My Results On Beyonce's INTENSE Coachella Diet (FAST Weight loss)

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oh you guys that diet was rough it was a hard diet but I lost weight see proof and I am now so happy my life finally has meaning I have money I have beauty my hair magically turned red and it's very thick and filthy with no damage at all I'm famous now as famous as the Kardashians all because of the onset thank you Lord Beyonce you have given me life ready okay yes I used a clickbait title yes I used to Beyonce's name at Coachella so you would click on this video does that make me a horrible person probably but I did it for a great cause so I posted this picture on my Instagram today saying before and after using Beyonce's Coachella diet and numerous diet pills mixed with detox teas helps me loose exactly 20 pounds of fat in two weeks just kidding new video on how easy it is to fake before and after pics click the link in my bio and I bet you when I go back on my Instagram there's going to be a mix of people who actually understand sarcasm people saying Yeah right wire and then people who actually want to know the details about the products that I use and I'm just gonna sit back and read the comments for a little bit until I decide to respond cuz it's kind of funny how people just can't read when it's right there in front of them I probably actually should respond pretty quickly to other people who think it's real they might actually try to do some Beyonce Coachella diet it's not even a real thing I don't even think it exists well hopefully Pikachu it is a real thing beyonce talks her restrictive coachella diet but the experts think well that's for a whole another video so I wanted to make a very quick video because I see so many before-and-after pictures on Instagram that can be easily Faith's on the internet from trainers that have helped so many people transform their bodies so there's a little less than an hour difference in between these photos the only difference really is that I'm wearing a way more flattering bikini my makeup is done my stance is better oh and I took a Lea and the arms in the first pick I really made the effort to just squish my arm to my body and in the second picture I'm upright and tight easily sell some arm programs and make big off of that picture I mean I was totally extra with these before and after pictures just to be a little bit more sarcastic so hopefully people who have a harder time reading sarcastic posts the picture would help them figure it out a bit I really don't want people to actually start pouring their fat burners into their detox teas that's not good don't do that but you guys it's just so easy to fake things on the internet and I kind of made this because you guys send me these before and after pictures and ask is this possible for me and a lot of them yes it is very possible if you lose the water weight and you'll have a really cool before-and-after picture and you can literally get any product and say this product works for me and people will just believe that this random product gave you this crazy amount of results in a matter of days hey guys I just finished using shreds fat-burner ultimate specifically for women the pink bottle and these are my results I got really fit see-through in the muscles I just fit it and you guys should totally just do it to coupon code blazing red vagina 22 oh hey guys I just finished my one-week cleanse of it one orange a day mixed with my get skinny detox tea that I got from get skinny detox tea incorporated I did it I got thin look at my shoulder it looks pretty small so it's true and you guys to do it to use coupon code that's what she said 48 and you're gonna get great results okay bye okay you guys I just finished my three day like super easy weight loss program on my new pill call Jess suck the fat right out of your body it's that's what it's called then and it does just that it sucks all the fat right out of your body in three days oh my god believe me because because I've got a lot of followers and I posted that vector right there and it's proof if you want to get skinny like me use coupon code I don't give a [ __ ] about this I just want my money 43 and buy so just a couple things that you can look out for if you're interested in some kind of weight loss product and they're giving you before and after pictures is the following and it's not limited to this it's just some things that I've noticed they are promising you something if they are promising that you are going to lose weight on this specific product don't buy it they don't know that nobody knows that the other thing that gets me is when they promise a specific number they'll say something like oh you're gonna lose five pounds in five days not four not six but exactly five that's not how it works nobody knows if you're gonna actually get results from the specific product the other thing is more targeted and influenced or like a specific person if they're always posting before and after pics with different products like one day they post this old to make fat burner the next day they post this ultimate detox tea the next other thing they posted this specialized lollipop that if you just suck on it a few times you're gonna lose weight like which one is it is it the fat burner is it CG or is it the lollipop that you suck on a few times is it all of them do we get like more results if we take all of them the other look out for is the lighting and the post the unflattering clothes like I did in my picture and of course the blow and the water we if I eat shitty like a huge binge I can put on so much water wave that is nothing when I was bigger I was around 180 pounds but you have to keep in mind i binge dalat I had a very crappy diet as well and so I was very inflamed and I'm not sure if it's just the PCOS and the endometriosis but my body seems to suggest swell up so badly when I eat unhealthy and when I was bigger like when I was very young around high school middle school - I used to member my stomach being so big as big as my butt like it would come out as like my butt's out here my gut is like the same length out and I remember thinking oh my gosh I'm so freakin fat like why is my stomach so big but I wasn't like a hanging gut it was like a solid pointy out ain't good and so in my head back then I thought it was just all completely just fat and I was bigger but I wonder if I had the knowledge that I had now like if I had my before and after pics I wonder if I could pinpoint and be like well but just a very inflamed because I definitely remember my stomach being very hard which is not good and just like out there now I wasn't lifting weights at that time so the hardness that's that's a very unhealthy sign if I took pictures at first month I probably could have had a freaking gnarly before-and-after picture for the month because my stomach was literally shrinking so quick and I was like well I'm losing so much fat when in reality and I was freaking inflamed as I was very unhealthy and had a very high percentage of body fat but I do remember my stomach being very a sticky-outy new scientific work and we can talk about that in another video but there's a reason why it does that it's this and it's not good but if I posted a picture of my stomach like super big over mice my pants and just being like almost pregnant looking like and then posted another picture of my stomach a lot smaller and then I said I used some specific type of weight loss pill how many of you think that people go by that specific weight loss - when in reality it just got rid of the inflammation or at least a lot of it and in general expectations are actually pretty low like I'll see it before and after picture and be like okay so they lost they lost water weight but other people are like why this is freakin unreal how did you do this and all I did was reduce their sodium we're more flattering clothes and stand up straight even when my clients say pictures sometimes I'll ask you like take it again because they're standing a little bit differently you've got like completely different clothes on and I can't really tell that much so take it again for example my client who's doing an amazing job this is over 12-week progress her stomach could have been bloated but I look at everything you can tell that her arms and shoulders are a lot tighter she's wearing pretty much the same underwear except different colors but same cut same style her glutes have reduced and she's standing in the same position as she did in her previous pick but I do get a lot of messages from you guys thing like is this possible how do I get these result and they literally just lost water weight or you're getting very sad because you're only losing a pound or two a week and there's these magazine covers Instagram post saying I lost 30 pounds in 15 days and you think that your progress is rather slow when in reality a pound or two a week is perfect if you're dropping 10 pounds a week most of that is gonna be actual water weight not actual fat and water weight comes and goes the goal here is to get the fat off so remember that definitely do not compare yourself to the before and after pictures on the internet it's very very easy to be fake I mean even though I talk about my wigs I still have people asking how did you get your hair that color I want hair like that I bought it I don't know how to get hair like this I see it all the time and I tell them and then the next video they're like how did you get your hair that color and I'm like I bought it that's that's how you get it I bought I bought the hair it's fake everything is so fake on the internet don't take it too seriously okay my name is michelle mcdaniel thank you so much for watching remember hit that subscribe button cuz once we get to 100k i'm gonna workout on camera for 30 minutes a very intense workout that you're gonna do with me and we are going to sweat and struggle together so so drive and if you don't subscribe for me subscribe for the mermaid hair that is completely real and natural and not synthetic and about 40 bucks on Amazon at all [Music]
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 103,182
Rating: 4.8881316 out of 5
Keywords: coachella, coachella 2019, beyonce diet, weight loss, beyonce vegan, beyonce coachella, coachella 2018, before and after pictures, faking before and after pictures, scamming personal trainers, personal trainers, scam, personal trainer, personal trainer results, personal trainer gym workout, before and after weight loss, detox tea, detox teas, shredz women, shredz women review, shredz fat burner review
Id: RSxDqS8oo3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 12sec (612 seconds)
Published: Mon May 20 2019
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