The "BEST" Exercises for Abs + Demonstrations

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I love the fact that you don't use long nails I don't know what's on woman's head when they put on a huge long now then what's disgusting and with no class keep it up with those bustles bTW vsync is a little bit laughable this is kind of awkward sorry Louis - uh let you down but I put these $6 big on nails from Walmart on Monday Oh for some pictures always take and yes I agree the music was loud last video I already uploaded it and it's not fun like a Peter but then I played all my phone it was super loud so sorry hey guys my name is michelle mcdaniel today we're talking all about so guys i always tell you that my videos to be the best you can be not only with exercise and nutrition but in all aspects of your life i've recently decided to better myself a little bit and increase my knowledge in my brain becomes the human body and it's functions and the reasoning behind each exercise that we do in the gym so i made a few friends with a couple physical therapists and they've been really helping me break down each exercise and tell me the purpose of each exercise and why it's either a good thing to do it or a bad thing to do it and I've been learning quite a bit it's really been helping you know the way that I train in the gym and it's gonna benefit my place and of course you guys get you guys who are watching my amazing subscribers yes you so like I said today we are going to get a better understanding of the ABS not even going to and demonstrate a couple of exercises that hit every single part of this oh what's that you thought that apps was just one big muscle nope so first things first let's learn about each muscle in our gut so we have in the middle of our stomach the rectus abdominis that's the part that will show your four six or eight packs then we have the oblique now there's two parts to your obliques the internal and the external oblique and then there's the one that always gets forgotten what am i hitting most likely you didn't even know about this muscle unless you're some kind of physical therapist doctor surgeon or in some other profession that has to be very familiar with the human body the serratus anterior muscle come on be truthful tell me in the comments section if you knew what that muscle was because before I got into personal training I sure as hell did not I just thought we had abs and it was just one big muscle and I knew I wanted it so who for you guys who didn't know for educating yourself true now let's take a quick look about healthy muscle fibers lay in our bodies that's gonna be very important in the way that we decide to train that weight but first how do we get at you will never good at unless you fix your diet I get so many of you guys messaging me on Instagram and you're always asking me how do I get out of like yours they want the best workout the secret workout the magic number of crunches that's gonna let them see their abs there's no such thing if you really want to see these you gotta fix your diet you can do apps every single day of your life if you the majority of your diet looks like this it's not gonna happen as wonderful as I would love to live in a unicorn candy fantasy world it's just not real you have to be at a calorie deficit and if you need to learn what your specific calorie deficit is my nutritional programs can help you with that tip two how often should you train AB no I always learned because of my fitness career with bodybuilding and figure competitions and you know fitness modeling and whatnot I always learned that you're supposed to train a specific muscle one to two to three times a week or supposed to give it that 24 to 72 hour rest in between so that you can prepare and grow so I only did my abs like once or twice a week because personally I don't even really like doing ab so I didn't care once a week was plenty now according to my physical therapist friends and a lot of research that I've been doing online after kind of a funny muscle you can actually work your abs every single day you don't want to put a significant amount of stress on them every day but you can pick one or two exercises to do after your workout to make sure - or the muscle fibers I've actually been experimenting with that for about the past two weeks and I don't know if there's that much of a difference I mean it's only been two weeks but I do actually enjoy it more because I feel like I haven't naturally not naturally but just a weak core and I feel like I need to really learn how to be stronger in my core because I don't think once a week was cutting so yep we'll see if these um change and see how that everyday thing up five days a week is how much I workout so five days a week how my abs will change with with that now how to work at now remember what I said the way the muscle lays is very important how you work them you always want to train them in it the direction that the muscle goes so let's get the moment you've all been waiting for okay the exercises so the first exercise is for the rectus abdominis where you will see like I said the two to eight pack come in the front of your stomach the muscles go straight up and down so that's the way that you want to work them and when you do these you want to stretch the ABS out and then squeeze suck this tummy in as hard as possible and blow out all your air the purpose we're doing these is because you're moving straight up and down just like the muscle goes now I also really love actually hey but love because it's kind of hard and it's a good matted stretch on my lower ab I like to do anything hanging so here I'm doing the hanging leg raises and for the modified version for people who are not as strong you can do you can just bring your knees up so once again just like the rope crunches I'm bringing my legs up I'm blowing all the air out of my stomach but at the same time squeezing my stomach in and contracting at the top of the movement for the obliques I do anything twisting because look how the muscle fibers lay they go at a diagonal so I chose a cable twist say yourself a little bit of diagonal in front of where the cable goes and then twist nice and slow at an angle and lastly is the serratus place are a great way to target this muscle but my physical therapist friends wanted to take it a step further so we would do a plank on the ball I didn't have a building ball at the studio so I used a medicine ball but isn't as hard I really recommend if you are advanced to do it on the stability ball its way different way more painful and I can feel it right in that area and then you want to bring your spine as far up as you can and then slowly lower your way back down anyway so a lot of you guys have been asking me for tips about abs so I hope you guys have a better understanding about the muscles and your guts and how to work them and the purpose of the exercise I'll remember if you want to see your app you have to make sure that your diet food that's going into your mouth is reflecting that we are not living in cartoon world you aren't going to be obese with abs like a Honda okay so fix your diet that's the number one priority and then you can add these exercises that I showed you in this video if you found this video helpful make sure to hit that thumbs up button but more importantly just like it's very important for you to fix your diet to be able to see your results it's very important for you to hit that subscribe button for everyone who keeps asking me to post a what I eat in a day video guys I put that on my Instagram in my stories every day I show you guys what I eat for you guys I do it I do it for you for that little sweet face right there see you next video remember we don't need a BS ID stamp I love ass but they are definitely not needed but health is important and I want all my subscribers to strive to be the healthiest individual that they can be and if I can help you get there then great I'll see you guys next time remember be obese [Music]
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 25,824
Rating: 4.9909949 out of 5
Keywords: how to get stronger abs, how to get a stronger core, how to get abs, how to get a six pack, how to get ripped abs, how to get a flat stomach, how to lose fat around your stomach, my thoughts will probably offend you, michelle mcdaniel, my thoughts will, offend you, offensive, the best ab exercises, ab exercises, ab routine, core routine
Id: Eoadtbd9j5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 53sec (473 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 28 2018
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