How to Make Turtle Stew with Recipe!

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turtle meat [Applause] how y'all are i'm glad for you to see me i guarantee and i've got some things i've got to do here i think i'm doing right yeah i've started making this rule you got to make a rule when you're going to cook anything it's worth the dough go in those cages and see or with a damn whatever you know and uh i got to put this rule the way i can get it going where i put all these things in it and in here i'm gonna finish a turtle stew hey y'all today we're going to learn a few good cooking skills from a lesson mr justin wilson so here we go y'all sit back and enjoy you ain't seen cooking like this i've got a wrong cheese now what i got to do while i'm letting this cook a little bit is remove this put it right down and put some water in there it better be water now this is about 10 cups of water that i'm pouring in there and into that i'm going to put if i put a fire on i got to put a fire on there that's too high they put that on a medium fire medium low and i got about a cup and a half i think of good wine dry white wine i'm gonna put that on there let me put that heat up a little bit let me put that heat up just a little bit i'm doing it put this one up a little bit now into this water and wine i'm gonna put about three tablespoons full of soy sauce i've got water in this i never put garlic in anything chopped garlic until i have some liquid because garlic if you put it in just grease it it doesn't doesn't have any flavor you can't even tell it's garlic you tell it something but you lose the good flavor of garlic and it's so good for you you're looking at a healthy man on account of garlic i can tell you i love it i'd make a garlic sandwich just just delight it i really do oh right there you're coming along fine roo i like you a lot now into this i got a a teaspoon full of dried mint i use mint instead of bay leaf because it doesn't it won't flavorize it doesn't taste like mint it just helps help increase the flavor of anything you're cooking oh now this is getting harder will turn you down a little bit now it takes care of it but that mint has a flavor that doesn't kill the flavor of everything else you know i don't like things to do now this right here is a tablespoon half of fresh lemon squeezed just a little bit ago put that in there and i got to stir that i violated one of my own okay yeah go ahead get that going good there now over here i've got a little turtle i got just about oh i would say about three to four about a little bit over four pounds and i'm going to tell you that turned on my hands to clean and washed them yesterday put this in here turn that fire up a little bit got it it'll get all this to go in good that is beautiful turtle meat believe me i know when i'm talking i cut that up myself and help clean that turtle caught in louisiana waters very fine cajun turtle ain't no question about that i've seen people when they clean the turtle instead of skinning it like we did like i believe you know i believe in skinning it they take hot water and just use that and see that was good enough well that's not good enough for me i like to skin it because it's better to do it well come here to me where are you trying to hide like that gotcha thank goodness for my dish towel here now we'll stir that in there but i'm gonna turn the fire up and get that going pretty good oh man i'm gonna put potatoes in this because my good friend junior monteleone says it belongs in there i never had made a turtle stew with potatoes before in my life but i did and you know it tastes good they really do i know i think he knew what he said i think your daddy told him that that's why yeah now we got that just like we wanted and you going just like i want you and oh yep that turtle those onions have gotten clear and i'm turning this fire off i turn the right fire off alright and i'd put this roux in there and stir it around i'm gonna get this over here come in come over there now we'll use a bigger spoon to get this roux mixed into this other water that we got here i'm gonna put potatoes in it too and then i'm going to start making a blueberry cobbler i'm not a little blueberry i love cobblers i really do i make mine a little different most people i found out they killed my tasting good so i kept making them like that a little more simple too it's easier cooking i believe in easy cooking believe me i do come on let's do it a little bit yeah you're looking good boy i'll eat some of this uh guarantee was that pretty boring for not i enjoyed watching this so much i forgot to tell you all about it this is the rule that i made earlier you know how you make a rule with oil and flour plain flour no no self rising you may have something loaded up to the ceiling in your room you use that self-riding flower let me get this stirred in there good you don't want that meat sticking to the root or what the root sticking to the meat because if it does it'll spread that flavor like you should all right now we want to get all that in there we possibly can because i made it to go in there and we're gonna get it all in there too and this we can you can make this uh sort of too different from this if you want to you make your roux in a pot like that and add the meat kind of fried down a little bit meaty water too some people parboiled it that turtle meat i don't in fact this recipe says popcorn and i wrote that in there and i'll erase it but i don't i don't cardboard it doesn't need hard boiling now stir that these are chopped just the right size you notice and i'm going to taste this in my tasting spoon for salt i think you may need a little salt even though i got three tablespoons full of soy sauce in this i think this is gonna need a little more salt get this boom to get this boom to get something to see if i taste it for salt and eat some salt you know i could smell that until it needed salt you know that i'm not gonna put much salt in it just a couple of teaspoons full and that's a teaspoon and i noticed in doubting thomasina's out there they don't believe i'd measure a teaspoon full of salt in my hand but i just want you to take a good look at that is that a teaspoon full that's it i'm gonna put another teaspoon just like that and stir put this right i think it needs a little hot sauce in there cayenne pepper to taste this is cayenne pepper mr taste my taste that's just about a teaspoon full of not that's not quite a teaspoon full of cayenne pepper i'm gonna put the lid on this and turn my fire down and let it cook while i go take the beef makes that beautiful beautiful let's put this on simmer turtle stew come here boy turtle meat that's a double sip oh man that's good you
Channel: Justin Wilson Southern Products LLC
Views: 688
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: O4-j8H2vn0o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 26 2021
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