FUN TURRET BUILD HELLDIVERS 2 - Solo, Helldiver Difficulty 9

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what's going on guys it's Highway of the SCS dawn of dawn here and today I kind of wanted to try a different Loadout you know lots of people using a lot of meta stuff but I kind of just wanted to see if I could make like a mostly turret Loadout so here we have the uh we have the EMS mortar we have the auto Cannon Sentry and we have the mortar Sentry and I'm bringing myself a quazar cannon to kind of take care of the the stuff that I don't trust the turrets to do and uh we're going to see how this goes we're running the Trailblazer Scout armor we're running the las16 although I'm kind of thinking about going with the breaker a stun grenade and the Redeemer as always and uh yeah we're just going to see how this goes uh we're on Hell diver 9 this is a retrieve valuable data Mission we're going to run it and uh just see if we can't uh make something happen with this load out I have not even played with this load out yet um but I've been kind of trying to deviate away from the meta and and probably made some videos about some more unique and just off meta uh alternative builds that you can use for solo hell diver 99 so spent more videos like this one if this works out hopefully we'll be able to get this in one run here but uh yeah let's drop in and see what's going on we're going to drop in away from the bugs we only got to call in our quazar can we got to be careful cuz we don't have anything to deal with close range enemies so a lot of this is going to be a skill oriented Market in fact I'm going to call resupply in right away just so I immediately am all good on that front feels weird about my display here that's what it is it's on borderless windowed there we go borderless windowed will sometimes mess with your refresh rate on a lot of games uh okay let's uh let's head towards the uh first secondary and go from there I only see three guess there's five nests kind of strange usually there's a lot more outposts all right so the way I kind of view this build and how I'm going to play with it uh it's going to be a lot of avoiding fights when I can and just look into to uh looking to clear objectives and then set my turrets up ahead of fights that I know I'm going to take and then use them to engage at the same time as me is kind of the the plan here and then use the quazar cannon to hit enemies that I said I don't trust my uh my turrets to kill I should have brought the impact grenades to close up uh bug holes I see a stalker over there I want to get away from all these bugs I'm next to before I Engage The stalkers he's stuck right there I might even just that real quick I think his nest is literally right here on my Lefty the small bugs try to avoid any bug breaches no need for us to do anything crazy that's one grab these samples while it's recharging all right oh no I thought that I would still hit it regardless that's unfortunate come on there we go stalker L taken care of we're actually going to need to to hell bomb this objective because of this load out which is going to add some time this looks like a good opportunity to set up some some mortars and then go ahead and engage on these guys here I'm kind of saving my auto Cannon Sentry for when I see a bile Titan just going to let the EMS mortar slow all these guys while the regular mortar get some uh kills while I'm just using my gun to pick off targets one at a time here the focus never changes we always deal with Hunters first and foremost look like we got a hunter patol coming up behind us maybe I should have called my autoc Cannon down see if I can't lure them away from this centuries breing out ouch got be careful your mortar when bugs start getting close to you I lets to do that I've used a lot of stems just now we're going to call this in see if we can't get some uh some good supplies get our stems back get some ammo back all that good stuff oh where did you come from I even see on my screen stun these guys oh no not the spiky plants clean these guys right here up still got more little guys to deal with coming up and hindsight bringing impact grenades would have been good but uh again I'm just I literally just was like you know I kind of just want to try something new and just record it and just see how it goes that's what we're [Music] doing okay I hear a b Titan okay he's all the way over there so we're not even going to bother right this second I'm going to call in the hell bomb for this thing oh I I haven't called a hell bomb in in so long you can tell that like I don't have the codes memorized I want to take that charger out or it causes problems on the hell bomb here hell bomb clear the area all right there's a radar station right here we'll hit that next there there's probably going to be bugs there so I'm thinking I'm going to call in my next my next mortar another resupply here soon I see some bugs so we to call in a mortar here here and I'm going to just try to stun these guys and kill them before ah there's more on my left as I said before they call in a breach but just need to avoid I missed that charger he turns Supply will come back here in a little bit you know I almost got through this without them calling a bug breach if I had just been more aggressive probably could have been good to go oh no I don't want to get hit by mortars deoy equipage you will never deploy our way of life oh oh always pay attention behind you how could I make this mistake we're good you know what's interesting it's providing like a definite new kind of challenge for me in this game which I'm absolutely not opposed to we're going to hit this while this is all going on this EMS mortar is providing us with a lot of like cc to kind of clear us out here start this we still haven't used our Auto Cannon uh all that much I'm kind of saving it for when bile Titans start to come through these bug breaches I'm going to use my quazar Cannon and the uh the auto Cannon is like a combo a I really thought that that Brew Commander would die for made it over to meest appr reinfor launched like to land on this charger there's another charger there oh you know what I guess I'll just start calling in my my real Cannon is like a engagement buddy as well oh that was further back than I wanted to dive I don't want to ride do there I really am just such a big fan of the Redeemer a secondary I get this charger off my plate no we got more bugs calling more mortars here in a second I kind of want to reposition cuz I really don't like the terrain I'm fighting on right now it's too too varied in height on that guy call that down like over there oh that over there I'm going to die again yeah I just don't have enough resources all right lesson learned from now on I'm calling in my my rail Cannon every time cuz like basically we're having issues with killing at the moment but if I had just called in my third turret and didn't get greedy we wouldn't have this problem now what I am going to do as well is I'm actually just going to use those turrets over there as a distraction cuz the bugs are getting attracted to them so now that they've cleared the area I can just come up here and knock this out and move on we still have great time I mean only 10 minutes into the mission St those guys so I can not this out actually happy they called in a bug breach there means that I'll be able to grab my crar and move on probably even kite this way and then Circle back to my samples there 100 um and wherever I go next I won't have to worry as much about a bug breach I am going to stop to kill the hunters cuz they can always ruin a run very easily God I miss Eagles I need to call in a turret here to kind of pull some aggro off of me all right we've optimized this a little bit I just know now that I need to actually use my auto cannons more that autoc Cannon should actually do a little bit of a distracting at least W it just instantly broke all right that needs to be at a further range I was hoping it would take a couple more hits with the upgrades but I just want my samples man where did I even die at all the way over here didn't feel like I was that farare to exterminate guess I was I didn't grab him on my first run through see if I can cut the bugs into these plants here to slow them all use a stung grenade need to continue building my distance now we have our EMS and now we're going to we're going to go this way and hit this and we'll Circle back around the map we could have knocked out that other primary while we were there to be more time efficient but that things happen you know oh please no think we're good all right that EMS is going to come back up in 2 minutes the mortars are really good because uh unfortunately sentries are super super fragile right now uh um I guess instead of the autoc cannon maybe I should be bringing one of the uh like the Gatling Sentry but we haven't seen any bot Titans uh which is really where the autoc cannon kind of shines cuz combo its damage with your Laser cannon damage and you can really uh do some work to a bile Titan and with the uh the mortar as well the mortar will hit the bot Titan so have you the mortar and the autoc cannon all shooting at a B Titan and the Damage will start to stack up up in that case also got to keep my eyes out for the super sample uh Rock here haven't really been looking for it all right there's a shrier nest over there just going to knock it out with the quar Canon at range nice safe distance there's nothing to bother us here check our radar here in a second that's one Tower done we got stuff walking towards us so we're just going to move around a little bit it doesn't like it's moving towards us anymore one more shrier Tower I can see it in third person it's right there I think I can knock it out from here want to avoiding a fight with this bile Titan I can other sugar Tower I think just needs one more shot on it and then it's good see it from here there we go that's done destroyed okay looking good on time still we got to go and uh start knocking out the primary we've knocked out all the secondaries aside from the spor Speer but I mean that's not even really a difficult thing to deal with worried that one of these wow that bounced so far I'm worried that one of these sentries is going to actually aggro the B Titan over here but who knows we got very dark suddenly there's the I don't know why I that you can't St the B Titans anymore you know it's sad if uh if my Sentry hadn't bounced here and I had aimed a little bit better actually be doing some good damage against this file Titan right now said he's going to knock all my sentries out for me to deal with them without it which is okay Czar Cannon is still good for that but just adds time you know oh don't kite that way couple more shots should be enough I need oh I don't have any oh I'm dead here I see I thought there were no more Hunters to deal with I should have known better now I'm really dead man and there's another Patrol behind me deploy reinforcements for the bile Titan at least if I can't grab my stuff and get up out of here oh my goodness bouncing all over the place run to the plants there we go now I should be able to get away actually those little like spiky like Star plants really really do a number on movement for you and for bugs which I am a fan of how it actually affects the bugs too really makes them handy and less annoying to run into dropping a they actually have a useful purpose it definitely felt better when I used the autoc cannon in tandem with the mortars there I think if the autoc Canon had been on top of the hill it would have been even better because it wouldn't have just gotten one shot immediately by a bile Titan spawning on it but that was on me for throwing it at the Rocks instead of uh like actually paying attention to where it was going to land but it dealt with that bug breach pretty effectively and again the biggest part of this build for me is that it's just a nice change of pace lets me kind of alter my play style a little bit do something different find a new way to approach hell dive difficulty now ideally we've cleared all the bugs out of here so we can actually get to get to work on this terminal I want to resupply while doing its thing going to set up some sentries here cuz I see a troll heading towards me and I just I know I'm not really trying to spend a ton of time like kiting and all thate of demy freedom forever man one Hunter the one Hunter wasn't there could have been so different although still doing work actually the autoc cannon managed to deal with that charger that I thought I was going to have to deal with thought for sure that charger is going to be able to make it over and kill my stuff but turrets dealt with that I really did they handled it St closer to Mission uh all right let's get out of here yeah we'll hit that actually no let's hit that cuz we can hit the sport spe on our way back up to the other primary very nice oh okay I'm pretty happy with the performance of this build during that fight there I think a bile Titan getting thrown into the mix at that moment could have uh made things a lot more difficult however it performed extremely well and I could even see this being a very viable build with uh with a team you know you just have one person who's like kind of more of the heavy killer or at least just someone who's running something more meta with like the 500 kgs or the rail Cannon or whatever else have you while uh your priority is like just keeping the team Alive by killing hunters and breaches and doing objectives I could definitely see this fitting into a team environment pretty well cuz that was uh that was a really easy bug breach I mean that was even easier than arthow stuff because the EMS and the regular mortar and the rail Cannon were just chaining Hills together it just goes to show how important having good turret placement is with this build as well because compare that to the previous uh breaches and it was a whole whole different scenario you know so again a big thing while I'm doing this is I'm trying to avoid unnecessary fights because you know there's just no need to spend all your mission time fighting bugs and wasting time you don't get bonus XP for kills or anything like that and they it just takes one really gnarly bug breach to really waste like 8 minutes of your time cuz you're just constantly running or you die a bunch of times I have to figure out how to get your samples and you have bad kiting or whatever else have you you know or you don't kill every single bug and then they call in another breach so just uh focusing on moving around and getting the objectives done and not picking fights we don't need there's the super sample Rock we're going to go after that here in a second what do we have to do here is it just grab collect the hard drive all right let's uh let's get set up right here this looks like a good position for our centuries so let's start calling them in let's go uh let's go engage what the you will never destroy our way of life for Prosperity have these good old super samps have a taste of democracy those things are doing work on bugs I'm not even perceiving got to get my samples all right now for this this is where things are going to get a little interesting cuz we got to run this hard drive all the way across the map meaning we only have our secondary I mean I guess we can just drop it it's really not as big of a deal as I'm making it to be but you know got to got to make it seem like it's more challenging you know what I mean I think if turrets had more Health this would really be a fun build to to run I would like to use the Gatling Sentry more the problem is uh what is this Drive come out so like over here where am I collecting it from uhoh all right good luck sentries that one is all you my real Cannon going to turn turn way too late oh sound like it died though no he's still alive he's hurt though okay we're going to move uh keep it moving I'm not really trying to kill that b tiny he's weak he's bleeding and took a lot of damage there's not really a need for me to kill him though to be honest I mean I was just kind of watching to see how the turrets would do I know the mortar and the uh Auto Cannon can actually put out some decent damage against him let's go ahead and just this out don't really need to use a quazar cannon to hit that but I'm going to cuz I can all right destroyed he moving got 13 minutes left got room for error you always want to use your full time when you're running these missions solo because you want to like use the automatic call-in that happens at the end of a mission to extract rather than trying to extract and chill at the drop zone gives you uh much more room to actually move around and avoid enemies I'm in a really uh bad position here hoping I can make it up to this objective without alerting any enemies now ideally what happens here is I can at least get this hard drive into position before I start fighting a bunch of baddies but I don't think I'm going to be able to do that I actually think I'm going to just throw down my mortars now and then just go for it so let's do that uh I would love to there we go should have reloaded how' you like the taste of Freedom my morar just going to shoot anything oh no oh no this is not good my mortars took way too long to start firing on those enemies I'm going to need to like gain some distance here and actually use my primary uh uh uh uh s that's called democracy we really got to chew down some numbers here before they get close and it becomes a problem we have good distance so me and my auto Cannon should be able to reduce the uh democracy the Swarm down a little bit here hard to see past all the smoke yeah I mean even in that situation like just having the auto Cannon there to help shoot things from above me is like you know felt like that was a decent performance to get out of your your strategems there I just I wish like I said that those turrets had performed a little bit better and shot a little bit earlier they took forever to start engaging that put me in a bit of a tough situation well we almost have our mortars back we started this objective I actually hate what these lights do for visibility so I'm breaking them so I can actually see better I know that's counterintuitive but when you're standing up them they're just so like visually impairing uh we got to turn this bad boy turn this start the terminal and drop my mortars grab this rare sample let's drop these mortars cuz bugs are probably going to be here shortly oh they're already here actually that's just two of them a there's more I tried to stun him before that happens couldn't do it that's sad all right I'm going to have to probably kite away from this objective I'm should do the same autoc Cannon strategy though I'm just going to throw it on top of that hill right up there and let it help me out oh please just die already got to hit when they survive way longer than I expect them to use another stung grenade to give me some time to shoot down some of these targets there we go how' you like the taste of freedom say hello to democracy oh got to watch your head that's another big benefit of putting them above you when you put the turrets above you in general when you have a turret that's not like a mortar to prevent it from killing you and your team try to elevate it above you cuz then it takes you out of the line of fire little geometry lesson in there but anytime you're running any kind of turrets that's what you want to do oh [ __ ] you've done your duty you may extract With Honor yeah I mean that's that's everything taken care of there I mean I I'll hit a couple minor pois but overall honestly this is a pretty fun build to run uh it's definitely unique not having Eagles is like it puts you in a tight spot at times uh extracting will be pretty interesting because we don't have Eagles so if I run into any bug issues uh I'm not going to be able to easily peel them off of me but uh definitely a fun load out I'm going to uh probably time skip this part like I usually do since we have that extra six minutes and just hit some points of interest in the meantime so I'll see you guys in 6 minutes probably and if I don't time skip it it means something interesting happened so you know interesting Showcase of just how good the minus 30% visibility is on this Armor All right we are 10 seconds from extraction here there's patrols literally everywhere but I think I can get around all of them super destroying lowc shyed minute 40 to extract the extraction is right over Yonder we're just going to try to keep this nice and quiet this uh to extract with this load out we definitely need to try to avoid contact for as long as possible cuz uh it's not exactly easy to set up turrets while on the run and the risky thing about extracting at this stage of the mission is that if you die that's it right so if you're trying to get out with samples like I always try to do right sometimes I don't but I always try to get out with samples you want to make sure you're like getting on the Pelican as soon as it gets here so I have my map open because it's actually going to tell me where enemies are as I'm walking around so I see enemies are starting to come up from behind me so I'm going to slowly start moving to the the Pelican and I'm going to make sure I'm paying attention to my screen cuz I can actually see further than my radar is so if a patrol starts coming from in front of me I got to make sure I do some like moving around them but looks like we're going to be pretty easy to at Strat tier again just waiting waiting and not making a fuss and as soon as the Pelican is almost here I'm going to start running over there I'm start moving now cuz by the time I get there should be arriving start [Music] running keep in mind the Pelican doesn't land right at zero I hear bugs over there Pelican is going to ideally clear them out or I might be too far oh no oh no oh no have I missed J the distance I thought I'd be able to run right through here that's okay we're going to stem and get over there don't leave me Pelican all right we're good we timed it literally like just right so I was maybe a little bit too far there but overall I mean outside of that that was a pretty seamless Mission we died twice but we got out with super samples I mean it was it was a fun build it really was um if you want to see more meta or non-meta builds I'm going to be putting more together I mean it's fun to play The Meta but it's also fun to see what else you can do but uh yeah quar Cannon plus turrets pretty good um avoided a lot of bile Titans you know the ones we did find you're able to very easily lose because of the Scout armor so yeah solid anyway if you guys enjoyed Please Subscribe and and watch for more and uh I'll see you guys in the next video I'm probably going to go ahead and make another one to be honest see what else we can do what other creative builds we can do let's try the stats yeah we did probably kind of low kill count um cuz again it's it's like a mixture of stealth and and like planning it felt very strategic which I light it felt like I actually was planning my engagements more whereas normally I can just kind of oh my gosh I'm absolutely cated I can kind of just like get in there and start killing 467 kills I mean that's okay anyway thank you guys for watching hope you enjoyed I'll see you on the next [Music] one
Channel: Highway
Views: 16,458
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers 2, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers 2 tips, helldivers 2 guide, helldivers 2 solo, helldivers 2 solo build
Id: Y_XB2stcDIc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 58sec (2398 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2024
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