it did the last three days or I haven't eaten anything by thirty hours but it's asleep my body has dug into its fat stores and we are we are good check out that lay down that tree right in the water that's we're gonna take our very first cast right check this out guys this is sassafras I was I'd say succotash I was like that's not right this is called sassafras look at the leaves like that's a three-prong leave and then some look like little mittens like that one right there so some of them have three like that some look like mints and this is actually a good flavoring thing I learned we're gonna pick some of this so when we catch a fish hopefully we can flavor our fish yeah it's like a mitten something like that that's the idea gotta pick ones of that bird poop on him of course there we go we have some leaves for the fish we're about to catch I just scared a smallmouth when I came to this spot scared him away he was right up on the bank what yes I got a fish first fish of the day oh it's smaller yeah tighten my drag a little bit maybe that was 200 get out of that treat you know that you get yes folks yes folks my first fish that feels so good look at that red eye on it oh he's mad River smallmouth folks we are cooking up this dude 100% it feels good on that Dry Creek tube right there on a little jig head you want to see something crazy folks 35 hours left that means 37 hours almost without eating anything we're going on the 37th hour I think my math is ready without eating anything this is the first real fish oh that feels good since we got a little spot here I'm not gonna stop to cook up that guy we're actually gonna fish basically while the fish are active try to get a couple more for a real nice meal I'm getting a bike anyway take it come on oh he has it got it oh it's a little squirt ooh but oh my back real is my anti back real is broken on this rod hopefully that doesn't cost me later I'm all for eating most things that I catch but that's not more than a couple mouths holds oh there's the decision yeah we may have to go rescue a fish folks where are you a little squeak there he is there he is holy mackerel that was a big bird flew by oh that's like a vulture or something maybe he's eyeballing me I'm too skinny got him got him yes always tangle up sweets shoot oh shoot he's tangled up single Oh you gotta oh it's a tiny one Oh boys you know what Oh folks desperate times call for desperate measures I'm eating this guy today the truth I've never eaten about this small before like what seven eight inches but we'll get some meat off of him oh my goodness I've never been so excited to catch two small bass before this spot looks juicy right over behind a rock up there got one got one right in the FASTA right the faster yes yes right behind a big rock over there not a giant one yeah definitely not a giant but come on please be fish number three yes yes I said when I caught a third fish that's a little on the small side but we'll take him I said when I catch a third fish I'm gonna keep it because it I want I didn't want to start eating and then just basically tease my stomach with a really small meal I wanted to make sure I had at least you know at least it's a sizable amount of calories for before we started eating before I got everything out went to all that trouble let's let's cook you look at you got this other little creek that runs in the main creek that we are fishing it we use this as a table top for our fish down little spot right here to clean our fish the sassafras kind of wilted but that don't matter I tell y'all one day I am NOT gonna do whoa look at all these minnows cuz minnows are coming down the stream everywhere look at him I don't know why I edit oh there's one right there got one got one got a minnow we're gonna use this guy for bait I don't know why they started coming downstream something scared him or whatever looks like a tiny chub or sucker something like that look at that we're gonna use this guy for bait dang got eggs in this bass well might eat these actually yeah I think I try eating these eggs see how bass eggs taste that tells me though they haven't spawned yet they're still in this pre spawn mode right folks there's our cleaned fish right there looking good but guys I have an idea of watch all right watch this so hanging out in this really shallow spot are tons of bait fish we have a waterfall check this out so here's what we got guys we've made a fish trap all those minnows coming down this waterfall inspired me so what we have is a line of rocks right here and then over there we also have a line of rocks all pointing toward this waterfall right here and at the bottom of the waterfall check it out and put my net with some rocks and so hopefully the little minnows will just swim down here and get caught in there I just have to go up and over and then we'll scare them all hopefully corral them right into the fish net cross over the road you're trying to go against me that's kind of interesting [Applause] I'll shoot I don't know if I got any nothing boys well I thought that was gonna be really cool yeah we might skip that part let's get cooking perfect [Music] I'm not wasting a single bite of fish we cook this guy hole nothing wasting using my first cat season then we will add the second fish to it I'm eating everything guys all of it you know not the best looking fish definitely but I am NOT ungrateful with this bigger smallmouth wanna put in a little oil this one we cut in half like I should have done to those other two guys it's been a long time coming let's say a prayer it's funny I'm actually not feeling super hungry right now because it's that same thing it's like I'm stomach meant to sleep that's I learned in the first three days like your body tucks into its fat stores and it's good this is good this is really good with this bigger smile we're actually gonna try that sassafras thing like I say never eating it before like this I don't know if it'll flavor and really that's why I just got to keep trying new things looks cool guys check this out check this out okay look I had my fish traps set up and it was all set up and ready but something must have chased a whole bunch in there I would even like an animal or or they just migrated or what there even some on top we have a ton of them oh my goodness smoothies rocks well it worked without me having to do anything check that out we have bait for days I got open a tackle shop either these are migrating or something scared them I don't know don't know what it is good grief Wow folks that is cool let's try some of these for bait guys we're gonna try the old fish eggs we're just gonna thrown right in the oil there and then let's get crazy should we try a few minutes so I got two floaters out that were like almost dead so we're just gonna stick them in the hot oil they're using some this is gonna be kind of funny we're just basically making minnow chips I'm gonna flavor these with a little bit of my seasoning there oops comes out fast there we go and from my experience eating fish eggs in the past they're already salty so we're not gonna solve them in fact they cook really really quickly mmm now you're hungry save the best for last this is dessert folks minnow and fish eggs all right Oh slightly blackened fish and chips fish chips fish fries fish fries that's at least our fish fries I didn't even know I didn't even witness what happened it was just like they're a bunch of minnows suddenly I let me cool down a second there's a difference between edible and good this is just edible that's actually so we're and play the clip what that I'm not eating that other one it's like the after flavor what throw this guy out it's disgusting guys don't eat minnows guys I've enjoyed using these tubes the changeable craw is getting it done I'm almost out make sure you guys check out my sample tackle box in the description below six of my favorite and tried creek tubes I've enjoyed using it but I found this bobber actually in the creek and we are all rigged up and we're gonna put on one of these minnows do not eat these folks do not eat well here's the biggest one I just grabbed the biggest one um not very tasty at all I was gonna try the fish eggs but after the minnow sampling I wasn't feeling very adventurous anymore there we go we got one on a hook a bobber let's see me get a small e to come up and just chomp this guy guys I have some I have something oh my gosh I didn't get a good hook set guys I have some I was just reeling in the minnow and something came up and ate it oh my gosh this is cool this is cool gotta keep my ball I don't know how big it is but I'll take anything I was just reeling in the minute I was I was about to be done oh he's trying to get some trees there nobody stay at the trees this is cool using I caught minnows and now I have a fish if I can lame-o their trees over there stay on the trees everybody we have a snow smallmouth nice folks it worked that is cool use a fish trap fish trap worked and then we catch small ones on it and we are definitely saving this guys for a little late dinner not again not a big one but there are a lot of calories on that dude oh I feel better that was fun our next move my friends I was up at my car and this couple stopped nice and they live around here and we start talking and with about 5 or 10 minutes they're like hey you should come over to our property a fish we never fish it so there we no pressure that is the southern hospitality southern hospitality strikes again so we're gonna head over their place and they said just come down to the gate they'll open it and I'm gonna go be able to fish on some private property here alright guys so just talk to the folks that live here again they said it is totally fun just drive right down through the front yard they're lovely home here this is funny oh this is gonna be a died fit too tight fit tight fit for the rental car don't want to scrape up the rental car we're good we're golden all right here we are the creek is right down there and then that little path folks well this these people up here thank you so much to miss Kim mr. Steve yes we got wood we got long matches we got Duraflame fire starter everything we need for an evening fish roast we just have to get a few more fish I actually came up here to my vehicle because where is it ah we're done with the minnows folks it's topwater time guys what a cool day southern hospitality strikes again guys look along this fence here I see all this this this is all leaves and stuff that washed against here when the river flooded it was almost all the way up to their house like I mean look over here I mean it's a cliff it's a cliff over here all the way down that's like a 20 foot difference in the river I've never been to a play I didn't know actually rivers fluctuated quite frankly like that gives new meaning to the classic phrase Lord willing and the creek don't rise and nothing like top water fishing the Sun is going down we have a couple of options I think I'm gonna go with this classic popper right there bad boy guys there's some under there's an underwater tree big underwater tree I don't know if you guys can tell him to go probably this is the juice spot right here where's my popper well I have one oh my gosh I have one already something must have hit it right when I hit the water because I was like where's my popper it's snagged her on the tree limb you snagged round the tree later don't get on there boy take I don't want to ruin this spot he's still on he stood there we got him out yes yes because if I would hit the water that is crazy lately I was like I what to pop my popper I was like where is he I told you that was a good spot oh this is the best one of the day right here yes let me tell you folks that was crazy and then you got wrapped around the tree well we're gonna have a good dinner - we had a good lunch we're have a good dinner as well but first let's catch some more while this bite is hot maybe store some fruits like tomorrow for breakfast add them to the bucket what's the other one there let's get some more [Music] this is this is like stuff I dream of play as a fisherman when a little like fishing down south fishing just not even down south in particular just like a fishing creeks like this for a small mill machine like this is all new like territory new waters it's so much fun this is what I'd rather be doing on a Saturday night yep this is definitely what I'd rather be doing this Saturday night you see that bite I don't go to bars I don't go to lounges I don't do I don't like parties even like I don't mind get-togethers like love get-togethers actually but I don't party because this topwater small amount vision Oh misty misty misty - Kastner Oh - two bytes oh it's like they're biting with their mouths closed have you guys ever had that you guys have had that before probably where they're like they're not they're just not there I hit it real hard but they're not actually getting getting it in their mouths I love top water fishing but I think I'm gonna have to switch to a sink oh if I want to get one more fish before it's dark because they're biting it but they're not like they're just kind of hitting angrily which usually that means you want to throw a soft plastic then instead of a top water that moment when you realize you have no cinco's so a jig will have to do where's my kisser you know one of my jig fishings didn't catch sometimes the biggest fish of the day something just hit the surface the jig with the June see I love the top water but they just I knew I should have been should have switched earlier now they're small II another small mouth bass folks [Applause] right back in there right back in there daylight's fading [Music] what kind of animal is that yes you that oh he got off at first I thought it was like a bite I like a motorcycle that's animal and here we go well folks as day two comes to an end with three fish in my bucket a beautiful fire right on the river side I think we're gonna be all right one of the things that surely is fun about the three-day challenge though despite the oops despite the challenges a little dirt never hurt no one as I was saying one of the group see now that's now the smallmouth is all wet if I try to drop that in there now it's gonna go crazy whoa here goes nothing boys and girls [Applause] like their folks anyway as I was saying is one of the things that is really fun about this is the heightened sense of like urgency or hey can you keep your urges out crayfish and say for an evening and I caught a couple small small knot like this then I went home some of the assay how'd you do maybe like alright you know caught a few small small out what am i eating like it's kind of poor it's kind of slow out there but when you got when you're depending on it for food it's so much more satisfying it's just like the stakes are higher and I would say get like sometimes when you're in it when like when I'm in the challenge it's like this thing is fun but then when you start when I'm successful it suddenly becomes really fun so it's kind like you're really high I mean you really low I don't know I don't know like in this moment I'm really glad I did all this but I don't know what I'm successful I'm really happy I'm doing the three-day challenges but when you go a whole what was it 40 hours without food or whatever yeah then then it gets tough but anyway all right here hmm Wow the skin has a real nice crispness to it I think I'm gonna cook smallmouth and oil a little tip for you guys cook a small mother oil not in butter cuz that the skin I like this skin a lot better like this nice skin with no poly every bit of this meat tonight I should have a good night of sleep it was a great day hanging out with you guys day two is definitely way better we got day three though to tackle tomorrow I'm hoping to use some other fun things like um maybe another fish trap yeah I'd love to do I love to eat a turtle as weird as that sounds just cuz I've never done it before I think it's too early in the year for bullfrogs here but we definitely I saw some turtles today small ones but if we can find a spot we're probably gonna go to a lake a brand new lake that's a few miles from here fish the leg explore the lake so tomorrow will be a whole nother slew of adventures we'll see you guys tomorrow [Music] [Music] could it be could it that's not gonna work come on are you really green onions oh my gosh guys I don't know about you guys but that looks like a green onion to me this is totally random that I came across this there's a bunch of it too look at it green onion all over in the grass right by this golf course and in fact there's a nice-looking Golf Course pond right there hmm there's hardly anybody I don't hear this mean in fact there's uh anybody at the moment you'd think they'd mind if I fish there Golf Course pond harvested a few largemouth look we also have all over dandelions and I've never done it before but apparently there are no leaves on them dandelion leaves are good to eat well I don't know about good there's a difference between edible and good huh let's see here let's look around a little bit but that is totally a green or scallion Scouty green it is that the same thing I'm no chef the root is the thing that that gives it away yeah yeah yeah yeah guys that's totally I didn't I didn't liked his green onion just grow places is this normal I've never really paid attention till I started doing this challenge and I have my eyes open for anything on the ground or anything that might be edible so I think this is actually good for now it's like kind of little really that's a lot of green onion so we're gonna take that and then we have here the UH the Daniel Lyons boy we're getting our greens folks I'm just gonna harvest some dandelions while we have them here but then let's get down to the lake let's get fishing I'm excited I kind of slept in this morning I slept in but I needed it it's been to two really long days all right so here we are folks brand new Lake this is cool we're cut we're going to eat we're headed to our eastern Tennessee and so it's getting kind of mountainous it's even kind of Intel and looks cool the water is high yes it's high because you can see all like the trees and the water and stuff down there they're a bunch of big those look like turkeys oh man Turkey's wild turkey about turkey sounds amazing first thing we're going to do though is so they're only like two boats here right now it's kind of crazy I don't know why are there only two but hopefully that doesn't mean the fishings bad anyway there are only two boats here and one of the things that you guys will keep in mind is that when you come down to a spot like this when you have the launch ramp this is actually a really nice piece of structure to fish on I've actually gotten really big bass right on the launch ramp man you have to come down when days when it's not super busy but that that's actually this is actually the first spot I'm gonna fish is Ryan elantra see this piece of structure here that goes out and water bass can spawn on it bats can just stack up on it it's really good structure as long as it's not busy and it's not busy this morning so let's get fishing on this first all right guys this is the lure I'm starting off with is a striking deep diving sexy shad crankbait and those folks right there I just got done talking with him asked him for some tip just asked him some general stuff they said there are a lot of spotted bass in this lake and they said the very that very crankbait which I just happened to tie on anyway they said is perfect for this Lake the sexy shad pattern their ton of places just stop and pull off around this lake so I'm just gonna stop and pull off a bunch of different places just fish from shore guys guys I got one I got one small but I got one oh we got off he got up I got a bite though right on this right on this piece of structure shoot he do see I did the I did the newbie thing where I stopped to see if I had one this crankbait put such a such a drag on the rod it's gotta hurt it's helping me to fish and in the bottom so I pause for a second to see if there really was a fish on there that was really stupid should have just kept reeling catching any heck no aah oh you're going for crappie my next spot was to go below the dam so I might have to do that it's tough up here the water looks that weird like winter dingy kind of color always you know this this this crawdad is what I got a hit on this morning and it's just like but I would I hate I hate letting it go down deep where it should be because I hate I appreciate the tips thank you so much thank you I will appreciate that all right guys even though we did not catch anything at this spot got a ton of good information from some local fishermen and we're gonna go below the dam got a hot tip that the walleye are biting below the dam let's go Oh guys this is cool stuff here below the dam this is one thing it is always cool about dams is how dramatic it is like the drop man what at what approach I can't imagine like building this thing unreal guys check it out boy are they pumping some water or what this is very cool and dramatic look how high the water is you guys see the trees right there that are underwater Wow so trout regulations I can keep anything under 14 inches never seen that before nothing between 14 and 20 inches brown trout only 1 over 20 oh boy if I catch some trout that size over 20 inches that'll be fun that'll be fun all right yes coming down the stairs getting excited this looks fun yeah this is what we're using first the shad color crankbait year and the reason why I'm gonna actually with a crankbait first instead of what was recommended is because the guy who's fishing up there said he's caught nothing but bass all morning and obviously crank baits are vast lures also the one time I went walleye fishing the guy was with said that some of the biggest walleye he catches come on crank baits because I got one I got one oh my gosh that was crazy whoa the third reason is some of the biggest trout I've ever caught have actually come when I've been fishing for bass with white crank baits oh did get I got off no it's or something small or something what are we yeah I know it did get off okay literally got a bite a few seconds in got one got one guys got a fish always a trout it was a trout I was I look like a brown trout shoot on the white crankbait I told you guys to out some of my big it was like it was a good fish too the problem is of brown trout here they have to be over 24 inches to keep so even if I landed them that that probably was at 24 it wasn't that big but it was it was a couple of pounds guys we got a switch to the grub switch through the grill white drug going out come on oh dang I don't want to lose this grub that one guy's gotta go it's like a straight pass or something we're yes yes no spores we got lunch what is this okay we don't have striped bass or any of that stuff I believe let's see there striper wiper and white bass I think since as stripes this is a striper I don't live where these are caught so I'm a little ignorant let me look this up that is so cool I caught him on a lucky craft jerkbait I see striped bass or hybrid bass minimum length has to be 15 inches white bass that's what it looks like yeah a white bass because I think this might be the first white bass I've ever caught I just looked it up and there's no minimum length on it so we can eat this guy this will be the very first time I've caught and cooked a white bass on my channel sweet we'll just tie it off right here there we go first whiteness yes that feels good so guys I'm so hungry huh so hungry that I'm going to get something to eat we're gonna eat that fish and then we'll resume fishing I grabbed my my what are they called green onions sorry I'm a little weak and shaky of and eaten so long but look there are more green onions right here so is this a Tennessee thing to just have like green onions growing everywhere you must must be all right this is cool my first time eating white bye ass Oh super easy to scale we've got the skill they're just coming right off that is so nice so we have here a little white lunch but at least we have lunch I'm gonna say this my catfish with this if we find a good cat fishing spot all right so with our stop here take like this we remove the dry bits that cloud feels nice this is fun this is a nice day to you and it's nice that I'm the only one here which sometimes means the fishing is bad but I'm having fun I caught lunch that water [Applause] and look we're gonna traffic guys I got this little teeny tiny bundle of Old Bay seasoning at Walmart and a bad guy to try some of that I don't think I've ever just put old bay straight on fish and we haven't forgotten about the Stalin there are scallions and green onions singing Peck I'm the PES I'm no chef whatsoever I just even though I have a catch and cook channel but whatever this is we're gonna put some on it right at the end finish it I have to say these are really fragrant smell good [Music] that looks good very eye-catching they're going to add up a little bit to this side as well and then what I'm going to do I don't know just like that I'm so hungry I'm just gonna eat it plain like that just slightly cooked we'll say the dandelions for later just eat them like raw little bit dusty I would clean them off in the lake or the river but I don't think that you're just kind of trading one thing for another they're gonna get a good fight that's not gonna they don't exactly taste like anything to be honest you're just like they do putting like a piece of raw lettuce in your mouth that doesn't taste like anything well there's lunch I'll take it it's funny when I smell obey I think of Oregon crabs that's hot another plate I think of Oregon crabs so I'm eating fish but it smells exactly like those crabs do reminds me like catfishing texture and as far as the flavor goes just a solid nice fish flavor let's try one of these for the final meal I'm gonna cook up a whole bunch of that it just needs to be like eat it a little bit kind of soften I'm gonna use it in the dish in the final dish then just need a whole bunch that raw that is really good so y'all want to hear the story of my day well after I got done below the dam fish required probably another Hauer didn't get anything so I decided to come back above the dam Fisher on the lake this is what I'm using we're gonna live or die by the water popper cuz he fishes really fast or really slow let's see what they want some sort of school after that I fished with top waters for a little while longer effect I thought there would be a really hot evening top water bite but it was not meant to be there are ton animals here that it is such a quiet night out here it's so cool because there's no wind so you could hear everything even on the other side of the lake so I fished around and then it got dark on me so I came around to this side and now I put on some cut bait on a simple bottom rig I'm not sure if it will be too early in the year for catfish I wouldn't mind ending this thing with a nice big catch I don't care what bites really at this point we have a frog here [Laughter] like you a little gun base it's a toad you can't use a toad for bait look at that little guy that's a toad wait oh my goodness folks it's a toad that's not a frog I can't use a toxic toad for bait he's a cute little feller though okay I'll let you go yeah that's a totally a toad toad get it totally a toad I think we'll let him go I kind of want to keep him as a pet y'all want to see how much time we have left this this right here folks less than one minute so unless something bites in the next minute see you out of the corner of my eye don't know why that scared me I knew it was coming seventy-two hours eating on seven fish I bought this McDonald's about an hour ago and you have no idea how hard it was not to dig in when this smell started following in fact just to prove you guys I did not eat any of it look the double Big Mac is still and the quarter pounder still whole come on you bounce Oh guys thank you so much for hanging on hope you enjoyed never doing this again so don't even ask unless of course this video gets a million views then I'll have to do it again but anyway shouldn't be a long time till that happens thank you guys for watching we'll see in the next one [Music] [Music]
Channel: Ace Videos 2
Views: 3,289,942
Rating: 4.8627949 out of 5
Keywords: eating only what I catch for 3 days, ace videos, ace, videos, ace videos 2, ace videos second channel, fishing, fish, eating my catch, catching, catch, eating fish, survival fishing, survival, coastal foraging, coastal, coast, foraging, scavenge, eating only my catch, 3 day challenge, 3 days, ace videos survival, fishing challenge, catch and cook, catch n cook, catch clean cook, cooking fish, survival fishing challenge, fry, backwoods edition, Tennessee, backwoods survival, backwoods, cook
Id: YPeEL11O7Cc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 1sec (3961 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 30 2020
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