TOP 3 Exercises To Get Rid OF HIP DIPS I NO EQUIPMENT (The TRUTH About Them)

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hi ladies you guys asked me how to get rid of tip tips and since I always want to give people what they want I'm gonna give you what you want and I'm gonna give you the exercises to get rid of those pesky hip tips so even before I give you absolutely any information or those exercises I promise I want you to just smash that subscribe button even though I haven't given you any valuable information but I am just adorable so it works so just do it also I have boobs though I mean if that helps in any kind of way hit that subscribe button oh I do the exercises now okay alright let's get started so first exercise to get rid of hip dips are these yeah just do this and then you know the second one is going to this month yeah and then the third one can yeah that's what it's gonna be third exercise okay into a million did you believe any of that what if I schools do though there's people that do and I know some of you are watching so make sure to stay tuned so that you stay informed hi you guys made with Sean McDaniel and today I'm going to tell you the truth about hip dips so I constantly get the question how do I get rid of hip dips and today we are answering that question the widely asked question that I have been getting for years so a couple years ago I didn't know what the heck hip dips worked it just seemed like everybody wanted to get rid of them until all of a sudden all my clients wanted to get on me get rid of hip dips trick so for the people who are like me and don't know what the heck this is let's define it I miss out way it's literally a curve that dips on your hip area so are deeper than others and some are just a slight little dip and ladies I'm sorry yes I didn't want to I didn't want to have to do this but I'm sorry for the ladies I did it what I have to tell you but everybody has hip dips it's literally how the body works now the depth of the hip dip is determined by your good old bone structure yeah we're all different individuality so the trochanter major and our hip bones are those husky bastards that are the culprits responsible for the depth leap and size of those damn hip dips but how do we get rid of those damned betcha young grasshopper it's just gonna take a leap of faith here and say that most men don't care about hip dips but tell me in the comments section if you do so there are some a women fitness professionals I'm sorry but it's I use the correct term Instagram models that actually tell people I know it's crazy but they tell people that there are exercises that get rid or reduce significantly victus can we just take a few seconds and go on the whole lovely Instagram thing and read some of the post that back tell women how to get rid of hip dips how to get rid of hip dips a thread as a points a hip dip and then show a girl in a completely different pose so this will be very accurate disclaimer I'm not saying you have to get rid of hip dip some people like hip dips however I used to have hip dips and I hated them on me so this is P much how I got rid of them also people keep requesting this thread so here it is her eat foods that are high in protein and healthy carbs / fats do yoga do leg stretches like a sitting straddle reach and it's tough that stretched out your hips and legs drink enough water that was it that was the end of the threat but you stretch stretch a little can't see my leg [ __ ] okay so you stretch just you stretch a little bit eat your protein and there you go it's that easy let's read another one how to get rid of hip tips butterfly Wow disclaimer I'm not saying you have to get rid of hips it's the same type of deal some people just don't like them if you're one of those people then here are some ways to get rid of them blueheart oh this one has workouts workout and parenthesis used with small weights for faster results faster the lease are gonna get you there faster sumo squats glute bridges slide lunges standing side inflate kicks fire hydrants I did those in the beginning of the video so we're on a good roll how to get rid of him too and there's a girl holding coffee guessing coffee has something to do with hip dips and then there's just a girl who's sitting with a phone and she looks pretty unamused by life so this'll be good first of all you don't need to get rid of him and there you go so pretty much you do lots of stretches high protein healthy fats do some squats hip bridges and oh don't forget to drink your water and your hip dips begone oops so let's just bring you back to reality here and not Instagram world because the funny thing is about these people usually the women who promotes them knowing like the secret exercises to get rid of hip tips or the the diet to get rid of hip dips the funny thing is if you start eating less calories than being at a calorie deficit and you started losing body fat and on top of all of that you are lifting weights and you're adding somebody muscle to your body most likely your hip dips are going to be more apparent that's the joke there because they promote that they have exercises and and a lower calorie diets and eating healthier is going to make them go away but you're actually going to make them more more there but then the girls are acting like they know what they're talking about and then people they believe them that's the joke we're all laughing right it's funny I have white ass hips okay my butt is big when I gain weight where I gained at first is right on my hips and on my butt and below my butt my thighs pretty much this general area nothing crazy that I do to make this thing happen it's just genetics and estrogen no no no magic okay so when I started working out and I started losing body fat and then gaining more muscle the my round hips that people thought that I had I still I just had more my body fat who's down there more so it makes them less visible but when I lost weight added the muscle reduce body fat - whose hip dips or more visible this little five foot - check okay my I do many of these exercises that are recommended here weighted heavy okay hundred pounds actually sometimes more and guess what I have hip dips they are less apparent on me because I tend to store more fat around the hips and in that area then maybe girls that are more not so body fat filled down here yeah it's a personal trainer term body fat fills it's a thing honestly I was a little confused when my clients started asking me how to get rid of hip tips because I always wanted hip tips because my my hips are just naturally widest and hip dips to me show that you are lean so I always want to tip tip but once again my genetics my estrogen levels allow me to put that down here make my hip dips not so visible don't I said that word eighty two times but once again it made that more make them more visible it's literally how our bodies are designed nobody is immune to hip tips but don't worry ladies because there is still hope I'm going to tell you the real way of how to get rid of this pesky freakin hip dips fat injections money a doctor and I am NOT against procedures you do whatever you want but I wish people were a lot more honest about how they got their bodies because I knew how this hip tip thing became a craze making all you women and secure about something that is completely natural they got the Kim K's and then the mini ones I'm blanking on their names at the moment but the amber bruises all the insta models who have these perfectly round non hip dip tips and do you know how fat injections money a doctor let me just give you little example something to ponder about when you look at these women on Instagram or the Kincaid's and all those girls that have that similar shape that people say that you can achieve by doing some leg raises you know how Botox was something that nobody really talks about people kind of hit it before but in 2018 and I'll 2019 I feel like it is just something that is so normal people have Botox parties getting Botox is like getting your nails done okay it's like this whole normal ass thing like people you stepped on my god you're getting Botox but now people are just like it is completely normal and accepted now to get Botox in a Hollywood world and Instagram world it is normal and acceptable to get fat injections in your butt yeah and then solve workout programs that make absolutely no sense with us besides the point no amount of hip thrusts five leg raises or fire hydrants I'm going to get rid of hip dips the more body fat you lose it will make it more apparent no matter what these fitness trainers sorry I mean insta-mom hoes I'm not hating I'm just spitting out scientific facts of how the body works so if you want to get rid of your hip dips I suggest having some cash cuz it costs some money and getting a very good doctor and boom hip dips will be gone you're welcome now for the people who do not want to get stuff injected into their foot my theory is the more fit you get and the harder you work you will one feel awesome with the amount of work and time you put in to get a body that is more aesthetically pleasing to your eyes and two you will also care less and less about these stupid things that are so very trendy called tech tips because you are more pleased with your overall appearance all right now that we are at the end of the video I am going to ask you for a favor please share this with all the girls women dudes that are doing those fire hydrant things over and over again because some instant model told them that's how they got rid of their hip dips and share this video with them so that they're informed with actual facts and not just fluff that'll make them feel better and then worse when it doesn't work so I hope this answered the hip tip issue sorry I have no special exercises oceans or pill or stretches like the other popular since deal is probably why I'm not popular seems like the truth truth people don't like but I do have to say remember you don't have to be a size 2 odds are great to have but they're not needed to be held and hip dips are absolutely nothing to be worried about they are completely natural but if you want to fix them contact a reputable doctor and he'll get rid of them for you my name is michelle mcdaniel thank you so much for watching leave your fitness questions in the comment section below and i will make sure to see you guys next time you you you you
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 360,315
Rating: 4.9057426 out of 5
Keywords: how to get rid of hip dips, hip dips, exercises to get rid of hip dips, get rid of hip dips, stretchs to get rid of hip dips, michelle mcdaniel, leg exercises for hip dips
Id: qzn4K2dfVFo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 30sec (750 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 04 2019
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